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Sodium and Potassium Dysregulation in the

Patient With Cancer
Praveen Ratanasrimetha, Biruh T. Workeneh, and Harish Seethapathy

Sodium and potassium disorders are pervasive in patients with cancer. The causes of these abnormalities are wide-
ranging, are often primary or second-order consequences of the underlying cancer, and have prognostic implications.
The approach to hyponatremia should focus on cancer-related etiologies, such as syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone, to the exclusion of other causes. Hypernatremia in non-iatrogenic forms is generally due to water loss rather
than excessive sodium intake. Debilitated or dependent patients with cancer are particularly vulnerable to hypernatremia.
Hypokalemia can occur in patients with cancer due to gastrointestinal disturbances, resulting from decreased intake or
increased losses. Renal losses can occur as a result of excessive mineralocorticoid secretion or therapy-related nephro-
toxicity. The approach to hyperkalemia should be informed by historical and laboratory clues, and pseudohyperkalemia
is particularly common in patients with hematological cancers. Hyperkalemia can be seen in primary or metastatic dis-
ease that interrupts the adrenal axis. It can also develop as a consequence of immunotherapy, which can cause adrena-
litis or hypophysitis. Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is defined by the development of hyperkalemia and is a medical
emergency. Awareness of the electrolyte abnormalities that can befall patients with cancer is vital for its prompt recog-
nition and management.
Q 2022 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Onconephrology, Hyponatremia, Hypokalemia, Hyperkalemia, Electrolytes

P atients with malignancies commonly experience ab-

normalities in serum electrolytes, with sodium and po-
tassium disorders being the most prevalent. The causes of
included the placement of an indwelling peritoneal
catheter and choice of solute-rich liquids he could
consume in lieu of solid food to prevent redevelopment
these abnormalities are broad and often second-order con- of hyponatremia.
sequences to the underlying cancer. For example, a signif- The causes of hyponatremia in patients with cancer are
icant segment of patients with cancer receive medications, much more clustered than in the noncancer patient, but
such as diuretics or antidepressants, that might contribute one must caution against heuristic decision-making
to sodium and potassium disorders. We have limited the because often hyponatremia can be unrelated to cancer
scope of this review to focus on sodium and potassium or cancer therapy. Thus, having an approach focusing on
disorders that are principally the consequence of cancer cancer, but not at the exclusion of other etiologies, can
and cancer therapy. We have utilized a case-based make it easier for the clinician to arrive at the cause and
approach to highlight the diagnostic approach and man- develop a treatment plan.9,10
agement of sodium and potassium disorders in patients
with cancer. Confirm Hypo-Osmolar Hyponatremia. Iso-osmolar (275-
290 mOsm/kg) or hyperosmolar (.290 mOsm/kg) hypo-
natremia is uncommon and can be quickly ruled out by
Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte disorder in the measurement of serum osmolality. In patients with
patients with cancer, with an estimated prevalence of 20- cancer, iso-osmolar hyponatremia is most often seen in
50%.1,2 Hyponatremia, and the failure to normalize SNa, patients with multiple myeloma who have severe para-
have been associated with poor cancer outcomes.3-8 proteinemia.11,12 In normal individuals, the noncellular
While the approach to hyponatremia in a patient with component of blood (plasma) comprises 93% water
cancer is the same as in a noncancer patient, and and 7% solids such as fats and proteins. Labs using an
elucidating causes specific to cancer, its treatment and indirect ion-potentiometry method depend on an exact
concomitant processes becomes essential. quantity of the sample to measure sodium and assume
this ratio when the sample is diluted. Hence, in instances
A 64-year-old man with advanced biliary tract cancer,
pulmonary nodules, and malignant ascites is admitted From the Section of Nephrology. The University of Texas MD Anderson
after outpatient labs showed SNa of 115 mEq/L (2 weeks Cancer Center, Houston, TX (P.R., B.T.W.); and Division of Nephrology, Mas-
prior, SNa was 129 mEq/L). He reports limited oral sachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA (H.S.).
intake over the last month, relying primarily on small Financial Disclosure: B.T.W. has received honoraria as a consultant for As-
portions of homemade soup. Second-line treatment traZeneca. H.S. has received a fellowship grant award from Relypsa Inc. P.R. de-
clares that he has no relevant financial interests.
with nivolumab was started 6 months ago after pro-
Address correspondence to Harish Seethapathy, MBBS, Division of
gressive disease on cisplatin and gemcitabine. His Nephrology, Massachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit St, Boston, MA
serum osmolality was 262 mOsm/kg, his urine sodium 02114. E-mail:
was ,20 mEq/L, and his urine osmolality was 579 Ó 2022 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
mOsm/kg. His SNa is gradually corrected with 3% sa- 1548-5595/$36.00
line and desmopressin. Therapeutic considerations

