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Lý Công Khanh, M.

Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)


Unit 1: HEALTH (Do, go, play, feel; Medical problems; Present simple vs. Present continuous)
1. The children love ________ cards with their grandfather.
(A) playing (B) being (C) doing (D) going
2. The girls ________ shopping for clothes every Saturday.
(A) go (B) play (C) do (D) feel
3. I'm ________ yoga right now. I'll call you later.
(A) playing (B) doing (C) being (D) going
4. How often do you ________ public transport to work?
(A) do (B) take (C) go (D) play
5. How do you ________ today, Mrs Jones?
(A) go (B) be (C) feel (D) do
6. We ________ fishing at the weekend.
(A) do (B) play (C) feel (D) go
7. I ________ my emails every morning and evening.
(A) check (B) play (C) spend (D) do
8. The children usually ________ their homework in their bedrooms.
(A) spend (B) do (C) learn (D) play
9. Your mum was tired, so she's ________.
(A) taking a nap (B) falling asleep (C) playing sports (D) doing exercise
10. Johnny usually falls ________ while he's watching television.
(A) tired (B) sleepy (C) asleep (D) exhausted
11. ________ late for class.
(A) Paul always is (B) Paul always be (C) Paul be always (D) Paul is always
12. ________ a nap in the afternoon.
(A) Sally often take (B) Sally often takes (C) Sally takes often (D) Sally often taking
13. ________ in a bad mood in the morning.
(A) Dad never is (B) Never Dad is (C) Dad is never (D) Never is Dad
14. ________ up at night.
(A) The wakes baby rarely (C) The baby wakes rarely
(B) The baby rarely wakes (D) The rarely baby wakes
15. ________ out in restaurants.
(A) We hardly ever eat (C) We ever eat hardly
(B) We hardly eat ever (D) We eat hardly ever
16. ________ my emails in the morning.
(A) Check usually I (B) Check I usually (C) I check usually (D) I usually check
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17. Maria ________ around Europe this summer.
(A) is travelling (B) travels (C) travelling (D) travel
18. I ________ at the moment so I have a lot of free time.
(A) am not working (B) are not working (C) do not work (D) is not work
19. ________ anything now? I need to talk to you.
(A) Do you do (B) You are doing (C) Are you doing (D) Is you doing
20. In many countries women ________ longer than men.
(A) lives (B) live (C) are living (D) is living
21. We ________ for a walk in the park every evening.
(A) going (B) are going (C) goes (D) go
22. How often ________ Sunday lunch with your family?
(A) do you have (B) are you having (C) you have (D) does you have
23. Go to the ________ and ask them for Throat and Nose. It will make you feel better.
(A) temperature (B) headache (C) pharmacy (D) medicine
24. I feel very hot. I think I have a ________.
(A) headache (B) temperature (C) back ache (D) bad cough
25. Here are some tissues for your ________.
(A) stomach ache (B) sore throat (C) headache (D) runny nose
26. Take this ________ three times a day for five days.
(A) tissue (B) medicine (C) temperature (D) backache
27. Honey is very good for a sore ________.
(A) throat (B) back ache (C) earache (D) nose
28. You may have ________ because you sit at your computer all day without moving.
(A) stomach ache (B) headache (C) back ache (D) temperature
29. Children, please be quiet. I've got a terrible ________.
(A) earache (B) stomach ache (C) cough (D) headache
30. Take one ________ three times a day after meals.
(A) pill (B) water (C) honey (D) medicine
31. If you ________, you shouldn't eat anything.
(A) 've got earache (B) 've got headache (C) feel sick (D) drink hot water
32. I don't feel ________ at all. I think I'll go and lie down for a while.
(A) very sick (B) very well (C) very ill (D) very bad
33. I ________ my brother very often. He is very busy.
(A) don't see (B) am not seeing (C) doesn’t see (D) didn’t see
34. How ________ to work?
(A) is you travelling (B) does you travel (C) do you travel (D) are you travelling

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35. You________ all day in front of a computer. It's not very healthy.
(A) is spending (B) spends (C) are spending (D) spend
36. How often ________ stressed at work?
(A) are you feeling (B) do you feel (C) did you feel (D) have you felt
37. I ________ Italian at the moment.
(A) learn (B) am learning (C) was learning (D) learns
38. Lucinda ________ today - she doesn't feel very well.
(A) isn't working (B) doesn't work (C) aren’t working (D) don’t work
39. Right now Pablo________ on the phone to his brother in Argentina.
(A) has spoken (B) spoke (C) is speaking (D) speaks
40. That smells good. What ________?
(A) do you cooking (B) are you cook (C) are you cooking (D) do you cook
41. With her friend’s __________ assistance, she completed her project successfully.
(A) organ (B) organize (C) organization (D) organizational
42. Larry immediately said, “I can’t go, nor __________want to go.”
(A) I (B) do (C) I do (D) do I
43. Mary, __________ to catch up on her resr, went to bed early.
(A) hope (B) hopes (C) hoped (D) hoping
44. I don’t have __________ on the hotels of the island.
(A) much information (C) much informs
(B) many informational (D) many information
45. In the room, there were __________ more books on biology than expected.
(A) little (B) a little (C) much (D) many
46. I don’t care whether __________ or not.
(A) his coming (B) comes he (C) he comes (D) will he come
47. Please __________ the form as quickly as you can. A B C D
(A) come back (B) return (C) home (D) posting
48. They are looking for a __________ girl named Anna. She got lost in the park.
(A) seven-year-old (B) seven-years-old (C) seven-old-year (D) seven-old-years
49. Clayton works __________ , doesn’t he?
(A) a job (B) partly (C) part time (D) a work
50. I don’t know what __________ like to be famous.
(A) it is (B) is it (C) is (D) it
51. He came late yesterday and so __________.
(A) she did (B) did she (C) she does (D) does she

