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Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing

BSE - English

Savior in Severity

Allen Uriarte

When frustrations are blowing in your face

Endless desperations embedded you in fear

Failures all over again that reveal your tears
Succumbed by problems perplexed like maze
Fearsome war you were about to wage
World you know yesterday, in your memory’s clear
Relentless deeds, feel unwanted it’s hard to leer
But in this dreary nightmare, God is there and He always stays
In the abyss of uncertainty, His bosom’s the assurance
Lack of confidant, in Him you can confide
Bounded by deplorable situations, you are secluded by his plans
His unselfish love is never deprived
Hold on to your smoldering faith, He is the chance
The God you know will always be a savior named JESUS CHRIST.
Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

Plight of Vengeance
Allen Uriarte

Shackles of dominion suppressing her

Chains of tyranny grasped her liberty
Whipping fury yielded her faith under
Treated like pygmy, ruled by apathy
Rights repressed, replaced by fear, grief and tears
Dread that killing and turning her insane
Sleepless eves, haunted dreams in den of fear
Night of riotous deeds, escape is vain
But in this somber night, in dreadful mood
A girl with a heavy heart judged her fate
And in no due time, wind of vengeance blew
A vigilant lad in a rebel state
No sunlight at day neither moon at night
All at once in her hand, their lives’ in plight.
Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

Rose in Solitude

Allen Uriarte

Dozens of rose in a garden I see,

Enticing in its crimson red for me.

Howling wind has blown thy beauty to flee,

Some have withered in the sun’s cruelty.

When diamonds are scattered in the night,

Thorns and thistles stay strong in case of plight.

Raindrops fell on the rose, made it alight,

All roses grown its beauty in the light

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

His Grace Is Still Amazing

Allen Uriarte

The vastness of His creation,

Brings me to the ground in awesome.

Sun, moon, stars and constellation,

Capture us in times of lonesome.

This amazing artwork exists,

Is nothing compare to His grace.

That saved our lives in demon’s fists

And keeps us running in this race.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

My Weapon

Allen Uriarte

My ignorance gave birth to my weapon.

In tutelage of promiscuous person,

I learn to oppose and learn my lesson.

And soon develop a stronger weapon.

As time flies in nights and days’ rotation,

Pitfalls of life turn it in exhaustion.

Despite of excruciating lesion,

My weapon was in emancipation.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

Pavement to Paradise

Allen Uriarte

Pavement will show the cruel world.

Hungry dogs with their gnashing teeth.

Howling noise of boisterous underneath.

Lions roaring against preys of this world.

In the midst of the road, you cannot trust.

Prudence is required in atrocities,

Because a lot of them are bigotries.

Beware of people who will always thrust.

Despite all grievous things, still you will reach,

A paradise that welcomes everyone.

Place of refuge and prepared to teach,

On how to love, give and trust anyone.

No laws will grip you nor truce to be breached.

Paradise that sanctifies everyone.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English


Allen Uriarte

In the midst of tranquility,

Something has entered in me.

Came so sudden and rapidly,

Same it disappeared quickly.

Left me nothing but memory,

And I wondered foolishly.

I tried to remember swiftly,

I failed, so let go of me.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

Run Away this Journey

By Allen Uriarte

An unexpected journey to embark,

Was just laid for me the moment I learned to start.

When I learned to conceive things around me,

I was surprise unexpectedly.

Childhood seemed so slow;

I was always feeling low.

Sometimes I just feel like running away from all.

I gotta run away this journey.

If only I could fly,

I would surely try.

I believe that this would somehow mend

My heart from being so distraught,

To someone who has never thought,

That I could be me in this reality.

I’ve been hurt been stigmatized

With prejudice, I learned to fight

Despite of all, I wanted to please you tight

But I always feel I’m left behind.

This pain in me, I learned to hide.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English

And learn to run to somewhere else

A place I can reside.

Light of Truth

By Allen Uriarte

From ignorance I learned I and me.

The light shines and showed the truth

I strived for years for my destiny

Picked much of chaff like dear Ruth.

I used this light to change myself

And seek for life’s essential.

Surprise to know truth’s not in shelf;

Reach out to men is substantial.

Ed Allen Uriarte Creative Writing
BSE - English


By Allen Uriarte

The sheep are out in the dark;

Wallowing in sorrows and snares.

Waiting for something to spark

In the night where their feet are bare.

From far behind the shepherd stands,

Patiently waiting with his staff.

Consumes himself to light the land,

Witness a sheep learning to stand.

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