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172 Ratanasrimetha et al

where the balance is shifted (.7% solids, ,93% water), electrolyte abnormalities with mannitol have been re-
the measured value may be falsely low, even though the ported after a single dose.17,18
sodium concentration in the smaller quantity of water is
normal. Using direct ion-potentiometry, such as those Evaluate the State of Activation of Antidiuretic Hormone.
used in rapid analyzers to measure blood gases, negates Once iso-osmolar or hyperosmolar hyponatremia is ruled
this effect and provides a true sodium value.13 Iso- out, the next step in assessing hypo-osmolar hyponatre-
osmolar hyponatremia is also seen in patients receiving mia is evaluating antidiuretic hormone (ADH) activity.
isotonic fluids containing exogenous solutes (glycine, ADH or vasopressin, a nonapeptide hormone produced
sorbitol) used for hysteroscopy in patients with endome- in the hypothalamus and secreted in the posterior pitui-
trial cancer and during prostate and laparoscopic sur- tary, primarily regulates extracellular fluid volume. The
geries.14 When such sodium-free irrigant solutions are physiologic stimulus for ADH secretion comes from car-
absorbed into the intravascular space, the sodium con- diac baroreceptors and atrial stretch receptors, which
centration drops. Although the measured osmolality is detect volume, or through hypothalamic osmoreceptors,
normal (275-290 mOsm/kg), the calculated osmolality which sense serum osmolality. Nonphysiologic stimuli
will be lower, giving rise to an osmolar gap in these pa- for ADH release include activation of the limbic system
tients (Fig 1). through pain, nausea, trauma, etc. ADH binds to V2 re-
Hyperosmolar hyponatremia occurs primarily ceptors in the distal tubule and collecting duct in its acti-
because of the addition of osmotically active substances vation state, resulting in phosphorylation of aquaporin
to the plasma and subsequent dilution of the plasma (AQP2) vesicles that bind to create a water channel in
through intracellular water movement into the extracel- the apical membrane. This facilitates water reabsorption,
lular space. In cases where the serum osmolality is only creating concentrated urine and reducing plasma osmo-
mildly elevated, the diagnosis of hyperosmolar hypona- lality. ADH also has a second function, which is to in-
tremia can also be made by measuring the osmolar gap, crease peripheral resistance by its action on vascular
and it should be suspected when there is a gap of .10 smooth muscle cells to induce vasoconstriction. The state
mOsm/kg between the of ADH activation can be as-
measured and calculated CLINICAL SUMMARY sessed by measuring urine
osmolality. While hyperos- osmolality. A urine osmo-
molar hyponatremia may  Electrolyte abnormalities, particularly sodium and lality of ,100 mOsm/kg in-
be labeled ‘dilutional,’ potassium disorders, are common in patients with cancer dicates a state of ADH
these are instances of true and are associated with worse outcomes. inactivation or suppression,
hyponatremia, whereby and a urine osmolality of
 A stepwise approach to diagnosis should be adopted to
the sodium concentration .100 mOsm/kg denotes a
elucidate etiologies related to the underlying cancer and
in the plasma is low. state of at least partial ADH
cancer therapy.
Intravenous immunoglob- activation.
ulin (IVIG), used in cancers  Treatment should focus on preserving or improving quality
such as multiple myeloma of life and avoiding hospital admissions. Antidiuretic Hormone–
and chronic lymphocytic Independent Hyponatremia
leukemia, can cause hypona- (UOsm #100 mOsm/kg). Nor-
tremia in certain patients. The dose of immunoglobulin mal individuals can dilute their urine to around 50-100
administered is insufficient to cause pseudohyponatremia, mOsm/kg. A typical Western diet consists of solute
such as severe paraproteinemia in multiple myeloma.15,16 intake between 600 and 800 mOsm/day, approximately
However, hypertonic sucrose-containing IVIG formula- half of which is electrolytes and half urea, and urine vol-
tions can cause acute kidney injury (AKI), and the subse- ume can range from ,1 L/day to .15 L/day depending
quent sugar portion which accumulates can act as an on the action of ADH. Thus, even with ADH suppressed,
effective osmole and lead to hyperosmolar hyponatremia. solute intake plays a crucial role in determining the
High-dose intravenous mannitol (100-200 g) is used in amount of fluid an individual can drink. In individuals
head and neck cancers to reduce intracranial pressure by with cancer, this is an important contributor to low so-
‘dehydrating’ the brain tissue. Mannitol is freely filtered dium levels and significantly affects treatment. Our pa-
and is not reabsorbed in the kidneys. It induces osmotic tient, whose solute intake has likely been around 300
diuresis, which can lead to hyponatremia. It can also mOsm/kg, can only produce 5 L of urine if his urine
accumulate in patients with AKI, leading to dilutional osmolality was 60 mOsm/kg. If his urine osmolality
hyponatremia. Such cases are also accompanied by hy- were higher than 100 mOsm/kg, he could drink ,3 L
perkalemia, which can be severe. When mannitol draws of fluids before becoming hyponatremic.
water out of the cells, it also causes a potassium shift
into the extracellular space, hypothesized to occur by Antidiuretic Hormone–Dependent Hyponatremia (UOsm
solvent drag or passive transport when its intracellular .100 mOsm/kg). The primary stimulus for the ADH,
concentration rises. Mannitol, by itself, can cause AKI above maintaining osmolality, is to conserve effective
through renal vasoconstriction and tubular vacuoliza- circulating volume. Activation of ADH in states of low
tion, but that has only been reported in patients circulating volume produces concentrated urine. Gastro-
receiving high repeated doses of mannitol. In contrast, intestinal (GI) symptoms such as nausea and vomiting

