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English Language 112804 Paper 4 Oral Communication ‘Bart. Spoken Interaction [20 marks] (updated prompts based on 1127/03 2011 papers) ‘Examiners should use all the prompts provided to engage candidates in a discussion, Examiners should also pursue any points which the candidate may mention Davt {@) How do you feel about the children taking pat in the activity inthe pete? {(b) \What kind of activites would appeal to young chiiren? (©) Inyour opinion, do ehikren enjoy and benef om leaming to play a musica instrument? Dav? {@) How do you fee about the actity inthe picture? {@) Do,you thnk tis important that everyone shouldbe able to cook? {) How important is practical or ‘hands on’ experience? Day3 (a) How do you feel about the elderty taking part inthe activity inthe picture? (6) What kind of activities would appeal tothe elder in your community? (6) Some people say, ‘Life is what you make it to be and should not depend on your age’. Do you agree? Daya {) How do you feel about bithday celebrations? {6} Whatare your opinions on growing ld? {) What lessons can young people learn from grandparents or other elderly people? Days (2) How do you feel about the activity in the plete? (0) How do you feel about working away from home fr long spells? (6) Atwhat sort of ines is community support especialy usetu? Dav (@) How do you fee about the activity inthe picture? {b) Wat are some ofthe problems you have experienced wile traveling on pubic transport? (€) What would you do to solve the problem of congestion on public transport? Davi (@) How do you fet about the elderly taking part in the activity inthe picture? {0) Do you agree that we are never too old to lea? (©) How can the government encourage people inifelong learning? Dave (2) How do you feel about the activity in the picture? () What types of stuations are particularly stresstu? (6) Some people say that stress can be a good thing, Do you agree? Daye (2) How do you feel about the sportswomen taking part nthe activity Inthe plcture? {b) Success can cause problems in tiendships. Can you tink what these problems might be? {€) What can we leam from taking risks? Day 10 (8) How do you feel about the family taking part inthe activity inthe picture? (©) Is timportant to teach children to look after the environment? (6) What can be done to raise awareness of threats to our natural environment? ‘ChewKWr1SNoverber2011 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ry PART 1 - READING ALOUD In this passage, a musician has her fist solo performance. Maria wasn't sure when her love for music had started, Perhaps it was the tiny violin her parents had bought her for her third birthday. Perhaps it was all the fun she used to have at music class or the kindly teacher who taught her to play her first simple tune. Whatever the reason, she knew that music was a vital part of her life ~ and today was to be her frst solo performance in the youth orchestra that she had belonged to for the past few yoars. "tm so nervous; she told her mother that morning. "! know I've practised enough, but what if something (goes wrong?” “Calm down, Maria,” replied her mother. “Everything willbe fine. All true musicians are nervous before ‘a performance. But if by any chance you make a mistake then you just pull yourself together and carry ‘on. The audience will be sympathetic and will understand.” Maria wasn't convinced. The musical director of a national orchestra would be there looking for talented youngsters. She was desperate to impress him. Now she stood watching in the wings as the members of the orchestra took their seats. She was no longer sitting wit the first violins but was waitin to be introduced as the soloist for the evening. Maria desperately wanted to follow a career in music but knew how difficult and competitive it was. This was a ‘wonderful opportunity to show what she could do. ‘After much scraping of chairs and shutting of music stands, the orchestra settled down and began to tune their instruments. At ast there was silence and the conductor beckoned to Maria. ‘She took a deep breath, This could be the slart ofthe rest of my life, she thought to herself as she walked out into the spotlight. (©UCLES A MOE 2011 nazmgoniy Scanned with CamScanner OUCLES 4 MOE 2018 sr2zogontt Scanned with CamScanner Boye - 2 PART 1 - READING ALOUD In this passage, a chef gets a nasty surprise. Jasmine was breathless as sho joined the students crowding into the large catering collage where sho ‘was a teacher. The previous evening sho and her husband had celebrated their anniversary at the best restaurant in town. Ithad been alate night and Jasmine had struggled to got to work on time. ‘As she put on her white overall and chet’s hat, she thought about another celebration and the exciting news she had for her final-year class that morning. She entered the large, gleaming kitchen and was pleased to see her class waiting quietly. They looked reat and clean in their crisp white uniforms — hair tucked under their caps, hands scrubbed, nails lipped short and no jewellery in sight. Jasmine was very strict about cleanliness and safety. “Good morning, she said as the class gathered round. “As you know, the Principal's daughter is getting married soon and the Principal has given this class the great