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MAY 26, 2016


Ethiopia has been experienced food shortage being the country is highly depend on
agriculture that involves both crop production and livestock rearing that mainly
characterized by traditional method of farming. The poor performance of the
Ethiopian agriculture consequently is wide spread food insecurity. The objective of
the paper is to identify the challenges against food security and the role of
government in the Hawassa town. The study used both primary and secondary
data in order to collect information regarding to the topic. The primary data was
collected using interview and questioners’ method of data collection .And also
secondary data as collected from different written documents. For this purpose, the
finding that obtained from primary and secondary sources would be analyzed and
interpreted by using descriptive types of analysis. The paper find the major and
main causes that hinder the households to get foods as they want. This paper also
states food security and the role of government in the cause area and also states in
what condition that the government interferes with in the society in order to
improve the food quality and also states the speed of the government to give
response when price of food is rise. Based on the data finding and finally give
conclusion and recommendation about the food condition or states of the Hawassa
town society.


First of all I would like to thank my heavenly father GOD, heartily for this endless
help throughout my life, so as to give me this opportunity. Next, I am intended to
express my deepest gratitude to my advisor DR. Wodajo W/Giorgis(PhD)for his
insightful comments, restless helps and advises in preparation of this research. And
also I would like to thank my family for their unreserved moral, material and
financial support throughout my educational life. Lastly I want to thank all persons
who directly or indirectly helped me to accomplish this research.


ADLI=Agricultural Development Led Industrialization

DES= Dietary Energy Supply

FII= Food Inadequate Index

NGO= Non-Governmental Organization

SSAC= Sub Saharan African Country

WB= World Bank

C= Calorie

MASL= Mean above sea level

FAO= Food aid organization

CSA= Central Statistical Authority


Table 4.1 sex of the respondent …………………………………………………..21

Table 4.2 Age structure of the respondent………………………………………...22

Table 4.3 Educational back ground of the respondent …………………………...23

Table 4.4 Martial statues of the respondent ………………………………………24

Table 4.5 Source of income of the respondent……………………………………25

Table 4.6 Source of finance to solve food insecurity……………………………..27

Table 4.7 Food secured and in secured respondent ………………………………28

Table 4.8 Main cause of food insecurity …………………………………………30

Table 4.9 Extent of food insecurity ………………………………………………32


Fig 3.1 Hawassa city administration map…………………………………………16

Fig 4.1 Different method for the households to solve the shortage ………………29

Fig 4.2 Different sectors those absorbs labor forces…………………………….. 36





List of table..............................................................................................1

Table of content.......................................................................................2

CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................5

1. Introduction.........................................................................................5

1.1 Back ground of the study.................................................................5

1.2 statement of the problem...................................................................6

1.3 Research Questions……………………………................................7

1.4 Objective of the study........................................................................7

1.4.1 General Objective of the study..................................................7

1.4.2 Specific Objective of the Study.................................................7

1.5 Significance of the study...................................................................8

1.6 Scope of the study..............................................................................9

1.7 Limitation of the study......................................................................9

1.8 Organization of the Study..................................................................9

CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................10

2. Literature Review..............................................................................10

2.1. Theoretical Literature Review........................................................10

2.1.1. Definition and basic concepts of food security............................10

2.1.2. Measures of food Security......................................................11

2.1.3. Theoretical Approaches to the challenges of food security…...12

2.1.4. Determinate of food Security In urban area.........………………..12

2.1.5. Food security and Role Government......................................13

2.2. Empirical Literature Review...........................................................14

2.2.1. Food Security statuses in Ethiopia...............................................14

CHAPTER THREE.............................................................…………18

3.1 Methodology of the study.............................................................18

3.1.1 Description of the study area....................................................18

3.1.2 Source of data...........................................................…….………18

3.1.3 Method of Sampling................................................................19

3.1.4 Method of data analysis and presentation………………….....20

CHAPTER FOUR......................................................................…….21

4. Data presentation and analysis….......................……………………21

4.1. socio-economic characteristics of the respondent. ……………………..21

4.2. Source of income.......................................................…………….25

4.2.1 Income source from government employees………………..25

4.2.2 Source of income from trade/traders/………………………..26

4.2.3. Source of income from daily work …………...…………….26

4.3. Major cause of food shortage.........................................................27

4.3.1 Lack of Rainfall.......................................................................31

4.3.2 Shortage of Cultivation............................................................31

4.3.3 Lack of cultivable land............................................................32

4.4 Extent of food insecurity.................................................................32

4.5 Food security and role of government.............................................34

CHAPTER FIVE……………………………………………………..38
4. Conclusions and Recommendation...................................................38

4.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................38

4.2 Recommendation.............................................................................38





1.1 Back ground of the study

Food security is a challenge in bothdeveloping and developed world; the difference lies in the
magnitude of the problem and the proportion of the population that is an affected. Within
developed nations, the challenges to food security can be combated through targeted
intervention, such as food aid, which can be addressed through direct food relief strategies, such
as food stamps, or indirectly through subsidized food production. Similar approaches have been
used with in developing nations, unfortunately with a smaller amount of success. For food
insecure region, and particularly for developing nations- like the majority of the countries in
Africa are cause of this can be attributed to inability of the poor to gain access to food,(Sarah K,
2013) .

As food is among the first priority of human need, problems related to food must be given due
attention. The question of food was much related to the performance of an agricultural sector of a
country or a region at large .Even if it is true that wealth country can offer to purchase the food,
they need from abroad. Unfortunatelysub-Saharan Africancountry (SSAC) were not wealthy and
have only accumulated large external debts and hence food imports were not satisfactory long
term solution (Hansen, 1986).In addition for poor countries such as ours agricultural sectors
performance goes hands with the food security sub-sector because of the deadly fact that over
whelming majority gets people resides in sector for their very relevance food survival

The current government strategy of agricultural development leads to

industrialization(ADLI) states of agricultural sector is the driving force of the economy and
argues for investment in agriculture as both a motor for economic growth and means of ensuring
house hold, individual and national food security to address the challenges (FAO,2003).

Ethiopian government assured that Ethiopian food security strategy would be achieved only
when the people have to participation in agricultural production lead to self-food sustenance at
any level of the given society. If is the pillage for the nation that would be achieved food security
in quality and as well as quantity of food production (FAO,1983).