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Sodium and Potassium Disorders in Cancer 173

Physiologic ADH acvaon:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 ¾ Hypovolemia
Measure Assess effecve Chemotherapy induced N/V/D
Measure CAR-T induced capillary leak
Plasma Urine circulang Diurecs*
osmolality volume Adrenalis/hypophysis (ICIs)*
<275 >100 ¾ Heart Failure
Urine Na<20 mEq/L, Anthracyclines
mOsm/kg Hypo-osmolar mOsm/kg ADH symptoms/signs of volume Trastuzumab
hyponatremia dependent depletion or third-spacing
Low ¾ Liver failure
≥275 ≤100 Radiaon injury
Iso-osmolar or
mOsm/kg ADH Drugs – lapanib, ICIs
Hyper-osmolar Sinusoidal obstrucon syndrome
hyponatremia independent
Sodium loss
Iso-osmolar Low solute intake ¾ Cisplan renal salt wasng
Urine Na≥20 mEq/L, no
¾ Pseudohyponatremia ¾ Intraperitoneal catheters
signs of circulatory failure
(Mulple myeloma,
obstrucve jaundice
Normal or High
with ↑Lipoprotein-X)
¾ Exogenous solutes SIADH:
(glycine, sorbitol) ¾ Ectopic producon of ADH
Small-cell-lung cancer
Hyper-osmolar Head & neck cancer
¾ IVIG Brain & pulmonary metastases
¾ Mannitol
¾ Drugs affecng concentraon ability
Cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide
Vincrisne, Vinblasne

¾ Other:
Pulmonary infecons
Nausea, pain

Figure 1. A stepwise approach to the diagnosis of hyponatremia in a patient with cancer. *Patients with thiazide-induced hy-
ponatremia also have polydipsia and ADH-independent water reabsorption. Hyponatremia in patients with adrenalitis occurs
through two mechanisms: i) cortisol deficiency–induced release of corticosyntropin-releasing hormone, an ADH secreta-
gogue, ii) aldosterone deficiency causing sodium loss and subsequent ADH activation. Only the second mechanism is evident
in hypophysitis. Abbreviations: N/V/D, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea; CAR-T, chimeric antigen receptor T cell; ICI, immune check-
point inhibitor; ADH, antidiuretic hormone.

