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English Project Script

Group Names: Trevor, Jojo, Darell, Garen, Ciella, Amanda, Fiona.

Title: Better Than Before

Character Names: William, Derrick, Senior Bullies, Classmate(s),

Teachers, Narrator.


Handphone Ciella



Garen: Derrick
Fiona: Narrator & Classmate
Darell: Senior Bullies
Jojo: Senior Bullies
Amanda: Teachers (anne)
Ciella: Teachers (emma)
Trevor: William





-Study book

-Fake gum

-Materials from the classmate's project



-Lunch bag (terserah)

Problem in story: William gets bullied by Derrick, but Derrick was also
getting bullied by seniors in their school

Plot: William was a 7th grader who was known for his kindness and
intelligence. But he was also known for his small size and easily
manipulated behaviour, because of this many people took the
opportunity to use him to do their own assignments and bully him for fun.
But Derrick, a classmate of his, bullies William more than anyone else.
Though he gets bullied often William wants to befriend Derrick. His
friends told him to seek an adult’s help, but they were too scared to face
Derrick themselves. Then one day a senior from their school 4 years
older than them started to bully Derrick to the point Derrick had to go to a
hospital. But he couldn’t tell anyone because the seniors threatened to
hurt Derrick’s friends. William noticed it and started to approach Derrick,
but Derrick kept pushing him away. Eventually Derrick would confess
and tell him what had happened. William told him he should tell the
adults, but Derrick told William about the situation. A couple of hours
later, school was over. William saw the senior bullies and decided to
approach them to ask them to stop bullying. The bullies got angry and
started to beat William, William couldn’t defend himself because he’s
smaller and weaker compared to the seniors. Thankfully Derrick came to
the scene with a teacher and saved William. Apparently, Derrick had
sought help after hearing William’s advice. The seniors ran away but the
teachers called for their parents. Derrick hasn’t told the teachers about
what the seniors did to him, and William told Derrick that he should. But
Derrick thinks they wouldn’t believe him because he’s also a bully.
William told Derrick that he should try even if Derrick has no proof and
William would help him, so Derrick agreed. The teachers were told, they
didn’t believe Derrick at first, but then they checked the cameras and
apparently the moment when Derrick was getting beaten up it was
caught on camera. The seniors were suspended, and the bullies were no
more. Derrick stopped bullying; Derrick was tired of holding the guilt of
bullying people. A few days later, Derrick approached everyone he
bullied and asked for forgiveness. Then Derrick approached William and
told him he should learn when to act when he’s getting bullied. William
agreed. Then the two of them became best friends and The End.

NOTE: The script may differ from the plot because of final

(Story starts)
(Camera focuses on William in class, writing down notes)

(Camera switches to Teacher)

Teacher (Anne): William, please stand up and read chapter 11.

(Camera switches back to William)

(William stands up and starts reading from a study book)

(Camera switches to Derrick)

(Derrick can be seen placing gum)

(Camera switches back to William)

(William sits down and felt the gum)

(William ignored it and threw it away)

(Camera switches to a view of the whole class)

(His classmates noticed him sitting on the gum and started to burst out in laughter)

(Teacher notices but doesn’t care)

Teacher (Anne): Alright class, let’s focus back to our topic. (Bell rings)

(Classmate approaches William)

(Camera focuses on William and Classmate)

Classmate: Hey, I saw what happened back there you okay?

William: Yeah, don’t worry about it, I'm fine.

Classmate: Oh okay, let me know if there’s anything I could do to help you, okay?

Willian: Thanks, same goes for you

Classmate: Actually, there is something

(Classmate makes a bothered expression)

William: Oh, what is it? If it’s anything I could help with, please let me know.

Classmate: Well, remember the science fair project last month?

(William nods)

Classmate: The person I was supposed to work with had fallen ill and now I must
continue where we left off alone.
William: Oh, is there any way I could help?

Classmate: Perhaps, you could do it for me?

(William seemed to hesitate but agrees anyways)

William: Just give me the details regarding your project after school.

Classmate: Thank you so much, you’re the best!

(Classmate can be seen exiting the class for their break)

(Time skips to after school)

(Camera shifts to William and Classmate)

Classmate: Here are the materials and details on where I left off. Thank you and

(Classmate runs off before William could say a word)

(Camera shifts to William)

(William starts walking back home but bumps into Derrick)

(Camera shifts to Derrick and William)

(Derrick notices)

Derrick: Oh? Who do we have here?

