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Personal computer Project by Group 5
Gold-sorting Professors :
Garrison Chi-Hua Yu, Meng-Xue Li

Flow chart
Objective & Purpose
• Design a fun and interesting piggy bank while
also paying-tribute to Bill Gates, one of the major Re-evaluation &
Paper Model Graphic Design First Laser Cut
contributors to our computer-oriented society Exterior Design

• Challenge ourselves and go above and beyond

whenever possible, pushing creativity and Assembly & Paint job Second Laser Cut Circuit design
innovation to it’s limits Debugging

Highlights Feedback
This device boasts memorable features;
its design and concept are exceptionally
captivating, demonstrating ingenious use
of motor and RGB integration. It also
includes a whimsical piggy Easter egg
Motor, driving Midnight-black Open side-panel RGB lighting,
the wheel of casing, donning for the world to adding some technology, adding a charming touch.
fortune and see. Paying style and flourish Integrating 3D
the modern
acts brings the to the exterior of printing w/
coins up in a
computer look. homage to Bill
gate’s greatest the case precise laser The scope of this project appears to
unique fashion
nights of lost achievement,
be quite ambitious, raising concerns
sleep Windows. about its cost and ETA to competition.

SolidWorks design Gallery

Work distribution
William Stevens: Team Leader, Chief Designer, poster optimization. Xuan-Yu Chen: Circuitry & motor controls, general electrical aspects.
Yi-Sheng Wang: Laser cutting, problem-solving, PPT and poster design. Yu-Shuo Zeng: Video production, Drawer, optimizations.

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