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1. (06/12/2014): Some people think that it is best to live in a horizontal city

while others think of a vertical city. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

opponents of this idea: opponents are
Some people believe that living in a
people who disagree with an idea; they
horizontal city is the best, while the are against an idea, a policy or a rule;
opponents of this idea prefer to settle
to settle in: to decide to live in a
in a vertical city. While there are specific place; to decide to move to an
area and stay there
benefits to residents who dwell in a city
which consists of low-rise construction,
I would argue that cities with
skyscrapers and high-rise buildings based on: to be the reason for
offer more advantages.
financial and security reasons:
financial refers to money issues, like
On the one hand, it is beneficial for
paying fees; security refers to safety,
residents to live in a horizontal city like being safe in your own home in
terms of crime or emergencies
based on a few financial and security
reasons. Firstly, people have to pay private house: private describes the
fact that you own the house, and
less for building services. If residents
therefore you make all decisions about
settle in a private house, they may it and pay for repairs and maintenance
yourself, versus paying apartment or
save a great deal of money since they
condo fees
won’t have to pay for building services.
lower to the ground: to be close to the
Secondly, living lower to the ground
ground, which makes it easy to get out
is safer for inhabitants when in case you need to leave the house
quickly due to an emergency
emergencies occur. For example, if a

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fire starts in the home, they can quickly dangerous areas: an area that is not
very safe, that is not secure, for various
escape from the dangerous areas
because the building is not too high off
to take much time to: this phrase talks
the ground and it won’t take much
about how long something takes to do;
time to leave. it will or will not take much time to do

On the other hand, it seems to me that best choice: the thing that you should
choose to do because it is the best
living in a vertical city is the best
choice. A city with skyscrapers will
to have more space forpublic usage:
have more space forpublic usage
to have more land available for
because there will be less land used for building public buildings, like
government offices or parks, etc.
residential areas due to the amount of
due to: the reason for something
people who can live in high buildings.
As a result, the government would be
able to use this land to build hospitals,
schools or places for entertainment.
Furthermore, it is much
more much more convenient for: used to
describe when something is much
convenientfor residents to live in an
easier for somebody to do compared to
apartment in a tall building which something else
offers a wide range of goods and
services, thanks to shopping malls and thanks to something or somebody:
used to express the idea that something
service centers on lower floors.
is good because of something specific

In conclusion, while living in a

horizontal city does have some
benefits, it seems to me that the
the better choice: used when you are

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advantages of life in a city with comparing things, there may be several
good choices, but one is clearly the
skyscrapers makes living in a vertical
better choice, better than all the others
city the better choice.
329 words

2. (17/01/2015) Some people think that there should be some strict controls
about noise. Others think that they could just make as much noise as they
want. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is argued that some essential
measures should be applied to control essential measures: to create a rule or
law that is necessary or important to
noise. While some individuals say that promote or stop some type of behavior
they have the freedom to make noise as
they like, I would argue that it would
be better to reduce noise. reduce noise: to lessen the amount of
noise from some source, like from
traffic, machines, clubs, etc
On the one hand, some people like to
make as much noise as they want for
various reasons. Firstly, many of them
various reasons: a variety of reasons
feel more comfortable and free when why you might do something, different
creating noise from different activities reasons
while working or entertaining. For
example, turning the volume louder to
enjoy favourite songs makes them feel
relaxed after a long busy day, although

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it may disturb their
next-door next-door neighbours: people who
live right next to you in a neighborhood
neighbours. Secondly, people often
or in an apartment building
consider noise as a part of the
industrialization and modernization
process, therefore it is unavoidable. modernization process: the things that
people do as they modernize their
Traffic noise or engine noise seems to
have become more familiar to urban
citizens. As a result, they feel that there
urban citizens: people who live in
are no particular reasons to control cities, in urban areas vs in rural areas
particular reasons: certain or specific
reasons why you do or don’t do
On the other hand, I believe that it is
more beneficial to impose some laws to
strictly control noise. The first reason
is that noise has harmful impacts on
harmful impacts: when something
people‘s health. For instance, some of
causes a negative effect on something
my friends cannot sleep at night
because of intrusive sounds from a
nearby industrial zone . If this situation intrusive sounds: sounds that
negatively affect your experience
lasts for a long time, it will definitely
lead to a deterioration in their mental
and physical health. Furthermore, the
productivity of work may be reduced
as a consequence of noise. A lot of
white-collar workers report that they
cannot fully concentrate on their tasks

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because of the constant noise from
vehicles in the street.