William: Hi Derrick! How was school today?

Derrick: Pfft, don’t act friendly with me.

(Derrick smacks down the paper and materials Classmate gave to William)

Derrick: What’s that? Doing another assignment for a “friend”?

William: He asked me for help, do you need any help? Feel free to ask.

Derrick: Ha! (Derrick grabs William’s bag and throws it up a tree, the bag gets stuck)
I need your help to get the bag.

(Camera switches to the bag stuck on the tree)

(Camera switches back to Derrick and William)

(Derrick walks away)

Derrick: Goodluck! Hahaha!

(Time skips to the next day)

(Camera shifts to William passing the school gate)

(William notices and sees Derrick getting bullied by seniors in their school)

(William approaches them)

(Camera shifts to Derrick and the Seniors)

Derrick: So? What’s your business for bringing me back here huh?

Seniors: Give us your lunch.

Derrick: Why should I? Heh, don’t you “grown-ups” find your own food?

Seniors: You should cause we’ve got videotapes of your friends vandalising the
school’s backyard. (Seniors show the video on their phones) That’s right, what are
you going to do about it?

Derrick: HEY! Give me that! (Derrick tries to take the phones)

(Seniors pushes Derrick away)

(Derrick accidentally hits one of the Seniors)

Seniors: Ohoho? Is that what you want? A fight? You could’ve just given us your
lunch box and avoided this! But bring it on!

Derrick: No! Wait!

(Seniors starts beating up Derrick)

(Camera shifts towards William)

William: Stop! What are you doing?!

(Camera switches to Teachers arriving)

(Camera switches to seniors)

Seniors: Crap! Let’s get out of here!

(Seniors run away)

(Camera switches to William helping Derrick get up)

William: Derrick! Are you okay? I alerted a teacher earlier.

Derrick: Yeah, I’m fine, thanks. I learned how to defend myself from YouTube!

William: Wow

(Camera switches to Teacher, Derrick, and William)

Teacher (Emma): Is everything okay here? Where are the seniors? I heard they
were bullying someone!

Derrick: They asked me for my lunch and started beating me up when I didn’t want

Teacher (Emma): So, it was you, Derrick? How do you expect me to believe you
after all that you’ve done to our students?

Derrick: I-

Teacher (Emma): I’ve had enough of you Derrick! Go to the principal’s office!

Derrick: Okay...

William: Wait! I saw it all! Derrick is only unhurt because he knew how to defend
himself! It’s true, Derrick may have bullied a lot of people. But that doesn’t matter
now. The truth here is that Derrick was being bullied by seniors, there’s a security
camera right there! Couldn’t you Teachers atleast check the footage first?

(Camera focuses on Teacher)

Teacher (Emma): *scoffs* If all you’re saying isn’t true, both of you are going to be in
big trouble!

(Teacher walks away to the control room)

(Camera switches to Derrick and William)

Derrick: Why did you do that for me? After all that I've done to you. Why?

William: Because I believe I could befriend anyone, even you Derrick.

Derrick: I-I’m sorry for everything that I did, I realised my mistake months ago but
was too scared to face the truth. Will you forgive me William?

William: Of course! I’m very happy you wanted to change!

Derrick: I’m going to change; I want to be a better person and face the
consequences I deserve. I will come to every single person I did wrong and ask for

William: That’s great! I feel happy for you Derrick.

Derrick: Thank you, William.

(Time skips to a week later)

Narrator: The two of them had become the best of friends and they had started to
help with each other’s problems. Derrick had been helping William to gather
confidence to tell other people “No”.

(Camera switches to Derrick and William)

Derrick: Show them what you’re made of! You can do this!

William: O-okay...

(William approaches Classmate which was still using William to do his work)

(Camera switches to William and Classmate)

William: Hey, uh is it okay if you do your assignments on your own? I’m rather busy.

Classmate (Trying to sound intimidating): Huh??

(Derrick approaches them in the background menacingly)

(Camera switches to William, Derrick in the background)

Classmate (scared): UM, yeah sure I’ll do them!

(Classmate runs out the class)

William: Derrick... You shouldn’t scare people like that!

Derrick: Hey but it worked! Congratulations on gathering enough confidence!

William: Haha! Thanks a lot Derrick.

(Story ends with the camera fading out on Derrick and William)

(The end)

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