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Onosi walked through the class corridors with her head down, she
could feel the other student's eyes piercing through her skin, the
whispers got loud as she got in class then everyone kept quiet. She sat
on her chair and took out her Setswana note book from her backpack.
She paged through her book and looked at the board.

"Hey I am always sleepy this days, one of you girls is pregnant" one
student said at the back then everyone laughed. Onosi swallowed a
big lump that stuck on her throat. The students continued making
remarks then they all kept quiet as the Setswana teacher came inside
the class.

Teacher: Good morning class

Students: Good morning teacher..

The teacher put a pile of test papers on the table then she picked one
up. She clicked her tongue and looked at the students.

Teacher: Mxm, Onosi go get me my stick from the stuff room, you
guys failed this test but I taught you this just last week. The highest is
Onosi with seventy percent then all of you got less than fifty percent.
The whole class mumbled, Onosi quietly stood up and went to the
stuff room.

Student: Aah Madam how can we pass when we are always sleeping
in class, obviously Onosi is the highest because she is the one making
all of us sleepy.

The whole class agreed, the teacher folded her arms and looked at

Teacher: What do you mean she is making you sleepy?

No one said anything.

Teacher: Nkosi I am talking to you, what do you mean she is making

you sleepy?
Nkosi: Aah Madam you know what I mean?

Onosi came in class holding the stick, the teacher's eyes fell on her
stomach then she looked away.

Teacher: Thank you .

She put the stick down and went back to her table.

Teacher: Laone ten percent, Kegomoditswe sixteen percent, Moagi

thirty six percent, Nkosi twenty percent, Godfrey fifty eight percent,
Kushata fourth percent, Onosi seventy six percent.

All the students went to the front and got their papers.

At the Butcher Shop

Mr Dikgang parked his van outside then the shop assistant went
outside and helped him take the stock inside the shop.

Dikgang: You are going to knock off late today re dira stock taking.
Assistant: Sir I told you my mother is all alone at home and she is sick,
we agreed that I will knock off early today.

Mr Dikgang sighed and took out his phone going outside dialing his

Nkagi: Hello.
Dikgang: Hello when Onosi comes home from school tell her to come
here and help me with stock taking.
Nkagi: Okay no problem.
Nkagi hung up her phone and continued cleaning the girls bedroom
mumbling something, she picked up a dirty plate from under the bed
and shook her head. "Banyana ba ba boata mo go maswe" she said
then put the plate ontop of the drawer, she continued cleaning, she
emptied all the drawers in the dustbin and bit her lower lip looking at
the packet of unopened pads under Onosi's bed, she got on her knees
and looked under the bed, there were other five packets of pads.
Nkagi shook her head and put them on the bed then continued

During lunch break at School..

Onosi got her food and went to the classroom, she put the food on
the table and rubbed her stomach as the baby kicked. Someone
knocked on the door, Onosi quickly pulled her oversized Jersey down
and pulled the table in her.

Teacher: Hello how are you?

Onosi: I am fine madam, you are looking for me?
Teacher: Yes, I.

The teacher pulled a plastic chair and sat Infront of the Onosi.

Teacher: You are not your usual self these days, something wrong?
Onosi: No i am fine.
Teacher: No you are not fine you no longer participate in class, you
are not your usual self, I know you are a quiet person but this days it's
like your mind is elsewhere.

Onosi looked down.

Teacher: Your marks have also lowered, what's going on?

Onosi: Nothing Mam..
Teacher: Are you sure?
Onosi: Yes..
Teacher: There is a rumour going on around school I don't know if you
have heard it.

Onosi looked down.

Teacher: I just want you to know that I was a teenage mother and i
know what you are going through.
Teacher: Nono please talk to me, have you registered at the clinic?
Teacher: Have you told the father?
Onosi: It doesn't have a father.
Teacher: Okay but have you registered? It's important for both you
and the child.

The teacher sighed, she didn't know what to do or say anymore.

Teacher: Does your mother know?

Onosi: I stay with my Aunt, my mother is dead.
Teacher: Have you told your Aunt?

She shook her head.

Teacher: How far along are you?

Onosi: Six months.
Teacher: It's important that you tell your Aunt, you will come back to
school next year and start form two again.
Onosi: I can't tell her..
Teacher: Do you want me to tell her?
Onosi: No, she will ask who the father is and i don't want to talk about
Teacher: Okay, I understand but you will have to go to the hospital to
register the pregnancy, it's a risky pregnancy because you are still
young and..
A group of students came in class, both Onosi and the teacher
stopped talking. The teacher stood up.

Teacher: Wena Nkosi I want my homework first thing tomorrow.

Nkosi: Yes Madam..
Teacher: Bye Onosi, I want my homework tomorrow.
Onosi: Ee mma.

The teacher left, Nkosi picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the

Nkosi: Nono o kile wa koma malutu?

Onosi: No why would I do that.
Nkosi: Just asking akere your stomach is big.

A group of mean girls walked in class and started laughing.

Girl: Boys before books.

Girl 2: No it's Books before boy because boys bring babies.

They all laughed.

Girl: It's clear some people don't know.

Onosi breathed out heavily, she stood up and folded her arms walking
towards the girls.

Girl: Bathong it's so hot why are you wearing a jersey?

Onosi: You know you can mock me all you want, call me names all you
want but you will never be smart like me. I am going to come back to
school and continued getting straight A's, you girls are going to finish
school before me but I know you will never get anywhere in life.
Wena Laone you are beautiful, you will win Miss Maun but you will
never be Miss Botswana because kwa they are looking for smart girls
who are in tertiary but wena the only time you will ever enter the
gate of tertiary is when you go check on your boyfriend. The rest of
you are ugly and stupid I am scared to even think about where you
will be in ten years but don't worry maybe I will need a nanny or a
security guard at my mansion.

The girls kept quiet, Onosi went back to her desk, she pushed her
plate and it fell down, Nkosi jumped from the table and picked up the
piece of meat.

Girl: A re mansion ne?

Nkosi: Wa yaka mme ene she told you.. study hard Moghel.

Onosi took out her Science text book and started reading.
Later that day..

Palesa stomped on the stoop and went inside the house with her bag
hanging on her shoulder. Her mother came from the kitchen with a
dish cloth on her shoulder.

Nkagi: I moped and polished this house, go dust your shoes outside.
Palesa: Aah I am hungry nna.

She went straight to their bedroom and threw her backpack on the
bed, she removed her shoes and went to the kitchen walking with her
socks, she opened the pot and smiled.

Nkagi: Where is Onosi?

Palesa: She is still at school.. (looked down) People are saying things
at school
Nkagi: Things like what?
Palesa: That she is pregnant but nna i don't know anything.

Nkagi sat down by the dining table and buried her head in her hand.

Nkagi: I found six packets of pads under her bed go raa gore she
hasn't been using them.
Nkagi: I will talk to her, go change your uniform o te o tsamaye le
Nono to the shop for stock taking.
Palesa: Okay.

Palesa took an apple from the fridge and went to their bedroom. The
school bus parked outside and the youngest kids came running inside.

Nkagi: Guys i just mopped the floor don't run you will..

Before she finished her sentence the youngest was already on the
floor crying. Her phone rang, she picked it up and went to the sitting
room, she picked up the baby and picked up the call.

Nkagi: Hello
Dikgang: Where is Nono?
Nkagi: She is not back from school yet, she will come with Palesa.
Dikgang: Palesa mixes up the stock, Nono will be working with Pino
Nkagi: She is not home yet I will tell her.. bye Shima fell and bit his

Nkagi put the phone down and wiped the baby's lips with her t-shirt.
The smell of burning meat came from the kitchen.
Nkagi: Shit..

She put the baby down and ran to the kitchen, she picked up the pot
and burnet her fingers and let go of the pot, it fell down and the meat

Nkagi: Eish..

She sat on the chair and screamed into her hands. "Mama ngwana o
kakile" one of the kids shouted from the sitting room.

The door opened and Nono came, she went straight to the kitchen
where her aunt was.

Nono: Dumelang..
Nkagi: Hi..

Nono looked at the mess on the floor then looked at the baby who
just crawled in with her diaper full.

Onosi: I will go change and help you.

Nkagi: No, rraagwe Palesa a re o ye go ba thusa stock taking.
Nono's heart pounded, she knew what was going to happen, it was
going to be more than just stock taking. She felt a little dizzy, she sat
down and sighed.

Nkagi: Nono..
Onosi: I am not feeling well today
Nkagi: What's wrong with you?
Onosi: I am not feeling well..
Nkagi: Akere you won't be working alone, Pino will also be there
Onosi: Okay..

She went to their bedroom and changed into a dress and an oversized
jacket she got from her uncle.

At the Butcher Shop..

Nono walked inside the shop and looked around, Dikgang helped the
last customer then walked him to the door, he closed the door and
locked it from inside. Onosi looked around and noticed it was just the
two of them.

Onosi: Where is Pino I thought she would be here

Dikgang: She is not here, go get me something in the storeroom.
Onosi: ..
Dikgang: I am talking to you.
Onosi: What should i get you?
Dikgang: A box, it's by the door.

Nono put her hands in the pockets and went to the storeroom then
she heard Dikgang's footsteps. She quickly turned around and
bumped into him.

Dikgang: Let's finish up before we start stock taking.

Onosi: (Teary) I don't want to.
Dikgang: But I want to, riana you are wasting my time.
Onosi: Please I don't want to do this, if you force me I am going to
report you.

Dikgang stepped back, it was the first time she threatened him.

Dikgang: You are going to report me? Haha I will just tell everyone
that you seduced me walking around half naked in my house, I will
tell everyone you said you want me to take care of you like i take care
of your Aunt, then your Aunt is going to chase you away from her
house, where will you go, you have no one apart from her, if I go to
jail your Aunt will be left to take care of the six kids on her own. Next
time you threaten me think about the lives you will be ruining
including yours and your child's.
Nono wiped her tears and staged back.

Dikgang: You think people will believe I forced myself on you, we have
been doing this for more than five years. Everyone will think you are
lying and that am I right, they will ask you why you didn't report the
first time it happened.

Nono wiped her mucus and tears with her sleeves.

Dikgang: Now don't waste my time, take off that panty.

Nono just remained still, Dikgang clicked his tongue and pulled her, he
pushed her down on the ground and removed her panty, he wet his
finger and rubbed it on Nono's vagina then he squeezed his penis in
her vagina, Nono looked away with tears running down her cheeks
and closed her eyes as Dikgang's sweat dripped down her face.
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Later that evening..

Palesa bent her back respectively holding a bucket and a cup of warm
water. She washed her dad's hands and gave him a dish cloth, Dikgang
wiped his hands and rested his back on the sofa yawning.

Nkagi: Did you manage to finish stock taking?

Dikgang: No it was a lot, ask Nono to come by tomorrow after school
again. She is working hard I think I should start paying her to make
pocket money, maybe hundred pula everytime she helps at the shop.
Nkagi: (Smiled) That would be nice, le ene she will be able to buy
herself something.
Dikgang: Yeah, I am going to bath and go to bed
Nkagi: Okay i am coming.

Nkagi continued feeding the kids, Palesa sat down holding her plate,
she increased the volume of TV.

Nkagi: Your father is sleeping.

Palesa grabbed the remote again and lowered the TV volume.

Palesa: Mama Nono didn't take her food, she is already sleeping.
Nkagi: Leave her..
Palesa: She is supposed to wash the dishes.
Nkagi: It's fine I will do it, she is tired from the stocktaking.
Palesa: (Frowned) If it was me you wouldn't volunteer to help me, we
all know you love Nono more than you love us.
Nkagi: No it's nothing like that, I love all of you guys. You have to
understand her situation.
Nono: What situation, maybe I should also get pregnant to get the
special treatment.

Palesa stood up and stormed outside, Nkagi sighed and stood up, she
put the food's kids in the oven and took Onosi's to the bedroom.

Nkagi: Nono..

She pulled back the duvet and turned her around, Nono quickly pulled
the duvet and covered her stomach.

Nkagi: You are not coming to eat?

Nono: (Crying) I am not hungry.
Nkagi: But you have to eat, you might not be hungry but the baby is.

Nono looked the other way and closed her eyes crying.

Nkagi: When were you going to tell me about it?

Nono; I don't know what you are talking about.
Nkagi: You have to go register at the hospital, your body is so little it's
going to be impossible to carry the baby full term.
Nkagi: Nono!
Nono: (Crying) Aren't you mad at me?
Nkagi: Mad at such a big baby, even if I wanted to its too late, the
baby is here, the best thing we can do is focus on yours and the baby's

Nono covered her eyes crying.

Nkagi: Come on eat.

Nono: I am sorry, he forced himself on me.
Nkagi: (Snapped) What? Who did that to you?
Nkagi: Nono you have to tell me so we can report that monster, who
knows maybe he has HIV. He will go to jail for defilement.
Nono: You believe me?
Nkagi: Kids don't lie about rape, who did this to you I am not going to
spare him.
Nono: Rraagwe Palesa.
Nkagi: (Jaws dropped) What?
Nono: I am sorry i thought you wouldn't believe me. He also did it
today when we were stock taking, Pino wasn't at the shop it was just
him and me.

Nkagi stood up and looked at her niece, she took a long deep breath
and covered her mouth. How could she have not realised this or
noticed anything.

Nono: He says no one is going to believe me, he has been doing it

since I was doing standard seven.

Nkagi covered her mouth and sat on Palesa's bed.

Nono: You don't believe me?

Nkagi: (Crying) Why didn't you tell me?
Nono: I was scared, what would happen to you and the kids of he
goes to jail?
Nkagi: Is there anyone you told about this?

Nono shook her head, Nkagi clicked her tongue and stormed out of
the room to their bedroom, she slammed the door and pulled the

Dikgang: And then?

Nkagi: (Crying) She is a child, she is fourteen how could you, how
could you rape her?

Dikgang got off bed and looked at Nkagi.

Dikgang: So you are going to believe her over me?

Nkagi: Nono never lies, how could you. You have a daughter how
would you feel of someone raped them? Nono is my only sister's child
and i am going to protect her, I have girls and i am going to protect
them from you. You are a monster, what do you see on a fourteen
years old child, she doesn't even have breasts, what do you...

Dikgang slapped Nkagi across the face before she finished her
sentence, she fell down and started crying. Dikgang started kicking
her and sat on her, he started punching her and spat on her.

Dikgang: I found you in the gutter, I took care of you and your niece,
this is the thanks I get?

The door opened and Palesa came running inside, she tried to pull her
father, he pushed her and she fell by the door.

Meanwhile in the other bedroom, Nono put on her dress and ran to
the bedroom.
Nono: (Cried) I lied please leave her alone, please don't beat her, I
Dikgang: Wena (pointed at Nono) Get out of my house.

Nono staged back.

Dikgang: Get out.

Nono ran to the bedroom and started packing her clothes. Dikgang
got of Nkagi and left her unconscious on the floor, he went to the
kids' bedroom and grabbed Nono by the hand.

Dikgang: I feed you and the next thing you start spreading rumours
about me, you go around opening your legs for boys and you accuse
Nono: (Crying) You are hurting me..

Dikgang pushed her outside and she fell on her stomach, she
screamed and cradled her stomach in pain. Dikgang slammed the door
and went back to the bedroom. Amantle hugged her little siblings all
frightened and surprised about what just happened.

Outside, Nono cried out loud and crawled to the gate with blood
dripping from her thighs. She opened the gate and crawled towards
the gravel road.
Nkosi and his friend stood behind the brick wall smoking, Nkosi
stopped smoking and listened attentively.

Nkosi: Someone is crying.

The both peeked and saw Nono.

Friend: It's that girl from your class.

They both threw away the cigarettes and rushed to her.

Nkosi: Iyoo she is bleeding.

Nono: Please help me, call the ambulance.

The two guys looked at each other then ran towards the road and
started screaming for help. A black Mercedes Benz stopped and the
man rolled down the window.

Nkosi: We need help our friend is bleeding.

The man turned to their side, the two boys got in the car and showed
him where Nono was. He stepped out and looked at all the blood.
Man: Shit, what happened to her.
Nkosi: We don't know, (pointing) She stays there.

The man picked up Nono and put her at the back, Nkosi got in the
front and the man quickly reversed out leaving dust behind.

At the Hospital

The man parked by the emergency and stepped out, he picked up

Nono and ran inside with her.

Nurse: Doctor?
Doctor: Get me Doctor Arson and book the scan as soon as yesterday.

The Nurse ran outside the cubicle, the Doctor connected oxygen mask
on Nono and checked her pulse.

Doctor: Shit, we are loosing her.

He pushed her bed out and parked it by the elevator. He clicked his
tongue and picked her up, he ran up the stairs with Nono in his hands.
Doctor Arson: What do we have?
Doctor: We are loosing the mother, heart beat is low but I could feel
the baby kicking.

Doctor Arson put on his gloves and followed his colleague into
theater. THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At Dikgang's house

Nkagi looked at herself in the mirror, she took out a tissue and wiped
her tears and the corner of her bleeding lips then reached for a bottle
of vaseline and applied on her lips. Palesa came in and slightly closed
the door, she looked at her mother frightened and folded her arms.

Nkagi: Where is Nono?

Palesa: I don't know, Mama why did Dad beat you?

Nkagi sniffed and stood up, she changed into a clean dress and went

Nkagi: Nono!
She went outside and looked around the dark neighbourhood calling
out Nono's name. She went outside to the gravel road and looked

Nkagi: Onosi! Nono..

At the Hospital

Doctor Arson and the Doctor walked out of theater rubbing their
hands together. Doctor covered his face and sighed. He sat down and
closed his eyes with tears in his eyes. The Nurses passed by them
pushimg out the premature baby to the Neonatal intensive care unit.

Arson: Do you know her family?

Doctor: No, (wiped his tears) But I know people who do.

The Doctor walked outside to his car and found the boys taking
photos by his car. Nkosi fixed his trouser and looked at the Doctor.

Doctor: How well did you know that girl?

Nkosi: She is my classmate.
Doctor: Do you know her parents's number?
Nkosi shook his head. The Doctor took out a few coins from his pocket
and wrote down his number on a piece of paper.

Doctor: Give this number to her mother and tell her to call me.
Nkosi: Yes Sir
Doctor: (Gave him the coins) Here, for transport.

The two boys left, the Doctor sat in his car with his face buried in his
hands. He sighed and removed the bloody t-shirt.

At Dikgang's House

Dikgang parked his car outside and opened the door, Palesa quickly
went to lock her bedroom door and got in bed. Dikgang passed Nkagi
in the sitting room and didn't say anything to her.

Nkagi: Where is Nono?

Dikgang: I chased her out, she probably went to her baby's father's
Nkagi: Why would she lie about you? Nono doesn't lie, she would
never lie about such a big thing.
Dikgang: You heard her, she said she was lying, why are you still
following this or you want to follow her? I worked hard to be where i
am right now and i am not going to have your Niece ruin my
Nkagi kept quiet, someone knocked at the door, Dikgang turned
around and opened the door.

Nkosi: Dumelang
Dikgang: Boys what are you doing here so late?
Nkosi: Gatwe re he mmagwe Onosi this number, it's from the Doctor.

Nkagi quickly stood up and took the piece of paper from the boy.

Nkagi: Who is this Doctor?

Nkosi: He is the one who took Nono to the hospital.

Nkagi looked at the number then at Dikgang.

Nkagi: Thank you boys.

She closed the door after them and grabbed her phone, he dialed the
number and put on loudspeaker.

Doctor: Hello
Nkagi: Hello this is Nono's mother, I got your number from the boys.
Doctor: Can you please come to the hospital, she just gave birth to a
premature baby.
Nkagi: Is she and the baby okay?
Nkagi: Please answer me, are they okay?
Doctor: Please come to the hospital mam, ask for Doctor Morris when
you get here.

Nkagi put her phone down and wiped her tears, she looked up at
Dikgang then she stood up, she went to get her handbag and opened
the door, she turned around and looked at Dikgang crying.

Nkagi: We are supposed to protect them not hurt them. You were
supposed to see her as your child not a woman. I don't even know if
your own kids are protected and safe around you. I know Nono would
never lie about such a thing.

She opened the door and left. Dikgang clicked his tongue and sat
down, he put his feet on the table then put them down.

Dikgang: Palesa.. Palesa?

He went to knock on her bedroom door and she didn't respond. He

tried on the door knob and it was locked.
Dikgang: Palesa, come make me a cup of tea.

Palesa kept quiet, Dikgang clicked his tongue and went to the kitchen.

At the Hospital

The Receptionist pointed up stairs giving Nkagi directions, she

thanked the Receptionist and ran upstairs dialing Morris's number.

Nkagi: I am here.
Morris: I will be right outside.

Nkagi hung up and sat by the visitor's chairs. She stood up and paced
up and down the corridor.

Morris: (Extended his hand) Doctor Morris.

Nkagi: Please tell me how is she?

The Doctor didn't say anything, instead he led her to his office, Nkagi
sat down and sighed, everything felt like déjà vu. She remembered
thirteen years ago when the Doctor called her into his office and told
her her big sister was no more, leaving her with a small baby that she
didn't know what to do with it because she herself was young and still
in junior school. It felt like yesterday. Nkagi raised her head and
looked at the Doctor, he whole body became cold and she cupped her
face as the Doctor continued talking.

Doctor: We tried everything but her blood pressure was way too high.
Nkagi: (Crying) And the baby?
Doctor: She is NICU, born at twenty five weeks she can't breath on
her own because her lungs and other organs aren't fully developed.
Nkagi: But will she live?
Doctor: Survival rate is sixty to eighty percent.

Nkagi covered her mouth crying out loud.

Doctor: I am sorry mam, would you like to see the baby?

Nkagi knod her head and followed the Doctor to the room, her skin
crawled looking at the reddish little baby in the incubator, she
wrapped her arms around herself and sighed.

Doctor: You can come closer.

Nkagi: (Crying) How long is she going to be here?
Doctor: Weeks, Months?
Nkagi knod her head and stepped back. She wanted it all to be one
long nightmare but it was becoming realer by the minute. Her sister's
daughter was gone, leaving behind a baby the size of a rat. She didn't
know what to do, go back to the man who caused all this pain or pack
up and leave, but where would she go with seven kids and no family
or education. [06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Days later at the school assembly. Everyone listened attentively as the

School Head spoke.

Principal: We lost one of our students a few days ago, Onosi Phiri
from 2A.

The students mumbled something then other students started crying.

Principal: I am sure most if not all of us knew Onosi, she was one of
the bright promising students, last year she went to represent our
school in the French Competition in Gaborone.

The crying got louder, Principal looked down and wiped her tears, she
breathed out loud and raised her head.
Principal: She will be buried this weekend, if you want to attend the
funeral please do that wearing school uniform. May her soul rest in
peace, now may we bow our heads and give her final respect.

Everyone bowed their heads for a few seconds.

Principal: Amen

She dismissed the assembly, Nono's classmates walked to their

classroom, some crying while others looked down. They all sat down
and no one said anything. Nkosi was the last to sit down, he cleared
his throat and everyone looked at him.

Laone: Guys we have to go to the funeral.

Nkosi: You were rude to her don't pretend like you liked her.
Laone: When did I hate her?
Nkosi: The poor girl probably tried to commit abortion because you
were all laughing at her.
Laone: You are the one who said o komile malutu don't try to make
yourself feel better.
Student: Nna legale I have never been rude to her.
Another Student: Le nna
Nkosi: But you spoke behind her back, she didn't hear you buy you
spoke about her.
The teacher came inside the class and they all kept quiet. She put the
papers ontop of the table and picked up one, she let out a fade smile.

Teacher: Onosi had got ninety five in her literature paper.

Everyone clapped hands, the teacher wiped her tears and continued
giving the students their papers.

At Dikgang's House..

The men helped offload the food from Dikgang's van, they took them
inside the house through the back door. Nkagi came out of the house
holding her handbag, she looked around and spotted Palesa with the
women who were sitting by the fire place. She signaled her to come
to her, Palesa came running and walked her mother to the gate.

Palesa: You are going to the hospital?

Nkagi: Yes
Palesa: How is she?
Nkagi: Today she is no longer red red, she is slowly starting to look
like a person. I have to do her birth certificate what was that name
again Nono liked to call herself?
Palesa: Paris, she always said she was going to go to Paris and eat
French loave and speak French with other French people.
Nkagi smiled, she could see her sitting by the sofa reading outloud her
French notes. She smiled and looked at her daughter. She wondered if
the same thing was happening to her, would her smart talkative
daughter say anything if her father did anything to her?

Nkagi: You will tell me if anyone touches you right?

Palesa: Yes
Nkagi: Anyone even if it's you relative right?

Palesa knod her head.

Nkagi: Okay let me go to the hospital, what was that name again.
Palesa: Paris, capital city of France.
Nkagi: Okay, look after your little siblings I am coming.
Palesa: Okay.

Nkagi left, she waved for the taxi and it stopped for her, she got inside
and sighed looking outside without greeting the other passengers.

Driver: Dumelang.
Nkagi: Bathong I am sorry my mind is far away, Dumelang.
Back at Home.

Dikgang helped offload the meat from the van and put it in the deep
freezer. He went to the kitchen and opened the cabinets looking for
soap. "Palesa" he called out her name but she didn't come. He went

Dikgang: I want soap.

Palesa: I don't know where it is.
Dikgang: Then who would know, mona go inside and look for the

Palesa looked around frightened, "Was it her turn now that Nono
wasn't there anymore?" She asked herself. She remembered how
Nono used to cry while he forced himself on her covering her mouth
with his big hand. "Would her cousin still be alive had she said
something to her mother?" She asked herself and beat herself up for
not saying anything about all the nights her father visited their

Dikgang: Palesa?
Palesa: (Teary) I don't know where the soap is.
Dikgang: Mona go look for it I want to wash my hands.
Palesa stagger back, she would rather get a beating than go inside the
house. One of the ladies who was sitting under the tree came with a
bottle of dishwasher.

Woman: Here is the soap.

Dikgang poured some on his hand and went to wash his hands by the
tap. Palesa sighed relieved and went back to sit down.

At the Hospital..

Nkagi watched as the baby's stomach went up and down as she was
breathing. Doctor Morris came in holding a few papers.

Morris: How are we today?

Nkagi: Now I can see gore she is starting to look like a person.
Morris: Haha she will be out of here in no time.
Nkagi: Will you continue helping with milk and diapers, nna I am not
Morris: I will talk to the social worker gore a go direle lekwalo.
Nkagi: Thank you.

She took the paper and carefully looked at it.

Morris: Have you given her a name yet?
Nkagi: Her mother studied French at school and she always said she
was going to go to Paris, I was hoping we would call her that.
Morris: Okay, it's a beautiful name, we gave her a name here, Bree it
means strength.. (looked at the baby) She is such a little strong
fighter, she has the most strongest strength.
Nkagi: I think it's a beautiful name, we can put both names in the
birth certificate.
Morris: I would love that, if you need help with anything please don't
be scared to call me.
Nkagi: Thank you.

She filled the papers and gave them back to the Doctor. Nkagi looked
at the baby and put her hand inside, she quickly pulled it out as her
skin crawled. The baby moved her hand and made little sound.

Nkagi: I will protect you, I couldn't protect your mother but I swear i
will protect you with everything I have.

Later that Evening..

Nkagi laid her youngest child on the mattress and went to the sitting
room where the other kids were watching TV. Dikgang came in, he
threw himself on the sofa and put the shop keys on the table.
Dikgang: Tonto get me a glass of water.

Nkagi looked at him disgusted.

Dikgang: Isn't your brother coming?

Nkagi: He is.. after the funeral I will have to go to the hospital to take
care of Nono's child.
Dikgang: I thought we agreed we are taking her to SOS.
Nkagi: No
Dikgang: I said the same thing with Onosi and you refused, look where
that got us.
Nkagi: (Snapped) So you raped her because I refused gore a ye SOS?
Dikgang: (Calm) Do you now hear what you are accusing me of? You
want your Niece's daughter to accuse me le ene.
Nkagi: Believe me she won't, it will never happen again. It ended with
Nono I swear.

Dikgang stood up and left, Palesa sat next to her mother.

Palesa: Let's go away from here Mama, I don't want to stay here
Nkagi: Why? What happened did he touch you?
Palesa: No but I am scared Mama, with Nono dead he is going to be
coming for me.

Nkagi hugged her daughter tightly.

Nkagi: Even if he accidentally opens the toilet o le mo teng tell me


Palesa knod her head. Nkagi hugged her again.

Nkagi: It's over, it will never happen again.


15 Years Later
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Nkagi sat on Bree's bed and started unpacking her bag, she removed
all the summer clothes and threw them on the bed then opened her
wardrobe and started packing winter clothes. Bree came in naked in
only her panty.
Nkagi: (Snapped) How many times should I tell you to stop walking
around the house naked?
Bree: Sorry akere I am used to walking from the bathroom to the
dorm room naked, I am sorry.
Nkagi: Close that door, this is not at your hostels, your brothers are in
the other room.
Bree: Soo? They are my brothers.

Nkagi took a deep breath and looked at Bree, she sat on the other bed
and applied lotion on herself. Nkagi looked at her small round breasts,
she had little hips and round big butt, too big for her fourteen years
old self. She was a true copy of her mother except Bree was talkative
and always had an answer to everything and every question. Nkagi
found herself thinking about Nono and how she failed her. She looked
down and continued packing Bree's bag.

Bree: Mama I no longer want to go to Dad's house.

Nkagi: Why? What happened did anyone do anything to you?
Bree: No, I don't like his wife, when Dad is around she pretends like
she likes me but once Dad leaves she starts being mean and rude.

Nkagi kept quiet.

Nkagi: It's okay if you don't want to visit them anymore.

Bree: Can I go to the hospital and say goodbye to Dad there? He said
ke ye go tsaya madi a toiletries and transport.
Nkagi: Okay, but you can't take long, always use di taxi, no lifts.

Bree smiled and put on her tank top and leggings that hugged her

Nkagi: Change that top, wear that old short dress ontop of those
Bree: Iyoo bathong who still wears like that during this century.
Nkagi: Bree how many times should I tell you, you are too young but
your body is not, when men look at you they see a woman but you
are not a woman yet.
Bree: I shouldn't wear what I want because perverts choose to look at
a body of a fourteen year old in a sexual way. Mum they would still
look at me even if I was wearing a baggy jacket or your dress, people
choose what to see not what to look at.
Nkagi: And your problem is wena my baby you always have an answer
to everything, atleast wear a bra then.
Bree: No you said it will make my breasts saggy.

Bree tied her long hair in a bun and picked up her mattress, she took
out coins from under the bed and put then in her handbag.

Nkagi: Don't be long.

Bree: I won't.

She ran outside and bumped into Dikgang, he lowered his eyes and
looked at her nipples pressing against her top.

Bree: I am coming.

She walked past Dikgang then he turned around and looked at her
butt shaking as she ran outside the yard. He smiled and went to the
kitchen rubbing his boner. Nkagi came in and took a packet of
braaipack from the fridge.

Dikgang: When are Bree and Pona going back school?

Nkagi: Why do you ask?
Dikgang: We are going to Sehithwa tomorrow we are going to buy a
few goats I was hoping I can give them a lift.
Nkagi: No, they will just take a bus straight to Ghanzi no need for
them to go hich hick at Sehithwa.
Dikgang: Okay, where was Bree going?
Nkagi: Why are you interested in her today, I hope..

She kept quiet and closed her eyes.

Nkagi: O ile go tsaya madi ko go Morris, you know he always gives her
money for toiletries.
Dikgang: You allow them to visit strange men's houses akere,
tomorrow when they are pregnant you will be accusing me.
Nkagi: Accuse you? Do you really want us to go there? Dikgang you
slept with me ke le fourteen years old, you stole my innocence and
made a mother at a young age. You did it to Nono and no matter what
you say or do you know deep down in your heart that Bree is your
Dikgang: Don't act like I raped you, you wanted it as much as I did.
Nkagi: We are not talking about me, I was young you should have
allowed me to finish school before getting me pregnant. I allowed
your abuse to go on because I was valnurable, I needed you to take
care of my sister's child. The only reason I didn't report you ka Nono is
because I had nowhere to go, this time if you try it with Bree I will kill
you myself and bury you in your kraal.
Dikgang: Are you threatening me?
Nkagi: No it's a promise.

Nkagi put the braai pack in the bowl and went back to pack for the

At the Hospital

Bree knocked softly on Morris's door and stuck her head inside.
Morris smiled and signaled her to come in.
Morris: There is my little troublemaker.
Bree: Stop calling me that.
Nurse: I hear you got suspended last term.

Morris rested his back on the chair ready to listen to his little girl as
she was about to defend herself.

Bree: A few friends and i protested against the food we were being
Morris: A few friends she means the entire school. I raised a leader
waitse, tell Nurse how you convinced the whole school not to eat.

Two Doctors came in and stood by the door listening to Bree.

Bree: I simply said we are tired of eating boring unhealthy food

everyday, can you believe we ate soft porridge in the morning then
again bosigo, sometimes bread and a piece of meat during lunch, go
sena moro. I asked the Principal if ene she eats like that at her house
then she suspended me. I mean we are human being too right, just
because we are kids doesn't mean we should be feed whatever, I
asked them gore ka gore the government sponsors feeding schemes
madi a ya kae.
Doctor: Wait you asked the Principal that?
Bree: (Turned around) Yes, we deserve to know because it's our
Doctor 2: And you got suspended for that?
Bree: Can you believe it, I am the school head girl, I needed to
represent my people but they suspended me when I did that. I was
doing my job.
Morris: Hahaha her people, little Miss Martin Luther King or is
Bree: My name will go in the books one day.
Nurse: You are so wise beyond your years.
Doctor: A true leader, our future President.
Bree: (Smiling) Thank you.
Doctor 2: So Miss President did the food change or you got suspended
for nothing?
Bree: Yes, every friday we come wearing our own clothes then we pay
ma one pula, the money we use to buy vegetables and fruits and
other things we need.

The Doctor knod his head and extended his hand to Bree.

Doctor: I will give your dad something to give to you, I have never
meet anyone like you.
Bree: God kind of stopped making them after me.
Everyone in the office laughed.

Doctor: Haha I believe so too, mona Moo if you have five hundred
now give her I will give you after work.
Bree: Really five hundred pula?
Doctor2: I will top that up with another five.
Nurse: You are putting me under pressure waitse.

The Nurse took out two hundred pula from he bra.

Nurse: Here Miss President

Bree: Wow thank you do much.
Nurse: You are welcome.

The Doctors and Nurse left. Bree sat on the chair and looked at

Bree: Were they being serious about the money?

Morris: Haha yes.. so tell me what do I owe this visit.
Bree: (Wiped her tears)..
Morris: Are you crying Miss President?
Bree: Yeah!
Morris stood up and helped her stand up then hugged her.

Morris: Why are we crying?

Bree: I don't know why i am crying.
Morris: Haha..

He wiped her tears and sat on the desk looking at her.

Bree: Don't stare at me.

Morris: Sorry ee..

Bree Wiped her tears and raised her head.

Bree: I guess you don't have to give me toiletries money now, I

already have one point two.
Morris: Oh no, ebile nna I am topping them.

He took out his wallet and counted five two hundred pula notes. Bree
smiled and took the money.

Morris: I will do an ewallet for you okay, for madi a the Doctors.
Bree: Okay, thank you, I wish you were my real dad.
Morris: I am not?
Bree: No i mean, I wish you were my biological dad.
Morris: (Smiling) So now Miss President what are you going to buy
with the money, o popile kana.
Bree: I think I will buy clothes and buy my mum something, then buy
toiletries for Pona, sometimes her dad only gives her hundred pula.
Morris: Okay
Bree: I am going to buy chips and sweets to sell at school.
Morris: That's my girl, (stood up) I have to be somewhere in ten
minutes I can drop you off at the mall.
Bree: Okay..

She grabbed her handbag and walked behind her dad. "Miss
President" the receptionist waved at Bree and she smiled. They got in
the car and she pulled her seat belt.

Bree: Can you imagine if I actually because the president Dad.

Morris: I will go around telling everyone that's my baby.
Bree: Hahaha.

She looked out as the car moved, she smiled alone.

At Home
Nkagi dished up for everyone then she picked up her phone and
looked at the time. She sent Bree another call back and put her phone
down. She went to the sitting room with her food then everyone went
to the kitchen to get their.

Pona: Mama where is Bree?

Nkagi: O bona yoo ene, it's almost five and she is not back. Tonto go
get me my handbag o ye go nzamela .

The door opened and Bree came in with shopping bags wearing new

Nkagi: Where have you been?

Bree: I..
Nkagi: And where did you get the money for those new shoes.

Bree kept quiet waiting for her mum to cool down before telling her
but she didn't cool down, she went outside and looked at the gate.

Nkagi: Whose car was that?

Bree: It was the taxi.
Nkagi: Where did you get the money?
Bree: Will you listen please, I..
Nkagi grabbed the bags from Bree and threw them outside.

Nkagi: You are going to show me that man's house.

Bree: Dad gave me the money okay, you can call and ask him.

Nkagi cooled down and looked at Bree.

Nkagi: I will call him.

Bree: Here call him.

She gave Nkagi the phone and went outside to pick up her new
clothes. Nkagi dialed Morris and went outside. Bree went to her
bedroom and slammed the door crying, a few minutes later Nkagi
came in.

Nkagi: He told me everything.

Bree: ..
Nkagi: I am sorry, I am trying to protect you my baby, kana banna
bone they would do anything to lure you. I am scared that.. (sighed)
You are going to have a daughter one day and you will see gore it's
not easy raising a girl child.
Bree: I know, I know you don't want me to repeat the same mistakes
Nono did, well you have to trust me Mama I am focused, I know what
I want and having blessers or boyfriends right now is not a priority. I
want to pass so that I can go to Gaborone, go to school in the USA
then come back and build you a big house.

Nkagi smiled, that's what Nono always said, going to school in the
USA and coming back to build her a big house.

Nkagi: I am sorry I overreacted.

Bree: It's fine I know it's because you care, I appreciate everything.
Nkagi: Okay, pack up and come eat.
Bree: Okay.

Nkagi stood up and left. Few minutes later the door opened and
Dikgang came in.

Bree: Mama did you see my pink sleepers.

Dikgang put his hand on his boner looking at Bree's but stuck out
wearing only her panty looking under the bed.
Remember our Wednesday Bonus insert is posted at at 18:00 hrs. [06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106:

3 Months Later..

Nkagi opened the gate for the truck and it drove inside, the girls came
running from the house and hugged their mum.

Nkagi: You are back?

Pona: Yes, hey today I feel like eating rice and chicken with all the
Nkagi: It's a good thing you know how to cool akere.
Bree: No yours are more delicious.
Nkagi: Wai girls next year you will both be at tertiary who will cook
for you?

The truck parked right infront of the house and the girls looked at
their Mum surprised.

Nkagi: I am moving out, I want to be close to the chickens, it's

expensive going there everyday.
Bree: (Excited) Yes.
They both turned and looked at her.

Bree: I mean its a good thing.

Pona: (Sad) Who are you leaving Dad with?
Nkagi: It's not a permanent thing, I will be back re sena go thaba
Pona: I am not going, I will stay behind with dad.
Nkagi: Pona this is not negotiable you are coming with us, you can't
stay here alone, your dad is at the shop from morning to evening and
it's not safe to stay here alone.
Pona: I am not going.
Nkagi: Why are you being difficult?
Pona: I am staying behind with my dad okay. Bree of you are going its
fine but nna i am staying behind.
Bree: Nna i am going.
Pona: Okay.

Pona went inside the house, Bree and Nkagi looked at each other.

Nkagi: Help me load the boxes.

At the Shop.
The new shop assistant went inside the storeroom, Dikgang looked
around the empty shop and followed her inside, he closed the door
and folded his arms.

Assistant: I am looking for the matches.

Dikgang: Are you happy with how much you get here at the shop?

The little girl looked up at the old man and sighed.

Assistant: It's the only job I qualify for and the money is not bad.

Dikgang took out hundred pula and put it in the girl's top. The girl
moved back a little frightened and her back hit the wall.

Dikgang: I have lots of money and I can give you to help take care of
your sick father.

Assistant: (Voice shaking) Raa?

Dikgang: Just take off your panty ga ke kake ka tsenya.
Dikgang: Or you would rather give it out for free out there. I will give
you money all you have to do is show me.
Assistant: Just to show you?
Dikgang: Yes

The girl embarrassingly took off her panty and put it nicely on the
boxes, she laid down and Dikgang squatted Infront of her, he opened
her legs wide open and looked at her innocence.

Dikgang: How old are you?

Assistant: Seventeen..

Dikgang wet his finger and inserted in her vagina, the girl frowned
and moved her body back.

Dikgang: You think I paid you all that money to just look, riana hoo.

He took out his dick and rubbed it on the girl's vagina. He spit on her
and forcefully penetrated. The little girl covered her face crying.

Assistant: It's painful.

Dikgang: It is supposed to be painful.. riana ke hetse.

The girl covered her face crying as Dikgang thrusted her, he breathed
heavily then pulled out with his penis covered in blood, he reached
for the girl's panty and wiped himself then stood up.
Dikgang: Finish up and come into the shop.

He picked up the hundred pula note and went to the shop, the girl
covered her face crying and looked at the blood on her panty. She
stood up and wiped herself, she went back to the toilet and washed
her face then went back to the shop.

Dikgang continued helping customers like nothing just happened.

At Nkagi's house.

Nkagi looked around then picked up her phone and went into the
toilet dialing Palesa.

Palesa: Hello
Nkagi: Please talk to your sister she refused to move, how do I protect
her when she is living in the lion's den?
Palesa: Maybe it's time you told her the truth, she will know why she
should move out.
Nkagi: That's her father, I can't tell her that about her father. How do
you tell a child that he father is a child molester?
Palesa: Mama if you allow her to stay there the same thing that
happened to Nono will happen to her.
Nkagi: What should i do now?
Palesa: I will go over later and..

Palesa saw shadow outside her office.

Palesa; Bye Mama I will talk to you

She stood up and went outside and found Bree. Palesa's heart skipped
then she smiled wondering how much of her conversation with her
mother Bree heard.

Palesa: Mabrigado, zup?

Bree: Nothing, I came to do copies of my notes.
Palesa: Come in

Bree came in and sat on the chair while Palesa made copies for her.

Palesa: So how is school?

Bree: What happened to Nono?
Palesa: Huh?

She took out papers from the machine and put them on the table.
Palesa: I recently found a photo of her, you know she went to
represent our school in Gaborone and her photo was in the

Palesa took out an old newspaper and put it on the table, Bree pulled
it and smiled tracing her fingers on Nono's face.

Bree: She looks like Nkagi.

Palesa: And you look like her ke gore hela wena you are talkative, she
was quiet and loved school.
Bree: (Smiling) I love school too.
Palesa: You have so much in common, you know if you go back to our
old school you will find her photos there tsa price giving, she used to
take all prices except for Agriculture.
Bree: (Wiped her tears) Haha I dont like agriculture either.
Palesa: You are your mother's baby, you know if she was here she
would be so proud of you.

Bree Wiped her tears and hugged the newspaper.

Bree: Was she inlove with my dad?

Palesa: Huh?
Bree: Did they love each other?
Palesa: She never told us who your dad was.
Bree: Okay..

She looked at the newspaper and smiled.

Bree: I wish she was here.

Palesa: Me too, (put the papers Infront of Bree) Here, it's lunch time
you want me to take you out?
Bree: Okay

She wanted to ask about what happened to Nono but it was obvious
Palesa wasn't going to tell her. Palesa grabbed he phone and handbag
and walked out, Bree put her papers in her backpack and followed
Palesa out of the office. "Heela monyana" Palesa and Bree both
turned around. Nkosi walked towards then in his military uniform.

Palesa: So you are going to wear the uniform even when you go to the

They both laughed. Nkosi looked at Bree and smiled.

Nkosi: Ke Nononyana?
Palesa: I didn't know you are in town.
Nkosi: Just arrived few minutes I was actually on my way to see you.
Palesa: Nice, how long are you in town I am taking Bree out for lunch.
Nkosi: I will call you.
Palesa: Sure.

Nkosi smiled at Bree and walked back.

Bree: Did he know Nono?

Palesa: Yes they were in the same class.
Bree: Okay..

They went inside KFC, Bree sat down and looked at the photo of Nono
while Palesa ordered.

Later that Evening

Pona dished up for herself and her dad then she took her food to the
sitting room, she sat down and went through the channels. Dikgang
came in and went straight to the kitchen. Pona's phone rang, she
licked her fingers and picked up.

Pona: Hello
Bree: I made copies I will bring your papers kamoso around one I want
to go to Nono's school tomorrow
Pona: Okay you will find me home.
Dikgang sat down with his plate and started eating.

Dikgang: Who was that?

Pona: Bree a re she will bring me some exam papers tomorrow.
Dikgang: What time I want to send you to the shops kamoso.
Pona: A re she will come tomorrow at one.
Dikgang: Okay you will go earlier.

They continued eating.

The Following Day.

Bree smiled paging through the school photo album. She took her
phone and started taking photos.

Bree: Thank you for allowing me to see her photos.

Principal: I personally knew her, back them I used to be her Setswana
Bree: Really?
Principal: A very bright student, you look exactly like her.
Bree smiled and continued paging through the photos. She went
through her phone looking at the photos then stood up.

Bree: Thank you.

Principal: You are welcome, study hard okay.
Bree: I will..

She walked out looking into her phone and bumped into a teacher.
She apologise and went outside.

At the Shop..

Dikgang counted the money from the till and put the money in his

Dikgang: I am coming.
Assistant: Ee rra.

He walked to his car dialing Pona's number.

Pona: Hello
Dikgang: I need you to buy me something in town right now.
Pona: Okay i will come with Bree she is on her way.
Dikgang: Bree is no stranger you will find her at home, the shop I am
sending you closes in a few minutes.
Pona: Okay i am coming.

Dikgang closed the car door and drove home.

[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: Mama did you see my pink sleepers.

Dikgang put his hand on his boner looking at Bree's but stuck out
wearing only her panty looking under the bed.

Bree: Mama?

Dikgang quickly closed the door and went to the bathroom. Bree
stood up and looked at the door, she bit her lower lip then continued
looking for the shoe, she put on a loose dress and went to the sitting

Bree: Mama did you see my pink sleepers?

Nkagi: They are in your bag.
Bree: Did you come in the room a few minutes ago?
Nkagi: No why?
Bree: Nothing.
Pona: Waitse gore people like asking me if your name is Bridget.
Bree: Haha me too..

She went to get her shoes then went to the kitchen and got her food.
She sat down next to her mother and changed the pieces of chicken.

Nkagi: Ngonyana ke wena I can't wait for the day you go back to
Bree: Haha you know I hate chicken thigh.

Dikgang came out of the bathroom rubbing his hands together, he sat
down and took the remote, he changed to the news channel,
everyone kept quiet and ate their food.

At Morris's house..

Morris's wife came from the kitchen wiping her hands with a dish

One: Babe can you please do my friend ewallet wa bridal shower, I

was going to deposit the money but I didn't have time.
Morris: Okay

He lowered the TV volume and picked up his phone.

Morris: Give me her number.

One: 7
Morris: Mxm shit I can't send money, I have acceded the daily limit.
One: E le gore who did you send money?
Morris: I sent Lala five hundred for transport then Paris one thousand
One: Why did you send her so much money? You know what don't
answer me, I have had it up to here with that girl, she is not your child
and it's not your responsibility that she has everything she needs.
Morris: You don't say that when she takes care of our kids and cooks
when we are both at work.
One: I understand you are kind but even kindness has a limit, we are
saving up for a new house and you are wasting money o ha Bree, it's
fine you knew her before we meet so nna ka reng tota let me shut up.

One went back to the kitchen and continued cooking, Morris picked
up the remote and increased the volume, he put it down and went to
the kitchen.

Morris: Why do you hate her?

One: I don't hate anyone.
Morris: Yes you hate the poor girl, I don't understand why you
wouldn't like her, all she does is help us here during the school
One: (Opened the fridge) I am just saying you can't spend so much
money on her, she has her aunt and uncle, surely the government also
helps her I don't know why o itirile kota masiela.
Morris: She is a child, so much hate doesn't suit you my love. Money
is just money, if I die today no one is going to remember how much I
had in my bank account but they are going to remember the
memories that we created, the times i was there for them when no
one was. Not the money and that's what I want for Bree, to feel that
father's love.
One: You are not her father no matter what.

Morris kept quiet and sighed.

Later that night.

Pona switched off the lights and got in bed, she pulled up the duvet
and turned her head looking at Bree.

Pona: Mofenyi was asking me about you today.

Bree: He can ask all he wants, I am not interested.
Pona: Loosen up girl, Mofenyi is cute and his family is rich.
Bree: I don't care.
Pona: The mma you are boring.

Bree breathed out loud.

Bree: Can I ask you something?

Pona: Yeah?
Bree: Do you feel uncomfortable around anyone?
Pona: No why?
Bree: Nothing
Pona: Mum always says if anyone makes you uncomfortable tell her.
Bree: This person didn't do anything to me, gape.. mxm agg I am not
sure it it was them. Goodnight.
Pona: Goodnight.

Bree pulled up the duvet and closed her eyes.

Bree: Nono would be twenty eight this year. I wonder how it would
be like if she was still alive.
Pona: I don't remember her either, I was not a year old when she
Bree: I wish I atleast had a photo of her, or some of hers, a dress or
something. Sometimes I feel like I am missing something.
Pona: I am sure gore Palesa has something, maybe a photo or
Bree: Yeah maybe, I will ask her

She closed her eyes and wiped her tears.

The Following Day..

Pona sat ontop on Bree's bag as she zipped it, Dikgang knocked on the
door and stuck his head inside. Feeling uncomfortable Bree sat down
and looked away.

Dikgang: Where is your mother?

Pona: She went to the poultry.

Dikgang took out his wallet and counted three hundred pula notes
and gave his daughter, he counted another notes and looked at Bree.

Dikgang: Tsaa!
Bree: Nna?
Dikgang: Yes you.
Bree looked at Pona and stood up, she put her hands together
respectfully and walked towards Dikgang.

Dikgang: Pona go make me a cup of tea.

Pona walked outside, Dikgang took one note and put it in Bree's top
touching a little bit of her breast, Bree staged back and folded her

Dikgang: There is more money where this came from.

Bree swallowed a big lump and looked down.

Dikgang: Don't tell Pona I gave you extra, she will be jealous, let this
be our little secret.

He put the rest of the money on the bed and walked out. Bree
removed the money from her t-shirt and sat on the bed with her heart
beating faster against her chest.

Meanwhile Nkagi walked inside talking to the phone, she walked past
Dikgang and went to the girl's bedroom.

Nkagi: Are you all packed up.

Bree knod her head.

Nkagi: What's wrong?

Bree: I.. you remember you said if someone does something
inappropriate ke go bolelle?
Nkagi: Yes, did anyone touch you?

Nkagi 's phone rang.

Nkagi: Ema pele (picked up) Hello, we are going to be selling next
week the chickens are still five months, ne ke re o nkadime two
hundred pula ke pege banyana they are going back to school. Okay
thank you.

She hung up and looked at Bree with disappointment on her face.

