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🥰Thank you so much for purchasing!!

For any help, don’t hesitate to contact me with your questions! I also
love feedback :)

Materials you’ll need!

Pawpad material (Minky,fleece,vinyl,ect.)
Faux fur
Sewing Supplies
Spandex/Lycra (For the removable pillows)
Biased tape or cuff material (optional)

I’ve listened to previous customers ask about video assistance and have uploaded an
unlisted youtube video for that purpose! This written tutorial will work off of that as well.
I’m not at all someone who is tech savvy , so I apologize that the video isn’t better quality.
I hope it helps anyway!
Video link:

Step 1:
You’ll need to lay your fur out, and trace and cut your patterns out. Be sure to
make sure your fur direction is in line with the arrows on the patterns. Each piece
will need to be mirrored and all will need to be doubled to ensure you have enough
to make two paws!
If you’re using a sewing machine make sure to cut with seam allowance. If you will
be hand sewing your project, you will not need to worry about this.

Step 2:
Time to sew the paw pads! You’ll need to pin the fur to the fabric and sew along the
guideline on the back of the fur piece. You’ll essentially be sewing the pawpad on
top of the fur side.
I like to use an embroidery hoop for all of my paw pads, but it is not necessary.
You can otherwise pin the fur to the material and sew that way. I’ll make sure to
throw some pictures below for a reference of how I use the embroidery hoop to
sew my pawpads :)
This method is ESPECIALLY helpful if you are hand sewing the pawpads. It helps
hold the material tight as you sew. This is the same case with machine sewing.

Step 3:
Once you’ve sewn all of the paw pads, you’ll want to start sewing the ‘top finger’
darts. You’ll want to sew the dart together like the picture below. (The photo is
poor quality since it’s a screenshot from the video!)
✨ This is the step that you’ll want to sew the claws in if you wish to do so. You’ll want to
sew them close to the bottom of the dart. Make sure to stuff them before sewing them
into the dart.
Step 4:
You’ll now be able to sew the fingers together! Go ahead and do so, making sure to
match the top finger and bottom finger piece match up properly! This may take a
little getting used to at first, don’t stress too much if you don’t get it the first
time. It helps to pin the pieces together before sewing in my experience.

Step 5:
Take the fingers and pin them to the base pieces! You can either machine sew, or
hand sew this step. I definitely prefer hand sewing, as seen in the video. You’ll
want to go ahead and sew the fingers to the base pieces. All of the paw pads should
be on the same side of the paw! After sewing the fingers to the base pieces, you
can then sew the sides up! Your paw should now look like the picture below.
Step 6:
Go ahead and flip the paw inside out, as seen in the video. You’ll most probably want
to brush the fur out as well! Now you’re ready to make the pillow padding.
Take your lining material and repeat the process of making a finger. Once you have
your finger piece sewn, you’ll flip it inside out, stuff the finger, and sew the
bottom of the piece shut. These will be removable and easy to wash if needed. An
example has been attached below!
Step 7:
From there you can add your cuff if you’d like, and now you have a paw! The same
instructions go for the Monster paw, only on a larger scale. Thank you so much for
purchasing and if you have any questions or something in the instructions is
confusing, again, you’re more than welcome to dm me!!

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