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
Unit 2: COMPETITIONS (Sports; Verbs for rules; Like vs Would like to)
1. The crowd shouted angrily when the _______ sent the player off.
(A) announcer (B) judge (C) referee (D) competitor
2. The team needs to _______ this match to stay in the competition.
(A) beat (B) win (C) earn (D) lose
3. The tennis player hit the ball over the _______ but the other player missed it.
(A) net (B) pitch (C) racquet (D) competition
4. The teams _______ five goals each in this exciting match.
(A) race (B) prize (C) compete (D) score
5. In tennis matches, the spectators usually _______ politely.
(A) shout (B) applaud (C) scream (D) beat
6. I think my team is going to _______ the match. They are not playing well today.
(A) beat (B) escape (C) lose (D) jump
7. The tennis player is holding her _______ so hard, her hands are white.
(A) ball (B) racquet (C) bat (D) club
8. In the Olympic Games, the competitors all walk round the _______ before the competition begins.
(A) track (B) pitch (C) ring (D) court
9. I don't understand the _______ of some sports. They are so boring.
(A) distraction (B) trophy (C) prize (D) popularity
10. He is very _______ and doesn't like losing.
(A) impatient (B) competitive (C) popular (D) crazy
11. The teams _______ win every match they play to get to the finals.
(A) mustn't (B) can (C) don't have to (D) can’t
12. It's a rule that players _______ touch the ball with their hands.
(A) mustn't (B) don't have to (C) can (D) must
13. Fans _______ go onto the pitch during the game.
(A) don't have to (B) can (C) must (D) can't
14. You _______ get your tickets for the final early or you won't find any.
(A) can (B) don't have to (C) have to (D) can’t
15. Do we _______ wear special clothes for the exercise class?
(A) must (B) can (C) have to (D) should
16. Everyone must _______ and understand the rules before we start the game.
(A) reading (B) read (C) to read (D) reads
17. Your brother can _______ the tennis club's racquets when he plays here.
(A) use (B) to use (C) uses (D) using
18. You have to _______ a good driver to race cars professionally.

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(A) being (B) been (C) are (D) be

19. It _______ be my sister. She is living in London. She will come next week not today
(A) can’t (B) can (C) doesn’t have to (D) mustn’t
20. We _______ use real animals in experiment. It’s not necessary.
(A) can’t (B) must (C) have to (D) don’t have to
21. You _______ have to do experiments in the lab without your teacher in the room.
(A) must (B) can (C) don’t have to (D) mustn’t
22. You _______ wear safety goggles when you do an experiment in the lab. It’s a school rule.
(A) don’t have to (B) must (C) can (D) mustn’t
23. Scientists _______ carry out an investigation into the pollution in our cities. It’s a new law.
(A) should (B) have to (C) mustn’t (D) don’t have to
24. They _______ work in the lab alone. It’s prohibited.
(A) must (B) have to (C) mustn’t (D) can
25. I _______ go to sleep at 12 on a week day. My parents agree.
(A) must (B) have to (C) can (D) can’t
26. You _______ be careful when you carry test tubes.
(A) must (B) don’t have to (C) can (D) mustn’t
27. That _______ be my sister. She told me that she was coming today.
(A) mustn’t (B) can’t (C) has to (D) must
28. I _______ go to the cinema alone when I was 15 years old.
(A) can (B) must (C) had to (D) could
29. You play golf on this.
(A) court (B) course (C) pitch (D) pool
30. These protect your eyes.
(A) golf (B) goose (C) google (D) goggles
31. This is a person who watches a sport.
(A) winner (B) goalkeeper (C) player (D) spectator
32. This is a person who takes part in a competition.
(A) competitor (B) winner (C) loser (D) referee
33. This is a word for the group of people who watch a game, a play or a concert.
(A) audience (B) judges (C) commentators (D) fans
34. This describes people who don't like waiting for something.
(A) calm (B) impatient (C) competitive (D) popular
35. This describes something that happens once a year.
(A) annual (B) daily (C) monthly (D) quarterly
36. This is where tennis players play their matches.

