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Crochet Octopus

Thank you for downloading the Pattern from me.

I hope you enjoy making your little octopus. These make the perfect
new born baby gift as the tentacles remind babies of the umbilical
cord. They can help comfort a baby.

You can make them in lots of different sizes and colours and I can’t
wait to see what you choose. Feel free to tag me in your makes on
Instagram by using @thecatandwool and #tcawoctopus for a chance
to be featured.

If you are making these for a new born, you should use 100% cotton
so that your creations can be washed on a high heat.

You may not reproduce or share this pattern or any part of the
Pattern. You may sell your makes online and at markets but please
link back to the maker.


1 ball of Paintbox Yarns Cotton DK (50 grams)

3mm hook

Toy stuffing

Gauge isn’t important for these octopi as long as it is tight enough to

prevent the stuffing from being shown.

Crochet Terms

This pattern uses English Terminology

DC – Double Crochet

DCinc – Double Crochet increase (2 stitches in one stitch)

2tog – Double Crochet 2 together (skip the next stitch and DC into
the next one)

Round 1: 6 DC into a magic ring (6 sts)

Round 2: DCinc into each stitch (12 sts)

Round 3: *1 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (18 sts)

Round 4: *2 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (24 sts)

Round 5: *3 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (30 sts).

Round 6: DC into each stitch for 6 rows.

Round 7: *3 DC, 2tog*, repeat from * 5 more times (24 sts).

Round 8: *2 DC, 2tog*, repeat from * 5 more times (18 sts).

Round 9: DC into each stitch (18 sts)

Round 10: *2 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (24 sts)


*Ch 25, skip 1 stitch, 2 DC into each stitch on the way back up to the
body, skip next stitch, 2 dc*, repeat from the * 8 times.


Round 1: Chain 6 into a magic ring (6 sts)

Round 2: DCinc into each stitch (12 sts)

Round 3: *1 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (18 sts).

Round 4: *2 DC, DCinc into the next stitch*, repeat from the * 5 more
times (24 sts)

Round 5: Stuff and slip stitch into the base of body. Fasten off

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