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To make questions

we use the auxiliary Organize the words to form questions.

verb to do. 1. carry/ an/ you/ why/ do/ umbrella/ ?

2. bus/ arrive/ when/ does/ the/?
3. mystery/ movies/ Mary/ Susan/ and/ like/ do/ ?
~ Do you like _____________________________________
4. take/ do/ coffee/ how/ you/ your/?
chocolate? _______________________________________
~ Does he play the 5. her/ have/ do/ you/ address/?
guitar? 6. want/ to/ do/ help/ you/?
7. movies/ go/ does/ Peter/ to/ the/ often/?
8. sweater/ in/ have/ do/ you/ this/ blue/?
9. where/ you/ paintings/ do/ store/?
10. When/ do/ you/ plant/ garlic/?
11. do/ install/ how/ this/ software/ you/?
12. you/ meet/do/ want/ tomorrow/ to/?
13. around/groceries/buy/do/ where/ you/ here/?
14. you/come/ do/ often/ here/?
15. well/Tom/ speak/ does/ English/?
16. the/eat/ does/ dog/ meat/?
17. does/live/where/ he/?
18. there/go/want/do/why/ you/ to/ ?

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