and insufficient oral (salt) intake are prevalent in patients Loss of total-body sodium, although rare, can occur in
with cancer, especially after intensive chemotherapy specific scenarios. Renal salt wasting has been described
regimens. Add to this increased hypotonic fluid intake with drugs causing tubular injury (site of sodium
(eg, soup with low salt/solute content, soft drinks, water, absorption), such as cisplatin, and can be severe. Intraper-
tea, etc.), and the possibility of hypo-osmolar hyponatre- itoneal catheters used to relieve malignant ascites
mia becomes high. GatoradeÒ, despite its reputation for commonly cause hyponatremia, with an incidence of
an electrolyte repletion solution, is principally nearly 85% reported.24 In a large study (n ¼ 309) of patients
electrolyte-free and, despite an osmolality of .300 with intraperitoneal catheters, the median fluid removed
mOsm/kg, can contribute to hyponatremia.19 Therapies per week in those with hyponatremia was 7 L, amounting
such as chimeric antigen receptor T cell can lead to hypo- to a loss of nearly 1000 mEq of sodium each week. Such pa-
natremia in up to half of patients, as a result of volume tients are also more vulnerable to inadequate solute intake
depletion, cortisol release, or IL-6–mediated vasopressin and have an abysmal prognosis, with a median survival of
release.20 Hyponatremia is frequently seen in patients ,40 days.
receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors, which can be
the result of immune toxicity such as primary or second- Nonphysiologic Antidiuretic Hormone Activation.
ary adrenal insufficiency or hypothyroidism. In cases Nonphysiologic ADH activation was described over
where hypotension exists as a result of adrenal insuffi- 60 years ago by Schwarz and colleagues in a patient
ciency, ADH stimulation can be the cause of or can with lung cancer and described what is now known as
worsen hyponatremia.21 syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH).25 It is the
Appropriate ADH stimulation also occurs in patients most common cause of hyponatremia in patients with
with cancer and heart or liver failure because of decreased cancer and should be suspected in patients with normal
effective blood volume. Anthracycline- or trastuzumab- effective circulating volume (urine sodium.20 mEq/L)
induced cardiomyopathy can lead to congestive heart fail- and a urine osmolality.100 mEq/L (in the presence of hy-
ure with low effective circulating volume and high ADH ponatremia). Serum copeptin levels have been proposed
levels.22 Hyponatremia is seen in end-stage liver disease as a surrogate marker of vasopressin concentration to
when its synthetic function has been severely compro- differentiate between the different causes of hyponatre-
mised by primary cancer, metastases, radiation injury, or mia, although clinically meaningful use is uncommon.
drugs. Lapatinib, a dual tyrosine kinase inhibitor (HER- Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is a predominant cancer
2/neu and EGFR) used in breast cancer and checkpoint known to be associated with hyponatremia due to ectopic
inhibitors, especially anti-CTLA-4 agents, can cause hepa- production of vasopressin (incidence 10-16%), with
titis, resulting in end-stage liver disease. Sinusoidal head and neck cancers (incidence 3%) also commonly
obstruction syndrome, a rare but often fatal complication reported to cause hyponatremia by the identical mecha-
following a stem cell transplant, can also cause severe liver nism.26,27 SIADH, although rare, has been reported in
injury that can lead to hyponatremia.23 many solid organ and hematological malignancies and

