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Sr No Topic Duration (hrs)

1 Angular 40
2 NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL 80
3 PayDock SDK (**need access to sdk) 20
Total 140
Udemy Course
Angular - The Complete Guide (2022 Edition) -
Complete NodeJS Developer in 2022
Self study through official docs


Introduction to Angular Framework
- Introduction to Angular Framework, History & Overview
- Environment Setup
- Angular CLI, Installing Angular CLI
- NPM commands & package.json
- Bootstrapping Angular App, Components, AppModule
- Project Setup, Editor Environments
- First Angular App & Directory Structure
- Angular Fundamentals, Building Blocks
- MetaData

Essentials of Angular
- Component Basics
- Setting up the templates
- Creating Components using CLI
- Nesting Components
- Data Binding - Property & Event Binding, String Interpolation, Style binding
- Two-way data binding
- Input Properties, Output Properties, Passing Event Data

Templates, Styles & Directives

- Template, Styles, View Encapsulation, adding bootstrap to angular app
- Built-in Directives
- Creating Attribute Directive
- Using Renderer to build attribute directive
- Host Listener to listen to Host Events
- Using Host Binding to bind to Host Properties
- Building Structural Directives

Pipes, Services & Dependency Injection

- Parametrized Pipes
- Chaining Multiple Pipes
- Creating a Custom Pipe
- Creating a Filter Pipe
- Pure and Impure Pipes (or: How to "fix" the Filter Pipe)
- Understanding the "async" Pipe
- Services
- Dependency Injections
- Creating Data Service
- Understanding Hierarchical Injector
- Services for Cross Component Communication
- Injection Tokens

Observables & rxjs operators

- Basics of Observables & Promises
- Analysing a Built-in Angular Observable
- Building & Using a First Simple Observable
- Building & Using a Custom Observable from Scratch
- Understanding Observable Operators
- Using Subjects to pass and listen to data

Http Requests
- App & Backend Setup
- Sending Requests (Example: POST Request)
- Adjusting Request Headers
- Sending GET Requests
- Sending a PUT Request
- Transform Responses Easily with Observable Operators (map())
- Using the Returned Data
- Catching Http Errors
- Using the "async" Pipe with Http Requests

Authentication and Route Protection

- How Authentication works in SPA
- JWT Module, JSON Web Tokens
- Signup, Login and logout application
- Router Protection, Route Guards
- CanActivate interface
- Checking and using Authentication Status, Router Protection and Redirection

- Built-in Security contexts
- Using AOT Compilation
- Feature Modules
- Routes with Feature module
- Shared Modules
- Optimization and performance issues
- Auth Feature Module
- Lazy loading of modules, cross module communication
- Protecting Lazy Loaded Routes
- Understanding Core Module
- Create Basic Core Module
- How Module and Services work together

Deploying an Angular App

- Deployment Preparations
- JIT vs AOT Compilation
- Integration with JSP/Spring/.net
- Setup development env and backend env, Environments configuration
- Linting
- Deployment

Misc. Topics
State Management
Material UI
Version History and latest releases
Node - Express - Mongo - PostgreSQL
Session Topic Hands-on `
1 NodeJS Intro
What is Node.js? Why Node.js? Installation of Node.js and Visual Studio Code
The Capabilities of NodeJS Installation of GIT and push codes to GIT repository
Threaded vs Event-Driven architecture
Embracing advances in the JavaScript language
NodeJS Microservices architecture
Node Package Manager (NPM)
Node.js and the Twelve-Factor app model

2 NodeJS Dev Environment & NPM

System requirements, Installing NodeJS using package managers NPM - Installing packages, Package configuration, Running scripts
Native code modules and node-gyp NPM - Semantic versioning, publishing/updating/listing packages
NodeJS version policy NPM - Scopes and repositories, Linking projects for faster debugging and development
Editors and debuggers Setting up globally installed packages
Running and testing commands
NPM - Node Package Manager

3 NodeJS Modules
Defining a module, Finding & Loading CommonJS, JSON modules using require Creating a hello-world module
Finding & Loading ES6 modules using import Loading and using a module
Hybrid CommonJS/NodeJs/ES6 module scenarios Folder as a module
Yarn package management system Module loading from node_modules
NodeJS core modules (http, fs, path, events, os) Building own modules
Invalidating the module cache
Exporting with ES6 syntax

4 FileSystem I/O
Synchronous and Asynchronous file Read, Listing Directory contents
Copying files, check permissions
Avoid race conditions, Cloning a file using streams

5 Event Emitters, JavaScript Asynchronus Programming

Event Basics, Sending & receiving events with EventEmitters JavaScript Async programming
Custom Event Emitters
Call Stack, Callbacks, Callback Queue and Event Loop
Callback Abstraction, Callback Chaining
Promises, Promise Chaining
Request Package, Customizing HTTP Requests
Error handing with appropriate HTTP codes

6 ExpressJS - Building RESTful APIs

Http Server applications, HTTP Sniffer Handling HTTP GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE requests
Web application frameworks, Express and MVC paradigm Calling a REST Backend service from Express Application
RESTful services, Getting started with ExpressJS Theming Express application
Environment Variables, Route parameters Input Validation
Promises, async functions, and Express router functions

7 ExpressJS - RESTful API - Advanced

Middleware, built-in Middlewares
Creating custom middlewares
3rd party middlewares
CLI tools to create express app
Environments, Configuration, Debugging, Template Engines

8 Database Integration - NO-SQL databases

Connecting to MongoDB, MySQL, cloud db Installation of MongoDB and MongoDB Compass
MongoDB - Define Schema, Model, CRUD operations with No-SQL Db Connecting MongoDB And Node.js
MongoDB - Data validations, Custom Validations, Schematype options, Mongoose validationSending Email Via Node.js Application Using SendGrid
MongoDB - Modelling relationships, Referecing documents, Population, Embedding docs
MongoDB - Transactions, ObjectIDs, Validating ObjectIDs

9 Database Integration - Postegre

Creating A Database User and a Database in PostgreSQL
Postgres Shell With a Role and Creating a Table
Adding node-postgres, configuration for database connection
Connecting To a Postgres Database
Inserting Data Into the Postgres Database
Retrieving Data From the Postgres Database
Modifying Data In the Postgres Database
Error Handling

10 Authentication and Authorization

Hashing passwords Build a Login Application
Authenticating Users with JWT Tokens / passport.js
Generating tokens, Setting response headers
Authorization Middleware, Protecting Routes
Role-based Authorization

11 Error Handling
Handling rejected promises, Express Error Middleware
Try-Catch blocks
Express Async Errors, Logging Errors

12 Deployment
NodeJS application architecture & Development considerations
CI/CD pipeline
Traditional Linux NodeJS service deployment
NodeJS microservice deployment with Docker

13 Dynamic Client-Server Interaction using Socket.IO

Web Sockets, Creating a Realtime Chat Application using
Broadcasting Events, Event Acknowledgements Build an API using Redis
Form and Button States, Rendering Messages
Chat application
Working with Time and Timestamps for determining Location of Messages
Storing Users, Rendering User List, Tracking Users Joining and Leaving
Deploying the Chat Application
Redis - Building API with Redis

14 Microservices Overview
What is Microservices? Why Microservices? Microservices with Docker
What is Docker? Why Docker? Working of Child Processes
Terminologies in Docker
Child Processes
Types of child process

15 Security overview
HTTPS/TLS/SSL using Let's Encrypt
Addressing Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks
Denying SQL injecction attcks
Scanning for know vulnerabilities
Cookie best practices

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