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(A) ring (B) track (C) court (D) course

37. You wear these to protect your hands.
(A) shorts (B) glasses (C) shoes (D) gloves
38. These are the people who love a sport or a famous person.
(A) audience (B) fans (C) crowd (D) spectators
39. Of course _______ my team to win the European Championship!
(A) I like (B) I'd like (C) I would (D) would like
40. _______ I'd like to play / I like playing football for my country one day.
(A) I’ve liked to play (B) I like to play (C) I'd like to play (D) I like playing
41. My brother _______ to be a Formula 1 driver.
(A) would likes (B) woulds like (C) would like (D) likes
42. _______ golf. I play at least twice a month.
(A) I like to play (B) I’d like playing (C) I'd like to play (D) I like playing
43. _______ a referee, but I don't like dealing with difficult players.
(A) I like to being (B) I’d like be (C) I'd like to be (D) I like being
44. I wouldn't like _______ a professional athlete, you have to train all the time.
(A) to be (B) being (C) be (D) been
45. The children really enjoy _______ in their own pool.
(A) swim (B) swimming (C) to swim (D) swims
46. He’s very good at _______ pizza.
(A) makes (B) to make (C) make (D) making
47. _______ is very good for you, I know, but it's so easy to drive everywhere.
(A) Being walked (B) To walk (C) Walking (D) Walk
48. I don't think _______ football in the rain can be much fun.
(A) to play (B) playing (C) play (D) plays
49. What do you prefer _______ on holiday?
(A) do (B) doing (C) to doing (D) does
50. I'm not very good at _______ any sport, but I love being a spectator.
(A) plays (B) to play (C) playing (D) play
51. I'm not very good at _______ any sport, but I love being a spectator.
(A) plays (B) to play (C) playing (D) play
52. __________ a doctor, Adam rushed over to help the sick child. A B C D
(A) Is (B) Was (C) Be (D) Being
53. He scarcely had enough __________ to pay for his dinner. A B C D
(A) cashes (B) coin (C) money (D) moneys

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
Unit 3: TRANSPORT (Transport; Comparison)
1. It's not far to the town centre and it's quicker if you go _______ foot.
(A) on (B) by (C) with (D) in
2. We are moving our furniture _______ lorry.
(A) on (B) with (C) through (D) by
3. Which _______ does the train to Norwich leave from?
(A) platform (B) gate (C) station (D) stop
4. For the History museum, _______ the bus at the next stop.
(A) get on (B) drop off (C) get off (D) take off
5. I can't park at the bus station but I can _______ outside when you arrive.
(A) get you off (B) drop you off (C) drop off you (D) take you up
6. The bus _______ is more expensive now than it was the last time I was here.
(A) fare (B) price (C) change (D) receipt
7. Excuse me, does the ticket machine give _______?
(A) money (B) change (C) chance (D) ticket
8. There is a taxi _______ right outside the train station.
(A) stop (B) station (C) rank (D) office
9. What time do you want me to pick you _______ from the station?
(A) on (B) up (C) off (D) by
10. We have to _______ at the airport two hours before the plane leaves.
(A) get on (B) book (C) check out (D) check in
11. Flight number 342 to Paris is ready to leave from _______ three.
(A) platform (B) gate (C) terminal (D) stop
12. There are a lot of _______ at the moment so make sure you have plenty of time for your trip.
(A) vehicles (B) traffic (C) traffic jam (D) types of transport
13. Don't go faster than the _______ or the police will stop you.
(A) rush hour (B) speed limit (C) road works (D) car
14. When I can, I avoid travelling during the _______ - there is too much traffic at that time in the
(A) road work (B) traffic jam (C) rush hour (D) speed limit
15. _______ often use their time travelling to work to read books or relax.
(A) pedestrians (B) bus drivers (C) customers (D) commuters
16. I'm sorry I'm late. I got stuck in a bad _______.
(A) traffic (B) traffic jam (C) transportation (D) transport
17. I use _______ transport every day to get to work – either the bus or metro.
(A) commuter (B) private (C) community (D) public
18. Sometimes _______ from all the traffic is very bad. The fumes can make you feel really sick.
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(A) dirt (B) pollution (C) smoking (D) waste

19. There is a huge _______ all the way from the city centre to the airport. Nothing is moving.
(A) traffic jam (B) station (C) road work (D) stop
20. The petrol tank is nearly on empty, so we need to find a _______ soon.
(A) petrol stop (B) petrol station (C) charging station (D) changing station
21. I think you should _______ your ticket in advance in case they run out of tickets.
(A) book (B) take (C) check in (D) check out
22. Sorry, we don't accept _______ cards, only cash.
(A) check (B) credit (C) cheque (D) post
23. We couldn’t move because there was a _______ on the motorway.
(A) accident (B) car park (C) road works (D) traffic jam
24. All hotels have charging stations for _______ cars.
(A) petrol (B) electronic (C) electric (D) normal
25. There's another train _______ five minutes. We can catch that one.
(A) in (B) for (C) next (D) by
26. The city centre is perfect for _______ as many roads are vehicle-free.
(A) commuting (B) pedestrians (C) people (D) passengers
27. We need to stop at a petrol _______ soon.
(A) rank (B) pitch (C) stop (D) station
28. What's on the menu? I'm _______ a horse.
(A) as hungry as (C) not so hungry as
(B) not as hungry as (D) much hungrier than
29. I think travelling by bus is _______ than travelling by car.
(A) relaxing (B) more relaxing (C) relax (D) the most relaxing
30. This is _______ film I've ever seen.
(A) the more interesting (C) the most interesting
(B) more interesting (D) an interesting
31. The author thinks walking is better _______ driving when you visit a city.
(A) as (B) for (C) to (D) than
32. Buses, trams and ferries are _______ for the environment than cars or aeroplanes.
(A) more good (B) gooder (C) much better (D) more better
33. The train is _______ flying and I enjoy looking at the scenery.
(A) cheap (B) cheaper (C) cheaper than (D) the cheapest
34. Rickshaws are still as _______ they used to be.
(A) popular as (B) more popular (C) the most popular (D) popular than
35. Working dogs, like huskies, are _______ when they have a job to do.