Besides all these potential for food production millions of people in the country are chronically
food insecure and even a good harvest year partly on food aid to meet their food requirement.
Their food insecurity is resulted from the process of that result in increasing destination is
difficult for the population to cope up with even slight variation on the climate and accessibility
to market and also other factor world bank (WB.1986).

Never less, the government involves conjunction with the international community for meeting
towards the development of a program for meeting and even ultimately allocating the recurring
need for the food insecure population. However the government alone cannot do so and hence
needs the support and cooperation all civil society and the public at large. Finally the researcher
tried to see how to solve challenges of food security in Hawassa town.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the fundamental needs of human being is food thus food security is the accesses by all
people at all time to meet the dietary needs for productive and healthy life. But the food security
adequacy of food supply at global level never granted food security at national level (WB, 1996).

In Ethiopia the seriousness of food shortage problems varies from one area to another depending
on the state of nature and extent of development of areas. According to various sources many
periods of food shortage have been recorded in Ethiopia. Most of which are concentrated drought
and famine prone areas (Webb, 1998).

Many research works have been done concerning these issues in Ethiopia. Some of the research
work done on the issue try to examine the concept of food security as well as the challenges of
food security and cause of food insecurity in the country. Dr.Mulat concluded that natural
resources degradation, extreme poverty due to increase population growth, subsistence
agriculture totally depend on erratic and variable rainfall are major cause’s food insecurity.
Again Getahun, concluded that technological challenges, demographic challenges, infrastructure
challenge, as well as institutional challenges are the major, challenges to food security in
Ethiopia (Tesfahun, 2003).

The poor performance Ethiopia agriculture consequently it wide spread food insecurity an
estimated 5% to 6% of the country population is food insecure or live below the poverty line
(Befekadu, 1999).Combination of several factors had been cited as possible reasons for this
increased level of vulnerability of food insecurity. The major cause of food security in Ethiopia
is highly related with food production and hence the rate of changes in per capital food
production very low compare to the rate of population growth.

Accordingly in Hawassa town food insecurity involves in the town. In which a number of
people have get problem of challenges to get enough food for themselves. This is on the fact that
combination of factors that affect food security in Hawassa town is that such as; unpredictable
weather, using back warding farming system, land fragmentation, the fluctuation of rain fall
from time to time, and not access to market integration with surrounding woreda.

The problem of food security in the area is relate to that most of the time the supply of food crop
comes from the surrounding woreda due to this society live in the town are not get crops as well
as other agricultural products on time, even though the products are reach the society their cost is
high because of the consideration of transportation cost. This lead to the market would be more
inflated in price. Because of this reason people in the town do not have equal share of
agricultural products in the market.

Even though, some studies are related to the challenges of food security and the function of
government to reduce the impacts of food insecurity on the society. But they have not fully
investigated, hence the researcher will attempt to fill these gaps expect the following question to
be addressed:-

1.3 Research Questions

 Is there any gap between food supply verses food requirement what its trend through time is?

 What are major cause and dimension of food insecurity in Hawssa town?

 What is the function of government and contribution to solve food insecurity in the given
area of study?

 What is the people’s contribution to solve food insecurity in the given area of study?

1.4 Objective of the study

1.4.1 General Objective of the study

The general objective of the study is to assess the challenges of food security and the role of
government to reduce the effect of food security in the Hawassa town.

1.4.2 Specific Objective of the Study

The specific objective of the study is to investigate;

 To identify the major cause of food shortage.

 To describe the extent of food insecurity.

 To assess the role of government.

 To increase the contribution of people based on food security.

1.5 Significance of the study

 The paper will help the public to give knowledge related to challenges of food security
well and good understanding.

 The paper will be used as the secondary source or material for other researchers who can
be study further more on food security and other related issues.

 The paper will be used for reference for policy making about reducing the challenges of
food security.

 It will be high contribution to get information about food security and government
function on it.

1.6 Scope of the study
This study is limited to the challenges of food security in the given society being create the
healthy and active social groups and also toshow in what condition the government is practicing
in the case area to reduce or insuring its effect on the society.

1.7 Limitation of the study

The researcher had been faced the following limitations while conducting the overall study area.

 Lack of source of data.

 Lack of budget for different expenditure.

 Lack of access to computer.

 Lack of communication with respondents.

Even though these problems are existed, the researcher used the maximum effort to address the
challenges of food security in the given area in a good manner.

1.8 Organization of the Study

This paper contains four chapters. Chapter one states about the introduction part of the paper.
Chapter two contains literature review states about food security and the role of government
policy and intervention. Chapter three states about methodology of the study and Chapter four
states about the characteristics and challenges of food security on peoples in the town based on
what the samples reflected on this chapter. The last chapter contains conclusion and
recommendation about the paper.


2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

2.1.1 Definition and basic concepts of food security

Since the world food conference in 1974 due to food crises and major famines in the world, the
term food security was introduced, evolved, developed and diversified by different researchers.
Maxwell and Frankenberg (1992) listed 194 different studies on the concept and definition of
food security and 172 studies an indicator. A review that updates this literature (Clay, 1997)
provides an additional 72 references. In the work by Maxwell and Frankenberg a distinction is
made between process indicators (those that describes food supply and food accesses) and
outcome indicators (those describe food consumption). (Maxwell and Frankenberg, 1992)

Food security was under stood as adequacy of food supply at global and national levels until the
mid-1970. This view favored merely food production oriented and over looked the multiple
forces which in many ways affected food access .Evidence show that during the last two
decades, food production has been increasing in the world. However, large amount of food at
global level does not guarantee food security at national level. Moreover, availability of enough
food at national level does not necessarily ensure house hold food security. For instance, in 1990,
the calorie supply at global level was more than 110 percent compared to the total requirement.
However, during the same period, more than 100 million people were affected by famine and
more than a quarter of the world’s population was short of enough food (UNDP, 1992).
Although food production has been increasing from time to time, food insecurity, malnutrition
and hunger and much more serious problems would remain the main agenda in the globe today
(Barrett, 2002).

Food security refers to availability at a time of adequate world supplies of basic food supply, to
sustain a steady expansion of food consumption (Debebe, 1995) food security is attached when
all people, at all times, have physical and economical access to sufficient, safe and nitrous food
to be healthy and active .From this definition, the core concepts has been identified as adequacy
of food supply or availability; stability of supply, without fluctuations or shortages from season
to season or from year to year ; accessibility to food, quality and safety food. This definition
explicitly focuses on four main concepts; sufficiency, access to food, security and time.
Sufficiency refers to calories required for an active and health life and access to food shows
access to food through production, purchase, exchange or through gift. In addition security and
time refers to absence between vulnerability risk and insurance, and where food insecurity can be
chronic transitory respectively (Tesfahun, 2003).

