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UNIT-1 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL W Soc’ ORK & CONCEPTS RELATED TO SOCIAL WORK WAC) ONS { 1 Define Social Work. Explain its objectives and scope. | Ans: (Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people} Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work. Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing. Anderson (1943) stated, “Social work is a professional service rendered to the people for the purpose of assisting them, as individuals or in groups to. attain satisfying relationships and standards of life in accordance with their particular wishes and capacities and in harmony with those of the community”. = 1 wm 2EM) 7 rnin (Ba OCS onjectives” . spose are gene . ae h basically try al problems eeds like love, affection, care ally and universally accepted objectives rally ¢ ocial work whic psycho-soet4 anitarian 1 of s! v» To solv e ii) To fulfill hum etc. . iii) To solve adjustmental problems i ency harmonious social relations tive and recreational To create self-suffict To make and strengthen provision of correc Nn) x To make vl services To develop democratic values among the people an) / To provide opportunities for development and social VLi) progress ix) To conscientize the community x) To change the environment in favour of individual's growth and development xi) To bring change in the defective social system for social / development and x4 To provide socio-legal aid to the needy who cannot afford to meet them. Scope of social work tnowledge, rah v ct ihe youngest sate ot life. Consequently, its on racing every aspect of human Now started to become intern 'S gradually expanding. It has Mational and inter-racial in scope: Wt deals with almost ¢ Son ; : following a stall the groups of the society in the y [UNIT:I(BA SDC _SWNZEM) _ 4 “1, Public Assistancel It is a kind of hetp provided in accordance to the economic and social needs of, the ts yt depends upon the certain conditions and legalities. Therefore public assistance is granted on the basis of ‘means test’, Through means test ways and means of living like income source, livelihood and others of individual are identified and measured before providing public assistance by The ate or government Ti-somié Countries including India such services include the assistance given to_old, blind, — disabled and destitute. 2. Social Insurance: Like public assistance social insurance also covers certain contingencies of life like old age, unemployment, industrial accidents and occupational diseases eteyIt doesn’t insist upon any means test Under this scheme of service, benefits are provided only to those persons who pay a certain amount of contribution..It is partly financed by the state. Practically, social insurance covers some risks such as medical care in time of illness, medical care and cash allowances during employment injuries, pension during inability, and pension during old age after retirement, cash allowances to wife and other dependants in case of death. Here, the benefits of the applicants are pre-determined. 3. Family Welfare Services: Family is both an institution as well as an association. It is the oldest and enduring among all social institutions. It is the first and most important of all forms of associations in the context of human development. Social work renders a significant role in the 4| It provides for some material C_SWM2EM) ion [UNIT (BA 8D sphere of family organiza assistance and counseling service to the family relating to marriage: health, economic problems and bringing up siblings re Service: Social workers also provide 4. Child Welfa services for the children Those include welfare ir care and protection, education many residential institutions for thei and rehabilitation of socially handicapped children viz, ute fondling children of unmarried mothers des temporary homes for nd cultural facilities orphans destit Child Welfare service @ children, daycare centers, rec! holiday homes for the children 0 5. Community Welfare Service: Community is another ant unit for social work practice. The community the establishment of urban community dev enters dealing with the welfare” aspects of slum improvement such as slum clearance. sanitation, health education and care, seeking employment for women, dormitories and night shelters for migrant homeless people, holiday home for children and community welfare Iso inclu reat f low income families. import welfare service . includes service in rural areas etc. 6. Women Welfare Service: Women are the driving forces of a nation. Long before the dawn of Indian freedom it was realized that social reform with emancipation of women vate coed pee ot political independence of the et iorieering in this regard was done by Raja ian Roy, Keshav Chandra Sen, MG Ranade etc. [UNIT (BA_SDC_SWNZEM) See Gandhiji also gave a new impetus to the cause of emancipation of Indian womanhood. With the independence it was also realized that women welfare was essential to build a strong nation. 