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Les aliments

Read each food item from the vocabulary list. Then, on the next pages, try
to fill in the table with the English translation for each French word from
memory and draw a picture of the food next to it. One has been done for you.

Vocabulary List

English French Phonetic Pronunciation

juice le jus luh jew

water l’eau (f) low

milk le lait luh lay

fish le poisson luh pwasson

meat la viande la vee-ahnd

banana la banane la banan

apple la pomme la pom

pear la poire la pwar

strawberry la fraise la frez

cake le gâteau luh ga-toh

bread le pain luh pan

cheese le fromage luh fromajh

cucumber le concombre luh concombruh

tomato la tomate la tomat

egg l’œuf (m) leurf

tuna le thon luh ton

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Les aliments

French English Illustration

le jus juice

l’eau (f)

le lait

le poisson

la viande

la banane

la pomme

la poire

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Les aliments

French English Illustration

la fraise

le gâteau

le pain

le fromage

le concombre

la tomate

l’œuf (m)

le thon

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