2.1.2 Measures of food Security

The most widely available and used variable for estimating food security is the daily per capital
food supply or dietary energy supply (DES), which is measured as calories per day for average
per capital dilatory energy supply for most countries of the world .

A measure aimed at directly capturing the extent and magnitude of food deficiency is food
inadequate index (FII) developed by FAO. The FII estimates of the portion of the population that
is under nourishing together with the gaps between the average daily calories requirement.
While studying the researcher will be measure food security by using the time gap the individual
or the households that can get food harmony times per day. The other measurement that the
researcher will be use what kinds of food that the house holds gets related to quality and quantity
of food that the household or family that can get. There are two key indicators of food security:
the status quo gap and nutrition gap. The status quo gap is a safety net criterion, which measures
the difference between the projected food supplies (calculated as domestic production plus the
commercial imports minus nonfood uses and a base period per capital consumption.(FAO, 2006)

The nutrition gap is a comparison of relative well-being to commercial imports, and the
difference between the projected food supplies and the amount of food needed to support the
minimum per capital nutritional standards.

2.1.3 Theoretical Approaches to the challenges of food security

The general approaches have pointed out a number of environmental and socio- economic
attributes assumed to explain famine and food security. The principal one includes rapid
population growth, war and civil strife, drought, ecological degradation, government
mismanagement, unequal access to resource and unequal exchange, socio- economic and
political dislocation (Getachew, 1995).The argument of this approach is that one or combination
of these can disrupt food production. However, production failure may or may not result in
famine or food insecurity. Due to this fact, the attributes (factors) are not precise explanations of
the causation of the process of famine. It is in response to this major problem weakness that the
specific approaches of famine emerged (Degafe 2002).

2.1.4 Determinate of food Security In urban area

Food availability in an urban area is largely determined by food supply to cities. Food supply
systems include a complex distribution chain which involves wholesalers, intermediaries,
distributions and street vendors. Such distribution chain has the potential of increasing the price
of food which has negative consequence due to vulnerability of the urban poor to price increases.
This venerability mainly stems from limited income or limited opportunities to generate income.
Notably, access to food goes hand-in-hand with income availability. The urban poor often pay
more for food since they are forced to buy small quantities of food due to limited income.
(Charlvan, 2011)

As could be noted, food price are critical factors and determinate of urban food security .There
are factors to which the urban poor are extremely vulnerable. According to Garrett, food price
depends on five factors. Which are; the efficiency of the food marketing systems in urban areas,
the buying patterns of the household .This refers to whether the family buys their food in bulk or
in small quantities as well as where they purchase their food; the ability of the household to
produce some of the food its needs through systems of urban agriculture; the house hold’s access
to public transfers such as food aid programs or subsidies, and macroeconomic policies of
government, including food policies (IBID).

2.1.5 Food security and Role Government

Both federal and regional government have given great attention for food security and strategic
of food price. The government has to promote and initiative both rural and urban society to pick
up from food starvation and food shortage problem. During the time now, the government has to
practice with in any sector that exercised to food self-sufficient both in regional and federal
government towards of each member of the society.

The practice of the government shows that government has given attention for food security and
related problems of food shortages. On the other hand, NGOS and donors have given great
attention to rural and urban social groups to eliminate food related problems as well as health
protection of the society as whole. The federal and regional government has also to establish
price control method to create balance price of food and other related consumable goods. The
strategy has stated in both federal and regional government to food security has as follows:

 Increasing agricultural production to better extension program that lead the society food
self- sufficient.

 Improving agricultural practice.

 Natural resource rehabilitation and conservation.

 Infrastructural developments to link both rural and urban areas to unit at once or join
them at a network to create good development.

 Promote labor based cash (cash and food for work) strategy to motivate the rural society
participation in common goods.

 Government intervention related food and healthy condition to create good and active
social groups.

 Promotion of improving storage faculties.

 To promote the rural credit assistance that help the rural and urban society to promote
their food sufficient by working more and profitable by that credit that the government
given for them. (CSA, 1997)

Generally, food security and government intervention have the relationship of one part of a coin
that means that they are not separate with each other. Due to this fact that government must have
to give attention for food security strategy in alarming rate to be create good and active social
groups in political, economic and other social aspects or issues.

2.2 Empirical Literature Review

2.2.1 Food Security status in Ethiopia

Endowed with considerable potential that Ethiopia has self-sufficient in staple food and it
classified a net exporter of food grain until here are late 1950’s .But after that year domestic food
supply was becoming reduced to the food requirements of the people .Even though self-sufficient
amount of food has produced, it has so challenges to distribute equally to the given society as
whole in a good manner (Befikadu and Birhanu 1999/2000).

Ethiopia is one of the largest recipients of food aid in sub-Saharan Africa and also food security
is a major concern in the country. The proportion of food aid in the total production amounted 10
percent between 1985 and 2000.The intensity and severity of food insecurity has been rising over
the years. In average 6.6 million people were affected each year between 1991/92 and 2002/03,
compared to 4.5 million between 1980/81 and 1990/91 .In addition, an estimated 40-60 percent
of country’s population is food insecure , while 45 percent live below poverty line

A significant food insecurity and poverty in Ethiopia has been suffered from inadequate food
access since 1960’s (Tesfaye, 1999). Various confirmed that in the country food insecurity was
wide spread. The country has highest number of food insecure people in East Africa region
(IGAD, 1992). The food crisis in 2003 caused by drought over a prolonged period endangered
the food security situation of 15.5 million people. As result, the number of relief dependent
population has increased from 4 million people in 1995 to 10 million people in 2000 (DPPC,

As world vision Ethiopia (2000) stated specific source of household food security in Ethiopia
includes food primarily based on crops and livestock production cash income from different
source (mainly market based) institutional assistance programs included credit financial support,
food aid relief, employment generation scheme, food , wild plants and animals including fish.

