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Energy Part 1 Keyword Definition

Energy Measured in joules /kilojoules, is a measure of work

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being done
Different people need different Resource A natural or man made substance which can be used
amounts of energy throughout the to get energy
day. Sitting down takes just 6kJ of Fossil Fuel A fuel made from fossilised remains of sea creatures
energy per minute, but swimming
requires a whopping 73kJ per minute. Renewable Renewable resources can be used over and over and
This means a swimmer will need to eat will not run out
more than someone just swimming. Non-renewable These resources will eventually run out
The food which you eat contains a
store of chemical energy which can be
A power station will usually look like this:
used by your body throughout the day.
Some sort of fuel being burnt —> energy from the fuel boils some water into
steam —> the steam goes on to turn a generator turbine
Renewable resources, such as solar power and wind energy, might skip some
of these stages. But more traditional, non-renewable sources of energy do
not. For example, in a coal power station, coal is burnt to release energy from
the chemical store to the thermal store of water, turning the water into steam
An adult should take in the energy they
enabling it to turn a generator.
need for their activities. If you take in too
much, your body stores it as fat. Fossil fuels are running out, coal, oil and gas will be gone from the planet
within 100 years or less, so it is important to reduce the amount we use.
Energy Part 1 Keyword Definition
Power The rate of energy used per second, measured
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in Watts (W)
Most home appliances have a power rating in Watts,
Kilowatt 1000 watts
a microwave oven might have a power rating of
850W, this means that it uses 850J of energy per Kilowatt hours A measure of energy, kWh, is equal to the
second. You can use the equation: amount of energy used when using 1000W of
Power (W) = Energy (J) / Time (s) energy for one hour.

This equation can be rearranged to find the energy

that a 850W microwave would use in 30 seconds.

Electricity in the home is calculated in kilowatt hours,

which is a unit of energy. It is equal to using 1000W of
power for one hour, remember, watts is equal to joules
per second.
Cost = power (kW) x time (h) x price (per kWh)
We have to think about energy in terms of energy
stores. The chemical store of a fuel, is turned to the
thermal store in hot steam, this then moves a turbine
in a generator (kinetic) until the energy comes out of
your plug socket.
Energy Part 1 Keyword Definition
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What energy do you use in a day? Resource

A fuel made from fossilised remains of sea creatures

Renewable resources can be used over and over and

Keep track of your meals for one day
and find out how many calories you will not run out
consume, this is a measure of the Non-renewable
total energy you’ve taken in.

Describe differences between renewable and non renewable resources.

Research different types of renewable and non renewable resources and list
them here.
Describe what happens if a person
consumes too much energy
Energy Part 1 Keyword Definition
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Power (W) = Energy (J) / Time (s)
Calculate how much energy a 750W microwave
uses to heat up a pizza slice for 45 seconds. A measure of energy, kWh, is equal to the
amount of energy used when using 1000W of
energy for one hour.
Calculate the amount of time needed for a 0.5kW
heater to transfer 7kJ of energy

Cost = power (kW) x time (h) x price (per kWh)

Electricity costs on average about 15p per kwh in the
uk. Calculate the cost of running a house for 30 days,
if the average consumption is 3kWh.

Describe the energy stores in a car that puts on its


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