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(A) more happy (B) happier (C) most happiest (D) the most happy
36. Snowmobiles are much _______ other forms of transport like sledges or skis.
(A) louder (B) louder than (C) more loudly (D) the loudest
37. Are electric cars _______ other cars?
(A) more expensive than (C) much more expensive
(B) more expensive (D) the most expensive
38. Are Asian elephants _______ the ones in Africa?
(A) big (B) bigger (C) the biggest (D) bigger than
39. The bus is not _______ as the metro when there is a lot of traffic.
(A) faster (B) as fast (C) as fast as (D) fastest
40. I can't say that the city has _______ transport system, but it's alright.
(A) the goodest (B) the most good (C) the best (D) the bestest
41. Travelling by train across India was _______ experience of my life.
(A) the interesting (C) the most interestingest
(B) the most interesting (D) the interestingest
42. Buying an electric car was _______ mistake I've ever made.
(A) the biggest (B) bigger (C) big (D) biggest
43. Waiting for the bus on a cold, rainy night is _______ thing about using public transport.
(A) the worst (B) bad (C) worse (D) the baddest
44. My parents booked _______ tickets so that they would be comfortable on their trip.
(A) more expensive (C) the most expensive
(B) the more expensive (D) most expensive
45. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: Taking a taxi
isn't as cheap as going by bus.
(A) Taking a taxi is more expensive than going by bus.
(B) Taking a taxi is less expensive than going by bus.
(C) Taking a taxi is as expensive as going by bus.
(D) Taking a taxi is the most expensive than going by bus.
46. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: No way of
travelling is more relaxing than going by boat.
(A) Going by boat is the most relaxing way of travelling.
(B) Going by boat is the least relaxing way of travelling.
(C) Going by boat is as relaxing as way of travelling.
(D) Going by boat is the more relaxing way of travelling.
47. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: Walking is faster
than taking the bus when there is a lot of traffic.
(A) When there is a lot of traffic, taking the bus is the slowest in walking.
(B) When there is a lot of traffic, taking the bus is as slow as walking.

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(C) When there is a lot of traffic, taking the bus is slower than walking.
(D) When there is a lot of traffic, walking is slower than taking the bus.
48. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: Going by
rickshaw is less comfortable than riding on an elephant.
(A) Riding on an elephant is less comfortable than going by rickshaw.
(B) Riding on an elephant is more comfortable than going by rickshaw.
(C) Riding on an elephant is the most comfortable for going by rickshaw.
(D) Riding on an elephant is as comfortable as going by rickshaw.
49. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: The buses here
are not as clean as the trains.
(A) The buses here are cleaner than the trains.
(B) The trains here are less cleaner than the buses.
(C) The trains here are more cleaner than the buses.
(D) The trains here are cleaner than the buses.
50. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: I think electric
cars are better than normal ones.
(A) I think normal cars are not as good as electric ones.
(B) I think normal cars are as good as electric ones.
(C) I think normal cars are not the best electric ones.
(D) I think electric cars are not as good as normal ones.
51. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: Is your mum's
car newer than mine?
(A) Is my car as old as your mum’s car?
(B) Is my car as new as your mum’s car?
(C) Is my car older than your mum’s car?
(D) Is my car newer than your mum’s car?
52. Choose the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence: Travelling across
India by train is better than you think.
(A) Travelling across India by train is not as bad as you think.
(B) Travelling across India by train is as bad as you think.
(C) Travelling across India by train is as good as you think.
(D) Travelling across India by train is worse than you think.
53. Yesterday’s game was __________ in this series.
(A) the most excited (B) more exciting (C) the most exciting (D) more excited
54. They are happy with a __________ than normal pay increase.
(A) larger (B) longer (C) smaller (D) more expensive
55. The weather couldn’t be __________; it’s perfect.
(A) hotter (B) colder (C) better (D) summer
56. This is much __________ than expected.
(A) well (B) good (C) better (D) best