As studied by (ShiferawFeleke) food security having determine the demand a food both
households and individual have produced goods (foods) and market purchased goods that must
have contain the sufficient amounts of calories(C) that can available within the respective food
items. It shows that the food is secure from food challenges that becomes good food item
sufficient calorie contain. (ShiferawFeleke, 2003)

Other study by Ash Imago and Hellas (2000) revealed that the challenges of food security have
positively related to the deterioration of household and individuals assets as well as their
incomes. They also states that the cause for food shortage is that the transition of commercial
agricultural products that have related negatively with food security. The study also stated that
the deterioration of ecological condition of production has also the cause for hanger and food
insecurity include areas of the productive locality. Food security is sometimes equated at national
level “food self-sufficiency” some nation’s food production deficit enjoys considerable national
food security. The import to satisfy their population’s food consumption needs the volume and
nature of these countries exports, which produce the income to pay for food imports, allows
some food deficit nations to enjoy considerable food security. Such security probably will
continue as long as the potential of economy profiling nations encourages food security
(example Spain).In addition such security probably will continue as long as the potential
economy is to producing food export (example ,USA) . On the other hand, some countries have
national food self-sufficiency but export so much food that many of their own citizens go hanger
(example, Brazil). Some nation is neither produces enough food nor have an import capability to
satisfy consumption need. In such countries, chronic hunger is an abundant .Thus national food
security is not to be under stood simply as national self-sufficient of whether people on the whole
arable to consume a minimum diet, the production diet, source of which are reasonably secure
(FAO, 2003).

Studies stated by (BefikaduBirhanu) are a concerted extension effort combined with good rain
has helped increase cereal production during the time of 1995.However; the yield of the
production output is not increase because of the fact that the growth of the population has been
increased more than the output of the production. This shows the farm size person per hectare is
becoming low and low. Therefore, it leads to create the shortage of food and become challenges
of food security to feed the given society. It is one of a serious threat to the prevalence of food
security in the country. (Befikadu, 1999)

Combination of factors such as adverse changes in climate, poor technology, soil degradation
and policy induced as well as growing of problems insecurity in Ethiopia. The extent of food
insecurity in Ethiopia in recent years has become alarming as cited by (FAO, 2003).

This condition leads to shift between chronic and acute food insecurity of drought prone areas
with low variable rain fall. High population density and low natural endowment the major cause
for temporary and chronic food insecurity in Ethiopia are outlined below as quoted by (Ibid).

Recurrent drought in agricultural development, Ethiopia is heavily depends on rain fall lack of
adequate rainfall combined with variability in the onset and duration of rain fall has remained a
major treat to agricultural production in Ethiopia for most small holder farming and pastoral
system. Rainfall is the major source of moisture for crop and livestock production, irrigation and
water diversification schemes are less practiced hence food production has been seriously

Limited source of alternative income opportunity have left the Ethiopian households susceptible
to ill development copping mechanism. Since rural poverty is wide spread and very few
government sources are available emergency response capacity is limited.

Population pressure, uncontrolled growth of rural population has food production and
productivity has not increased significantly to cop up with the increased population.

Limitation in technology: Agriculture interrelation has followed the same pattern of service
development in the area of fertilizers improved seeds and pesticides provision looking
compressive package of innovation at household level, provision of new technology is at
rudimentary stage.

Environmental degradation: The existing natural resources are the base for accelerated
agricultural development and for meeting the security and other necessities of its people .
Limited access to credit: Credit stimulates supports and accelerates the use of technological innovation,
which will increase the production and productivity.
The demand for food is directly related to the size of growth rate of a population. Rapidly
increasing population requires a fast increasing on agricultural production to maintain the current
level of consumption. This is true of the world as a whole. However, it is dominant factures in
developing countries like Ethiopia. Generally, people demand for food has increased enormously
in recent years. In the past, several decades increasing agricultural product demand that were
caused by rapidly growing population were resulted mainly by expanding the area under
crop .Government food production policy and often more generally agricultural policy have
contributed to the poor performance of food and agricultural production.(Ibid)

From the above studies; they said food security is related with population growth, the amount of
calorie that the food contains, exportation of agricultural products is negative effect on food
security. But the researcher will be study to show the gap that food security and the role of
government have to positive relationship and to narrow the wide range of challenges of food
security and to reduce these factors with the society as a whole with the help of government. The
researcher wills also trays to show that to what extent the government has to play significant role
on food security. The study also focus how this gaps are filled to alleviate this challenges and
create good and active social groups and to show the gaps of food insecurity from past to present
at the study area.



3.1 Methodology of the Study

3.1.1 Description of the study area
The study is conducted in Hawassa town, Hawella-Tulla sub city in Tullo Kebele. Hawassa town
is the capital of the Southern Nation Nationalities and Peoples’ Regional State located at eastern
shore of Lake Hawassa 270 km. south of Addis Ababa via DebreZeit, 130 km east of Sodo, and
75 km north of Dilla. It lies on the Trans-African Highway 4 Cairo-Cape Town, and has a
latitude and longitude of 7o3|N 38o28| E / 7.050oN 38.467oN and an elevation of 1708 masl and
has a plain topography. The city, which is the economic and cultural hub of the region, has a
total area about 50 km2 divided in to 8 sub-cities (kifleketema) and 32 kebeles. The town is full
fills all infrastructural facilities vital for any type of investment.

Current Population: - Based on the 1999 E.C/2007G.C National Population and Housing Census,
the current projected population of Hawassa is 329,734 inhabitants, of whom 169,677 were
males and the rest 160,057 females. Of 8 sub-cities, Hawella-tulla(study area) had the highest
population with a total of 119,058 inhabitants, followed by Tabor with 59,562 and Menehariya
with 32,945 inhabitants. Like any other parts of Ethiopia, the population growth of this town is
most alarming.

3.1.2 Source of Data

To accomplish the objective of the study, all necessary and relevant data was obtained from both
primary and secondary data. The primary data was gathered through structure question and
interview. Whereas the secondary data source was collected from both published and
unpublished documents, such as book, economic journal, reports and internet. The nature of
primary data source is more relevant than the secondary source in that it gives relatively more
reliable data than secondary sources. The secondary source was used in order to strengthen the
information required and purpose necessary suggestion for the problem.

3.1.3 Method of Sampling

The sampling technique that a researcher was using is simple random sampling. Because of this
method of data collection is simple and avoids the probability of making personal bias. It was
easier for the researcher to administer and number of the unit is simple for a given cost.