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174 Ratanasrimetha et al

is also associated with manifestations of cancer such as Low Urine Osmolality (,300 mOsm/kg)
pulmonary infections and metastases, nausea, and pain. Hypernatremia with low urine osmolality occurs due to
Many chemotherapeutic drugs (Fig 1) have also been abnormalities in ADH secretion or ADH responsiveness.
associated with enhancing the concentrating ability of Central diabetes insipidus is primarily seen in patients
the kidneys through an ADH and, rarely, an ADH- with hypothalamic or pituitary metastases and can
independent mechanism. sometimes be the isolated presentation leading to cancer
diagnosis.35 It can also occur in intracranial cancer involve-
ment such as lymphoma or leukemia or after brain surgery
Approach to Management of Hyponatremia. The man- for intracranial tumors. Rarely, temozolomide, an alkalat-
agement of low sodium levels should consider the patient’s ing agent used to treat central nervous system tumors, can
baseline physical and nutritional status. Similar to those lead to central diabetes insipidus by affecting ADH pro-
with a history of extensive alcoholism, malnourished duction.36 Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus can be induced
hospitalized patients have a higher risk of osmotic demy- by drugs that produce tubular injuries such as the plat-
elination syndrome from overcorrection of severe hypona- inum compounds, pemetrexed, or ifosfamide.37
tremia (Na,120 mEq/L).28 Hence, such patients should be
assumed to have high-risk chronic hyponatremia and have
Approach to Management of Hypernatremia
their sodium levels gradually corrected—current guide-
Unlike hyponatremia, rapid correction has not been as
lines recommend a goal rate of 4-6 mEq/L, with a recom-
strongly associated with neurologic sequelae in hyperna-
mendation not to exceed 8 mEq/L in 24 hours. The most
tremia, but caution is still advised.38 While a correction
convenient method to avoid overcorrection is with 3% sa-
limit of 12 mEq/L/24 hours is recommended, some experts
line and a desmopressin clamp until hyponatremia is no
believe SNa1 levels can be corrected with no significant
longer severe.29 Many patients have hyponatremia of
adverse events.39 The current water deficit should be
mixed etiology and severity. Hence, subsequent manage-
calculated, free water should be administered through a
ment should take into consideration oral palatability (eg,
nasogastric tube or intravenous dextrose (5%), and rates
urea, salt tablets), comorbidities (liver cancer/metastases:
V2 receptor antagonists contraindicated), and underlying should be adjusted considering ongoing losses.40
severity of hyponatremia (isolated free water restriction
should not be instituted in patients with Uosm.500 HYPOKALEMIA
mOsm/kg or those with a urine-to-serum cation ratio Case
[Urine Na 1 K/Serum Na] .1.0).30,31 Focus should be A 50-year-old female who was recently diagnosed with
placed on the quality of life and avoiding recurrent hospi- ovarian cancer was found to have hypokalemia after the
tal admissions for hyponatremia management (Fig 2). second round of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. She has
been complaining of nausea, vomiting, and insufficient
HYPERNATREMIA oral intake for 3 days. She complained of palpitations,
Hypernatremia in noniatrogenic forms is generally due to and her EKG showed occasional premature ventricular
water loss rather than excessive sodium intake. Debilitated contractions and flattened T waves. Her serum potassium
cancer patients are particularly vulnerable when they have (sK)1 level was found to be 2.5 mEq/L, serum bicarbonate
to depend on others for free water intake when brain me- 16 mEq/L, serum magnesium 1.1 mg/dL, and urinary po-
tastases impair their thirst mechanism or critically ill and tassium/Cr was 2.0 mEq/mmol.
have high insensible losses. Hypokalemia is characterized by a sK1 level
, 3.5 mmol/L and is the second most common electrolyte
disorder in patients with cancer. More than 98% of potas-
High Urine Osmolality (.300 mOsm/kg) sium is sequestered in the intracellular compartment
The loss of water can be through the skin or through the GI owing to sodium-potassium exchange across the cell
tract, such as vomiting or, rarely, cancers that cause watery membrane and is essential for maintaining the resting
diarrhea, such as VIPoma.32 Partial diabetes insipidus, membrane potential of cells. Intracellular potassium also
which is still possible with a not maximally dilute urine plays a vital role in acid-base disturbance by exchanging
osmolality, should also be kept in mind. Rarely, adminis- with extracellular hydrogen ions. Patients with cancer
tration of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate in patients frequently present with multiple electrolyte abnormalities
with tumor lysis syndrome and AKI, or to prevent simultaneously. The cause of hypokalemia can usually be
methotrexate-induced AKI or administration of hyperton- obtained after complete history taking and physical exam-
ic (3%) saline in instances of increased intracranial pres- ination (see Fig 3). The patient can report nausea, vomit-
sure, can lead to hypernatremia. Urinary losses can occur ing, decrease oral intake, or diuretic use. If, after careful
due to drugs such as mannitol, which causes osmotic history taking and examination, the cause is unclear,
diuresis and hypernatremia in patients with normal kid- then the next step would involve further laboratory
ney function who quickly excrete water and mannitol evaluation.
into the urine.33 In patients with dysphagia, high-
protein-containing formulas used for nasogastric or oro- Exclude Pseudohypokalemia. Pseudohypokalemia does
gastric feeding can also produce osmotic diuresis and not occur as commonly as pseudohyperkalemia. This phe-
water loss.34 nomenon occurs most frequently in patients with acute

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Sodium and Potassium Disorders in Cancer 175

Candidate for
fluid restriction
as isolated Rx
Severe Mild-moderate
hyponatremia • Urine osmolality <500 mOsm/kg
hyponatremia (consider diuretics to washout
(<120 mEq/L) (≥120 mEq/L) medullary gradient and ↓Uosm)
• 24-hour urine volume >1.5L
• (UNa + UK) < PlasmaNa

Consider all Correctable Chronic management:

cancer patients cause
as high-risk* • Stop offending agent/treat
ectopic ADH producing
Not a candidate cancer
Yes No for fluid • Increase solute intake
restriction as • Fluid restriction
Goal correction rate Hold chemotherapy Most often SIADH
4-6 mEq/L/24 hours IVF for hypovolemia isolated Rx Solute intake
Increase solute intake (mOsm/day) day
3% saline + • Urine osmolality >500 mOsm/kg
Stop salt wasting meds
desmopressin • 24-hour urine volume <1.5L 400 600 800
• (UNa + UK) > PlasmaNa

Osm (mOsm/kg)
400 1L 1.33L* 2L*

600 0.67L 1L 1.33L*

Urea 15g bid 800 0.5L 0.75L 1L

Tolvaptan 7.5mg qd or qod
Salt tablets (2g tid) *Fluid restriction of 1L may be
of some utility

