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Pte) Val) BD) th SLAVERY Did not go to war against the South in 1860 to abolish slavery an a) AHN goal was to preserve the Union However, average northern soldiers and northern public opinion did see abolition of slavery as a major goal of PTR Lg In addition, the freeing of slaves would deprive the South of valuable manpower in both military and civilian areas and thus cripple the Southern war effort For both emotional and practical reasons, the demand for the abolition of slavery grew in the North while the war was still going on LINCOLN ACTS * Lincoln responded to public opinion by issuing Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 ao Also had Congress ratify the 13" Amendment in early 1865 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS * Abolition of slavery and military defeat of South raised new questions — What to do with freed slaves? * Should they be made full-fledged citizens or made a dependent class, free but not equal? — What to do with defeated white southerners? * They had technically committed treason * Should they be treated as traitors or forgiven? TEN PERCENT PLAN * Since Lincoln had always believed the prime purpose of the war had been to preserve the Union, he thought that, ito Mam Mel ielad should be made to restoring the Union and ending the bitterness and hatred of war STE) — Wanted to be lenient on the ColTe litem tel OL ta) — Favored letting them reconstitute their state governments and pardoning all former Confederates except the highest leaders + Embodied his lenient position in the so-called Ten Percent PROBLEM * Many Northerners did not like the Ten Percent Plan pet ACN TOUS Lcd I thousands of people who opposed the Confederacy-- OTe icy Se yatta re co} reward Unionists and punish NCS oT} - eS ° Were afraid ex-Rebels would mm; \a i take revenge on Unionists — soon as they had the chance —Would also try to re- establish slavery and might even start a new civil war once they had reaained strenath el Sha eS Ole LO) + Many Northerners cid not want the South admitted as a fll mambeyr of ihe Union a: quickly or easily as Licesin did — Wanted the South to go through a period of reconstruction first ¢ Atrial period in which the North would essentially control the South in order to make sure Southerners were sincere about re-establishing their loyalty to the Union before allowing Southern states to become free and equal members of the U.S. WADVDE-DAVIS BILL — Made it difficult for southern states to organize new state governments allegiance to Union first * Lincoln vetoed the bill and, in response, Congress refused to implement Ten Percent Plan SMU CRIT! CATASTROPHE * Congress and Lincoln still locked in stalemate when the war ended (4-9-65) and Lincoln was murdered five days later * If Lincoln had lived, he probably would have found a solution — Amaster politician who would have found some sort of compromise ; — Too smart and too ambitious to continue a fight if he knew he was going to lose Pe Sith AS) ee) | + New president, Andrew Johnson, was well-intentioned but less intelligent, flexible, and willing to compromise than Lincoln Started off on wrong foot when he announced his own policy while Congress was in recess — As lenient as Ten Percent Plan ~ Pardonad al ox-Gontaderates as S00n 29 they swore Gail ta Support the Union — Created procedures to set up new Southern state governments and allow Southern states to re- enter Union > Moped lenient measures would heal wounds of the Civil War TROUBLE « When pardoned southerners went to polls i late 1665 to elect their new state governments, they eiten selected menawho had been high Confederate ofticiats — This upset edad na T ey — Wanted some ESV clare M tire L mats) South would not t to leave Union again, but these actions did not give them any ee a eee * Johnson did not make BLACK CODES any provisions for freed SIE WT-S) — Called the “Black LofoT (Xi BAD NEWS Prohibited blacks from testifying against whites in roroltiad Prohibited blacks from serving on juries Prohibited marriage between whites and blacks = eM lL CR mC) with whites in public facilities If a black person was arrested for vagrancy, they were hired out to whites and forced to work until their fines and court costs were paid off — Their labor was auctioned off to the highest bidder NORTHERN RESPONSE + Northern Congressmen interpreted Black Codes as an effort to restore slavery in the South — Realized that Emancipation : Proclamation and 13" Amendment were not enough — Blacks had to given the right to vote and hold public office so that laws like the Black Codes could & not be passed in the future : Most Republicans were moderates and did not want to fight Johnson and split the party over this issue — Hoped that they would be able to ey reason and compromise with him A and thus modify his reconstruction program with his cooperation NAVICAL NREFUDLICLANS Johnson refused to compromise — Thereby strengthening the radical wing of Congressional Republicans and gave them the ammunition they needed to try to dump Johnson and impose their own Reconstruction program Radical Republicans were a minority ila) TD but they included some very able men y — Rep. Thaddeus Stevens of PA A — Hated the South, blamed the entire Civil War on southern slaveowners, and were devoted to establishing Negro equality — Dedicated to restructuring southern society by confiscating the property of southern slaveowners and radictrihiiting it to ey-clayec 14°° AMENDMENT * Congress passed 2 bills to protect Negro rights in the South ~ Jotinson vetoed both bills * Not because he was a racist but because he believed Reconstruction policy should be a presidential, no’ a Congressional, power — Congress over-rode both + Johnson’s stubbornness gave Radical control of Congress ~Paased 14 Armendmant * Gave blacks equal rights and pressured southern states to give blacks full voting rights Se MUM -ce | amendment but only one LS MARCH 2, 1867 ¢ Since 14° amendment was the foundation