The method is relatively accurate in collection of data according to the objective of the study.
Since it is difficult to collect the necessary data from the whole population that will be engaged
in economic activity and reducing poverty in the Tullo kebele. The total numbers of household in
the kebele are 4500. Due to this the researcher used 66 clients as a sample size, which are full
representative of the total population obtained based on the following formula, which is
developed by (Lind, 1999).

The total household population (4500) with 10% of level of significance and the sample size will
be based on the following formula.
Where, n=sample size

Z= level of confidence

N= Total population
e = sample error
P= probability of success
1-p= probability of failure

3.1.4 Method of data analysis and presentation
For the analysis of data which is obtained from both primary and secondary data sources are first
edited, classified, and organized in to homogenous classes based on their common

After data pass through this processing mechanism, then it is passed analysis by using
descriptive method of analysis. This is organized in suitable and meaning full interpretation by
using percentage; graph, pie chart and table are used.





This section of the paper is concerned with data presentation and analysis of the grasped data.
This grasped data is obtained by distribution of questionnaires.

The researcher used both primary and secondary data by observing them from their respective
source for the analysis of the problem in an appropriate manner. In the case area on the town that
the researcher used simple random sampling method in order to collect the primary data in the
town. From the total population of (4500) household, the researcher selected 66respondentsfrom
Tullo Kebele but only 50 respondents filled the questionnaire. The grasped data is analysis by
using percentage, table and pie chart.

4.1. Socio- economic characteristics of the respondents

General back ground information about the respondent is described as follows.

I. Sex of the respondent

Table 4.1 Shows composition of respondent by their sex

No of respondent

Sex Number Percentage (%)

Male 27 54

Female 23 46

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

As we can see from the above table 4.1 from the total sample of the 50 respondents 54% of the

respondents are male and the other 46% of the total respondents are female. These female and

male respondents are the collection of both age groups of from different category of age groups,

means not limited by age groups.

II. Age structure of the respondents

Table 4.2 the composition of the respondents by their age.

No of respondent

Age Number Percentage

18-25 17 34

26-35 19 38

36-45 10 20

46-60 4 8

Above 60 0 0

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

From the table 4.2 we can observed that from the total of 50 respondents at the

interval of the age that is grouped 18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-60, and above 60 are

34%, 38%, 20%, 8%, and 0% respectively. The table shows that the highest

percentage respondents’ are on the age intervals of the 26-35, which shows the

active participants in the household and they are more leaders of the household and

organize the house members of income generations.

III. Educational back ground

Table 4.3 the composition of respondents by their educational back ground.

No of respondent
Educational back ground
Number Percentage

Illiterate 8 16

Basic education 11 22

First cycle 13 26

Second cycle 10 20

10+ 2 and above 8 16

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

According to the sample respondent from table 4.3 from total respondents of 50

samples 16% of them are illiterate, 22% of the respondents are basic cycle

education attend.

On the other hand the data show 26% of the respondents are first cycle attained

and the last 16% shows that from the total respondents are 10+2 and above

levels .This shows that from the respondents that participated covered by the first

cycle education that contains 26% Form the total respondents.

Iv. Marital status

Table 4.4 respondents by marital statuses

Marital Status No of respondents Percentage

Single 16 32

Divorce 7 14

Married 25 50

Widowed 2 4

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

As shown on the above table that from the total of 50 respondents each of the

category shares different percentage. The table shows that 32% of the respondents

are single and 14% of the respondents are divorced. On the other hand 50% of the

respondents are married and 4% of the total respondents are widowed. From the

table, that the highest percentage of the participant of the respondents is married.

Because of this they are the manager of the households and they know about the

problem in their household members.

4.2. Source of income
From the data the respondents give the researcher they have different source of income.

Table 4.5 source of income of the respondents

Source of income No of Percentage


Income from government 10 20


Income from trade 26 52

Income from daily worker 14 28

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

4.2.1 Income source from government employees

These types of respondents get the source of their income from the hands of government. They
get the income by doing different works and jobs in the organizations of government office.
Most of this activity are including teaching, policeman, official workers, drivers who drives
government official cars are earns their income from government.

From the total respondent 50 samples there are only 10 respondents that who earn income from
government. This number is indicated in percentage is that 20% of the respondent gets money
from monthly income that is payee for them by the government. But this income is not enough to
manage their family to fulfill their food demand and wants of their household.

Due to this of the time this respondents are live under a condition of hard case. The reason is that
their salary is most of the time constant rate through time or the increase meant of the salary per
months not that much as the increment of the price of goods and services that they use. So the
constant salary with an inflation rate with respect to family size the demand for food and the
supply of money is not proportionally related. Because of this they are not use saving accounts
except in few of the respondents.

4.2.2 Source of income from trade/traders/

In this case the respondents get the income by selling different commodities in order to manage
their house hold member. These people live in under poverty line. Means that they are selling
few amounts of commodities with in little capital. From the total amount of 50 respondents 52%
of them are get their livelihood by selling coffee, cabbage, potato, onion, banana, bread, and
avocado. From this we understand that people in the case area are live under poverty line.
Especially respondents who are living in municipal house which is old and not suitable or the
roof and the wall of the house is already disqualified during rainy season the house is full water
and becoming mud. This condition is very serious for this kind of poor people. The income that
they get from market is not covered the expenditure that spent daily. The children of this house
member/holds/ are live in dreamless life. They are not predicted good things for tomorrow rather
than it will be dark as today.

4.2.3. Source of income from daily work

These kinds of respondents get their source of income by working daily labor forecast arrange of
birr 12-20 per day .These workers are not getting constant amount of money through out in the
month or week. This means according to the condition and situation of the work place and
temperature the salary of per day is different. The paymentalso depending on the strength of the
work. If the work is hard is the payment is high. But it the work is easy the payment is also
low .From the total of 50 respondent 28% get their source income from daily work. These
workers are live only for today rather than tomorrow, means that they are not known to
tomorrow work place and conditions. These kinds of workers are the age group of 18-25 or they
are productive age stage. From this group of workers saving is unexpected for tomorrow.
Because the researcher is discussed above is the reason. When lack of finance is existed in the
households most of the respondents are borrowed from different parts of the financial center.
Form those sources of finance that they get is described below.