Figure 2. A stepwise approach to management of hyponatremia in a patient with cancer. Desmopressin is usually adminis-
tered at a dose of 2 mg every 8 hours and 3% saline at a rate of 20-35 cc/hour and titrated per urine output and serum sodium
levels. Abbreviations: UNa, urine sodium; UK, Urine potassium; ADH, antidiuretic hormone.

leukemia with white cell counts exceeding 100,000/mL and ation is refeeding syndrome, which can occur in
is caused by a transcellular shift into leukemic blast cells malnourished patients. It can occur iatrogenically
in vitro if the sample is held before being analyzed for a when feeding is resumed, stimulating insulin release
prolonged period.41 Other factors such as elevated temper- and the development of hypokalemia, hypophosphate-
ature of the laboratory and recent administration of insulin mia, and hypomagnesemia.43
can also result in spurious sK1 values. The history, labora-
tory findings, and EKG changes make it unlikely in the Determine Renal vs. GI Losses. Urinary potassium excre-
case described. tion can be measured in a 24-h urine collection to measure
urine potassium loss. In a hypokalemic state, urine potas-
Determine Acid-Base Status. In addition to determina- sium excretion should be less than 20 mmol/day. If urine
tion of urinary losses of potassium, serum acid-base status potassium excretion is higher than 15 mmol/day, then it
should be taken into consideration because it can provide might indicate that the cause of hypokalemia is from renal
information about the etiology. For example, the presence wasting (Fanconi syndrome, current diuretic use,
of metabolic alkalosis can suggest primary or secondary cisplatin). This is the most accurate method but may not
causes of hyperaldosteronism. Metabolic alkalosis with
low urinary potassium excretion (eg, urine potassium
,20 mEq/L or urine potassium/Cr , 1.5) suggests vomit-
ing, previous diuretic use. Finally, a metabolic alkalosis Confirmation of true hypokalemia
with high urinary potassium excretion suggests diuretic
use. History taking and physical
The presence of metabolic acidosis with low urinary examination
potassium excretion can suggest GI loss due to laxative 24 hours urine potassium excretion/
use or a precancerous lesion–like villous adenoma. A (spot urine potassium to creatinine ratio)
number of chemotherapeutic drugs, such as cisplatin,
ifosfamide, and others, can cause renal tubular acidosis,
and the presence of hypokalemia and metabolic acidosis
with high urinary potassium excretion can suggest this Urine K/Cr ratio < 1.5 Urine K/Cr ratio > 1.5
• Decreased intake • Renal tubular acidosis
Consider Transcellular Shifts. Transcellular shifts as a • GI loss • Diuretic use, Fanconi syndrome
• Transcellular shift • Hypomagnesemia, adrenal
result of cancer or cancer complications can result in adenoma
hypokalemia. A rapid increase in cell production in • Cisplatin, Ifosfamide
the blast phase of leukemia is associated with hypoka- • Lysozymuria
lemia but can also occur in nonblastic leukemias.42 Figure 3. Diagnostic algorithm for hypokalemia. The key
Also, the rapid development of metabolic alkalosis, measure for the differentiating the cause of hypokalemia is
which can occur due to intense and prolonged vomit- the urine potassium-to-creatinine ratio (Urine K/Cr). Abbre-
ing associated with traditional chemotherapy, can cause viations: ICI, immune checkpoint inhibitor; RAAS, renin
massive potassium shifts into cells. Another consider- angiotensin aldosterone system.