In conclusion, it seems to me that noise

should be limited in order to have a
better life, although some people insist
on making a lot of noise without any
consideration for others: caring about
consideration for others.
what another thinks about something or
291 words how it might affect them

3. (21/03/2015) Some people believe famous people's support towards

international aid organizations draws attention to problems. Others think
celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give
your opinion
ANSWER: global aid organizations: international
organizations that provide money and
It is argued that well-known people’s
specific types of assistance to areas
involvement in global aid around the world
organizations attracts the attention
of the community. While some people attracts the attention of: to get the
attention of, to do something in a way
suppose that their participation may
that makes people look
downplay the significance of
problems, I would argue that this trend
downplay the significance of: to
could bring about enormous and make something seem like it isn’t that
positive changes to society.

enormous and positive changes:

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On the one hand, famous people can changes that are big, important or
significant and good
lessen the importance of problems. One
reason is that most people often
famous people: people who are known
consider the main purpose of
for something, like musicians, actors,
celebrities’ support as a way to politicians
enhance their reputations. In an
effort to attract the attention of society,
a number of important people try to enhance their reputations: to make
people think good thoughts about you
be involved in as many volunteer
so that you have a good reputation
projects as possible without any
particular passion or interest in those.
important people: people who play
Furthermore, the association with important roles in society for some
reason or another
celebrities may trivialize the serious
work of international aid organizations
volunteer projects: projects that
since the focus of the public may be
volunteers work on, like feeding the
shifted away from this endeavour to the homeless
fame and public image of the celebrity
concerned. Consequently, we
sometimes have to question their
motives for involvement.

On the other hand, I strongly believe

that celebrities can bring meaningful
changes to social activities. Firstly,
they have a huge number of fans who
are inspired by their actions. For

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example, when My Tam- a Vietnamese
legendary singer - took part in a project question their motives: to wonder
why someone is doing something, to
to help underprivileged children in
question the motivation for why
mountainous areas, thousands of someone will do something
youngsters from her fan clubs joined in
this project by donating money and
working as volunteers thanks to her
encouragement. Secondly, celebrities
are often trusted by both local and
international communities, which may huge number of: a large amount of
lead to success in raising the profile of
aid organizations. As a result , more
people learn about projects and donate
money or volunteer to help either
practically or in fund-raising.
underprivileged children: children
who don’t have a lot of money,
In conclusion, although there are some education or opportunities
drawbacks to celebrity participation in
international aid organizations, it seems
to me that it is more advantageous for
the community that they take part in voluntary activities: activities that
people do on a voluntary basis, without
voluntary activities.
getting paid, they do it volunteers
309 words

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4. (27/06/2015) People today do not feel safe either at home or when they
are out. What are the causes? What are the solutions?

It is true that many people think that
they are no longer safe either in their allay those fears [verb]: make those
own houses or when they are in the fears less strong.
street or other public places. Some
causes for this feeling can be identified,
but I believe that some solutions could
help to allay those fears.

The perception that society is unsafe stems from [phrasal verb]: result
and that people are at risk even at home from.
stems from at least two important
causes. Firstly, the widening gap
between the rich and the poor is one of
the factors behind the rising crime rate
in many countries. In Vietnam, for
example, burglary and robbery have burglary [noun]: the crime of illegaly
become increasingly common, because entering a building and stealing things
from it [robbery is the crime of stealing
some criminals turn to crime simply as
things from a shop/a person/a bank,
a way to survive. Secondly, everyone
usually using violence]
who uses the roads is aware of the
dangers resulting from the dramatic
increase in traffic. In the past, parents
allowed their children to play freely in
the street, but this is unthinkable unthinkable [adjective]: impossible to
imagine or accept.
Some simple measures should be
implemented to deal with these root insecurity [noun]: the state of not
causes of insecurity. It is necessary to being safe or protected.
provide more job training programs to
help people out of poverty and into
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employment. With increasing
prosperity and opportunities, the need
to steal from others would be reduced
and everyone would feel safer. In
terms of greater security on the roads, surveillance cameras [noun]: cameras
more surveillance cameras should be which record actions at a place where a
installed. These could be placed on crime may be committed.
trains and buses and also sited along
major roads, which would help to
ensure that motorists obeyed speed sited [verb]: placed something in a
limits and drive safely. The public certain position.
would feel much safer knowing that
such cameras were in place.