Table 4.6 shows source of finance those households are barrowed when lack of finance is

Source of Finance No of respondents Percentage

Saving and credit association 16 32

Commercial bank 7 14

Local money lender 4 8

Micro finance 12 24

Friends and relatively 11 22

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

As we observed from the above table 4.6 show that households are borrowed from

different financial institutions and lenders. From the table that 32% of the

respondents are borrowed from saving and credit association when lack of finance

is exist and 14% of the respondents are borrowed from commercial banks: those

borrowers have granted assets that must collateral for the bank .If the borrower is

not return the money the bank takes that asset. on the other hand 8% gets from

local money lender and 24% get from micro finance instituitions,22% gets from

friend and relatives, especially persons who blood relationship between lender and


4.3. Major cause of food shortage

In the case area that different causes are lead to households’ food shortage. At present time most
of the respondents are face food insecurity. Due to different factors among respondents that state
their household food situations are in a serious condition form time to time. The numbers of
respondents are shown below by categorizing food secured and in secured.

Table 4.7 shows the number of respondents that have food secured and food insured of present

Food states No of respondent Percentage

Secured 16 32

Insecure 34 68

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

As show from the above table 4.7 that 68% of the respondents are live under food shortage. That
shows most of the members of house hold are in condition of inadequate food supply. On the
other hand from the total of 50 respondents 32% of them are food secured. These respondents
are live at food condition in their households. Specially this household, these are government
workers, including officials, teachers and monthly salary from jobs. From the above table that we
observed at present time food shortage is more a serious issue for each house hold. Because of
the fact that living standard and living condition will be measured with the significant of food
availability for each household and per capital income of the household. According to the
respondents that they give for the researcher shows that food shortage is very high during winter
time or rainfall is very low. During this time a fruit like mango, banana, avocado and other fruits
are not available in the market. Due to this fact their household has not to substitute this food by
others. In time food shortage is very high in the household. In winter season the production of
those fruits are low or the supply is reduced almost no production. As we know that when supply
of the product is low the demand and the price of that product will be very high. This leads that
price is not equal for household who has low amount of income that the household earns.

On the other hand during winter especially month like, January, February, March and April are
most of the respondent states that averagely the prices of crop products are very high. When the
price is high food crops are very limited in the household .In these months most of the people
have faced a problem of food .In these months most of the people have faced a problem of food
shortage. The main reason for this is that the producer or supplier of the crop are sale their
products in a large amount for the rich merchants in the town which they have legal rights or
patents rights on that products. These merchants are stored the crop on their own where house
and they have monopoly power on that products. Due to this they set a price what they want and
like to sell the crop.

This indicates that the share of the house hold on crop products in the market is limited or
low .Because of this reason the price of the food is high and household are not get enough food
crops in the market in a good and fair manner. This factor leads to house hold faces food
shortage. From table 4.7 that indicate that 68% of the respondents are faces food shortage by the
factor that discusses on the above paragraph. Even though the food shortage is face the
household is used to different alternative in order to solve the problem in their household
members. Among this alternative are shown by the pie chart below.


Fig 4.1 Alternative methods of the household to solve food shortage.

As shown from the above from the total of 50 respondents 34 of them are food in secured from
table 4.7 before. These foods in secured households are used different methods in order to solve
food shortage in their households. The pie chart shows that the house hold uses their best
alternative way to secure their household members from such challenges. According to the chart
23% of the foods in secured respondents use to solve the problem by purchasing food crops and
other fruits for their family members by selling animals, 9% of the food in secured respondents
uses to solve these challenges they use the method by food aid from others to solve the problem
and other foods which is eaten by the households, 27% of the respondents use borrowing from
their friends and relatives to solve the problem. Among them 41% use other means to fill the gap
in their household. Generally, the chart shows that each and every household are used different
methods that is better for solving the problem to fill food demands and supplies in their

Table 4.8 shows the main cause of food in security in household.

Causes food insecurity No of respondent Percentage

Lack of rain 32 64

Shortage cultivation 5 10

Poor quality land 13 26

Insect and pest infection 0 0

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

For the above table that we observed different factors that affect the household

food security. From the total respondent’s 64% is caused by lack of rainfall and

10% by shortage of cultivation,26% by poor quality of land also the increasing

price of food is other problems in the urban society.

4.3.1 Lack of Rainfall

From the table 4.8 that 64% of the respondents are affected by lack of rainfall. As we know rain
is the motor for human being, animal, plant and other living organizing. Despite of this the
amount of rain in the case area is medium; it does not regular for cultivation of crops and fruits.

In the case area lack of rain has various for household as well as for community in the area. Due
to this reason households are not get enough food crops and fruits when they want from the
market. Because of this the households are in a condition of food shortage throughout the year.
This indicates in the town the raining season is not predicted and well identified. In the area the
situation of summer and winter is not strictly significant. This shows that in the area is
inadequate rainfall. Due to this when farmers are digging and sawing the crops within the
unpredicted weather condition. In this time crops are starting to growth. But unfortunately the
rain is absent at this time. Because of lack of rain the crops and drying out and clear from the

This is the most and large problem in the given area. This leads rain is limited to cultivate crops
and other food product .So the area is lack of rain to cultivation and produced crops for their
households and for marketing purpose. On the other hand there is no availability of rivers and
other irrational water. If the water is presented the household is not depend on only rain rather
than using irrigation.

4.3.2 Shortage of Cultivation

According to the respondents in the table 4.8 that gives the information for the researcher 10% of
the households are not have place land/where they cultivated. This means that households are
interested to cultivate crops and other fruits but availability of land is very limited the household.

The other reason for this shortage of cultivation is that due to lack of rain that the researcher
discuses before. The households are spent their time without work or valuable things. This leads
most of the household member are chewing chat and smoking cigarette, especially productive
members of the household. In the case area or Hawassa town this type of habit is common
practice and they are considering the activity that is a measurement of modernization so this
shortage of agricultural cultivation is lead to the household food shortage and addictive of bad

4.3.3 Lack of cultivable land
According to the table 4.8 above in Hawassa town 26% of the respondents have no their own
land for cultivation and produced crops for their household. It shows that fragmentation of land
with the existing number of population. This shows that the geographical location of the town is
not suitable for agricultural purpose. The land surrounding the town is mountains and gorges.
This area is not suitable for farming practice, due to this reason the population of the town is
settled in condensed area without enough land hold size. Land size per household is very low; it
indicates that the increasing number of population without fertility land is very high. Due to this
reason, most of the respondents in the town have headache to live without their own land.
According to the respondents that part of society lives in house of municipal. This indicates that
lack of land in the town is a serious condition for the households

4.4 Extent of food insecurity

According to the respondents the extent of food insecurity is different from households to
households. This because of the income that each household are earn different amount of income
.Due to this the strength of food shortage is depend on the income of the household .In this case
the extent is also different aspects of the households that the shortage is faces.