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176 Ratanasrimetha et al

be convenient for patients. Another useful laboratory is Hgb 9.8 g/dL, platelets 60 K/mL, creatine kinase 26 U/L,
spot urine-potassium-to creatinine ratio. In a hypokalemic SCa 8.8 mg/dL, P 7.1 mg/dL, SCr 1.1 mg/dL, and uric
state, the spot urine-potassium-to-creatinine ratio should acid 12.2 mg/dL.
be less than 1.5. If the spot urine-potassium-to-creatinine Hyperkalemia is potentially deadly, and potassium regu-
ratio is higher, it is likely to indicate a renal loss.44 lation is essential. Hyperkalemia is defined as a serum or
Hypokalemia can occur in cancers that elaborate plasma potassium level typically greater than 5.0 mEq/L.
ectopic adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) such as Disruption of the potassium gradient can impair cellular
bronchial carcinoma, thyroid medullary carcinoma, as function resulting in acute neurologic and cardiovascular
well as SCLC that stimulates renal potassium wasting dysfunction and arrhythmia. Muscle weakness is a com-
from excess cortisol production. Cisplatin is platinum- mon feature of hyperkalemia, but the most lethal compli-
based chemotherapy used in several malignancies and cation is cardiac arrhythmias that can lead to sudden
as mentioned is commonly associated with the develop- death. Patients with hyperkalemia experience significantly
ment of hypokalemia. Other platinum-based chemother- higher emergency room visits, inpatient admission, hospi-
apies include oxaliplatin, carboplatin. Cisplatin can tal length of stay, readmission, and mortality.48 All-cause
cause renal injury via multiple mechanisms, but primar- mortality increases in hyperkalemia in a graded fashion.
ily it affects the proximal tubule cells, which undergo In study an analysis of more than 900,000 patients with
apoptotic injury. The hypomagnesemia related to various comorbidities, mortality was elevated for every
cisplatin is dose-related and can persist several months 0.1-mEq/L change in potassium $5.0 mEq/L, and the pres-
after discontinuation of cisplatin, and this can result in ence of comorbidities increased mortality.49,50 Patients
enduring hypokalemia. Cisplatin-induced renal magne- with severe hyperkalemia experienced up to 7.5-fold
sium wasting results from downregulation of TRPM-6 higher odds of death over an 18-month period.
magnesium channel in distal tubules.45 Magnesium reg-
ulates the renal outer medullary potassium channel Evaluation of Hyperkalemia. The approach to hyperkale-
(ROMK), and when levels of magnesium levels are mia should be informed by historical and laboratory clues,
low, a high efflux of potassium from ROMK results. and the general approach is summarized in Fig 4. If hyper-
Therefore, it is important in the clinical case above to cor- kalemia is suspected, rapid assessments with use of iSTATor
rect hypomagnesemia along with hypokalemia. Hypoka- chemistries from blood gas machine can be performed. The
lemia as a result of renal losses has also been described most common cause of hyperkalemia is pseudohyperkale-
in association with renal tubular acidosis in patients mia due to hemolysis of the sample measured due to disrup-
receiving immune checkpoint inhibitors, although the tion of cellular integrity resulting from the collection. Use of
mechanism is unknown.46 tourniquets, fist-pumping, or increased negative pressure
VIPoma or villous adenoma is frequently associated with from syringe aspiration can be factors that contribute to
hypokalemia, but these conditions are not very common. this phenomenon. Cancer-specific causes in myeloprolifera-
Other GI-related etiologies of hypokalemia involve tive disease with significant lymphocytosis, polycythemia,
decreased intake frequently seen in head and neck cancers, or thrombocytosis can be associated with pseudohyperkale-
anorexia, radiation injury, mucositis associated with high- mia. In the case we describe, cell fragility is a concern, and
dose chemotherapy, or other causes that render the patient the method of exclusion would be to allow fibrin clot to
unable to feed adequately. Furthermore, toxicity from form before centrifugation and measurement of sK1.
chemotherapy, radiation, and immunotherapy can all Although diet is often invoked as a cause of hyperkale-
cause diarrhea and consequent hypokalemia.47 mia, it is not expected unless there is a disruption of ho-
meostatic mechanisms to maintain normal serum
Management of Hypokalemia. The approach to potas- potassium or in the event of acute or chronic kidney dis-
sium replacement in patients with cancer is the same as ease. The body can eliminate over 15 g (400 mEq) of potas-
the normal population. Frequently, sK1 may not be a reli- sium in 24 hours, and in cases of potassium loading in
able marker for total-body potassium because extracel- normal individuals, there may be only transient hyperka-
lular potassium accounts for only 2% of the whole-body lemia.51 In hospitalized patients who receive a brisk
store and there may be significant ongoing renal losses. intravenous replacement, total parenteral nutrition, or
Therefore, post-treatment monitoring, after either intrave- large-volume blood transfusions, the infusion can over-
nously or oral therapy, is advisable. come the kidneys’ ability to eliminate potassium, however.
CKD is the most common predisposing condition for hy-
HYPERKALEMIA perkalemia.52 AKI, common in patients receiving cancer
therapy, results in a rapid decrease in GFR and tubular
Case flow, accompanied by a hypercatabolic state, tissue injury,
A 50-year-old female with a previous history of breast can- and high acute potassium loads.
cer and chemotherapy exposure was diagnosed with The primary route of eliminating potassium is kidneys
therapy-related acute monocytic leukemia. Before antici- and is where the principle regulation based on feedback
pated treatment with cytarabine-based chemotherapy, mechanisms occurs. Aldosterone is the principal hormone
she was given hydroxyurea but developed lower extrem- that regulates potassium excretion. Indeed, hyperkalemia
ity weakness. She was found to have hyperkalemia to due to deficiency (hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism) or
6.1 mmol/L. Her lab work showed a white blood cell 182, unresponsiveness is observed in patients with diabetes.