In conclusion, the problem of poverty

as a cause of burglary and robbery and
the problem of road safety can be
tackled by effective measures, giving
people a greater sense of security.
290 words

5. (07/11/2015): Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a

question of luck. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that some people’s success attributable (to) [adjective]: caused
is mostly attributable to luck instead by the thing mentioned. In this
of their own hard work. However, I context, success is the result of luck.
completely disagree with this opinion. industrious [adjective]: hard-working,
attain [verb]: to succeed in getting
I believe that only determined and
something, usually after a lot of effort.
industrious people will be successful
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in whatever they do. Hard-working code [verb]: to write a computer
people usually attain their goals. For program by putting one system of
instance, Steve Jobs spent thousands of numbers, words and symbols into
hours coding and experimenting to another system.
bring out the great Macintosh operating
system that we use nowadays. Another
motivational [adjective]: making
clear case of success through
somebody want to do something,
determination is Nick Vujicic, an
especially something which requires a
Australian motivational speaker, who lot of effort.
suffered from a rare disorder which
resulted in the absence of four limbs.
Despite not having any hands or legs, suffer from [phrasal verb]: to be badly
Vujicic earned a bachelor degree with a affected by a disease, pain, sadness or a
double major in accountancy and lack of something.
financial planning; he had his own
family, and now he travels around the
world to inspire people as a disorder [noun]: an illness that causes
motivational speaker. a part of the body to stop functioning
limbs [noun]: arms and legs.
On the other hand, by contrast, luck is
accountancy [noun] the profession of
only a small factor in determining an accountant, dealing with figures for
one’s achievement. Firstly, people tax or other purposes.
cannot solely be dependent on luck to
become successful. If a student does dependent [adjective] needing
not study for an exam, chances are he something in order to survive or to be
or she will fail, no matter how lucky he
or she may be. Secondly, luck only
contributes to short-term fortune. For lottery [noun] a way of raising money
instance, a person who wins a lottery by selling tickets. The tickets have
is definitely lucky because winning a numbers on them which people have
lottery does not require you to do chosen. Numbers are chosen by
anything to earn it. It purely depends chance and the people with those
on luck; yet, he or she cannot win the numbers win prizes.
lottery for the rest of his or her life.

purely [adverb] completely, entirely,

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In conclusion, for the reasons I have only.
mentioned above, I strongly believe passion [noun] a very strong interest
that in order to achieve objectives in in something and enthusiasm for it.
life, one must be extremely determined
and hard-working to follow his or her
passion till the end.
278 words

6. (12/12/2015): People should follow the customs and traditions when people
start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people argue that foreigners
should adapt to the local customs and the norms of social behavior:
traditions when they come to reside in standards of behaviour that are typical
a new country. I completely agree with of and accepted within society.
this view.

host country: a country which receives

Newcomers will certainly face visitors or new residents.
difficulties if they do not conform to
the norms of social behaviour in the
host country. Firstly, it will become blend into: to look very similar to the
almost impossible for them to blend surrounding people or things, so that it
is difficult to distinguish what is new.
into their new environment. For
example, an entrepreneur who comes
to live in a new country and starts up a an entrepreneur:a person who makes
business must be aware of the business money by starting or running a
practices of that country. There are business.
bound to be many pitfalls, not only
legal ones but also simply in terms of
winning and keeping customers. bound to (be): certain, or likely, to be.
Secondly, recent immigrants might fall

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foul of the law if they do not respect pitfalls: a hidden danger or difficulty,
the behaviour and customs of locals. which it is not easy or possible to see at
In Singapore, for instance, residents first.
will consider newcomers dirty and ill-
mannered if they litter the street or spit
gum in public places. fall foul of the law: to get into trouble
with the police because you are doing
something illegal.
There are also many benefits for
foreigners when they do adopt the newcomers: a person who has only
customs and traditions of their new recently arrived in a place.
country of residence. One advantage is
that local people will be more
welcoming when they feel that the
newcomers are showing respect for the
integration: the process of mixing
local way of life. The establishment of people who have previously been
closer links with the host community separated.
might lead to greater integration and
mutual understanding. Another
benefit is the richness of the experience mutual understanding: the feelings
which newcomers will gain from which two or more people share
enjoying aspects of local customs and equally.
traditions, enabling them to participate
in community life and avoid social
isolation. During festivals and national
holidays, especially, they will feel like social isolation: the state of being
they ‘belong’ in their new country. alone in society.

In conclusion, I would argue that it is ‘belong’: to feel comfortable and

essential for new residents to follow happy in a particular situation or with a
the traditions and habits of locals in the particular group of people.
host community in order to integrate
fully into society.
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Many people argue that foreigners
should observe the local customs and reside in: to have one's permanent
traditions when they come to reside in home in a particular place
a new country. I completely agree with
this view.
There are important reasons why the local norms: standards of
behaviour that are typical of and
people should follow the customs when
accepted within society.
they settle in a foreign country. Firstly,
if newcomers behave according to the
local norms, the resident population make friends: to become someone's
will accept them much more readily, friend
they will make friends more easily
and they will earn respect. For
example, an entrepreneur who comes to earn respect: to gain admiration
to live in a new country and starts up a from others
business must be aware of the business
practices of that country. There are
bound to be many pitfalls, not only an entrepreneur:a person who makes
money by starting or running a
legal ones but also simply in terms of
winning and keeping customers by
observing the local way of doing
business. Secondly, recent immigrants to start up: to begin a new company,
are likely to be shunned if they upset organization, or activity
local sensibilities. In Singapore, for
instance, residents will consider them
dirty and ill-mannered if they litter the bound to (be): certain, or likely, to be.
street or spit gum in public places.