Nkagi: I didn't want to borrow your money but I have no choice, I

don't have money, the chicken mash is finished I don't know what to
do tota ngwanaka, your uncle..
Bree: (Interrupted) He gave us money, Pona and I.
Nkagi: He did?
Bree: Yeah
Nkagi: Thank God.. you wanted to tell me something?
Bree: Aah um..

Read the rest of the insert at
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Nkagi: Thank God.. you wanted to tell me something?

Bree: Ahh it's not important, it's just a guy at school he's annoying but
I will solve him.
Nkagi: Haha I know you will. Are you sure you are okay?
Bree: Yeah I'm fine....

She stood up.

Nkagi: How much did he give you?

Bree: Who me? Um he gave both of us ma three hundred.
Nkagi: Akere you already brought toiletries, don't use that money so
you buy toiletries and whatever you might need next month.
Bree: Okay.
Nkagi pat her shoulder and went outside, Bree looked at the money
and felt disgusted and disappointed in herself that she just lied about
the amount of money she was given. She sighed and pushed her bag
outside. Pona came in the room and got her bag, they went outside
where Nkagi was talking to the taxi driver.

Nkagi: Bye girls, Bree please ngwanaka I don't want to be called to

school again.

Bree smiled and hugged her Mum.

Bree: You won't.

Nkagi: Pona this is your final year please study hard my baby.
Bree: I will

Nkagi hugged both girls and they got in the taxi. She turned around
and looked at the empty house, she sighed and went to the
traditional kitchen outside and started cleaning.

At the bus rank..

Bree looked outside as the bus left the bus rank, she breathed on the
window and drew a heart, she wiped it and rested her back on the
Pona: Are you okay?
Bree: Yeah I am fine.

Pona continued reading her novel, Bree closed her eyes then she took
out her phone and clicked on Morris's name, she thought otherwise
and put her phone in her pocket.

Later that day..

Palesa opened her one room and went inside, she opened the
windows and threw herself on the bed tired. "Sale o ya ka Friday"
Palesa quickly got of bed and fixed her skirt looking at her neighbor.

Palesa: What you are keeping register here?

Neighbor: Haha no

Palesa sighed and pulled her skirt down. Her eyes fell on an old dress
onto of the plastic chair. She smiled remembering Nono wearing the

Palesa: My cousin would have been twenty eight today.

Neighbor: What happened to her?
Palesa: She died during labour.
Neighbor: Oh, did the baby survive?
Palesa: Yes.. right now she is a talkative teenage girl, I swear she has
an answer to every question.

Palesa smiled then kept a serious face. She picked up her phone and
went outside towards the toilet dialing her mother.

Nkagi: Hello
Palesa: Does Paris know Dikgang is her father?
Nkagi: No, why do you ask did she ask you anything?
Palesa: No, mum do you seriously think sending the girls to boarding
school will save them from dad? What happens during school
Nkagi: (Whispering) What do you want me to do. I am trying
everything in my power to save my kids please don't make me feel
like a bad mother.
Palesa: Seriously i don't know how you sleep on the same bed with
that man after what he did to Nono, (Crying) she would have been
twenty eight today Mum, maybe she would be in Paris like she always
said but your boyfriend ruined everything, he killed her but you are
still with him?

Nkagi sat down on the stoop and wiped her tears.

Palesa: You know gompieno my relationships are failing because of

my fear to have kids, I am scared Mama gore what if I have a girl child
and someone rapes my child. I am scared what if I have a son and they
rape him too and it's all because of Dad.

Nkagi wiped her tears.

Palesa: He ruined my life, he might have never raped me but he

ruined my whole life and I am just so angry that you are still with him,
you have your chicken and eggs business why can't you leave before
he does it to Pona or Bree if he hasn't already.
Nkagi: (Sniffed)..
Palesa: I understand that time you stayed because you had no source
of income with seven kids and new born but now mum all your kids
are grown up, your last born is doing form five, you don't have to stay
anymore, for Pona and Bree's sake please mum.

Palesa's call disconnected. Nkagi wiped her tears and stood up.

At School..

After unpacking their bags the girls sat on their beds talking about
what happened during the school holidays.

Girl: Hey mma ko railpark it's beautiful, Mama a re i will go to

Gaborone gape during the school holidays.
Girl2: Hey mma wai nna I was just home, nothing interesting.
They all looked at Bree who was sitting up her bed.

Friend: Paris?
Bree: Huh? I didn't go anywhere.
Friend: Tell us about your Doctor dad, where did he take you this
Bree: He didn't take us anywhere gompieno.

She hopped down her bed and went outside, she found herself
walking towards the school gate busy lost in her thoughts. Someone
ran behind her and covered her eyes. Bree quickly turned around and
pushed him, Oteng fell on his butt and looked at Bree.

Bree: I am so sorry I didn't know it was you.

Oteng: You push like a man ishh.

Bree helped him stand up, Oteng dusted his jeans and they sat down
Infront of the dining hall.

Bree: I am sorry
Oteng: I shouldn't have snuck on you like that.
Bree: Yeah you shouldn't have.
Oteng: So I have decided I am going to write maths paper three next
year. My sister was telling me that.. (paused talking) Paris.
Bree: Why do men think it's okay to touch women however they want
just because they feel like it.
Oteng: I am sorry I was just playing.
Bree: Mxm.
Oteng: I am sorry
Bree: It's not you, my uncle put money in my t-shirt and he touched
my breast, he gave me money amd said it should be our little secret.
Oteng: Did you tell your mum?
Bree: No i.. I lied and said he gave me and my sister the same amount,
that makes me look guilty that the extra money was because he
touched me.
Oteng: He is a pervert, if he touches you again tell your mum.
Bree: I will, if I asked you to touch my breasts would you think I am a
Oteng: No can I touch?

Bree knod her head, Oteng looked around and smiled, he touched her
breasts and then quickly pulled back his hands. They both laughed.

Oteng: Why did we do that?

Bree: I just wanted you to do it so that i forget that man touched my
Oteng: Can I touch again?
Bree: No kii wa poka ke ta go roba roba meno ka mpama.
Oteng: Do you feel better now?
Bree: Yeah, when I remember my first experience I will smile because
it was with my best friend and that I wanted it not because of that
man. I just want to forget everything.
Oteng: Okay.
Bree: I think I am going to write paper three too, plus maths is my

They both stood up and walked to the gate talking some more.

3 Months Later.. THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Few minutes later at the shop. Pona stood by the counter looking
around. The assistant came from the storeroom carrying a big box and
put it on the counter.

Pona: Hi where is my dad?

Assistant: He went out.
Pona: Aah aah.
She took out her phone and dialed her father but his phone ran

Pona: Agg he told me to come here jaanong where is he?

She called him again then he picked up.

Dikgang: Hello
Pona: I am by the shop.
Dikgang: Ee I will be there in ten minutes.

Pona hung up and clicked her tongue, she dialed Bree's number but
she didn't have airtime, she sent her a call me back and went behind
the counter.

At Dikgang's House..

Bree saw Dikgang's car parked outside, she sighed and walked
towards the house, she knocked once then Dikgang opened the door.

Bree: Dumelang.
Dikgang: Pona is in her room.
Bree threw her bag on the sofa and went to the bedroom. Quickly the
bedroom door closed and Dikgang stood by the door naked.
Frightened Bree stepped back and started screaming. Dikgang quickly
grabbed her and covered her mouth.

Dikgang: Shut up, your mother was this difficult le ene then she
started enjoying it and asking for it.

Bree's eyes filled with tears, she tried to free herself but Dikgang's
heavy body was pressed hard against her. She bit his hand then he
quickly removed his hand.

Dikgang: Shut up I know you are giving it to that Doctor.

Bree tried to fight him but he had too much power, she stopped
fighting and relaxed her body.

Dikgang: That's more like it, riana riana dirope. Why did you have to
wear a jean?

Dikgang relaxed and got off her, he removed Bree's jeans and tried to
remove her panty, Bree kicked him on the nuts, Dikgang screamed
and touched his balls, Bree grabbed her jean and tried to run away
but Dikgang grabbed her leg, she fell down on her stomach.
Dikgang: Where are you going come here.

Bree kicked him and held on to the table screaming. Dikgang got
impatient and picked her up, he threw her on the bed and started
choking her, Bree stopped kicking then he let go of her.

Dikgang: You didn't say no to the money, come here. You think I feed
and clothed you to give it to another man?

He hooked his fingers on her panty and tried to pull it down, Bree
opened her eyes and kicked him on the face, she reached for the
scissor and stabbed him on the shoulder. Dikgang screamed in pain
and stepped back, Bree kicked him on the nuts again and ran outside,
Dikgang ran after her, he grabbed her long braids and pushed her
against the wall, Bree fell down still holding the scissor, she stabbed
him on the neck but the scissor only made a small mark. Dikgang
slapped her across the face and she fell down unconscious. He pulled
her by her legs and then put her on the bed, he checked her pulse and
she was still breathing. Dikgang tied her hands and stuffed a T-shirt in
her mouth, he tied her on the bed and went to the bathroom, he
washed his wounds and put on his clothes then got in his truck and

At the Shop.
Pona stood up as her dad's car arrived.

Pona: Aah Papa rra kana I am supposed to meet with Bree.

Dikgang: Sorry I got held up, here.

He gave Pona a two hundred pula note.

Dikgang: I want you to go buy us sweets ko fours, four packets.

Pona: Okay.

She grabbed her handbag and left, she turned by the ladies selling
airtime and recharged her phone with ten pula. She dialed Bree but
her phone ran unanswered. "Let's meet ko Fours I will buy you ice
cream" she sent the text and waved for a taxi.

Later that Evening At Nkagi's house..

Nkagi clicked her tongue and threw her phone down, she looked
outside and there was still no sigh of Bree, she picked up her phone
and dialed Pona.

Pona: Hello
Nkagi: Where is Bree give her the phone e le gore doesn't she see
what time it is.
Pona: I am not with her, we were supposed to meet but she hasn't
been answering her phone. Nna ke ha shopong right now I will be
going home.
Nkagi: Okay..

Nkagi hung up and wrapped her arms around herself, her heart beat a
little fast then she picked up her phone and dialed Palesa.

Nkagi: Hallo o na le Bree?

Palesa: No i last saw her maabane.
Nkagi: She left are she is going to your old school, Pona a re she never
went to see her. Ke gore where is she? (Smiling) Mxm she is probably
at Morris's house.
Palesa: Yeah bye.

Nkagi hung up and called Morris but his number didn't go through.

At the Cattlepost just a few kilometers from Maun.

Bree tried to free herself from the chair she was tied to, she had an
unbearable pain down her cookies and she instantly knew what
happened. She screamed to the top of her lungs and the door opened.

Bree: Let me out of here.

Dikgang closed the door and stood by the door holding a knife.

Bree: Please let me go and i won't tell anyone anything. (Crying)

Please I swear.
Dikgang: You remind me of your mother, that's what she said too but
she opened her big mouth to her Aunt.
Bree: Please..
Dikgang: Wena you look like you are going to be a problem to me.

He moved closer and cut one of the robes.

Dikgang: All I wanted was to have a taste but you because difficult.
Bree: Please do whatever you want but don't kill me please.
Dikgang: I always thought there was chance that you might be my
child but as you started growing I realized gore no, you are not my
child. Your mother was probably sleeping with people outside.

Bree screamed to the top of her lungs.

Dikgang: No one will hear you.

Bree: Okay i will do whatever you want and i promise I won't tell
Dikgang: No you won't because if you dare tell your Aunt I will kill her
and tell the Police you have been sleeping with that Doctor.
Dikgang: Do you hear me?

Bree knod her head with tears rolling down her cheeks, Dikgang put
the knife down and untied her. He pulled her panty down and opened
her legs, Bree closed her eyes and looked away as Dikgang brought his
lips closer. He turned her head and tried to kiss her while his hand
touched Bree's cookie.

Dikgang: It wasn't fun when I did it while you were unconscious.

She pushed him away and grabbed the knife.

Dikgang: You see now you are being a problem.

Bree: (Screaming) Someone help me please.. someone help.
Dikgang: I told you there is no one here.
Bree: Someone help me please

Dikgang stood up and moved closer.

Bree: I won't hesitate stabbing you.. I swear if you come closer i won't
Dikgang took another step towards her, Bree stepped back as Dikgang
moved closer, she held the knife with one hand and wiped her tears,
Dikgang tried to grab her hand, she moved and stabbed him on the
chest, she took out the knife and stabbed him again, she kicked him
on the balls, Dikgang fell down on his knees holding his boner and
Bree jumped ontop of him, she stabbed his back countless times and
ran outside naked, she looked into the dark and didn't see anything,
she heard a truck sound few meters away, she ran through the
woods, she fell down then quickly stood up and continued running.
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At Nkagi 's House..

Nkagi wiped her hands and picked up her phone.

Nkagi: Hello
Morris: Hello I see you tried to call me.
Nkagi: Yes, I was trying to get hold of Bree but her phone was off then
I remembered gore you are at work.
Morris: Yes I just knocked off but she is not here.. you know what let
me ask my wife.
Nkagi bit her lips anxiously listening in to the call.

Morris: Hi, she didn't come here today.

Nkagi: What? She.. she said..(breathed out) Where could she be she..
(started crying) her sisters didn't see her today and..
Morris: I am sure (looked at his watch) bit it's a little late to be out
with friends, let me try to call her.
Nkagi: Okay.

Morris hung uo worried, One looked at him expecting explanation.

Morris: Bree is not home.

One: Mmmh.. wa bona akere what I am always telling you. Gompieno
they want her kwano, she is going to use this little situation to her
advantage, you will think she is home, bone they will think she is here
kante ene she went God knows where.

Morris ignored her and put his phone down, he clicked his tongue and
picked up his phone "Princess if you don't want to see my bad side
today gore I can beat you till you pee on yourself you better be home
in the next ten minutes" he sent the text and put his phone down, he
clicked his tongue again and grabbed his car keys.

One: Where are you going?

Morris: I am going to look for my daughter.
He walked to the door and turned around to his wife.

Morris: Why do you hate her so much? She is a child, my child. I have
been her father from birth, I am the only father she knows, I told you
about Paris from day one and you said you didn't have a problem with
her, what changed now?

One ignored her husband and continued decorating the muffins.

Morris opened the door and left.

At the Cattlepost..

The light of the passing cars looked a few meters away, Bree stood up
and dragged her swollen ankle towards the tarred road, she stepped
on a thorn and she screamed in pain. She removed the thorn and
continued running, she fell down then stood up and continued
running. By the time she reached the road there was no sign of any
moving car, she pulled down her top and made it a skirt then she sat
down and massaged her ankle crying.

Lights came from the forest where she was coming from, she quickly
stood up and hid behind the big mogotho tree. She held her chest as
her heart beat faster and louder. Dikgang stepped out of his car and lit
his torch, he looked around then got back in his car and drove away.
Bree covered her mouth and closed her eyes crying, few minutes later
a truck came, she got up and stood in the middle of the road, the
truck hoovered for her, she covered her eyes as the lights brightened
her eyes and the truck came closer. It stopped then the driver stepped
out furious.

Driver: Are you crazy are you trying to get yourself killed?
Bree: Please help me.

The man looked at her all dirty and half naked. Bree covered her
breasts and moved to the man. He salivated and felt his dick rise.

Bree: Please help me I need to get out of here.

The driver looked around and opened the door for her, he helped her
get on the big truck and went over to the driver's side. He rubbed his
boner and looked at her yellow thighs.

Driver: What happened to you?

Bree: Please I just want to go home, can you lent me your phone?

The driver pointed at the back, Bree turned around and stretched her
hand taking the phone.

Driver: Who are you calling?

Bree: My dad..

The driver snatched the phone from her.

Driver: How are you going to pay for this ride?

Bree: My dad will pay.
Driver: Come on who said I want money, you have something I want.

Bree covered her breasts feeling more naked than ever. She closed
her eyes, was she about to get raped again? She turned her head and
looked at the man, the thought of him.. she shrunk her eyes before
she could even imagine him ontop of her.

Bree: Can you please not rape me.

Driver: I don't have to rape you if you cooperate.
Bree: Okay, can I call my dad now.
Driver: And tell him what?

The Driver parked the truck besides the road and pulled down his
pants, Bree's heart beat hard against her chest, she felt her chest
close in together and she couldn't breath anymore. She started
coughing and beat her chest.

Driver: What are you doing?

Bree closed her eyes and melted on the seat, scared the driver
stepped on the brakes and drove in Maun, he parked by the first
filling station, he looked around before pushing her out of the truck
and drove off.

At Nkagi 's House

Morris gave Nkagi a glass of water and sat next to her, he took her
hand in his and massaged it.

Morris: The police will find her.

Nkagi: (Crying) When?

Morris's phone rang, he sighed and put it back in his pocket.

Morris: I have to go back home..

Nkagi: I understand, thank you for taking me to the police station.

Morris stood up and grabbed his car keys. His phone rang again.

Morris: Please come lock up.

Morris opened the door and stepped out, Nkagi closed it and sat on
the chair crying.

In Morris's Car..

Morris reversed out and took out his phone from his pocket, he
picked up and put on loudspeaker.

Morris: Erin it's my night off.

Doctor: Hey, your daughter just got admitted here and it's not good.
Thank you for the messages I am back to health.
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At the Hospital..
Morris pushed through the door and Nkagi ran behind him. He
spotted his colleague standing next to a bed in a private room and he
ran towards him. He stopped walking and looked at the bandage
around Bree's head.

Morris: What happened?

Doctor: She was found on the side of the road, half naked.

Nkagi covered her mouth and staged back.

Doctor: Broken arm and a few scratches on the forehead but MRI
show no brain damage, she was unconscious when she got here but
she is sleeping.

The Doctor closed the curtain and walked Morris down the hallway.

Nkagi: (Wiped her tears) Did she say something?

Doctor: No, um I don't know how to say this.

Morris sat down and cupped his face.

Morris: Did you take care of her?

Doctor: Yes, everything.
Nkagi looked at them confused, Morris stood up and held both her

Morris: She.. (clothes) she was raped.

Nkagi: No..

Morris hugged her tightly as she cried her eyes out. One stepped out
of the elevator and looked at them, she put on a serious face and
cleared her through. Morris quickly let go of Nkagi and stepped back
wiping his tears.

One: What's going on here?

Nkagi sat down and covered her face crying, Morris walked towards
One and took her to the side.

One: What's going on?

Morris: I was just telling her that.. um.. they found her on the side of
the road naked.
One: I mean with Nkagi not Bree.. I saw everything.
Morris: I just told her the bad news that her niece was raped, she was
found on the side of the road and you are worried that I was holding
her arms. Oh my God who are you? Sometimes I feel like you become
a new person everyday, a stranger, it's like you don't have a heart
anymore, the poor child is in there (pointing) she is going to wake up
a new person, confused, she is going to have self esteem issues
because some skank decided to steal the one thing she was in control
of. She is never going to be the same, we should all be worried about
her but no you choose to worry that I held her Aunt's hand, okay this
is boring.

He walked back to the room. One sat next to Nkagi and circled her
ring on her finger. Nkagi stood up and took out her phone dialing

Pona: (Sleepy) Hello

Nkagi: Where is your dad?
Pona: He didn't come home.
Nkagi: Okay bye.

She hung up and grabbed her handbag, she bumped into Morris on
the door.

Morris: Where are you going?

Nkagi: To do something I should have done fifteen years ago.

She walked past Morris and went outside the hospital. Morris gave
One the other cup of coffee and sat next to her.
Morris: And the kids?
One: I called my little sister.

They both remained quiet for a few minutes, Morris breathed out
loud and closed his eyes.

One: I am not an evil person.

One: I just don't understand what it is about that family, why them?
One: Did they test her for HIV?
Morris: Yeah they gave her PeP.
One: Did she say anything?
Morris: No, she hasn't woken up yet. I am scared to go inside I don't
know what i am going to say to her.

One rubbed his hand and kissed it.

Inside the room..

Bree opened her eyes and the light hurt her, she covered her face
with her hand and groaned. The Doctor turned around and smiled at
Doctor: Miss President..
Bree: Where am I?
Doctor: You are in the hospital.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, she wiped them with her working hand
and looked the other way.

Doctor: Does your head hurt?

Bree: Does the patience Doctor confidentiality apply to kids too?

The Doctor smiled and sat down.

Doctor: Yes it does.

Bree: (Crying) I don't want to talk about what happened, I don't want
to even think about it. Can you tell my parents that I lost my memory?

At the Cattlepost..

Nkagi stepped out of the cab and paid the Driver. The driver looked
into the dark thick bushes and stuck his head out.
Driver: Mam are you sure this is where you are going I don't see any
light or house here.
Nkagi: It is, thank you.

Nkagi walked into the thick bushes holding an Okapi knife. She
tripped and fell down then she stood up and dusted herself walking
towards the yard. She spotted Dikgang's car, she stood by the high
fence and looked around, the dogs started barking and Dikgang's
bedroom light switched on, he opened the door and looked around.

Dikgang: (Calling the dog) Nxnxnx Stoki.

The dogs continued barking, Dikgang went inside the house and got
his tourch.

Dikgang: Who is there?

[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

Dikgang: Who is there?

Dikgang walked towards the gate then he called out his herdboy but
no one answered. He called out the herdboy's girlfriend's name but
no one answered, he went to their bedroom and there was no one

Dikgang: Nxnxnx

He called the dogs, they ran towards him then he got in his hut. Nkagi
stood by the gate for a few minutes then she slowly opened the gate,
the dogs came running towards her, they smelt her and started
playing with her.

She walked towards Dikgang's hut and lit the matches, she lit the
thatching grass and went to the front of the house, she created
another fire and went around the house lighting the grass, she went
to the herdboy's room and got the lamp, she poured paraffin on the
door and set it ablaze. She took the lamp back and stood a few meters
watching as the whole house caught fire. Dikgang started coughing
inside the house. He tried the door knob but it was hot, he wet his
washing rag and put it on his mouth, he tried kicking the door but the
whole house was covered in smoke and fire was already burning the

He screamed and kicked the door harder. He covered his mouth and
nose with the wet washing rag and kicked the door harder. Nkagi
looked around and picked an axe that was put in the traditional
kitchen and stood by the door waiting for Dikgang to open the door.

The door finally kicked opened and Dikgang rushed outside, Nkagi hit
him on the head with the axe and he fell down in his knees .

Nkagi: I told you.. (crying) I told you if you touch my daughter I will kill
you and you thought I was stupid huh.

She landed the axe on his neck and he fell down, Nkagi pulled him by
his arm and took him inside the house, the whole room was already in
flames, she quickly ran outside. The wardrobe fell down then
something busted inside the house.

🎶 thabano wee thabano

Iyele iyelee thabanooo
Thabano wee thabano 🎶

The herdboy and his girlfriend walked inside the yard singing holding
a five litters of traditional beer. Nkagi quickly hid behind the car, the
man stopped walking and looking at his girlfriend.

Herdboy: Hey go a tuka.

Girlfriend: Isn't your boss here?
They both looked at the house and started screaming, the man put
down the five litters he was holding and ran next door screaming for
help. Nkagi ran behind the house and left using the back gate, she ran
through the bushes until she reached the tared road, she bend her
back and held her knees panting from running, she fell down and
started vomiting and crying. She tried to stand up but her legs
couldn't carry her.

She heard people screaming from back at the farm house then she
stood up and dragged her heavy feet along the road going back to

At the Hospital..

The Doctor walked out of the room holding Bree's x-ray results.
Morris stood up and walked towards him.

Morris: How is she?

Doctor: She is awake..but..

The Doctor pulled Morris aside.

Morris: What is it?

Doctor: Don't ask her anything, she asked me to tell you guys she lost
her memory because she doesn't want to remember or talk about
what happened.
Morris: We need to get whoever did this to her
Doctor: I know, tonight just don't ask her anything heavy, she is going
to pretend to have lost her memory then leave her at that.
Morris: Just tonight because tomorrow I am not sleeping until that
bastard is in jail or I am in jail.

The Doctor pat his shoulder and left, Morris took a deep breath then
moved the curtain, he went inside and smiled looking at Bree, Bree let
out a fake smile and looked the other way.

Morris: Hey Princess.

Bree: Hi
Morris: How are you feeling?
Bree: My hand is painful.
Morris: You will be healed before you go back to school.

Morris touched her other hand and kissed it.

Morris: The Doctor tells me you lost your memory.

Bree: Mmmh.
Morris: It's okay, you will slowly get it back and whoever did this to
you will be in jail.

Bree pulled her hand and wiped her tears.

Morris: I am here okay.

Bree: Daddy i am scared, what if they come back?
Morris: They are not.

Bree held in to Morris's hand tightly and sniffed.

Morris: You want me to stay with you?

Bree knod her head.

Morris: Okay let me go tell MmagweMido to go home.

Bree: Okay leave the curtain opened.

Morris kept the curtain opened and went to talk to One, One folded
her arms and turned around going to the elevator. Morris went back
to Bree and touched her hand until she fell asleep.

The following morning..

Morris raised his head and yawned looking around, the cleaning lady
smiled at him and continued mopping the floor.

Lady: I already mopped that side don't stand up.

Morris: Okay.

He looked at Bree peacefully sleeping still holding on to his hand

tightly. He slowly pulled it back and Bree opened her eyes.

Bree: Daddy where are you going?

Morris: I am just stretching my hand baby.
Bree: Don't go

Morris stretched his arms and brought back his hand. Bree held on
tightly to it and closed her eyes. The Doctor on duty came in and took
Bree's vitals.

Morris: How is her blood pressure.

Doctor: Stable now (smiled) How is your head?
Bree: It's fine.
Doctor: No head injuries just her arm.
Morris: Yeah.
The Doctor left, Bree looked at the window and started sniffing.

Morris: I know it painful baby, if I had my way I would make you

forget everything and take away that pain but I can't.
Bree: I don't want to talk about it.
Morris: Okay, but I want you to know that no matter what he did to
you he will..
Bree: Please Daddy.
Morris: Okay i am sorry..

Morris's phone rang, he excused himself and walked outside through

the emergency area. An Ambulance parked outside and they rushed a
man inside. Morris put his phone back in his pocket and walked
inside, he passed the badly burnet man and walked back to Bree's

At Morris's house..

One poured tea for her sister and they sat down by the kitchen

Sister: Wa re Morris o kae?

One: He is at the hospital.
Sister: Okay, Eish ga o bona ke le phaketse jaana Mama is not feeling
well, not at all and i was thinking that we should hire her a home
Nurse, I thought I'd find your husband here kana lona married women
you have to consult your spouses in everything.
One: I will tell him when he comes home.

Morris's Car parked outside.

One: Oh he is here.

One stood up and walked to the garage. Morris closed the car door
and stretched his arms.

Morris: She only allowed me to go after her aunt arrived.

One: My sister is here, I told him you were working night shift. Next
time you don't sleep at home tell me what to say when people ask me
about you.

She went back to the house.

At the Hospital..
Bree drank the water and put the glass down. Nkagi took out a
youghut from the plastic and gave Bree, she shook her head and
breathed out loud.

Nkagi: How is the arm?

Bree: Is Dikgang my father?
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Nkagi: How is the arm?

Bree: Is Dikgang my father?

Nkagi swallowed a big lump and looked away.

Bree: Is he my father?
Nkagi: (crying) I am sorry that I didn't tell you the truth.

Bree closed her eyes for a few minutes and pulled her hand.
Nkagi: Please ask me anything, I am ready to answer you.
Bree: Did he rape her?

Nkagi knod her head and wiped her tears.

Bree: Why didn't you report him, she was a child.

Nkagi: (Looked down crying)
Bree: Did he rape Palesa too?
Nkagi: No
Bree: I bet you would have reported him if he did it to your child.
(Crying) Why did you make me live with a man who raped my
Nkagi: Bree, you won't understand.
Bree: Because you used me as bait to protect your own kids, tell me
one time where your decision benefited me. You could have taken me
to an orphanage or got me adopted, I would have understood that
you were protecting me but you made me grow up in the same house
my mother was raped in.

Nkagi kept quiet and looked away.

Bree: I would have understood but..

Nkagi: I know I failed Nono by not reporting Dikgang but I tried my all
to protect you.
Bree: You didn't do much because he raped me too and bragged
about doing it to my mother too.
Bree: Please go right now, I want to be alone, i am so mad right now.

Nkagi stood up and went outside crying. Bree covered her face with
her arm and cried like a little baby. Nkagi sat down listening to her
crying, she covered her eyes crying too. She clicked her tongue and
dialed Pona.

Pona: Hello Mama I am walking to your house.

Nkagi: Where is your father?
Pona: I think he went to the cattlepost, did Bree come home?
Nkagi: Yes.. nna I am not home right now but I will be there in a few
Pona: Okay

Nkagi hung up and dialed the herdboy's number but it didn't go

through. She put her phone in her pocket and sighed. She tapped her
feet down bitting her nails then stood up passing two police officers in
the hallway.

The two Officers pulled the curtain and went into Bree's room.
Officer: Hello..

Morris came in, he greeted the two officers and they stepped out,
they talked for a few minutes then the Officers left. He went inside
holding a shopping paper bag.

Morris: Hey I brought you clothes, I don't know your size so don't beat
me up for buying big clothes haha.

He stopped laughing and looked at Bree.

Morris: Princess?
Morris: Baby girl.. (Spoke in a French accent) Paris.

He expected her to laugh but she didn't, she kept a serious face
staring at the wall. Morris put the paper bag on the bed and put his
hands in his pocket.

Morris: I will come around, let me go check on other patients.

Bree didn't respond, Morris walked out dialing his friend.

Morris: Hey, long time indeed haha, bona the mona I need your help, I
know you are always fully booked but I would like you to squeeze in
my child any day is fine hela, I just want her to see a therapist.

At Nkagi 's House

Pona stood up as her mother stepped put of the taxi, Nkagi paid and
picked up the plastic bag.

Pona: (Crying) Mothusi just called me a re Dad has been admitted in

the hospital
Nkagi: (Not interested) What happened?
Pona: Gatwe his house burned down while he was inside, Mama let's
go see him.
Nkagi: I am tired.
Pona: What?
Nkagi: I am tired Pona I was out all night looking for Bree and I had to
take her to the hospital because she is not feeling well.
Pona: Kante Mama you don't love Papa anymore?
Nkagi: Ka re I am tired.

Nkagi opened the door and went inside the two rooms house. She
heard Pona talking to the phone outside then she came in crying, she
gave the phone to Nkagi.
Pona: Lesedi wants to talk to you.
Nkagi: Sedi, how are you my girl?
Lesedi: Mama Gatwe Dad is in the hospital and you are tired to go see
him? Are you guys like not together anymore?
Nkagi: I just got back from the hospital, I am tired and hungry let me
rest then we will go to the hospital.
Lesedi: Okay, jaanong gatwe what happened to Bree?
Nkagi: She is not feeling well.
Lesedi: Maybe she is pregnant, there is no illness called not feeling
Nkagi: How can you say that tota Lesedi?
Lesedi: Sorry ee.

Nkagi hung and gave Pona hee phone back, she switched on the kettle
and made herself a cup of coffee.

Later that Evening..

One put a plastic bag with goodies on the table and sat down looking
at Bree. Bree kept a serious face and clenched her jaws.

One: How are you feeling?

Bree: ..

One looked around then she took out her phone and started typing.
The Doctor came in with Bree's medical card.

Doctor: (To One) Miss Em

One: Hi.
Doctor: (To Bree) Someone is ready to go home.. are you excited?

The Doctor looked at One, she raised her shoulders and they both
looked at Bree.

Doctor: I thought you would be excited.

Bree: I don't have a home, I have nowhere to go.

The Doctor looked at One again.

Doctor: Ofcourse you have a home.

Morris came in wearing his hospital white coat.

Morris: Did you hear the good news?

Bree: I am not going anywhere, I don't have a home. I am just an
orphan, I don't have a mother and a father. (Crying) You should have
left me to die with my mother.
Morris: Princess..

Bree looked the other way and started crying.

Morris: Can you excuse us please.

One and the Doctor went outside, Morris sat on the chair and looked
at Bree.

Morris: You know thats hurtful, saying you don't have parents.
Bree: I don't
Morris: I am here, I am your father.
Bree: ..
Morris: And i am hurt that you don't see me as your father, I know we
don't share the same DNA but..
Bree: I am sorry..

She turned around and hugged Morris, Morris hugged her tightly.
Morris: Never say you don't have a father okay, because you are my
baby and you have always been.
Bree: I know, I am sorry.
Morris: I forgive you.

He let go of Bree and wiped her tears.

Morris: I will call your Aunt and tell her the good news.
Bree: I don't want to go to her house.
Morris: Why?
Morris: You can come to my house.
Bree: Okay..
Morris: You are fine with that?

Bree knod her head, Morris went outside and sat next to his wife.

One; A reng?
Morris: Can she come stay with us until she goes back to school.
One: Are you asking or telling me.. (stood up) If you have already told
her she is coming to our house then why do you bother asking me?

She grabbed her handbag and left, Morris sighed and dialed Nkagi.
Nkagi: Hello
Morris: Hi I asked Bree if she would like to come stay with us and she
said yes.
Nkagi: Okay no problem, I was going to ask you if you could stay with
her for a few days le nna.
Morris: Did she say why she doesn't want to stay with you?
Nkagi: Um, re ta buwa.
Morris: Okay, I asked a friend of mine to see her, o rile she will book
counseling sessions for her every Tuesday and Thursday.
Nkagi: Thank you
Morris: I don't know if it's too soon but I was thinking maybe re ka mo
tseela transfer.
Nkagi: We will talk let me attend a customer.
Morris: Thank you..

He put his phone back in his pocket and walked towards the
emergency section. Meanwhile another Doctor came behind Mortis
and went to a couple that was sitting by the chairs, the herdboy and
his girlfriend stood up.

Doctor: Please follow me to my office.

Herdboy and his girlfriend looked at each other then followed the
Doctor, they sat down and looked at the Doctor.
Doctor: Your Uncle suffered what we call Fourth degree burn.
Herdboy: Aah wai swaar nna sale ke tshabile sekolo ke bala two, I
don't know what you are talking about.
Doctor: Oh, the patient you brought here is no longer with us,
unfortunately we couldn't save him. His body is in the hospital
mortuary if you can organise to have him moved to another mortuary
today please do that.

He stood up and walked the couple outside.

A Year Later..

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[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


A Year Later..
At the school gate, Bree loosened her tie and pulled the sleeves of her
shirt. Someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around and they
bumped heards.

Bree: Ish..
King: Sorry

They both laughed.

King: Are we still on for Saturday?

Bree: Yes, my house though.
King: It's cool.

Bree smiled and tucked one braid behind her ear.

Bree: Cool..

She stopped smiling and cleared her throat upon realising a group of
girls looking at them.

King: I have to go my ride is here.

Bree: Bye.
King ran outside and got in the combi, Bree folded her arms walking
towards the road, Morris's car parked Infront of her, she threw her
bag at the back and got in the front seat.

Morris: I bring goodies.

Bree: My favourite.

She put on her seat belt then picked up the milkshake. She took a sip
and closed her eyes.

Bree: Mmmh nice

Morris: It's a peace offering.

Bree looked at her dad and looked out the window sipping on ber

Morris: You know if you cleaned your room then I wouldn't have had
to shout at you.
Bree: Is this the part where you at going to say just because you
shouted at me doesn't mean you don't love me.
Morris: Yes, and that I am sorry.
Bree: I forgive you, I will try to keep my room clean.
Morris parked Infront of the Psychologist's office, he removed the
seat belt and looked at Bree.

Morris: I am walking you in.

Bree: You don't have to.
Morris: Yes I have to because I am paying lots of money for these
sessions that you don't attend.
Bree: It was just once, or twice I don't know.

Morris opened the door and stepped out, Bree rolled her eyes and
stepped out of the car, she hung her backpack on her shoulder and
followed her father inside. Morris waved at the receptionist and
pointed at the Psychologist's office.

Receptionist: She is still with a client.

Morris: Thanks.

Both Morris and Bree sat down on the sofa in the waiting area. Morris
took a few sweets from the box on the table and ate one.

Bree: Can King come over tomorrow?

Morris stopped chewing and looked at Bree.

Morris: Who is King and why does he have to come to our house?
Bree: He is the top of the class in almost everything, he is helping me
with Chemistry, plus the teacher partnered us together for our
Morris: Top of the class huh?
Bree: Yeah, he is like the top of the school, school president and in
every winning team. He is not a human being, he is just so perfect.
Morris: I love your choice baby girl, he can come over.
Bree: (Smiling) He is not my boyfriend FYI.
Morris: I didn't say he is your boyfriend.
Bree: He actually motivates me you know, he has big dreams and..

The door opened and the Psychologist came out with her client, they
said goodbye then she walked to Morris and Bree.

Morris: Hi
Psychologist: Haha I see you brought her in today.
Morris: Yo o rata go doja, Princess go inside I want to talk to talk to

Bree picked up her bag and went inside the office.

Morris: How is she doing?

Psychologist: (Sighed) Eish, I am trying my best.
Morris: Ask her about a certain King.
Psychologist: Who is King?
Morris: Just ask her, it's a guy in her class and the way she was telling
me about him, he is a character she was before the whole thing
Psychologist: Okay, that will work. Let me go inside.
Morris: Bye.

The Psychologist went inside the office and sat down.She looked at
Bree and smiled.

Psychologist: How are you today?

Bree: I have lots of homework.
Psychologist: Okay what's the homework about maybe I can help.
Bree: Nothing important.
Psychologist: Your dad tells me you have a boyfriend.
Bree: (Covered her face) No i don't.
Psychologist: Haha oh then why are you blushing?
Bree: He is just my lab partner. My Dad is annoying and this is so
Psychologist: But you like him.
Bree: Everyone does, (sat upright) you would too, he wants to do
politics and law. He has his whole life figured out.
Psychologist: That's someone you should associate yourself with,
someone who knows what they want in life.
Bree: Yeah, and he is so nice and kind, did I mention he gets straight
A's and he is cute.
Psychologist: Tell me more about him.

Bree smiled and covered her face.

Bree: FYI he is not my boyfriend, we are just great friends, girls at

school hate me because they think him and I are dating.
Psychologist: Does he like you?
Bree: I don't know, he is nice to everyone agg gape mxm..

She kept quiet for a few seconds.

Psychologist: Gape what?

Bree: I am ashamed of myself, how do I like a boy after what
happened to me, if people know what happened they will think I
wanted it
Psychologist: So you thinking liking a man is wrong after what
Bree: Yes
Psychologist: How so?
Bree: I don't know, it's like (sighed) I don't know.
Psychologist: It's not like that, it's okay to like a boy, it's okay to sleep
with them when you want to , when you feel ready. It's okay to get
married and have kids after rape. Don't let that man dictate your life
from his graveyard, don't let him to stop you from living. Don't be a
victim, be a survivor.

Bree kept quiet then wiped her tears.

Bree: (Crying) I just want to get away from everyone, maybe I will
forget what happened to me. Plus all my siblings hate me now
because I didn't attend their dad's funeral. (Sighed) I have started
looking into universities I can apply into.
Psychologist: So you think going to school in the states will make you
forget everything?
Bree: ..
Psychologist: It won't, this is psychological matter. Look Bree I know
you think I don't care about you, I am just doing my work but I
actually care about you. I want you to go back to the girl you were
before everything happened. The girl her father always bragged
about, you had big dreams, I want you to be that girl again but you
are not if you constantly feel sorry for yourself and label yourself a
rape victim.

Bree wiped her tears and sniffed.

At Nkagi 's House.

Nkagi finished watering her vegetables, she put the watering can
nicely on the ground and closed the small garden. Morris's car parked
outside then he stepped out.

Nkagi removed her apron and threw it in the house remaining in a just
a simple summer dress that went above her knees.

Morris: hello
Nkagi: Dumelang.

Morris tried hard not to notice how much she has changed, she
looked beautiful, her body well curved with curves in the right places
and she could give many young girls a run for their money.

Morris: Le teng?
Nkagi: Ee rra..

She went inside the house and got two plastic chairs, they sat down
under the shade and Morris looked around the yard.

Morris: Who did your landscape?

Nkagi: Landscape?
Morris: I mean who did all this, who planted the trees and lawn.
Nkagi: Oh i did it myself, I also built that pond myself.
Morris: serious?
Nkagi: I have the whole day doing nothing so yeah, I was bored and
decided to decorate my yard.
Morris: It's beautiful.
Nkagi: Thank you. How is Bree?
Morris: I just dropped her off at the Psychologist's office o ntse a sa
tsamaye her sessions and lied to me a re she is attending them.
Nkagi: Oh.. but how is she?
Morris: Different, she doesn't clean her room, she doesn't help
around the house, after school she goes into her bedroom.
Nkagi: Eish, I don't know how to help you, nna kana she hates me, she
comes here only because she misses her sister.
Morris: Yeah, mxm hai, I was just passing by let me go home, I am on
maternity leave my wife gave birth on Sunday.
Nkagi: Congratulations, le nna ke beile botsetsi mo ntong. Pona just
arrived today from the hospital. She has a baby boy.
Morris: Grandmother?
Nkagi: Ke bakile..

They laughed then Nkagi walked Morris to his car, Pona watched
them through the window laughing until Morris got in his car. Nkagi
came inside the house singing, she put the chairs in the corner and we
to the bedroom where Pona was.

Pona: Hey you are always singing whenever you see Morris.
Nkagi: Should i cry?
Pona: Haha..

At Morris's house

Bree threw her bag on the bed and removed her school shoes. She
laid on the bed and took out her phone , she logged into Google and
searched "How do you become a rape survivor?" She laid on her
stomach and started reading.

Her bedroom door opened and the maid came in.

Maid: MmagweTumo is calling you.

Bree: I am coming.

She continued reading then she threw her phone down, she changed
into an oversized T-shirt and went to the bedroom.

Bree: Maa?
One looked at her yellow thighs and clicked her tongue.

One: E le gore when you dress like that you don't know there are men
in the house?
Bree: I am sorry I didn't know we had guests.
One: Go change that before RragweTumo comes home, starting from
today the maid will be washing the kid's clothes only, that means you
will be washing your clothes.
Bree: Dad says..
One: E nne labohelo e re ke bua le wena a bo o re my dad o rile.
Morris is not your father, your father akere you skipped his funeral.

Bree blinked continuously and held her breath. She looked down and
her tear dropped on the floor.

One: Did you hear me?

Bree: Ee mma.

She walked outside and pulled her t-shirt down. She closed her
bedroom door and sat on the bed crying.
*[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

The following day..

Morris knocked once on Bree's door and opened the door. He sat on
the edge of Bree's door holding a mug.

Morris: Princess, how are you feeling?

Bree: I am fine.
Morris: You didn't eat last night, i made you something to drink.
Bree: Thanks
Morris: What time is King coming over?
Bree: I will confirm with him.
Morris: Okay, I will order pizza for you guys.

Bree sat upright and took the mug from Morris. She took a sip and

Bree: Can you please drive me to Mum's house, I want to see Pons's
Morris: Okay tsoga o thape then, we can go into town and buy the
baby a vest or something.
Bree: Okay, Daddy.
Morris: Yeah?
Bree: What do you look for in a partner, I mean for you to marry that
person what should be special about them?
Morris: No no, I am not having this conversation with you, ask me ten
years later.
Bree: Haha no I am just asking.

Morris sat down and looked at Bree.

Morris: People look at different things, some at financial status, some

age. Nna.. (sighed) I am kind of old school, when I was looking, I am
not looking now because I am married but I was looking for someone
mature, kind, respectful, loving and honest.
Bree: Did you find them?
Morris: Yeah.
Bree: Okay
Morris: Wena my baby when you look for someone, look for someone
who respects you, who loves you and rich.
Bree: Haha, I will .
Morris: Wa re why did you ask me?
Bree: No ke gore hela wena and MmagweTumo are two different
Morris: How so?
Bree: She can be so rude.

Morris took a deep breath and looked at Bree.

Morris: Did she say something?

Bree: She said you are not my dad and that I didn't go bury my real

Morris swallowed a big lump and sighed.

Morris: I am your father and it doesn't matter what anyone says.

Bree: I know and i love you.
Morris: Is that why you didn't come to dinner maabane?

Bree knod her head.

Morris: I am sorry okay Baby, I will talk to her.

Bree: No don't, I don't want you guys to fight because of me.
Morris: Okay Baby, there is warm water go bath and i will drop you
Bree got off her bed and gave Morris the mug back, she grabbed her
gown and went to the bathroom. Morris clicked his tongue and went
to their bedroom.

One: Good, I just spoke to my mother, ba re they were thinking of

bringing Opelo here to come help with the kids, my mum is sick and
maid o chaisa ka five.
One: Babe?
Morris: Who is Opelo?
One: Ao, my sister's step daughter.
Morris: I guess le ene ha a ta I should always remind her gore you are
not really related, she is another woman's child and that Phile is not
really her mother.

One kept quiet.

Morris: She asked me not to say anything, I wasn't going to say

anything but how do you say such harsh words to a kid.
One: Do you know what she did?
Morris: (Snapped) I don't care.. (calmed down) I don't care gore she
didn't clean her room or she left the kitchen dirty you had no right
saying what you said to her. Next time what are you going to say, are
you going to mock her for being raped by her father? Huh?
One: There us no need saying anything akere you always take her
side, if this marriage ends it will be because of that girl, she can't do
no wrong in your eyes. I know she doesn't have a mother but she is
not the only child who doesn't have parents, it's sad what her father
did to her but..
Morris: (Interrupted) You are wrong, she has parents and i am her
father, next time you want to say rude words to her think like a
mother and how you would feel if someone did your kids what you
are doing to Bree, by the way if we ever divorce it will be because of
your evil heart, I think I know you then suddenly you turn into this
heartless person.

Morris slammed the wardrobe door and went outside. One clenched
her jaws and looked at her baby. She wiped her tears and continued
pumping milk in the baby bottle.

Minutes later Bree came out of her bedroom putting on her cap.
Morris stood up and all the kids followed him to the car, the youngest
sat at the back and Bree at the front. Bree took out her phone and
started taking selfies.

At Nkagi 's House

Pona laid on her stomach and drank tea, she sighed and continued
drinking, Nkagi came in with the baby bath with water in it and sat
down, she undressed the baby and started bathing him.
Pona: Mama when can Shield see the baby?
Nkagi: Kante doesn't he have another name from Shield?
Pona: He doesn't like his name, he was asking me when he can come
see the baby.
Nkagi: After a few days, after we cut the baby's hair.
Pona: Okay.

A car parked outside, Nkagi dipped her finger in the baby's Vaseline
and applied on her lips, Pona smiled and pretended like she didn't see

Bree: Koo..

Bree came inside the bedroom and smiled looking at the baby.

Bree: Aww he is so small..

Pona: He was way smaller when he was born.
Bree: Dumelang

She sat next to Nkagi and looked at the baby.

Bree: What's his name?

Pona: Katlego.
Bree: What did you achieve being a teenage mother?
Pona: Mxm, what do you have in there.

Pona took the plastic and went trough the baby clothes.

Pona: These are beautiful.

Nkagi: Did Morris drop you off?
Bree: Yeah
Pona: Mama is that why you applied Vaseline on your lips you
thought Morris was coming in?
Bree: Hahaha
Nkagi: I will throw your baby down.
Bree: Haha ebile I see the Vaseline.

Nkagi laughed and laid the baby next to Pona.

Nkagi: Stop talking o gamele monyana mashi mo motsokoo.

She went outside and Bree followed her, she hugged her from behind
and rested her head on her back.

Nkagi: Ke go belege ngwanaka, (turned) motho yo monnye.

Bree: Haha.
Nkagi: It's good to you smiling.
Bree: Can I ask you something?
Nkagi: Yeah what?

Bree followed Nkagi to the poultry.

Bree: Do you know where Nono's grave is?

Nkagi stopped what she was doing and looked at Bree.

Nkagi: Aah I am not sure if I would still remember.

Bree: Okay, I thought maybe one day we will go there but it's fine if
you don't remember.
Nkagi: Okay, hey it's been long.
Bree: Yeah.

Nkagi hugged Bree and kissed her forehead.

Nkagi: You know you really are your mother's daughter, Morris told
me you don't clean your bedroom.
Bree: Haha Nono a le boata?
Nkagi: She used to share room with Palesa, I once looked for a pot,
whole month kante it's in their bedroom under the bed.
Bree: Hahahaha..
Nkagi: Hey banyana bale.
Bree: Haha, what else did she do?
Nkagi: She had big dreams and plans for the future, she always said
she was going to go to Paris and eat French loaf.
Bree: Haha
Nkagi: And it makes me sad that wena you have given up on your

Bree didn't respond, she let out a fade smile

Bree: I am scared of being happy or excited about anything.

Nkagi: Why?
Bree: Because, everyone will think I enjoyed being raped.
Nkagi: What? No one will think that, only me and your dad know
what happened and we will never think that. We want you to go back
to your old self, to be happy and move on with life. Don't let what
that Satan did to you define you.

Bree wiped her tears and smiled. Her phone rang, she sniffed and
picked up smiling.

Bree: Hello
King: Hi I am walking to your house.
Bree: I am not home right now, I am at my mum's.
King: Ke dire jang?
Bree: Where are you now?
King: In town
Bree: Okay i am coming then we will go home together.
King: Shapo.

Bree hung up and put her phone in her pocket.

Bree: Mama can i have fifty pula.

Nkagi: Taxi ke fifty pula?
Bree: No i want to buy something and it's important.
Nkagi: Go get the money in my bag, Fifty pula Bree fifty pula.

At the Mall..

Bree stepped out of the taxi and paid, she hung her handbag around
her shoulder and her heart skipped, she got goosebumps looking at
someone standing by the ATM then she rubbed her hands. The man
got his money and walked past Bree. Bree grabbed his arm, the man
removed his headset and looked at Bree.

Bree: Do you remember me?

Man: No (looked around) Am I supposed to remember you?
Bree: You tried to rape me.

The man pulled his hand and looked around.

Bree: (Crying) All I did was ask for your help, i was a fucking child,
then you pushed me off your truck.
Man: I don't know you.
Bree: Yes you know me.

The man hurried to his car, Bree picked up a brick and hit him on the

Bree: Why did you want to rape me?

The man got in his car and locked the doors. Bree threw another brick
against the window and it broke, the man drove off and disappeared
into the traffic. Bree covered her face crying and sat down.

King: Hey what was that all about?

Bree stood up and wiped her tears. King opened his arms and she
disappeared between them crying.
King: It's going to be okay..
Bree: No it's not.
King: Let's go I know something that will make you feel better.

He held her hand and they ran towards the bridge.

Bree: Where are we going?

King: Let's go.

They sat by the riverbank, King took a small packet from his pocket.
Bree looked around.

Bree: Weed, Are you crazy?

King: Just try it you will feel better..
Night, akere we didn't reach target.

[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: Weed, Are you crazy?

King: Just try it you will feel better.

Bree stood up and dusted her but.

Bree: No, I don't smoke weed and you shouldn't either.

King: Look I am not trying to be bad influence, I would never do that
to you. I saw you earlier any you were not happy,.this will take the
edge off.

He rolled one blunt, he lit it and started smoking. Bree looked at him
for a few seconds then sat a few meters away from him.

Bree: Why do you smoke, you look like you have your whole life
figured out.
King: Haha you think?

He offered Bree some and she shook here head.

