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Needs update:

I understand your point of view however.

According with the magazine FP News We need a lot of reforms urgent at a time when
democracy is increasingly at risk. Already, the young are growing more skeptical of the liberal
democratic system.

Even if the trend toward deglobalization were to slow or reverse, major reforms to a
democratic system that is currently viewed as sacrosanct would still be necessary.

Indeed, without these reforms, the lure of authoritarian models of governance will grow
stronger, and democracies could increasingly fall under the sway of a disillusioned, uninformed
electorate who put poorly qualified populist leaders in office. Electing such leaders will not
make America or any other nation great again; it will lead instead to bad policy and less
economic growth.

Short-term thinking and politician obsessed with next election. According to David Susuki,
Canadian ecological campaigner, the democracy should be upgraded because politicians are
obsessed with the next election and their own party benefits in the short-term but not thinking
in solving long-term issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

I understand your point of view however According to the foreign policy magazine

When democracy works, it delivers economic growth and fundamental freedoms in a way that
no other system can. And when it fails, it is rarely, if ever, replaced by a system that can do a
better job of delivering for its population. Democracies must adapted or they will
deteriorating. Eradicating political myopia is essential, but even more radical reforms will be

First, policymakers should bind current governments and their successors more firmly to
policies once laws have been passed. Now, policies committed to and enacted by an
incumbent are routinely unwound, thereby creating policy uncertainty, which in turn hurts
investment and ultimately impedes economic growth.

I understand your point of view, however. According to the BBC news, we need to reinvent
democracy because ignores the interests of future people. The citizens of tomorrow in most
countries don't have any bodies to represent their concerns or potential views on decisions
today that will undoubtedly affect their lives. That's why hundreds of thousands of
schoolchildren worldwide, like as teenager Greta Thunberg, have been striking and marching
to get rich nations to reduce their carbon emissions: they have had enough of democratic
systems that render them voiceless and airbrush their futures out of the political picture.
The time has come to face an inconvenient reality. We treat the future like a distant colonial
outpost devoid of people, where we can freely dump ecological degradation, technological
risk, nuclear waste and public debt, and that we feel at liberty to plunder as we please. But
could an assembly of today's citizens really be able to step into the shoes of future generations
and effectively represent their interests? For that reason, the democracy needs an update.

According to the Nesta’s DCENT project democratic institutions look much as they have done
in decades because they are not using new technology. Most debates require speakers to be
physically present, there is little use of digital information and data sharing during parliament
sessions, little use of participatory budgeting in a digital manner, there are still many
documents printed demonstrating not worrying about the carbon footprint. There have been
some experiments on the matter but very few. New experiments are showing how digital
technologies can play a critical role in engaging new groups of people, empowering citizens
and forging a new relationship between cities and local residents, and parliamentarians and
citizens. At the parliamentary level, including in Brazil and France, experiments with new tools
are enabling citizens to contribute to draft legislation. Political parties such as Podemos in
Spain and the Icelandic Pirate Party are using tools such as Loomio, Reddit and Discourse to
enable party members and the public to deliberate and feed into policy proposals.

Doesn’t need

one of the most basic design elements of democracy is the mechanism of performance
accountability that is supposed to come from citizens voting. In simple terms, it is assumed
that voters know what they want, can identify what policies will help them get what they want
and deliver results. Yet in the study Democracy for Realists, the political scientists Christopher
Achen and Larry Bartels offer a comprehensive critique of this view, which they label the “folk
theory” of democracy. They demonstrate voter behavior is determined by partisan identities
that voters assume, based on various sociocultural factors, especially race, faith, and peer
groups. In other words, voters’ policy preferences are shaped by their identity, rather than
independent thought on any issue.

they hadn't worked only on their own research however in many dozens of specific studies by
other researchers. They have found, some comparative studies of civic literacy of citizens in
different democracies. they show that significant levels of voter ignorance are a reality in most
democracies. For that reason, the democracy doesn't need to change instead of that the
people must be more responsible with their vote.

I understand your point of view however, According to the magazine American interest
democracy need to focus less on what they might believe to be shortcomings of democracy
itself, and more on what specific and often distinctive elements of the political system are
exacerbating these issues. Blame for our current political is only ours because we are
responsible about of emit an informed vote y with that we can hope the best results of a real

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