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57. This jacket is __________ superior to that one.
(A) far (B) few (C) a few (D) any
58. Of all the students, John is the __________.
(A) tall (B) taller (C) tallest (D) most tall
59. This is the __________ class I have ever taken.
(A) difficult (B) most difficult (C) more difficult (D) as difficult as
60. This is the __________ hotel available in this district.
(A) good (B) better (C) more good (D) best
61. Which is the __________ month of the year in your country?
(A) hottest (C) much hot
(B) most hot (D) many more hotter
62. They are very happy with a __________ than normal pay increase.
(A) longer (B) larger (C) smaller (D) more expensive
63. He was doing the -------- he could.
(A) good (B) very good (C) very better (D) very best
64. The longer you practice, ________ accurately you will be able to type.
(A) more (B) the (C) the more (D) the most
65. Between them, Dr. Gates has ______ insight.
(A) the greater (B) greater (C) greatest (D) more greater
66. She tried to express her feelings ________ she could.
(A) more honest than (B) as honest as (C) more honestly (D) as honestly as
67. Of the three runners, she is by far _____________.
(A) a runner (B) very slow (C) very fast (D) the fastest
68. Sally has been to Europe ________ Peter has.
(A) the most time than (C) more times
(B) as many times (D) as many times as
69. Jerry had ________ difficult of all students in figuring out the problem.
(A) a lot of (B) fewest (C) the least (D) some
70. We enjoy skiing _________ they do.
(A) as much as (B) as many as (C) as more as (D) as more than
71. He is not a novice reporter____________.
(A) any longer (B) some longer (C) any longest (D) some longest
72. This box is ________ as that one.
(A) boxier (B) filled with toys (C) a square (D) twice as large
73. This is the ________ class I have ever taken and I might drop out soon.
(A) difficult (B) most difficult (C) more difficult (D) as difficult as

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Unit 4: CHALLENGES (Past simple vs. Past continuous; In, on, at; Personal qualities)
1. What ________ for dinner last night?
(A) did you had (B) had you (C) did you have (D) were you have
2. ________ the tickets for the concert tonight?
(A) You got (B) Did you get (C) Got you (D) Did you got
3. Peter ________ how dangerous the mountain would be.
(A) didn't know (B) didn't knew (C) wasn't knowing (D) didn’t known
4. We ________ to the beach yesterday.
(A) didn't went (B) went not (C) weren’t go (D) didn't go
5. What ________ doing at the time of the accident?
(A) did you (B) you were (C) were you (D) was you
6. ________ in my sleep? I had a bad dream.
(A) Did I shouting (B) I was shouted (C) Was I shouting (D) Was I shouted
7. It ________ when I left the house, but now look! The sun is shining.
(A) wasn't rained (B) was raining (C) didn't raining (D) wasn't raining
8. The child ________ but she was happily singing to herself.
(A) wasn't playing (B) didn't play (C) didn't playing (D) wasn’t played
9. The mountaineers began climbing ________ March 5th.
(A) in (B) at (C) by (D) on
10. We heard the news of the accident ________ exactly five o'clock.
(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) by
11. It's not a good idea to plan an expedition ________ winter, when the weather is unreliable.
(A) in (B) on (C) at (D) into
12. The expedition was dangerous and we had to be ________.
(A) careful (B) unreliable (C) risky (D) careless
13. The team leader is not only very ________ in leading expeditions, but also very reliable.
(A) tough (B) ambitious (C) experienced (D) amateur
14. We camped by the ________ so we could swim in it.
(A) glacier (B) cave (C) mountain (D) lake
15. I stood on the ________ and looked at the sea far, far below.
(A) cliff (B) cave (C) lake (D) forest
16. The injured climber slowly and painfully ________ back down the mountain on his hands and
knees. crawled survived
(A) climbed (B) abseiled (C) crawled (D) survived
17. The children ________ in a place full of snow and glaciers. (grow up)
(A) was growing up (B) grew up (C) had grown up (D) were growing up
18. It ________ so hard that we couldn't see anything in front of us. (snow)
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

(A) (B) (C) (D) was snowing

19. I ________ and didn't hear the telephone. (sleep)
(A) was sleeping (B) were sleeping (C) was slept (D) have slept
20. The man ________ seriously for a moment before giving us directions. (think)
(A) was thought (B) did thought (C) was thinking (D) thought
21. The boy ________ in the sea when he thought he saw a shark. (play)
(A) played (B) was playing (C) were playing (D) was played
22. We ________ at night when it was cool to avoid the midday sun. (drive)
(A) were driving (B) were driven (C) drove (D) have driven
23. We ________ a picnic in the woods when we saw a fox. (have)
(A) were had (B) had had (C) had (D) were having
24. We ________ completely lost on the mountain. (be)
(A) was (B) were (C) had been (D) were being
25. The climbers ________ enough food for several extra days in case the bad weather
delayed them. (take)
(A) would take (B) had taken (C) took (D) were taking
26. We finally ________ a good place to camp for the night and put up our tent. (find)
(A) founding (B) found (C) finding (D) finds
27. It was a beautiful day and the sun ________. (shine)
(A) shined (B) shines (C) shone (D) was shining
28. The teacher _____ an exciting story and the children didn't move for more than half an hour. (read)
(A) had read (B) reads (C) read (D) was reading
29. This type of person finds it difficult to make decisions.
(A) indecisive (B) weak (C) decisive (D) strong
30. Somebody who is like this doesn't often make mistakes.
(A) careful (B) ambitious (C) decisive (D) determined
31. This is a person who has great plans for the future and wants to achieve a lot.
(A) experienced (B) ambitious (C) intelligent (D) patient
32. You say someone is this when they don't like waiting for something.
(A) unreliable (B) ambitious (C) impatient (D) careless
33. This is someone who does what they say they will do, and whom you can trust.
(A) experienced (B) intelligent (C) reliable (D) patient
34. This describes a person who has done something many times before.
(A) reliable (B) ambitious (C) careful (D) experienced
35. This is someone who is clever and uses their brain well.
(A) handsome (B) careless (C) beautiful (D) intelligent