pitfalls: a hidden danger or difficulty,

In their adopted homeland, which it is not easy or possible to see at
newcomers should also adopt the first.
traditions which local people observe.
The principal benefit is the richness of
to be shunned: to be persistently
the experience which new residents avoided, ignored, or rejected
will gain from enjoying aspects of local
traditions, enabling them to participate

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in community life and avoid social local sensibilities: cultural practices
isolation. During festivals and national and values of the area
holidays, especially, they will feel like
they ‘belong’ in their new country.
For example, Chinese people in the UK adopted homeland: a country where
not only celebrate Chinese New Year, someone chooses to live although they
were not born there
but they often attend the local New
Year celebrations and fireworks in
London and other major cities. newcomer [noun]: a person who has
only recently arrived in a place.

In conclusion, I would certainly argue social isolation: the state of being

that people who settle in a new country alone in society.
should follow local customs and
embrace the traditions which local
‘belong’[verb]: to feel comfortable
people observe. and happy in a particular situation or
281 words with a particular group of people.
settle[verb]: to go and live
somewhere, especially permanently

embrace[verb]: to accept something

7. (27/02/2016): More and more young people from wealthy countries are
spending a short time in communities in poorer countries doing unpaid work
such as teaching or building houses. Why?Who benefits more from this, the
community or these young people?
It is true that an increasing number of
young volunteers are now doing unpaid
work to help communities in
developing countries. Some reasons

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can be identified, and I would argue
that both the youngsters and the
communities benefit.
invaluable [adjective]: extremely
There are at least two important
reasons why I think some youngsters
CV (Curriculum Vitae) [noun]:
from developed countries spend some
records of your education and
time doing voluntary work in experience, used when you are
applying for a job.
communities in poor countries.
Firstly, they gain invaluable
job-hunting [noun]: trying to find a
experience and develop practical skills
which they can then add to their CVs.
This experience will certainly help
idealistic [adjective]: having a strong
them when job-hunting later in their belief in perfect ideas [which may or
may not be possible to achieve].
career. Secondly, the motivation of
idealistic young people should not be
underestimate [verb]: realise how
underestimated. The desire to help
strong, good or determined someone or
others less fortunate than themselves something really is.
comes from a feeling of wanting to
give without reward share hardships [noun]: situations that are
difficult or unpleasant, because you do
hardships, experiencing what it is like
not have enough money, clothes or
to live in a poor community. food, for example.

host community [noun]: a community

which invites other people to join it.
Both the host community and the

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young people benefit. The community
benefits because these young people
bring their enthusiasm and knowledge,
as well as their physical endeavour.
Hence, the youngsters may be able to physical endeavour [noun]: physical
teach literacy and numeracy skills, or
they may be strong and energetic to
help with building houses for those
literacy and numeracy [noun]: the
who have inadequate shelter. The
ability to read, write and do arithmetic.
young people benefit through the life
experience which they gain, living and
working alongside those from a
different culture. Without
inadequate [adjective]: not enough or
exagerration, it is a life-changing not good enough.
challenge and the youngsters will
return to their homes with a much more
mature and broader outlook on life.

In conclusion, there are some clear

reasons for this volunteering trend and
I believe that everyone benefits – it can
be truly be said to be a win-win
situation. a win-win situation [noun]: a situation
in which there is a good result for
267 words everyone involved.

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8. (12/03/2016): Some people think that it is good for a country's culture to
import foreign movies and TV programmes. Others think that it is better to
produce these locally. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is true that some people favour
importing movies and TV shows from overseas [adverb]: to or in another
overseas, rather than attempting to country, especially a country separated
produce these within their own from your country by the sea or ocean.
country. While many people suppose
consider that such imports make a
valuable contribution to national
culture, I would argue that it is
necessary to promote a local
entertainment industry.

perspective [noun]: a particular way of

On the one hand, local movies and TV
thinking about something.
programmes benefit national culture in
two important ways. From an
educational perspective, the young can stimulating [verb]: making someone
learn about their country’s past, interested and excited about something.
stimulating their interest and national
pride. For instance, instead of studying
history from boring textbooks, students
nowadays are able to learn about their documentaries [noun]: movies or TV
nation’s history by watching locally- programmes giving information about
made documentaries or movies. From something.
an entertainment perspective, local TV
shows and films are relevant to
everyday experiences and a familiar
way of life. Even when copyright
ideas from other countries are used,
local producers can adapt these to copyright [adjective]: not allowed to