7. Labor Welfare Service: The term labor welfare is very comprehensive in the sense of its understanding. It involves different interpretations due to different social customs and degrees of industrialization. In India, labor welfare activities have been undertaken by mainly three agencies namely, the government, the employers and the employees’ (labours’) union. The first one is statutory and rests two are voluntary in nature. 8. Welfare Service for the Handicapped: Handicapped people or the disable are another needy section of the Indian population. Hence, social work or social welfare has a formidable role in working for them. The welfare service for disabled includes institution for the care and rehabilitation of physically and mentally retired, hostels for the working handicapped, small production units for the differently able, special schools’ for mentally — retire children and orthopaedically challenged and counseling service for mentally depressed etc. 9. Welfare Services for the Aged and Infirm: People in the twilight of their age require numerous supports from the society. Social work in this regard has a greater role in understanding their needs and working for their satisfied and comfortable life for a happy ending. The activities of social Y 5A SbC_SWM2EM) [uwrr(@A.S0C-S sei infirm include Tun ning old age home ped al work for the ag! i” ee ; sical support, PSY’ 2 a al facilities. physic recreational fac ete Jork: At times there are instances of 10. School Social W paired relationship between students and teachers and their social y other problems in the There are also man ! ch are responsible-for educational malfunctioning in the schools. Social work es profession steps in to such environment and attempts modify the situation in favour of the learners and teachers where required. The activities of social work intervention in schools include and their parents, counseling service to the children counseling to the teacher on the perspectives of the emerged ems due to 1m probl environment and their social env jronment school environment whi problems, etc. J 2. Explain the functions of ‘Social Work. Ans: Function of social work refers to the natural activity of social work or the statements of how social work operates. Mishra social work operates to to the institutional frame worl é institutional frame assist i of the society and attempts to modify fl work itself in appropriate areas. He classified the functions of social work into the following 4 major categories: J. Curative Function: The services provided under curative functions are—medica . . ; tions are-medical and health services, services [UNIT-I (BA_SDC_SWM2EM) 2 Seer 7| relating to psychiatry. child guidance, child welfare services, services for the handicapped or disable in the form of protection and rehabilitation. These kinds of services aim to cure the physical, social, material, psychological sickness. of individuals in the society. 2. Correctional Function: The correctional function of social work has three broad areas, such as: a) Individual reform service which includes prison reform, probation, parole and other related services. b) Services for improving social_ relationship which includes family welfare services, school social work, industrial social work etc. c) Services for social_reform_that includes employment services, prevention of commercial sex work, beggary prohibition services and removal of untouchability etc. 3. Preventive Fuiction: It includes life insu services, public assistance, social legislation, adult education and prevention of diseases ctc. This type of function basically deals with the services relating to the prevention of problems like insecurity, unlawfulness, ignorance, sickness etc. It is directed towards the elimination of those factors in the social environment or those deficiencies in the development of personality that prevents the individual from achieving a minimum desirable standard of socio-economic life. 4. Developmental Function: Developmental function includes the tasks of socio-economic development activities such as: education, recreational services, urban and rural [UNIT(BA_SDC | 1 Social work uses personal relationship as medium of its practice, but social reform impersonal tactics for achieving its objectives. %° Social work uses its own methods, skills, tools and techniques for its practice, where as social reform does not need any method, tools or techniques for its practice. “ Social reform involves radical change in the social system, but social work is mainly concerned with assisting the individual in freeing himself/herself from his/her maladjustment in the social life. | 5. Write about social problems in India. | Ans: The major social problems in India are: 1. Poverty: Poverty is relative to richness. Poverty is one of the foremost social problems facing India and other countries. John L. Gillin. asserted that poverty may be regarded as “that condition in which a person either because of inadequate income oF unwise expenditures, does not maintain a scale of living high enough to provide for his physical and mental efficiency and to enable him and his natural dependents to function usually according to the standards of society of which he is a member.” Poverty exists -when one is not able to get sufficient food and necessities of