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Seven men at the petrol station

One of our friend’s mother witnessed a serious road accident a few years ago. As she
drove closer to the scene of the accident, she slowed down. It was a terrible sight with injured
people, a gathering crowd around them, ambulances, and crashed vehicles. Since there were
many people there already, she decided to drive on so as not to hold the rescue team up.

She was still under the impact of the accident she had seen when she stopped to fill up
her car at the nearest petrol station. After filling up the car, she went to the cash desk to pay.
While entering, she noticed a man standing by the door, distinctively without doing anything.
For a second he caught her eye, but she didn’t pay too much attention to him- although, upon
looking back - she wondered why he was standing there. Then she paid and drove on.

As the years passed by, memories of this day had faded for the most part when she
received an unexpected phone call from a police officer. All evidence had led to her in a
murder case after a lengthy investigation. It turned out that the accident she had witnessed
long ago, was caused by a robber who had gotten away. The man was filling his car after the
accident in the same petrol station as she. The offender had decided to take someone
hostage to solve his desperate situation. He was standing at the door, seeming like he had
nothing to do but in reality he was waiting for a victim to come. Yes, she had noticed him, but
she was preoccupied with her own thoughts to bear it in mind.

As she finally put the story together in her head, she stood there in the police station in
absolute shock, and asked the policeman:

“But if all of this is true, why didn’t he attack me? I was all alone, I would have been the
perfect victim!”

The perplexed policeman answered:

“In his confession, the murderer said, that he did not attack you because you were
surrounded by seven men when you entered the petrol station.”... Her life was changed. She
always believed in the world invisible for human eyes, but never dared to dream that it can
come so close, so alive in her reality. She keeps it in her mind, and wherever she goes, she
sees the invisible world that exists with and around us.

“For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone.”
Psalm 91, 11-12

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