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make shows such as a Vietnamese be copied without permission.
version of The Voice or The Next Top
adapt [verb]: to change something so
that it is suitable to use in a new way or
On the other hand, I believe that in a new situation.
international movies and TV
programmes can also benefit the
cultural life of a country. Firstly,
people are able to understand
something of the life and culture of
other countries, which they can simply
enjoy as entertainment or adventure. disaster movie [noun]: a movie about
an unexpected event which may cause
The American film ‘Titanic’ for
a lot of damage and kill many people.
example, is not only a disaster movie,
but also gives an idea about the history
of emigration from Europe to the emigration [noun]: the act of leaving
USA. Secondly, foreign movies and your own country to go and live in
TV shows help many people to another country.
improve their language skills,
combining learning and enjoyment.
Many Vietnamese students, for combining [verb]: putting two or
example, have benefited from watching more different things together.
TV series such as Friends.

In conclusion, although international

movies and TV programmes contribute
to the diversity of a country’s culture, it
seems to me that local film and TV
industries should also be supported
owing to their roles as education and
entertainment providers.
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9. (19/03/2016): People in the community can buy cheaper products nowadays.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
It is true that these days people are able
to buy many low-priced products.
While I accept that this has both
benefits and drawbacks, I would argue
that there are more disadvantages than

on the shelves [expression]: on

On the one hand, there are important display in the shops, available for
benefits for the consumer when customers to buy.
products are available at a lower price. smart TV [noun]: a TV which is like a
Firstly, people have the chance to buy normal TV but also has the Internet
more goods when prices are lower on connected to it.
the shelves. Thus, for example, more
people can afford to own a smart TV,
a laptop or to install air-conditioning in install [verb]: fix equipment into a
their homes, and therefore enjoy a position, so that it can be used.
better standard of living. Secondly, the
national economy will be boosted, as
production must increase in order to
meet the rising demand for such prosperity [noun]: the state of being
commodities. More jobs will be successful, especially at making mone
created as companies expand their sales
of consumer goods, reducing the
unemployment figures and enabling invariably [adverb]: always.
more people to share in the increasing

On the other hand, I believe that there

are serious drawbacks, which outweigh
these benefits. The principal reason for

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this view is that cheaper products are
almost invariably associated with poor
quality. For example, when cheap
imports from China first entered the
American and European markets,
consumers quickly realised that items
such as electronic goods either did not
work or quickly broke down and the durable [adjective]: likely to last for a
materials themselves were not durable. long time.
Another factor is the adverse impact adverse [adjective]: negative and
on the environment when there is unpleasant – not likely to produce a
unregulated expansion of production good result.
to provide cheap goods. This is
obvious in all sectors of the economy,
but most notably in agriculture, where unregulated [adjective]: not
cheap food has been produced at the controlled by laws or rules.
cost of destroying forests, polluting the soil [noun] : the top part of the
rivers and damaging the quality of the earth, in which plants and trees grow.

unsustainable [adjective]: that cannot

In conclusion, as cheaper products are be continued at the same rate or level.
often of low quality and are produced
in unsustainable ways, the
disadvantages of low-priced goods
outweigh the advantages.
295 words.

10. (02/06/2016): It is suggested that everyone wants to have a car, a television

and a fridge. Do the disadvantages of this development for society outweigh
the advantages?
It is true that cars, TVs and fridges are

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today among the most popular
consumer goods that people consider as
essential to enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling [adjective]: causing
somebody to feel satisfied.
fulfilling lifestyle. While there are
drawbacks of this trend, I would argue
that the advantages more than
compensate for any disadvantages.

On the one hand, the health and

environmental issues which are
associated with the mass ownership of
such products should not be
underestimated. Cars discourage
discourage [verb]: make somebody
people from taking exercise such as
feel less confident or enthusiastic about
walking or cycling short distances, and doing something.
they produce polluting exhaust
emissions which contribute to the sedentary [adjective]: (work or
activity) in which you spend a lot of
greenhouse effect. Too much time
time sitting down.
spent in front of the TV results in
unhealthy, sedentary habits, turning
couch potatoes [noun]: lazy people
viewers into ‘couch potatoes’. Even who spend a lot of time sitting on the
sofa wasting their time watching TV or
the fridge prompts unhealthy eating,
playing video games.
and youngsters in particular may
become accustomed to opening the
snack [verb]: eat snacks between or
fridge to snack on some fattening instead of main meals.
treats. Of course, when all these