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
36. This is a type of person who does what they want to do even if there are a lot of difficulties.
(A) determined (B) decisive (C) experienced (D) intelligent
37. This is something that is difficult for you but it's something that you want to do.
(A) accident (B) achievement (C) challenge (D) decision
38. This is a dangerous situation or action.
(A) rope (B) risk (C) camp (D) discovery
39. This is when you complete something difficult or challenging.
(A) achievement (B) expedition (C) challenge (D) decision
40. This is a choice that you make about something after thinking about several possibilities.
(A) achievement (B) exploration (C) challenge (D) decision
41. and / Voyager 1 / being / are / in / the / longest / history / Voyager 2 / journey / in / human
(A) Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 are being in the longest journey in human history.
(B) Voyager 1 and are being in the longest journey in Voyager 2 human history.
(C) Voyager 2 are being in the longest journey and Voyager 1 in human history.
(D) Being are Voyager 1 and in the Voyager 2 longest journey in human history.
42. ancient ages / Roman / in / placed / on / tattoos / prisoners / and / to / criminals / identify / them.
(A) In ancient ages, Roman placed tattoos on prisoners and criminals to identify them.
(B) In Roman, ancient ages placed tattoos on prisoners and criminals to identify them.
(C) In prisoners, Roman placed tattoos on ancient ages and criminals to identify them.
(D) In criminals, Roman placed tattoos on prisoners and ancient ages to identify them.
43. died / in / Vincent Van Gogh/poverty / valuable / his / paintings / although / are / very
(A) Vincent Van Gogh died in poverty although his paintings are very valuable.
(B) Vincent Van Gogh in poverty died although his paintings very are valuable.
(C) Vincent Van Gogh poverty died in although his are paintings very valuable.
(D) Vincent Van Gogh died poverty in although are his paintings valuable very.
44. They / for hours / problem / kept / because / me / was / with my / a / visa /. / in immigration / there
(A) They kept me in immigration for hours because there was a visa with my problem.
(B) They kept me in immigration for hours because there was a problem with my visa.
(C) They kept me for hours in immigration because there was a problem with my visa.
(D) They kept me for hours in immigration because a problem was with my visa there.
45. The boys / hitchhiked / didn’t / much money / so / to travel /. / by / public transport / have / they
(A) The boys didn’t have much money to travel by public transport so they hitchhiked.
(B) The boys didn’t have public transport to travel by much money so they hitchhiked.
(C) The boys didn’t travel to have much money by public transport so they hitchhiked.
(D) The boys didn’t have much money to hitchhiked so they travel by public transport.
46. conservationists / wildlife / use / to / collect / wildlife / camera trap / information / about
(A) Wildlife use conservationists camera trap to collect information about wildlife.
(B) Wildlife use camera trap to collect conservationists information about wildlife.
(C) Wildlife use camera trap to collect information about conservationists wildlife.
(D) Wildlife conservationists use camera trap to collect information about wildlife.

 61 
Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
Unit 5: THE ENVIRONMENT (Materials; Quantifiers; Percentage)
1. Cereal boxes are usually made of this.
(A) cardboard (B) wood (C) glass (D) copper
2. They use this to make windows.
(A) leather (B) glass (C) paper (D) electronics
3. This material comes from animal skins.
(A) plastic (B) metal (C) leather (D) gold
4. You write on this.
(A) pots (B) cartons (C) cardboard (D) paper
5. This material comes from trees and we often use it to make tables and chairs.
(A) leather (B) wood (C) metal (D) glass
6. Water bottles are often made from this because it doesn't break like glass.
(A) wood (B) tin (C) plastic (D) leather
7. This is a general word for different types of energy.
(A) fuel (B) electricity (C) oil (D) metal
8. An example of this material is steel and big ships are usually made from it.
(A) wood (B) jars (C) paper (D) metal
9. You buy food like jam and sauces in one of these and it is made from glass.
(A) carton (B) pot (C) jar (D) aluminium foil
10. The cans that drinks come in are made from this metal.
(A) wood (B) glass (C) tin (D) plastic
11. You put this over your food in the oven so it doesn't burn.
(A) tin can (B) aluminium foil (C) paper (D) bag
12. When you write a letter, you put it in this and then you post it.
(A) envelope (B) carton (C) box (D) bottle
13. Is your house finished yet? Yes, ________ builders finally left two days ago.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
14. We're going to ________ UK on holiday this year.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
15. Which is ________ best way to get to your house?
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
16. ________ people I really don't like are those who complain all the time.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
17. When did you go to ________ Russia?
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
18. I like to have a bath at ________ night before I go to bed.

