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A conjunction is a joining word. It joins words, phrases and clauses.

● I went to the store to buy eggs, milk and bread.
● I went skiing down the hill and past the trees.
● I like playing cards, but Mary loves playing chess.

• Conjunctions are used to make writing more concise or compact.
• They allow writers to combine ideas and present them in the same

● Coordinating Conjunctions
● Subordinating Conjunctions

1 | Grade 8 - Grammar (FC)

Coordinating Conjunctions

These are used to join two clauses of equal importance.

Sentence #1: I want to buy a new jacket.

Sentence #2 It is too expensive.

The above sentence is made up of the two clauses joined using the
conjunction ‘but’. Both the clauses are known as “independent clauses”.

Common Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS):

For And Nor But Or Yet So

Exercise 1: Join the following sentences using coordinating

conjunctions. Use appropriate punctuation.

1. She reached the venue. He had already left by then.

2. I am allergic to cats. I have three of them.

3. Fatimah loves driving. She wants to buy a new car.

4. Milap packs the boxes. Sahil ships them.

5. You could find a white dress. Alternatively, you could wear the black
dress too.

6. I hate to waste a drop of gas. It is very expensive these days.

2 | Grade 8 - Grammar (FC)

Subordinating Conjunctions

These are used to join two clauses of unequal importance.

Sentence #1: I will be able to drive.

Sentence #2 I get older

The above sentence is made up of the two clauses joined using the
conjunction ‘when’. The clause which starts with the subordinating
conjunction is known as the dependent clause or subordinate clause.
The other clause is the independent clause.

Common Subordinating Conjunctions: (I SAW A WABUB)

If Since As When Although
While After Before Until/ Unless because

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate subordinating

conjunction. Use appropriate punctuation.
1. We started moving _____ he took his foot off the brake.
2. I was waiting ________ my mom was paying for the groceries.
3. I ran _____________ I was scared.
4. We started running ______ we tied our shoes.
5. We can eat lunch ___________ you like.
6. ______________ I feel happy, I smile.
7. ________ you say you’re sorry, I’m not leaving.
8. __________________ I am only 5’3” tall, I love playing basketball.

3 | Grade 8 - Grammar (FC)

Exercise 3: Join the following sentences using the appropriate
subordinating conjunction. Use appropriate punctuation.

1. I’ll be so glad. This job is finished.

2. I will go to the market. I have finished my work.

3. We went very early. We got the best seats.

4. We didn’t like the film at all. We watched it till the end.

5. We drove very slowly. It was raining very hard.

6. I made a lot of friends. At the time I was in Mumbai.

7. You must tell the truth. You will be punished.

8. He was tired. He still went to the party.

9. You do that again. I’ll be very angry.

10. She was very hungry. She hadn’t eaten anything.

11. I don’t like coffee. I can have some tea.

12. I don’t like Reena. She always spreads lies about other people.

13. Incidents of burglary have increased in our locality. We have

decided to keep a dog.

14. He always helps me if I ask him. We are not best of friends.

4 | Grade 8 - Grammar (FC)

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