life. 2. Unemployment: Unemployment has often been described as the most significant social issue in society. This 12 —__ 7a SDC_SWM2EM) [unit BA" individual 1s dependent on their work for both is beeane ee and — their status. Sociologically, their IN ned as the inability to find remunerative er yment is defir une pearl face of both potential and desire to earn. The three i n a ; De worl re of unemployment are that the individual must be s king an effort to be gainfully elemen willing and mal capable, loyed. : : . “p k Mliteracy: Illiteracy is a major barrier to development n unskilled labor. According to the Census literacy refers to any person who can read and write with understanding in a recognized Indian ¢ 2011 census revealed that the literacy rate of with many regional variations and 1 India, Kerala has the highest since it results i Commission of India, language. Th India was around 74% gender disparities. All ove! literacy rate and Bihar the lowest. 4, Caste System: The Indian caste system is based on the cultural features of hierarchy, pollution and purity. It subscribes to the doctrines of Karma and Dharma. The Indian government introduced ‘the category of Scheduled Castes (SCs) to the constitution in 1935. Currently, SCs constitute around 16% of the Indian population. The main issues faced by Dalits are those of untouchability, exploitation, exclusion from religious and educational institutions and social discrimination. - 5. Gendered Violence: Women have always been victims of exploitation and violence within the Indian subcontinent. Violence against women consists of criminal, [UNIT-(BA_SDC_SWM2EM) domestic and social violence. Criminal violence consists of rape, murder, female focticide and abduction. Domestic violence includes wife battering, dowry deaths and sexual violence. Social violence comprises eve-teasing, inheritance laws favouring men ete. 6. Communalism: Communalism refers to attempts to overemphasize the importance of religious identity and stimulate communal violence between different religious groups. Within India, tensions between Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs have been present since the India-Pakistan partition. Muslims, Sikhs and other religious minorities are protected by the Indian constitution under provisions for justice, tolerance, equality and freedom. Despite these provisions, communal violence has been a part of India since independence. The recent case of the Babri Masjid and associated riots is a popular example of religious discord. 6. Beggary: Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of beggary which is a social problem of great magriitude and grave concern In developing and under developed countries where it exists 1m @ crude form but the developed countries also are not immune from it where it exists in less degree. Begging is a curse both for the individual beggar and the society. 7. Crime: In India, there are no dependable figures on crime. The available statistics covet only those arrested and convicted, or the crime known to the police and even these figures are not reliable. What is more serious 1S the white- qari (@A SOC _SWNZEM) veral times: i" everal times more than the ich amounts S' 5 srime wh collar crime " «colle . conventional type of crime. By white collar crimes we mean the crimes committed by the upper strata of society in their business and professional practices. The Securities scam, the sugar scam, the Telecom scam t examples. Racketeering, fodder scam are the recen ax evasion, adulteration and corruption are mmitted by the white-collar men serious proportions and the black-marketing, t he crimes CO! which have assumed threatening the entire social fabric. . 8. War: The problem of war constitutes probably the most serious threat to society today. The havoc wrought by the last two world wars has made men dreadful of it. The clouds of a third world war till recently hovering up in the sky have now somewhat lessened due to the extinction of some of t frequently US.S.R. from the globe. 6. Write about Social Work Philosophy. ams oe wor ‘is the youngest profession that emerged in Though it ney sa profession, it is still in its tender age. hee pnaaee ie exist from the very beginning of a mas elping activity, has not produced great thoughts from oth ie seein uses fhe philosophic knowledge and ct professions and relates those to the basi Edward C. Lindm Is applied in its own areas of operation. an was the first social worker who made 4 [UNIT (BA_sDc _SWM2EM) Tree re Tg Because social work depends on the ability to maintain positive relationships with individuals who may be hostile and unreliable, social workers must be patient and communicative 5. Integrity: trustworthy w Social workers must always act in ays. They must maintain a continual awareness of their organization’s mission, their profession’s values and their individual ethical standards. Social workers must honestly and responsibly conduct themselves in public to encourage their coworkers and support their organization. In order to maintain their integrity, social workers improve their work expertise through continually increasing their career competency. The core social work values ensure that those in need receive appropriate support and services. Anyone who wants to become a licensed social worker will need a master’s degree that is approved by the NASW. They maintain a registry of approved bachelor and master degree programs. They also offer a helpful list of unique social work career and certification specializations. 