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Sodium and Potassium Disorders in Cancer 177

Confirmation of true hyperkalemia

(Must exclude pseudohyperkalemia from hemolysis,

leukocytosis, polycythemia and thrombocytosis)

Detail history taking and physical examination to determine etiology

Tumor-related etiologies Non tumor-related etiologies

• Adrenal insufficiency from pituitary/adrenal tumor • AKI/CKD who had blood transfusion
• Adrenalitis/hypophysitis from ICI • Iatrogenic causes (e.g., excessive K replacement)
• Rhabdomyolysis from electrolyte disorders, • Diabetes (e.g., hyperglycemia, type 4 RTA) Adrenal
chemotherapy or ICI insufficiency from abrupt cessation of steroids
• Tumor lysis syndrome • Use of medications that interfere with RAAS

Figure 4. Diagnostic algorithm for hyperkalemia. Pseudohyperkalemia is common in cancer and should be excluded before
the various etiologies are considered.

Furthermore, medications that disrupt the renin- been several reports of rhabdomyolysis as a consequence
angiotensin-aldosterone axis are associated with the of the use of ICIs in cancer.
development of hyperkalemia. The use of these agents in Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is entirely cancer-specific
patients with cancer reflects the general population, partic- and is the culprit in the case described. It occurs more
ularly if patients suffer from hypertension, diabetes, or frequently in patients with a significant disease burden
congestive heart failure. Hyperkalemia can be seen in ad- or high replication rates, such as leukemia or
renal insufficiency, which can occur due to steroid with- high-grade lymphomas or tumors responsive to therapy.
drawal after a prolonged course, primary or metastatic It can occur spontaneously or result from traditional
tumor involvement of adrenal or pituitary gland, and sur- chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, or ra-
gical resection of the adrenal or pituitary gland.53,54 Adre- diation. TLS requires immediate recognition and man-
nalitis or hypophysitis from immunotherapy can also agement. TLS can lead to AKI, cardiac arrhythmias,
cause hyperkalemia.55 seizures, and significant mortality associated with the
Significant tissue or widespread cellular injury will result disorder. Lysis of tumor cells results in an immediate
in hyperkalemia because of intracellular contents releasing efflux of intracellular contents such as potassium, phos-
into the extracellular fluid space. Patients with cancer can phorus, and uric acid into the bloodstream. The most
suffer from rhabdomyolysis from traditional chemo- widely used diagnostic criteria are listed in Table 1, first
therapy as well as novel therapies. Rhabdomyolysis has proposed by Cairo and colleagues.60 It should be noted
been described after treatment with cyclophosphamide, that hyperkalemia is typically the earliest laboratory
5-azacytidine, interleukin-2, interferon, pemetrexed, and manifestation of TLS and that the syndrome can occur
cytarabine.56,57 The use of immune-checkpoint inhibitors without the presence of clinically evident features.
(ICIs) has expanded, and these patients can experience When clinical features such as oliguric AKI occur, it can
immune-related adverse effects (irAEs) including further contribute to hyperkalemia.
myositis.58,59 Although it appears to be rare, there have
Management of Hyperkalemia. The approach to hyper-
kalemia management in patients with cancer is similar
Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Tumor Lysis Syndrome to that in the general population. Hospitalized patients
Cairo-Bishop Definition of Laboratory Tumor Lysis Syndrome with significant hyperkalemia should undergo electro-
cardiogram evaluation to risk stratify and identify pa-
Uric acid x $ 8 mg/dL or 25% increase from baseline tients who require emergency interventions to correct
Potassium x $ 6 mEq/L or 25% increase from baseline hyperkalemia.61 Emergency management includes car-
Phosphorous x $ 6.5 mg/dL (children), x $ 4.5 mg/dL
diac protection, including intravenous calcium. Measures
(adults) or 25% increase from baseline
Calcium x # 7 mg/dL or 25% decrease
to promote potassium uptake into cells, including intra-
from baseline venous insulin, dextrose solution, and beta-2 adrenergic
agents, should be considered. In cases where renal func-
Cairo-Bishop Definition of Clinical Tumor Lysis Syndrome tion is preserved or in instances of nonoliguric renal
injury, loop diuretics may enhance the elimination of po-
1. Creatinine: x . 1.5 ULN (age . 12 years or age adjusted) tassium. The use of GI cation exchangers, such as pa-
2. Cardiac arrhythmia/sudden death tiromer, or sodium zirconium cyclosilicate, can also be
3. Seizure
considered. Finally, dialysis can be considered depending

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178 Ratanasrimetha et al

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