King: I come here to smoke everytime i am mad about something. You
think my life is amazing?
Hahaha let's just say money is not everything. Many people think I
live the best life but that's not the case.
Bree: I am sorry
King: You still don't want to take a puff?
Bree: No my dad would kill me, I mean literally.
King: Then he must really love you, my step dad wouldn't care a bit.
Bree: Yeah my dad loves me, I actually have a step mother problem
too, she is so annoying and rude.

She moved closer to King and took the blunt from him. She took a puff
and started coughing, she gave it back and stood up beating her chest.

King: Hahaha.
Bree: Kgg stop laughing.
King: Sorry.. here

He gave her a bottle of water, Bree took a sip and rinsed her mouth.
King threw the blunt down and stomped on it. He took a chewing gum
from his pocket and threw it in his mouth.

King: You ready to go study?

Bree: Yeah, as long as my dad doesn't smell weed on you.

King pulled her into his chest, Bree smiled and moved her head back
as King breathed down on her, the smell wasn't bad though, just that
their lips were much closer, not that she was complaining.

King: Do I smell?

Bree swallowed a big lump and knod her head.

King: We can go to my house then. It's just me my parents are not

Bree: No.
King: Why you don't trust me?
Bree: No it's not that, I.. (cleared her throat) We should go home, I
mean my house, where my dad will keep an eye on us, if people see
us coming from your house they will think we were doing bad things.
King: What are bad things?
Bree: You know.. sex
King: Hahaha sex is not a bad thing, it's mean to be enjoyed, well
that's of you want to.
King: Can I kiss you now?
Bree: If I say yes does it make me a loose girl?
King: No!
Bree: Okay, but I have never kissed anyone before.

King pulled her into his arms and looked into her eyes. He moved his
head closer and his lips touched hers. Bree closed her eyes and froze,
King kissed her lower lip then kissed her upper lip, Bree eased and
kissed his lower lip, she wrapped her arms around him and the kiss
got intense and hot. King traced his hands down to her waist and
pulled her closer, Bree broke the kiss and stepped back. King covered
his boner embarrassed and looked down.

King; I am sorry.
Bree: It's fine, we should go.
King: Yeah, I am sorry about (pointed at his boner)
Bree: I understand, I don't skip biology classes.
King: Haha (covered his face) Shit is embarrassing.
Bree: Hahaha..

King fixed himself and held Bree's hand while they walked back to the
mall. Bree looked at their hands and smiled.

King: Can I buy you ice cream?

Bree: Okay
They walked to the restaurant still holding hands, they ordered and
got a table by the window.

Bree: I like you cap.

King: You want it?

He took it off and put it on Bree's head, he took the one Bree was
wearing and put it on his head.

Bree: Thank you.

King: It looks beautiful on you.
Bree: Thank you.

King took out his phone and clicked a selfie of both of them.

King: Can I post this?

Bree: Okay.

Their order arrived and they enjoyed their ice cream talking about the
school project.

At Morris's house
The kids ran into the house both holding small boxes of pizza, Morris
followed behind carrying a big box of pizza, he put it on the table and
heard people laughing inside the bedroom. He knocked softly and
opened the door. Opelo pulled down her dress and smiled at Morris.

Morris: Dumelang
One: Babe Opelo o tsile, kana we didn't finish our talk earlier i would
have told you she is already on the bus.
Morris: Welcome
Opelo: Tanki
Morris: I bought pizza, the medium one is for Bree and her study
One: Thank you.

Morris left the door opened and went to the kitchen.

Opelo: Ao RragweTumo looks younger than last time I saw him.

One: Haha he goes to gym these days.
Opelo: Okay, anyway you were telling me about Bree.
One: Ka re be careful around her, she reports everything le ha o ka
phinya hela she is going to report you to RragweTumo.
Opelo: Kante mme ene who is she kana you still haven't told me how
she is related.
One: She is not related, she is just an orphan that my husband felt
sorry for years ago and decided to help her here and there, next thing
she moved here gotwe she has issues with her Aunt.
Opelo: Uhu.
One: Even if she doesn't wash her plate or help you mo togele, tota
nna I am tired of always fighting about that little girl.

In the kitchen, Morris dialed Bree's number then she picked up.

Bree: Il be home in two minutes.

Morris: Okay.

He hung up and went to sit down with the kids watching TV. Bree
opened the door and came in followed by King.

Bree: Il go get the books.

She rushed to her bedroom, King bent his back respectively greeting

Morris: Hello, you can seat.

King: Thank you.
King sat down and smiled at the kids, Morris cleared his throat.

Morris: I hear you are an Astudent.

King: Ee rra
Morris: So what do you want to study?
King: I want to do political science and Law, I already applied for
scholarship ko Royal Law Firm and they approved. I will be applying at
London School of Economics and Political Science next year.
Morris: (Impressed) Okay, but isn't political science and Law the same
King: Haha actually no, Political science is more macro-focused on
broader policy issues, or political issues. Law is much limited and
focused as a field of study on the law itself and legal reasoning though
there are fields of law that include public policy concerns.
Morris: Okay, okay, so whats interesting about Politics?
King: I am the king of debate so I don't plan on leaving debate table
anytime soon.

They both laughed.

King: I am Kidding, The study of political science is especially

important to our success as a democracy. People who are informed of
their rights and duties are more aware and vigilant. A vigilant society
is one that is more likely to prevent or speak out against things that
are unjust.
Morris: Okay, I have to say I am impressed. You are going to go far
places my boy.
King: Thank you.

Bree came in with two plates and two boxes of juice.

Bree: We are going to stay outside.

Morris: Okay, I have to say babe girl I approve.
Bree: Approve what? (To King) Let's go outside.

King followed Bree outside.

King: Your dad is awesome, he kept asking me questions and man it

felt good to have someone interested in What I want to study.
Bree: He can be annoying too.
King: I like him.
Bree: And he likes you too, let me get the pizza and books.

Bree went inside the house, she came back with the box and they
started eating.

At Nkagi 's House.

Nkagi finished packing the chickens in the fridge, she stretched her
arms and sat down on the sofa. Someone knocked at the door, she
ignored it then stood up as the knock got louder. She opened the door
and looked at Dikgang's sisters and brother.

She closed the door behind her and folded her arms.

Sister: Dumela
Nkagi: Dumelang.

They all kept quiet.

Sister: Re ta kgona go bua re eme ka dinao?

Nkagi: Come inside.

She opened the door and they all went inside, they sat down then the
brother cleared his throat.

Brother: As you already know the butcher was built on family

Nkagi: Yes
Brother: We want to sell that land because le rona re bata go ithusa
ka madi.
Nkagi: Yes?
Brother: Jaanong ga re itse gore wena wa reng because now your
eldest son has taken charge of the butcher.
Nkagi: It's your land I understand, what I want to understand now is if
you sell that land, will you pay for the butcher and give my kids their
father's share of the land because le ene he has a share, he might
have died but he left seven kids behind.

No one replied.

Sister: I told you people gore she was going to be difficult, mme wee
that land is our father's.
Nkagi: Who was also Dikgang's father.. go on continue.
Sister2: Re kopa o buwe sente because we took our brother's t-shirt
to the traditional Doctor and he told us everything.
Nkagi: Did he also tell you your brother was a serial rapist? Get out of
my house ha e le gore le ntela ka dikgang tsa matakala.
Sister: Heee, o tshabe motho yo o utwelang bokgarebe mo botoneng.

Nkagi stood up and opened the door.

Nkagi: You abused me while your brother was alive, not anymore ke
ta bitsa nnywana hela mo phehong yo o ipelaelang a ipelaele. Now
get out of my house.
Sister: You will never get anything from that land.
Nkagi: Tswaa.. or you want me to call my dog.. nxnxnx Tsotsi come.
Dikgang's brother and sisters ran out of the house to their car. Nkagi
clicked her tongue and slammed the door.

Pona: What do you mean Dad was a serial rapist?

[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Pona: What do you mean Dad was a serial rapist?

Nkagi: You should stop eavesdropping on elders conversations.
Pona: I am not a child, what did you mean Dad was a rapist? Who did
he rape?
Nkagi: Your father is not the man that you thought he was.
Pona: Then tell me what kind of a person he was.

Nkagi ignored Pona and went to the kitchen.

Pona: Mama
Nkagi: Your father raped Nono.
Pona: What? Wait does that mean he, he was Bree's biological father?
Nkagi: Yes
Pona: Oh my God does she know?
Nkagi: No and i hope this stays between us okay. You can't tell
Pona: It's so sad, imagine being a child of rape.
Nkagi: Ke gore o buwa dilo mamaa yaanong, now you see why I didn't
want to tell you anything.
Pona: I am sorry.

The baby started crying then Pona walked back to the bedroom, she
laid next to the baby and took out her breast.

The same evening..

Bree went to put the books inside the house, she came with a bottle
of water and King stood up, she walked him outside.

Morris: Ten minutes then you are back home.

Bree: (Rolled her eyes)..
King: Go siame.
Morris: Bye my boy
She opened the gate and she and King left. King grabbed her hand,
Bree smiled and smiled at him.

King: Can I ask you something?

Bree: Sure.
King: So are we like together now?
Bree: I don't know, are we?

King turned her around and hugged her, she hugged him, King
brushed his cheek on hers and kissed him. She kissed him back then
she shyly stepped back.

Bree: I should go back.

King: Yeah, I had a great day.
Bree: Me too.

King planted a soft kiss on her lips.

King: Bye the taxi is here.

Bree: Bye.
She watched him get in the taxi then she ran back home. She closed
the gate and ran to her bedroom, she locked the door and screamed
in the pillow, the removed the cap and smelt it then she hugged it

Her phone reported a WhatsApp message, she sighed and clicked on

the message, she downloaded the song King sent and put on her
headsets, she smiled listening to Luke Graham's Love Someone. She
smiled alone and put the song on repeat mode.

In Morris's bedroom

Morris removed his overalls and went to the baby crib, he touched his
daughter's cheeks then went to the bathroom. His eyes fell on Opelo's
butt in the shower.

Morris: Shit.

He quickly closed the bathroom door and wrapped a towel around his
waist. One came in with the baby bottle.

Morris: The fuck is your cousin doing in our bathroom.

One: Oh, akere you are using the guest bedroom I thought maybe you
will share the bathroom with the kids and she will bath here because
she is sleeping with me.
Morris: This is our matrimonial bedroom, damn.

He put on his boxers and a pair of jeans then went outside. Opelo
came out of the bathroom with a towel around her chest.

Opelo: I didn't know RragweTumo will come in but he didn't see

anything I was fully dressed.
One: Okay, move to the guest bedroom, the one on the right next to
the kid's bedroom.
Opelo: Okay.

Opelo picked up her phone and bag then went to the guest bedroom
passing by Morris bedroom. She stood by the door and cleared her
throat. Morris turned around and looked at her.

Opelo: I didn't tell her what happened, I told her I was fully clothed.

She went to her bedroom wiggling her big ass. Morris clicked his
tongue and went to his bedroom.

Morris; I want her home tomorrow.

One: What?
Morris: I don't want her in my house, it's not negotiable.
One: Oh so wena you say whatever you want not negotiable but nna
one complain about your precious daughter and I hate her. Opelo is
not going anywhere.
Morris; Then I will go.
One: Morris kante what's going on with you?
Morris: I am telling you gore I don't want your niece in my house.

One sat on the bed and looked at Morris.

One: What did she do?

Morris: She walks around the house half naked and..
One: You can look at him the same way you look at Bree What's
wrong with that?

Morris shook his head in disbelief and went back to the guest

The Following Day.

Morris washed his car, Bree passed him with her headsets on.

Morris: No Goodmorning?
Morris sprinkled her with water then she turned around screaming.

Bree: Aah dad.

Morris: Since when do we pass by re sa dumedise?
Bree: Sorry I was listening to this song on the phone.
Morris: Where did you get that cap?
Bree: King gave it to me, its beautiful right?
Morris: King doesn't work, his parents bought him that Cao and you
are going to take it back.
Bree: ..
Morris: Am I clear?
Bree: Ee rra.
Morris: Where are you going now?
Bree: I was going to.. the mall to buy pads.
Morris: Okay, you have enough money?
Bree: Yeah.
Morris: Okay.

Bree hurried outside and dialed King.

King: Hey
Bree: I am on my way
King: Okay..

Bree got in the taxi and gave the driver five pula. Five minutes later
the driver dropped her of Infront of King's house. She stepped out and
swallowed a big lump, she sighed and pressed the intercom. The gate
opened then she walked inside, she wrapped her arms around herself
and knocked in the door, King opened the door only in his shorts.

King: Come in, there is no one here.

Bree: Okay but I can't stay long.
King: Okay, let's go to my bedroom.

He grabbed Bree's hand and they went to the bedroom.

Bree: Your house is beautiful.

King: Thanks.

King closed the bedroom door and turned to Bree, he wrapped his
arms around her and kissed her. He pushed her on the bed and kissed
her trying to get between her legs.

Bree: No stop..
King: What?
Bree: I..

She pushed him off her and stood up.

Bree: I don't want to.

King: Then why did you come here?
Bree: To hang out, not to have sex.
King: Oh, if you are not here for sex then you can leave, I will call
Bree: What?

King picked up her handbag and gave it to her.

King: You know where the door is akere?

Bree sniffed and wiped her tears then she turned around and left.

[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣



Everyone stood up and left the lecture room, Bree put her notepad in
her bag and stood up walking to the front. The lecture closed his
laptop and put it in the bag.

Bree: Sir..
Lecture: Yes Miss?
Bree: Phetogo.
Lecture: Oh yes Miss Phetogo, one of the promising students in my
Bree: Thank you, so I have a question.
Lecture: Miss Phetogo walk with me to my car, please help me with all
these papers.

Bree picked up the box and followed one of the oldest lectures at the
University of Botswana to his his car. She put the box down and

Bree: So i want to understand something..

Meanwhile Roman looked at her talking to the lecture, he sat down
eating a lollipop waiting for her. Bree shook hands with the professor
smiling and hang her back pack on her shoulder walking towards
Roman. Roman stood up and gave her a lollipop.

Bree: Thank you.

She kissed him and sat down unwrapping the lollipop.

Bree: Man i am glad this semester is over, it has to be one of the most
difficult semesters ever.
Roman: Yeah, so i was thinking maybe we can go out before you
leave, I need to talk to you.
Bree: I am leaving tonight..
Roman: I am breaking up with you.

Bree stopped sucking the lollipop and looked at Roman.

Bree: What?
Roman: Look Babe it's not you, its me.

Bree looked into his eyes, Roman looked down and sighed.
Roman: You have to understand that I am a man and i have needs
that you don't meet. It's been two months babe ke itshokile tota.
Bree: Oh!

She folded her arms and looked at Roman with an attitude.

Roman: Look Bree I don't want to cheat on you okay, that's why I feel
like it would be best if we break up because if we don't I am going to
cheat on you.
Bree: So you are breaking up with me because I won't sleep with you?
Roman: Yeah.
Bree: (Picked up) Oh thank God I thought maybe you would say
something about my body or face. Bye.

She walked to her room sniffing, she opened the door and threw her
bag on the bed, she sat down and star crying. The room door opened
and her roommate came in.

Angie: Hey
Bree: Hey.

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and sniffed.
Angie: Are you okay?
Bree: Yeah il be fine.
Angie: Okay so you are leaving today?
Bree: Yeah!
Angie: Okay, I am going to buy lunch do you want some?
Bree: No i am fine.

Angie left, Bree laid on the bed and cried into her pillow. She took out
her phone from the pocket and dialed Roman.

Roman: Hello
Bree: Can you come to my room?
Roman: Okay shapo.

She hung up and wiped her tears, she put her bag on Angie's bed and
sniffed wiping her tears, few minutes Roman came in. Bree locked the
door and sat on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and
kissed him.

Roman: Wait..
Bree: Akere this is what you wanted, sex.
Roman: Not like this.
Bree: O bata ii yaanong?
Roman: Dude I feel like I am raping you, look it's fine if you are not
ready, girls are patient and choosy about their first time. If you feel
like you are not ready then it's fine.

Bree got off him and sat next to him.

Bree: I am ready I am just scared.

Roman: I don't think if it was as painful as people say them people
would be having sex.
Bree: Mmmh.

Roman stood up and fixed his trouser.

Roman: Happy holidays.

Bree: Thanks you too.

Roman left then Bree started packing her bag.

At Morris's house..

The maid finished cleaning Bree's room and took the garbage outside,
Morris came in with plastic bags and put them in the kitchen counter.
He took out his phone and sent Bree bus fee. He dialed her number
and put it on loudspeaker, he put the phone on the kitchen counter
while packing the water in the fridge.

Bree: Hey
Morris: Hey now you have no excuse not to come home.
Bree: Haha when have I never come home?
Morris: Good girl, I got off early at work today, I am cooking your
favourite today, you will eat them phakela when you arrive.
Bree: Thanks but.. I was thinking maybe I will go to my mum's house.
Morris: (Disappointed) Oh no I understand it's fine.
Bree: No you don't understand.
Morris: I do
Bree: Haha okay bye
Morris: Bye.

Bree hung up and pushed her bag to the Maun buses side. The
conductor helped her put the bag in the bus, she bought a ticket and
went inside, she occupied a seat by the window and sat down, she
closed her eyes and put on her headsets. "Sorry" someone said to her,
the guy touched her shoulder, Bree quickly removed the headsets

Bree: Sorry I didn't hear you.

Him: Yeah um that's kind of my seat.
Bree: I didn't find your bag here.
Him: In this bus we use numbers and that's my number.
Bree: Uhu.

She looked at her ticket and noticed it had her seat number.

Bree: Sorry i have never been on this bus before.

Him: (Smiling) It's cool.

Bree picked up her fleece and went to sit by her seat. She smiled
alone and put on her headsets.

The Following Morning.

Kagiso stood outside the bus waiting for Bree to get off, she finally
came out holding her handbag.

Kagiso: Hey.
Bree: Hi again (yawning) It's still a little dark outside I am going to go
Kagiso: My name is Kagiso.
Bree: (Extended her hand) Paris .
Kagiso: Serious?
Bree: Haha yes my name is Paris Bree.
She took out her ID and showed him. Kagiso laughed and looked

Kagiso: Nice names.

Bree: Thanks.
Kagiso: Can I have your number?
Bree: Oh, I..

Bree spotted someone step out of the bus that just arrived, she
smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.

Bree: Search Paris LaBree on Facebook, let me talk to someone.

She took her bag and walked towards King. King smiled and hugged

Bree: Hey
King: Hey long time.

Bree stepped back and smiled looking at him from head to toe. He still
looked the same with a cute smile just that now his chest was a little
bigger, Bree smiled, this was the only man she has ever and still lusted
King: So zup?
Bree: Nothing, so you are back home?
King: For the Christmas holidays yes, wena?
Bree: ..
King: Huh?
Bree: Sorry I was lost in my thoughts.
King: We should hang out.
Bree: Last time I tried to hang out with you you chased me away from
your house.
King: Haha why are we talking about five years ago.
Bree: You are a jerk, but don't worry this time I am ready to hang out.
King: Hahaha, I still use the same number.
Bree: I still know it by head.

They both laughed.

Bree: I can't wait to hang out later.

King: Me too.
Bree: Bye

Bree pulled her bag to the taxi and got inside. King smiled alone and
got in the other taxi.
Bree: (Texting) I can't wait to hang out 👅

She sent the text and put the phone down. .THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Later that morning..

Bree got out of bed and slid her feet in her white sleepers, she put on
her short nighty dress and went to the sitting room where Nkagi was
sitting with some man enjoying a cup of tea. Bree quickly went back
to the bedroom and wore her gown.

Bree: Dumelang
Nkagi: Hello my girl, o robetse sente?
Bree: Ee mma.

She went to the kitchen and fixed herself something to eat, she sighed
looking outside then she went back for her phone, she dialed King's
number then quickly hung up. As much as she thought she was ready
she was also nervous. She picked up her phone again and dialed her
best friend for the past three years.
Sarah: Ya monyana.
Bree: Haha hey, so

She went out through the kitchen door.

Bree: I have decided I am going to have sex today.

Sarah: Whaaat? Tsena wena girl, with who became Roman is not in
Bree: With my first boyfriend, look I like him, he is a nice person
except for that one time he was rude at me. If I am going to enjoy this
at has to be with someone I like right? And I like King.
Sarah: True but, no it's okay if you are ready then go for it girl.
Bree: Yeah, I am tired of loosing every guy I like because I won't have
sex with them. If I have sex with King it will make things easier to
sleep with another guy.
Sarah: Oh okay.
Bree: Yeah, wish me luck, what should I wear?
Sarah: Before you go for your dick appointment you start foreplay at
Bree: (Confused) Okay.
Sarah: Send him di nudes nyana wa bona to get him in the mood,
buuut, it's very important that your face doesn't show in the nudes.
Bree: Noted..
Sarah: Secondly please wear di panty tse di sexy and don't wear a bra,
or a panty at all and when he kisses you don't just stand there with
your hands hanging, trace your hands in his abs or grab his dick or
Bree: Hsha okay, what if he wants me to blow him, the guy lives in the
states and I am sure he is going to expect me to do something.
Sarah: First thing first, if he is not circumcised then don't blow him or
don't have sex with him at all. But if he is circumstanced make sure he
just finished bathing before you give him a blow job, it's easy pretend
like you are eating a lollipop.
Bree: Haha ga ke kake ka kgwa
Sarah: No you won't as long as you don't gag on it, because you are
new to this just lock the tip.
Bree: Oh, Iyoo then I shouldn't eat anything because Iyoo the thought
of putting a whole penis in my mouth.
Sarah: When you like someone it's very easy to blow them, make sure
he gives you head too.
Bree: Okay, anything else.
Sarah: Because you are new to this dont do woman ontop or doggy.
Bree: Ae I don't want him to know this is my first time.
Sarah: He is going to know anyway because you bleed when you loose
your virginity.

Bree kept quiet for a few seconds then she breathed out loud.
Sarah: Bree?
Bree: So what's doggy?
Sarah: During doggy make sure your chest is touching the bed and
your ass up.
Bree: Okay I know that one, Angie once taught me.
Sarah: Then we are sorted.
Bree: Okay, I know I am ready, thanks friend I know gore you enjoyed
teaching me.
Sarah: Haha you bet I did, now go make me proud.
Bree: I will, bye love you.
Sarah: Love you too.

Bree hung up and sighed, she went to the bedroom and sat on the
bed, she took off her clothes and clicked a selfie of her breast, she
looked at it for a few minutes then sent to King's WhatsApp.

King: (Text) 👅👅👅

Bree: 😂😂🙈 Are we still on?
King: Yes, I am home alone so you can come by anytime.
Bree: 30 minutes.
King: 🏃🏃🚶 to the pharmacy, what's your favourite condom flavour?

Bree dialed Sarah.

Sarah: Hello
Bree: A re what's my favourite condom flavour.
Sarah: Tell him anything blueberry flavour as long as it's not rough
Bree: What's that?
Sarah: Just say what I said.

Bree hung up and sent the condom flavour. She went to the kitchen
and boiled water, she poured it in the plastic bucket and put it inside
the bath, she got inside and washed her nunu,she smiled alone and
looked around, she put her middle finger in and frowned a little. She
sighed and continued bathing.

Later that Morning.

Bree knocked at the door and fixed her top, she stepped back a little
nervous then she breathed out loud. King opened the door and smiled
at her.

King: Hey
Bree: I hope Carol is not coming over.
King: Come on, I apologized.
Bree stepped inside the house and folded her arms, King kissed her,
she kissed him back with her heart beating against her chest like a

King: Are you okay?

Bree: Yeah, do you still smoke?
King: Haha yes but I don't have any right now, why you smoke?
Bree: No, your breath is clean.

King picked her up and went to the bedroom, he threw her on the bed
and removed his t-shirt.

Bree: Wait..

She sat upright and fixed her dress.

King: Did i do something wrong?

Bree: No, be gentle it's my first time.
King: Oh, I didn't know.

Bree removed her sandals and sat on the bed, King sat next to her, he
turned to her and kissed her lips slowly, Bree swallowed hard and
kissed him back, she slowly laid on the bed then King got ontop of her,
he traced his hand under her dress and hooked her panty with one
finger pulling it down.

Bree's phone rang.

Bree: Ignore it.

King: Are you sure you want to do this?
Bree: Yes.

King made her stand up, he removed her dress then she helped him
remove his sweat pants. King kissed her breasts and sucked on her
hard nipples, he kissed her stomach going down to her nunu, he
parted her legs and baby kissed her nunu. Bree closed her eyes and
covered them with her hands moaning softly. King circled his tongue
on her clit down to her whole then started tongue fucking her.

With her hands still covering her eyes, Bree flexed her waist enjoying
everything the tongue was doing in her vagina, she uncovered her
face and grabbed on to the sheets breathing continuously, King
inserted one finger in her nunu and she flinched.

Bree: Babe go bothoko.

King: It's just my finger, I will be gentle okay.

With little fear in her eyes, Bree looked down and King and smiled.
King: I promise I won't hurt you okay.
Bree: (Voice shaking) Okay.

She threw her head back on the pillow as King continued muffin her.
She moaned softly afraid to make much noise, King reached for the
box of condoms and took one out, he tore it and rolled it on his dick
then**** (18+ sex scene will be posted in the group later today). THE


A little embarrassed about what just happened Bree pulled up the

sheet and covered her breasts. King came out of the bathroom putting
on his boxers, he sat on the edge of the bed and touched Bree's hand.

King: I feel special.

Bree: Oh, why?
King: Because, I have never been anyone's first before. It's a big deal
to me.

Bree smiled and rubbed his hand.

King: How are you feeling?

Bree: Fine actually, it wasn't that painful, it was great and I am glad i
experience this precious moment with you.

King leaned over for a kiss and cleared his throat.

King: Do you want something to eat?

Bree: No i want to cuddle.
King: Hahaha okay.

He got into bed and laid behind Bree, he wrapped his arms around her
bringing her in for a tight hug. He kissed the back of her head and
breathed in her hair. No one of them said anything until they both fell

At Nkagi's House.

Nkagi walked her guest out and walked back to the house, the gate
opened and Palesa drove her car inside.

Nkagi: No wonder it's raining today.

Palesa: Agg Mama Hahaha don't make is sound like I never come to
see you.
Nkagi: Yes you never come to see me, ha ke nna le Katlego hela re le
Palesa: Where is his mother?
Nkagi: She hasn't come back from School but Bree arrived this

Palesa parked her car and stepped out, she opened the boot and took
out groceries. Nkagi helped her take them to the house, she switched
on the kettle and made them both a cup of tea.

Palesa: How are you?

Nkagi: I am good.
Palesa: So who was that guy who just left?
Nkagi: Ao Palesa you really expect me to tell you even if he was my
Palesa: Haha yes and I will be happy for you, you deserve to be happy
too mum, you never got to date around because you were a young
mother and continued raising more kids. You deserve this, plus that
guy is clean so I approve.
Nkagi: Haha there is nothing to approve here, he is helping me with
the court case against your relatives.
Palesa: Kgang ya the land and butcher again.
Nkagi: Yes, I can't let them sell everything and not give my kids
anything, their father had a share now that he is gone them you guys
should have a share.
Palesa: Just leave them, you know those people like whitchdoctors.
Nkagi took a deep breath and mixed her tea.

Palesa: So where is Bree.

Nkagi: She has been gone since morning.
Palesa: How is she?
Nkagi: She looks much better to me.
Palesa: Okay that's great, I was just bringing you vegetables I have to
get back to work.
Nkagi: Palesa ngwanaka when are you going to have a child? Who is
going to help you with your baby nna ke sule, do you know how hard
it is to have kids with no parents?

Palesa kept quiet.

Nkagi: Well i am just saying gore le nako is not on your side, you are
almost thirty five now.
Palesa: I have to go.
Nkagi: Okay.

Nkagi walked her outside then went back inside the house, she sat
down and drank her tea, she reached for her phone and dialed Bree
but her number rang unanswered.

Layer that Evening..

King parked his father's car at the gate and pushed back the seat then
turned his head to Bree.

Bree: Can I ask something?

King; Hahaha I knew that question was coming.
Bree: Haha no I am not about to ask what the sex meant, I mean you
are in Europe and only come home during the Christmas holidays, I
would be stupid to expect a relationship between us.
King: I am kind of hurt because I was about to ask you if you would
like to try again, you know the whole relationship thing.
Bree: Really?
King: Yeah, how about an open relationship?
Bree: Open relationship?
King: I mean obviously I can't stay eleven months without sex.
Bree: So we are allowed to sleep with other people?
King: Yeah as long as no strings attached.
Bree: Iyoo, isn't that cheating?
King: Haha no it's not cheating if I know and you know what I am
Bree: Well it sounds fair, atleast I won't say you wasted my time if we
happen to break up.
King: Yeah..
Bree: Okay, let me go inside.
King: Goodnight babe.
Bree: Night.

She leaned over for a kiss then opened the door, she stepped out and
waved at King, he waved back and drove off. Bree opened the gate
and went inside the house, she knocked once and opened the door.
The kids came running to her, she hugged them and picked up the

Morris: We were just talking about you.

Bree: Haha what about me? Dumelang.
Morris: How are you?
Bree: I am great.

One stood up and went to the kitchen, Bree sat down and fixed her

Bree: Let me charge my phone, battery died I am sure my mum

already reported me missing.
Morris: Haha, there is a charger in the guest room.

Bree stood up and went to the guest room, she opened the first door,
she screamed and quickly closed it.
The rest of the insert is at VUKA SOCIAL.. pasted with five airtime
vouchers, hurry and get yourself airtime. [06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234


Deuce: They said you are beautiful but they didn't tell me you are hot
Bree: (Looked down shyly) Haha, I am?
Deuce: Haha yes actually, come on I am sure this is not the first time
you heard this.
Bree: Haha I have never heard it from a cute guy before.
Deuce: Haha il take that as a compliment.
Bree: It is a compliment.

Bree's phone vibrated from the table, she smiled and picked up while
Deuce excused himself.

Bree: Hello
King: Hey Babe I miss you already.
Bree: Yeah me too, babe let me call you in a few.
King: Okay.

Bree hung up and went outside, she passed by the kitchen and saw
Deuce licking the kitchen knife while he made himself a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich. Isn't it weird how a sexual thought can pop into
your head at the most random time? Just seing him lock that table
knife made Bree wonder how good his tongue game was from seing
his dick earlier she wondered just how good he was in bed, does he
give affirmations about listening to your body while boning? That
would be awesome, Bree thought to herself then she quickly snapped
out of it as her dad came towards her.

Morris: Are you sleeping over.

Bree snapped out of her thoughts. She pointed at the kitchen


Morris: Oh thats my nephew, he grew up in Zimbabwe that's where

his father worked. He is my late sister's child.
Bree: Oh okay, I remember you saying you have a nephew in
Morris: Yeah, he is visiting for the holidays.
Bree: Okay, I should go home I didn't tell mum I was coming here.
Morris: Just call her I had your bedroom cleaned.
Bree: (Looking at Deuce) Yeah i will call her.

Deuce came out of the kitchen eating his sandwich. Bree fixed her hair
and tucked it behind her ear.

Morris: (To Deuce) You have meet akere?

Deuce: Yes, I am going out can I have the kitchen keys so that I don't
disturb anyone when I come back.
Morris; The spare is in the flower pot hung outside.
Deuce: Thanks.

Morris looked at Bree.

Morris: You should take Bree with you, she is a boring person i wasn't
boring when I was this young.
Bree: No thanks I will just bore you.
Morris: Haha wa bona.

Everyone laughed.

Bree: (Rolled her eyes) Dad stop.

Deuce: Well it's a friend's party, you can come if you want to. I will
bring you home if you become bored.
Bree: No thanks I.. (looked at her dad) You know what can you drop
me off at my mother's house and change, I am not a boring person
you know.
Morris: Haha
Bree: Let me get my phone.

Bree went to get her phone, Deuce got the car keys and they went
outside. One came out of her bedroom and gave Morris the look.

Morris: What?
One: Did you just play match making?
Morris: What no they are cousins ao Bree needs to loosen up a little.
One: Ehe, now you will see how much blood is not water.

Morris ignored her and continued watching TV.

In the Car..

Bree smiled pressing her phone then she put it between her thighs,
she sighed and looked at the road.

Deuce: How lucky is that phone?

Bree: Hahah stop, turn this way.
Deuce parked outside Nkagi's House, he pushed back the seat and
looked at Bree.

Deuce: Dont take long.

Bree: I am sorry about earlier, I honestly didn't know there was
someone in the house.
Deuce: It's cool, I am a model so I am kind of used to people seing me
Bree: Model, that's great, let me go inside.

Meaning Nkagi looked outside and fixed her top, she lowered the TV
volume as the footsteps came closer. Bree opened the door.

Bree: Hi.
Nkagi: (Looked at the door) Uhu your father doesn't come in ne these
Bree: It's not his its his nephew, we are going out then I am going to
sleep over at my dad's house.
Nkagi: (Disappointed) Okay, nna ka re its him, I haven't seen him in a
very long time

Bree went to the bedroom and sat down going through her makeup
bag. Sarah' s phonecall came through, she picked up and put on
Bree: Hey
Sarah: Details details, what happened how was it?
Bree: I can't talk right now, I am going out to a party with my cousin.
Sarah: This day keeps getting better and better, i love the sudden
Bree: Haha bye let me do my makeup.
Sarah: Shapo..

Bree finished doing her makeup and put on shorts and a crop top, she
put on white sneakers and sprayed perfume.

Nkagi: Boata jwa banyana, did you bath?

Bree; Haha ao Mama yes, I will see you tomorrow.
Nkagi: Have fun.
Bree: Bye.

She grabbed her phone and a few coins and put in her pocket. She
rang outside, Deuce who was leaning against the car smoking threw
his cigarette down and stomped on it. He sprayed mouth wash in his
mouth and put his hands in his pockets. He looked at Bree's hour
figure body as she came closer, dirty thoughts ran through his mind,
he could imagine taking it frim behind and spanking that big ass or her
pounding on his dick with that big ass, a beautiful girl with a nice
body, very rare he thought to himself. He wondered if she was the
type to moan or scream, either way he was very good at turning a
moaner into a screamer.

Bree: Let's go.

He opened the door for her then went over to the passenger side, he
opened the door and got inside.

Deuce: You look beautiful, Your ass looks just as amazing in those
shorts as it does in your little black dress.
Bree: (Shyly) Haha thanks
Deuce: I’m never going to stop telling you how hot you are, so you
better get used to it.
Bree: Haha Deuce we are cousins stop.
Deuce: (Touched her hand) Try not to ruin your manicure when you
dig those nails into my back later.

Bree covered her face laughing then she looked outside shaking her
head. She was not going to admit to herself just how much she was
enjoying everything and how much his words turned her on.

She took her phone from her pocket and started typing " Hey babe ke
dule with my cousin" she sent King the SMS and out her phone back in
her pocket, she turned her head and looked at Deuce.
Bree: You are a crazy person.
Deuce: I would do anything you want me to do as long as you keep
looking at me like that.
Bree; (Covered her face) Oh my God stop haha.

Deuce parked Infront of the liquor store and looked at Bree.

Deuce: What can I get you.

Bree: Just a drink.
Deuce: Come on you are too hot for that, there are sweet beers with
fruits flavours women love.

Deuce stepped out and went inside the store, Bree took out her
phone and dialed Sarah.

Bree; Does it make me a slut for wanting to kiss my cousin so bad.

King: What?

Bree looked at the phone and realised she mistakenly dialed wrong
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


King parked and switched off the lights. Bree recognized the car, she
wiped her lips and turned around.

Bree: Shit!

King stepped out and put the keys in his pocket. Deuce moved into
him ready to fight him.

Deuce: Ne mona you were intentionally doing that or..

King looked at Bree then clicked his tongue, he furiously punched

Deuce on the face before he finished his sentence, Deuce staggered
back and touched his jaws.

Deuce: Wa lwa ne mona?

Bree: Deuce don't..

Deuce came full force on King, both boys fell down and started
punching each other. Bree looked around and noticed everyone was
in tje resort.
Bree: (whispering) Guys stop.

She tried to pull King away from Deuce, he pushed her hard and Bree
fell on her butt.

Bree: King stop..

King stood up and wiped the blood off his lips with his t-shirt. Bree
quickly got between them and pushed Deuce back.

Bree: Stop
Deuce: No this guy wa ntwaela.. wa ntwantsha.
Bree: He is my boyfriend okay please stop fighting.

Deuce raised both his hands and stepped back.

Bree; Go inside please.

King: No you can continue whatever you were doing here I am done.
Bree: King!

King dusted himself and went back to his car, Bree rang after him and
held the door knob.
Bree: King!
King: Who cheats in an open relationship?
Bree; King wait I am sorry okay.

King pulled the door and slammed it, he started the car and reversed.
Bree covered her face and sighed. She turned to Deuce and dusted the
soil from the back of his head.

Bree: I am sorry, I didn't know he will show up here, are you okay?
Deuce: A few punches can't do anything to me, wena are you okay?
Bree: I don't know who I am anymore please take me back home.
Deuce: Okay.

He opened the door for her then went over to the driver's side. Bree
covered her face crying then she picked up her phone and dialed King.

King: Hello
Bree: Can we talk?
King: Not tonight
Bree: Can we talk tomorrow then?
King: Okay.
King hung up and went through his contacts, he bit his lower lip
thoughtfully and clicked on Carol's number.

Carol: Hello
King: Hey its King.
Carol: Heey, zup long time.
King: Can I come pick you up?
Carol: Please do, I am at a party and it's boring as fuck.
King: I am on my way send directions.
Carol: Okay.

At Morris's house.

Deuce opened the back door for Bree and she got inside then went
straight to her bedroom, she slammed the door and sat down on her
bed crying.

Morris opened their bedroom door and stuck his head outside, he saw
Deuce disappear in the guest bedroom. Morris closed the door and
went back to bed.

In Bree's bedroom..
She removed all her clothes and wrapped a towel around herself, she
put on a shower cap and went outside to the bathroom, she opened
the cold water from the shower and stood under it, the door slightly
opened and Deuce came in. His eyes fell on Bree's well curved body
and the two dimples just above her butt.

Deuce: Hey I didn't know you are in here.

Bree turned around and covered her breasts while the other hand
covered her nunu. Deuce quickly left the bathroom and went to his
room, he smiled alone and touched his boner, his thoughts went wild
wondering how she tasted. He could imagine hitting it from behind
and spanking her ass. He breathed out loud and sat on the bed taking
off his jeans.

The door opened and Bree came in with a towel around her breasts.

Deuce: Hey!
Bree: I found myself coming in here, I don't even know why.

Deuce smiled and stood up. He wrapped his arms around her and
pulled her in for a kiss. Bree pushed her head back.

Bree: I can't, you are my cousin and i have a boyfriend.

Deuce: If we are cousins then why do I want to fuck you so bad?
He pressed his lips on Bree's and sucked in her breath.Before Bree
knew it, he got both of her hands in a grip above her head, he pinned
her on the wall using his lips, he other hand grans her soft hair then
he brings her face up, he continues kissing her, their tongues stroke
each other in a slow erotic dance, his erection pokes her stomach.

Bree breathed out loudly.

Deuce: (Softly) Tell me to stop.

Bree raised her head up as Deuce kissed her neck, he picked her up
and laid her on the bed, he kissed her nipples, her flat stomach, her
bellybutton down to her nunu, one kiss after the other then he opens
he legs, he traces his fingers along her slimy wet nunu and
disappeared between her legs.

Bree rested her head back on the pillow, she raised her chest and
couldn't see his face just the above of his head. She cupped her
breasts enjoying every bit of his tongue, this was better than she had
ever imagined. Her exposed clitoris beg for the touch of his tongue.
Around and around he swirl, drinking in her scent, drinking in her
reaction, until he feel her tremble beneath me and grabbed his head
pressing it harder in her vagina.
She began to move her waist in a sudden helpess orgasm. Deuce
raised his head well in time, she squirt all over his face with her nails
dug in the sheets, her eyes rolled to the back of her head then she lay
unconscious taking slow breathes,Deuce reached for a towel and
wiped his face, he positioned himself and put her leg on his shoulder
then rubbed his dick on her entrance, Bree reached for it and directed
it inside, the both moaned.

Deuce: Oh shit, fuck this is sweet.

He pulled her closer and went halfway in her vagina looking as his big
dick stretched her little whole. He rubbed her clit slowly and watched
as she became more and more wet, he pulled out and turned her
around, he spanked her ass until it became red and polished his dick
on her before going all in.
The Following Day

Deuce woke up to his phone ringing, still sleepy he reached for it and
picked up.

Deuce: Hello
Luna: Hey babe guess who is on her way to Maun?
Deuce piled off the duvet and embarrassingly closed his eyes, it was
all a wet dream.

Luna: Babe.
Deuce: Yeah?
Luna: So my girls and i are going on a road trip we will be in Maun
around di twenty.
Deuce: Okay
Luna: Robala I will talk to you later, I love you
Deuce: I love you too.

He hung up and got out of bed, he looked at the big stain on the
sheets and sighed.

At King's house.

Carol walked out of the house holding her wig and shoes, she threw
them at the back of the car and got in the front, King locked the house
and opened the gate, he got in the car and rubbed his face, he sighed
and looked at Carol.

Carol: We should do this again.

King: Yeah..
Meanwhile Bree walked inside the yard. Carol saw her and pulled the
seat belt, she pout her lips with an attitude and folded her arms.

Bree knocked on King's side, he rolled it down and stepped out.

King: Hey!
Bree: Tell her to sit at the back, we will talk not Infront of her.

King went over to the passenger side and spoke to Carol, she folded
her arms and looked away. Bree walked over and folded her arms.

Bree: Babe give her madi a taxi if she is giving you a problem.

Carol clicked her tongue and stepped out of the car, she went to sit at
the back, Bree got in the front and King closed the door for her.
[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree; Does it make me a slut for wanting to kiss my cousin so bad.

King: What?
Bree looked at the phone and realised she mistakenly dialed wrong
number. She quickly hung up the call and clenched her jaws
nervously. King's call came through, she swallowed a big lump and
stared at the call until King up.

Deuce opened the door and put two cold beers on Bree's lap, Bree
smiled at him and put the beers down. Deuce stood outside and lit
another cigarette. Bree stepped out of the car and stood next to him.
Deuce turned around and looked at her, he smiled and blew the
smoke in her face, Bree coughed and stepped back.

Deuce; You want some?

Bree: No and i am a little old for peer presure.

Deuce laughed and threw the cigarette down, he stomped on it then

took a chewing gum from his pocket, he threw one in his mouth and
looked up at the stars.

Deuce: Man i have never been bored in my life.

Deuce: Let's go.

He went over to the driver's side, he picked up Bree's beer and

opened it with his teeth then gave it to her.
Bree; Thanks

Deuce reversed out of the bar and dialed his friend. He put on
loudspeaker and looked at Bree.

Friend: Yooh Deuce where are you?

Deuce: I am on my way, o mpeetse a hot girl akere?

Bree looked at her beer and wondered why it suddenly became hot
and tasted bitter.

Friend: Dude this place is packed, hurry.

Deuce: Ke a tsena, mona mpeele yellow bone hoo.

They both laughed, Bree rolled her eyes and put her beer in the
middle of her thighs. She looked at her phone ringing then she sighed
and put it on silent.

At Morris's house

King pulled the long sleeves of his t-shirt and knocked on the door,
One opened the door.
King: Dumelang.
Morris: Who is it? (Saw King) Oh it's you, you are back?

King came in and bumped shoulders with Morris.

Morris: Mona look at you all grown up, you are even taller than me.
King: Haha thats not true.
Morris: So how is school?
One: Ao I am not sure he came here to talk about school.
King: Haha school is great, I become home sick sometimes.
Morris; Haha what is it that you miss the most about back here?

They sat down, Morris reached for the TV remote and lowered the

King: I miss talking setswana and eating phaleche ka seswaa.

They both laughed.

Morris: That's what I missed too le nna when I went to school in the
states. I would see a black person and wish they were batswana.
King: Haha me too
Morris: I see you boy.
King: Yeah, so is Bree home?
Morris; Bree went out with her cousin, ne a re he is going to the party
somewhere. She is going to be excited to see you.
King; Yeah.
Morris: I actually have a tracking device on my car let me cheeek.

He typed on his phone then bit his lower lip thoughtfully.

Morris: Riverbank resort, thats where they are.

King: (Stood up) Thank you let me surprise her.
Morris; It's good to see you back boy.

Morris walked him to the gate and closed it after King got in his car.
King dialed Bree's number again but she didn't pick up.

At Riverbank Resort..

Deuce bumped shoulders with his friends and shook hands with a
couple of girls they were with.

Deuce: This is Bree.

Bree: (Extended her hand) We are cousins.
Friend: Deuce never told me he has a jot cousin like you.
Bree: Hahaha

They introduced each other and sat down.

Deuce: Do you want me to get you something?

Bree: No i am sorted.

She sipped on her beer and smiled looking around. Everyone started
dancing and enjoying themselves, feeling out of place Bree logged
into Facebook and went through her timeline.

Deuce: Are you bored? Let's dance.

Bree: Haha no ke shapo.

The DJ played Mas Musiq' Zaka and everyone went crazy. Deuce held
Bree's hands trying to dance with her but she shook her head. Deuce
went over to a couple of girls who were dancing and started dancing
with the most beautiful of them all, the girl wrapped her arms around
Deuce and they breathed on each other's faces, Bree rolled her eyes
and sipped on her beer.

The girl turned around and started slow twerking on Deuce's dick, he
held her waist, the girl slowly circled it seductively. Bree looked at
them with jealousy in her eyes but she couldn't understand why she
would be jealous over a boy she just meet a few minutes ago, he was
practically family but why did she feel the way she did?

Bree stood up and grabbed Deuce's hand from the dancefloor. She
pulled him out if the crowd and folded her arms.

Bree: Don't you find it a little rude and inappropriate that you came
here with me now you are making out with someone you don't know
in the dancefloor.
Deuce: Why are you jealous akere we are cousins.
Bree: I am not your cousin.

Deuce moved closer to her and pinned her against the car,he
breathed his cigarette mint like breath on her face, for the first time in
her life her feelings gave in, she could feel her heartbeat down her
nunu as it slowly became wet.

Bree: Aren't you going to kiss me?

Deuce: I don't do incest.

Bree smiled and kissed him, Deuce kissed her back and let the beer he
was holding fall down, he picked up Bree and pressed her against the
car with her legs wrapped around his back. Hungry for each other
they both breathed heavily into each other. A car brightened its lights
on them, Deuce clicked his tongue and let Bree down, he turned
around furious, he put his hand above his forehead and clicked his

Deuce: Dude where did you learn to drive?

King parked and switched off the lights. Bree recognized the car, she
wiped her lips and turned around.

Bree: Shit.
Next insert follows after midnight😉[06/26, 20:15] +27 62 234 5106:


King parked his car Infront of Carol's house, she stepped out and
slammed the door. Bree turned her head and looked at King.

Bree: So is she like on standby or something?

King: No
Bree: Is this what's going to happen, everytime we get into an
argument you are going to run and sleep with her?
King: I found you making out with a guy yesterday, don't shift the
Bree: I didn't sleep with him, I asked you a question, is she going
to be a problem in our relationship?
King: No she is not.
Bree: Okay, can we talk about last night then. (Sighed) I am sorry
about what happened, I was drunk.
King: Are you being for real right now, is that your excuse?
Bree: You settled the score and slept with Carol can't we move
King: Okay
Bree: Are you only saying that because I caught you red handed
or you are going to bring it up everytime we have an argument?
King: No, this relationship is not going to work if there is no
communication and trust. We both messed up do I would like it if
we forgive each other and move on. I am sorry for running to
Bree: I forgive you, I am sorry too.
King: I forgive you.
Bree: Thank you, did you tell Carol we are together?
King: Yeah and she won't be a problem.
Bree: Okay, we can go back to your house and have makeup sex if
you want to.
King: Hahaha people don't say that babe.
Bree: Hahaha okay sorry what should I say?
King: By the way your dad is the one who told me where you
Bree: He is such a sell out, are we cool?
King: Yeah let's get something to eat.

King joined the main road, he held Bree's hand and drove with
one hand. Bree increased the stereo volume and moved her head
to the beats of Big Zulu's Ama Million remix.

A few days later..

Bree stepped out of the taxi and looked at Morris's house, she
sighed and opened the gate. She took out her phone and
pretended to pick up as she walked past Deuce and his friend
sitting by the garden, she waved at them and went to the house.

Friend; Haha I don't blame you having wet dreams about her, I
would too did you see that ass?
Deuce: Shut up she is my cousin.
Friend: You know technically you are not related, you won't have
deformed kids if you ever get to smash that, oh wait you did that
in your dreams.

Both guys laughed

Deuce: I am coming

He went to the bathroom and closed the door, Bree came out of
her bedroom with her handbag.

Deuce: Hey!
Bree: Hey, I came to get my shoes, where is everyone?
Deuce: They went to Moremi.
Bree: Oh yeah.
Deuce: Are you like avoiding me or something, I haven't seen you
since the party.
Bree: My mum is not feeling well so I am staying with her.
Deuce: So you are not avoiding me?
Bree: What? Ofcourse not why would I?
Deuce: Well it's great to see you again.
Bree: Same, I should go.
Deuce: Yeah.

Bree walked slowly past him, Deuce grabbed her hand and pulled
her into his chest.

Deuce: Tell me you don't feel the same way I feel about you and i
will back of.
Bree: What, (breathed out loud) How do you feel about me?
Deuce: Like this.

He tucked one braid behind her ear and kissed her, Bree stepped
back and touched her lips.

Bree; Deuce I have a boyfriend.

Deuce: Just tell me you don't feel the same way and i will back off.

Bree blinked continuously and breathed out loud. She looked

down, Deuce raised her head with his hand. Bree looked into his
eyes, he was family and she wasn't supposed to feel the way she
felt about him.

Bree: I don't feel the same way, I was drunk and kissed you, that's
Deuce: O sure?
Bree: Yes, excuse me.

She walked past him and opened the door.

Deuce: O sure Bree that you don't feel the same way?

She slammed the door on her way out, she walked past Deuce's
friend without saying anything and opened the gate. Deuce's
friend went inside the house.

Friend: And then?

Deuce: Haha women, wa yaka I am going to get her.
Friend: Wena fuck boy.
Deuce: Hahaha just wait and see.. the best way to get a woman is
to not be available.
Friend: I don't understand.
Deuce: Stay back and watch the player play his games.

Deuce took out his phone and dialed Morris.

Morris: Hello
Deuce: Hey, when did you say you are coming?
Morris: Ka di twenty six, you need something?
Deuce: Yeah, I am not feeling well, can you call Bree and ask her
to buy me something from the pharmacy, I would call her but ke a
mo tshaba.
Morris: Haha she can be a little intimidating, what do you want?
Deuce: Cough syrup and pain killers.
Morris: I will call her.
Deuce: Thanks Uncle .

He hung up and smiled at his friend.

Deuce: Let's see if my cousin really don't have feelings for me.
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At the Mall..