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø

19. ________ people are slowly becoming aware of environmental problems.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
20. Why did you go to ________ work on Sunday?
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) Ø
21. We need ________ more milk for breakfast tomorrow morning.
(A) a few (B) some (C) (D)
22. Is there ________ bread? I want to make a sandwich.
(A) some (B) any (C) (D)
23. I haven't got ________ eggs. Will you go to the shop?
(A) any (B) some (C) (D)
24. Were there ________ people at the beach?
(A) a little (B) little (C) many (D) much
25. There was so ________ rubbish in the sea that we didn't go swimming.
(A) any (B) a few (C) much (D) many
26. I'm just going to invite ________ friends to the party.
(A) any (B) much (C) few (D) a little
27. Luckily, the island has got ________ water because it always snows in winter.
(A) a lot of (B) much (C) many (D) any
28. How ________ time have you got? I need to talk to you about something serious.
(A) few (B) much (C) many (D) a few
29. Can I have ________ milk in my coffee, please?
(A) a little (B) few (C) many (D) a few
30. Have you got ________ glass bottles for recycling?
(A) a few (B) many (C) a little (D) any
31. There weren't ________ happy stories on the news today. Just one or two.
(A) a little (B) much (C) any (D) many
32. There were ________ problems on the trip but nothing too serious.
(A) any (B) much (C) a little (D) some
33. Nearly half of all students feel they don't get enough sleep.
(A) 48% (B) 50% (C) 52% (D) 65%
34. Well over half the children in the study were overweight.
(A) 65% (B) 76% (C) 52% (D) 50%
35. Just over half of all foreign students want to stay in this country when they finish their studies.
(A) 48% (B) 50% (C) 52% (D) 66%
36. Exactly half of the people who took part in the study regularly recycle paper and glass.

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

(A) 28% (B) 50% (C) 65% (D) 66%

37. Nearly all the people we talked to think we can do more to help the environment.
(A) 90% (B) 99% (C) 100% (D) 110%
38. Two thirds of parents teach their children about recycling.
(A) 11% (B) 33% (C) 66% (D) 99%
39. Well under a third of people in this town share car journeys.
(A) 28% (B) 32% (C) 42% (D) 48%
40. Everyone wanted to find a cheaper way to make electricity.
(A) 1% (B) 30% (C) 70% (D) 100%
41. conservationists / wildlife / use / to / collect / wildlife / camera trap / information / about
(A) Wildlife use conservationists camera trap to collect information about wildlife.
(B) Wildlife use camera trap to collect conservationists information about wildlife.
(C) Wildlife use camera trap to collect information about conservationists wildlife.
(D) Wildlife conservationists use camera trap to collect information about wildlife.
42. is / famous / a / very / Ando Hiroshige / paintings / Japanese / with / his / artist / landscape
(A) Ando Hiroshige is a very Japanese artist famous with his landscape paintings.
(B) Ando Hiroshige is a very famous Japanese artist with his landscape paintings.
(C) Ando Hiroshige is a very Japanese artist with famous his landscape paintings.
(D) Ando Hiroshige is a famous very Japanese artist with his landscape paintings.
43. scientists / many / robot / trust / in / are / servants / future / popular / with / very / everybody / near
(A) Many scientists trust robot are very popular with everybody in servants near future.
(B) Many scientists trust robot are very servants popular with everybody in near future.
(C) Many scientists trust robot are very popular with servants everybody in near future.
(D) Many scientists trust robot servants are very popular with everybody in near future.
44. ideas / many / science / up/from / fiction / have / films / true / come / till / now
(A) Many ideas from films have come true science fiction up till now.
(B) Many ideas from science fiction films have come true up till now.
(C) Many ideas films have come true up till now from science fiction.
(D) Many ideas from science films have come fiction true up till now.
45. need / to / take / tourists / note / has / Australia / three / zones / with / time / different / climate /
and / temperature
(A) Tourists need to take note three time zones Australia has different climate with and
(B) Tourists need to take note Australia has three time zones with different climate and
(C) Tourists to take note need Australia three time zones has with different climate and
(D) Tourists need to Australia has three time zones take note with different temperature climate