for all future Reconstruction policies, Radicals realized that southern states had to be convinced to ratify it — Passed Reconstruction Act of March 2, 1867 to Ce foT — Dissolved all state governments in South and divided region into 5 military districts + Each under the cemtrol of military commander charged with preserving order and protecting the rights of ACL persons —To remove itself from this situation, a southern state had to ratify the 14" Amendment and set up a state government that granted full equality ee ee eee Ot ae Pe ees es DECISION 1O DUMP JOHNSON * Congress also passed laws to reduce Johnson’s ability to hinder enforcement of its Reconstruction policy — Such as prohibiting him from firing an federal official with prior Congressional approval + Johnson still had enough power to get in the way and he did so as much as possible Sem MUCH IM UCM ele mT Radicals made up their mind to impeach him and get rid of him once and for all YVUANOUN IN PRUUDLE + Johnson had not committee a “high crime or misdemeanor” — But he had displayed an incredible lack of political judgment : He then began to fire federal officials friendly to the Radicals in : Bee ENE — In direct violation of the law | } Congress had just passed ~ Gave Radicals reat cherge to use to bageach hin * This and 10 other trumped up charges were presented to and approved by the House IMPEACHMENT * Impeachment trial held in Senate from March 13-May 16, 1868 — Vote very close in the end * 35 guilty/19 not guilty * One vote short of necessary 2/3s majority to impeach * Johnson hung on to his job but it Colfela Mm Miracle LN ALCL Ky — U.S.S. Grant got Republican presidential nomination * Making Johnson a lame- duck for the remaining 9 meme CU * Grant and Republicans swept the country in November 1868 ; RECONSTRUCTION IN THE Se * 20,000 troops stationed in the South — Tended to stay in the background but their presence was intensely resented by white southerners — Role was generally positive * Protected Unionists and blacks when they voted Without army, ex- Confederates would have prevented both from voling CARPETBAGGERS AND SCALAWAGS * Most blacks and Unionists voted for Republicans — Often for “Carpetbaggers” ‘white Northerners who iad moved to the South) elmer Clea elt le white Unionists) — Contrary to myth, most were honest and sincere men who truly wanted to eV MRD CCIE Ny * Not the corrupt and vicious politicians that white racist legend has portrayed them to be LN a) OS SS) — All gave blacks the right to vote — Property qualifications for voting and holding office were abolished — Institutions for caring for the sick, disabled, insane, and destitute were set up GOOD BUT HATED * Some elected Republican officials in the South were black — Most were white Scalawags or carpetbaggers « Most southern state administrations were liberal and aimed at guaranteeing | equality and education for all and . helping the unfortunate — Earned undying animosity of former conservative white planter elite * Hated every aspect of Reconstruction * Hated coalition of blacks, Unionists and northern Republicans * Resented aid to the poor * Especially hated policy of equal rinhte far hlackec BIG OBSTACLE ¢ Former white planter elite exploited racism of poor, white southerners to TatolsTeiiiatem accel eee) and destroy Republicans VANGEROQUS TURN White Republicans were socially ostracized Republican businesses were boycotted White Republicans could not rent houses, hotel rooms, or even boarding house rooms Whites employed intimidation and violence to prevent blacks Liceul Lie} and sometimes killed Black leaders were threatened PTC Laclit ol) and mob violence KKK Bem l-Cec-1 Cle ce lg organizations were formed to terrorize blacks and control their votes — Such as the Ku Klux Klan Public opinion was generally on the side of tY melee t-lalrs-l (lity em AAA Le eM cele i hg found them not guilty oe ACTA Me LT) ECM ae (1g LIBERAL REPUBLICANS * Conservative Southern whites, rallying around the Democratic Party, gradually overturned Tero) ai aerosol a] perm UMM Um (Xe (ote government was doing less and less to protect southern Republicans Bi E-licedat-lmac-lolel eli (er-laM ar Tam TeLe| split over Reconstruction policy — “Liberal Republicans” argued that continued pala for Negro rights in the South against powerful white opposition was costing the party more than ave mela in) * Favored backing off from = * Throughout the North, many people had come to believe NAME VAR arma MerolU Lt Caer L oe] whole would be better off if the government gave up trying to impose Reconstruction on an unwilling South — In general, the Republican Party and Northerners gradually retreated from their commitment to black equality * Abandoned all efforts to defend equal rights ELECTION OF 1876 * Democrat Samuel J. Tilden = vs Republican Rutherford wm EME r 6 — Very close election — 184 electoral college votes for Tilden and 165 for Hayes — But 20 electoral college votes (19 of which were from the South) were in elles and claimed by both candidates * If Hayes could get firm control of them, Bieta win, 185 to COMPROMISE OF 1877 ELECTORAL VOTE TOTAL: 369 MINOR 1% 93,895, 4 POPULAR VOTE TOTAL: 8,430,783, = REPEDRcan (Hayes) Territories Democratic (Tilden) [a END OF RECONSTRUCTION * Compromise of 1877 ended Reconstruction in the South once and for all : Also created so-called “Solid Tol aia * Even after Democratic Party changed its attitude towards race CONCLUSION : Asa result of the Compromise of 1877, South was also given a free hand to deal with blacks and other local issues with rete Xe TeV cla cl cla Ler-3 — Result of this would be lynching, “Jim Crow” laws, cory segregated public facilities + and schools, poll taxes, and eee a Wr ls the Civil Rights Movement Ls : @ of the 1950s/1960s finally = Bae eliminated ms * The failure of Reconstruction wa. and the Compromise of 1877 established the characteristics that the South would retain for the next 100 years — And ters of them were

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