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2、表示否定的词往往重读。注意 be 动词和助动词和其后的 not 相结合时的重读,
意图时,会对该单词进行强调。比如 I never said he stole my wallet.这个句子,当
重音放在 never 上,强调的是说话人“从未”说过这句话,当重音放在 he 上,强

1. 重读练习
1.1 听音频,在以下考点词的重读音节下方划上横线
1 Diversity 2 capacity
3 Allergic 4 purpose
5 Publicity 6 motivate
7 Majority 8 renovate
9 Restrict 10 occupation
11 Typical 12 estate
13 Preference 14 sculpture
15 Demonstrate 16 reputation
17 Donate 18 ingredient
19 Urban 20 exhibition

1.2 听音频,将以下 20 个考点词按重音进行分类(“•”代表重读音节)

minimal amend precise potential alter
adaptation cuisine existence superior engine
medical nurturing majority indication explosion
standard migrate ambition prominent construct






1.3 听音频,在句子的重读单词下方划横线
1. How about we go for a coffee this afternoon?
2. Oh! This is a difficult thing to discuss!
3. Come and see us at our new apartment.
4. Yes, I suppose there’s no alternative.
5. Do you think it’ll be born on the eleventh, as you said?
6. I’m sorry, but I’m off to a meeting.
7. Forget it, I’ll repair it myself.
8. You can eat it for me, can’t you?
9. You can see them both at about six.
10. My phone’s broken, so I’m going to buy a new one.
11. Could you get some bread from the bakery on your way here?
12. He has no idea what he wants to do after he graduates.
13. I’ve never heard of that before, but it makes sense.
14. I love to see the shining moon on a cool, autumn night.
15. I do understand you.
16. They aren’t waiting for us.
17. We can’t rely on that.
18. We won’t be providing training for that.
19. I’d thought it’d be tiny, and actually that wasn’t the case at all.
20. They have hardly any contact with their parents.

2. 弱读练习
2.1 听音频,划出下列短语或句子中弱读的单词
1. We need some salt and pepper.
2. They were at school yesterday.
3. She works at night.
4. That’s an apple.
5. The food is good but the service is terrible.
6. Can you come early?
7. Do you need help?
8. It’s a present for Linda.
9. That’s his last chance.
10. You should buy a new car.
11. That’s part of your problem.
12. We dropped them off at the airport.
13. It was a beautiful day.
14. She can play violin.
15. Does she work as a teacher?
16. I haven’t seen him for ages.
17. They hope to find it.
18. It’s in the bag.
19. How’s your family?
20. Why would I tell her?

2.2 听音频,完成下列弱读单词的填空
1 We have __ go now. 2 We don’t know what __ do
3 I’ll see you __ lunch 4 The meeting’s __ one.
5 Give __ to me. 6 Read __ twice.
7 Give __ a try. 8 I got __ in London.
9 This is __ you. 10 We planned it __ later.
11 There is a letter ___ Bob. 12 I’ll be back __ __minute.
13 He’s __ American. 14 bread ___ butter
15 He did __ over __ over. 16 more __ less
17 Who’s __ boss around here? 18 You need __ break.
19 That’s the best __ all! 20 We __ try it later.

2.3 听音频,注意以下每个单词强读及弱读的两种读法,写下听到的单词
1 ______ 2 ______
3 ______ 4 ______
5 ______ 6 ______
7 ______ 8 ______
9 ______ 10 ______
11 ______ 12 ______
13 ______ 14 ______
15 ______ 16 ______
17 ______ 18 ______
19 ______ 20 ______
IELTS 听力中的音频为对话和独白,它们由独立并且连贯的句子构成,因此会出
1. 辅音+元音连读:前一个单词的辅音末尾与后一个单词开头的元音产生连读。例:
come out。
2. 前一个单词元音结尾与后一个单词开头元音相连,在两者之间加/j/或/w/。例:
he is、go on。
3. 前一个词以 r 或 re 结尾,后一个词以元音开头,用/r/连接两个词。如:far
4. 音变:t、d、s、z 结尾的单词后面跟着以 y 开头的单词,发生音变。例:don’t
you、could you、this year。
1. 熟悉雅思听力考试中常见的连读形式;
2. 掌握常见的连读词组及搭配。

1. 连读练习
1.1 听音频,在出现连读的词与词之间用小横线或弧线进行标注
1 First of all, the economy hasn't been great.
2 Did anything come out of that meeting?
3 How about going out for a walk?
4 How old is your son?
5 She is a really talented designer.
6 We went on a road trip.
7 We're in the middle of an argument.
8 It opened at the end of May.
9 I left it at home. I'll bring it back tomorrow.
10 They would have more freedom to answer it.
11 Remember to practice on your own.
12 It is a pretty small industry after all.
13 Pay close attention to your personal habits.
14 I vowed never to set foot in the place again.
15 In the past, it wasn't as easy for women to get a formal education.
16 We should find a way to take advantage of AI in more effective
17 This printer has several advantages over conventional printers.
18 I'm in favour of the idea.
19 You can grab a quick and tasty lunch at the canteen.
20 It's not as bad as it looks.

1.2 听音频,完成句子填空
1 I _____ _____ _____ ticket for that flight please.
2 We need to _____ _____ 12.45.
3 Do you know how many biscuits _____ _____?
4 I will _____ _____, just I haven't done it.
5 It's taller than _____ _____ _____.
6 We have European passports, visas _____ _____ _____.
7 How many of them _____ _____ _____TV?
8 Please _____ _____ the form.
9 We need to make sure your _________ _________ is safe.
10 What did they _____ _____ to bring a ruler for?
11 The university has a _____ _____ residence for its postgraduate
12 I prefer to _____ _____" research."
13 There _____ _____ some risks in every adventure.
14 I’ll get _____ _____ _____ the bar.
15 We _________ _________ history, our people and the heroes.
16 I wish I _____ _____ you are or aren’t coming with us.
17 It's _____ _____ the most enduring designs in history.
18 If the electricity _____ _____, candles can light a dark night.
19 He stayed home _____ _____ _____ because of a slight illness.
20 All people experience sadness at one _____ _____ another.

1.3 听音频,完成短语填空
1 _____ _____ an idea
2 _____ _____ a show
3 get _____ _____
4 _____ _____ the child
5 _____ _____ a meeting
6 easy to _____ _____ _____
7 _____ _____ _____ the noise
8 _____ _____ insects
9 _____ _____ _____ stress
10 _____ _____ touch
11 _____ _____ the roof
12 _____ _____ joy
13 _____ _____ the army
14 _____ _____ _____ _____ an example
15 _____ _____ the main points
16 _____ _____ the experience
17 _____ _____ _____ _____ the station
18 _____ _____ hair
19 _____ _____ new ideas
20 _____ _____ _____ days

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