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products reach the end of their useful fattening [adjective]: likely to make
you fat.
life, the problem of how to dispose of
treats [noun]: things which are very
them becomes a serious environmental
pleasant and enjoyable.
dispose of [phrasal verb] get rid of
something that you cannot keep or no
longer want.
On the other hand, I support the view
of those who believe that the benefits
of these consumer products outweigh
the disadvantages. Cars enable people
to have freedom of movement to visit
mindless [adjective]: not requiring
people and places. TV programmes are
thought or intelligence.
not all mindless entertainment, and
discerning viewers will choose
discerning [adjective]: able to show
channels like Discovery to broaden good judgement about the quality of
their knowledge and will watch news
and discussion programmes on serious
contemporary [adjective]: belonging
contemporary issues. Finally, the
to the present time.
convenience of being able to store food
in the fridge for long periods is obvious
– food waste is reduced and visits to
the supermarket can be made on a
weekly or monthly basis, saving time
and effort.

In conclusion, I consider that the

advantages of these products outweigh

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the drawbacks, provided that we use
them sensibly.
286 words

11. (30/07/2016): The gap between the rich and the poor is increasingly wide,
as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer. What problems
could this situation cause? What are the solutions to address those problems?
It is true that the gap between the rich
and poor is growing wider in many
regions of the world. While the
problems that result are complex,
fundamental solutions based on
expanding education should be adopted
inequalities [noun]: unfair differences
to tackle this problem. in wealth.

Increasing levels of poverty and rising impact on [verb]: have an effect on

wealth inequalities impact on the somebody/something.
economic growth of a country and the
security of its citizens. In economic
terms, the existence of a large mass of mass [noun]: a large number or
unemployed or low-paid workers quantity of something
directly affects domestic businesses,
such as local shops and factories. As
nobody has money to buy their force [verb]: make somebody do
something that they do not want to do.
products, they are themselves forced to
close, creating further unemployment.
In terms of public security, without the turn to [phrasal verb]: to go in a new
means of obtaining money through direction for help or to improve your
work, the poor may turn to crimes situation.
such as drug trafficking, prostitution,
robbery and violent attacks on others.

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Youth unemployment has, in drug trafficking [noun]: buying and
particular, been linked with rising selling drugs illegally.
crime rates.

prostitution [noun]: the act of

Governments must, therefore, expand providing sex in return for money.
educational opportunities to benefit all
their citizens, in order to reduce the gap
slum [noun]: an area of a city that is
between rich and poor. The provision
very poor and the houses are in bad
of a better standard of schooling in condition.
slum areas of cities and in poor rural
regions would enable children to reach
a higher level of educational attainment [noun]: something that you
attainment. Grants and scholarships have achieved.
could be used to help students to
command [verb]: to deserve and
remain in education for longer and gain obtain something because of the special
qualifications. In particular, technical qualities that you have.
education could be expanded, helping
poorer children to learn trades. In decent [adjective]: of a good enough
standard or quality.
construction, engineering, and
agriculture, a highly-educated
workforce will be needed in the future,
and skilled workers will be able to
command high salaries and enjoy a
decent standard of living. As work
opportunities improve, crime rates will

Thus, dealing with the problem at its

roots, by expanding educational
opportunities, the authorities would be
able to reduce the gap between the
wealthy and poor sectors of society.
293 words.

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12. (04/08/2016): In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits,
jeans) rather than traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative
It is true that throughout the world,
Western styles of clothing are preferred
to traditional dress. There are some
important factors which account for
this trend, and I consider it to be a growing [adjective]: increasing
largely positive development.
There are two principal reasons for the
suited [adjective]: right or appropriate
growing popularity of Western clothes for somebody or something.
worldwide. Firstly, Western fashions
are suited to modern working life.
Denim overalls are practical and denim [noun]: a strong cotton cloth,
serviceable for those who work with usually blue, and often used to make
machines, while businessmen and jeans.
retail staff are expected by their
employers to wear smart suits or
uniforms based on Western designs. overalls [noun]: a loose piece of
Secondly, the influence of the media – clothing, made in one piece, like a shirt
and trousers, usually blue and used by
particularly Hollywood films – is
workers doing dirty work.
responsible for the tendency of
youngsters to associate Western
clothes fashions with a life of glamour serviceable [adjective]: suitable to be
and success. These images are now used
universally popularised and the names
of brands such as Gucci, Nike and retail staff [noun]: employees who sell
products to the public.
Versace are known almost everywhere.
associate [verb]: make a connection in
your mind between people or things.
I consider that this trend has largely glamour [noun]: an attractive or
positive consequences. Jeans and T- exciting quality that makes something
shirts, and even baseball caps, are worn or somebody seem special.