10. Explain the methods of Social Work. ] Ans: Generally method implies to systematic way of doing something. In social work, method is understood as the systematic and planned way of helping the people: The main concern of social work is to solve psycho-social problems of individuals, groups and communities through the conscious unis! (BA SDC SWM2EM) a aAppheation of knowledpe i methods, looks techniques and skills Of social work. Tn this task, He se! thods cial worker has 10 be q 4 cil work the equipped with all the necessary me of si hat ease bis work to help. the people in solving their own problems. Social work as a professional practice mainly uses oC y its objectives: the following methods while accomplishing 1 i i It is primary method of social 1, Social case work: work. It deals with individual problems through one to one — relationship which ts guided by profes onal knowledge of the Under method the social ca: attempts to repair the impaired relationship of the client with his social environment and through a guided interaction client to adapt. with his/her social worker discovers se worker social case worker. he/she enables the environment. Through this method the ¢ different aspects of the clients problem, prepares an appropriate treatment plan and_ finally with professional knowledge in social relationship tries to bring about necessary changes in the attitude and behaviour of the client in favour of his own growth and development. 2. Social group work: Social group work is another primary method of social work. It is a process in which the individuals in a social group are helped by a professionally qualified worker, who guides their interaction through planned _progra ivities so that they may be able to relate themselves with others and find growth oppo unities in accordance with their needs and capacities towards the noble end of individual group and community development. In this yar. 06 Se) ee the gro ) the group worker uses the group as a potential tool for the positive change and personality development _of indi viduals. In group work individuals in the group are most important and all programme activities revolve around thetr needs for development. Through the group work process they are helped to improve their relationship and personality traits which may help them to develop themselves and_ their community as whole. 3. Community Organization: Community organization as a method of social work is a process through which efforts are directed towards meeting the community needs by organizing human and material resources of the community. Identifying problems, finding resources relevant to their needs, developing and organizing inter-personal and inter- group relationship, planning and executing effective programme activities are some of the specific activities in community organization method. Organized and collaborative effort of the members of the community for their own development is the main concer of this method. 4. Social welfare administration: Social welfare administration is one of the secondary methods of social work. It refers to a process through which s ial policy 1s service. In the other words, it isa fairs of social work or social welfare. mobilizing resources, recruiting and proper organization, transformed into soc social Sranstonnes process to manage e the ‘af Developing programmes, involving suitable personnel, [UNIT (BA_SDC_SWM2EM) : coordination, providing skillful leadership, supervision and guidance of staff, budgeting and evaluation are some of the specified activities involved in social welfare administration method. §. Social work research: Social work research ig another important method of social work. It refers to the systematic and critical enquiry of the questions encountereg by social work professional in the field of application Through this method efforts are made to find answers to the existing and emerging problems of social work so as to make them use in the practical fields. Social work research like that of other social sciences is contributing a lot to the store house of its knowledge and helping in the better planning and implementation of social work programmes. 6. Social action: Social action method of social work is the one that is used to bring about desirable changes in the. defective system for ensuring social progress, Through this method attempts are_made to mobilize people, to create awareness on existing problems, to organize them and to encourage them to raise their voice against undesirable practices which hampers their development and finally to create pressure for bringing about suitable legislation for social progress{ This method seeks to relate the community needs with the solution of the problems mainly through collective initiative: —

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