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This Freelance Architect Contract (design of a residential building in Pennsylvania,
USA) is entered into between Eda Constructors represented by Mr. George
hereinafter referred to as the "Client," and Mr. Prince Jade J. Andres, hereinafter
referred to as the "Architect," collectively referred to as the "Parties," on this

1. Scope of Work:
The Architect, Ar. Prince Jade J. Andres, agrees to provide architectural
services for the project described as the design of a residential building. The scope
of work includes designing and planning the residential building.

2. Payment Terms:
The budget which has been allocated to the architect to deliver the plans
and the renders has been discussed to be 4900USD and payment shall be made
via Bitcoin, or USDT (tether) as the proposed architect wishes and of course
following the metaverse freelancers’ payment policy
a) The Client agrees to pay the Architect an advance payment of 40% of the total
project cost, amounting to $1960, upon the signing of this Contract.
b) An additional payment of 30% of the total project cost, amounting to $1470,
will be made when the Architect completes 50% of the project.
c) The remaining 30% of the total project cost, amounting to $1470, will be paid
upon completion and approval of the project.

3. Timeline:
The Architect agrees to complete the project by January 2nd, 2024.delays in
the project timeline will be communicated promptly to the Client.

4. Ownership and Rights:

The Architect retains ownership of all original concepts, designs, and plans
created during the project. The Client will have a non-exclusive license to use the
final designs for the purpose specified in this Contract.

5. Confidentiality:
Both Parties agree to keep all project-related information confidential and not
disclose it to third parties without written consent.

6. Changes and Revisions:

Any changes or revisions to the scope of work must be agreed upon in
writing by both Parties. Additional charges may apply for significant changes.

7. Termination:
Either Party may terminate this Contract in writing if the other Party fails to
fulfill its obligations. In such a case, the Client will pay for services rendered up to
the termination date.

8. Governing Law:
This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of Metaverse Association of Freelance Architects and Designers.

9. Signatures:
By signing below, the Parties acknowledge and agree to the terms of this
"Liability Protection Statement: The client acknowledges and agrees that the
architect shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or liability arising from the
design, construction, or use of the residential building. The architect assumes no
responsibility for errors, omissions, or unforeseen circumstances that may occur
during the project. The client agrees to indemnify and hold the architect harmless
from any claims, costs, or damages related to the project
Mr. Kelvin

Ar. Prince Jade Andres

Name: Ar. Prince Jade J. Andres
Email/Mobile. No:


Date: Dec 14th ,2023.

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