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
Unit 6: STAGES IN LIFE (To-infinitive; Future forms)
1. We wanted ________ in any way we could.
(A) will help (B) help (C) to help (D) helping
2. Mr Jones will call you when he's ready ________ to you.
(A) talks (B) to talk (C) talking (D) will talk
3. We went to the museum to ________ about life the past.
(A) learn (B) learning (C) learnt (D) have learnt
4. It was wonderful ________ you again after all this time.
(A) see (B) to see (C) to saw (D) seeing
5. The girl refused ________ to her brother for several days after their argument.
(A) to talk (B) talking (C) talk (D) not talk
6. It's difficult ________ about the summer holidays in January.
(A) think (B) to think (C) will think (D) thinking
7. Are you ________ the new James Bond film?
(A) going see (B) go to seeing (C) going to see (D) go seeing
8. I ________ going to wait more than five minutes for you.
(A) won't (B) don't be (C) am not (D) will be
9. ________ your brother taking you to the airport tonight?
(A) Is (B) Will (C) Does (D) Do
10. Mr Andrews ________ anyone today or tomorrow because he's in meetings both days until late.
(A) won't seeing (B) isn't seeing (C) isn't sees (D) seeing
11. Will you ________ to the shop for me? We need some bread.
(A) go (B) going (C) to go (D) goes
12. Don't worry, I won't ________ anyone your secret.
(A) to tell (B) tell (C) telling (D) tells
13. Prague is a beautiful ________ city.
(A) historic (B) historical (C) historically (D) history
14. This cake is ________. Can I have another piece, please?
(A) delicious (B) bad (C) horrible (D) untasty
15. The book was very ________ and I didn't want to finish it.
(A) wonderful (B) awesome (C) good (D) dull
16. When I first left home I was ________ because I didn't know anyone and I missed my family.
(A) pleasant (B) happy (C) miserable (D) lovely
17. I need to get a ________ suit to wear when I start my new job.
(A) smart (B) intelligent (C) stupid (D) ugly
18. I have to wear dark suits for work so I want to get some ________ clothes for my holiday next
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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)

(A) colourless (B) beautiful (C) ugly (D) handsome

19. My grandparents live in a small house in the middle of a/an ________ forest.
(A) mass (B) not huge (C) enormous (D) small
20. The woman in that painting has a ________ face.
(A) ugly (B) beautiful (C) horrible (D) terrible
21. That was the worst food I've ever had. In fact it was ________.
(A) bad (B) disgusting (C) good (D) fantastic
22. This is the stage of life in between being a child and an adult.
(A) kid (B) adolescent (C) youth (D) older
23. You get this regular payment when you reach the age where you stop working.
(A) pension (B) salary (C) wage (D) bonus
24. You take this when you stop working for a while to do something else like have children or travel
round the world.
(A) career break (B) day off (C) holiday (D) vacation
25. This is another word for a baby.
(A) kid (B) toddler (C) adult (D) infant
26. You can do this first when you decide to marry.
(A) get engaged (B) get married (C) get divorced (D) get separated
27. You need this before you can legally drive.
(A) certificate (B) degree (C) licence (D) paper
28. You dress up in these for parties and festivals.
(A) clothes (B) costumes (C) cotton (D) jeans
29. You wear this over your face and people don't know who you are.
(A) hat (B) mask (C) gloves (D) tie
30. This another word for a special party.
(A) celebration (B) party (C) festival (D) fair
31. People used these to give them light before there was electricity.
(A) papers (B) matches (C) bubbles (D) candles
32. Did Mrs Smith cancel her order? I don't know. ________ in just a minute.
(A) I'll check (B) I'm checking (C) I'm checked (D) I will checking
33. Will you cook dinner tonight or do you want me to do it? No, ________ it.
(A) I do (B) I'll do (C) I am doing (D) I going to do
34. In about half an hour, we ________ to call a taxi.
(A) are needing (B) will need (C) need (D) do need
35. That case looks a bit heavy. ________ you with it.
(A) I'll help (B) I help (C) I'm helping (D) I will be helping

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Lý Công Khanh, M.Ed ENGLISH 2 (Anh văn 2)
36. In the future, when I'm rich and famous, ________ an enormous house.
(A) I am building (C) I will build
(B) I'm going to build (D) I built
37. Are you ________ me with my project?
(A) helping (B) going help (C) help (D) to help
38. ________ to Paris on Monday so don't arrange any meetings for me then.
(A) I'm flying (B) I will fly (C) I fly (D) I am flown
39. What time ________ his speech?
(A) does the director give (C) won't the director give
(B) will the director give (D) is the director giving
40. I have a feeling that __________ is going to happen today. A B C D
(A) some bad (B) bad something (C) some badly (D) something bad
41. I didn’t feel well, so I __________ early.
(A) went back my home (C) went home
(B) went my home (D) went to home
42. The couple must need a __________ because they have just returned from a long journey.
(A) rest (B) pause (C) stop (D) discontinuation
43. Alex ___________ that he had taken the test five times.
(A) says (B) tells (C) said (D) told
44. Almost every part of our lives ___________ computerized over the past 10 years.
(A) have been (B) has been (C) was (D) had done
45. Mike didn’t ___________ at Jill’s party last night because he had a headache.
(A) show up (B) come up (C) make up (D) hang up
46. I went to Los Angeles fifteen years ___________. A B C D
(A) before (B) ago (C) since (D) next to
47. He seems ___________ as surprised by the news as we were.
(A) to being (B) was (C) to was (D) to have been
48. Kate usually ___________ to class by bicycle, but today she went by bus because of the rain.
(A) go (B) goes (C) went (D) gone
49. Frank ___________ a TV show when Karen got home.
(A) watched (B) watches (C) watch (D) was watching
50. We ___________ her for more than twenty years.
(A) know (B) knows (C) have known (D) are known
51. His father ___________ a lawyer, but now he’s a politician.
(A) is used to be (B) was used to be (C) use to be (D) used to be
52. We were asked not to disturb the baby because he ___________.
(A) is sleeping (B) slept (C) was sleeping (D) sleeping
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