Bree stepped out of the chinese shop holding a nails glue, her
phone vibrated from her pocket, she smiled and picked up
walking towards the taxi stop.
Bree: Hey
Sarah: Hey miss Carter..
Bree: Haha dude I don't feel like Mrs Carter right now, I went to
my dad's house and found Deuce there with his friend
Sarah: And?
Bree: He said he likes me and that if I like him ke bue.
Sarah: I hope you didn't say anything, look we have all had
crushes, they eventually fade . If you act on your feelings for
Deuce you are going to hurt your dad, he expects you guys to be
cousins because he sees himself as your father, he has been your
father since day one, he sent you to an expensive school, he has
always been there for you even when his wife didn't approve, you
are the one who told me this now imagine how he would feel if
you date his nephew.
Sarah: Deuce is not just any guy, if he was I would tell you to ride
that big dick and whisper my name but he is not, he is your
Bree: Hahaha why would I whisper your name?
Sarah: You will be representing me.
Bree: Haha mxm, you are right, he is off limits plus I have the
greatest boyfriend ever.
Sarah: Yes, who has a bright future, if you stick with him you will
be working for the fun of it. Look I don't want you to hurt yourself
okay, even if you fuck Deuce now you won't go anywhere, it's like
drinking alcohol, go monate during drinking but you wake up
sober the next day and regret spending all your money on people
you don't know at the bar, life ke sesepa sa marang friend.
Bree: What?
Sarah: Yeah, life ke chakalaka friend and don't ask me how, I don't
sell herbal life.
Bree: Haha you are so stupid.
Sarah: Yeah but I told you what you needed to hear, before you
think about how wet you become when you see Deuce think
about your father.
Bree: Mxm yeah I heard you, I had the chance to tell him how i felt
about him but I didn't.
Sarah: Good
Bree: Shapo let me go home I have two days ke seo my mum has
been leaving me five minutes voice notes on WhatsApp.
Sarah: Haha bye.

Bree hung up and got in the taxi, she rested her head on the seat
and closed her eyes.

At Nkagi's House
Pona put her son on the sofa and applied lotion on him, Nkagi
came out of the kitchen string her tea, she sat down and reached
for the remote, she lowered the TV volume and sipped on her tea.

Pona: Kante where does Bree stay I haven't seen her since I came
Nkagi: She is at her father's house.
Pona: Oh okay.

The door opened and Bree came in, Katlego jumped off the sofa
and hugged Bree, she hugged him back and picked him up.

Nkagi: No wonder it's been cold today.

Bree: Hahaha
Nkagi: Did you listen to my voice notes I told you come get your
bags akere you have moved .

Bree threw herself on the sofa and took out a lollipop from the
plastic and gave Katlego.

Pona: Mmmh whatever you are eating there is making you glow.
Bree: Haha it's just food, you should try drinking lots of water too.
Pona: (Stood up) Banyana, they will make you drink water all day
bone ba itse gore ba phachimisiwa kii.

She said that disappearing in the kitchen. Bree laughed and

clicked her tongue.

Nkagi; How is your father?

Bree: He is good, um he and the kids went to Moremi today.
Nkagi: Jaanong what's with the red marks on your neck.
Pona: (Passed going to the bedroom) Water Mama, just water
heela ba re hithetse banyana.
Nkagi: Are you on prevention?
Bree: (Covered her ears) Iyoo bathong are we having the sex talk?
Pona: Mama if you had this talk with me I wouldn't have become
a teen mother.
Nkagi: You were young and i didn't think you were already having
Pona: I was seventeen.
Nkagi: People don't have sex when they are seventeen, (turned
her head to Bree) Are you on prevention?
Bree: No
Nkagi: Go to the hospital tomorrow and start prevention, it's great
to have a child o bereka so that you can give them everything
they want and not burden your mother.
Pona: (From the bathroom) Iyooo o palame nna jaanong.
Nkagi: Yes, where is Shield? Ne a le maheha the first six months
Shield buying the baby ugly clothes and cutting him ugly
hairstyles where is he now?

Pona came from the bedroom rubbing lotion on her elbows.

Pona: Atleast he tried thee, some babies don't even have a T-shirt
bought by their fathers.
Nkagi: Tried wa eng, you can't bring a child in the world and
choose to take care of them when you want to. Ebile ke rile go to
court motho yoo a ntshe maintenance.
Pona: He doesn't have money, his music is not selling shap shap
akere he is new in the industry.
Nkagi: He has been new in the industry four years ago.
Pona: Iyoo Mama kana, talk to Bree about contraceptives mma
Nkagi; I hope you are on contraceptives too.
Pona: I am celibate mum.
Bree laughed and went outside to pick up her call.

Bree: Hello dad

Morris: Hey, can you buy Deuce some painkillers and cough syrup
and drop them at home?
Bree: What happened to him he was fine earlier.
Morris: A re he is not feeling well the my baby, can you please buy
them for him I will send you the money.
Bree: (Sighed) Okay shapo.

She hung up and dialed King.

King: Babe
Bree: Hey my dad asked me to buy my cousin some pills he is not
feeling well.
King: Isn't it weird that I haven't meet your cousin.
Bree: My cousin, yeah um you will meet him dont worry.
King: Ok i will come pick you up or I can get them and you do for
Bree: Yeah great.

Bree hung up and went to the house.

Bree: Dad just called a re ke dropele his nephew some pills he is
not feeling well.
Pona: Is he cute?
Nkagi: Pona that's your relative.
Pona: No he is not he is Bree's cousin not mine, so is he cute?
Nkagi: Knowing my daughter she is going to disappear for two
days, ne ko le nnang teng beng ba metse ga ba le shape kii, how
do you go to the toilet at other people's houses?
Pona: Just like you are home.

Bree laughed and went to the kitchen, she plugged on the kettle
and went to the bedroom.

A little later..

King parked Infront of Morris's house and Bree stepped out

holding the brown paper bag.

Bree: Five minutes.

King: Sure.
Bree opened the gate and went inside, she knocked once on the
door then opened. Delicious aroma came from the kitchen then a
petite girl stepped out holding a tray with food.

Girl: Oh hey.
Bree: Hi, where is Deuce?
Girl: He is in his room.

Bree stormed to the guest bedroom and opened the door, she
slammed it and threw the paper bag on the bed.

Deuce: Thanks.
Morris: My dad didn't leave the house with you so you can turn it
into a brothel.
Deuce: She is my girlfriend what's your deal.
Bree: It's disrespectful, she has to go or else I am telling my dad.
Deuce: Tell him
Bree: What?

Deuce took the cough syrup from the paper bag and shook it.

Bree: So you have a girlfriend?

Deuce: What if I overdose on the syrup?
Bree: I thought you said you have feelings for me kante you have
a girlfriend?
Deuce: Unfortunately my feelings have no use to me because they
are one sided.

Bree folded her arms and swallowed a big lump.

Bree: So you went and got yourself a girlfriend just because I said
I didn't have feelings for you?
Deuce: What did you want me to do, beg you?

He got out of bed and put on his jeans, Bree locked the door and
stood Infront of it.

Deuce: Can I please pass?

Bree: What do you want me to do, we are cousins.
Deuce: I heard you let me pass.

Bree wrapped her arms around Deuce and kissed him, Deuce
picked her up and pinned her against the wall, she wrapped her
legs around his back, Deuce laid her on the bed, it felt like déjà vu,
he snuck his hand under her top and cupped her breasts. Bree
breathed softly and raised her head up as Deuce kissed her neck
going to her stomach, she moaned softly then someone knocked
at the door. They tried the lock but it was locked.

King: Babe your dad is calling, why is this door locked?

Bree and Deuce looked at each other.

King: Babe?
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


King: Babe your dad is calling, why is this door locked?

Bree and Deuce looked at each other.

King: Babe?
King went back to the sitting room where the girl was watching

King: Hey there is no one in there.

The girl stood up and went to knock on Deuce's door, she tried
the lock and looked at King.

Girl: Jaanong why is the door locked? Deuce?

Inside the room, Bree fixed her top and bit her nails nervously
looking at Deuce. Deuce cleared his throat and reached the door
knob, Bree pulled him back.

Bree:( Whispering) King is outside..

Deuce: So we gonna stay in here all day?
Bree: Don't.

He opened the door and cracked his knuckles, King looked inside
the bedroom and looked at Bree, he looked at Deuce and shook
his head in disbelif.
Bree: Babe let me explain..

King headed Deuce and he stagged back, he punched him on the

jaws and Deuce fell on the bed, he quickly got up and reached for
the side lamp and smashed it on King's head.

Bree: Guys stop.. King stop.

She pushed King back, King grabbed the glass of water on the
table and splashed it on Deuce's face.

King: Kante ne mona how man times should I tell you to stay away
from my girlfriend.
Deuce: Maybe you should tell your girlfriend to stay away from

He pushed King and he hit the wall with his back.

King: Wa lwa ne mona?

Bree: Deuce stop, King don't fight him.
King grabbed the jug and smashed it against the wall then he
jumped on Deuce, Deuce fell on the glasses and they cut deep in
his skin. King started punching him, Deuce turned him over and
got ontop of him, he punched his face and picked up a small
piece of glass, he raised his hand then Bree grabbed it and pulled
him back.

Bree: (Crying) stop.

Deuce: No i left him maloba at the party he thinks he can fight me
whenever he wants? (Furious) He fucking started it.

Bree pushed him back and helped King stand up, King pushed her
hand and stood up on his own. He touched his lips and looked at
the blood. Bree got between him and Deuce and pushed Deuce
back, King picked up his car keys and stormed outside. Bree
walked past Deuce and rang outside.

Bree: King it's not what you think.

Kung turned around and looked at her, he wiped the blood of his
lips with his mustard t-shirt.

King: (Angry) Please explain what it is then.

Bree: I.. Deuce is my cousin.
King: I am confused, that is the guy I found you making out with
the other day today you locked yourself in the room with him?
Look I am not stupid okay go continue whatever you guys were

King threw her her phone.

Bree: I heard you coming then I locked the door because I didn't
want you to know Deuce is my cousin after what happened the
other day.
King: Dude I am done, go enjoy incest.

He opened the gate and went outside to his car, Bree wiped her
tears and sat on the bench crying, the girl walked past her holding
her handbag then Deuce came out of the house putting on his t-
shirt. He rubbed his bruised jaw and twisted his neck.

Deuce: Hey are you okay?

Bree: (Crying)..
Deuce: He doesn't deserve you.
Bree: And you do?
She walked past him and ran to the house, Deuce sighed and took
out his ringing phone from his pocket.

Deuce: Hey
Luna: I can't wait to see you tomorrow babe ebile ke a diega I
wish it was tomorrow already.
Deuce; Me too what time will you be here?
Luna: I don't know but we are staying at Riverbank resort do you
know where it is?
Deuce: Yeah, I can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Luna: Me too..(her little sister spoke in the background) Dudu says
Deuce: Haha tell her I said hi too.
Luna: (To her little Sister) Duu Deuce says hi too, okay bye babe.
Deuce: Bye

Deuce hung up and went inside the house.

On the road, King parked by the side of the road and cupped his
face, he screamed and stepped out of the car then took out his
phone and dialed Carol.
Carol: What do you want?
King: Hey can I come pick you up.
Carol: No and don't ever call me again King I am tired of being
your bootycall.

Carol clicked her tongue and hung up, she clicked her tongue
again and dialed King back.

Carol: What's wrong?

King: I need someone to talk to.
Carol: Talk to me, you treat me like trash but I am the only person
who has always been there for you.
King: Can i come over?
Carol: Okay..

King hung up and got in his car.

At Morris's house..

Bree walked out of her bedroom holding a washing basket, she

went to the bathroom and put the clothes in.
Deuce: I am sorry I didn't mean to cause trouble between you

Bree ignored him, He pulled her into his chest and hugged her, he
tried to kiss her and Bree moved her head.

Bree: This is wrong, you are my cousin.

Deuce: Here we go again.

He let go of her and went to his room, Bree wiped her tears and
dialed King but he didn't pick up.

At Carol's house..

Carol removed a small piece of glass from King's back and threw
it on a piece of paper. She removed the latex gloves and sat next
to King.

Carol: What happened?

King: She is fucking her cousin.
Carol: What! I am sorry
King: No don't be, after how I treated you the other day I deserve
Carol: It wasn't cool.
King: I am sorry you are the only person who has always been
there for me. I am sorry about the other day.

Carol smiled and stood up, King grabbed her hand and made her
sit down. He kissed her and tucked her hair behind her ear. Carol
kissed him back and sat ontop of his lap, she wrapped her arms
around his neck and they both breathed heavily taking off each
other's clothes, King turned her over and got ontop of her, he
removed his bloody t-shirt revealing his big chest, he pressed
himself on her and snuck his hand in her top cupping her breasts.

His phone vibrated in the side board, he ignored it and continued

kissing Carol.

Carol: Wait, get the condom in the lower drawer.

King leaned over and took the condom, Carol picked up the call
and put the phone down. King put the condom under the bed,
Carol started moaning.

Carol: Mmmh yes babe, Aaah yes, right there.

Bree: (On the phone) Hello King, Babe..

She kept quiet and listened to the moaning sounds from the end
of the line.
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: (On the phone) Hello King, Babe..

She kept quiet and listened to the moaning sounds from the end
of the line. She hung up and wiped her tears. She sat on the
plastic chair and buried his face crying. Deuce came in and rubbed
her back.

Deuce: I am sorry.
Bree: He keeps going back to this girl, everytime we have a
misunderstanding he goes to her and he sleeps with her. She has
always been there in his life I feel like I am in competition with her
or something, one mistake and he runs of to her.
Deuce: He doesn't deserve you.

Bree stood up and wiped her tears, she wrapped her hands
around Deuce and kissed him.

Deuce: Wait we are in this mess because of me, you are hurting
and i don't want you to regret anything.
Bree: I won't.
Deuce: Bree
Bree: If he is going to fuck someone then le nna I am going to do
the same.

She helped Deuce take off his t-shirt, he smiled not all girls do
this, he threw the t-shirt on the floor and picked up Bree, he
pinned her against the wall like he did in his dream. Only today it
wasn't a dream and he was going to fuck her, he was going to
spank that ass and eat her pussy.

She pressed her hard against the wall leaving no room for her to
push him back and stop whatever they were about to do. Bree
breathed in between the kiss and closed her eyes as Deuce kissed
her neck, she felt his penis poke her stomach then she
remembered just how big it was, she wondered if it would fit or
not, part of her felt bad but she blocked her mind from thinking
about her father and what Sarah said, she was going to enjoy this,
she was accused of cheating she might as well cheat and
apologize later.

Deuce carried her to the kitchen and put her on the kitchen
counter, he got between her legs and pulled down her pyjama
shorts, she wasn't wearing any panties, he came face to face with
her nunu, so small and innocent, he baby kissed it and traced his
finger in between her thick p***sy lips. Bree moaned softly and
pushed her head back looking up at the ceiling, Deuce parted her
legs and kissed her, he parted her lips with his fingers and
fingered her, her whole pussy gripped his finger as he took it and
out arousing her. "Fuck you are so tight" he mumbled the words.

Sweating and messy Bree open her legs wider and cupped both
her breasts. It was even better than in the dream, he parted the
lips further and swirled his tongue on her clit, Somehow things
were more in balance than earlier in the evening, there was no
way she was going to resist his tongue, with many references he
trusted his tongue game. He raised his other hand and twisted her
nipples softly. He tongue fucked her then pulled her legs and
wrapped his arms around her, Bree wrapped her legs around him,
Deuce put her on an arm chair and hooked both her legs on each
arm exposing her nunu, he squatted Infront of her and drank her
juices with his thumb slowly rubbing her clit. Bree moaned softly
and pushed his head in her making him exhale all her vagina.
Deuce removed his sweat pants, he hooked his arms under her
legs and picked her up, he directed his D in her, Bree flinched and
frowned. He tried going in again but the whole was too little for
the position he was carrying her, he would probably tear her up,
he walked to the bedroom and laid her slowly on the bed, he
kissed her stomach, sucked on her nipples a little then kissed her
neck, he tried to kiss her lips but Bree turned her head, he smiled
and went back to kissing her neck while he positioned himself, he
slowly slid in, Bree dug her nails in his back, this was better than
his dream, he pulled out and turned her head staring in her eyes.

Deuce: I love you okay..

Bree knod her head.

Deuce: Now look at me, I won't hurt you okay.

Bree: Mmmh

He slowly slid in half through, Bree raised her back "Deuce" she
moaned his name. Deuce smiled, no one had ever called his name
that sweet and seductively before.

Deuce: Look at me babe.. do you love me.

Bree: Mmmmh!
Deuce: Say it, tell me baby, tell me you love me.
Bree: I love you.
Deuce: Say it again, say you love me.
Bree: (a little louder) I love you.

Deuce smiled and kissed her forehead going all the way in, Bree
flinched and moved back, Deuce groaned and bit his lower lip
then picked up Bree's leg and put it in his shoulder.

At Carol's house.

Carol looked at King peacefully sleeping , she reached for his

phone and tried to open it but it needed his fingerprint, she
sighed and put it down then put her arm around him and closed
her eyes. King pulled her hand and kissed it.

King; Hey, can I sleep over?

Carol: Mmmh

King closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

The Following Day..

Bree slowly opened her eyes and smiled, she shyly covered her
face and got up, she spread her arms yawning and looked around
for her clothes then she remembered they were in the kitchen.
She reached for Deuce's t-shirt and put it on then got out of bed,
she heard Deuce talking in the kitchen, she fixed her braids and
tiptoed inside, she hugged him bfrom behind and rested her head
on his back.

Deuce: Okay babe I can't wait to see you too.. haha okay babe I
love you too bye.

He hung up, Bree let go of him and cleared her throat then Deuce
turned around, he smiled at her.

Deuce: Good morning sleepy head.

Bree: Hey, seen my phone?

Deuce pointed at the table and continued making himself a


Bree: Yesterday was great.

Deuce: Yeah (pulled her into him) And we have the whole day to
ourselves before my girlfriend comes back.
Bree: Girlfriend?
Deuce: Yeah she is coming today.

Bree pulled herself from him and folded her arms.

Bree: You didn't tell me you have a girlfriend, why didn't you tell
me yesterday before we had sex.
Deuce: I thought you knew.
Bree: (Snapped) No i didnt, you made my boyfriend break up with
me now you are telling me you have a girlfriend. You have to
choose, it's either me or her.
Deuce; Haha you are kidding me right?
Bree: I am not, choose now or I am walking out because I don't
Deuce: I didn't plan on falling inlove with you okay but I love my
girlfriend and I am not going to break up with her, if you can't do
this then you can leave.

Bree folded her arms and held her breath. She swallowed a big
lump and breathed out loud.
Deuce: So what's it going to be are you leaving or we are doing

2 Months Later? [06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF



2 Months Later?

Bree walked behind Sarah typing on her phone, Sarah picked up a

pair of panties and matching bras, she put them Infront of her
and looked in the mirror.

Sarah: What do you think?

She turned around and looked at Bree, Bree put her phone in her
handbag and smiled at her friend.

Bree: They are beautiful.

Sarah looked at the price then put them down, she picked up
another pair of panties and looked at the price.

Sarah: I will take a red panty and a red bra ke di Valentine colours
Bree: I don't understand why you have to buy new panties and
bra just for one day.
Sarah: You won't understand akere you don't have a boyfriend.
Bree: Oh we are going there again?

Sarah picked up a lacy bra and looked at herself in the mirror.

Sarah: Akere mme you don't have a boyfriend (she put the bra
down) I will never be a side where money is not involved, I don't
care how good the dick is, if I ever stoop that low it will be
because I am in it for the money.

She picked up the pair she liked and walked to the counter, Bree
walked behind her, she picked up a set of rings and qued behind
Sarah, they paid and walked outside. Bree opened the rings and
put all ten of them in her fingers.
Sarah: If you continue with your shenanigans those are the only
rings you will ever wear.
Bree: You know your words bo longer hurt me anymore, I have
come to accept that you don't know and you don't understand
what Deuce and i have.
Sarah: It's lust, incest and stupidity that's what you have.
Bree: Okay.
Sarah: You know i am right, Bree you are beautiful, you have the
most amazing body ever, you are the top of the class, Royal Legal
Law Firm called you and begged you to intern at their Firm but
you haven't even graduated.. you are everything I just don't
understand why you would be so stupid when it comes to love,
Deuce is never going to leave his girlfriend, they have been
together for five years, such relationships ga o di tsena ka bo gare
ke go itsenya stress, they are both probably cheating on each
other but they will never break up. How long are you going to be
a side chick? you deserve better. Tomorrow it's Valentine's day,
Luna is going to get the chocolates and roses or the romantic
date and wena he is going to call you ka di 15 to have sex. Do you
want to bet on it?

Bree swallowed a big lump and sighed. She knew her best friend
was telling the truth but she loved the guy, more and more
everyday no one would understand. She let out a fade smile and
removed one ring from her finger.
Bree: Would you be my bitch forever?
Sarah: Haha mxm, let's go a reye go itshasa free makeup ko clicks.
Bree: Haha

They held hands and walked towards Clicks store.

At Deuce's House

Deuce lowered the TV volume and picked up his phone.

Deuce: Hello, yes this is him speaking.

Meanwhile Luna walked inside the house holding a box of hot

wings and chips, she went straight to the kitchen and dished them
in one plate, she poured fizzy drink in two glasses and went to the
sitting room, she went back to the kitchen and washed her hands
then sat down and started eating.

Deuce: (Still in the phone) Thank you so much Sir I will see you on
He hung up and covered his mouth, Luna looked at him surprised
waiting to hear the good news.

Luna: Babe come on.

Deuce: I just got called for an interview ko BTV.

Luna stood up licking her lips. She smiled and jumped on Deuce.

Luna: You are kidding me right?

Still in shock Deuce shook his head.

Luna: I am so happy for you Babe, wow i know it's temporary but
it's something right.

Deuce sat down and made Luna sit next to him.

Deuce: Babe if I get that job our lives are going to change, you
will finally get to enter the beauty pageant and I will buy you
Luna hugged him, Deuce hugged her tightly and wiped his tears
on her top. Luna smiled at him and leaned over for a kiss.

Luna: I am so happy for you.

Deuce: What am i going to wear on Monday?
Luna: Hahaha relax, the interview is on Monday we still have five
days to think about that.
Deuce: Yeah Hahaha.
Luna: I will pray for you okay, you will pass that interview and you
are going to get that job, after they are going to hire you

Deuce smiled and picked up a piece of chicken from the plate, he

took a bite then feed Luna.

Later that Evening

Sarah and Bree snuggled together on the single bed both busy
typing on their phones. Sarah turned to Bree and smiled.

Sarah: So Bae has this cute cousin.

Bree: Not interested.
Sarah: I am not saying date him , he is single and you are..
whatever you are, let's go out tomorrow he will be paying. I don't
want to go out and enjoy myself while you are all here sulking
stalking Luna's Facebook. It's just dinner please, do it for me.
Bree: I don't know maybe Deuce has plans for us tomorrow.
Sarah: Hahaha Iyoo you ae killing me.
Bree: (Offended) You know what you think..
Sarah: (Interrupted) Come on let's go have dinner tomorrow, free
food and stop dreaming o ntse ka marago, when does Deuce ever
have plans with you? Hahaha Iyoo mara chomma you are
ambitious waitse, look You can go and have sex then come back a
bo re ya to the dinner. You can wear that beautiful dress you
bought for your one month anniversary Hahaha I can't say it with
a straight face, who celebrates one month anniversary?

Bree got out of bed fumming and put on her flip flops, she
grabbed her laptop and notebook then stormed outside the
room. Sarah hurried behind her and grabbed her hand.

Sarah: I am sorry you know I love joking.

Bree: (Crying) It's not funny when you keep making fun of my
relationship, yes it's not perfect like your relationship but I am
happy I wish you would be a friend and be happy for me. I am
happy isn't that what matters? You have been making fun of my
relationship the whole day, it's not funny anymore.
Sarah: I am sorry, yes I don't like that Deuce is controlling you
Bree: He is not controlling me, I am my own woman and i do
whatever I want, I choose to have a relationship with him ntse ke
itse ka Luna so no need to remind me everyday.
Sarah: I am sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I am happy if you
Bree: I am..
Sarah: Okay..

Bree turned around and went to her room, Sarah rolled her eyes
and went to her room.

The Following Day..

Bree sat Infront of the mirror doing her makeup, someone

knocked on the door and her roommate opened.

Delivery guy: Hey, I am looking for Samantha.

Sama: It's me.

The delivery guy picked up the goodies basket and gave Sama,
she covered her mouth smiling and read the card.
Sama: Oh my God..

Bree turned around, Sama closed the door and put the basket
down. She kissed the card and put it on her chest then her phone

Sama: Babe rra Awww .. (wiped her tears) Yeah I got the basket
thanks babe, oh my God. Happy Valentine's day to you too.

Bree stood up and grabbed her school bag, she waved at her
roommate and left. Her phone reported an SMS, she smiled and
clicked on it "Hey are you still on your period?" She frowned then
smiled, maybe he was asking because he had something planned
out for them.

Bree: (Typing) It's my last day today, why do you ask?

She sent the reply and put her phone in her pocket then walked
to class. Everyone sat down, Bree checked for a reply and there
wasn't any. She sighed and put her phone in her pocket. An SMS
came through, she smiled and took out her phone, she rolled her
Sarah: If you and Deuce don't have plans can we please go out
with Bae and his cousin, just as friends.
Bree: We have plans..
Sarah: Okay you will tell me all about them after your class.
Bree: He didn't say much though.
Sarah: Okay.

Bree clicked on the SMS that just reported "Don't call me tonight
Luna is coming to sleep over."
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


After her last class, Bree went to her room and threw her bag
down, she laid on the bed and covered her face. The door opened
and Sarah came in.

Sarah: I know that maybe you don't want to go out with us

because you think Chris is ugly.
Bree: Who is Chris?
Sarah sat down and typed on her phone, she smiled and gave
Bree the phone.

Sarah; That's Chris, Bae's cousin.

Bree looked at the photo then gave Sarah her phone back.

Bree: Yeah he is cute.

Sarah: Incase Deuce cancels your plans you can call me and..
Bree: Mmmh you want him to cancel akere, so that your boyfriend
can be the only good perfect boyfriend, you would be happy
wouldn't you?
Sarah: Eish mma I no longer know how to talk to you, shapo mma
enjoy your Valentine's day with your boyfriend.

Sarah stood up and left, Bree clicked her tongue and rested her
head on the pillow, she grabbed her phone and logged into
Facebook, she went straight to Luna's account and checked for
new posts but the last post she shared was a Meme. She scrolled
through her photos trying to find what it was that Luna has and
she doesn't. Yes she was beautiful, tall with a slim figure but she
had nothing on her. Bree knew she was beautiful and had the
perfect hourglass figure. Boys and men drooled all over her, what
was it that Luna had that she didn't, maybe she was good in bed
and a good kisser, what if she (Bree) wasn't a good kisser.

Bree shook off the thoughts from her head but how would she
know if she is a good kisser and good in bed? She went through
her contacts and clicked on Oteng's number, she dialed it and

Oteng: Hey
Bree: How do I know that I am bad in bed?
Oteng: Haha, if he really loves you he will show you how its done
Instead of telling you that you are bad.
Bree: No one said anything I am just wondering if I am good or
bad. I don't really have much experience in that department.
Oteng: Ta ke utwe haha.
Bree: No just tell me, what does someone good in bed do?
Oteng: First of all ke go gripa ngwanaka, wa gripa?
Bree: Yeah
Oteng: How do you do a doggy style?
Bree: Just like everyone or there is how I am supposed to do it.
Oteng: How low do you bend your back?
Bree: Sente hela.
Oteng: Does it touch the bed and your ass pop?
Bree: Yes, does how I sit or lay really determine if I am good or
Oteng: Actually yes, Do you do WOT?
Bree: No, Deuce's penis is big it would probably poke my womb.
He has never complained though.
Oteng: According to me you are okay in bed, wait do you moan
and suck dick?
Bree: Ijoo why wouldn't I moan akere everyone does that.
Oteng: Not the girl I was with ka weekend Eish mona ke ha ke
shaiwa ke space gore it's like I wasn't doing anything, that's a turn
off kana and go sena motivation nyana.
Bree: Hahahaha maybe you were not doing anything.
Oteng: I was, there are women who don't moan at all.
Bree: Haha..
Oteng: Haha, how are you?
Bree: I am good, we should hang out you know, catch up.
Oteng: We should.
Bree: Yeah!
Oteng: Do you remember that you once made me touch your
Bree: Hahahaha, yeah.
Oteng: Can I tell you something? You are a nice person and never
let anyone make you feel like you are lacking something, if they
cheat it's because they want to, not because it's your fault okay.
Bree: Thank you.
Oteng: Back at Senior school you used to be such a boss as strong
powerful woman every guy wanted you but ba go tshaba, I never
thought you will be one of those girls ba nyeswang ke
Bree: Hahah mxm what does a relationship do with academics?
Oteng: I am just saying back them if a guy ever made you feel like
crap you would have walked away and never looked back.
Oteng: Yeah you.
Bree: Hang up Bae's call is coming through, I will talk to you in a
Oteng: Shapo.

Bree put her phone down and sighed, Sama came in from the
bathroom, she put her toiletries bag down and took off her

Sama: So any plans for today?

Bree: Nope I will be studying tonight.
Sama: My boyfriend is taking me out, re ya Nandos, (smiling) he
has never taken me out on an actual date before. (Sat down) I feel
like I am the luckiest girl right now, I got the chocolates and
Bree: That's great.
Sama: What did you get?
Bree: Hahaha I don't celebrate Valentine's day, I feel like a man
should make a woman feel special and loved everyday not just ka
di fourteen tsa ga February but I am not throwing shades or
bashing those who celebrate valentine's day.
Sama: Akere..

Sama sat Infront of the mirror and started doing her make up.

That Evening at Luna's House

Luna stepped out of the shower naked, she sat on the bed and
picked up her phone, she smiled naughtily remembering an article
she read from Cosmopolitan Megazine about the importance of
foreplay. She stood up and went to lock the door, she put her leg
over the other and took selfies with her breasts and little nunu
showing. She edited them and send one to Deuce.

Deuce: 👅 how far?

Luna: 🙈🙈🙈 just finished bathing.

She put her phone down and put on a new panty she bought
earlier, she wore a maxi dress the packed a pair of jeans and t-
shirt in her bag, she opened the door and went to the sitting
room where her parents were sitting.

Luna: Mama I told you I am going to study kwa gaabo Tshireletso.

MmaLuna: Talk to your father.

Luna gave her mother an evil eye and went to sit down.

Luna: Papa I am going to study kwa gaabo Tshireletso.

RraLuna: Why can't she come study here, you are always studying
at her house, tell her to come here.
Luna: Papa I.
Rra Luna: Tell her to come here le ene for once, what's so special
about studying at Tshireletso's house?
Luna: Ee rra..

She stood up teary and went to her bedroom, she closed the door
and sat on the bed wiping her tears.
At Deuce's House

Deuce spread a blanket on the floor and placed candles all over
making a heat around the blanket, she put chocolates, a glass of
wine, chips and a gift, he spread petals on the floor and went to
the bathroom.

At Campus..

Sama put her phone in her bag and sprayed perfume on her

Sama: Lock up I am not sleeping over.

Bree: Haha

Bree went to lock the door and went to bed. Outside Sarah
bumped into Sama by the steps.

Sarah: Hey you look beautiful.

Sama: Thanks
Sarah: Bree o teng?
Sama: Yeah let me go my date is waiting.
Sarah: Have fun.

Sarah ran upstairs and knocked on Bree's door. Bree kept quiet,
she picked up her phone and put it on silent.

Sarah: Bree?

Bree kept quiet, Sarah continued knocking until she gave up.

Sarah: (Typing) Hey where are you?

Bree: At Bae's house.
Sarah: Okay have fun. I love you.
Bree: I love you too.

Sarah peeked through the key hole and saw the key was still
inside, she walked to her room and sat down in the bed bored, in
the edge of crying. She picked up her phone and dialed Bree

Bree: Hello
Sarah: (Crying) I know you are not at Deuce's House, can we go
out just the two of us then, no boys. My girl over dick.
Bree: (Crying) Okay let me get ready.

At Luna's House..

Luna wiped her tears and picked up the phone.

Deuce: Babe! How far?

Luna: My dad won't allow me to come, I lied ke re I am going to
Tshireletso's house to study but he is not buying it.

Deuce looked at the indoor picnic he had planned for them and

Deuce: Your mum knows about us why didn't you tell her you are
coming here?
Luna: Aaah shapo I will talk to you in a few minutes.

Luna threw her phone down, the door opened and her mother
came in.
MmaLuna: You know I can't go against your father.
Luna: I am twenty four but you guys still treat me like I am fifteen,
Mama fourteen years olds are getting pregnant out there, you
should be glad that I am focused in school. It's Valentine's day
and i just wanted to spend it with Deuce but it's fine le ene he is
used to me being treated like s child.
MmaLuna: You will go see him tomorrow, change and come help
me cook.
Luna: I am coming.

She picked up her phone "Sorry I can't come today" she sent the
text to Deuce and switched off her phone.

At Campus..

In a red little number that revealed her perfect curves and flat
stomach with her nipples pressing against the fabric, Bree walked
out of the room carrying a silver clutch bag, she locked the door
and went to Sarah's room.

Sarah: Dude look at you..

Bree smiled and turned around.

Bree: I don't mean to brag but..
Sarah: Okay i am changing my clothes, bona hela wa nkgatella.
Bree: Ae let's go..

Sarah picked up her handbag and locked the door, they walked
downstairs slowly in their heels. Bree's phone rang.

Sarah: Mmh Mmh don't pick up.

Bree: Maybe it's important.

Bree smiled and picked up..

Bree: Hey
Deuce: Can you come over?
Bree: Now?

Bree looked at Sarah.

Bree: Um, I am going out with Sarah.

Deuce: Shapo togela..
Bree: Babe, Okay shapo I am coming.

Bree hung up and put her phone in her clutch. Sarah shook her
head and laughed in disbelief.

Bree: Deuce..
Sarah: (Angry) I cancelled my plans with my boyfriend for you, you
are not going.
Bree: I didn't ask you to cancel the plans.
Sarah: Wow!
Bree: You can still call your boyfriend and go out.
Sarah: Fuck you, Deuce only called you because his girlfriend
cancelled last minute, have some self respect woman.

Bree ignored her and walked down the stairs, Sarah clicked her
tongue, she walked past Bree and stood Infront of her folding her

Sarah: If you go we are done, this friendship is over.

Bree walked past her and walked towards the gate.

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

At Deuce's House..

Deuce opened the door and he walked in with Bree, Bree threw
her clutch on the sofa and stretched her arms.

Deuce: You want something to drink?

Bree: Sure

She followed him to the kitchen, Deuce gave her a glass of juice
and leaned over the fridge going through his phone, he put it
down them went over the kitchen counter, he kissed Bree's neck
and cupped her breasts.

Deuce: So you were going to go out dressed like this showing

basimanyana dilo tsame.

Bree let out a chuckle and turned around, she kissed Deuce and
helped him take off his t-shirt, Deuce got between her legs and
kissed her while pulling her dress up, Bree remained in a black g-
string, Deuce hooked his finger on it and pulled it to the side, he
rubbed her p**y lips and traced his finger in her wet slimmy
vagina, he pulled her into him and rubbed his dick on her before
squeezing it in. Bree gasped and wrapped her arms around his
waist while he slowly thrusted.

At Campus..

Kgato kissed Sarah's neck and snuck his hand under her dress,
Sarah pulled her head and sighed.

Sarah: Babe I am not in the mood. Waitse gore Bree wa ntena,

nako tse we would be eating ribs but noo. That devil calls and she
jumps without asking how high.
Kgato: You know while you are here on ntima kuku babe Bree is
having the best time of her life, Deuce ko a teng he is turning her
around nako tse and she is screaming nna I am here, we didn't
even go out.
Sarah: Bree is like my sister, I feel like i have to protect her.
Kgato: How are you going to do that when she doesn't see what a
toxic relationship she is in? Babe step back and let her make her
mistakes then give her a shoulder to cry on when she comes back.
You can't tell her how to live her life, tota o itse lorato? She will
end up resenting you.
Sarah kept quiet, she turned her head to her boyfriend and

Sarah: I am sorry I cancelled our plans for nothing.

Kgato: You know you can make it up to me how.. (laid her down)
Sarah: Haha..

She wrapped her a legs around him and they kissed passionately,
Sarah pointed at the drawer and Kgato took out one condom, he
put it under the pillow and they continued making out.

At Deuce's House..

Deuce slowly pulled out and reached for the toilet paper, he
rolled it on his hand then wiped himself, he threw the remaining
on Bree's stomach then put on his boxers. He laid next to Bree
and kissed her forehead.

Deuce: Happy Valentine's day.

Bree: Happy Valentine's day babe, you didn't get me anything?
Deuce: Oh, I ordered something this morning but they said it will
only be delivered next week.
Bree turned around smiling, she put her head in her hand and
looked at Deuce.

Bree: What is it?

Deuce: It won't be a surprise if I tell you.
Bree: Come on babe tell me.
Deuce: (Shook his head) Mmh Mmh, I am not even giving you a
Bree: Not fair but I guess I deserve it because I didn't get you
Deuce: I got what I wanted..

He kissed her again and got ontop of her.

Bree: Babe wait, let's cuddle and talk, are you applying for jobs?
Deuce: (Got between her legs) This little man here doesn't know
how to control himself kana when he sees you.
Bree: Hahaha he better learn to control himself.

Deuce pressed his lips on hers and rubbed his hard penis on her
vagina. Bree moaned softly and opened her legs wider then the
there was a bang on the window.
Luna: Babe!

Both Bree and Deuce looked at each other, Deuce got off Bree
and put on his boxers.

Luna: Babe..
Deuce; I am coming.

Bree got off bed and reached for her panty. Deuce pointed at the

Bree: (Whispering) No..

Deuce: Please I am begging you babe, I swear i didn't know she
would come here.

Bree grabbed her phone and went inside the closet, Deuce rushed
to the shower and quickly showered, he stepped out with a towel
around her waist. Meanwhile Luna knocked at the door.

Deuce: Babe I am coming..

Deuce hid Bree's dress and clutch under the sofa, he took a deep
breath and slightly opened the door.

Luna: What took you so long?

Deuce: Hey why didn't you call me and tell me you were coming?
Luna: My mum just dropped me off, aren't you going to invite me
Deuce: Not yet, can you wait outside for a few minutes.
Luna: (Pushed the door) Who are you with?
Deuce: No one, I swear just wait outside for a few minutes.

Luna folded her arms, Deuce turned her around.

Deuce: Don't turn around unless I tell you to.

Luna: (Smiling) Okay..

She covered her face, after a few minutes Deuce covered her face
and walked her inside.

Deuce: Okay don't open your eyes until I say so.

Luna: Haha babeee, okay open a video recorder I want you to
capture my expression.
Deuce: Okay wait.. okay you can ope your eyes.

Luna slowly opened her eyes and covered her mouth.

Luna: Babe, oh my God.

She looked at the camera and smiled.

Luna: Oh my God you guys my boyfriend is the best. (Sat down)

Oh my God Babe.

She baby kissed him and opened the chocolates still looking at
the camera.

Luna: Guys it's my favourite, Okay guys my boyfriend boyfriends

better than y'all boyfriends Hahaha.

Deuce stopped recording and put the phone down, Luna hugged
him and kissed him.

Luna: Babe this is beautiful.

Deuce: Happy Valentine's day my love.
Luna: Thank you, my dad almost ruined everything. I am so sick
and tired of being treated like a child.
Deuce: Ne ke ngadile kana ebile i had everything packed away.
Luna: Haha you are the best, I got you something.
Deuce: What are these?
Luna: Cufflinks with your initials, I want you to look all
professional at work Mr Deuce Cheema.

Deuce smiled and hugged her.

Deuce: Thanks babe I love them, now let's pop the champagne.

Inside the Closet, Bree scratched herself as the mosquito bit her,
she reached for a fleece blanket and wrapped it around herself,
she fanned herself with her hand as it was hot inside. She heard
Deuce and Luna laughing outside, she wiped her tears and sat
down then buried her face between her legs crying, she wiped her
tears and sniffed.

Few minutes later she heard moaning sounds from the sitting
room then they got louder, the bedroom door opened, Deuce
threw Luna on the bed and got between her legs. Bree covered
her ears as their moaning got louder.
The Following Day..

Deuce opened the closet and shook Bree, she slowly raised her
head and looked at Deuce, she scratched her legs and arms then
stood up.

Deuce: Hey she went home.

Bree: Where is my dress?
Deuce: Don't be like that I didn't know she was going to come.
Bree: I have class ka nine can I please go?

She went to the sitting room and saw the pedals and the picnic

Bree: You really didn't know she was going to come?

Deuce: You are being impossible do you think I would have called
you if I knew she was going to come?
Bree: No you called me because ke backup for everytime your
girlfriend cancels on you.
Deuce: You know thats not true.
Bree: Really Deuce, the way I see it you had your whole valentine's
day figured out with your girlfriend then she canceled last minute
then you thought let me call that stupid girl Bree. You didn't even
have the decency to give me a chocolate, segolo make me feel
special for two seconds.
Deuce: Nna ga ke go itse o ntse jaana, I thought you understood
us that..
Bree: (Interrupted) I am done understanding.

Bree put on her dress and looked for her shoes.

Deuce: They are under the sofa.

Bree knelt down and took her shoes, she grabbed her clutch bag
and headed for the door. She quickly stepped back and screamed
touching her chest.

Morris: Bree? THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Morris: Bree?
Bree: Dad, hi in what are you doing here?
Morris: I should be asking you the same thing, aren't you
supposed to be at school.
Deuce: Haha please tell your daughter this is not a BnB and she
can't come here as she pleases Hahaha.
Morris: Haha she can because her father is paying for this house.

They both laughed except for Bree, she let out a little chuckle
then hugged her dad.

Bree: I have a class in an hour, I will see you later?

Morris: Okay Princess.
Bree: I love you Daddy.
Morris: I love you too.

He hurried outside and left, Morris closed the door and looked at
the picnic setup. He sat down and looked at his nephew.

Morris: Am I interrupting something?

Deuce: Your daughter already ruined everything last night.
Morris: Hahaha but you did get to have something right?
Deuce: Haha no Bree wa ncosta, we didn't even drink the
They both laughed.

Morris: I will talk to her.

Deuce: No don't, she is family and i don't want her to feel like I
dont want her coming here.
Morris: Okay, How are you? Are you ready for your interview on
Deuce: Good, do you want some to drink?
Morris: No i was just passing by i have to go, we are here on a two
days conference, we should do dinner maitseboa.
Deuce: Yeah..

He walked his uncle outside, they bumped shoulders and Morris

got in his rented car, Deuce went back to the house and locked
the door, he went straight to the bedroom and threw himself on
the bed.

At University of Botswana..

Bree put her toiletries bag in the wardrobe and sat on the bed
naked, she looked at the red bite marks on her arms and clicked
her tongue, she applied lotion on her hands then her roommate
came in with a naughty smile across her face.

Sama: Hey
Bree: Hey
Sama: I have a class in ten minutes nna ne ke diilwe ke lrete and I
have a presentation, I can't believe me right now.
Bree: Hahaha.

Sama changed into formal clothes and sat down putting on her
shoes, Bree wore a simple long sleeve dress and picked her

Bree: Bye

She went outside and bumped into Sarah in the hallway, no one
said anything for a few seconds then Sarah walked past her.

Bree: Sarah!

She ignored her and ran down the stairs, Bree followed her
walking slowly step by step. Her phone vibrated from her bag, she
ignored it and hurried to class.
Later that Afternoon at Nkagi's House

Nkagi finished feeding the chickens and stepped out. She locked
the cages and went to sit under the mophane tree with the other
women who were killing chickens.

Nkagi: Metsi a tobang a bedile.

One of the women stood up and went to get the water, Nkagi
rested on the chair then smiled as Palesa's car parked at the gate.
She stepped out with a plastic bag, Pona's son ran towards her
and hugged her, she picked him up and they went to where
everyone was.

Palesa: Thank God I came today ebile sale ke batile mala le

Nkagi: Then you can help these ladies akere ngwanaka there is
nothing for free.
Palesa: Haha

She put Katlego down and greeted the ladies then pulled a plastic
chair and sat next to her mother.
Palesa: Le teng?
Nkagi: Yes, why are you not at work?
Palesa: I am on leave, haven't been feeling well lately. (Gave Nkagi
the plastic) I bought you cabbage.
Nkagi: Thank you, what's wrong you look fine to me.

Palesa sighed and looked at her mother.

Palesa: Can we go inside.

They followed each other to the house and sat on the sofas.

Palesa: Nkosi wants a baby..

Nkagi: Ne banna ba rileng, after such a long time he wants a baby
not to marry you. Tell him if he wants a baby then he should send
his uncles here and marry you.
Palesa: Mama I am serious kana golo ha.
Nkagi: Le nna ke serious, don't be a generation of women who are
put under pressure of having a child by a man who is not even
saving up to marry you. If he doesn't see you good enough to be
his wife then he shouldn't put you under pressure to have a child.
Palesa wiped her tears and sniffed.

Palesa: I am just scared of having a child, I would literally die if

anything happens to my child and i never want to feel like I am a
bad mother or that I failed my child. This world is not kind and
safe and i don't want to bring a child it it.

Nkagi kept quiet and looked at her daughter.

Palesa: Does it make me less of a woman that I don't want to have

a child.
Nkagi: It doesn't but you have to be honest with Nkosi and tell
him you don't want a child and why.
Palesa: I love him Mama and i don't want to loose him, right now
we are fighting because I am still on the pill.
Nkagi: (Sighed)..
Palesa: He is coming on Wednesday and (sighed) I don't know
Nkagi: Maybe you should see a Psychologist, nna you are my
child and i want what's best for you, I don't want you to take my
advice then resent me in the future o re I didn't give you the right
Palesa: (Wiped her tears) I understand.
Nkagi: But I can tell you being a parent doesn't come with a
manual, you just juggle everything. Your kids might turn out
good, some bad but still that doesn't make you a bad parent.
Your child might fall pregnant at sixteen still that doesn't mean
you failed or ga o na molao, you might raise a rapist then your
other child gets raped by a stranger, what does that make you, a
bad parent? No it doesn't.. children choose to do bad on their
own, what I can say right now is don't let what your father did to
Nono stop you from living your life. Wena what you can do is
create that environment for your child to be able to tell you

Palesa kept quiet and wiped her tears. Katlego came running in
and threw himself on Nkagi's lap. Palesa looked at him and

Palesa: Where is his father?

Nkagi: Wai even Pona doesn't know where he is, I don't know why
that boy doesn't find a job and stop this music nonsense, do you
know any of his songs?
Palesa: Hahaha ae, not even one song.

Later that Afternoon..

Bree packed her books in her bag and walked outside bumping
into someone, she stepped back and rubbed her forehead.

Him: I am sorry..
Bree: Sure

She raised her head and looked up at him, he smiled at her and
stepped back. Bree walked past him and went to her room, she
threw herself on the bed and took out her phone, she switched it
on and Deuce's call came through, she rejected it and dialed

Morris: Hello
Bree: So there is this place not far from campus and they cook the
best seswaa, actually they are the best in town we should check
them out.
Morris: Okay i just got back to my hotel room, let me rest then i
will come pick you up.
Bree: You are the best Daddy.
Morris: I know.
Bree hung up and put her phone down, the door opened and
Sarah came in.

Sarah: Hey
Bree: Do you still hate me?
Sarah: No i don't hate you, I am still angry at you but you are my
best friend and ke na le data I have to offload.
Bree: Hahaha tell me.
Sarah: (sat down) So how was your night?
Bree: It was good, wena how was yours?
Sarah: We missed on the delicious ribs but Iyoo, Bae took all the
energy and anger on me is a good way and i wasn't complaining.
Bree: Haha girl..
Sarah: Mmmh Iyoo (covered her eyes) waitse gore mma he..

Bree looked at her talking but she was lost in her thoughts,
thinking about how she spent the entire night in a closet,
uncomfortable, sweating and getting bitten by mosquitoes. She
kept hearing them moaning, his torso clamping on her butt
countless times and her screaming his name and him roaring and
falling ontop of her. She kept hearing her giggling as he wiped
her, he never did that to her, he was never that kind to her or
moaned her name during sex.
Bree found herself crying, she wiped her tears and raised her head
looking at Sarah.

Sarah: Hey
Bree: (Crying) Luna came over and i spent the night in the closet
while they had sex on the bed and he made her an indoor picking,
what did I get, just a raw happy Valentine's day with no chocolate.
Deuce doesn't respect me and i am done.
Sarah: I saw the video on Facebook.

Sarah hugged Bree as she cried her eyes out, Deuce's call came
through, Sarah clicked her tongue and picked up the phone.

Deuce: Hey babe!

Sarah: This is not your babe, what kind of a rubbish are you, you
hurt my friend .
Deuce: Give Bree her phone back
Sarah: O seka wa ikgahla ka a big dick, ga o beche selo sa ntha
and you can be replaced in a second, never call Bree again or I will
personally tell your girlfriend what you have been up to.. nxa
yeses satane mala mantsho. [06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE

Deuce: Give Bree her phone back

Sarah: O seka wa ikgahla ka a big dick, ga o beche selo sa ntha
and you can be replaced in a second, never call Bree again or I will
personally tell your girlfriend what you have been up to.. nxa
yeses satane mala mantsho.

Sarah hung up the phone and put the phone down.

Bree: You shouldn't have said that.

Sarah: (Fumming) Actually I wanted to say more, babe you are
beautiful and you have a bright future, you can have any guy you
want because you are kind, smart, beautiful and no homo but you
have the most beautiful booty ever.

Bree wiped her tears and smiled.

Sarah: Deuce doesn't deserve you, he doesn't respect you.

Bree: I know.
Sarah: Promise me you are done with him.
Bree: I promise.
Sarah: Good, wa ntena ebile ka gore he doesn't give you even
twenty pula for di pads.
Bree: Yeah, I am sorry about yesterday.
Sarah: I forgive you, now let's go grab something to eat outside.
Bree: My dad is taking me out, I will bring you something.
Sarah: Okay Babe by the way their romantic picnic wasn't so
Bree: Haha are you just saying that to make me feel better?
Sarah: Yeah is it working?
Bree: Well the thought is what counts, I would literally die if
someone did that for me.
Sarah: You will find someone who will do that, look I know you
think I am controlling and I hate Deuce, the last part is true but it's
because I love you, I just want you to experience what I am
experiencing, Kgato is not perfect but he makes the whole
relationship thing fun.
Bree: I don't think you are controlling.
Sarah: Yeah you do.
Bree: Yeah I know and I know it comes from a good place, you
know what lets go together I am sure my dad won't mind if you
Sarah: I would love to but I have a presentation tomorrow.
She stood up and stretched her arms.

Sarah: When you come back call me ke te go tsaa dijo.

Bree: Okay.

She walked her out and closed the door, she sat down and picked
up her phone, she logged into Facebook and went to her search
history, she clicked on Luna's profile and clicked on the video. She
watched for thirty seconds then she put her phone back, she
covered her face and clicked her tongue then stood up and went
through her clothes.