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by people of all ages everywhere. popularized [verb]: made popular, so
Such Western clothes are versatile, that a lot of people know about
and may be worn for many work and something.
leisure activities. They are usually versatile [adjective]: having many
hard-wearing, although this depends different uses.
on the quality and price. Another
hard-wearing [adjective]: that lasts a
positive aspect is that, because Western
long time and remains in a good
styles are now mass-produced by the
international clothing industry, they are
therefore affordable, with the added mass-produced [adjective]: produced
advantage of offering a wide choice of in large quantities, using machinery.
designs and colours. It is regrettable
that traditional costumes, such as the
affordable [adjective]: cheap enough
Ao Dai in Vietnam, are declining in
so that people can buy it.
popularity, since they are part of the
cultural heritage of a country.
However, in the modern world, this is regrettable [adjective]: that you are
an inevitable result of globalisation. sorry about and wish had not happened.

In conclusion, the widespread cultural heritage [noun]: the history

adoption of Western styles of clothes and traditions that a country or society
is a result of our modern way of life. has had for many years and are
As they are practical and affordable, considered to be important.
this trend is largely positive.
293 words inevitable [adjective]: that you cannot
prevent or avoid.
widespread [adjective]: existing or
happening in many places or among
many people.
adoption [noun]: the decision to start
using something, especially an idea or

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13. (05/11/2016): Some people believe that living in big cities is becoming more
difficult. Others believe that it is getting easier. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.

Amended Essay:
It is true that there are good arguments
on both sides of the question of living
in big cities. While I acknowledge the
drawbacks, I agree with those who acknowledge [verb]: accept that
consider that life is becoming easier, something is true
even in a large metropolis.

On the one hand, there are powerful

reasons to argue that some aspects of metropolis [noun]: a large, important
city life are making life more difficult city
for those who live there. Firstly, the
population density is high and many
residents use their cars to commute to get around [phrasal verb]: move from
work, to take children to school or place to place
simply to get around. More cars mean
an increase in exhaust fumes, a
deterioration in air quality and exhaust fumes [noun]: gases from the
engine of a vehicle emitted as waste
damaging effects on public health,
especially for those with respiratory
problems. Secondly, the cost of living
is usually much higher in big cities deterioration [noun]: the fact or
compared with rural areas. The cost of process of becoming worse
living is constantly rising, as rents,
house prices and public transport fares
all increase regularly. Those on low respiratory [adjective]: connected
incomes and students sometimes suffer with breathing
from genuine hardship and are barely fares [noun]: the money that you pay
able to make ends meet. to travel by bus, train, taxi etc

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On the other hand, I agree with those hardship [noun]: a situation that is
who argue that life in the cities is difficult and unpleasant because you
becoming easier. People often migrate don’t have enough money
to urban areas because there are greater
job opportunities and career
make ends meet [expression]: have
prospects. For example, recent
just enough money to buy the things
graduates who may have attended a
that you need
university in a big city are unlikely to
find work suited to their qualifications
in the countryside, whereas the big career prospects [noun]: the
companies and the big money are to be probability or chance for future success
found in the cities. Another key factor in a profession
to consider is the wealth of leisure and
culture on offer in large urban areas.
The cinema, music concerts and sports
centres all attract customers, especially suited to: suitable or appropriate for
young people. It was once written: if
you are tired of London, you are tired
of life! Big cities simply offer so much
to do! big money [expression]: a large
amount of money

In conclusion, I believe that life in big

cities, despite the problems, is getting
easier and pleasanter.
wealth of [expression]: a good supply
317 words or quantity of something desirable

14. (05/10/2017): More and more people in the city live in homes with small
spaces or no outdoor areas. Do you think it is a negative or positive


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It is true that increasing numbers of
people now live in cities in housing
which is cramped or where there is no
outdoor area. While living in small cramped[adjective]: not having
flats or houses may be more enough space or time
affordable, I would argue that this is
affordable[adjective]: able to be
largely a negative development.
bought or rented by people who do not
earn a lot of money
Smaller housing units are cheaper to urban dweller: a person who lives in
rent or to buy, and therefore many an urban area
urban dwellers choose to live in them
as the best available option. In the mass exodus: the movement of a lot of
developing world, the mass exodus to people from a place
the cities has resulted in a high
population density, and the available population density: a measurement of
housing stock has been inadequate to population per unit area or unit volume
cope with growing demands. High-
rise buildings, comprising small flats, housing stock: the total number of
have been constructed as a response to houses and apartments in an area
public housing needs or as the best
inadequate[adjective]: too small in
means for property developers to amount
make money. Yet they are in popular
demand, as many people are prepared to cope with: to deal successfully with
to put up with living in a confined a difficult situation
space or to endure squalid living
conditions, because they cannot afford High-rise building: a tall building
exorbitant rents. It is a much better public housing: a form of housing
alternative than living on the streets. tenure in which the property is owned
by a government authority
However, this trend in the property
market has significant negative property developers: a person whose
aspects. Firstly, with lack of space job involves buying and selling
comes lack of privacy. Even in a buildings and land, and arranging for
developed country like the UK, many new buildings to be built
traditional houses which used to
occupy the inner city areas, have now endure[verb]: to suffer something