honour of asking us to make the wedding cake” The class was thrilled. “How many tiers?” asked an excited student. “What sort of decoration?” asked another. Jasmine answered their questions patiently and soon they were busy chopping, stirring, grating and ‘whisking as the preparation began. ‘After hours of hard work, four cakes of varying sizes were proudly taken from the oven. Jasmine praised the fired but happy students for their efforts, and as she reached up to tuck a strand of hair into her hat she felt an earring in her left ear. She must have forgotten to take it out the previous night and she had broken one of her strictest rules —no jewellery except a wedding ring, justin case! ‘Nervously, Jasmine felt her right ear. There was nothing there! With horror she looked over at the four cakes cooling on the kitchen racks. ouctes a Moe 2011 sre7msonwn1 Scanned with CamScanner pore a Scanned with CamScanner Days PART 1 - READING ALOUD In this passage, a boy holps his grandparents book a holiday. Victor had dropped in to see his grandparents, as he often did on Thursdays on the way back from school, They were a lively couple and Victor loved hearing what they had done that week, while they enjoyed listening to the latest school gossip. Thursday was also his grandmother's baking day and Victor knew there would always be warm cakes straight from the oven waiting for him, “Thanks, Gran. That was delicious” he said, finishing his third chocolate cookie. “You've obviously been bbusy today. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” “Well, we were planning to go into town to book our annual holiday” replied Victor's grandfather. "We want to go to Europe this year. There's so much we want to see and as its our golden wedding anniversary, we want to do something speci “But why don't you book it online?” asked Vietor."! know you've got a brand new laptop, and a printer” bis grandiather smiled. He explained to Vitor that it was going to be a rather complicated trip involving stops in several cities, some excursions and some time to relax as well, “That's not a problem; laughed Victor. “Go and get your laptop, Grandpa. I'll help you. It be fun.” His grandparents were clearly not convinced, but Victor's enthusiasm persuaded them and soon the three of them were surfing through travel websites, gathering information, planning routes, and booking flights and hotels. Before long the holiday ofa iletime had been organised. Vietor’s grandparents were amazed. | “I never realised you could do so much on the internet and how easy it was” remarked “Now Ibe able io stay in and watch the baseball maich on TV tomorrow, rather than going into town” “Oh no you won't" laughed his wite. “Ive got holiday clothes to buy!” (eucteS 6 MoE 2011 serevont Scanned with CamScanner eucLEsA MoE 2011 ‘rarmaonviy Scanned with CamScanner PART 1 ~ READING ALOUD In this passage, an elderly person celebrates a birthday. It was Mr Tan's birthday soon and he wasn't very happy. Ever since he turned 60, five years ago, his family had insisted on holding a party for him, | expect they think that each birthday might be my fast, he thought to himselt.| wish they wouldn't bother, Why make all the fuss? Its just another day, after all. MrTan's son and daughter thought very diforently. Each year thoy gathered together as many family members as they could = from Mr Tan's older sister to the youngest great-grandchild. They would all ‘meet for an enormous feast and of course the traditional birthday cake. This year, however, MrTan had decided to put his foot down. “ts far too much “Now Debbie, no party this year, please” he blurted out on his daughter's last vi trouble, Why bother to celebrate a birthday at my ago? | just want to spend the day quiatly on my own Debbie looked sad. She loved her father dearly and didn't want to do anything against his wishes. But she realy believed that family celebrations were important. “But Dad, everybody loves your birthdays. I's a chance for us all to meet up and exchange news. This ryear, David is even going to make the trp from Australia" she replied. \MrTan’s wrinkled face broke into a broad smile. David was his oldest grandson and he hadn't seen him for years. After a litle more persuasion from Debbie it was agreed. The birthday party would go ahead as usual. ‘Two weeks later as he blew out the many candles on his cake, Mr Tan looked around at his smiling family and saw how much fun they were having. “it has been a wonderful birthday.” he said to them all, “Thank you all very much. Here's to the next one? (©UCLES & MOE 2011 areaonit Scanned with CamScanner voyt Scanned with CamScanner tow Days PART 1 ~ READING ALOUD In this passage, a woman has a bad start tothe dey. Connie sprinted down the road carrying her heavy laptop and the stack of folders she had been working (on the previous night. She had four minutes to catch her tran or she would be late for work yet again. ‘With seconds to spare, she finaly jumped on board. She looked round, searching for a seat s0 she could rest her weary legs. Eventually, she found one and spent the journey wedged between a young rman listening to loud music on his mp3 player and a mother whose two squirming children kept standing con Connie's toes. She arrived, hot and breathless, at her ofice building and bumped into her