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Code of Conduct Itapemirim by Night

This code aims to establish the rules of interaction among participants of
Itapemirim by Night (Vbn), ensuring that everyone receives respectful
and appropriate treatment in a highly relational collective game like
RPG. This code also complies with the requirements outlined in sections
1.G.ii and 8.A.i of the Administrative Statute of One World by Night
(Admin By Laws).

This is version 3.0 of this document, dated May 10, 2020, and entirely
replaces any previous versions of any Codes of Conduct that were
previously in effect.

Right to Enforce Penalties

The members of the Itapemirim by Night leadership, individually or
collectively, are the only ones authorized to judge and impose penalties
on registered players within their chronicle. This right cannot be
extended to anyone else except when enforcing sanctions applied by
One World by Night, as specified in the Admin By Laws at
Similarly, members of other chronicles and institutions within One
World by Night are subject to this code when participating in live events,
meetings, and gatherings (virtual or in-person) organized by Itapemirim
by Night, whether physically within the territory registered for this
chronicle or not, as outlined in item 12 of the Character By Laws.

Penalties within the scope of this chronicle, as described in this Code of
Conduct, may be imposed through administrative actions within OWbN
that are commensurate with the transgression, according to the
exclusive judgment of the Itapemirim by Night leadership. If such actions
occur, they will be conducted in the best legal manner established in the
OWbN statutes.

Rules and Penalties

Below is a list of behaviors considered as transgressions in Itapemirim by
Night, classified by their severity, with a brief explanation of their
motivations and the prescribed penalties. Participation of individuals
under 18 years of age is also prohibited without the permission of their
parents or legal guardians.

A. Minor Transgressions: These are understood as unintentional errors

that may still have consequences, albeit minor, for the offended parties.
Penalty: Verbal reprimand administered by a member of the leadership.
Recurrence may be treated as a serious transgression if bad faith is
Minor transgressions include:
i. Incorrectly informing about the effects of powers or other character
attributes due to ignorance;
ii. Arbitrating the outcome of character interactions without explicit
consent from the storytellers;
iii. Disclosing confidential character information to others outside of
character interactions;
iv. Inadvertently behaving inappropriately for the event's environment
(e.g., shouting loudly and repeatedly in a public place).

B. Moderate Transgressions: Actions that go against good character role-

play or indicate the use of the game to harm another player in a
disguised manner.
Penalty: Experience points (XP) loss. This loss accumulates and increases
with each recurrence, at a rate of two XP per event. Therefore, the first
penalty is 2 XP, the second is 4 XP, the third is 6 XP, and so on. If a player
loses more XP than they can earn within a specific period, the balance
will be carried over to the subsequent period until the entire penalty is
Moderate transgressions include:
i. Not following storyteller directives regarding in-game situations or
ii. Using out-of-game information (metagaming);
iii. Using character actions to benefit or harm others for reasons
unrelated to the game;
iv. Not considering in-game situations and emotions described by the
storytellers, deliberately disregarding them.

C. Serious Transgressions: Behaviors that harm interaction between

participants in the project or could tarnish its reputation intentionally.
As RPG is a highly socially interactive game, engaging in disputes and
discussions that harm relationships among participants is unacceptable.
This category also includes actions that demonstrate bad faith and those
that could cause legal problems for the project.
Penalty: Temporary suspension, which entails a ban from participating in
live events and meetings, whether physically or via email, for the
duration of the penalty.
Serious transgressions include:
i. Insulting or interacting disrespectfully with other players or storytellers
outside of character interactions (out of character);
ii. Publishing offensive or denigrating reports, data, information, or
opinions about players or storytellers in a public forum;
iii. Altering character sheet data, whether one's own or another player's,
without the Itapemirim by Night storytellers' authorization;
iv. Deliberately providing incorrect information about the effects of
powers or other character attributes, knowing the correct effect, with
the intention to deceive other players;
v. Carrying unauthorized items during live events and meetings, such as
replica weapons or other items that could cause problems for
Itapemirim by Night or its members with the authorities;
vi. Consuming alcoholic beverages during the game and/or participating
while intoxicated. Players in this condition will be prohibited from

D. Very Serious Transgressions: Intolerable offenses that render a player

unfit to participate in the project, with a single occurrence.
Penalty: Expulsion from the project, which includes the loss of the
character (for players affiliated with Vbn) and a ban on the player's
participation in Itapemirim by Night's live events and meetings, as well
as any email discussion lists under the responsibility of this chronicle, for
an indefinite period.
Very serious transgressions include:
i. Carrying or using real white or firearms during live events and
meetings, regardless of whether one possesses a firearm license or
ii. Carrying or using illicit substances during live events and meetings or
attending under the influence of such substances;
iii. Threatening players or storytellers, outside of character interactions
(out of character), and/or engaging in physical aggression against
anyone, except in cases of legitimate self-defense, as proven according
to Brazilian criminal law;
iv. Committing any type of crime under Brazilian law during live events
or meetings.

Unspecified Cases
In the event of a situation that has a similar effect to those listed above
but is not specifically covered in this Code of Conduct, the penalty that
most closely resembles the specified infraction will be applied, according
to the judgment of the Itapemirim by Night leadership.
Chronicle Sovereignty
As per the Character Bylaws at, the Itapemirim by Night
chronicle reaffirms its sovereignty and understands that characters
participating in scenes under our supervision understand and accept the
house rules and the interpretation of local storytellers without room for

Accepting Consequences
When visiting another chronicle, a player automatically agrees to accept
all decisions made by the storytellers of that chronicle and to accept the
consequences of playing in that game. If a player disagrees with the
storytellers of a chronicle or how a specific game aspect is handled, it is
in their best interest not to attend that chronicle's game. A player has
the right to bring complaints to the STs of their own chronicle if they feel
unjustly treated by the narrators of another chronicle.

Story Takes Precedence over Rules

Two players can consensually forgo the mechanics of the Laws of the
Night to narrate their own scene. As the Laws of the Night themselves
state, the story takes precedence over a pile of rules, and players have
the right to determine the fate of their characters, for example, in a duel

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