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My India

India is my country
We are all its boundary

We live here with peace

We don’t want piece
Which will separate us from each

We have one of the 7 wonder’s

Of the world
The crown of India
Our pride
The Taj Mahal

We have the temple of gold

Which takes care of our faith in our god at hold

Our flag that flies across the land

Waves orange, white, green and blue
It show’s our pride in where we live
It stands for our freedom, too
Let’s take a ride of INDIA

With the Himalayas in the north,

Indian ocean in the south
Arabian sea in the east
Bay of Bengal in the west

These Are the boundaries of my nation

But dear friends we don’t have boundaries for

As we all love our nation….
’cause we have lots of celebrations
The entire generations

Sometimes Holi, sometimes Diwali

Sometimes Eid, sometimes Baisakhi
Sometimes Ganpati, sometimes Navratri
With the dance of garba Ratri
Celebrating people
Happy, cheerful and hilarious
Unique celebrations
Grand receptions
Creating love and brotherhood

Hence the world’s largest democracy

Sends to all
The message of
Unity in diversity…...

- Kartiki Ambhore
7th hope
City pride school, moshi

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