frend, Raj. “How was your journey?" he asked. "Mine was terrible, The train was late and there was nowhere to sit. What a way to start the day!” ‘Wel, at least gota set’ replied Connie, But fs! exhausted already and | haven't even sated work yet” Raj smiled, This grumble about the journey to work was repeated most mornings. "Meet you later for lunch?” he asked. “Definitely” replied Connie wearily. "Its only four hours to go!” Connie joined a group of fellow workers at the elevators, which seemed to be extremely slow that ‘morning. She didn't usually have to wait this long. Soon, a uniformed man approached the crowd and informed them that the elevators had broken down and that they would have to use the stars. Connie's mouth dropped open. Her office was on the 14th floor By the time she arrived at her desk she was panting and thirsty. She collapsed onto the chair and dumped the heavy folders on the desk... but something was missing. “Oh no, where's my laptop?” she cried. “Surely | can't have left ton the train! Can this day possibly get any worse?” OUCLES & MOE 2011 sia7080N1 L. Scanned with CamScanner Voy ‘euctes a Moe 2011 season Scanned with CamScanner Voy PART 1 — READING ALOUD In this passage, two women save the day. ‘Anna was very satisfied with what she saw. She was organising a big party for her son and two of his friends who shared the same birthday. She and the other mothers, Helen and Suki, had spent the ‘morning decorating the room they had hired. It looked wonderful with all the streamers and balloons. Helen, who had been a wheelchair-user since an accident some years previously, had also been busy in the kitchen preparing a fabulous spread for the children. “AIL we need now is the entertainment group” said Suki. “They're meant to be really good and they'll hopetully keep the children amused for most of the time,” “certainly hope soy laughed Helen. “We all know how easily a large group of excited litle boys can get ‘out of control” {wasn't long before the room was filled with noisy and increasingly unruly children. Anna and her fiends were getting worried. The entertainers should have arrived an hour ago. ‘Anna's mother approached the group holding out a mobile phone. “Anna, your phone's been ringing, You didn't hear it because of all the noise” ‘As Anna listened to the message, a look of horror spread across her face. “The entertainers have been involved in an accident. They're all OK, but there's no way they can get here for the party” she told the others. What on earth are we going to do?” “Well, there's a piano over there. I can play some party music," said Anna's mother. “You can't play the piano, Mum,’ laughed Anna. “Oh, I've been having lessons for a while” replied her mother. “And I've been taking lessons in magic at night school,’ Helen joined in. “I think | can conjure up a show? “Wel, thank goodness for al this hidden talent” exclaimed Anna with a great sigh of rele. OUCLES A MOE 2011 srz7iovonvty Scanned with CamScanner Poy OUCLES & MOE 2011 nz7eaon Scanned with CamScanner bye - 2 PART 1 - READING ALOUD In his passage, a gil gets some good news. ‘Adeline looked out of the window yet again. There was stil no sign of the postman. Why does he have to be late, today ofall days?” she asked her mother. “Probably because he's got more letters than usual to deliver. You'e not the only one expecting results, today,” said her mother with a smile. "Come and have some breakfast and stop worrying” “1 couldn't possibly eat. And how can you tell me not to worry? It wll be a disaster if I don't get good cgrades; said Adeline, “it won't be a gisaster, Adeline,” her father joined in. “it will be a disappointment, that's all ~ and we all have to face that sometimes in lfe. You have good health and a loving family who will support you whatever happens. Let's get things in perspective” ‘Adeline looked unconvinced and went off to phone her friends to see if their results had arrived. ‘Twenty minutes later and the results had arrived. Adeline held the small white envelope in her hand ‘and looked at it nervously. It looked so plain and unimportant. Could this really contain information that ‘could affect the rest of her education, her future career and much more? “Open it up then? said her mother. "You've been waiting long enough ‘Adeline carefully opened the envelope and unfolded the small piece of paper. As she read it she burst into tears. Her parents rushed over to comfort her and her father took the paper from her trembling hands. “But you've passed, Adeline. You've done brillant. Wry all the tears?” said her father. “1 don't know, Dad. It's just such a reli replied Adaline, wiping her eyes. “Well, thank goodness we've got two years before we have to go through this agai father. OUCLES A MOE 2011 srariaondy Scanned with CamScanner ucLES & Moe 2011, 270901 Scanned with CamScanner oud PART 1 - READING ALOUD In this passage, a change brings success. At last the final whistle blew. John and the toain shook hands with their victorious opponents and walked wearily into the changing rooms. It had been their tenth defeat in a row. “Bad luck, boys,’ said the hockey coach. “Get changed and welll have a chat.” Ithadn't always been lke this. Two seasons ago they'd been top of the league, but everything had gone

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