At Luna's House

Luna went through the comments on her video and reacted with
a heart on all of them. One caught her attention.. "Wai they still
cheat after making indoor picnics" Luna clicked her tongue and
went through the profile but the account didn't have a single
photo. "So you decided to create a fake profile to comment
negatively on my posts, how mature of you. Instead of wasting
time here go do something productive about your life bitch" Luna
A Facebook notification came through, Luna clicked on it.."He is
cheating baby girl, go nkgakgafalla won't make him to stop" Luna
screenshot the comments then blocked the profile, she clicked her
tongue and sent Deuce the screensho.

Deuce: Who is she?

Luna: I don't know, the account was created today ke kopa o seka
wa nthogisa ka your side chicks.
Deuce: Babe you know how sad miserable people are, they have
nothing interesting going on in their lives so they choose to come
and comment shit on other people's posts, it's just a bitter person.
Luna: 😠😠
Deuce: I am going out with my uncle tonight.
Luna: Okay, I had the best night yesterday 🙈🙈
Deuce: Me too, I loved that thing you did while I was inside.
Luna: 😂😂🙈🙈🙈 enjoy your dinner rra Iyoo.

She laughed and put her phone down, as much as she tried to
ignore that certain comment it got to her and left her wondering
who it was.

In a long black tight skirt, sandals and a lime crop top Bree walked
down the stairs typing on her phone, she put the phone in her
hand bag and walked towards the big gate, a silver RunX playing
some dancehall music stopped for her and the driver rolled down
the window.. "Let's go" the driver said, Bree looked inside, it was
the guy from earlier, she smiled and reached for the door handle,
she quickly remembered the truck driver incident then she let go
of it and stepped back.

Bree: No thanks
Him; I am a nice person I swear.
Bree: No thanks.

The driver drove outside and parked by the gate, he stepped out
and leaned against the car.

Him: You know there are no taxi's this time.

Bree: Haha..
Him: The security guard knows me, I will drop you wherever you
are going, i am offering don't say no.
Bree: (To the taxi driver) Do you know him?
Guard: Yes he is repeating his fourth year for the forth time.
Him: Haha not true, it's for the second time. (To Bree) Let's go.
Bree: (To the security guard) If anything happens to me it's him.
Guard: Haha

Obasi opened the door for Bree, she smiled and got inside the
car, Obasi closed the door and went over to the Driver's side. He
pulled the seat belt and looked at Bree Smiling.

Basi: So that's what it takes to give a beautiful woman a ride, I

have to make affidavit to the security guard.
Bree: Haha, lona le utswa batho.
Basi: Haha, where are you going?
Bree: Main mall, my dad was supposed to pick me up but he is
running late.

Basi lowered the radio volume and looked at Bree.

Basi: Obasi and you are?

Bree: Paris.
Basi: I always see you around and want to talk to you but I am
always scared.
Bree; Haha you are intimidated by beautiful women too?
Basi: No but by you.
Bree: Haha I am going to take that as a compliment.

Basi parked his car at the parking lot and smiled at Bree.

Basi: Can I have your number?

Bree: I am a lesbian.
Basi: Okay, I have always wanted to have a lesbian friend.
Bree: Haha mxm, thanks for the ride.

Basi went over to her side and opened the door for her.

Bree: Thanks..
Basi: So you won't give me your number?

Bree's phone rang, she looked around and fixed her skirt.

Bree: My dad is here, thanks for the ride.

Basi: Is this how being rejected by a beautiful girl feels like, man it
Bree: Haha.. give me your number I will call you.
She gave Basi her phone, he dialed it and paged himself then
gave the phone back.

Basi: I will be waiting for your call.

Bree: Okay, bye.

Bree crossed the road and got in Morris's car.

Morris: So I had to wait while you give that boy your number.
Bree: Sorry.
Morris: Re diile Deuce he is already at the restaurant.
Bree: Deuce is joining us?
Morris: Yes, do who was that guy,is that his car? What does he do
for a living?
Bree: (Looked outside) I don't know dad he jus gave me a ride
Morris: I don't like his hairstyle, if you are going to have
dreadlocks have them the whole head.
Bree: (Looked outside)..
Morris: So how is school?
Bree: It's fine.
Morris: King a re he also got an internship at Royal Legal Law
Bree turned her head and looked at Morris.

Bree: You talk to King?

Morris: Yeah I saw him last week.
Bree: Oh okay.

Morris parked by the restaurant parking lot and they both

stepped out of the car, they walked inside the restaurant and
spotted Deuce.

Morris: Excuse me.

Morris walked towards the toilets, Bree sat down and put her
handbag on the table totally ignoring Deuce. Deuce took out a
box from his pocket and put it Infront of Bree, she looked at him
then continued typing on her phone.

Deuce: I know how much you love make up, these are legit Kylie
lipsticks, I thought maybe you might like them.
Bree: What?
She opened the box and smiled.

Deuce: I had ordered other makeup things for you ne ba re they

are coming next week, I was going to give them all to you at once
but since you broke up with me, I thought I should give you your
Valentine's day gift, I will give you the receipt to go collect the
remaining order next week.

Bree smiled and smelt the lipstick, she raised her head and looked
around before touching Deuce's hand.

Bree: I didn't break up with you, did you ever hear the words
come out of my mouth?
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: I didn't break up with you, did you ever hear the words
come out of my mouth?
Deuce: Your friend sure did give me an earful. Look I know what
happened yesterday wasn't cool, I didn't even plan that picnic for
her, everything was for you but I had to distract her with
something so that she doesn't suspect anything. I had planned it
for the morning.
Deuce: I know you don't believe me and you have every right not
to believe me. Look I love you Bree, sometimes I might not show
it because I am going through shit in my life right now, it's hard
being dependent on your parent for everything, I didn't go to
school gore ke te go sokola jaana.
Bree: You didn't have to buy me these expensive lipsticks.
Deuce: You love them don't you?
Bree: Yeah I do, thank you do much and I am sorry about the way
my friend spoke to you.
Deuce: She is just being a friend but babe I don't want you to
involve people in our relationship, a relationship is for two people
once your friends think they have an opinion they ruin things for
Bree: I am sorry.

Deuce smiled and squeezed her hand, Bree's phone rang, she
smiled and picked up.

Bree: Hi
Basi: Hey, I have been waiting for your call.
Bree: (Smiled shyly) Hey, I will don't loose patience Okay.
Basi: For a beautiful woman like you I will be patient.
Bree: Haha okay bye.
Basi: Enjoy your dinner.
Bree: Thanks bye.

Bree smiled and put her phone and the lipsticks in her handbag.
Morris arrived and they ordered.

Morris: So how prepared are you for your interview on Monday?

Bree looked at Deuce.

Bree: Interview?
Deuce; Yeah I got called for an interview ko BTV on Monday?
Bree: Oh okay congratulations!
Deuce: Thank you (looked at Morris) I am well prepared but I am
nervous nyana.
Morris: You will be fine, that job is yours I have a good feeling
about it.
Deuce: Thanks Uncle.
Bree took out her phone while the men were talking, she saved
Basi's number and clicked on his DP on WhatsApp.

Bree: Bree here.

Basi: Dinner over already?
Bree: No!
Basi: What's it about you, I have never been this nervous about a
girl before.
Bree: 😂😂😂 we will talk neh, was just saying hi.

The food arrived, Bree put the phone down and started eating.

At Basi's House

Basi's father stuck his head inside his room and found him smiling
looking at his phone.

Father: You don't think you are going to get a degree with you
always on your phone do you?
Basi put his phone down and went to sit by his desk, he opened
his laptop and put on his headsets. His father closed the door and
went to his bedroom where his wife was, he pushed his sleepers
under the bed and got into bed.

Father: When is Obasi going to be serious about his future?

Serati: He went back to school that's something right?
Father: He is not going to get a degree with him always on his
phone and headsets on.
Serati: Babe you know getting a degree is not everything, you
own a media and marketing company but you didn't study Media
or marketing.
Father: Haha I did actually.
Serati; Haha no you didn't, let Basi do his thing, you said he
should have a Degree to fall back on and he is doing that if you
push him over the edge he might quit again and we don't want
that do we?

Eke smiled and kissed his wife.

At UB..
Bree waved at her father and ran to her room holding the paper
bag, she knocked on Sarah's room then she opened her for
stretching her arms.

Sarah: Hey you are back?

Bree went inside the room and greeted Sarah's roommate.

Sarah: Why are you in a good mood?

Bree: So I know you are going to be angry at me.

Sarah folded her arms and looked at Bree. Bree looked at her
friend and knew she wasn't going to take it well, she decided not
to say anything.

Sarah: Go on mbore.. bore me.

Bree: So I meet a guy today.
Sarah: What?
Bree: I know it's too soon..
Sarah: Heela soon for who, a guy once broke my heart and i had
someone ment it thirty minutes later.
Bree: Hahaha
Sarah: So is he cute?
Bree: Well the most handsome guy but he is hot and dark, he
smells great too.

She took out her phone and showed Sarah Basi's photo. Sarah's
roommate also looked and knod her head approving.

Sarah: He is hot.
Roommate: Obasi , he was in my class last year then he dropped
out to do music and modeling.
Sarah: Mmmh, so details details..
Bree: We just exchanged numbers.

Deuce's call came through, Sarah rolled her eyes and gave Bree
the phone, Bree looked at her friend then put the phone on silent.

Bree: What does he want?

Sarah: Ga o ba itse, once you stop being available bone they start
being available. Iyoo ga a itse gore now we have Mr (looked at
her roommate) what his name.
Roommate: Obasi.
Sarah: Obasi ke eng?
Roommate: He is half Nigeria, he dad owns the biggest Media
Company in Botswana.
Sarah: Heelang chomma re ya go ja madi, Heee (sat down) Obasi..
Mmh when he has his dick down your uterus a bo o ntse o re
(Softly) Bhaasii.

The girls laughed, Bree's phone rang again then she stood up and
fixed her skirt.

Bree: Good night guys I have a morning class.

Sarah: Thanks for the food.

Bree closed the door and picked up Deuce's call.

Bree: Hey..
Deuce: I hope you haven't taken off those clothes I want to be the
one to take them off.
Bree: Haha ae.
Deuce: Ke adimile Zakes's car i am coming to pick you up.
Bree: Okay hurry up.
Deuce: Two minutes.
Bree opened the bedroom door and threw her handbag on the
bed, she changed her panty and sat on the bed waiting for
Deuce's call.

Meanwhile Deuce's phone rang, he picked up smiling and

reduced the radio volume.

Deuce: Hey babe..

Luna: Hey I am on my way to your house.
Deuce: Now?
Luna: Yes.
Deuce: Okay le nna I am on my way home from the dinner.

He hung up, switched off his phone and did a U-turn.

At Campus..

Bree looked at the time on her phone, she sighed and tried
Deuce's number again and it was still not available. She removed
her clothes and got into bed.
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


The Following Day..

Bree packed her bag as the students left the lecture room, she
took out her phone and checked for a message or missed call
from Deuce but there wasn't any. She sighed and stood up, the
door opened and Basi came in

Basi: Hey!
Bree: Hey what are you doing here?
Basi: I was waiting for you outside but you didn't come out.
Bree: Haha..Zup?
Basi: Nothing much, would you like to grab something to eat? My

Bree looked at him for a few minutes then knod her head, Basi
took the bag from her and they walked outside.
Basi: So what should I do to take a beautiful woman like you out?
Bree: Just ask.
Basi; Okay haha..

He opened the door for her then went over to the passenger side,
he put Bree's bag behind and pulled down the seat belt for her
giving him an excuse to be more closer to her, Bree held her
breath and looked the other way.

Basi pulled his seat belt and looked outside, he reversed out of
the parking lot then lowered the radio volume. Bree increased the
volume and shook her head to the beats of Mavado's give it all to
me. She pout her lips singing along to the Nicki Minaj part.

🎶I'll handle you

Let me dance for you
I might be thinking 'bout leaving my mans for you
I'll handle you
Let me dance for you
I might be thinking 'bout leaving my mans for you, (yeah)..🎶

Basi laughed and looked at her, Bree turned and smiled at him.
Bree: What? I love this jam.
Basi: Me too, where do you want to eat?
Bree; Anywhere we can get some alcohol, its Friday and we
deserve something nyana.
Basi: Oh you drink?
Bree: I don't know, Ke a te ke nwe but occasionally and today is
that day.
Basi: Okay, there is a liquor restaurant ko Maruapula they make
the best grilled chicken.
Bree: Okay..

Bree's phone vibrated, she looked at it for a few seconds then

hung up. She switched off her phone and looked at Basi.

Bree: So Basi, tell me about you.

Basi: Haha what do you want to know?
Bree: Do you have a girlfriend?
Basi: No and you?
Bree: No i am single.
Basi: O sure gore no one is going to harass me akere?
Bree: Yeah..
Bree looked outside and sighed.

At Deuce's House..

Deuce dialed Bree's number again and it went straight to

voicemail, he clicked his tongue and dialed his friend.

Zakes: Sure poi..

Deuce: Hey are you going somewhere, I want you to lent me your
car ke cheke Bree.
Zakes; Sure around seven right now I am running around ke bata
fresh fish straight from the river i don't know where I am going to
get it, hey mona don't get anyone pregnant.
Deuce: Haha mme kana I want to knock up Luna, hela ga ke bona
a permanent job first month I score.
Zakes: Haha aah mona.. do you know where I can get fresh fish.
Deuce: Haha no but cheka in Facebook I once saw someone a re
they are selling fresh fish.
Zakes: Sure.

Deuce hung up and dialed Luna.

Luna: Babe..
Deuce: Hey I am going out with Zakes, are you coming over ke
bowe ka nako?
Luna: No, you know who is home I won't be able to come out.
Deuce: Okay, I love you
Luna: I love you more.

Deuce hung uo and checked Bree's last seen. " Ke kopa go go

bona please." He sent the text and put his phone down, he
removed his t-shirt and went to the bathroom.

At Campus.

Bree and Basi came up the stairs laughing, they bumped into
Sama and she gave Bree a naughty look.

Sama: See you on Monday.

Bree: Bye..

She opened the room and Basi followed her inside.

Bree: Thanks for taking me out.
Basi: I had fun, I hope we do it again.
Bree: Me too.

Basi put the plastic bag of good down and hugged Bree, she
hugged him back, they brushed their cheeks against each other,
Basi looked into Bree's eyes and pulled her chin up, he planted his
black lips on hers, Bree kissed him back, they hungrily kissed each
other then Bree stepped back.

Bree: O bata go nkhonda kante? (Do you want to fuck me?)

The rest of the insert is at Vuka Social.. [06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234


Basi got off Bree and sat on the bed, Bree picked up the plastic
bag and opened the door, she quickly tried to close it but Deuce
put his foot forward.
Deuce; Can we talk?
Bree: No we can't talk Deuce please leave.

Deuce pushed the door and went inside the room. He looked at
Basi then at Bree.

Deuce: So this is why you are not picking up my calls?

Bree: Deuce please just leave, go back to your girlfriend o tswe
mo go nna.
Basi: (Stood up) You heard the lady, please leave or you want me
to dragged you out of here?
Deuce: Wa nkitse ne mona. I will break your teeth.

Bree pushed Deuce back and turned to Basi.

Bree: Can you please go, we will talk.

Basi furiously grabbed his car keys and left, Deuce slammed the
door behind him and looked at Bree.

Deuce: So this is what you are busy with?

Bree: You kept me waiting the whole night and you didn't bother
to call me phakela.
Deuce: Ke tsamae, are we done here ke tsamaye because nna I
don't share. I don't want STI's so please tell me.
Bree: ..

Deuce reached for the door handle.

Bree: We just went out, there is nothing going on between us.

Deuce: It didn't look like it.

The door opened and Sarah came in, she looked at Deuce then at

Sarah: Are you okay?

Bree: Yeah, here is your food.
Sarah: Thanks, o sure o shapo?
Bree: Yeah I am fine i promise.

She picked up the plastic and gave Sarah, Sarah walked outside
slowly and closed the door. Bree waited a few seconds then she
went outside and found Sarah eavesdropping. Bree closed the
door behind her and pushed Sarah to her room.

Sarah: I thought we are with Mr Nigerian hunk now, (raised the

plastic bag) who bought me food. Deuce has never bought me
even a hotdog. Friend Please o seka wa nkgwisa dijo hle.
Bree: I am not with anyone and Deuce and i are just talking.
Sarah: My ex boyfriend and i used to talk and i know it included
less words and more moaning and sweating, babes don't do this
to yourself please.
Bree: I am not going to sleep with Deuce Okay, please can i go
talk to him now.
Sarah: You know at the end of the day you can take a girl out of
the Getto but you can't take the Getto out of the girl.
Bree: What's that supposed to mean?
Sarah: I don't know how it relates to this but somehow it makes
sense right now. Look Bree if you can't see how wrong Deuce is
for you then there is nothing we can do or say to separate you

She opened the door and went inside her room, Bree folded her
arms and went back to her room.

Bree: Please leave.

Deuce: Is it because of that boy?
Bree: Please Deuce leave, we are done, go back to Luna. I never
want to feel like I am not good enough because I am second
best, I deserve someone who will love me like you love Luna.

Deuce sat next to her and took her hand into hers, she pulled it
back and stood up.

Bree: Please go ke bata go robala.

Deuce sighed and turned around, he held on to the door handle

hoping for Bree to stop him but she didn't say anything, he
opened the door and left. Bree locked the door and covered her
face, she breathed out loud and sat on the bed crying.

At Luna's House

Luna's phone rang, she looked at the private number until the call
ended, another call came through, she picked up and didn't say

Caller: Where is your boyfriend as we speak Moghel, what excuse

did he give you today Hahaha.
The call ended, Luna put her phone down furious, she picked it up
again and dialed Deuce but he didn't pick up, she washed her
hands and stormed to her bedroom, she counted a few coins
from her purse and stormed outside.

Luna: Mama i am going to the shop.

She went outside dialing Deuce but he still didn't pick up.

At Basi's House..

Basi looked at his phone for a few seconds then he clicked on

Bree's number, he blocked and deleted it then he stepped out of
the car, he greeted his mother and went straight to his bedroom.
Few minutes later someone knocked on his door.

Basi: Come in.

Serati went inside and leaned against the wall.

Serati: You are never in time for dinner these days.

Basi: You said you want me to study akere, I am doing exactly

He sighed and looked at his mother regretting the tone of his


Basi: I am sorry.
Serati: Your dinner is in the oven.
Basi: Ke gore hela ke tennwe ke sengwe, I am sorry for being
Serati: What happened?
Basi: Aaah, we had a great evening and i got my hopes up for
nothing, turns out she has a boyfriend but she lied and said she is
Serati: She doesn't deserve you.
Basi: Hahaha, I should stop whining like a teenage boy, there is
plenty of fish in the sea.
Serati: Yes and i hope you use protection because I am not ready
to become a grandmother.
Basi: Haha yes maam.

He put his arm around his mother's neck and they went to the
At Campus..

Bree tried Basi's number for the forth time and it still didn't go
through, she sighed and laid on the bed, she closed her eyes until
she fell asleep.

At Zakes' House..

Luna knocked on the door and stepped back folding her arms,
Zakes' heavily pregnant girlfriend opened the door.

Her: Oh hey..
Luna: Hey, is Deuce here?
Her: No come in, o dule gone ha with the car, I don't know where
he was going (calling) Babeeee.

Luna shook her head and sat down, few minutes later Zakes came
out of his room putting on a clean t-shirt.

Zakes: Oh hey.
Luna: Please tell me the truth, is Deuce cheating on me because
he said he was going out with you now I get calls gore he is with
his side chick.
Zakes; Nna i don't know anything about his side chicks, he went
to get ice.
Luna: Great I will wait for him here.
Zakes: Sure, let me..

He went to the bedroom and grabbed his phone dialing Deuce

but his phone rang unanswered. "Mona where are you Luna is
here" He sent the text. His girlfriend looked at him rubbing her
big stomach and shook her head.

Her: Wa bona akere gompieno its like it's you who encourages
Deuce to cheat by giving him your car. I hope you are ready to
answer Luna when two hours goes by and Deuce is not back with
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

Few minutes after midnight, Deuce parked outside Zakes' House
and dialed his number. Zakes got out of bed and went to the

Zakes: Mona I have been calling and texting you all this time, Luna
is still here waiting for you.
Deuce: Eish my phone was in silent then I went to get ma one one
ko Kilimanjaro, is she angry?
Zakes: Yes, I told her you went to get ice and that was three hours
Deuce: Shit.. I am coming in.

Deuce hung up an sighed, he rubbed his face and stepped out of

the car. He slowly knocked on the door, Luna opened the door
and stepped back folding her arms.

Deuce: Hey!
Luna: E kae Ice?
Deuce: Babe I, I meet some old friends and we lost track of time.
Luna: Okay i see gore you think I am stupid akere, it's over Deuce.
Deuce; Babe..
Luna: I am not going to date someone who cheats on me Deuce, I
love you but I respect myself enough to step away from anything
that doesn't make me happy and takes away my peace. Ke kopa o
nkise lwapeng.
Deuce: Babe..
Luna: No Deuce I am done, please take me home.

Luna opened the door and went outside, she opened the car and
got inside, few minutes Deuce got in the car and looked at her

Deuce: I swear i am not cheating on you.

Luna: (Crying) And you gave your side chick my phone number to
call me, o ntallisa ka mabelete a Gaborone Deuce.
Deuce: Babe I don't know what you are talking about.
Luna: Please take me home.

Deuce reversed out and drove to Luna's house, Luna looked

outside and covered her face crying outloud.

Luna: I feel so stupid, I have been bragging about our relationship

on social media kante wena you know what you are doing, ntse o
ntshegisa ka batho ba re look at that stupid girl bragging about a
cheating man. (Looked at Deuce) What does she have that I
Luna: (Screaming) I am talking to you.

Deuce parked Infront of Luna's house.

Luna: Burn or throw away all the clothes I have at your place, we
are done.

She opened the door and went inside the yard, Deuce covered his
face and screamed into his hands, he grabbed his phone and
dialed Bree.

Bree: (Sleepy) Hello

Deuce: What did you think you will achieve by calling my
girlfriend and telling her about us, i don't love you Bree, I never
did I was only attracted to your body, that's all, you are nothing to
me, even if Luna and I break up I will never make you my
girlfriend. You are a booty call, that's all you will ever be.
Bree: What are you talking about where would I get number ya ga
Luna rra?
Deuce clicked his tongue and hung up. Bree swallowed a big
lump and looked at her phone, she sniffed and wiped her tears.
The words Deuce said hurt more coming from his mouth than
they do coming from Sarah's mouth. She cried out loud choking
on her breath and wiped her tears. She picked up her phone and
dialed Deuce back.

Deuce: Never call me ever again.

Bree: All I ever did was love you and hoped one day I would be
the one but I was lying to myself, I saw the signs and decided to
stay, you treated me bad but I still stayed because I love you
Deuce but..

Deuce hung up on her before she finished her sentence.Bree

switched off her phone and pulled up the duvet.

The Following Day..

Deuce tried Luna's phone countless times with no answer. He

slammed his fist against the wall and screamed in pain. "I am
sorry for cheating on you, it was once but still it doesn't justify my
actions, ke kopa re buwe please babe, I am sorry, I love you" he
sent the message to Luna and sat on the bed waiting for a reply.
He stood up and went to the kitchen to drink water, he came back
and clicked on the SMS that just reported.
Luna: (Text) I want you to take me to her.

Deuce rubbed his face and started typing "I don't know where she
stays it was a once off thing" he replied.

Luna: (Text) Text me when you are ready to tell me the truth.

At Campus..

Bree got out of bed as the knocking got louder, she opened the
door and Basi smiled at her holding a milkshake and KFC paper

Basi: I have been trying to call you.

Bree opened the door wider and Basi came in.

Bree: Thanks for breakfast.

Basi: It's lunch.
Bree: What? E le gore what time is it?
Basi: Past twelve.
Bree: Iyoo..

She sat on her bed and sighed, she looked at Basi and let out a
fade smile.

Basi: Yesterday after I left here I went home, blocked and deleted
your number, tried to convince myself I was over you but I found
myself driving her.
Bree: I am sorry about yesterday.
Basi: You didn't have to lie to me about having a boyfriend, I have
pride but for you I was will to twist it a little and be your side
Bree: Haha, Deuce is my (sighed) he has a girlfriend and I was the
side chick.
Basi: I like that we are speaking in past terms.
Bree: Haha, look Basi you are a nice person, you are fun to be
around and you are hot but.. It wouldn't be fair on you and on me
if I agree to have a relationship with you right now, I am still
inlove with my ex.
Basi: Let me make you forget about him.
Bree: Haha I wish it was that easy, I hate how much I still love him.
Even after he said those horrible things to me my heart still beats
for him.
Basi: But he loves his girlfriend because if he loved you he would
have never made you his side chick.
Bree: (Crying) I know.
Basi: Why are you crying for him then? He doesn't deserve you.
Bree: I know but the heart wants what the heart wants.

The both kept quiet, Bree wiped her tears and sniffed. Someone
knocked at the door, Bree wiped her tears and opened the door.
She swallowed a big lump and stepped back as Deuce walked in
with Luna.

Luna: Oh (Look at Deuce then pointed at Bree disrespectfully) So

this is what you have been cheating on me with.
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Luna: Oh (Looked at Deuce then pointed at Bree disrespectfully)

So this is what you have been cheating on me with.
Basi: Seriously if I were dating you I would cheat on you with her
too. Babe ema ka dinao a go bone sentle.
Deuce: Dude stay out of this ga re buwe le wena.
Bree: Look Deuce can you please take your girlfriend and leave,
we are done its fine ga ke bate ntwa.
Luna: Bitch you should have thought about that before you threw
yourself onto my boyfriend, kante banyana ba marago a makima
what makes you think you are special.

Basi Stood up and rubbed his hands together.

Basi: Okay leave now, you are embarrassing yourself instead of

talking to your boyfriend you are confronting the girl, you are too
pretty for that, have some self respect woman. Look at him, he is
standing behind you waiting for you to confront the side chick,
how many more are you going to fight with him standing behind
you looking at you a re bona semata se. Your fucking cheating
boyfriend owes you loyalty not her.
Deuce: (Pushed Basi) Look dude you don't know me okay.
Basi: Don't push me bra le wena to don't know me, you cheated
on her instead of apologising you bring her to confront you side
chick, since you can't zip it in respect her bro.
Deuce threw a punch at Basi and he staggered back, Bree quickly
got between them and pushed Basi back.

Bree: Don't fight him please.. Deuce please leave.

Basi: You are angry because she found someone better now,
come fight for Bree Infront of your girlfriend, go on continue
disrespecting and embarrassing her.

Luna swallowed a big lump and folded her arms. She turned to
Deuce then walked past him and stormed outside, Deuce
followed her and bumped into Sarah by the steps.

Sarah: And then?

Basi: (To Bree) Are you okay?

Bree hugged him and started crying, Sarah closed the door and
looked at Basi.

Basi: I don't know what would've happened if I wasn't here, that

dude brought his girlfriend here I don't know whether to fight
Bree or what.
Sarah: Heela kana I thought I saw that girl go down the stairs,
yeses what did she say? Chomi are you okay?
Bree: (Wiped her tears) I am fine.
Sarah: Chomi it's high time you put my number in speed dial I
would have ran here four fourty ka koropa ka sebono sa
mmantsiripane yole, Heey! Bathong what did she say? I know
where she hangs out with her friends ke ka mo lata nna now now.
Bree: Just leave her please.
Sarah: Kana ke gore mongwe o hurile di main chick, heela phona
ke phona nxaa! Who in this time still confronts side chick, yerr she
should confront her good to nothing boyfriend, let me check if
they are gone. If she thinks she is crazy then she has meet her
match, bitch got me all crazy.

She opened the door and stormed outside, Bree wiped her tears
and sat on the bed.

Basi: Your friend is crazy.

Bree: Yeah (smiling) Thank you for defending me.
Basi: I don't understand women, guy cheats on her and she
confronts the side chick, that's stupid. Le gone a bo the boyfriend
a ta behind the girl, to do what? If I ever cheat on you and you
confront the side chick I am dumping you, that's stupid. That guy
is going to cheat on her until she learns to blame her boyfriend.
Bree: I understand her pain and anger.
Basi: Still, she stopped too low.
Basi played with his car keys and pointed at the milkshake. Bree
picked it up and took a sip, the door opened and Sarah came in.

Sarah: They are not outside. Hella ne ke tsile go bontsha tsiri yole
never to mess with you.

She took the milkshake from Bree and took a sip, she looked at
Basi then gave the milkshake back.

Basi: I should get going.

Sarah; No please don't leave on my account. (To Bree) Friend are
you okay?
Bree: Yeah I am fine.
Sarah: Okay, I will be in my room.

She walked towards the door and turned around, she pointed at
Basi and gave two thumbs up, Bree laughed, Basi turned around
then Sarah closed the door.

Bree: She is crazy don't mind her.

Basi: What did she say?
Bree; Haha nothing.
Basi: I should get going now, will you be okay?
Bree: Yeah, thank you for everything including brunch.
Basi: Anytime.

He sighed and reached for the door knob, he turned around to

Bree and rubbed his face.

Basi: So when you are over him do I stand a chance?

Bree: Yes you do.
Basi: I respect that, you are a beautiful woman Bree and it's not
everyday that I drive to school willingly to bring a woman
breakfast. Don't keep me waiting for long.

He winked at her then opened the door and left, Bree smiled and
opened the brown paper bag, she paged Sarah then few seconds
she opened the door and came inside.

Sarah: Oh le feditse ka pela jang.

Bree: Haha we were not doing anything, for now we are just
Sarah: Friends don't know how each other taste.
Bree: Haha we haven't tasted each other, yet!

Sarah clapped her hands excitedly and took the milkshake from
Bree, she sipped on it and then took a piece of chicken from the

Sarah: So no more Deuce?

Bree: Yes.
Sarah: Yes, Iyoo did I ever tell you how much I don't like him, Eish
everytime you said Deuce I would feel all my organs mix up and
come up to my throat.
Bree: I love him friend, I have never felt like this before.
Sarah: That's because you haven't dated a lot, if it's about the sex
there are better guys out there. Ke gore guy would make you
squirt and cum die a second all at once, it happens.
Bree: Haha..
Sarah: Yeah, rona we die a little nyana mo friend, Deuce is not the
only guy that can make you orgasm.
Bree: Actually he has never made me orgasm.

Sarah stopped chewing and looked at her friend.

Bree: What?
Sarah: Friend then why are you crying for a guy who can't make
you cum, ao Paris mma (singing) Moloi yo go loileng o sule.

They both laughed.

At Deuce's House

Deuce stood by the door watching Luna pack up her clothes, she
looked under the bed and took her shoes.

Deuce: Babe please forgive me, I took you to Bree didn't I?

Luna: So that's supposed to make me feel better that you cheated
on me and that you were fighting for your side chick Infront of

She walked past Deuce, he grabbed her hand then Luna let go of
the bag. He knelt down and wiped his tears with her hand. Luna
tried to pull back the hand.

Luna: Leave me alone.

Deuce: Please forgive me, I made a mistake please don't leave me.
I wasn't fighting for her that guy was provoking me.
Deuce: Please if I make one more mistake then you can dump me,
I will accept it.

Luna wiped her tears and helped him stand up.

Luna: I am giving you last chance, if you mess up then I am done,

for good.

Deuce hugged her tightly, she hugged him back.

Luna: Did you use protection?

Deuce: Yes!
Luna: I want us to go test together before we can sleep together
Deuce: Okay i accept that.
Luna: I am not lying Deuce if you ever cheat on me again we are
done. I am not going to be one of those women ba ba
ikgomotsang ka gore at the end of the day my man loves me and
sleeps next to me everyday while you go around sleeping with
every girl in town.
Deuce: I promise I am not that person.

Luna sighed and picked up her bag, she put it in the closet.
Luna: We should clean in here bona hela how many mosquitoes
come out.

Later that afternoon at Campus..

Bree went through her notes in her laptop and sighed, she clicked
on an empty page and put her fingers on the keyboard, she bit
her nails and rested her back on the chair, she sighed and typed
in capital letters "THE EDGE OF NEVER"

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree walked around the lingerie section looking at the panties,
she laughed alone and picked up a red thong, she could imagine
Basi taking it off her, she took out her phone and dialed Sarah.

Sarah: Make it quick.

Bree: Iyoo sorry mma I just wanted your opinion on something.
Sarah: Mmmh?
Bree: So I took your advice about not going into a new
relationship with old panties.
Sarah: Mmmh okay.

Kgato grabbed the phone and put it on his ear.

Kgato: Bree you will talk later re busynana golo ha.

Bree: Eww what are you guys doing?

Kgato hung up, Bree rolled her eyes and picked up a two piece
thong and a full panty, she put them in a shopping basket and
walked towards the shoes section. Luna stood next to her and
picked a pair of high heels shoes. She took out her phone and
dialed Deuce.

Luna: Babe how much did you say I must use again?
Bree turned around recognising her thin slow voice then she
moved away, Luna followed her talking to the phone. She qued
behind her and started laughing, Bree rolled her eyes and left the
line, she knew she was probably doing it to annoy her, she went
to the other section and picked up a pair of jeans.

Meanwhile Deuce walked in and qued behind Luna, he held her

waist and kissed her neck, Luna showed her the shoes and earings
she bought, they paid and left then Bree joined the line again, she
paid and dialed Basi walking outside, she put the panties in her
handbag and went to the parking lot.

Meanwhile Basi and his friend walked out of Liquor store laughing
holding plastic bags with beers inside. His friend's phone rang
and he walked slowly behind talking to the phone, Basi walked to
the parking lot and unlocked the car.

Basi: Did you manage to buy whatever it is that you wanted to

Bree: Yeah..
Basi: Can I see?
Bree: (Held on to her handbag tightly) No it's a surprise.
Basi kissed her and pinned her against the car, he picked her leg
and kissed her neck.

Bree: Haha stop people are looking.

Basi: No one is looking.

They kissed passionately then Basi let her foot down. "Kgm Kgm"
his friend cleared his throat then they stopped kissing, Bree shyly
stepped back and wiped her lips, Basi opened the front door for
her then closed it. Basi opened the boot and put his beers at the
back, he took one out and took a sip.

Friend: Melo is having a party this Friday, you are coming there
are going to be lots of girls dude and I know ga ke na le wena we
can get any girl we want.
Basi: Hahaha unfortunately I have plans with my girl on Friday.
Friend: (Bored) With Bree? Okay i get it she is beautiful and she
has a nice ass but honestly dude are you seriously going to loose
yourself over this girl, you don't have to be celibate and boring
just because she is.
Basi: You know she is in the car right?
Friend: Come on dude you are Basi, you can fuck three girls in a
day, I feel like I don't know you these days, what did this girl do to
you because its not sex since you are not getting any. Wa bora
laitaaka and I am not going to sugarcoat anything, take me home.

He opened the back door and got inside the car, Bree cleared her
throat and pulled the seat belt. Basi got inside and smiled at her,
she could feel the tension in the car and somehow she knew it
had something to do with her.

Basi: Are you okay?

Bree: Yeah I am fine (her phone rang) Hey.
Sarah: Friend you called while I was in a compromising position.
Bree: Are you done?
Sarah: Yeah what did you need my help on?
Bree: It doesn't matter right now bye.

She hung up and smiled at Basi, Basi squeezed her hand and
drove with one hand.

Friend: Bree you are not going home for the Easters holidays?

Bree looked at Basi.

Bree: We haven't discussed Easters, am I going home?
Basi: Are you?
Bree: Haha am I?

They both laughed.

Basi's friend sighed and finished his beer, he threw the tin outside
and took out his phone and logged into Facebook.

At Deuce's House

Deuce put the plastics down while Luna came in with a box of
pizza, she closed the door with her foot and put the box down,
Deuce came from the kitchen with one plate and two glasses.

Luna: Did you see your girlfriend ne ko Mr Price? Motho a iketse

mokgwa I qued behind her and she left the line bo mmaba
Deuce; who is my girlfriend?
Luna: How many do you have?
Deuce: Are we going to always talk about her everytime you see
Deuce took a slice from the box and took a large bite. He chewed
slowly and picked up his phone, he went through his Facebook
and searched Bree's name but there were no search results, he
searched again and realized she probably blocked him, he cleared
his search history and put his phone down.

At Campus

Basi rested his back on the seat and turned looking at Bree.

Basi: I have to go pick up my little sister will I see you later?

Bree: Can I ask you something?
Basi: Yeah?
Bree: We have been hanging out almost everyday, you help me
study and you buy me food, we make out, What exactly are we
because I am a little confused right now.
Basi: I thought this is what you want, to take things slow?
Bree: Yes it is, it was but what if I don't want to take things slow
Basi: O sure?
Bree: Yes, Samantha is going home today, come sleep over, I have
a surprise for you.
Basi: Haha okay, look I was only trying to be a gentleman Okay, I
respect you wanting to take things slow, I don't want to ruin
anything because ke a go xama blind baby girl.

Bree smiled and looked down shyly.

Basi: What?
Bree; Haha it's kind of cute when you speak like that.
Basi: I am trying to be cute here.
Bree: Hahaha, let me go inside, I will see you later?
Basi: Babe wee, I love you okay.
Bree: I love you too.

She leaned over and kissed him then Basi went over to the
passenger door, he opened for Bree and closed the door, he
walked her up to her room then they hugged and Basi rang back
downstairs, Bree smiled alone and opened the door, she threw
herself on the bed and covered her face.

Samantha: Out with it girl?

Bree: What time are you going?
Sama: In an hour, tell me who gives you butterflies in the
Bree: I am scared, last time I had butterflies in the stomach I was
inlove with another woman's man. I don't want to be broken
hearted again.
Sama: Not every guy is your ex.
Bree: Yeah, let me call my mum and tell her I am not coming for
the holidays.

She dialed Nkagi and sighed, Nkagi hurried inside the house, she
wiped her wet hands and removed the phone from the charger,
she picked up and pressed the phone against her ear with her

Nkagi: Hallo
Bree: Hi Mum.
Nkagi: How are you, I was busy outside re thabile dikoko ke go
beetse mala ngwanaka I know how much you love it.
Bree: Business is doing great akere,mpha madi mma hoo mma.
Nkagi: I don't have money the ngwanaka I am extending my
house, Lesedi is pregnant so she is here now, when you come it's
going to be crowded mo go maswe.
Bree: About coming, I am not coming for the Easters holidays I
will be staying at a friend's house.
Nkagi: Friend's house ehe Bree, are you still on the pill?
Bree: Haha I knew you were going to say that, what does me not
coming home have to do with the pill, by the way my friend is a
girl Sarah.
Nkagi: Are you still on the pill?
Bree: I am not on the pill because I am not sleeping with anyone.
Nkagi: Do you think sex is planned ekare meeting gore Monday at
two o'clock? please get on the pill mmaetsho nna ke lapile raising
kids who don't have fathers, akere gompieno Katlego is my full
responsibility, Lesedi's child le ene gatwe the father sale a ya
triping ya wildlife six months ago he is not coming back, mme ke
nna ke re prevention, prevention everyday.
Bree; Ee mma.
Nkagi: Ga ke itse gore ka wena le Sarah you see each other
everyday at school what's so important you have to discuss when
you should be coming home to see your family. Ke kopa gore o te
motsee mma unless e le gore you called me with your mind
already made up.
*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


The next morning..

Bree smiled alone looking at Basi peacefully sleeping, she traced
her fingers on his dreads, Basi smiled and turned around.

Basi: Hey..
Bree: Hey..

He baby kissed her and reached for his phone, he looked at the
time and put the phone down.

Basi: I have never slept so peacefully in my life. How did you

Bree: Great.
Basi: Mmmh..

He kissed her neck and got between her legs, he rubbed his dick
on her nunu, Bree pushed him back and pointed at a box of
condoms on the table.

Basi: Mmh okay.

He reached for the box and took one , he kissed Bree while he
rolled the condom down his cucumber sized dick, he put Bree's
leg on his shoulder and kissed her neck while he rubbed his dick
on her, Bree moaned softly then Basi slowly squeezed himself in
her,Bree gasped for air and her eyes popped, he needed some
getting used to.

Basi roared and pulled Bree's head up.

Basi: Look at me babe, look at me.. I love you okay.

Bree: Mmmh..
Basi: I love you beautiful..

He bit his lower lip and went all the way in. Bree let out a little
sound of pain and pushed his chest.

Basi: I am sorry, I got carried away..

He pulled out and only fkd her with the tip of his dick, Bree
squeezed her breasts breathing heavily, her waist flexed, she
grabbed Basi's cucumber and directed in her, Basi smiled and
kissed her forehead, he went a little faster, Bree dug her nails in
his back and bit her lower lip.
Bree: Ssshhhhht dont stop.


Palesa took out her ID card and showed the security at the gate.
She filled in her names and picked up her bag. She dialed Nkosi's
number and it went straight to voicemail, she clicked her tongue
and dialed her mother.

Nkagi: (Sleepy) Hello Palesa do you know what time it is?

Palesa: I am in Gaborone, I called Nkosi and another woman
Nkagi: Jaanong you have gone to fight her?
Palesa: I want Nkosi to tell me if he doesn't want me anymore
straight to my face.
Nkagi: So what happens if he tells you he doesn't want you
Palesa: Then i will leave him in peace and go back to Maun with
answered questions.
Nkagi: I think you only went there to hurt yourself, you already
know what's happening in your relationship there really is no
need for you to go there and confront the man, come back my
baby. Mo togele.
Palesa: (Crying) I am off the pill if it's a baby he wants then I will
give him one.
Nkagi: Seriously i don't know why you girls always call me with
your mind made up because it's clear my opinion doesn't matter,
go confront him ngwanaka.

Palesa hung up and went up the stairs, she wiped her tears and
knocked on Nkosi's door. She folded her arms waiting for an
answer, she knocked again and heard footsteps coming, Nkosi
opened the door and put his foot forward.

Nkosi: Palesa?

He went outside and closed the door behind him.

Nkosi: What are you doing here?

Palesa: So she is inside?
Nkosi: Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
Palesa: You don't answer my calls akere, I want to go inside ke
Nkosi: You can't, there is someone in there.
Palesa pushed him and went inside the room, she switched on the
lights and looked at the girl peacefully sleeping.

Palesa: Mabelete a Gaborone.

She grabbed the girl by the braids and pushed her down from the
bed, the girl screamed then Nkosi rushed inside and pulled Palesa
from the girl, he slapped her so hard across the face and she fell

Nkosi: (To the girl) Are you okay?

She helped the girl stand up, the girl cradled her stomach and
wiped her tears. Palesa looked at the girl's little pregnancy belly
and knew she was fighting a loosing battle.

Nkosi: So now you want to kill my child just because wena you
can't have kids?
Palesa: So this is why (Crying) Why..

Nkosi grabbed her by the leg and pulled her outside, he picked
up her bag and threw it at her then closed the door. Palesa stood
up and dusted herself, she picked up her handbag and hung it
around her shoulder.

Palesa: Nkosi..

She knocked on the door until the next door opened.

Neighbor: He is not going to open for you. Go home I don't know

why you Women like doing this to yourselves, he doesn't want
you anymore, wa re hlodia hle mma.

Palesa wiped her tears embarrassed and went down the stairs
crying. She took out her phone and dialed Pona.

Pona: Hello..
Palesa: Hi where are you i want to come bath at your place.
Pona: Nna i am the bus rank right now I am going to Maun.
Palesa: Okay shapo.

She hung up and dialed Bree but her phone rang unanswered.

At Campus.
Sarah opened the door yawning and stretched her arms.

Sarah: Mmmh?
Bree: (Smiling) I thought I should come say bye.
Sarah; Uhu you are leaving already?
Bree: Yes, Basi decided to come with me, his mum is from Maun
so he is visiting his grandmother.
Sarah: Heee go busy, look at you glowing after one round.
Bree: Four!

They both laughed.

Sarah: So how was it?

Bree: Eleven out of ten.
Sarah: Heee kamoso you will be saying he never made you
orgasm after he hurts you akere.
Bree: Haha mma, he went home, he is in his way back now and we
are leaving.
Sarah; Have fun friend..
They hugged then Bree went back to her room, she zipped her
bag and sat on the bed smiling alone, she picked up her phone
and found Palesa 's missed call. She called her back but her
number didn't go through.

The door opened and Basi came in.

Basi; Are you ready to go beautiful?

Bree: Yes.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, Basi
picked her up and pinned her against the wall.

Basi: One for the road babe?

Bree: Haha not now, I can't feel my vagina rra.
Basi: Ao babe mma this little thing can't do no harm hle.
Bree: Little thing huh?

She grabbed it and popped her eyes. Basi laughed and picked up
her bag.

Bree: Did you tell your parents you are going to Maun?
Basi: Nope..
Bree: Babe?
Basi: You don't know my parents and they were going to say no
just for the sake of it.

He put the bag at the boot and opened the door for Bree. Bree
got inside and sighed.

Bree: But you are going to tell them right?

Basi: I will, re pege or you just want some alone time with your
Bree: I want some alone time but hey we need the money for
Basi: Don't worry we are sorted.
Bree: Okay.

She pulled the seat belt and knod her head going through Basi's

At Taung..
Deuce and Luna joined a group of people by hiking by the stop, A
car stopped and they ran towards it, two people got in and they
remained. Bree saw them and cleared her throat.

Bree: Babe can you stop I want to buy water.

Basi: We have water.
Bree: Le dichapisi.

Basi stopped the car and Deuce and Luna came running.

Deuce: Maun..

Bree opened the door and stepped out.

Bree: Ga re pege!
Insert sponsored by Ponyonyo (😂😂😂 her real name by the way)
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

Bree hung up and disappointedly put her phone down. She

sighed and looked at her roommate.

Bree: Somehow I knew not to get my hopes up.

Sama: She is just being a mum, all mums are like that that's why I
make sure I see my boyfriend as much as possible because
holidays are a no no for my mother.
Bree: I know, but Basi and i just agreed to be girlfriend and
boyfriend today, I just want to spend a few days with him. I like
him, no I love him.

The door opened and Sarah came in.

Sarah: Who do we love?

Sama: (Stood up) I am going to shower.

She grabbed her toiletries bag and left, Sarah sat down and
looked at Bree.

Sarah; And?
Bree: Nothing.
Sarah: So did you buy the panties?
Bree; Yeah, I saw Luna at the shop and she gave me attitude
nyana, I mean I stopped sleeping with her boyfriend what does
she want from me?
Sarah: I told you I know where she hangs out with her friends, just
say the word and I will make things happen.
Bree: No i am done with those people, she can continue giving
me attitude I will never give her the satisfaction of talking to her.
Sarah: You are so kind, (took out a memory stick from her pocket)
Can I edit something on your laptop.

Bree gave her the laptop and started packing her bags.

Sarah: (Reading) The edge of never.. what is this?

Bree quickly grabbed the laptop and closed the page.

Bree: You finished editing?

Sarah: Haha so you are going to dump every guy who cheats on
Bree: Yes and that was personal you shouldn't have read it.
Sarah: Life doesn't have a manual, you will be surprised when you
forgive your partner for the seventieth time ntse a chita hela wena
kaha believing he will change.
Bree: When I was growing up my father used to call me Princess,
he still does. I am a daughter of a King and i deserve the best, I
deserve a man who is going to treat me right, love me hard,
respect me and never will I ever date another woman's man, I
learnt my lesson with Deuce. I deserve the best and i am n going
to settle for anything in the name of love, it's called putting
yourself first and loving yourself.
Sarah: Wai, please say that to me again five years later, just
because you forgive someone for cheating doesn't mean you are
stupid, you will cry your eyes dry and your heart will still beat for
that same person.
Bree: Don't tell me about women who don't know the difference
between love and abuse, if a man truly loves you he won't cheat
on you and nna I would rather be called a slut but I am never
stopping low again in the name of love, look where that got me
with Deuce.
Sarah: (Took the laptop) Wai we have all said that, heela le wena
your never's are too many jang but I dont see never have sex with
my friend here.
Bree; Haha so you know, Basi and i are officially a couple and he is
coming to sleep over tonight.
Sarah: Heelang, did you buy new panties, he can't take off the
same panties you know who took off.
Bree opened her handbag and took out the new panties and bra.

Sarah: Wow, make sure you wash them before you wear them.
Bree: Of course.

At Basi's House..

His little sister ran inside the house holding her backpack, Basi
walked behind her slowly typing in his phone, he put his phone in
his pocket and ran upstairs to his bedroom, he took off his clothes
and went to the shower, he bit his lips thoufully and went to the
bedroom, he locked his bedroom door, grabbed a lubricant and
went to the bathroom.

Later that Evening..

Palesa sat on the bed and emptied her handbag on the bed, she
picked up the prevention pills and put them in one plastic bag
and dialed Nkosi, his phone rang once then he hung up. Palesa
called again and it went straight to voicemail. "I stopped taking
the pill" she sent the text to Nkosi and put the phone down
waiting for a reply, few minutes later she picked up her phone
again and dialed Nkosi.
Female Voice: Hello
Palesa: (Looked at her phone) Ke kopa go buwa le mong wa
Female Voice: He doesn't want to speak to you but you can leave
the message with me.

Palesa hung up furiously and checked her bank balance, she then
shoved clothes in her bag and left.

At Nkagi's house.

Nkagi clicked her tongue and put the phone on loudspeaker.

Nkagi: Mmaweeee if you are not in Maun before the end of

tomorrow I will go report you to the police, Pona I didn't tell you
to go have a child akere, don't make me tell you to take care of
your son. Heta o te ngwaneng wa gago.

She hung up and clicked her tongue.

Nkagi: I don't remember telling anyone to go make a baby, I will

take this child to the police station ha e le gore o bata go
tshamekela mo go nna. Nna i had seven kids and took care of
them all myself kana ke gore nna I don't have a mother?

She went to the kitchen, Lesedi rubbed her stomach and picked
up her phone, she dialed Bree's number and went outside.

Bree: Hello!
Lesedi: Heela go dubegile kwano are you coming?
Bree: Yeah, nna gatwe what's my problem ka I didn't leave her
with my child.
Lesedi: Ebile she is threatening to report Pona and take her son to
the police station.
Bree: Heela, I will be on the first bus tomorrow.

Bree hung up and crossed her legs impatiently waiting for Basi,
she dialed his number and it didn't go through. "Still coming?"
She sent the text and sighed.

Someone knocked on the door, she smiled and fixed her panty
then stood up and slightly opened the door.

Bree: Deuce what are you doing here?

Deuce: Can we talk?
Bree: (Looked outside) Not now, what's so important you had to
come here masigo?
Deuce: Aren't you going to invite me in?
Bree: No please leave before my boyfriend arrives here, akere o
rile ke tswe mo go wena , I have done that and i would appreciate
it if you did the same thing.
Deuce: Luna and i are going to go to Maun for Mascom Derby
and we are going to be crashing at Uncle's house, I don't want it
to be awkward for her or something.

Bree closed the door and went to put on her pyjamas, she went
outside and folded her arms listening to Deuce.

Deuce: I just thought maybe it would be best if you like stayed at

your mum's house until re bowa.
Bree: So i shouldn't go see my father because you are bringing
your girlfriend? Deuce kante where were you all this time ekare o
goroga ka go tena jaana? Look wena find a way to hide your
girlfriend from me, that's my home ebile while we still at it tell her
to stop performing for me everytime she sees me, she got the
man what else does she want from me?

