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A Way Forward for Malaysia

Article · June 2020

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1 author:

Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak

International Islamic University Malaysia


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A Way Forward for Malaysia1

Malaysia is a great country with a diverse population. It might not be the perfect or best country
in the world, but definitely the best in the Muslim world. Malaysia has been a role-model for
many countries in the world embroiled in racism, sectarian violence, terrorism, class and caste
systems. In my observation, I have found out that Muslims in Malaysia have the highest level of
tolerance in living side by side with other religious groups. Researchers from South Africa,
Australia, and America come over to Malaysia to conduct research on how race integration
works in the country. Particularly, they are interested in learning the secret recipe so that it can
be applied in their own homeland. Though the vast majority of the people are Malay, they have
accepted the fact that the other ethnic groups that came along with the coming of the British to
Malaya (now Malaysia) have become part and parcel of the Malaysian society. It is a beautiful
country with sunshine and sandy beaches mainly in the East coast of the peninsula. Here in
Malaysia, we only have two seasons, either it rains or shines. With regard to the question of what
are the current issues faced in the country, the following will be some of the things that the
government and people need to take into consideration for the survival of their nation:

1. Regardless of our race and religion, we have to respect one another and learn to co-exist’. At
the moment, a radical group intends to change the country’s constitution, Kedaulatan Institusi
Raja-raja Melayu (Sovereignty of the Institution of the Malay Rulers) and undermine the status
of Islam as the official religion of the country. One should not challenge the status of Bahasa
Melayu as the official language. Nowhere one can find a clause that says the government has
banned the use of other mother tongues (like Tamil, Mandarin, Punjabi, etc.). So, using Bahasa
Melayu should be our pride.

2. Since the different school systems in many ways have contributed to the disunity and
polarization of the Malaysian society, it will be a good idea to introduce one common curriculum
taught in all schools in the morning and after lunch-break the students should be given the liberty
to choose the language they want to learn. Those interested in Mandarin can join classes
conducted in the school. Likewise Muslims can attend Arabic, Islamic Studies and Qur’anic
memorization classes. The same goes for Tamil, Punjabi and all other indigenous languages
spoken in Sabah and Sarawak. All the languages and other co-curricular activities can be
conducted at the same school. Besides that, during the morning session some subjects should be
taught in English. The reason for this is none other than English is accepted in the world as an
international language.

3. I have no complaints on the TV and Radio broadcast. In Malaysia, there are channels and
programs for all race groups. Besides that, you can subscribe to private channels as well.

4. The tradition of having “Open-House” during different religious festivals in the country
should be maintained. This is a unique culture and identity of the Malaysian people. During such
gatherings, people of different race and religious backgrounds can join in the merriment of the
occasion, be it Hari Raya, Chinese Year, Deepavali, etc. While enjoying food and delicacies, it
creates an opportunity to share greetings with those present there. In a way, organizing “Open-
House” during festive season also contributes to the unity of our society.
1 th
This short article has been shared in Quora under the pen name Humanity Humanity on the 4 of June, 2020.
5. The economic pie of the country should be shared between the different races living in the
county. It is not fair for one race to take everything leaving others deprived of their right to enjoy
the wealth and prosperity of the county. In Malaysia, the Malays have been kind to do so such a
thing. The economic wealth of the country comes from the rural areas. The rubber –tappers,
fishermen, farmers, palm-oil laborers, paddy-planters, horticulturists and others are the real
backbone of the Malaysian economy. The government should recognize their great contribution
and take care of their needs and help them during non-productive reasons.

6. In recent times, politics has been a sensitive issue. There is so much politicking that is going in
the country. The quarrel between the ruling party and the opposition should not be undermined to
cater for the needs of the rakyat (people). There was once a politician who brought these
beautiful and meaningful slogans like: “1Malaysia, People First and Performance Now and No
One Will be Left Behind”. We need such slogans as impetus to motivate and energize the people
towards a common goal.

7. In future, the political party that wins the election has the right and obligation to fulfill all the
promises made during the election campaign. Politicians have the moral obligation at least to try
and fulfill the manifestos. Don’t be a U-Turn Prime Minister or government. When you cheat the
people, they will be enraged and they might not want to vote for you again. Be the man of your
word. Do not disappoint the people’s hope of electing you into power. The winning party should
start performing from day one of taking office.

8. The winning party should not be vindictive in punishing the losing party. A big no, no of
blaming the previous government and not performing well. It will be worse if you take sadistic
pleasure in character assassinating the previous leaders. One day, when you lose power the same
can happen to you. In English there is a saying that goes this way “What goes around, comes
around”, while the Buddhists and Hindus say “ It is the law of karma” and the Muslims say “It’s
the Sunnatullah”

9. The newly elected government should be responsible for the welfare of the voters after the
election. The government should not side the corporate capitalists by giving contracts worth
billions of Ringgit. The Prime Minister should not offer contracts to his family and cronies. If the
government does that then it will be like making the rich, richer (corporate capitalists) and the
poor, poorer (the people). All contracts should be offered through open-tender and no contracts
should be offered to the same contractor again and again.

10. Trial by media should not be practiced in the country. One is wrong when only proven guilty
in the courthouse. The ruling party or the opposition should not character assassinate by using
hired foreign media and making statements to the press before the trial begins. Such behaviors
are classified as third world mentality. Ethically and morally such a thing is wrong. Since legal
matters are complicated and can only be interpreted by the experts, laypersons and politicians
who have vested interest should not manipulate the situation.

11. There should be no religious extremism and fanaticism. Since the two exist in all religious
groups, it will be unfair to blame the Muslims alone. Ideologically, Islam is a religion of fairness
and justice. No one has the right to ridicule and mock the religion of others. Malaysia is a
country that allows religious freedom and people are free to practice their own faith.

12. Rule of law should be applicable to all. The newly elected leader should not be biased toward
his party and punish the opposition. Any politician found of wrongdoing from either side of the
divide, his or her ongoing trial should not be interfered and let the law take its course.

13. Political leaders who are old and withered should make way for young ones to take over from
them. They should not be there all the time for 40 to 50 years dominating the political arena.
They should be wise enough and bear in mind that they should not overstay their period of

14. Malaysia is a democratic country, so communism of the past should not be revived due to the
great atrocities done previously by the Communist Party of Malaya. Many soldiers and
policemen were killed by the communists in the early 60s.

15. During a time of crisis and natural calamities the government and opposition should put aside
their differences and work together in helping the people.

16. Malaysia needs a strong and stable government to entice investors into the country. If there is
a political uncertainty this will chase the investors away.

With globalization and internet usage, Malaysians like others in the world are losing some of the
qualities of the past. Though the vast majority of Malaysians still inherit their traditional values,
past heritage and common courtesy, there are some who are carried away with what is happening
elsewhere in the world. This bunch of people are the problematic ones for the authorities to
handle, they spread rumors, conduct hate campaigns, make provocative statements via social
media. The wish I have for my beloved country is “May God save Malaysia and its wonderful

Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak, Ph.D. (IIUM)

Depart. of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies, KIRKHS,

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