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What are my Strengths and Needs?

Wellness Wheel Area Strength Need I want to learn more about…
 Examples:  Examples:  Examples:
 Improvement of Overall Wellness:  Improvement of Overall Wellness:  Improvement of Overall Wellness:
Spiritual  Connection to other Wellness Wheel  Connection to other Wellness Areas:  Connection to other Wellness Wheel Areas: CALM

 Examples:  Examples: My emotional wellness is an  Examples:

 Improvement of Overall Wellness:
area of the Wellness Wheel in which I
 Improvement of Overall Wellness:
Emotional  Connection to other Wellness Wheel
believe I could use improvement, as an
individual who buries herself in a variety  Connection to other Wellness Wheel Areas:
Areas: of activities. As a very academic student,
I often sway towards taking advanced
classes, including heavy course loads,
which occupy much of my time. As a
result, I sometimes struggle to manage
my schedule, as I juggle school work,
extracurriculars, additional pastimes, and
a healthy lifestyle. In addition, I often
lack the will to ask for help, often leading
me to work harder to achieve a task that
could otherwise easily be achieved.
Consequently, my emotional wellness
often deteriorates, making it a category
in which I need improvement. With the
combined stress of a busy schedule and
my inclination to decline help, I often
find the stress I’m under accumulates
uncontrollably. Moving forward, it will
serve as a definite area for improvement.
 Improvement of Overall Wellness:
Improving my emotional wellness is
extremely significant in my overall well-
being, as it is vital to my development.
Possessing a healthy mindset permits me
to have a better quality of life, as I look
towards the positives in life, and balance
my obligations with a healthy lifestyle.
Additionally, improving my emotional
wellness will also provide motivation to
pursue the improvement of my being as
a whole.
 Connection to other Wellness Wheel
Areas: Emotional wellness connects to
several aspects of my overall wellness,
including physical and social wellness. It
is an area that largely impacts my
motivation and drive to balance a
healthy lifestyle, manage stress and
obtain regular exercise. When my
emotional wellness is in a decline, it
often has significantly negative physical
repercussions, as I feel lethargic and
indifferent. In terms of social wellness, it
decides my willingness to build
relationships among others, while
influencing my confidence in others
when I am faced with challenges. My
emotional wellness plays a crucial role in

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