Table 4.9 show below indicates the extents of food insecurity in house hold

Extents of food insecurity No of respondents Percentage

Narrow 8 16

Increasing 19 38

Constant 11 22

Fluctuating/ cyclical/ 12 24

Total 50 100

Source: own survey, 2016

From the table 4.9 that we can observe the extents of food insecurity related to demand and
supply in the household. This table indicates the demands of household on food and challenges
that are tackles on households in order to fulfill their demands and wants. From the above table
that is shown 16% of the respondents are living under the gaps demand and supply of food in the
household is almost at a good condition.

This means that the supply and demand of the household is varies in a little extent. These kinds
of households are fulfilling their household wants and demands. Because of that they use their
own source of income by different direction. These households have good source of income by
different direction. These households have good source of income of manage their house hold
member’s demands and supply are equivalent to what they want .on the other hand 38% of the
total respondents live in a condition where to extents of food demand and food supply is very
alarming rate variation in their households. In these types of households the food insecurity rate
is very increasing in their households.22% of the total respondents are constants as before time
these households live constants rate of food security or there is no change the past and the
present on their households. From the table 24% of the respondents are live at where food
security is in their household is the fluctuation from time to time due to different factors. Like the
price of food products or crops are changing from time to time and weather changing lack of rain
and so on.

The main factor that increasing the gap of food insecurity in the household are lack of job
opportunity in the households and due to the increment of price of grains and crops productions
in the markets. Also related to the lack of rain in the case area, due to this factors availability of
food production are limited to feed the households.

Lack of job opportunity: - from the total number of respondents that 48% of them have
lack of job opportunity in their house. According to the respondent that most of the productive
stage of youth are not get or work in the households rather than they are spent their time on bad
place, like chewing chat and smoking cigarette. These productive persons are hopeless for their
future life .In the households that students are finished grade 10 and 12 there is no work. Due to
this reason without work source of income is not expected.

This leads to increase the gaps of food insecurity in household. Because of lack of source of
income is directly relation with supply of food and demand for food.

The other case is due to the increasing of grains and crop products in the market. In this case the
price of goods and services are increasing from time to time. From the total respondents that
52% of the households are affected by this reason. According to the respondent that when the
prices of goods are increase in the market, the household members are not fulfill their demands
and wants of the household. During this time with in a limited amount of income demands of the
household is also limited. Because of this challenge to survive is difficult. This indicates that the
extent /gap/ of food insecurity well be high.

These the increment of the gaps leads to household to becoming not happy and they are neutral
themselves from the society. In that cases they are considering their households are the inferior
social group on the other hand this food insecurity is natural gifted rather than situational
occurrence. This one socio-impact of food insecurity. On the other hand especially children are
not growth in appropriate manner, healthy condition of the household is not good as we
expected. These households are always think they are inferior groups of the society, poverty is
born with them and live in their households up to they die. This shows that food security is
challenged the house hold to survive on the earth and also it violates their household getting food
rights whatever they want food on time .Generally due to this factors house hold are forced to
give labor service for others per day or per month in order to survive to days challenge .This
indicates that households are motivated to feed their households and narrowing the gaps of food
demand and supply by working hard and generating source of income to fill the gap.

4.5 Food security and role of government

As we know government is a pillar for the given country in order to control and fulfill the

demands and supplies of foods and services in the given society. The activity of government is

different from place to place according to the strength of the problem and the matter that faces in

the society. From the activities that government serves for the society like, constriction of

infrastructural services like, road, school, pure water supply, electricity and to facilitate socio-

economic function, political manners in the given society.

According to the respondent that from the total number of 50, 42 or 84% of them does not get aid

supported from the government .This means they did not get direct food aid by the government

but the government is helping to them by organized and created jobs. On the other hands 16% of

the respondents have helped by the government little extent by the government directly food aid.

From the respondents that states the government is not directly participated on the food security

in the town. Some of them state that there is no government in the case area. That follows up the

condition of the food status in the household swell as the area in the town.

On the other hold some of the respondents states about the role of government on their

households participating indirectly rather directly funds for food in the households. From this

activity that government do for them as community by reducing price of crops and other related

food products when their prices is very high. During this time the government is in evolved to

stable the price of the market by charging constant price for stock holders, who have a power to

contain large share of markets in food crops. Especially maize, Teff, wheat, Sugar, oil, besides

road with rural areas in order to travel crops and other food products from the area where supply

of crop is high to the supply is low. In this time food products are offered for the town society

whatever the price is high by consideration of transportation costs that supplier are charged.

According to government strategy and roles that participation indirectly involving on food

security is state’s below. In this case that the government have been used different mechanisms

in order to solve food shortage challenges and the society become food sustenance by their own

source of income and to reduced poverty in the hawassa town.

Fig 4.2 below show that the government strategy in order to reduced poverty in households.





400 total


manufacturing construction service trade town

Source: Hawssa town food security bureau (2013-2016)

From the above graph 4.2 states that in order to alleviate food shortage the government uses
different methods to absorb human power who does not work and lack of finance to manage the
household members. The graph show that in order to achieve the food security in each household
level the government having using the in each household level the strategy to solve food
challenges by creating job for work less people in the town. According to the strategy of
government on food security participant indirectly rather than directly participate or food aid for
consumption. Because government believing that when they get directly food aid, they do not
work hard and not to motivate to solve the challenges rather than expected food aid or
government lends to help them. Due to this the government strategy is by creating job related to
by grouping in small scale trading by connecting with small non-governmental organization
(NGO) in order to participating in that organization and generating their own source of income.
Also by giving job training according to their wants and interests how to create job and feed
themselves rather than expected government hands. According to government point of view this
strategy shows that government play significant role to reduce poverty and sustainable food

security what every the government can do. The government also organized that jobless in to
group and give place where they sale fruits and other service like, hair cutting house, copy house,
blocked producing machine and wood machine are allocated for the jobless persons. The place is
also free from taxation and vat. The governments also budgeting on cobblestone roads in the
town which containing or absorbed large amount of labor force and source of income for
different house hold that lacks food security.