"Hey" Bree smiled and looked at Basi, Deuce quickly turned

around and left.
Basi: Are you okay?
Bree: He just missed me coming here a buwa dilodisele.
Basi: He wants to get back together?
Bree: No.

She opened the door and they went inside.

Bree: Hey!

She wrapped her arms around Basi's neck and kissed him.

Basi: Wait.. look babe I don't mean to be controlling or

whatsoever but I don't want you seing that guy again.
Basi: I mean you wouldn't like it if I kept meeting with my ex
Bree: Deuce is my cousin.
Basi: What?
Bree: Deuce is my father's nephew and whenever he is in Maun he
crashes at my dad's house.
Basi kept quiet.

Bree: Babe?
Basi: So ga o ya Maun jaana you will be sleeping in the same
house and I am supposed to be okay with it?
Bree: I won't be sleeping with him, Deuce and i are over.
Basi: Are you, are you really?
Bree: Yes, what do you mean?
Basi: I don't know man, I feel like I can't trust you in a situation like
this. You will be sleeping with your ex in the next room, sharing
the same bathroom. Seing him everyday, if you couldn't respect
your relation with him then..
Bree: Look (pointing) there is the door, if you don't trust me you
can use it to leave. I said I am not going to sleep with him, I won't
even be staying at my dad's house.
Bree: Ke dire jang for you to believe me?
Basi: Would you believe you if you were me?

Bree kept quiet for a few minutes.

Bree: Are we fighting over a man who broke my heart into little
pieces? I know I have been stupid before but I promise you Deuce
is in my past, you are my present and I will never put you in a
situation that I have personally been in, I love you Basi, maybe it's
too soon to say love but I am inlove with you, all I am asking from
you is to trust me.
Basi: But i don't trust that Deucebag, I am going with you to
Maun. [06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Basi stopped the car and Deuce and Luna came running.

Deuce: Maun..

Bree opened the door and stepped out.

Bree: Ga re pege!

Deuce and Luna stepped back, Luna clicked her tongue and went
to join another group of people who were which hiking. Bree
went to but chapies and sweets then went back inside the car.

Luna: I wonder whose man it is this time.

Deuce ignored her and continued hiking.

Luna: I bet she saw us and decided go re pherfomela, it's high

time ladies leant riches and intelligence are not sexually
transmitted, motho o ka ikutlwa jaana mo koloing ya batho le
gone runX.

Another car approached, the driver rolled down the window.

Driver: Maun.

Deuce quickly got in the car and saved space for Luna, Luna got
inside and closed the door.

Driver: Ao why didn't you wait for the eleven bus?

Deuce: It arrives late.
Driver: Yeah but nako tse because it's busy hela ga e tala ebile ya

The car passed Basi's car on the way, Luna looked behind and
folded her arms, she smiled at Deuce and touched his hand,
Deuce smiled and put his arm around her.
In Basi's car.

Bree lowered the volume and looked at Deuce.

Bree: Are you okay?

Deuce: Yeah!
Bree: You are not, buwa le nna what's wrong?
Deuce: You saw your ex and his girlfriend that's why you wanted
us to stop right?
Bree: What how was i supposed to know they were there?
Basi: So its a considence that they happened to come running to
the car emmideately I parked the car?
Basi: I hate this..

He parked by the side of the road and removed the seat belt.

Basi: Look it's clear you are not over your ex because if you were
you wouldn't do what you just did, I don't want to go to Maun
and deal with this, I am not even sure if you feel the same way I
feel about you or you are just using me to make your ex jealous.
Be honest with me ke bowe gone ha. I love you but if it's not
meant to be then it's not meant to be, i will be a big boy about it.
Bree: I am sorry..

Basi'a phone rang and he ignored it.

Basi: Please be honest with me, it's okay if you are not over him,
just don't play with my feelings.
Bree: I am sorry, the reason why I asked you to stop the car was
because i saw them, it wasn't because I am still inlove with Deuce,
it was for my own selfish reasons, I wanted to show him that I
have moved on but thats selfish because I made you look like an
idiot in the process. I m sorry..(touched his hand) I love you and
you are enough for me, I don't have to prove to anyone anything.

Basi sighed and rubbed his face, his phone rang again, he put it in
silent and pulled the seat belt.

Bree: Why are you ignoring your mother?

Basi: Agg you know parents akere she is going to shout at me and
tell me to come home like I am ten years old.
Bree: Oh, Do you forgive me?
Basi: I don't want to seem like that guy who complains about
Bree: You are not, I am sorry what I just did out there was stupid
and immature.

Basi leaned over and kissed her, he switched off his phone and
drove back into the road.

At Basi's House..

His mother worriedly put the phone down then she sighed and
picked it up again. "Just answer me and tell me you are okay" she
sent the text. Her husband came in holding a glass of whiskey.

Eke: He is going to continue stealing your cards because you

don't report him.
Serati: Maybe he owes people money and i am not going to
report my son, if he doesn't steal from me he will steal from
Eke: Haha okay but if he steals from me I am not going to hesitate
to report him.
Serati: You are not going to report my son.
She stood up and went to the kitchen.

At the BnB..

Palesa stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around

herself, she took out the bus ticket from her handbag and dialed
the Bus number.

Palesa; Hello I would like to book a seat for today.. oh you are
fully booked, Okay thank you.

She hung up and rested her back on the bed, she sighed then
opened her WhatsApp, she clicked on Nkosi's contacts and his
profile picture didn't show anymore or the last time he was online.

Palesa: Martee a gagwe.

She dialed his number and it didn't got through, she smiled and
went through her gallery, she selected a recent photo of Nkosi in
black Adidas tracksuits sitting in his car holding s bottle of beer
She created a fake Facebook account and joined several groups,
she clicked on the YOB group and posted a photo of Nkosi
captioned " If small dick two minutes noodles was a person". She
laughed alone then logged back into her account, she searched
for the group and waited for people to comment on the photo.
Two minutes there were already over twenty comments.

Wai ba ntse jalo the mma bo charmer boy, dololo ka pipi. Motho
wa teng o tsenya nko hela a bo a simolla go duma ekare terekere
ya ga molemisi kante ebile o feditse..😒

Hahaha o fine jang bathong, I guess he can't have it all.

Maybe the problem is not his dick, maybe the vagina is the

A sehuba sa bogolo , akanya o se samile mme o sa rota😭😭😭
whatawaste. Ke bone ba motho wa teng a phinyang ga a cumer.

Palesa read all the comments and laughed out loud, she put her
phone on charger and put on clean clothes, she went back to read
the comments and laughed more.
Later that Afternoon..

Bree opened her eyes slowly and looked around yawning.

Bree: Where are we?

Basi: Lehlakane, let's grab something to eat.

Bree stepped out and fixed her shorts, she popped her panty and
followed Basi inside the restaurant. She sat down while Basi
ordered for both of them, Basi came and sat next to her.

Basi: It's not fair that you were sleeping the whole journey while I
was driving.
Bree: I don't know how to drive or else I would help you.

Basi leaned over and kissed her, he put both his legs between
Bree's and rubbed her thighs.

Basi: I thought we had plans not you sleeping the whole journey.
Bree: Yeah we do have plans.
Basi snuck his hand under her pants and rubbed her nunu, Bree
smiled and looked around but the few people in the restaurant
were minding their own businesses. Basi flicked her bean, Bree
smiled naughtily and stood up, she walked towards the counter
then the waitress gave her a key and directed her to the back, Basi
smiled naughtily and stood up, he fixed his boner and followed
her to the toilet.
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Later that Evening..

Morris bumped shoulders with Deuce and extended his hand to


Deuce: Uncle this is Luna.

Morris: Ehe ke ene mmaabo yo?
Deuce: Hahaha ee rra.
Morris: Nice to finally meet you, please come inside my wife is at
the back room fixing it for you guys.
Deuce: She doesn't have to we will clean.
Morris: Nnyaa the it was very dirty because no one ever stayed

They sat down then Morris's youngest came running inside the
house, she jumped on her dad's lap.

Luna: Aww she is so cute, hey nana.

Morris: O gana batho yo, nana go watch TV.. (turned to Deuce)
Where is your cousin kana she is not coming?
Deuce: (Looked at Luna) I don't know I haven't seen her in a long
Morris: Okay, would you like something to drink?
Deuce: No thanks, if we want water we will go get it ourselves
there is no need to treat us like guests.
Morris: Haha actually I was asking Luna wena I don't care about

They all laughed.

Luna: No thank you I am fine.

One came in holding a mop and a broom.

One: Ao Dumelang.
Deuce: Dumelang!

He stood up , he and One hugged, One extended her hand to

Luna then pulled it back.

One: My hands are a little dirty, did you just arrive?

Deuce: Ee mma.
One: Okay your room is clean, let me go spray doom hey there
are lots of mosquitoes this time of the year.
Deuce: No need we will do it ourselves, babe let's go put our

Luna stood up and followed Deuce outside.

Luna: Wow your Uncle and Aunt are such great people.
Deuce: Yeah, they are my favourites.
Luna: You never told me you have a cousin in Gaborone.
Deuce: About that, um (sighed) I have been meaning to tell you.
Someone knocked on the door, Deuce opened the door and
Tumo gave him Doom.

Deuce: Sure T.
Tumo: Mama are there is hot water of you want to shower.
Deuce: Sure thanks.

He closed the door and looked at Luna.

Deuce: I am starving and you?

Luna: Yeah, you were about to tell me about your cousin.
Deuce: Promise me you won't be angry at me.
Luna: Why would i be angry?
Deuce: Look I didn't know she was my cousin when we first meet I
found out later.
Luna: Who?
Deuce: Bree!
Luna: (Calm) Bree is your cousin?
Deuce: Well not really, she is adopted, we are not really blood
Luna: I thought you said you only had sex once, who knows
maybe you have been sleeping with her everytime you were here.
Deuce: No, we only meet once ko Gaborone.
Luna: Kante what are you saying, tell me the truth Deuce.
Deuce: I meet her ko Gaborone, I found out we were cousins after
I slept with her, you remember when I told you I was having
dinner with my Uncle.

Luna stepped back and shook her head.

Luna: That was before you lied about going out with Zakes.
Deuce: Yes I went to break up with her that day.

Luna sat down amd buried her head in her hands, she raised her
head and looked at Deuce.

Luna: Do you love her?

Deuce: No, ofcourse not, babe I love you, only you.
Luna: Then tell me the truth, the whole truth or else I am getting
on the next bus back to Gaborone. I am going to ask Bree and if
your story differs we are done.
Deuce: What if she lies to you?
Luna: She has nothing to loose by lying to me but you do.

Deuce kept quiet, he swallowed a big lump and sighed, he bit his
lips nervously.

Deuce: We only slept together once ko Gaborone then I found

out she was my cousin I swear, you can ask her if you don't
believe me.

He looked into Luna's eyes hoping she would believe him, Luna
looked down and then looked up to him.

Deuce: What should i do if I find out you are lying to me?

Deuce: I am not lying to you, i have a lot to loose, babe I made a
mistake and i am sorry for that. I wish we could forget about it
and put it in the past. My Uncle would be shattered if he finds out
what happened between me and Bree, I know you are angry but
can you please not give her attitude if she comes here.
Luna: So we are stuck with her in our lives forever? Wow !

She started unpacking her clothes and put then in the wardrobe.
Deuce put his phone on charger and sat in the bed.
Deuce: So whats the first place you want to go to tomorrow.

Luna smiled and sat on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his
neck and kissed him.

Luna: I know what I want to do right now, go lock the door.

Deuce: Mmh okay.

He stood up with her still in his arms and locked the door, he
locked the door and pinned Luna against the wall.

At Nkagi's House..

Nkagi picked up the phone and lowered the TV volume.

Nkagi: Hallo..
Bree: Hey mum, I just booked a bus I will be in Maun tomorrow
Nkagi: Okay my baby, hurry or else we are going to eat what I
have prepared for you.
Bree: What did you prepare for me?
Nkagi: It's a surprise.
Bree: Haha okay I will be there tomorrow morning.
Nkagi: Okay my girl, remember to pray before your journey
Bree: Ee mma!

Bree hung up and looked at Basi smiling.

Bree: She bought it.

Basi: Great..

He drove into his grandmother's yard and parked outside under

the tree.

Bree: Babe are you sure your grandmother won't mind?

Basi: Yeah plus I will be staying at the back room no biggie. Let
me go get the keys.
Bree: Okay.

Basi stepped out of the car and went to the house, he came back
a few minutes later followed by his grandmother. She went to
open the door and they stayed a few minutes talking. The old
woman went to the big house, few minutes later Basi came back,
he parked his car Infront of the house and both he and Bree went
inside the house.

Bree; What did she say?

Basi: Nothing, she doesn't like it when I drive at night.
Bree: Okay.
Basi: I switched on the gyser, you can bath I will go get us
something to eat.
Bree: Thanks.

She removed her charger from her handbag and charged her
phone while Basi went outside, she removed her clothes and sat
on the bed typing on her phone. The door opened and the old
woman came in.

Khutsafalo: And then?

Bree quickly grabbed her top and covered her breasts.

Bree: Dumelang!
Khutsafalo: Who are you and what are you doing here? Does your
mother know where you are? Ne ke rilee, my grandson just
arrived in Maun ebile you are already naked in his room, khaman
get out of here, le romiwa leng ko metseng ya lona?

Bree quickly put on her t-shirt and grabbed her pants.

Khutsafalo: Aeye, out!

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree quickly put on her t-shirt and grabbed her pants.

Khutsafalo: Aeye, out!

Bree unplugged her phone and picked up her bag, she picked her
shoes and went outside, the old woman closed the door and
followed her outside.

Khutsafalo: Go home, a girl child not home this time?

Bree walked towards the gate dialing Basi but his phone rang
unanswered, she stood by the corner putting on her shoes, the
old woman went inside the house and closed the door. Bree
dialed Basi again then sighed and looked at the road.

Inside the house.

Khutsafalo dialed her daughter's number furious, she wiped the

sweat off her face and sat down.

Khutsafalo: Halo Oba is here ebile ga ke re I go outside to his

room I find a naked girl inside but he hasn't been in Maun for five
minutes, nna jarata yame ga se ya ga Mmapereko tell him not to
bring his city behavior here.
Serati: What did you do to the girl?
Khutsafalo: I chased her out, i told her to go home.
Serati: I will call Basi, I forgot to tell you gore he is coming.
Khutsafalo; Ee talk to him.

She hung up and went outside, she looked around and saw Bree
standing by the fence.
Khutsafalo: Nxnx (calling the dog) Sekoti saaa, nxnxnx.

Bree moved away from the fence and walked towards the road, a
black Mazda stopped for her and the driver rolled down the

Driver: Sure beautiful where are you going.

Bree ignored him and walked towards the taxi stop, a few boys
passed her, they both turned around then one put his arm around
her neck while the other twisted her hand and took her phone.

Bree: Aaahhhh..

They both let go of her and ran into the dark, Bree fell down on
her knees holding her chest and breathed out loud, she looked
around then grabbed her handbag and ran towards the road, a
taxi stopped and she threw herself in.

TaxiDriver: Are you okay?

Bree: (Shaking) I have just been attacked by two boys and they
took my phone.
TaxiDriver: Heela mo Sanyedi you don't walk around this time
holding your phone. Are you okay?

Bree covered her eyes crying, it brought back memories she never
wanted to remember ever in her life.

TaxiDriver: They didn't hurt you akere?

Bree: Yeah please take me home.
TaxiDriver: If you still have the phone box I know some guys in
town who can trace it for you.

Bree didn't respond, she covered her face crying and wiped her

Bree: Sedie..

At Khutsafalo's House..

Basi parked outside and went inside the house holding a plastic
Basi: I hope I didn't take long.. (picked up his phone) I forgot my
phone here.

He opened the bathroom door and she wasn't there, she noticed
her clothes weren't there either.

Basi: Babe..

He went outside then the main house door opened.

Khutsafalo: You are not going to bring girls here like it's a..
Basi: Where is she?
Khutsafalo: Ke mo kobile..
Basi: (Annoyed) Duude!

He dialed Bree's number and it didn't go through.

Khutsafalo: I told your mother.

Basi ignored her and got in his car, he continued calling Bree's
number but it still didn't go through. He drove slowly along the
road looking for her until he gave up and went back home. "Babe
just tell me you are okay" he sent the text and sat down on the
bed, he threw his phone on the bed then it rang, he put the
phone on silent and sighed.

At Morris's house..

Bree paid the taxi driver and pressed on the intercom, the gate
opened, she went inside then the taxi driver left.

Morris: Surprise surprise! My baby girl is home.

Bree let out a fade smile and started crying, Morris hugged her
and rubbed her back.

Morris: What happened?

Bree: I just want to forget everything.

Morris helped her with her bag and they went inside the house.

Morris: Tell daddy what happened.

Bree: ..
Morris: Princess?
One came out of their bedroom and rolled her eyes.

One: (Mumbling) A bo a ka goroga ka drama.

Morris: Can you get her a glass of water please.

One went to the kitchen, the front door opened and Deuce and
Luna came in, they both looked at each other and looked at
Morris holding Bree. One put the glass of water on the table and
they all stared at Bree and Morris.

Luna: Is she okay?

One: Who knows, maybe she is just excited to see her father.

One went back to their bedroom. Deuce cleared his throat.

Deuce: Maybe we should go back.

Luna: Yeah.

They went back to their room.

Luna: Is she okay?

Deuce: I don't know maybe it has something to do with her mum.
Luna: Shemz, I don't know why her crying broke my heart though
I hate her. You have to go get my phone I charged it gone kwa.
Deuce: Okay.

At the Main house..

Bree wiped her tears and smiled at her dad.

Morris: Talk to me what happened?

Bree: Two guys mugged me and took my phone, I felt so helpless
like I did when (closed her eyes) when that man tied me up and
took me to his cattlepost to rape me, like when that truck driver
tried to rape me.
Morris: Did they hurt you?
Bree: No they just took the phone and ran away.
Morris: I am sorry Princess, atleast they didn't hurt you.
Bree: I wish I can forget what happened in my past.
Morris: You can't, don't be a victim, be a survivor. That man is
dead don't let him control your life from the grave, you are a
strong woman, my Miss President. You remember how you used
to get into trouble at school when you challenged teachers, you
had big dreams and you believed in yourself more than anyone, I
want my daughter back, I know you will never be the same but I
don't want you to give up on yourself. That man could have killed
you at the cattlepost or the truck driver could have killed you but
that didn't happen, God gave you a second chance, live your life
to the fullest, I know you can't forget what happened in the past,
we can't change it but we can change the future.

There were footsteps outside, Morris went outside and there was
no one. Bree smiled and wiped her tears.

Bree: I was also crying for my phone.

Morris: Daddy will buy, phone ne e le eng?
Bree: It was an iPhone.
Morris; Haha no it wasn't I saw that phone with broken screen.

Bree smiled and stood up, she hugged Morris and sniffed.

Bree: Thank you for what you just said, I needed to hear it.
Morris: I am glad, are you hungry go bath I will fix you something
to eat.
Bree: No ke shapo, goodnight I am going to go sleep now.
Morris: Oh your cousin is here with his girlfriend.
Bree let out a fade smile and went to her bedroom, she locked the
door and threw herself on the bed.

At Sarah's house..

Sarah scrolled through her timeline and her jaws dropped. She
looked closer in her phone then quickly dialed Bree but her
number went to voicemail.

Sarah: Bree, oh my Gosh did you know that Basi is....

*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


The following day, Nkagi looked at the time on her phone then
looked outside the window, it was almost eight in the morning
and Bree wasn't home yet.

Nkagi picked up her phone and tried Bree's number again but it
still didn't go through, she sighed and put on her shoes, she
reached for her truck keys and went outside.
Pona: Where are you going?
Nkagi: Bree was supposed to be home hours ago, maybe their
bus died on the way where there is no network so I am going to
the bus rank to ask.
Pona; Would you be that concerned about us like that too kana
the tender loving is only for your precious Paris?
Nkagi: Ke gore what kind of a person are you, what if that poor
child was in an accident wena o nnetse go buwa dilodisele. I put
your son's dirty clothes in the laundry basket in the bathroom, go
wash them.

Nkago clicked her tongue and went to open the gate.

At Khutsafalo's House

Basi tried Bree's number for the last time and threw his phone on
the bed furiously. He picked it up and checked her last seen and it
was yesterday around the time they were together. He
thoughtfully bit his lower lip and went through his messages, he
clicked on the number Bree once sent an SMS with and dialed it.

Sarah: (Sleepy) Hello

Basi: Hey, it's Basi.
Sarah: Hey zup?
Basi: I have been trying to call Bree and her number is not going
through, do you maybe have her mum's number or something.
Sarah: But she left with you.
Basi: Yeah then she went home but her number is not going
Sarah: There is an orange number she uses to call with my phone
let me call them.
Basi: Sure thanks.

Sarah hung up worried and went through her contacts, she dialed
Nkagi's number and it rang unanswered then she called her back.

Sarah: Hello
Nkagi: Hallo.
Sarah: Dumelang it's Bree's friend, her number is not going
through I wanted to check if she arrived home sentle.
Nkagi: Bree is not home right now I am by the bus rank ba re all
the buses tsa bosigo have long arrived, let me call her father
maybe she is there.
Sarah: But she didn't come by bus, she left maabane with her
boyfriend ba tla gone koo.
Nkagi: Mxm, we are probably worried for nothing motho ene o
santse a le mo boitaolong.
Sarah: Her boyfriend just called me a re she left maabane a re she
is coming home.
Nkagi: What?
Sarah: Maybe she went to her dad's house.
Nkagi: Kana batho ba malatsi a they are evil, maybe he killed my
child and making us idiots by helping us look for her, give me that
boy's number.

Sarah hung up and forwarded Basi's number.

At Morris's house.

Bree went in the kitchen and completely ignored Deuce and Luna,
she grabbed a banana from the fridge and walked past them
without saying a word. Luna breathed out loud and dished for
herself, she took her plate and went to the sitting room where
Bree was sitting putting on her shoes.

Luna: Hi.
Bree: Hi
Luna: Can we talk?
Bree raised her head and looked at Luna.

Luna: We are practically family because Deuce and i have plans of

getting married in the future, we have our history but I am willing
to be the bigger person and put it behind us.
Bree: Okay.
Luna: I am not asking you to be my friend but it would be nice
being close to someone related to my boyfriend.
Bree; Okay
Luna: Great, I am glad we had this conversation, are we okay?
Bree: Yeah, bye i have to go home.
Luna: Okay.

Bree grabbed her handbag and left, Deuce came in stirring his tea
and leaned against the wall. He sipped on it and cleared his

Deuce: Did you ask her?

Luna: No.

Morris came in talking to his phone.

Morris: Where is Bree?
Luna: She just left.
Morris: (To the phone) Gatwe she just left go raa gore she is
coming there.

He hung up and went back to his room.

At Palesa 's house.

Palesa rubbed her eyes and picked up her ringing phone.

Palesa: (Sleepy) Hello.

Nkosi: You think writing those things on Facebook about me will
make me come back to you?
Palesa: No, I don't want you anymore I got my revenge,
sometimes we don't have to wait for Karma to fight our battles,
good luck being a father Nkosi.

She hung up and smiled, she got out of bed and picked up her
phone again, she went through her contacts and clicked on a
Him: Hello.
Palesa: I am single now come do all those things you always said
you will do to me.
Him: Haha o serious?
Palesa: Haha yes, I told you I will tell you when I am single akere, I
am single.
Him: I am on my way.
Palesa: Hurry..

She hung up feeling a little naughty and laughed , she switched

on the gyser and switched on the radio, she played her favourite
music and sang along to it while making herself breakfast.

At Nkagi's house..

Nkagi parked under the tree and looked at Bree get out of the
taxi, she paid then went inside the yard.

Bree: Our bus died on the way hela a few kilometers before the
Makalamabedi gate.
Nkagi: Ao?
Bree: Yeah, good morning.
Nkagi: This days you lie with a straight face, I feel like I don't know
you anymore.
Bree: What are you talking about?
Nkagi: I know you arrived in Maun last night, you could have told
me the truth gore you are going to your father's house instead of
lying about it, I have never stopped you from going to your
father's house, I don't know why you had to lie about it, if we are
no longer good enough for you ngwanaka it's fine take your
clothes and move back to your father house.

Nkagi left Bree standing and went to the house, Bree sighed and
hung her handbag on her shoulder and followed Nkagi to the

Bree: I am sorry for lying, I didn't lie because I wanted to go to

Dad's house. I went there because I couldn't come home after
lying to you ke re I am still in Gaborone. Yesterday I got mugged
and they stole my phone.
Nkagi: ..
Bree: Mama.
Nkagi: I know o motho o motona and you have a boyfriend, the
least you could have done was tell me gore I will come home
tomorrow, or bring your bags home then go wherever you
wanted to go. I was worried sick phakela ke ipotsa where you are.
Bree: I am sorry, I will never lie to you again.
Nkagi: Good because gompieno jaana I insulted your boyfriend
for nothing ke re maybe he killed you.
Bree: What? Where did you get his number from?
Nkagi: I have my ways.
Bree: Mama mma, what did you say to him?
Nkagi: A re he is from Maun?
Bree: Yes, you know that woman who used to sell cabbages and
other vegetables in town?
Nkagi: Ohe there are hundreds of them.
Bree: Agg it's not important, what did you say to him?
Nkagi: I didn't call him, thank God I called your father before I
called him.
Bree: Can I call him, he is probably worried sick, my phone got
stolen when o left his place.

Nkagi gave her the phone and went to the bedroom, Bree dialed
Basi's number and went outside.

Basi: Hello
Bree: Hey, ke nna.
Basi: Babe I have been worried about you.
Bree: After your grandmother chased me away I meet two boys
mo passaging and they stole my phone.
Basi: What? Are you okay?
Bree: Yeah I am fine.
Basi: I am sorry about my grandmother, I tried calling you all
night, I even went out to look for you, I am sorry.
Bree: It's fine she was just being a parent.
Basi: I love you okay!
Bree: I love you more, this is my mum's number, don't call me I
will call you.
Basi: If you don't mind I can come pick you up and go buy a new
Bree: No you don't have to its cool my dad will buy me a phone.
Basi: I insist
Bree: No babe ga o na madi go shapo I understand.
Basi: Who said I don't have money?
Bree: Haha okay, call me when you are by stadium I will give you
Basi: Okay babe shapo.
Bree hung up and went inside the house, she gave the phone
back and went to the bedroom. She threw herself on the bed and
hugged Pona, she hugged her back and they started talking.

Bree: Nkadime your phone hoo ke sendele bae message I lost my


Pona unlocked her phone and gave Bree, she typed in the first
three numbers of Basi's number and the number popped on the
screen saved as "Big Dick". She looked at Pona and sighed.

Bree: Who is big dick?

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: Who is big dick?

Pona snatched the phone laughing.

Pona: You will see things you were not supposed to see mma
Lesedi: E le gore why did you save his number like that?
Pona: That guy has the biggest dick ever and he knows how to
use it.

Bree swallowed a big lump and let out a fade smile.

Pona: Heela mma waitse that guy is the one you don't cheat with.
He slept with my roommate and she was talking about him day
and night a bo ke re give me di bell hoo, heela I tried him twice
and didn't go back for the third time ke utwa gore Mmh Mmh
massive destruction to my vagina.

The girls laughed except for Bree.

Pona: Heela ke ha a nturnisa, a re lepara mo legeteng, doggy,

kgantele he is choking me nyana mo go monate I swear i died a
minute but hey I would rather die like that not die because of a
whack dick. Waitse gore ebile he mentioned gore he has relatives
in Maun.
Bree: Call him.
Pona: Aah aah, I have been talking to baby Daddy we are meeting
later I don't want him to think I am a slut, the mma Basi leaves a
mark after he pulls out.
Bree: Call him akere le rona we want to taste.

The girls laughed.

Bree: I am kidding.
Pona: I am calling him, shhh listen.

She dialed Basi's number and put on loudspeaker.

Basi: Hello..
Pona: (Giggled) Hey, zup?
Basi: Good, haha what made you call me?
Pona: Haha I just miss that big dick.
Basi: Hahaha really? Where are you?
Pona; I am in Maun.
Basi: Okay, halla at me when you are back in Gabs.
Pona: Haha okay, shapo akere.
Basi: Bye.
Pona hung up and the girls laughed, Bree wiped her tears and
fake laughed.

Pona: Wai the mma I will never go back to that guy, that day I felt
like my stitches were tearing.
Lesedi; Iyoo you are brave, nna the mma I prefer average size.

They looked at Bree.

Bree: Nna a dick is just a dick as long as I can cum.

They all laughed, the door opened and Nkagi stuck her head

Nkagi: Lesedi what did I tell you about sleeping until this time, ko
teng you think everything I tell you le a yaka, continue sleeping
until this time, by the time you are supposed to give birth the
baby will decide to sleep o ta baka.

Lesedi got out of bed, Pona threw her phone at Bree and got up.
Nkagi: Did you wash your son's clothes?
Pona: I am going to wash them.

The two girls left the room, Bree bit her lower lip angry and dialed

Sarah: Hello
Bree: Hey ke Bree.
Sarah: Wena mma, what happened to you phone?
Bree: It got stolen yesterday, so today a bo ke re le lletsa Basi..
Sarah: (Interrupted) Talking about Basi, so I was going through my
timeline minding my own business then I came across his profile,
do you know who his father is?
Bree; Mmh?
Sarah: His dad is like one of the richest men in Botswana, he owns
the biggest publishing company in Botswana and he..

Bree thoufully bit her nails and smiled.

Bree: Friend we will talk.

Sarah: Friend do you know how much dating Basi is going to
change our lives, we won't have to eat fatcakes and mabudula for
supper, no matter what he does don't break up with him at least
until we are done woth varsity.
Bree: Hahahaha, shapo mma I am using my sister's airtime.

Bree hung up and laid on the bed, she got out of bed and went to
take Nkagi's phone. She dialed Basi's number.

Basi: Hey I just finished bathing.

Bree: Okay, le nna I will be done in a few minutes you will find me
fa stadium.
Basi: Okay, should I book a room, we can hang out all day
watching movies and continue what we had planned last night.
Bree: Haha okay, let me finish up.

She hung up and changed into a jean and a black tank top, she
sat Infront of the mirror fixing her wig, she removed it and applied
oil on her short black natural hair, she mixed the hair and applied
little makeup on her face.

At Morris's house..

Morris tied his overall around his waist exposing his invisible six
packs, he wiped the sweat from his face and picked up the
watering can, he started watering the vegetables. One came from
the house holding a glass of Apple juice and stood by the small
fence, she extended her hand to Morris and he took the glass.

One: So all the kids are at your sister's house, it's just you and me.
Morris: Do you want to get dirty in here with me?
One: Haha no, I don't get that dirty, you know where I get dirty.

They both laughed.

Morris: So I was thinking of buying Bree a phone, you know we

never bought her anything after she passed form five, she was in
Botswana's top ten best students kana.
One: We should award her for her future?
Morris: She did great plus she got mugged yesterday.
One: Ee she will learn not to travel at night pressing her phone,
one time I lost my phone and i stayed full five months using a
small phone ya sedilame. Tumi is starting form one next year we
should be saving every thebe we get, we have four kids, that's
four school fees.
Morris: Okay.
One: I know you are saying okay then you are going to buy her
the phone.
Morris: I won't..

He took a sip from his drink and continued watering the


At the Mall..

Basi looked at his mother's card and hesitately gave it to the shop
assistant. Bree smiled looking at the new Huawei NOVA 5T phone
she was holding.

Bree: I love the camera babe, front camera 35 MP, ijoo I am going
to bore people on Facebook and on Instagram.

Basi let out a fade smile and looked at the shop assistant.

Assistant: It's five point five including headsets.

Basi: Okay.

He entered the pin and sighed, Bree hugged him and kissed him.
Bree: Thanks babe, I guess now we don't have to buy the hair, it
will be too much but I had already spoke to the girl but it's fine.
Basi: Ne ba re how much?
Bree: Three thousand but it's fine you bought me an expensive
Basi: No don't worry I got you, anything for my lady.

At the Hospital..

Dr Serati took out her phone from her white coat and read the
text, her jaws dropped. She walked outside dialing Basi but he
didn't pick up. Immediately another SMS reported.

Serati: Four thousand gape?

She clicked her tongue and dialed her husband.

Eke: Hello.
Serati; I swear i am going to kill your son, yesterday he swiped
petrol and I understood gore shapo it's because he is traveling,
five minutes ago he swiped five point five thousand pula now he
just withdrew four thousand pula.
Eke; (Calm) He is your son who do you want him to steal from?
Serati: You are not helping here.
Eke: Babe report the card stolen.
Serati: Okay shapo.

She hung up and sighed.

At the Saloon

Basi turned around the chair looking at his phone ringing, he

looked at Bree while the hairdresser put the wig on her, he smiled
and stood up.

Basi: Babe let me answer my mum.

Bree: Okay.

Basi went outside, he sighed and picked up the call.

Basi: Hello.
Serati: I am sick and tired of you stealing my card and spending so
much money on God knows what, some of us actually did go to
school, we are working hard for our money.
Basi: I am sorry, I have a photoshoot next week i promise I will
bring back the money every single thebe of it.
Serati: What are you using the money for, are you in some sort of
Basi: I can't talk right now, I will call you when I get home.
Serati; Just tell me if you are in any sort of trouble please my boy.
Basi: I am not in trouble Mum, we will talk bye, I love you.
Serati: If you don't tell me what's going on I am calling the bank
right now and reporting the card stolen.
Basi: I promise no more large transactions, I swear.
Serati: Okay, if you use more than one thousand pula then I am
reporting that card.
Basi: Ee mma.
Serati: Okay my boy.

Basi hung up and went inside the saloon.

Basi: Wait is that glue?

Bree: Hahaha it's not glue glue babe, ke ya moriri.
Basi: Oh okay.
He sat down and logged into Facebook, Bree looked at Basi and
felt a little guilty, she looked at her new phone and sighed, she
remembered his conversation with Pona and became angry all
over again.

Hairdresser: And we are done.

Bree smiled at the mirror and turned around facing Basi.

Bree: How do I look?

Basi: You look beautiful.

Bree counted the money and paid the hairdresser then picked up
her handbag.

Bree: Thank you I look beautiful.

Hairdresser: Wait riana pele ke tsee a photo for my page.

Bree sat down, the hairdresser took a photo and showed her.

Bree: Thanks, wow it's beautiful.

She walked outside with Basi.

Basi: Are we done?

Bree: Yeah..
Basi: Do you know any hotel or guest home near?
Bree: I am going home, I will see you later
Basi: I thought..
Bree: No let me go tell my mum I won't be sleeping home today,
go look for a room then I will come.
Basi: Can't you call her?
Bree: No..

She waved for a taxi.

Bree: Five minutes..

She got in the taxi, Basi looked at the taxi leave all confused, what
did just happen? Bree's call came through.

Basi: Hey!
Bree: I am sure Pona is waiting for you to go fuck her with your
big dick.
Basi: (Confused) Wait, who is Pona?
Bree: Oh haha so you are going to lie now, you remember that girl
you called phakela making dick appointments for when she is in
Gaborone, she is my sister, busted! boy bye.
There won't be a morning insert tomorrow
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Basi: (Confused) Wait, who is Pona?

Bree: Oh haha so you are going to lie now, you remember that girl
you called phakela making dick appointments for when she is in
Gaborone, she is my sister, busted! boy bye.

Bree hung up and blocked Basi's number, part of her was sad but
she was more angry than sad.

Meanwhile back at the mall Basi looked at his phone confused. He

dialed Bree back but her number didn't go through, he got in his
car and went through his call history, he checked the number that
called him in the morning and pinned his thumb on it wondering
who it was, he didn't even recognize her voice, he just agreed to
link up to cut the story short.

His friend's call came through, he rubbed his face and sighed.

Basi: Hey!
Friend: So go serious hela you went to Maun?
Basi: Kante ne mona who is Pona?
Friend: I don't know why?
Basi: Agg mona this girl called phakela asking me where I was,
told her i am in Gabs and said we will link up fa a bowa kante it
was a trap, Bree was there and she heard the whole thing now she
is angry at me. I don't know if I am single or what.
Friend: So serious hela you are crying over a girl? Dude you are
Basi, girls go crazy just hearing your name.
Basi: Dude i love her but I don't expect you to understand, wa re
who is Pona?
Friend: I don't know anyone by name, it's probably a name they
use at home but maybe I will remember her if a saw a photo.
Basi: You know what let me save her number and check out her
He hung up and saved Pona's number, he refreshed his contacts
and rested his back on the chair, he refreshed his contacts again
and clicked on Pona's display photo. He zoomed on her photo
and sighed then dialed his friend's number.

Friend: Yeah?
Basi: Agg mona you are not going to believe what I just got
dumped over, Penny's friend you remember her?
Friend: Yeah, oh that one wa dipobenyana.
Basi: Mona and that girl kana ga di ntshe, ke gore ke hlalelwa
dilodisele mona. If Bree doesn't forgive me I am going to call that
girl and fuck her so hard she will stay five months still feeling my
dick in her loose vagina.
Friend: Haha thats my man, that's the Basi I know, go fuck her
skhokho same.
Basi: Agg mona ke gore waitse , mxm I don't even know where
she stays and she blocked my number.
Friend: Fuck her sister and she will come apologising.
Basi: Nx, mxm mona.

He hung up and dialed Bree's number again but it didn't go

through. "Tell me if this relationship is done ke tswe mo go wena."
He sent the text and sighed.
At Nkagi's House..

Bree paid the driver and stepped out of the car. Lesedi held her
waist and shook her head, Pona who was doing laundry turned
around too and wiped her hands.

Pona: Heelang who is this girl?

Lesedi: Girls have money, look at you.

Bree let out a fade smile, she wasn't enjoying her new phone and

Lesedi: You look beautiful mma.

Bree: Thanks!

She walked to the house, Lesedi continued washing the clothes

and shook her head in disbelief.

Pona: Banyana, so Mama has to buy everything while some

people get expensive wigs.
Lesedi: Maybe someone bought it for her.
Pona: Akere mme when you know situation ya ko lwapeng you
can say buy me something cheaper ke reke seshabo.

Lesedi kept quiet and continued typing on her phone.

Inside the house..

Bree sat Infront of the mirror looking at herself, she smiled and
picked up her phone, she clicked a few selfies, she looked at her
photos then an SMS reported at the top of the screen, she
opened it and rolled her eyes typing " Do whatever you want
Basi" she replied the text and threw the phone on the bed.

Later that Evening..

Basi clicked his tongue and furiously threw his phone down after
trying Bree's number countless times, he picked it up again and
dialed Pona walking to the bathroom, he opened the tap and
checked the temperature.

Pona: Hello
Basi: Hey, so decided to come to Maun, will I be able to see you?
Pona: Oh hi, (she went outside) Hey ao I thought you are in Gabs.
Basi: I decided to come here after talking to you.
Pona: Oh okay ke busy right now but I won't be in an hour or two.
Basi: Okay tell me when you are done.
Pona: Okay i will.

Pona hung up smiling and rang inside the house.

Pona: (Looked around) Where is Mama?

Lesedi: She went outside.
Pona: So guess who just called me.

Bree's phone rang and she went to the bedroom, she closed the
door and sat down on the bed then picked up.

Bree: Hey!
Sarah: Hey I just saw your SMS, what happened?
Bree: Basi is a man whore, go raa gore he once hooked up with
my sister, I borrowed her phone and dialed his number, boom it is
saved as big dick then she calls him guess what, ke yoo making
dick appointment for when she comes to Gaborone.
Sarah: What did Basi say?
Bree: I didn't give him the time to explain or lie to me again, i
don't mind that he hooked up with her before we meet but the
fact that we are together and he is busy acting single annoyed
Sarah: Maybe he just didn't want to be mean to Pona so he cut
the conversation short.
Bree: ...
Sarah: Call him, give him chance to explain himself, ao friend
mma, I like Basi, not because he buys us food but because he is a
nice person and I can see he loves you.
Bree: ..
Sarah: Friend?
Bree: Agg, I will talk to him tomorrow I am still angry right now.
Sarah: Okay love, hey banna le bone !
Bree: Oh the bright side he bought me an expensive Brazilian wig
and a new phone.
Sarah: Awww, he wouldn't have done that if he didn't love you,
forgive him hle mma.
Bree: Agg shapo, I guess le nna I overreacted maybe. Let me go
finish up cooking neh I will talk to you.
Sarah: Bye Babe.
Bree hung up and looked at her phone for a few seconds, she
unblocked Basi and put her phone in her pocket waiting for his

Few minutes later Pona came out of the bedroom holding her
sandals, she dialed her baby Daddy and sat down putting on her

Pona: Hey I am done.. okay shapo but I am not spending the

night, I can't spend the night at your house o pallwa ke child
support, shapo.

She hung up then Nkagi came in.

Pona: Mama I am meeting Shield ha skontereng a re he is going

to Gaborone so I am going to take some stuff he bought for
Nkagi: Shield can't pass by to see his son instead he would rather
give you his clothes by the side of the road. I hope you are still on
prevention mma because Mmmh mmh your choice in men.

Nkagi went to the kitchen and helped Bree dish up. Pona grabbed
her phone and left.
Nkagi: Your hair is beautiful.
Bree: Thanks.

She folded her arms looking at Nkagi dishing up.

Bree: Have you ever been inlove?

Nkagi: Mang nna?
Bree: Yeah?
Nkagi: No, I had a crush on a boy I went to school with when I
was younger then I meet Dikgang, I didn't love him, I learnt to
tolerate him tota because he was my safety blanket, he provided
for me and Nono, few months later I was pregnant, years down
the line him and i had seven kids, it wasn't about love anymore.
Bree: I am sorry.
Nkagi: It's fine, I got seven beautiful kids out of whatever that was.
Bree: Yeah, I like this guy if not love him, he made a mistake and i
broke up with him without giving him a chance to explain himself,
he is a school kid but he bought me an expensive wig and phone
now I feel bad because I know he bought them out of love nna
that time I was thinking after he buys me what I want I am
dumping him. I feel bad.
Nkagi: Can the mistake be overlooked? Cheating, beating you or
any abuse is not a mistake.
Bree: He didn't really cheat but he was going to cheat.
Nkagi: Oh, give him a chance to explain, Maybe just because he
went into another woman's house doesn't mean he was going to
cheat with her.

Bree breathed out loud, she bit her lower lip and went outside
dialing Basi's number but it rang unanswered. "Can you please
come over and talk?" She sent the text and went inside the house,
she got her plate of food and went to sit down.

Bree: Where is Pona?

Lesedi: (Looked at Nkagi) She went to meet with BD.
Bree: Huh?
Nkagi: A re she went to get Katlego's clothes from his father,
heela batho ba hapaane. He can't even come to see his son,
waitse gore..

The girls listened as Nkagi went on and on.

At Luna Bar..

Pona got out of the taxi and looked around holding her phone,
she dialed Basi then saw him walking towards her, she smiled
revealing her deep dimples on both cheeks, Basi smiled back and
hugged her.

Basi: Hey!
Pona: Hey so you are telling me you only came to Maun because
of me?
Basi: Haha yes, what's so hard to believe?
Pona: Haha ae no one has ever done that for me.
Basi: I booked at Prime Hotel, let me go shower then we can come
back here. I hear the meat is Devine.
Pona: It is.

Basi opened the door and got inside the car, Pona got inside and
pulled the seat belt.

Pona: Haha waitse I didn't mean to call you phakela it just

Basi: I am glad it happened.

He touched Pona's thigh and rubbed it. Pona smiled and

extended her hand to his zipper, her heart beat faster and louder
remembering how big he was, he was probably not going to feel
that she just slept with her baby Daddy before she came to meet
him. She squeezed his balls a little then unbuckled his belt, she
took out his big dick and rubbed it before leaning over giving him
a blow job.
*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At Nkagi's house

Bree looked at her phone impatiently waiting for Basi's call. She
picked up the phone and thought of calling him again but she
was not going to act desperate, he was the one who was
supposed to be begging her calling her asking for forgiveness
wanting to explain his side of the story not the other way round.

Nkagi came from her bedroom tying her head scarf.

Nkagi: Did you lock the gate, I don't want Goats coming here
eating my vegetables.
Bree: Yeah.
Nkagi: Ko teng Pona o jelwe ke dilwana tsa monyana, if she
comes back pregnant she will see how evil I can be, first of all
even when she gets allowance she only sends two hundred pula,
when she is here she doesn't even cook for her child or bath him, I
pray she comes back pregnant so that she can see how ruthless I
can be, she will take that child with her back to school.

Nkagi went to lock the door and went to her bedroom. Bree
picked up her phone and dialed Basi.

At the Hotel..

Basi's phone rang silently in his pocket while he spanked Pona's

little butt and dug his whole penis in her vagina, Pona frowned
and tried to move forward, Basi pulled her back and grabbed her
waist while he dug her. He pulled out and then turned her around,
he picked her up with her legs and pinned her against the wall, he
let one foot down and held on to the other.

Pona frowned and grabbed on to his dick trying to control his

depth, Basi removed her hand and slid all the way in. Pona
moaned softly in pain, she wasn't wet anymore, the dick kept
falling out and it became more painful each time he squeezed it
in. Basi went faster and pressed her harder against the wall,
"Aaah" he roared then stopped thrusting, he breathed out loud
and let Pona's foot down.

Basi: Water?
Pona: No shapo..

She held her lower abdomen and sat down on the bed then laid
on her side still touching the part. Basi wrapped a TP around his
hand and his heart skipped looking at the torn condom around
his dick.

Basi: Shit.. the condom bursted.

Pona: What?

She raised her head and looked at it.

Basi: Shit, when was the last time you tested?

Pona: When I was pregnant years ago.
Basi: Shit, we have to get the morning afters and PeP.
Pona: Okay.
Basi went into the bathroom and washed his dick, he traced his
hand on his head and pulled back the dreadlocks, he washed his
face and looked at himself in the mirror. Why did he suddenly feel
guilty? He sighed and went back to bed, he found Pona sleeping
with her knees bent still touching her stomach.

Basi: Are you okay?

Pona: Mmmmh!

Basi pulled his jean and took out his phone, he unlocked it and his
heart skipped reading the texts and missed calls. He put the
phone down and rubbed his face then he put on his boxers and
went outside to the balcony, he closed the sliding door and
looked at the mighty Thamalakane river as the soft copy air
brushed on his skin. He dialed Bree's number and sat down.

Bree: Hey!
Basi: Hey I left my phone home just saw the missed calls And
Bree: Are you coming over?
Basi: Okay i am on my way, I love you.
Bree: (Smiling) I am angry at you but I love you too and i am sorry
for lashing out on you earlier.
Basi: I am on my way, pin me your directions.
Bree: Okay.

Bree hung up and pinned him her location on WhatsApp then she
went to knock on Nkagi's door.

Nkagi: Mmh?
Bree: Mama! Can I ask someone to park his car inside the yard?
Nkagi: Okay.

Bree slightly closed the door and went back to the sitting room,
she stood up and went to brush her teeth then went to sit outside
by the stoop. She looked up at the grey sky and the smell of rain,
she found herself thinking about "Nono", she smiled alone and
wiped her tears.

Her phone rang then Basi's car parked outside, she stood up and
went to open the gate for him.

Bree: Park inside.

Basi drove inside and parked under the big tree by the gate.
Basi stepped out of the car and meet Bree halfway, he hugged
her, Bree hugged him back and they remained like that for a few

Lesedi pulled the curtain and looked outside then she went back
to bed. Basi let go of Bree and kissed her forehead.

Basi: Hey!
Bree: Hey.

They both leaned against the car and no one said anything. Basi
bit his lips nervously battling whether to tell Bree the truth or not.

Basi: I am sorry I didn't know Pona is your sister.

Bree: So that makes it okay to promise her djck appointments
when she is Gaborone?
Basi: No! I didn't even know who she was when she called I was
just making the story short. Look babe I have slept with lots of
girls, I am not proud to say this believe me, some still call me and
offer themselves to me, I just say okay but I never pitch up, I was
celibate for whole two months before we started officially dating, I
could have slept with anyone but I decided not to, that's how
much I love and respect you.
Bree: (Smiling) You really didn't sleep with anyone for two
Basi: I swear!

Bree smiled and hugged him. She brushed her cheek against his
and they bumped forehead.

Bree: I made myself a promise never to go back to the person i

was when I was with Deuce, I promised myself i will never take
back a cheating man and i am going to do just that, I forgive you
because you didn't really cheat on me and I am sorry I acted like a
little gold-digger, I will refund you some of the money, my dad
promised to buy me a phone.
Basi: No it's fine really, those are your gifts from your boyfriend.
Bree: (Smiling) Thanks babe but I feel bad, atleast allow me to fuel
for you when we go back then. It's me just being a girlfriend.
Basi: Okay, i love you.
Bree: From now onwards when those girls call you tell them you
have a girlfriend and she punches like a man.
Basi: Haha I will do that.
Bree: Good, no more lying akere.

Basi let out a fade smile and leaned over kissing her.
Basi: Let's grab something to eat then we can go take a walk by
the river.
Bree; Mmmh mmh no thanks, there are lots of thugs in Maun. We
will go tomorrow?
Basi: Okay.

Bree kissed him and snuck her hand in his jeans, Basi pulled her
hand out and kissed her.

Basi: Hahah Babe your Mum is in the house.

Bree: Motho yoo is sleeping, I promise I won't be loud.
Basi: Haha and i don't have condoms.
Bree: So? We will get morning afters.
Basi: How about i book that room tomorrow, go for boat cruising,
game drive and have a picnic by the river, (kissed her neck) Go
back to the room and i will show you just how sorry I am.
Bree: (Smiling) Mmmh okay, I love the sound of that.

They kissed passionately then Bree stepped back.

Bree: See you tomorrow.

Basi: I love you!
Bree: I love you too.

He kissed her and squeezed her butt, Bree smiled and walked
back to the house, Basi got in his car and reversed out of the yard,
he locked the gate and drove back to the hotel.

The next morning.

Basi parked his car a few meters from Nkagi's house. Pona
opened the door and took one foot out.

Basi: Can we talk?

Pona: I will buy the pills don't worry, I have a son and i am not
planning on being a mother again anytime soon.
Basi: Um so you know Bree right?
Pona: Bree as in my sister?
Basi: Yes, I recently just found out you guys are sisters, she and I
are in a relationship and i would appreciate if you didn't tell her
about yesterday. She found out about us and she kind of dumped
me, we fixed things now.
Pona: Bree is your girlfriend?
Basi: Yes, look I love her okay, promise me you won't say
Pona: I thought you said you only came to Maun for me.
Basi: I am sorry I lied.
Pona: Wow..?
Basi: Please promise me you won't say anything please. Look I
love your sister, I was angry and made some impulsive decisions
that I regret now.
Pona: I won't say anything.

She stepped out and slammed the door then walked to her
house. Basi sighed and rubbed his face dialing Bree.

Bree: Hey Babe.

Basi; Hey what time should I come pick you up?
Bree: I am cooking I will tell you when I am done.
Basi: Okay.. (hung up)

Bree sang along to the song on her phone shaking her hips while
slicing the vegetables, she removed one headset and listened
Nkagi: Ee I am just telling you in advance gore e re ntse o tsamaya
jalo know gore if you fall pregnant I am not going to help you
with that child because i am already your son's mother and father.
Pona: Iyoo but it's okay when some people spend two days away
from home.
Nkagi: Bree doesn't have a child, so tell me di kae dilwana?
Pona: I am not feeling well i am going to sleep.

