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Speaking Prompts

Introdución: Falar do pasado:

"Well, to begin with..."
"In the past..."
"Firstly, I would like to say that..."
"When I was younger..."
"I think that..."
"Back in the day..."
"I used to..."
Expresar opinión:
Falar do futuro:
"In my opinion..."
"Looking ahead, I plan to..."
"From my point of view..."
"In the future, I hope to..."
"I believe that..."
"I'm considering..."
"I feel that..."
"My long-term goal is to..."

Expresar acordo o desacordo:

Expresar habilidades:
"I completely agree with you."
"I'm good at..."
"I see your point, but I have to disagree
"One of my strengths is..."
"I have experience in..."
"That's an interesting perspective, but I
"I'm still working on improving my..."
"I'm not sure I agree with that."
Solicitar aclaracións:
"Could you please repeat the question?"
Dar exemplos:
"I'm not sure I understand. Could you
"For example..."
"To illustrate this..."
"Sorry, could you explain that again?"
"A good example of this is..."
"One instance that comes to mind is..."
"In conclusion..."
Expresar preferencias:
"To sum up..."
"I prefer..."
"Overall, I think that..."
"I'm more into..."
"To wrap things up..."
"I would rather..."
"I'm a fan of..."
"I can’t stand…"

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