Generally from the above graph that we understanding each of the sector has contain different
group of labor force that would be create food self- sufficient by hard working in the industrial



5.1 Conclusion

The available data shows that the town is experienced highly food shortage. This shows that of
the town’s household is full of challenges, the major cause of food insecurity in the household is
lack of rain, fragmentation of land, no availability of quality of land for production of crops. In
the cause area there is no more food crop production, due to this the food crop is transported to
the town from other rural areas. Because of this due to transportation cost crops the price of food
product is high in the market. In the case area households have no job opportunity to generate
their source of income to facilitate food needs and wants. The income that the household gets is
below the demand for food expenditure to feed their families. This leads the children and the
young social groups are not good view for tomorrow. The weather condition is also a significant
problem in the town, means that there is no strictly well-known summer and winter. This shows
that households do not forecast the supply of food crops weather increase or decrease.

On the other hand that food security of the household is not given great attention by the
government. This also leads the supply of food is fluctuation from time to time.

5.2 Recommendation

After analyzing the household’s food security in the town the following measures are suggested
to achieving sustainable food security in the town.

 To ensure food security households, families and individuals to meet their food and
nutritional requirement should be developed.

 Making possible family plans to reduce the rate of population which aggravates the food
insecurity of the household.

 More of illiterate and less educated households are more exposed to food insecurity. So,
to minimize this problem government should introduce adult education.

 Since the erratic and inadequate rainfall is the most causes of food insecurity expansion
of small scale irrigation is the solution to the problem. Therefore, the government should
introduce development of small scale irrigation to mitigate impacts of rainfall inadequacy
and variability.

 Lack of credit availability is the other problem that affects food security status. Those
households who lacked credit are more food insecure. To minimize this problem
strengthening of credit providing institution is critical to equip farmers to make them
advantageous from such institutions to help themselves at the time of crop failure.

 Individuals and households have key role in decisions to reduce the factors that affect
their food security. This should be enabled and encouraged to participate actively both
privately and collectively in order to minimize through creating relations with other civic

 The government should participate in a good manner to alleviate these challenges from
the society and also give quick and fast response for the town’s society when food and
commodity price is rising.

 The government should involve with the support of financial fund to construct common
goods and services for the society as a whole without any discrimination related to sex,
gender, religion and other criteria’s.

 The government should focus on gender equality through the following: increasing
women’s physical and human capital which is gained by improving their access to
resources, technology and information. Also increasing their ability to generate income
and protecting their health and nutritional status. This is done through positive externality
which in turn fulfills their productive roles in the economy.


 Anderson. S. A 1990(core indictor of nutrition states)

 FAO (2006) .Agricultural and development Economic division of food security

 FAO (2002).The state food insecurity in the world Rome.

 FAO (1883) world found security; reappraisal of the concepts and approaches. Director
General’s report Rome.

 FAO (1996), Rome declaration on food security and food summit plan of Africa. In

 FAO (1998) crop and food supply assessment mission to Ethiopia.

 TesfahuFenta (2003), Proceedings of the food security conference, Professional

Associations joint secretariat, Addis Ababa.

 MulatDemeke. ET, al (1995), Food insecurity and poverty alleviation in Ethiopia

 DPPC (2003), Annual reports

 DebebeHabte Wool (1995), Food security, Nutritional and poverty alleviation in


 DegefeTerefe (2002), Causes of food insecurity Oromia, Addis Ababa

 Barret. C (2002).food security and food assistance programs .in B.L Gorsner and G.C

 Maxwell’s (1996) food security postmodern prospective food police.

 Max well and T. Frenkenberger (1992) .Household food security concept, indicators, and
measurement of food security.

 Patrick Webb and Beatrice Rogers (2003). Addressing the food in security, United state
Hennery for international development office of food for place in WashingtonD.C.

 World Bank (1986) poverty and hunger issues and options for food security in
developing country. Washington S.C.

Jimma University
College of Business and Economics


The main objective of this questionnaire is to assess the challenges of food security and the role
of government in Hawassa town. The information that you will give will affect the final result of
the study .So the researcher will need to obtain the real information from you.

Notice: no need to write your name .Any information that you will give is to use only for the
above stated purpose.

If you have more than one answer for a question, you can write down

Thank you! In advance for your cooperation

1, Sex Male, Female,

2, Age A, 18-25 B, 26-35 C, 36-45

D, 46-60 E, >60

3, Marital status A, single B, Divorce C, Married D, Widow

4, Educational level A, illiterate B, basic education C, Primary education

D, secondary education E, above secondary education

5, Is there any food shortage (insecurity) on your family at present?

A, Yes B, B, No

6, if yes for question “5” During which month the food shortage is very high?

7, Do you have face food shortage in your family?

A, Yes B, No

8, If yes for question”7” how do you assess food security situation of household?

A, Purchasing of food on cash B, Borrow from others

C, Sale of animal’s D. food aid from other E, other means

9, what do you think the main cause of food shortage in your household (family)?

A, lack of rain B, Shortage of cultivation C, poor quality of land

D, Insect and pest infection

10, what is the total amount income that you earn? __________________________
11, In your family what is the source of income?

12 When there is lack of finance in your family does you have borrowed or not?

A, Yes B, No

13, If question “13’ is yes what is the source that you get fiancé to solve the problem?

A, from saving and credit B, from commercial bank

C, from local money lender D, from micro finance E, from others

14, what is the trend or gap of food shortage in your family?

A, narrow B, Increasing

C, constant D, fluctuation (cyclical)

15, If question”15” is increase what is the reason that the gap is increasing?
A, Due to lack of finance in house hold B, Lack of work habit
C, lack of job opportunity D, increasing price of grain

16, Have you ever get assistance from government?

A, Yes B, No

17, if question”17” is yes what the role of government is give support in your households?

A, by giving food aid B, by giving money fund for the household

C, by reducing commodity price D, bringing crops from surplus areas

18, In what speed government gives response when food shortage is existed in your house hold?

A, at slow speed B, Exactly when it is exited

C, Give response after one month D, intervenes whatever necessary

19, Does government fulfill infrastructural service specially road to transport crops to reduced
cost of community that consideration of travel cost?



Thank you!!

I the Undersigned declare that this research paper is my original work
and has not been presented for degree in any other university, and all
the material required for the study has been duly acknowledged.


MINTESNOT ABERA __________________

This student research paper has been submitted for examination with
my approval as a university lecturer.

DR. Wodajo W/Giorgis(PhD) _______________

DATE May 26, 2016 G.C


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