Nkagi clicked her tongue, Katlego came running towards her

holding small baby tomatoe.

Katlego: Mama bona..

Nkagi: (Snapped) Hey ke ta go bidikamisa habatshe ka mpama
ebile mmago wa ntena, you think I planted those tomatoes for
fun. Does your mother even know how much tomatoes cost?

Katlego threw the tomato at Nkagi and cried going inside the
house. Pona came out of the bedroom talking to her phone. She
hung up And poured herself a glass of water.

Bree: Hey can we talk?

Pona: Eish mma my vagina is sore gore.
She threw two painkillers in her mouth and drank the water

Pona: What do you want to talk about?

Bree: Never mind.

3 Months Later

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3 Months Later

Pona looked at the two lines on the pregnancy stick and sighed.
She threw the stick in the dustbin and wiped herself, she washed
her hands and went back to her bedroom. She looked at her
phone and dialed her best friend.

Friend; Hey babe.

Pona: Friend I need abortion pills ASAP.
Friend: My supplier is not back from South Africa yet, how soon?
Pona: As soon as yesterday, I think I am already three months, I
have been getting my period but the morning sickness and the
pregnancy test says otherwise.
Friend: I will tell you when she is back, who is the dad?
Pona: I don't know if it's baby Daddy or Obasi because the
condom busted but I am sure Baby daddy pulled out.
Friend: Heela girls will die to have Basi's child, do you know rich
his dad is, don't abort that baby wa peka kante Pona? That baby
can change your whole life.
Pona: Friend I don't want to have a baby I can't even afford to
take care of one Baby what will I do if it's not Basi's baby?
Friend: Thats Obasi's baby akere ware the condom busted.
Pona: Maybe it's not, I took the morning after pills, I don't know
how this happened.
Friend: It happened, the baby is here, that baby is your meal
ticket, girl be serious hle. Heel hle mma.

Pona sighed and hung up her phone, she went through her
contacts and clicked on Basi's number..
The rest of the insert is posted at VUKA SOCIAL[06/26, 20:16] +27
62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Sarah: Your sister is pregnant?

Basi turned around and saw Pona walking towards them, his heart
skipped and he started coughing.

Bree: Are you okay?

Basi: Yeah, babe let me wait for you outside.
Bree: Okay.

He picked up his car keys and went outside, Bree cleared her
throat nervously and swallowed a big lump looking at her Sister
waiting for any reaction. She wasn't going to admit she knew Basi
was the guy Pona saved in her phone as 'Big Dick'. She looked at
Pona waiting for her to say something or accuse her of something
but she didn't say anything.

Pona: Let me get my order I kept someone outside.

Bree: Okay.

Pona got her order and went outside dialing Lesedi.

Lesedi: (Sleepy) Hello.

Pona: You are not going to believe this, you remember the guy I
saved as big dick in my phone, today I see him a na le Bree, hee
out of all the people I never thought Bree would do this, I mean
she knows I slept with the guy.
Lesedi: Maybe she doesn't know it's him.
Pona: I won't be surprised if she stole his number from my phone.
Lesedi: Bree would never do that.
Pona: Waitse gore it makes me question if Dad really raped her
mother or Nono wa teng was also a slut, like daughter like

Pona clicked her tongue and hung up, Basi's call came through,
she hung up on him and called Nkagi.

Nkagi: Hello
Pona; I hope your daughter is happy sleeping with my baby
Nkagi looked at her phone confused, she put it back on her ear.

Nkagi: Pona?

Pona burst into tears and hung up. Nkagi walked into the
bedroom and threw her phone on the bed.

Nkagi: A reng ne Pona gatwe what is happening in Gaborone?

Lesedi slowly removed her breast from the baby's mouth and laid
her down.

Lesedi: She just called me a re Bree stole a number from her

phone now Bree is dating the guy.
Nkagi: Uhu, why would Bree steal the number?
Lesedi; Aah nna i don't know, I don't think Bree would do that.

Nkagi picked up her phone and dialed Bree's number.

In Basi's car.
Bree laughed watching a video on Sarah's phone then gave it
back to her.

Bree: I love that guy's videos, did you see the one where.. (her
phone rang)

She picked up and lowered the radio volume.

Bree: Hello.
Nkagi: Gatwe what's happening there?
Bree: (Confused) What's happening where?
Nkagi: Gatwe you stole Pona's boyfriend's phone from her phone?

Bree looked at Basi.

Bree: No, I knew him before I knew he knew Pona plus ene a re
they never dated.
Nkagi: So that makes it okay to date your sister's old boyfriend
because you claim not to know.
Bree: So I should dump him because he once slept with Pona? I
am sorry but I can't do that, if Pona had something to say she
should talk to me eseng go buwa maaka gore I stole Basi's
number from her phone.
Bree hung up, she was fumming with anger, she clicked her
tongue and looked at Basi.

Basi: What happened.

Bree: Mxm..

She dialed Pona's number and put on loudspeaker.

Pona: Hello!
Bree: I started dating Basi way before I knew you guys hooked up
so ke kopa gore Basi a go ipolelle because it's clear you think I
stole his number from your phone.

Bree put the phone Infront of Basi's mouth.

Basi: Hello!
Pona: I am pregnant with your child.

Basi lost control of the car and it drove into the bushes, Bree let
go of the phone and the girls screamed. Basi tried to dodge the
tree but he ended up hitting it, the airbag went off and he hit his
face on it while Bree hit the dashboard with her forehead.

People gathered around the car, with her neck strained Bree
couldn't move her head, Sarah screamed in pain behind.

Basi: Oh my God Babe..

He tried to touch Bree but she pushed his hand, Basi looked back
at Sarah and she was massaging her forehead.

Basi looked outside and people were taking photos, he picked up

his phone and dialed the hospital emergency number.

Basi: Sarah are you okay?

Sarah: Yeah i am fine.
Basi: Babe?

Bree kept quiet with tears rolling down her cheeks, Basi tried to
touch her and she pushed his hand away.

Bree: Ntogele, dont touch me.

Basi: Are you okay?
Sarah: Chomi are you okay?
Bree: (Crying) I hurt my neck I can't move it.
Basi: Stay still the paramedics are coming.

At Pona's house..

Pona laid on the bed eating a lollipop going through Basi' father's
company page. She dialed her friend's number and put on

Friend: Hello!
Pona: Wena I didn't know Basi's father was this rich.
Friend: Akere I told you gore he is rich, ke bone ba itseng ko madi
a Botswana a yang teng. All you have to do is convince Basi the
Baby is his then you won't have to worry about anything the
Pona: What if they want a DNA test?
Friend: If you agree they will see gore you have nothing to hide
and won't go ahead with the tests, it's like when you have used
your mum's money a bo o mo fa receipt she won't look at it but if
you refuse she will get suspicious.
Pona cleared her dry throat. She wanted to go ahead with the
plan but part of her felt bad about it then she remembered how
Basi destroyed her vagina that day because he was angry that he
got dumped, he used her to get out his frustrations and she was
going to make sure he and Bree don't end up together.

At the Hospital..

Bree came out of the emergency room with a neck collar around
her neck, Sarah stood up and massaged the bandage on her

Sarah: Are you okay?

Bree: Yeah, where is Basi?

Sarah pointed at him talking to the phone, Bree walked towards

him massaging her shoulder. Basi hung up his phone and looked
at Bree.

Basi: I just called a friend he will come pick us up.

Bree: Is it your baby?
Basi: No! Ofcourse not it's not my baby.
Bree: Okay i believe you, if she is not seven months or more than
five months pregnant then it's not your baby right?
Bree: You never slept with her after we meet right?

Basi looked down.

Bree: Right?
Basi: Yeah, I never slept with her after we meet.

Bree smiled and wrapped her arms around his chest.

Bree: I knew you wouldn't do that to me. I love you.

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


At Campus.
Basi helped Bree sit on her bed then he put her meds on the

Basi: If my dad agrees to lent me his car I will come see you later.
Bree: Thanks.
Basi: Okay let me get going ga ke bate go diya batho outside.
Bree: Thanks babe, I love you.
Basi: I love you more.

He kissed her and left, Bree looked at the wall completely lost in
her thoughts. "He wouldn't lie about such a big thing" she tried to
convince herself to believe everything Basi said but then the way
he was hesitant to answer her made her wonder if there was a
slight possibility that her boyfriend could be her sister's baby
Daddy. She sighed and took her phone from her pocket, she
dialed Pona and put on loudspeaker.

Pona: Mmmh?
Bree: Is it Basi's baby?
Pona: Yes!
Bree: How sure are you? you have been secretly seing your baby
daddy and sleeping with every guy in Gaborone e seka yare o sa
itse who your baby Daddy is a bo o re its my boyfriend. I believe
Basi and he told me gore he hasn't slept with you in more than
five months, your stomach should be showing right now so before
you lie about my boyfriend then cover all you bases and learn
calculations. I might have never been pregnant but I know you
you are not five months pregnant.
Pona: You think calling me a slut will change the fact that your
boyfriend's got me pregnant kante Bree?
Bree: It is actually a little hard to believe he slept with a loose
panty like you.
Pona: Loose panty ke your dead mother, product of rape ke wena.

Bree swallowed a big lump.

Bree: You don't want to see me happy so much that you can even
lie about your child's paternity.
Pona: You can believe whatever you want, believe what he says
and see how stupid you will look when the baby is born, nx!
Bree: I wish God never gave women like you wombs, you are such
a disgrace.
Pona: Disgrace is your boyfriend leaving you at home and
booking a hotel room to sleep with me, ene the mma I enjoyed
him le ene he also enjoyed me.
Bree: I hope you also enjoy raising another child on your own, you
will always have kids with no fathers the mma, that's your purpose
in life.

Pona hung up on Bree, she nervously bit her nails and swallowed
a big lump. "What if the baby wasn't Basi's? She did take the
morning afters" she thought to herself.

Later that Evening.

Serati gave Basi a cup of tea and sat on the chair next to his.

Serati: Basi!
Basi: Hey, I am sorry i am lost in my thoughts.
Serati: Wa re what happened to your car?

Basi kept quiet, he looked at the steam coming out of the cup and
rubbed his face.

Basi: Don't you ever wish you could go back in time and rectify
your mistakes? (Sighed) I messed up big time and I don't know
how I am going to get myself out of everything.
Serati: What happened?
Basi: ...
Serati: Talk to me.

Basi stood up and picked up the cup of tea then went up to his
bedroom, he closed the door and put the cup on the side board,
he threw himself on the bed and covered his face. He grabbed his
phone and dialed his friend.

Friend: Hello
Basi: Hey, I need abortion pills as in today.
Friend: Heee so you.
Basi: Please, akere last time ne o re you know someone who sells
Friend: Yeah my cousins sells them, let me talk to her.
Basi: Do that right now, tell them cash is ready and I can come
pick them up right now.
Friend: Okay shapo.

Basi hung up and then dialed Pona.

Pona: Hello.
Basi: Send me your directions we need to talk.
Pona: Shapo.

Pona hung up and sent him her location. Basi's phone rang.

Basi: Hey man, a reng?

Friend: A re the pills are ready, let me send you her number le

The friend sent the number, Basi grabbed his wallet and ran down
the stairs dialing the dealer.

At Campus.

Bree closed her laptop and put it on the table, she picked up her
phone and rested on the bed with her legs up against the wall.
The door opened and Sarah came in holding a glass of juice.

Sarah: Hey how are you feeling?

Bree: I am fine.
Sarah: So what did Basi say?
Bree; Kana go raa gore akere you know bo Pona gore ba ntse
jang, Basi once slept with her long before we meet, he told me
about it nna a bo ke sa botse Pona sepe because it was before we
meet now girl claims gore I stole the guy's number from her
phone she even called Mama a mmolella then jiki jiki she says she
is pregnant ebile it's Basi's child. Basi was honest with me, he told
me gore yeah they did hook up but that was more than five
months ago.
Sarah: Iyoo!
Bree: I know Pona the mma she has always been jealous of me,
since re le bannye that's the kind of person she is, ke gore now
she can't stand to see me happy the mma, all the happiness, the
good clothes and style should be seen from her mme gompieno
she has touched wrong button, not on my man.
Sarah: Iyoo, luckily these days there are DNA tests akere to prove
if the baby is Basi's or not.
Bree: Ka re Basi a re hs hasn't slept with that girl and the time they
did sleep together they used protection, Pona better be serious
and find her real baby daddy.

Sarah looked at her and bit her lower lip, she had seen her that
defensive before with Deuce. She sighed and gave Bree the glass
of juice.

Sarah: But I don't understand gore if they slept together more

than five months ago and she claims Basi is the dad then why is
she not showing?
Bree: Kana kgang.

Bree sipped on her drink.

At Pona's house..

Pona opened the door and let Basi inside, she put her phone
nicely on the table recording everything. Basi looked at it and
sighed, he took out his phone and clicked on the record button.

Basi: Hi can we talk?

Pona: Yes.
Basi: Can you not record this I can see gore you are recording, we
are both adults here.

A little embarrassed Pona took her phone and switched off the

Basi: Please explain how that baby is mine.

Pona: You know what happened, the condom busted.
Basi: (Snapped) And i specifically told you to buy morning afters
to avoid situations like this, I told you I was with your sister I don't
know how you could allow this to happen.
Pona: Morning afters are not hundred percent, maybe.

Basi slapped her so hard before she finished her sentence and she
fell on the bed.

Basi: So what do you want me to do? Did I tell you I want a baby
with you?

Pona held her cheek surprised. Basi threw the abortion pills at her.

Basi: You are taking those.

Pona: If you don't want to be part of my child's life then it's fine I
will raise it alone.
Basi: You are not having my child, kana ke gore you never listen
when someone talks.

He sat ontop of her and opened her mouth, he forced the pills in
her mouth while Pona kicked and tried to scream.
Basi: Take these pills or else you will see a side of me no one has
ever seen.

Pona stopped kicking and let loose, Basi put the pill under Pona's
tongue and forcefully closed her mouth. Tears ran down Pona's
cheeks while she looked at Basi. She had never seen him that
angry, his whole face had turned red and his eyes were scary with
his veins popping from his forehead. Pona swallowed a big lump
and sniffed crying.

Basi: You wanted me to do this akere?

Basi: You better not throw up those pills or else I will kill you and
ke serious, try your stunts again and i will kill you.

Pona knod her head, Basi let go of her and got off the bed.

Basi: And you are not going to mention this incident to anyone do
you hear me?

Pona knod her head.

Basi: Good, I will be back for your second pill, if you think I am
joking ke re I will kill you if you throw up that pull them just try it.

Pona wiped her tears and watched Basi leave, she spat in the
bucket but the pill was already dissolved. She rinsed her mouth,
drank lots of water and put her finger down her throat, she threw
up in the bucket then she drank another bottle of water, she
threw up again and sat on the floor with the bucket between her
legs crying.

She grabbed her phone and dialed her mother crying.

Nkagi: Hallo! Hallo kante wa lela?

Nkagi hung up and dialed Bree. Meanwhile Bree opened the door
for Basi then grabbed her phone, she picked up and put on

Bree: Hello.
Nkagi: Ke gore Bree whats happening golo koo, are you really
going to let a boy come between you and your sister? Why is
Pona calling me crying?
Bree: I don't know and i don't care, she and i stopped being
sisters the day she decided to lie about my boyfriend.
Nkagi: Ke gore o buwa eng?
Bree: You won't understand, if I have to loose family because I
decided to believe my boyfriend a re the baby is not his then it's
fine that's a risk I am willing to take.
*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣


Bree: You won't understand, if I have to loose family because I

decided to believe my boyfriend a re the baby is not his then it's
fine that's a risk I am willing to take.
Nkagi: I am sending both of you money right now le te kwano
kgang ye e buiwe, I don't even know why you would allow a boy
to come between you two, you are sisters. Pona has a child with
that man i don't know why you would even look at him that way o
bona monna instead of a brother. You crossed the limit Bree and

Bree shook her head in disbelief and hung up the phone before
Nkagi finished talking.
Bree: I can't believe this.
Basi: She is honestly siding with her daughter on this one.
Bree: Heee waitse gore I have never felt more like an orphan than
I do today, she should be listening to both our side of stories
instead of believing her daughter a sa itse what really happened.
Let's see what they say when that child is born, in these times of
DNA testing you would think people are educated enough to
know gore you can't just pin your child on another person but no.

Basi breathed heavily and smiled at her.

Basi: How are you feeling?

Bree: My neck is not that bad. You know what lets just ignore the
whole negativity surrounding our relationship. (Rubbed his hand) I
love you and you love me, we both know that baby is not yours
so it doesn't matter what anyone thinks.
Basi: Yeah, do you want something?
Bree: No thanks, what did your dad say about the car?
Basi: He doesn't know yet, talking about cars I have to return my
mum's car she is working tonight.
Bree: Okay, I wish you would sleep over.
Basi: Me too, I love you okay and thank you for believing me, it
means a lot to me.
Bree: I love you too.
Basi: I was hoping maybe we can go meet my parents tomorrow,
my older sister will be in the country tomorrow.
Bree: What?
Basi: Yeah, I want my family to meet the love of my life.
Bree: Babeeee! Not with a neck collar, first impressions count.
Basi: Haha okay but I want you to have dinner with us before my
sister goes back to Nigeria. She has been asking about you.
Bree: Okay, I feel so special right now.
Basi: Because you are special.

They hugged then Bree stood up, she walked to Basi outside and
went back to her room.

At Sarah's room.

Sarah blew air on her nails and put the nail polish down. She
sighed and looked at her roommate who had a book up her face

Sarah: You know I love Bree right and ga ke mo sebe she is my

best friend but Iyoo, when it comes to men and relationships I
have never meet anyone so stupid and naive.
Roommate: What happened?
Sarah: Tell me why would anyone lie about the paternity of their
kids, ke raa hela in these times tsa di DNA tests.
Roommate: You have no idea how conniving some women are, I
know a guy who is supporting a child thats not his.
Sarah: Iyoo, seriously I don't understand waitse.

She sighed and laid on her bed.

At Pona's house

Pona laid on her stomach spatting in the toilet paper, she stood
up and went to the bathroom where she rinsed her mouth and
drank more water, she sat down and peed then she put her finger
down the throat again, she threw up and sat on the floor tired.
Her phone ran from the bedroom and she crawled to get it.

Pona: Hello!
Friend: Hi ke bone missed calls wareng?
Pona: Can you come take me to the hospital, I am not feeling well.
Basi forced abortion pills down my throat and I think something is
happening to the baby.
Friend: What? You have to go report him.
Pona: Will you be able to come?
Friend: I am on my way.

Pona put the phone down and cradled her stomach. Nkagi's call
came through and she ignored it.

The Following Day.

Bree removed the neck collar and wiped her neck with wet baby
wipes, she put it back on and rested on the bed. Nkagi's call came
through, she ignored the call and put her phone on silent.

At Nkagi's house

Nkagi put her phone down shaking her head.

Nkagi: No one of them is picking up my calls, ke gore bana ba ba

bolela nnete they are fighting over a man, legone Shield hela who
can't take care of his son.
Lesedi: They are not fighting over shield. Uhu Mama O omana
hela ebile.
Nkagi: Akere Pona a re Bree stole Shield's number from her phone
now she is dating him, not that what Bree is doing is right but
who in their right mind cries for a broke man who doesn't even
know what his child eats.
Lesedi: They are not fighting over Shield, it's another guy who got
Pona pregnant.

Nkagi looked at Lesedi Surprised then sat down.

Nkagi; Pona is pregnant?

Lesedi: Yes, a re Bree stole the guy's number from her phone and
called the guy but Bree a re she was long with the guy before he
was with Pona, I remember her asking Pona about the guy's
number a e bona in her phone but what I don't understand is why
didn't Bree say anything that day she found the guy's number in
Pona's phone because she did ask gore who is this, Pona told her
but she never said this is my boyfriend's number. Then the same
day Pona went to meet with the guy I think that's when she got
pregnant. That guy is using both of them, the day their emotions
are settled they will realize gore they are the stupid ones.
Nkagi: Kante ebile i am wasting my breath on such useless things,
(stood up) Let them fight Pona ene a bo a ta go ipaa botsetsi. Let
me go feed my chickens, I can't believe I stayed up all night ke na
le stress sa dilodisele.

Nkagi went outside talking alone then she clicked her tongue.
At the Hospital..

The Doctor removed the drip from Pona's hand and gave her pills.

Pona: Will the baby be okay?

Doctor: If you love it then why did you take the abortion pills?
Doctor: I am discharging you today, you can go get your
medication downstairs.

The Doctor left, Pona helped herself from the bed and walked
slowly outside, for the first time the baby started moving, she
touched her stomach and wondered if she did the right thing,
maybe she should have let the pills work, she wasn't sure who the
father was, she sat down and buried her face in her hands, she
took out her phone and dialed Basi. It rang twice then his mother
picked up.

Serati: Hello Basi went out and forgot his phone home.
Pona: Ee mma, tell him Pona called, I am in the hospital.
Serati: What! are you okay?
Pona: No just tell him I am in the hospital.
Serati: O buwa le Mmagwe Basi, tell me what's wrong.
Pona: Nothing is wrong the baby is okay, I just wanted to tell him
gore I will stay away from him and his girlfriend, I am not a killer
and i won't kill our baby just because he is refusing to take
responsibility for it.
Serati: Baby?
Pona: Ee mma.
Serati: You are pregnant with Basi's child?
Pona: A re it's not his so it's fine. I just called to tell him gore he
won't have to worry about me anymore.
Serati: Mxm, give me your number let me call you back.

Later that Evening.

Basi got out of his friend's car and opened the gate, he hung his
bag on his shoulder and went inside the house. Both his mother
and Pona turned around and looked at him, Basi swallowed a big
lump and slowly closed the door.

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER ♣

Basi got out of his friend's car and opened the gate, he hung his
bag on his shoulder and went inside the house. Both his mother
and Pona turned around and looked at him, Basi swallowed a big
lump and slowly closed the door. He looked at Pona and she
lowered her eyes.

Basi: What are you doing here?

Serati: We don't talk to our guests like that, please come sit down.
Basi: (Went upstairs) I am not going to be part of whatever this is.

"Yes you are" his father said coming from his study room. Basi
took two steps back. He knew where he stood with his father and
one mistake he will be thrown out of the house.

Eke: Boy sit down.

Basi sat down and looked at his mother, he cleared his throat and
lowered his head.

Serati: Why didn't you tell us about the baby?

Basi: Because it's not mine.
Eke: So you never slept with her, never?
Basi: ..
Eke; I am talking to you.
Basi: I did.
Eke: Did you use protection?
Basi: Yes, (lowered his head) The condom busted. I told her to get
morning afters, I gave her the money and reminded her to get the
pills, she decided not to get them now my whole life should
change because of something I don't want to be part of? I bought
her abortion pills with my last money if she still decides to keep
this baby then it's fine, it's her child nna a seka a ntsenya mo
dilong tsa gagwe. I am not even sure if the child is mine.
Pona: (Softly) It's yours.
Basi: Ga ke sure and i have my reasons don't make me say them
Infront of my parents.

Pona cleared her throat and spoke softly.

Pona: If you don't want to be part of my child's life then it's fine, I
accept it, I will stay away from you and your girlfriend, she has
insulted me enough, for my child's health and for a healthy
pregnancy i will stay away from you. Thats all I wanted to tell you.
Serati looked at her Son expecting some remorse from her Son's
face but all he saw was anger she has never seen before. She
looked at her husband then at Pona.

Serati: What if we do a DNA test, will you accept your child?

Basi: I told you it's not my baby.
Serati: Akere ee ka re what if it is yours,will you accept it?
Basi: ..
Serati: (To Pona) I am sorry to even suggest this but the only way
we can get involved is if we are sure that baby is Basi's child.
Pona: Ee mma, we can do the DNA test i don't mind because I
have nothing to hide.
Eke: If that child is his, Basi is going to take care of that child, he is
going to work damn hard and provide for his child. Everyone
takes care of their children

Basi swallowed hard but a big lump stuck on his throat, he felt his
eyes become teary, he wanted to scream and let out his anger, he
cleared his throat and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Eke: Did you hear me?

Eke: Boy I am talking to you.
Basi: ..
Eke: Basi I am talking to you, maybe this child will make you focus
at school, get an education so that you can work a better job and
provide for your child instead of wasting time on music and
modeling without a back up plan.
Serati: And pregnancy is very sensitive, ask your girlfriend to stop
insulting Pona because the fact that you are not stoping her
makes her think she has the right to insult Pona.
Basi: So I am being forced into becoming a parent ke sa batle?
Has any of you thought about my feelings or you are just excited
at the thought of being grandparents so much that I have to
agree to everything, agg you can chase me away from your house
but I am not going to be forced into being a parent ke sa batle, so
it's okay if a girl doesn't want a baby and decides to do abortion
but nna i don't have the right to choose if I don't want to become
a parent.
Eke: (Snapped) Obasi!
Basi: Aah, I will go upstairs and get my clothes to make things
easier akere i know you are about to kick me out.

He ran up to his room and slammed the door. Pona rubbed her
flat stomach and stood up.
Pona: I think I should leave now.
Serati: Are you sure you are going to be okay? you can't stay
alone in your situation ebile not without a car.
Pona: I will be fine.
Serati: No, we have the guest house, it's empty and i can clean up
for you, atleast until you are back on your feet.
Pona: I appreciate but no thanks.
Serati: I insist, I am a mother and i have been sick and pregnant I
know how it's like.
Pona; I don't want to annoy Basi any further, I will be fine, I stay a
Serati: Okay i will go get my keys.

Pona smiled and looked down, she had everyone wrapped around
her little finger and she was going to do everything in her power
to make sure she becomes part of the family, first step was
making sure Bree was up to date with what was happening. Her
phone rang and she put it on silent. Basi's mother came back with
the keys and they went outside. Pona pulled the seat belt and
frowned touching her stomach.

Serati: Are you okay?

Pona: (Breathed out loud) Yeah I am fine ke gore hela I get a little
dizzy sometimes.
Serati: You are staying here and I insist, you just came back from
the hospital today, you are not well. Let's go I wikl clean the guest
house for you.

Pona got out of the car and followed Basi's mother inside.

At Campus.

Bree laid on the bed listening to music on her headsets, she

smiled alone listening to an old son her father loved. She clicked
on his contacts and called him.

Morris: (Singing) What a beautiful day it is.

Bree: Hahaha.
Morris: How are you beautiful baby?
Bree: I am fine.
Morris: I was thinking about you earlier, I remember how tiny you
were when you were a baby, I was going through your
kindergarten graduation pictures earlier and do you know how
tiny you were?
Bree: Haha.
Morris: But the most intelligent one.
Bree: True.
Morris: How are you my baby?
Bree: (Smiling) I am feeling much better now.
Morris: Ke mang o go tsenyang stress, tell them Daddy bought a
Bree: (Crying overwhelmed) I will, thanks for saying that I will tell
Morris: Do that, let me attend a patient akere.
Bree: Okay good night.

The Following Day.

Basi woke up to someone knocking on his bedroom door, he

ignored the knock and buried his face in the pillow.

Chichi; Basi open its me.

Recognising his sister's voice he got out of bed and opened the

Chichi: Hey.
Basi: I love you and I am happy that you are home but I am not in
the mood.
Chichi: Iyoo mister what's with the mood swings are you
Chichi: I was joking, are you okay, I arrived last night and Mum
filled me in with what has been happening.
Basi: She just won't back off, I don't know why because I told her I
want nothing to do with her.
Chichi: She is pregnant bro you have to be supportive.
Basi: That baby is not mine.
Chichi: Akere gatwe she agreed to do DNA test, she wouldn't if
she knew the baby is not yours. Be prepared for anything, if the
baby is yours you can co parent, you don't have to be with her.

Basi rubbed his face with his eyes teary.

Basi: That baby can't be mine or else Bree will never forgive me, I
love Bree and I can't loose her.

Chichi hugged his brother, Their mother came in with Basi's

Serati: I appointed with the lab to do DNA test on Monday, if you
don't have classes in the morning please come to the lab.

The mother closed the door and left. Basi switched on his phone
and found countless missed calls from Bree. He dialed her number
and it ran unanswered.

At Campus.

Bree put her toiletries bag down and sat on the bed naked
applying lotion on her body, her phone rang and she ignored it,
she waited for the call to end then she blocked Pona on all social
media snd blocked her number.

At Nkagi's House

Nkagi ran inside the house and removed her phone from the
charger, she picked up her phone and sat on the sofa.

Nkagi: Hallo.
Serati: Dumelang, it's Basi's mother.
Nkagi: Ee mma?
Serati: I asked your daughter to stay with us for a few days
because she is not well jaanong I know gore ga se setswana for a
pregnant girl to stay at the boyfriend's house a sa nyalwa ebile
especially when she is in such a condition that's why I am calling
you to let you know gore we are taking care of Pona kwano
because she is far from home.
Nkagi: So she really is pregnant?
Serati: Ee mma.
Nkagi: Ee mma I hear you, remind her gore while she is being
taken care of there her first born child doesn't have shoes kwano.
Serati; Ee mma tanki, I was hoping maybe you can come this side
ra ta go buwa as parents.
Nkagi: Nna motho wa Modimo I don't have the time to come
there, I have to be here everyday to feed my chickens because
they are my only source of income, ke tsone di njesang le ngwana
wa mme ene yoo. Ke a sotega motho wa Modimo ebile I pray
gore after the baby is born le ka mo tsaa that baby because
kwano go thata mma.
Serati: Ee mma I hear you.
Nkagi: Ee, it's not like I am being rude or anything but motho wa
Modimo the struggle is real.
Serati: Ee mma it's true and i understand you.
Nkagi: Tanki Mma.
Nkagi hung up and put her phone down, she clapped her hands
twice and touched her mouth shaking her head in disbelief.

Nkagi: Heela! (Went to the bedroom) Gatwe now your little sister
has moved, she is now staying with her baby's father.
Lesedi: And Bree?
Nkagi: To be honest I don't know and i don't care.

She went outside, Lesedi grabbed her phone and dialed Bree.

Bree: Hello!
Lesedi: Jaanong gatwe Pona stays at Basi's house? What's going
on kante?
Bree: Hahaha heela banyana ba ambitious, does she even know
Basi's parents? Sedi hung up Basi's call is coming through.

Lesedi hung up then Bree picked up Basi's call.

Bree: Babe.
Basi: Hey, we need to talk.
Bree: Haha heela Iyoo gatwe Pona is lying to everyone a re she
stays at your house haha.
Basi: She is not lying.


Bree: Babe.
Basi: Hey, we need to talk.
Bree: Haha heela Iyoo gatwe Pona is lying to everyone a re she stays
at your house haha.
Basi: She is not lying.
Bree: What?
Basi: I am on my way i will explain everything.
Bree: How and why is she staying at your house?
Basi: I found her there yesterday I don't even know what she said to
my parents for her to stay there but I told them that's not my baby.
Bree: Then why is she at your house if the baby is not yours?
Basi: I don't know Okay.
Bree: Gongwe kana that's your baby o ntira semata, tell me why in
the world would your parents allow Pona to stay at your house if
that's not your child I am sorry to say this but I am starting to believe
not every rich person is intelligent, for a mother your mother can't see
gore that girl is not even four months pregnant, agg. Sort out your
mess Basi because I don't want to be part of this anymore.

She clicked her tongue and hung up, Basi rubbed his face and sighed.
Pona opened the kitchen door then quickly turned back around. Basi
clicked his tongue and grabbed her hand.

Basi: What do you think you are doing here?

Pona: Leave me alone, wa mpolaa.

Basi grabbed her hand and pulled her outside the house.

Pona: Basi leave me alone, if this baby is not yours then..

Basi: Ke gore you think I am stupid, I can see through you, you kept
this baby intentionally to try to come between me and Bree.
Pona: I didn't ask to stay here your mother.

Basi slapped her across the face before she finished her sentence,
Pona fell down touching her cheek.

Basi: Ke gore you think..

Pona: (Crying) Basi you are hurting me.
He slapped her again and she fell down. Basi kicked her on the
stomach, Pona shielded her stomach and bent her knees.

Pona: (Crying) You are hurting me.

He helped her stand up and dragged her to the house and pushed her
against the wall.

Basi; I am not having this baby and so are you.

Pona: Basi you are hurting me please stay away from me I promise I
will leave you alone.

Basi punched her and she fell on the bed then he grabbed a robe.

Basi: I am sick and tired of you making my life miserable.

He tightly tied the rope around Pona's neck.

Pona; (Crying) Please, it's not your baby, I will tell your parents please
don't kill me.
Basi: You had the time to do that but you didn't, I told you if you try
something funny I will kill you and you thought I am joking akere.
He pulled the robe choking Pona a little, Pona fell on her knees crying
and grabbed the robe with both her hands. Basi kicked her hands and
she let go of the robe, he pulled her again, Pona left the floor wet as
Basi pulled her outside.

The door opened and Chichi came inside, she let go of the plastic bags
she was holding and they fell down. She ran towards Basi and pushed

Chichi: (Screaming) Are you crazy.

He helped Pona stand up and removed the robe from her neck. Chichi
looked at Basi and clicked her tongue then helped Pona to the
kitchen. Pona wiped her tears and stood up.

Pona: I am going home.

Chichi: Are you okay?
Pona: (Cradled her stomach) Please I want to go home

Chichi sighed and took out her phone from her pocket, she dialed her
mother and put on loudspeaker while following Pona to the guest

Serati: Hello
Chichi; Mama please come home now.
Serati: What happened?
Chichi: I found Basi trying to hang Pona with a robe.
Serati: Oh my God I am on my way.

Chichi put her phone in her pocket and watched Pona packing her

Chichi: Can you please wait for my mum?

Pona: No, I am going home. I didn't come here to be murdered.

She walked past Chichi and went outside bumping into Basi, he
pushed her back furious. Chichi got between them and pushed Basi

Chichi; Basi stop.

Basi: I told you I will kill you wena.

Pona wiped her tears, that very moment she realised nothing was
more important than her own life, she thought of her son and how
much Shield was a dead beat father.

Pona: It's not your baby okay Basi, call Bree ke mmolelle gore this is
not your baby ke tswe mo go lona.
Chichi: Pona please don't get worked up like this its not good for the
Pona: This baby is not important anymore.

She walk past Basi and ran outside, Chichi looked at Basi and clicked
her tongue.

Chichi: Who are you?

He walked past Basi and ran after Pona.

At Campus.

Bree removed the neck collar and buried her face in her hands crying.
The door opened and Sarah came in.

Sarah: Hey!
Bree: Can I please be alone

Sarah sat on Sama's bed and looked at Bree Crying.

Sarah: If he makes you cry like this then he is not worth it.
Sarah: You promised yourself that if any man ever hurts you you will
leave, I think it's time to do that. Focus on getting your degree and
impressing the people at Royal Legal Law Firm. No matter what no
one will take that from you, your degree will never hurt you like this.
Sarah: I hate to say this but I think Basi is lying. I just remembered his
reaction that time at KFC and it's obvious he and Pona didn't sleep
together five months ago, if only you would listen to your sister, she
has a lot to loose by lying about the paternity.
Bree: I think you should focus in getting your degree in Psychology
first before you meddle in my love life, i am no your practical study.
Sarah: Iyooo sorry mma, continue being stupid, if you have that
mentality wa gore people are medling when they try to advise you
then ba santse ba tlo go roba pelo basimane.

Sarah stood up and left. Bree clicked her tongue and wiped her tears
then picked up her phone. She dialed Lesedi.

Lesedi: Hello
Bree: I need you to tell me the truth, did Pona sleep with Basi after
that time?
Lesedi: Aah nna tota i don't know dilo tsa lona.
Bree: Please.
Lesedi: Bree why don't you ask Pona.
Bree: Please tell me the truth.
Lesedi: Ga ke itse tota nna she didn't tell me anything.

Bree hung up and sniffed wiping her tears. The door opened and Basi
came in.

Basi: Hey.
Bree: Tell me the truth, did you sleep with Pona?
Basi: No!
Bree: Then why is she at your house, why has your parents welcomes
her home?
Basi: Babe i don't know, I swear i haven't slept with her, that's why i
agreed to do a DNA test ka Monday, if the baby is mine then you can
leave me.

Bree wiped her tears and smiled.

Basi: I hate when you doubt me, babe I will never hurt you like that. I
am not perfect but that baby is not mine.
Bree: Then I want you to introduce me to your parents, tonight!
*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER

Officer: Is this true mam?

Chichi: What?
Officer: You do know gore lying to us can cause big problem for you

Chichi looked and Pona and sighed.

Chichi: I don't know what they were fighting about but I didn't find a
rope around her neck.
Pona: You are lying, you are the one who removed the rope from my
Chichi: Pona I know you are hurting but do you know how much these
allegations can..
Pona: (Shouting) You brother killed my baby, I hope you never have
kids because you are protecting your brother, you are a woman you..
you know you are lying, why are you doing this?

Chichi grabbed her handbag and went outside, she took out her
phone and dialed her mother walking out to the parking lot.
Chichi: Hello Mama Pona reported Basi and the police are with her
right now as we talk ba tsaa statement.
Serati: Let her report him, I am sick and tired of Basi's behavior waitse
Chichi. Maybe he will grow up after this incident.
Chichi: Mama what are you saying? Do you understand how serious
this is, if the cause of the miscarriage is because of what Basi did he
can go to jail.
Serati: He should have thought about that before he tried to kill that
innocent girl. Ene when he got her pregnant what did he expect, a
standing ovation?

Her mother hung up on her, Chichi got inside the car, she sat down
and dialed Basi but his number rang unanswered. The two officers
walked out of the hospital, she waited five minutes then went inside.
She slowly opened Pona's door and stuck her head inside.

Pona: Get out of here..

Chichi: You know he wasn't going to kill you, he was just angry.
Pona: (Shouting) Get out.
Chichi: Think about yourself. You just lost your baby..
Pona: (Crying) Because your brother countlessly kicked my stomach
and killed my child, my baby would still be here if your brother didn't
force those abortion pills down my throat, if he didn't kick me or try
to hang me. I told your whole family to let me go but no, you forced
me to stay so that Basi can kill my child. That's what you all wanted.
Chichi wiped her tears and sniffed.

Pona: So please go, i don't expect any loyalty from you, just go and
leave me in peace.
Chichi: Can't we talk about this and not involve the police?
Pona: I want justice for my child, you don't have a child you don't
know how I feel, you don't know how it's like to (she covered her face
crying) please go.

Chichi wiped her tears and left.

At Campus.

Bree opened the door holding her toiletries bag, she fixed the towel
around her waist and turned around bumping into Basi, she screamed
and stepped back.

Basi: Can we talk?

Bree looked around then opened the door. Basi followed her inside ,
she closed it and folded her arms looking at him with an attitude. Basi
looked at her puffy red eyes.
Basi: I am sorry, I feel like no matter how many times I apologize you
will never understand how sorry I really am.
Bree: I already missed my morning class, I want to go shower and go
to class.
Basi: I admit I cheated on you but..
Bree: With my sister and you were fully aware that she was my sister
when that happened, lets just start right there.

Basi shamefully looked down.

Basi: Yes and i am ashamed of myself but I swear that baby is not
mine, I don't love Pona, i told her gore you and i are together and she
agreed gore what happened was a mistake and we will never talk
about it. I didn't even know she was pregnant until that day. I asked
her to do an abortion, I even forced pills down her throat, I
threatened her but..
Bree: To be honest I don't care because we are done, Basi I am setting
you free, I was angry yoo but I didn't go sleep with my ex, i could have
went to sleep with Deuce if I wanted to but I didn't.

Basi's phone rang and he ignored it.

Bree: Araba maybe something is wrong with your child.

Basi rubbed his face and put his hands in his pockets.
Basi: Okay shapo, I tried but there is nothing I can do if you don't want
to hear me out. I love you Bree and I lied because I was scared of
loosing you but I lost you in the process. I will live with that. I just
want you to know that I would never intentionally hurt you. I know
what you have been through before and i never wanted to hurt or
humiliate you like that. I hope one day you will be able to forgive me.

He opened the door and left, Bree swallowed a big lump and sat
down, she sniffed wiping her tears and grabbed her phone, she dialed
Pona's number, it ran twice then she picked up.

Pona: Why you are calling me to.

Bree: You can have your family now, you and Basi can raise your child
together because I am done with him.

She hung up then stood up and grabbed her toiletries bag.

At Nkagi's House.

Nkagi sat on the sofa knitting with her mind wondering around, she
put the needle down on the table and sighed then picked up her
phone and dialed Pona.

Pona: (Crying) Hello.

Nkagi: Hello, how are you?
Pona: My baby is dead Mama.
Nkagi: Yes they told me, jaanong ba reng at the hospital about the
Pona: It was just a tiny little thing that could fit in my hand, they
asked me what I wanted to do with him and i said they can do
whatever they want.
Nkagi: I am sorry, ga ke na madi to hire a car and come get you so o
will be on the next bus tomorrow.
Pona: You don't have to come here it's fine I am fine.
Nkagi: You are not fine, you are sick and we should do a cleansing
ceremony for you, I also want to talk to you and Bree about
everything that has been happening, ke gore do you know gore batho
ba le tsaa mothoho hela gotwe sisters are fighting for a man.
Nkagi: When are they discharging you?
Pona: They didn't say.
Nkagi: Okay i will be there tomorrow evening.
Pona: Ee mma.

Later that Evening..

Bree opened the door for Sarah, she smiled and sat on her bed.
Sarah: I came to get my yellow top I lent you maloba.
Bree: Ao mma you are not giving it to me? It looks much better on me
than on you haha.

Bree opened the wardrobe and took out the top. Sarah snatched it
from her and walked to the door.

Bree: Are we still fighting? You know you can't be mad at me for long.

Sarah slammed the door and left. Bree sat down and bit her lips
nervously. She never felt so alone with no one to talk to. She picked
up her phone and dialed Morris but his phone rang unanswered.
Immediately she hung up an unknown number called, she looked at
the number for a few seconds then picked up.

Bree: Hello.
Caller: Miss Phuthego you are talking to Mr Mathware from Royal
Legal Law Firm.
Bree: (Cleared her throat) Ee rra.
Caller: I am sorry for calling you this time.
Bree: No it's fine, you can call me anytime.
Caller: Hahaha, I was looking at your files and i can not wait to have
you with us next month, it's would be great to have a fresh young
mind with us.
Bree: Hahaha thank you Sir, I can't believe I am talking to thee Mr
Mathware right now. Oh my God I can't even breath.
Caller: Hahaha okay let me hung up now so you can breathe.
Bree: Hahaha ee rra, goodnight Sir.
Caller: Goodnight.

She hung and caught her breath, she screams into her hands and
jumped up and down. The door opened and Sama came in.

Sama: Hahaha someone is happy, did you and Bae fix things?
Bree: Bae ya eng, my future is secured kana baby girl. Mr Mathware
just called me a re he can't wait to have me at their Firm.
Sama: Haha maaka.
Bree: Haha o ta baka ee.

As SMS came through her phone "No matter what happens to me I

will always love you" she rolled her eyes and put her phone down.

Bree: Mr Mathware just called me, not his assistant, theee Original Mr
Osego Mathware.

At Basi's House.
Eke opened the gate for the Police officers and went outside meeting
then halfway.

Eke: Gentlemen.
Officer: We are looking for Obasi, we believe he stays here.
Eke: Yes he does, I am his father, can I ask why you are looking for
Officer: Attempted murder and cause of bodily harm.

Basi's father raised his eyebrows surprised, he led the two men inside
the house and went to the kitchen where his wife was cooking, he
closed the door and looked at his wife.

Eke: Why are two Police officers looking for Obasi?

Serati: Seriously i am done justifying and protecting Basi, they can
take him.
Eke: So you knew about this and you didn't tell me?
Serati: I was going to tell you then everything happened so fast. Nna
tota i tried, I shielded Basi, I tried to get him to open up to me, I
justified his actions but instead of stopping or being better he became
worse, mmangwana o tshwara thipa ka fa bogaleng but sometimes
you have to let go when it cuts you deeper.

Eke went back to the sitting room, he ran up the stairs and knocked
on Basi's door.
Eke: Obasi.

He tried the door knob but it was locked from inside.

Eke: Basi open this door, Basi.

He tried to kick it down open, he clicked his tongue and went to get
the master key, he unlocked the door and looked around..

Eke: Shit, Basi.

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER


Eke: Shit, Basi.

He knelt down and put Basi's head in his lap, he checked his pulse and
called out his wife, few seconds later Serati came running inside and
screamed covering his mouth looking at her son' mouth wide open
with white foam coming from his mouth.

Eke: Call the ambulance..

Serati ran downstairs and called the ambulance, she passed the two
officers and ran back upstairs. She squatted next to her husband and
checked Basi's pulse, she checked his eyes and then opened his

Serati: He overdosed.

She stood up and looked at the white powder on the table. A siren
was heard from meters away then Serati went down to open the gate
for them. Two Paramedics came inside the house and rushed upstairs,
Eke hugged his wife as they looked at the Paramedics putting Basi on
the stretcherbed and wheeled him to the ambulance.

Eke went downstairs with his hands in his pockets, he calmly talked to
the Police and they left, he hugged his wife and went to switch off the
stove then they got in their car and followed the Ambulance.

At Campus.
Sarah finished eating and wiped her lips, she took a sip from her drink
and sighed.

Roommate: Today you are not eating with Bree?

Sarah: Bree and i are no longer friends, I am giving her space to do her
shit, I am doing my stuff too. The less i know about her business the
better. I am tired of being called names because I care so the less I
know the better.
Roommate: Ke mathata.

At the Hospital.

Basi's parents parked behind the Ambulance and ran inside the
hospital to the emergency section. Meanwhile Chichi and her
boyfriend parked outside and followed them inside.

Chichi: What happened?

Serati: He overdosed.
Chichi: Oh my Gosh, is he going to be okay?

Serati sat down and covered her face crying,her husband sat next to
her and wrapped his arm around her. The Doctor came out of the
emergency room rubbing his hands together. The whole family stood
up then the Doctor turned to another family that was sitting on the
other side. They sat down, Chichi clicked her tongue.
Chichi: He was scared after Pona reported him. I.. (crying) I tried
calling him all day and his phone just rang, I should have known
something was wrong, I should have checked on him.

Her boyfriend put his arm around her as she cried out loud covering
her face.

The following day.

Pona came out of the bathroom naked and panicked as she saw Basi's

Serati: Good morning.

Pona: Dumelang.
Serati: How are you?
Pona: I am good, if you are here to make me drop the charges then
you can go back through that door because i won't. Your son..
Serati: Basi is in a Coma, he overdosed on drugs.

Pona blinked several times and sighed.

Serati: I bought you your clothes.

Pona looked at her bag on top of the bed. Serati took out her wallet
and counted a few two hundred pula notes.

Serati: You will buy whatever you need, I won't be coming here today.
I don't know if I will tomorrow, just Incase you need anything.
Pona: Ee mma
Serati: I am really sorry for everything my son put you through, it
didn't matter how that child was conceived, you didn't deserve how
he treated you, he was wrong but at the end of the day he is my son
and it hurts me that he turned out the way he did because i tried
everything to raise him right. If someone did to my child what Basi did
to you maybe I would have killed them myself that's why I won't ask
you to drop the charges because I will be encouraging gender based
violence. It's your right but I hope you forgive my son.

She put the money down on the bed and left. Pona swallowed hard
and sighed, she picked up the money and counted it then put it in her

At Campus.

Bree bit her lips typing on her phone, she proof read the letter then
sent the email. Sama came in from the bathroom and sat on the bed
applying lotion. The door burst opened and Sarah came in holding her
Sarah: Bree did you see this?

She gave the phone to Bree, she covered her mouth and stagged back,
she fell on the bed with her butt and the phone fell from her hands.
Sama looked at Sarah then picked up the phone, she read the post
and covered her mouth.

Sama: Oh my God.
Sarah: Bree?
Bree: No he can't be dead, I was with Basi yesterday and he was okay,
Basi is not dead, he is not he can't be dead, no , no.

She picked up her phone and dialed Basi's number and it went
straight to voicemail.
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She picked up her phone and dialed Basi's number and it went
straight to voicemail. She dialed it again and there as no answer.

Sarah and Sama looked at each other.

Bree: Basi is not dead, he can't be dead.

Sarah: Bree!
Bree: Noo! Don't say it he is not dead, Basi was here yesterday and he
was okay, he can't die.. (shaky voice) He can't die.

She covered her mouth and cried out loud, Sarah sat next to her and
hugged her as she cried out loud.

At the Hospital.

Chichi walked out of the hospital with the support of her boyfriend,
he opened the door for her and she got inside the car, the guy closed
the door and went over to the driver's side. He looked at Chichi and

Him: I am sorry for your loss.

Chichi looked outside and wiped her tears, she sniffed and wiped her
tears. The boyfriend reversed out of the hospital, Chichi sniffed Basi's
jacket and cried out loud.

Chichi: Baasi! God no please, I want to wake up now it's enough.

Her boyfriend sniffed and touched her hand, she pulled it and covered
her face crying.

At Basi's House

Bree impatiently pressed the intercom again and folded her arms
waiting for a reply, she walked around trying to look inside but the
wall was long with the electric fence switched on. She went back to
the gate and pressed the intercom again then kicked the gate

Bree: Koko.. koo!

A silver Range Rover Discovery parked behind her and the driver
rolled down the window. Bree wiped her tears and moved closer.

Bree: Dumelang!
Eke: Hello.
Bree: Is Basi home? I need to see him people on Facebook are saying
dilodisele hela.

The gate opened and the man drove inside, Bree followed the car
inside. The man stepped out, he was the original while Basi was the
copy, even the body structure and the left dimple that showed even
when he was not smiling.

Eke: Hello.
Bree: Please tell me it's not true, please tell me it's all a lie please.
Eke: I am sorry, Obasi overdosed on cocaine and ecstasy, we found
him lying unconscious in his bedroom, he died this morning.

Bree's world stopped, she looked at the man expecting him to change
his story but the pain on his face said otherwise. Bree just stood there
frozen. Her eyes closed and she melted on the lawn. Eke quickly
picked up and slightly slapped her cheeks, he checked her pulse and
sighed in relief. He carried her inside the house and laid her on the
sofa and dialed his wife.

Eke: You have to come here.

Serati: I am on my way.

At the Hospital.
Pona's heart beat faster as she went through the comments on the
post in YOB about Basi's death. She put the phone down and looked
at her shaking hands. She dialed her best friend's number and put the
phone on her ear.

Friend: Tsala please tell me it's not true.

Pona: Ke bona on Youth of Botswana, I am in the hospital, his mother
was here but she didn't say anything.
Friend: Ke na le bo Loxion right now le bone ga ba dumele because ba
re they were with him last night drinking and smoking then he went
home a re he is stressed he wants to rest only to wake up to such
news. They have been trying his number ga e tsene.
Pona: I am so scared right now I want to call his mother but I am
Friend: Eish mma waitse gore I don't want to believe this, I refuse,
shapo I am going into class.

