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Clichéd Plots

a. The love triangle

b. Forbidden love
c. “He shoots, he scores.”
d. A story about the chosen one
e. A prophecy being fulfilled
f. Portals to another world
g. The sequel where the couple has split up and must be reunited.
h. The magical item of great importance
i. The best friend falls in love with the main character
j. Character goes to a magic school of some kind
k. A retired guy called back into service because he's the ONLY
ONE who can get the job done.
l. The bad guy is really the main character's parent
m. The man who's planning to retire... you know he's going to die...
and he does!
n. The "we look alike, let's switch places" plot
o. The rakish hero who falls for the virginal heroine. He's a
heartbreaker, but now he's met the one woman who can tame
his wild heart.
p. The couple that hates each other at the beginning but end up
together by the end of the book.
q. The plain girl who gets a makeover and all of a sudden she's
gorgeous and all the guys love her.
r. The orphan who turns out to be someone really important
Clichéd phrases:

a. add insult to injury

b. back to the drawing board
c. come hell or high water
d. dressed to the nines
e. easier said than done
f. fit as a fiddle
g. go the extra mile
h. have the last laugh
i. in hot water
j. judge a book by its cover
k. keep an eye on
l. look what the cat dragged in
m. make my day
n. no pain, no gain
o. on the tip of my tongue
p. play your cards right
q. quick as a wink
r. raining cats and dogs
s. sweating bullets
t. tip of the iceberg
u. up his sleeve
v. vain attempt
w. what goes around comes around
x. you can run, but you can't hide

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