Her friend hung up, Pona scrolled through her contacts and clicked on
Bree's number then she quickly hung up.

At Basi's House.

Bree slowly opened her eyes and looked around, she closed her eyes
again and got off the sofa, she had a terrible headache, a girl in her
early teens rang from downstairs and stopped walking looking at
Bree, Bree looked around the house and saw a big picture of Basi on
the wall, she closed her eyes again and tried to stand up but she fell
on the sofa. It all came back, why she was at Basi's house in the first

The little girl ran to the kitchen and called her mother. Serati and her
husband came from the kitchen.

Serati: Dumela mma.

Bree looked at them, hoping it was all a dream, that's not how she
was supposed to meet his parents, they had plans. They had their
whole future planned out, it wasn't supposed to end like this.

The door opened and Chichi came in, she looked at Bree then at her

Chichi: This is not why I came home, it wasn't supposed to be like this.
He was happy that I came home, we had plans, we were supposed to
go visit Granny in Maun together, he was studying and he was looking
forward to graduation. He was excited about his music project he was
working on, he wasn't supposed to die. Please tell me it's all a dream,
one long bad dream because I want to wake up. I want my little
brother back.

Basi's mother wiped her tears. Bree looked at the big picture in the
wall, Basi was smiling revealing his white clean teeth. Tears ran down
Bree's cheeks. She remembered the first time they meet, the fun
times they had, how naughty he was, his bright smile and his sense of
humor. He wasn't the best boyfriend in the whole world but she was
sure of one thing, he loved her as much as much as she loves him.
Bree found herself smiling remembering all the fun stories he used to
tell her about Nigeria.

(( Bree closed her text book and looked at Basi attentive typing on his
laptop, she traced her foot on his pants and touched his boner with
her foot, Basi smiled and put the laptop aside, he got ontop of her and
started kissing her then pulled her shorts down.

Bree: Babe the door is not locked.

Basi: So what?

He continued kissing her and parted her legs, he got between them
and pulled down his boxers, he rubbed his dick head on her nunu then
the door opened and Samantha came in, she quick closed the door
and went out. Bree covered her face embarrassed and tried to get up,
Basi pinned her down and slowly squeezed himself in.

Bree: Babe, Sssaama um, is outside.

Basi: We might as well finish what we started.
Bree: Babe Noo (opened her eyes erotically) Aaah Babeee, oh fuck!
(Moaned softly)
Basi pinned his lips on hers and started thrusting, few minutes later
her pulled out and reached for Bree's towel, he wiped himself then
wiped Bree, he pulled up his boxers and continued typing on his
phone like nothing just happened. Embarrassed Bree opened the
window and then opened the door for Sama, Sama looked at her
naughtily and opened her drawer, she took out her calculator and left.

Bree covered her face.

Bree: Aaah that was embarrassing.. she knows what we just did.
Basi: So? She has sex too, everyone has sex that's why the population
is increasing.
Bree: Aaah , duude.

Basi pulled her back on the bed and kissed her getting between her

Still staring at the photo Bree wiped her tears and sighed. She wanted
to wake up but it got more real by the second, Her one true love was
gone. Maybe he would still be around if she forgave him, maybe.. she
found herself angry and full of regrets. If she had forgiven him then he
wouldn't have overdosed on the drugs, he would still be alive. If Pona
didnt lie then they wouldn't have fought and she wouldn't have
dumped him. She found herself regretting not telling Pona Basi was
her boyfriend, she wouldn't have slept with him, there wouldn't have
been any baby and they would still be together, Basi would still be
Later that Evening at the Hospital.

Nkagi sat on the plastic chair while Pona was in the bathroom, Pona
came out and sat on the bed.

Nkagi: You were still telling me about Basi.

The door opened and Bree stormed inside, she didn't expect to find
her mother there because she had come to give her sister a mouthful.

Nkagi: Ebile I was going to call you.

Bree swallowed a big lump and looked at Pona, she looked around the
room looking for something to hit her with but there was nothing.

Bree: I hope you are happy, Basi is dead and we can't be together
anymore, that's what you wanted right?
Pona: Bree I.
Bree: You and your father stole people that I loved from me, I hope
you rot in hell, I wish that baby dies and starts rotting from inside, you
will never find happiness, you will always be jealous of me, I will
always be better than you Pona, I have been, still is and will always be
something you will never be. You can try to burry me but I am a seed,
call me an orphan and a slut, those things will never change me. I
hope you live with yourself after everything you did, Karma is real and
it is a bitch.

She clicked her tongue and went outside.

2 Years Later
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2 Years Later

At Court..

Everyone attentively listened as the Judge ruled his verdict. A little

nervous Bree looked at her Boss who was sitting at the back bench
then faced the front. This was her real first case and it determined the
rest of her life, if she wins she was sure her whole career life was
secure at Royal Legal Law Firm. She looked back at her father, Morris
smiled at her and she breathed out loud.
Mr Mathware listened attentively as the Judge spoke, he sighed and
wondered if they were going to win the case. He knew he took a big
risk putting a new Lawyer on one of the biggest cases in the country at
the moment but he had trust in her, all the evidence she had
managed to get showed just how determined she was about her job.
He looked at her and could see her nervousness from away. Only if
she had trust and confidence in herself like he had on her. Mr
Mathware smiled then there was a loud noise in court and everyone

Bree's partner stood up smiling and extended his hand to her.

Him: You did well Miss P.

Bree: We won?
Him: Hahaha yes you won.. that Bastard is going to jail.
Bree: Oh my God, we did it.
Him: No you did it, congratulations.

Bree covered her mouth and turned around smiling, Morris walked
towards her and hugged her then Mr Mathware extended his hand to

Mr Mathware: I will see you in the office Miss P. Congratulations you

did well.
Bree: Thank you Sir.
Bree smiled and shyly covered her face.

Morris: Congratulations my baby, you did well on your first case.

Bree: I didn't even hear the verdict, oh my God.
Morris: Hahaha let's go you are paying for lunch.
Bree: Hahaha nna gape.
Morris: Yes Miss P.

They laughed and walked out of Court. A few Journalist ran towards

Journalist: Miss Phuthego, did you just put an innocent man in prison?
Journalist 2: Where did..?

Bree ignored all their questions and opened the car and got inside,
Morris drove out and switched on the aircon. Bree removed her
blazer and covered her face smiling, she fanned her face with her
hand and breathed out loud.

Bree: I never knew justice felt like this, lots of people get away with
sexual abuse because the family and communities shield them, I know
just putting away one rapist won't change the world but I know I have
saved the other girls from that man. (Looked at Morris) This is the
justice i needed for myself, i feel like now I am ready to move on and
face the world, I feel like a savivor and not a victim anymore.

Morris smiled at her and continued driving.

Bree: I have to call Mum and tell her the good news.. (dialed Nkagi).

She put on loudspeaker and waited for Nkagi to pick up, it ran
unanswered then she finally picked up.

Nkagi: Hallo, heela mma I was listening to the news I heard you won
the case.
Bree: Yes I did.
Nkagi: Congratulations my baby, If Nono was here she would be very
proud of you.
Bree: (Smiled) Yeah she would be. I am proud of myself too.
Nkagi: Jaanong does this mean you are a now a permanent
Bree: My Boss said that I don't know if he was being serious or maybe
he didn't think I will win the case.
Nkagi: Ee o bakile now he has to hire you permanently. Did you call
your father what did he say?
Morris: The father is here.
They all laughed.

Morris: I was at court.

Nkagi: Motho wa Modimo nna mono ke ka ya kae ka banyana, ga o na
bone ka ditsebe di magono o taare ditonki tsa bogodu.
Bree: Haha, if i get few days off il come there next weekend.
Nkagi: Okay my Baby.
Bree: Bye.
Nkagi: Bye bye.

Bree hung up and sighed.

Morris: You know what you need now?

Bree: Go home and relax over a glass of cold champagne, some soul
music and a day off tomorrow.

Morris turned right and joined the Molepolole road.

Morris: You need a car, a big shot like you can't be using taxis and
Bree: Ke gore ebile Mogagamola wa koloi.
Morris: This is a loan mma wee it has interest.
Bree turned and looked at her father.

Bree: Wait are you saying what I think you are saying?
Morris: I think we should put this in writing before I buy the car.
Bree: (Excited) No, no no Daddy, I promise I will pay back all the
money. You have no idea how much I need the car.

Morris smiled and turned into the Car dealership.

Later that Evening.

Nkagi took out Pona's second born from the bath and wrapped her in
a towel, she took out Lesedi's daughter and put her on the bed then
applied Vaseline on them. The door opened and Pona came in
holding one plastic bag.

Pona: Ao you didn't hear me knocking outside?

Nkagi: How will I hear you tota with such noise?

Pona put the plastic bag down and sat on the bed, she didn't even
bother looking at her daughter.
Nkagi: I sent you call me back motshegare, nna kana I have a pain
below my breast i can't wash your kids 's clothes because they are
dirty and..
Pona: (Interrupted) Find someone to wash them will pay.
Nkagi: Pay wa eng when you can't even buy the kids groceries tota, le
ene monna wa gago who you stay with in the house o hapaane,
doesn't he ever remind you gore you left two kids at home, ke gore ka
nnete you left your kids to go take care of another woman's child?
Play house with a man who..
Pona: (Stood up) Iyaaa you see why I never come here akere, ke gore
everytime i come here ebile ke tshele, you take care of Lesedi's
daughter but..
Nkagi: (Loud) Lesedi buys food and toiletries every Month. She comes
here whenever she is not working wena.
Pona: I will look for a bigger house and take my kids. Ke rekile mashi a

She stormed out, Nkagi clicked her tongue and dressed the kids.

Nkagi: Her child only drinks milk when she feels like it, hey o hapaane
monyana yo matho a dikhona yo.

At Royal Legal Law Firm..

After the party everyone slowly left and Bree remained behind and
helped clean up.

Clifford: I didn't get the chance to congratulate you.

Bree turned around and smiled at him.

Clifford: You proved everyone wrong that you are not just the Boss's
favourite you are the best too.
Bree; Yeah haha.

Clifford hugged her, she hugged him back then stepped back.

Clifford: So you still haven't got back to me kana, was is a one night
stand kana jang?
Bree: Cliff you are a nice guy, the sex was great but we are colleagues
and I don't want to complicate our working relationship.
Clifford: Come on we are both adults surely we can separate work and

Bree let out a fade smile then she smiled wider looking at the man
who just came in holding flowers and a bottle of wine. He looked
handsome in a white shirt unbuttoned halfway and a black formal
pants. Bree tucked her hair behind her ear and walked past Clifford.
Bree: Hey!
Him: Hey, I watched the news on the plane and i told everyone I knew
you,no one believed me.
Bree: Haha.
Him: Let's not keep the driver waiting
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Bree: Hey!
Him: Hey, I watched the news on the plane and i told everyone I knew
you,no one believed me.
Bree: Haha.
Him: Let's not keep the driver waiting, these are for you (gave her the
Bree: Thank you!
Him: And i bought this bottle for celebration but it looks like I came a
little late.
Bree smiled and smelt the flowers, they smelt nice, she smiled at him
and wrapped her arms around him.

Bree: Thank you, I love them and they smell great.

Him: I am glad you love them.

Bree turned to Clifford and apologetically looked at him, she picked

up the leftover cake and grabbed her handbag.

Bree: Goodnight Cliff.

Clifford smiled at her and went up to his office dialing his friend.

Friend: Hello mona ebile Mox and i have been talking about you.
Clifford: What about me?
Friend: We were talking about game ya maloba, you owe us kana
Clifford: Haha, kante go serious hela women can do hit and run?
Friend: Hahaha this gender is cruel bra what happened?
Clifford: You remember that girl, Bree from work?
Friend: Haha I told you she was way above your league but no you
didn't listen akere.
Clifford: Aah mona she acts like nothing happened but ne ke
iphelleditse kana mona I even made her squirt, she came twice in one
round, I don't know what turned her off now.
Friend; Haha hit and run Baba, been there and it hurts.
Clifford: Agg mona now she is being picked up by rich men who bring
flowers and champagne, majita a mona.
Friend: I told you she is above your league, you should treasure that
one night you spent together, Hahaha one night.
Clifford: Dithala tsa gago mona.

Cliff laughed and went into his office.

In Lamar's car.

Bree sat on Lamar's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck
pulling him in for a kiss, they kissed passionately as he cupped her
breast and kissed her neck.

Bree: I missed you.

Lamar: I missed you too.

He pulled up Bree's skirt and rubbed her panty, knowing she hasn't
bathed since morning, Bree pulled his hand away. "Let's continue this
at your place" she whispered into his ear.
At Pona's house

Pona dished for herself then dished for Modiri, she sat Infront of the
TV and reached for the remote, she changed to the Indian series
channel. Moliti's daughter came running inside from playing outside
and grabbed the remote, she changed to a kids channel.

Pona: Go eng ne se ke se lebaleng ga se bothokwa (Is what I am

watching not important?)

She snatched the remote and changed back, the girl ran outside
crying, few minutes late she came in with her father, he snatched the
remote and gave to his daughter.

Pona: I am watching.
Modiri: Dilo tse they repeat, let the child watch TV.

Pona looked at the little girl and wished her father wasn't there, she
would have slapped her so hard.

Pona: When did you say her mother is coming to get her?
Modiri: Akere she is with her father kana there is a problem?
He said that walking outside. Pona clicked her tongue and looked at
the little girl again, she stood up and intentionally tripped the cables.
The decoder switched off then Pona went to eat in the bedroom.

At Lamar's apartment.

After a long hot shower, Bree walked out of Lamar's bedroom only in
his white t-shirt holding a glass of wine, she stood by the door and
crossed her legs looking at Lamar standing by the balcony talking to
the phone. He turned around and smiled at her then walked towards
her. He kissed her lips.

Lamar: (To the phone) Okay bye i will see you tomorrow.

He hung up and threw his phone down then pulled Bree into his arms
and kissed her.

Lamar: I want to take you out of this shirt so bad.

Bree: Do that.

He french kissed her and pinned her against the wall then the door
bell rang.

Lamar: Dinner is here.

Bree: Dinner can wait, I missed you.
Lamar: Me too but i am starving.

He let go of Bree and went to open the door. He got the food and
went back to Bree then put them on the kitchen counter, he picked up
Bree and put her on the kitchen counter and opened the Mexican

He fed her then took a bite.

Lamar: I want to hear everything about the case.

Bree: Tomorrow I am signing my new permanent job offer letter,
(mouthful) That means new office, better pay.
Lamar: Mmmh, so you are planning in investing in something?
Bree: Mmh Mmh, I haven't thought that far plus I don't know how
much I will be earning.

The door bell ran again, Bree and Lamar looked at each other.

Lamar: I am not expecting any guests.

He licked his fingers walking to the door, he opened the door and the
little girl ran inside followed by her mother. "Daddy" she screamed
excitedly and jumped on her father.
Lamar: Baby, I didn't expect to see you guys here.
Mpho: I told her you will come see her tomorrow but she didn't want
to hear about it.
Lamar: Haha.

Feeling a little uncomfortable Bree pulled the shirt down covering her
thighs. She let out a fade smile as Lamar walked towards her.

Lamar: Hey, I didn't know they were going to come.

Bree: No it's fine I understand.
Lamar: I will call the driver for you?
Bree: (Surprised) I am going home?
[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER


Lamar: Hey, I didn't know they were going to come.

Bree: No it's fine I understand.
Lamar: I will call the driver for you?
Bree: (Surprised) I am going home?
Lamar: You are not?
Bree: No go shapo?

She hopped down the counter and went to the bedroom, Lamar
followed her and closed the door.

Lamar: I am not chasing you I thought maybe, (sighed) I am sorry

don't go.
Bree: You thought what?
Lamar: You always said to take things slow and you being here while
my daughter is here is not slow, until I am sure about us, where we
stand then I can't introduce you to her, I don't want to be that guy
who brings different women around his child.

Bree sighed and put her dress down.

Bree: I felt like you were chasing me.

Lamar: No i wasn't, you can stay it's fine.
Bree: No you are right, this (pointed at him then at her) whatever we
have right here is a little confusing even for me. I am not a parent but
I know it's not fine to bring women around your child.
Lamar: Wa bona gore I am not chasing you akere, I would never do
that. Stay.
Bree: No, give your baby girl attention she missed you, you will give
me your undivided attention tomorrow.
Lamar: Okay, do you know how much I love you?

He kissed her and slowly unbuttoned the shirt, he turned her around,
moved her panty to the side and rubbed his dick on her vagina, Bree
moaned softly, he spanked her ass then he slowly slid in, they both
moaned, he spanked her butt until it became red, he went a little
faster then roared and pulled out splashing his seed on Bree's back.
Bree fell on the bed with her butt still stuck in the air. Lamar reached
for a clean towel and wiped himself then he squatted and took a full
view of Bree's Nunu as he wiped her. He baby kissed it and fixed her

Lamar: Babe?
Bree: Mmmh?
Lamar: Should I call the driver for you?
Bree: Mmmh!

Lamar pulled his pants up and went to rinse his mouth and wash his
hands then went to the sitting room dialing the driver's number.

Kala: Daddy i missed you.

Mpho: I thought we agreed we are not bringing anyone around Kala
until we are sure we won't be bringing more.
Lamar: You rocked up here unannounced remember. (To the phone)
Hello can you bring the car around.

Mpho stood up and fixed her leggings. She kissed her daughter and
picked her up.

Mpho: Be a good girl okay?

Kala: Okay Mummy.
Mpho: (To Lamar) Goodnight.

She put the baby down, Lamar walked her to the door and locked it.

Kala: Daddy i want pancakes.

Lamar: Go play in your room I am coming.

The little girl ran to her bedroom, Lamar went to the bedroom and
found Bree putting on her shoes.

Bree: Did you call the driver?

Lamar: Yeah, let me take you out for lunch tomorrow.
Bree: Okay.

He kissed her and walked her downstairs where the car was parked.
Bree: Goodnight.
Lamar: Goodnight.

He opened the door for her then closed it and ran back upstairs. Bree
took out her phone and dialed Sarah's number.

Sarah: (Sleepy) Hello

Bree: MmaNnana, how are you guys ?
Sarah: Hey mma ke ngakilwe, I am afraid to go to the toilet it might
tear my stitches.
Bree: Haha sorry, can't you drink something?
Sarah: No, how are you miss big shot?
Bree: Lamar is back in town (looked at the driver) I am just coming
from his house.
Sarah: Mmmh wenana, I thought you said it wasn't serious.
Bree: What if I want it to be, I feel like I am ready to move on, have a
relationship, have kids.
Sarah: It's just the dick talking you are not ready.
Bree: I am, all I ever wanted was a career and now I am sure I
achieved that dream, now I want to have kids and get married.
Sarah: Ehe mma, I wish you all the best but I suggest you get to know
your future husband first before you hurry into marriage and kids,
remember you can't take back the kids when things don't go right.
Bree: I know (sighed) Shapo mma,kiss Butterfly for me.
Sarah; Hle mma my baby missed you, she asked me about you last
night and this morning, kana she knows gore you always bring
Bree: Haha Butterfly never said that ao.
Sarah: Ke serious hle mma.
Bree: Haha shapo mma.

Bree hung up and laughed alone. She rested her back on the seat and
logged into Facebook. The first thing on her timeline was a Facebook
reminder from two years ago. A photo of her and Basi that she posted
after he passed away captioned "FOREVER". She smiled and kissed
her phone then she put it on her chest and sighed.

The following morning

Nkagi frowned rubbing her chest then she reached for her rubbing
lotion, she pressed it on her hand then rubbed her chest with it, the
door opened and Katlego came in holding his dirty school shirt.

Katlego: Mama this shirt is ugly.

Nkagi: (Pointing) There is a clean one in there. (Frowned) Eish sethabi
se se ta mpolaa (this pain will kill me)
Katlego got the clean shirt and put it on, Nkagi helped him put on his
jersey then she screamed touching her chest.

Nkagi: Eish, huuuuuu Kati give me my phone hoo.

Katlego gave her the phone, Nkagi dialed Pona's number but it ran
unanswered. She dialed Palesa.

Palesa: Hallo
Nkagi: Huuu hey mma today the pain is worse, come get me during
lunch time ke ye to the hospital. Katlego will be back to take care of
the kids.
Palesa: Mama ke gore, where is Pona because those are her kids?
Nkagi: Motho wa Modimo nna what will I do ka gore I am calling her
and she is not picking up, I can't take two kids with me to the hospital.
Palesa: Mxm ke gore why doesn't Pona die and save us the
headaches. Let me call her.

Palesa hung up and dialed Pona but her phone rang unanswered.

Later that Afternoon..

Bree walked out of her Boss's office holding her new offer letter, she
cat walked to her new office smiling alone, Cliff opened his office door
and looked at her, he smiled alone and stood up with his hands in his

Clifford: Someone is happy.

Bree gave him her offer letter, he read the title and smiled, he opened
his arms for a hug and Bree disappeared between them.

Clifford: Congratulations, you earned this promotion, if you continue

working this hard you are going to make partner very soon.
Bree: You said it not me.
Clifford: Haha we should go out and celebrate your promotion, my
Bree: Um Cliff, I..

The elevator opened and the receptionist stepped out holding a small
grey gift box.

Receptionist: For you Miss P?

Bree smiled and took the box, both Cliff and the receptionist looked at
her as she read the card, she smiled and went inside her new office,
they followed her then she sat down and opened the box. She picked
up the designer made Audi sunglasses and a opened the small box.
She picked up the keys and smiled then her phone rang.
Bree: Hello.
Lamar: Did you receive your gift?
Bree: Lam what is this?
Lamar: You car is waiting in the parking lot.

Bree picked up the car keys and ran outside to the parking lot, she
covered her mouth and stepped back looking at the new grey Audi S5,

Lamar: You want to take me out for a ride?

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER


Lamar: You want to take me out for a ride?

Bree looked at the car then at Lamar.

Lamar: I expected a little excitement.

Bree: Tell me you are joking and you didn't just but me this car.
Lamar: I actually did, I long bought it before I went to Hong Kong.
Bree: Lam!

She opened the car and the interior was out of this world.

Bree: (Crying) I don't know what to say, oh my God Lam.

She hugged him then he gave her the car keys and opened the door
for her, he closed it, waved at Cliff and the receptionist who were
looking at them and got in the passenger door.

Bree: I am literally shaking right now.

Lam: Come on babe it's just a car, relax.
Bree: It's not just a car (crying) I can't accept it Lam it's too much.
Lam: Okay shapo you will return it, can we go for lunch first?

Bree wiped her tears and pulled the seat belt.

Bree: Shit I left my handbag inside.

She stepped our of the car and went inside the building. The
receptionist came running behind her.
Receptionist: Mma your boyfriend is hot hle, did he buy you that car?
Bree: Haha no it's his.
Receptionist: Iyoo mma ne ke re ka re heela we are dating di example.
I asked my boyfriend for madi a taxi in the morning and he gave me
exactly five pula.
Bree: Hahaha akere ee he doesn't have money.
Receptionist: Ao mma, if I was a man I would be embarrassed to take
out coins and give my girlfriend wena.
Bree: Haha.

She got her handbag, locked the office and went out. She threw the
handbag at the back and took out her phone. She found two missed
calls from Palesa, she connected her phone to the headset and dialed
Palesa while reversing out of the parking lot.

Lamar looked at her biting her lower lip attentively looking at the
mirror, she managed to drive out of the parking lot and joined the
main road.

Lam: Do you know how sexy you look when you drive?
Bree: Haha.

She removed her head set from her ear and smiled at Lamar.
Lam: Akere women give up head when we drive nna what should I
Bree: Haha nothing.

Lamar touched her breast and slowly unbuttoned her blouse.

Bree: Hahaha stop I am not a good driver kana.

Lamar cupped her breast and rubbed her nipple. Bree laughed out
loud and slapped his hand.

Bree: Lam stop.. haha

She turned left then stopped by the robot.

Bree: Haha kana you are not being funny right now mister.

The robot opened and Bree joined the other route, Lamar let go of her
breast and traced his hand on her thigh, he traced it up to herpanty
and rubbed her nunu.
Bree laughed and continued concentrating on the road as he fingered
her, Bree let out a soft moan and quickly turned the car.

Lam: The restaurant is not that way.

Bree: I have something better than food right now.

At Morris's House

One stepped out of the bathtub and ran to the bedroom, she quickly
picked up and the call ended. She looked at the landline number for a
few seconds wondering who was calling her with a landline. She left
the phone and went back to the bathroom then it rang again.

One: Hello, yes this is she speaking.. why do you want my ID number I
didn't apply for any loan, ke lona magodu a a bolelwang, you want to
steal my money, nxa!

She hung up and clicked her tongue, the number called again. She
picked up and left the phone on the table, she went to the bathroom
and continued bathing. "Hello, hello" the person spoke on the phone.

At Bree's house..

Bree cupped her breasts and went faster riding on Lam's dick with her
back against him. She went faster making loud moaning noises, Lam
helped her and thrusted from below, he grabbed her waist and
dipped his thumbs in her back dimples helping her go up and down.
Bree circled on his dick, they both moaned, Lam roared and tried to
pull Bree up but he filled her up with his cum before he could lift her.
His back fell on the couch and breathed out loud.

Lam: Fuck.

He cupped Bree's breasts and kissed her back.

Lam: Did you cum?

Bree: Mmmh!

He laughed and helped Bree stand up, he could tell from her tone
than she didn't. He stood up and reached for a clean towel, he wiped
his still erect dick and the squatted wiping Bree, he got ontop of her
and looked into her eyes squeezing his red bull can sized dick back.
Bree smiled and they kissed, Lamar raised both her legs up his
shoulders and looked as his dick went in and out of her nunu.

At the Hospital..

Palesa walked out of the Doctor's office wiping her tears, she took out
her phone and found missed calls from Bree, she called her back but
she didn't pick up, she dialed Lesedi while walking out of the hospital
to her car.

Lesedi: Hello, ke bone di missed call, I tried to call o sa arabe.

Palesa: Sedi Mama is...

** The rest of the insert is posted in Vuka Social

*[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER


Bree: Can I ask you something?

Lamar: Basadi kana, go ahead ruin the moment.
Bree: Hahaha mxm, I thought we are taking things slow, I don't
understand the car, and you just got me pregnant kana.
Lamar: Nna kana I never said I wanted to take things slow you are the
one who said it.
Bree: Because (sighed) I just saw a fuck boy hela nna, been there,
dealt with those. I don't want to get my heart broken again that's why
I said I don't want anything serious because that way i won't invest
too much in a relationship.
Lamar: So I am being punished because of what other guys did to you?
I am not them, give me the benefit of the doubt.
Bree: You all say you are different until you get someone pregnant or
you.. (sighed).
Lamar: I am sorry you had to go through that, I am not perfect but I
promise you I am not that guy, Mmagwe Kala cheated on me, she had
me believe the baby wasn't mine for full two years, I know that pain
and i would never intentionally do that to you.
Lamar: Ke kopa chance, let's try to build something together plus..
(rubbed her flat stomach) We can't bring a child into this kind of
arrangement, what does she say? My mum is my dad's friend with
Bree: (Smiled)..
Lamar: Please? I hate begging.
Bree: What should i do if you cheat on me?
Lamar: Whatever you want, leave, whatever you want and i won't
stop you.
Bree: We need to get this in writing.
Lamar: Haha I forgot gore you are a lawyer, Okay shapo you can
record me.

Bree grabbed her phone, she pressed the record button and smiled at
Lamar. He smiled and cleared his throat.
Lamar: Wait babe we didn't talk gore what happens if you cheat on
Bree: I won't cheat.
Lamar: Le nna I won't cheat, why do you think I will cheat?
Bree: What should i do if you break my heart?
Lamar: Dump me.
Bree: If i dump you should I return the car?
Lamar: Haha no you don't return it but if you cheat on me, I dump you
and get the car.
Bree: So you will be taking back the gift?
Lamar: Yes because..

His phone rang, Bree stopped recording and pulled the duvet up her
chest, Lam put on his boxers and got out of bed, he stood by the
window and picked up the call. He spoke in foreign language and

Bree looked at the time on her phone, she got out of bed and put on
her panty and went to the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of grape
juice and dialed her Boss.

Bree: Hello Sir, are you going to need me in the office today I want to
check on my gynaecologist. Haha okay Sir thank you.
She hung up and sipped on her drink, Lam came behind her and
hugged her, he kissed her neck and cupped her breasts.

Bree: I just lied to my boss, (turned around) He said I can have the rest
of the day off, that means we..( kissed him)
Lam: Shit, I have to meet with some business partners in an hour I
don't know when I will be done.
Bree: (Disappointed) Oh!
Lam: I wish I can cancel but.
Bree: No it's fine I understand.. (fade smile)
Lam: Kante do I intimidate you or something? You are never honest
with me. Yesterday you wanted to leave because you misunderstood
when I asked if I should call the car for you. Kgantele I knew you
didn't cum but you lied about it, now you pretend like you are okay
and understand.. you have to learn to voice out your opinions.
Bree: I don't want you to go but it's business, I understand.
Lam: I love you! We can do dinner at my place later, or we can go out
if you want to.
Bree: Okay.

He kissed her and went back to the bedroom, Bree smiled shyly and
dialed Palesa back.

Palesa: Hello Bree let me call you back in a few.

She hung up and went inside the house where Lesedi was packing her
daughter's clothes.

Lesedi: Did you talk to Pona?

Palesa: She is still not picking up.
Lesedi: Nna kana Palesa you know the situation at home, no one
cooks, no one buys food, everyone eats di takeaways that's why my
daughter has been staying here. I can't take Pona's kids, ba ya go sala
le bo mang? You know gore bo monnao bring friends home everyday,
what if they rape the kids or something, nna wame ngwana I am
taking her to her other grandmother because I work late everyday. So
take Pona kids to her.
Palesa: Eish, I would take them but (sighed) Let me try her for the last

She dialed Pona's number and it went straight to voicemail.

Palesa: Iyoo, Katlego take your school uniform.

She picked up the youngest and took her to the car then she packed
their clothes and they left with Lesedi sitting at the back with them.

At Modiri's House..
The landlord raked Infront of the yard, she stopped raking as the taxi
parked Infront of the gate. Pona stepped out of the taxi and took
plastic shopping bags from the back. She greeted the landlord and
went to her house passing Modiri's taxi parked Infront of the house.
She kicked the high heels off her and looked at Modiri sleeping on the

Pona: You didn't go to work?

Modiri: Mmmh!
Pona: Why, ga o ye go chaisisa banyana ko sekwelee? (Aren't you
going to take the kids from school)
Modiri: Uhu what time is it?

He got from the sofa and stretched his arms. The door burst opened
and Katlego came running inside.

Modiri: And then?

Pona: Hee what are you doing here? Who showed you where I stay?

"Kokoo" Palesa knocked from outside. Pona looked at Modiri then

pushed Katlego outside and closed the door behind her.

Pona: What is this?

Palesa: We brought your kids, Mama is in the hospital and there is no
one to take care of them.
Pona: (Looked around) Why didn't you leave the kids with the
neighbors like Mama always does when she goes to the hospital. They
can't stay here kana I didn't tell Modiri gore I have two kids he only
knows about Katlego.

Palesa laughed in disbelief and gave her her daughter then turned
around and left.

Katlego: Pona I saw youghut in your fridge.

Pona looked at her daughter and clicked her tongue, she put her
down and went inside the house, she got her phone and dialed the
baby daddy's number.

Him: (Deep voice) Didn't I tell you to never call me?

Pona: If you don't send madi a ngwana right now I am posting a photo
of your small dick and tagging your wife, don't forget gore the photo
has your face on it.
Him: O ka nyela.
Pona: I am giving you exactly five minutes, if you don't send the
money then log into Facebook.

She clicked her tongue and hung up. Modiri came out of the house
putting on a T-shirt. He looked at the baby then at Pona.
Pona: This is my sister's daughter, gatwe my mum has been admitted
in the hospital, I am trying to get hold of her Mum.
Modiri: Get hold of her nna I am not going to be disturbed by crying
kids bosigo.

He said that getting in his car.

[06/26, 20:16] +27 62 234 5106: THE EDGE OF NEVER


Later that Evening..

Palesa dished up for herself, she sat down alone by the dining table
and sighed looking around, she switched on mobile data and scrolled
through her phone, she logged into Facebook and scrolled through
her timeline. She clicked on an old classmate's "anniversary" post, she
scrolled through the photos of her kids, the family vacations and
photos of her husband. She sighed and switched accounts to her
"fake" account. She searched Nkosi and his profile picture was a
photo of his girlfriend and their son. She read the comments, clicked
on the girlfriend's account and went through her photos.
Palesa found herself laughing alone, she switched back to her account
and posted a recent photo of herself at work then logged out. Pona's
call me back came through, Palesa clicked her tongue and called her

Palesa: Hello.
Pona: Kante nna la re ke dire ii ka banyana, ke a theogela kana
kamoso. (What should I do with the kids because I am working
Palesa: I don't know they are your kids, did you involve us when you
made them, gape nna o seka wa nna I ntelelletsa dilo tsa bo hapaana.

She hung up on her then called Bree back. Her phone rang
unanswered the first time then she called back.

Bree: Hello
Palesa: Miss Lawyer kante what are you busy with all day without
answering your phone.
Bree: Hahaha, stuff akere you know how it is.
Palesa: Mama is in the hospital.
Bree: (Panicked) What, what happened?
Palesa: Yone pain she always complains about below her breast, the
Doctors took blood samples for tests, I went to check on her this
evening she was much better.
Bree: (Crying) Is she going to be okay though?
Palesa: She will be if she stops worrying about the kids, the Doctor
told her gore hee blood pressure is high but ene she wanted to get
out of the hospital to go take care of Pona's kids.
Bree: Ene Pona why can't she take care of her kids?
Palesa: You know her akere, she just called me a re what should she
do with the kids, I told her never to call me with such nonsense.
Bree: Poor kids, let me check on Mum, I am not working on anything
hectic right now il talk to my boss and make sure I am on the first
flight tomorrow.
Palesa: Okay.

Bree hung up and dialed Nkagi but her phone rang unanswered. She
dialed Morris.

At Morris's House

Morris opened the door and the kids jumped on him, he put his bag
down and picked up the two youngest, he kissed them and put them
down then picked the second born.

Morris: (To Tumo) No kiss for daddy?

Tumo: Ae nna ke motona.
Morris: Haha.
He kissed his forehead then took out his ringing phone and went to
the kitchen where One was cooking. He kissed her forehead and
picked up the call.

Morris: Miss P..

Bree: Haha, dad Mum has been admitted at the hospital, true to call
her but her number is not going through, do you know anyone on
duty who can check her for me?

Morris looked at One then went outside through the kitchen door.

Morris: What happened to her?

Bree: She has been complaining about a pain below her breast now
she has been admitted.
Morris: Oh, I am sorry, let me call a friend who is on duty a mo
Bree: Thanks.

Morris hung up and dialed his friend.

At Club Coconut

Lamar and his friend the club owner walked out of his office laughing,
they shook hands and walked to the parking lot.
Him: Mona it's always good to see you waitse because everytime i see
you it's good for business.
Lamar: Hahaha (put his hands in his pockets) Kante that traditional
Doctor who always helped you is still alive? I have a big problem
mona le mosadi o ka nna a tsamaya.. (my woman might leave me)
Him: (Serious face) Ao, what's wrong?
Lamar: Eish, gape this just started recently, I mean what's the use of
having a big dick if I can't use it, kana hela ga ke tsenya nko ebile I
cum, I don't even last three minutes second round.
Him: Eish , I have been there and i know how embarrassing it is.
Lamar: Kana mosadi it doesn't matter how much money you give her,
how much you spoil her, if you can't satisfy her sexually then she is
going to cheat and I love this one man.
Him: It's a good thing you told me, let me give you my Doctor's
number he will mix herbs for you. Our problem as men ke gore we
don't talk about such things that's why the women end up leaving. I
used to have the same problem ya one round, e pala second round no
matter how much my woman tried to arouse me I couldn't get it up
but the herbs helped me. Gompieno ke monna hela like I used to be in
my early twenties.

They both laughed.

Lamar: Give me the number mona mosadi a ise a ntlhoboge.

Him: Let me send.
He sent Lamar the number then he got in his car, Lam got in his car
and left.

At the Hospital.

The Doctor checked Nkagi's vitals and wrote on her card, the curtain
opened and Morris came in. Nkagi smiled at him and pulled her hand
back in her vest.

Morris: Go tilwe I can't go to bed without coming here.

Nkagi: How long is Bree going to control you kante?
Morris: Haha, I make it my resolution ever year.
Nkagi: Hahaha.
Morris: Doc how is she?
Doctor: Blood pressure is still high, we are waiting for the blood
Morris: Okay thank you.
Doc: (To Nkagi) Take your meds please I will come back in a few
Nkagi: Thank you.

The Doctor left, Morris sat on the plastic chair and looked at Nkagi.
Morris: Gatwe BP ke ya ii, aren't you old to be stressed by
basimanyana (young men)
Nkagi: Haha go on make fun of me.
Morris: Haha, how are you feeling?
Nkagi: Much better now.
Morris: Let me call Bree a bone gore indeed I did come.

She dialed Bree's number.

Bree: Hello.
Morris: Talk to your mum (he gave Nkagi the phone)
Nkagi: Hello.
Bree: Mma why didn't you answer your phone, do you know I scared I
was kante?
Nkagi: (Softly) Bree lesa go nkomanya ga ke ngwana wa gago. (Stop
shouting at me I am not your child)
Bree: Sorry ee I was scared, how are you feeling. Dikgang tsa gore wa
re o tswe mo sepatela o ye ko baneng ba ga Pona di hele. (I better not
hear that you want to get out of the hospital to go take care of Pona's
kids) you are sick and if the Doctor says you stay in the hospital five
months do be it, legale I am coming tomorrow.

Morris laughed, Nkagi gave him the phone.

Bree: Did you hear me Mama?
Nkagi: Ee mma I heard you.
Bree: Good, you always said we should have kids before you die so
wena if you don't take care of yourself who is going to take care of my
kids, I am getting married soon you don't want to attend my
Nkagi: Ehe you found a man?
Bree: Ee so Mosadi I am coming tomorrow.
Nkagi: Shapo mma.

Morris hung up and they laughed.

Nkagi: Sometimes I forget gore I am the parent when I get scolded by

Morris: Haha, I have to go home, do you need anything?
Nkagi: Nnyaa I am fine Palesa bought me everything I need.
Morris: Okay, let me go home.
Nkagi: Goodnight.

Morris stood up, he rubbed her hand and left.

At Bree's house.
Bree smiled alone scrolling through her phone, she clicked on the
Google search button and typed "Stages of Pregnancy". She laid on
the bed and pictured herself with a big stomach, someone knocked on
her door, she got off bed and went to open the door.

Lamar walked in with a box of pizza and two litters of drink.

Bree: Hey sexy person.

Lamar: Haha what did I do? I never got such a warm welcome before.

He walked in and put the box and bottle down on the table. Bree
jumped on him and wrapped her legs around him.

Bree: So I was counting and i am starting my ovulation today. You

know what that means?

Lamar let our a fade smile and kissed her.

Bree: Why are you not happy? I thought we agreed on trying for a
Lamar: Yes but not today.

Bree got down and folded her arms looking at Lamar with an attitude.
Bree: Why?

Someone knocked at the door, Bree opened the door and screamed
covering her mouth, she let go of the door knob and melted on the


Someone knocked at the door, Bree opened the door and screamed
covering her mouth, she let go of the door knob and melted on the
floor. Lamar rang towards her and looked outside but there was no
one, he closed the door and slightly slapped her on the cheeks.

Lamar: Babe, babe.

He stood up again and looked outside, he went outside and there was
no sign of anyone, there was no car in the driveway or outside the
gate. He went inside the house and helped Bree stand up, he helped
her sit down then gave her a glass of water
Lam: Babe!
Bree: He is alive.
Lam: Who is alive?

Bree swallowed the water hard and looked around, she wrapped her
arms around herself and breathed out loud. Lamar hugged her and
helped her to the bedroom, he made her get into bed and sat on the
edge of the bed.

Lamar: Who was at the door?

Bree looked at the window then covered her face, she was being
delusional, she tried to convince herself, that was not Basi, there is no
how. Basi was dead, or maybe not, she never saw his corpse, she
didn't even attend his funeral, was there even a funeral? She looked
at Lamar and sighed.

Lam: Babe?
Bree: Hold me.

Lam sat next to her and hugged her, he squeezed her tightly into
himself and kissed her forehead, they remained like that until Bree
fell asleep. Lam slowly got out of bed and grabbed his phone, he
slowly closed the bedroom door and went to the kitchen dialing
Mpho: Hello.
Lam: Hey, I will come get Kala tomorrow afternoon.
Mpho: Ke gore are you being serious right now, you have been in the
country three days and you haven't given your daughter attention you
are giving it all to your girlfriend.
Lam: I said I will come get her tomorrow, next time don't involve my
girlfriend when we talk.

He hung up and switched off the lights then went to bed, he laid next
to Bree and watched her peacefully sleeping then he took out his
phone and clicked a few photos.

At Morris's House.

Morris for into bed and cracked his knuckles, One switched off the
side lamp.

Morris: I was hoping we can talk.

One: Yeah?
Morris: Bree got hired permanently, I was thinking re ka mo adima
madi to buy a new car then she.
One: No.
Morris: You didn't hear me kana.
One: Her age mates ba tsaa di loan to buy cars, let her do the same
how long are you going to spoon-feed that girl, you paid rent for her
and I didn't say anything now you want to buy her a car?

Morris sighed and waited for One to talk.

Morris: I only paid rent for her the first two months so that she can
settle in. Ka re re mo adime not give her.

One thoughtfully looked at him and remembered the call from the
bank earlier.

One: So that's why the bank called me, you, waitse gore Rraagwe
Tumo sometimes I feel like you don't value me, you do not respect
me. You went ahead and made a huge transaction from our account o
sa bua le nna. I don't even know why we are still married because I
am just a doll to you. Nna i am just the one who takes care of the kids,
cooks and cleans for you akere, when it comes to important things
you don't even bother to ask me.

One got out of bed and took her bag from the wardrobe, she started
packing her clothes.

Morris: Jaanong where are you going?

One: You don't respect me Morris, i am leaving you with your
precious daughter, go buy her a car, no buy her and aeroplane or
build her a law firm. I am out.

Morris got out of bed and tried to stop her, she pushed him back and
continued packing her clothes then she went to the Kids' bedroom
and woke up the two youngest.

Morris: Mmaagwe Tumo!

One: Leave me alone, I am taking my kids and i am going. You don't
respect me, you never have and you never will.

The kids started crying as she dressed them. Tumi came from his room
rubbing his eyes.

Morris: Tumo go back to bed.

The boy went back to his bedroom. Morris watched as One took the
two youngest kids and left, she slammed the car door and left.

Morris sighed and went back inside the house, he closed the door and

At Pona's House
Pona left the bedroom door opened and switched off the lights. She
got into bed next to Modiri and sighed.

Modiri: Did you talk to your sister about her daughter?

Pona: Yes a re she will come get her tomorrow.
Modiri: What time because you are going to work.
Pona: I will call in sick ga gona gore ke ka dira jang.

Modiri sighed and pulled the duvet up, Pona bit her lower lip
thoughtfully then grabbed her phone, she dialed her Aunt's number
and got out of bed going outside.

The Following Day..

Wide awake, Bree stayed in bed looking at the wall lost in her
thoughts. She shook her head trying to forget what happened last
night. Lam came in holding a cup of coffee, half naked wearing only
his boxers briefs revealing his toned abs.

Lam: Hey.
Bree: Did you see him?
Lam: Who?
Bree: The guy who knocked yesterday, did you see him?
Lam shook his head.

Lam: I looked outside and he wasn't there, there wasn't anyone

Bree: You are right, (fade smile) Thanks for spending the night over
Lam: Thats what boyfriends do.

He kissed her and gave her the cup of coffee.

Lam: Are you still going to Maun?

Bree: Yes.
Lam: (put on his jeans) I will ask the driver to take you to the airport.
Bree: Thanks, around lunch.
Lam: Great.

Lam put on his t-shirt and sat down on the bed putting on his shoes.

Lam: When are you going to come back I have a meeting in Capetown
ka Friday.
Bree: I don't know.
Lam: We will communicate akere?
Bree: Yeah.
Lam leaned over and kissed her forehead.

Lam: Maybe I should move some of my stuff here so that I won't have
to go home everyday to change kana it's too soon?
Bree: Haha.

Lam walked to the door then he turned around and smiled at Bree.

Lam: I love you okay?

Bree: Me too.

Bree sipped on her coffee then she heard Lamar's car leave. She
sighed and got out of bed and went to the kitchen. She by her lip deep
in thought then she shook her head " Basi is dead" she repeated the
words in her head enough to believe what she saw last night was all in
her head.

Later that Afternoon.

Palesa parked her car at the gate and stepped out, surprised by the
kids playing outside she hurried inside the house and found her Aunt's
sixteen years old daughter sitting on the couch watching TV.
Palesa: Uhu Bibi, where is Pona?
Bibi: She went to work, she said I can come stay here with the kids
until your mum is discharged from the hospital
Palesa: Aren't you supposed to be at school?
Bibi: I failed form three.
Palesa: Waitse gore it's high time Pona leans responsibility, Bibi lock
the house we are going to the police station.


At the traditional Doctor

The traditional doctor mixed the herbs and tied them in a plastic and
gave Lamar.

Doctor: Mix them in a five litters bottle and drink three times a day
with a cup.
Lamar: Oh, that's all?
Doctor: Yes, oh don't have sex until you finish your herbs so that they
can work.
Lamar: Thank you.

He stood up and left, he dialed Bree's number while walking to the

car, her phone rang unanswered for a few times then she picked up.

Bree: Hey, I still have to finish up something so I think ke ya go emella

tomorrow morning.
Lamar: Okay, see you later?
Bree: I am going out with my friend, raincheck?
Lamar: Okay, I love you.
Bree: I love you.

Bree hung up and threw her handbag inside the car, she closed the
door and sighed rubbing her face then she picked up her phone and
clicked on Basi's number, she dialed it and it wasn't available.

Bree: This is crazy.

She dialed her hairstylist.

Bree: Hey o theogetse? Okay i am coming over.

She hung up and put on her Audi sunglasses reversing out of her

At the Police Station.

Palesa, Bibi and the kids sat outside on the benches waiting for Pona.
Palesa clicked her tongue and went to the front desk.

Palesa: Bathong nna I have to go back to work, why didn't you go pick
up Pona bona gore I have been waiting for more than an hour.

The Officer ignored her, Palesa clicked her tongue and went to sit
down, she impatiently tapped her foot then Pona came in. She looked
at Palesa and clicked her tongue then she picked up her daughter and
grabbed Katlego's hand.

Pona: Palesa wee, di tube tsa gago di a rusa, have kids already and
stop acting like my mother, what's your problem because I left my
kids with Bibi I was going to get them maitseboa. Mxm.

She walked outside, Palesa clapped her hands once and followed
them outside, she got in her and drove away leaving them behind, she
dialed Lesedi and put on loudspeaker.

Lesedi: Hello.
Palesa: I am done with Pona, I am done worrying about her kids, I am
done meddling in things that don't interfere me.
Lesedi: What did she say akere you know Pona.
Palesa: Nnyaa mma I am done I am not going to be insulted by my
youngest sibling. A re tswe mo go Pona.
Lesedi: Eish.
Palesa: Bye.

Meanwhile Pona stopped a taxi and got inside, Bibi sat at the front.

Pona: Wena Bibi I leave you with the kids you invite bo Palesa ebile
Bibi: Nna mma she just took me to the police station i didn't say
Pona: Ba mphaphela, Palesa her age mates are married with kids ene
she wants to act like my mother, akere Mama is not dead kana ene yo
mo lekolang o mmona leso. I will disrespect Palesa and Lesedi so
much they will spend the rest of their lives not talking to me.

Bibi kept quiet. Pona took out her phone and dialed Shield's number.

Shield: Yoh baby Mama, how you and my lil cub kicking?
Pona: I am bringing Katlego over to your house, my mum has been
taking care of him since he was born, now my mum is sick it's time for
your mother to take care of him. Ebile I better not hear heewee Pona
money for this and that because all this time I never bothered you
Shield: Yo my mum stays at the cattlepost.
Pona: Ee you will take care of your son, lona la ntena o tswana le
monnamogolo yo.

She hung up and dialed her daughter's father. His phone rang once
then went to voicemail. She dialed the company number and his
assistant answered.

Pona: Neela Pontsho mogala.

Assistant: Mam do you..
Pona: Hey, neela your boss the phone before I loose my patience.

The assistant transferred the call to Pontsho's office and he picked up.

Pontsho: Hello.
Pona: Since you can't support your child I am bringing her to you.
Pontsho: I sent you money what else do you want from me?
Pona: What should i do with two hundred pula? Ka re I am bringing
your child, you will see gore two hundred pula can't even cover milk
and diapers.

She clicked her tongue and sighed.

Pona: Bo Mama le bone..

At the Saloon.

Bree took out her purse and counted two one hundred pula notes and
a fifty pula, she gave the barber and looked at herself in the mirror.
She looked beautiful in short Bob cut and gold ends.

Barber: Sit down so that I can take a photo and advertise on


Bree sat down and logged into Facebook while the barber took

Barber: Mma you are so beautiful, turn this side.

The door opened and Mpho came in.

Hairdresser: Heee ereng glow?

Mpho: Haha, heelang did you see that Audi outside, I waited for the
owner for ten minutes and he didn't come.
Hairdresser: Heela mma people have money.
Mpho sat on the chair next to Bree and removed her Brazilian wig.
Bree looked at her in the mirror wondering where she saw him. Mpho
recognized Bree, she turned around and smiled at her.

Mpho: You look beautiful.

Bree: Thank you.

Bree stood up and grabbed he handbag and car keys. She circled them
on her well manicured finger talking to the barber.

Bree: Okay i will see you next week.

Barber: Sure.

He walked her outside and watched as Bree got in the Audi.

Mpho: Baby girl kana ke current fling ya baby daddy, ke bone a

ntebile, she thought I was going to give her attitude, haha wai she
won't be around next month.
Barber: She is the owner of the Audi.
Mpho: What.

They all went outside and watched Bree reverse the car.
Later that Evening

Bree and Lisa stepped out of the car dressed in matching nude short
dresses and high heels. Bree locked the car and they walked inside the
club holding their purses. They showed the bouncer their VIP tickets
and he lead them in.

Lisa: Kante didn't Botho say she will join us here?

Bree: She just sent me a text, she is on her way.

The bouncer walked towards them.

Bouncer: Mam you didn't park perfectly.

Bree: Can you help me, le nna I saw gore I didn't park fine.

She gave Lisa her purse and the bouncer followed her outside. She
gave him the car keys and stepped back folding her arms watching as
the bouncer parked nicely. Someone tapped her shoulder and she
turned around.

Me: Ahh, (touched her chest), you are not real.. (staggeed back) You
are not real.
Basi: I didn't mean to scare you the other night.
He tried to touch her, Bree screamed and pushed him. The bouncer
got out of the Car and punched the guy on the face.

Bouncer: Morena she said no

Bree looked at Basi then at the bouncer.

Bree: You can see him too?


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