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been divided into multiple occupancy, difficult, unpleasant, or painful
with all the inconvenience of sharing
bathrooms and kitchens. Secondly, a squalid[adjective]: extremely dirty
feature of contemporary urban and unpleasant
living is the lack of a garden, or even a living conditions: the circumstances of
yard, in which children can play or a person's life—shelter, food, clothing,
safety, access to clean water, and such
laundry can be dried. If children
cannot play outside in the sunshine,
exorbitant rents: very high amount of
then their physical development will money that you pay regularly for the
suffer and, of course, they will be use of a room, house, car, etc. that
unhappy. someone else owns

living on the streets: to be homeless

In conclusion, while some welcome a the property market: the buying and
small living space as their only selling of land and buildings
financial option, this trend must be inner city areas: the central part of a
regarded as largely negative. city where people live

294 words multiple occupancy: residential

properties where ‘common areas’ exist
and are shared by more than one

a feature of contemporary urban

living: a typical quality of city life

laundry[noun]: the dirty clothes and

sheets that need to be, are being, or
have been washed
15. (02/11/2017): People are living longer. Some people think that this it causes
big problems. Others, however, think the aging population has many
advantages for business, government and for society in general. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
It is true that the life expectancy of

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people throughout the world is
increasing. While some people fear the
consequences of this trend, I agree with
those who contend that it has national and local authorities:
significant benefits for business, government organizations acting at a
government and the whole of society. national level or within a smaller, local

On the one hand, some believe that an

aging population will have serious labour productivity: the rate at which
economic and social consequences, and a worker, a company or a country
will therefore present serious problems produces goods, and the amount
for national and local authorities. produced, compared with how much
They imagine a decline in labour time, work and money is needed to
productivity as the workforce produce them
becomes older. Then, as people extend
their working lives, they foresee a time to pursue a successful career: to have
when younger people will be denied a series of jobs in a particular area of
work, with more responsibility as time
the chance to pursue a successful
career and will have only limited
promotion opportunities. They also
promotion opportunities: chances to
argue that an increasingly elderly
move to a more important position in a
population will place an intolerable company or organization
strain on public health services and on
state-funded pension schemes. If
public health services: the agencies
governments do not curb public funded by the government to protect
spending in these areas, it will be and promote the health
necessary to impose spending cuts
which will impact unfairly on younger
people, in fields like education and pension schemes: a system in which
family allowances. you and your employer pay money
regularly into a fund, to use when you
retire from work
of the population
On the other hand, I agree with the
view that such fears are exaggerated. to curb public spending: to restrict

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Firstly, technology has revolutionized what the government spends on
the nature of work, and modern high- something
skills businesses require employees
who have acquired skills and to impose spending cuts: to introduce
knowledge over many years. Instead new rules to spend less money on
of taking early retirement, senior something
employees can easily job-share with
younger colleagues, passing on their to acquire
valuable experience. Secondly, when experience/knowledge/skill
governments prioritize expenditure : to gain experience/knowledge/skill by
on health, every member of society your own efforts or behavior
benefits. Also, with the promotion of
health awareness campaigns and the
growing emphasis on preventive to take early retirement: to stop
medicine, many people are remaining working before reaching the age at
fit for most of their lives. which people usually stop working

to job share: to share the hours of

work and the pay of one job between
The view that older people should be two people
economically marginalized and
represent a burden to society is
profoundly misguided, and to pass on: to give someone something
governments must instead recognize that someone else has given you.
the contribution of older people to the
economy and to society as a whole.
to prioritize expenditure on: to put
296 words. the need to spend money on certain
things first

health awareness campaigns:

publicity to encourage people to be
concerned about looking after their
preventive medicine: practices of
healthcare intended to try to stop

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to marginalize (verb): to make
somebody feel that they are not
important and cannot influence
decisions or events
misguided (adjective): wrong,
because you have understood or judged
a situation badly

16. (02/02/2019): More and more people want to buy famous brands of
clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a
positive or negative development?
It is true that a growing number of
people want to buy well-known
designer labels of many consumer
products. While there are some
obvious reasons for this trend, I glamorous [adjective]: especially
believe that it is a totally negative attractive, exciting and different
development. from ordinary things
to be swayed by advertisements:
to be influenced to buy things as a
The reasons for the increasing result of advertising
consumer concern with brand names
are simple to explain. Firstly, the celebrity endorsement: A form of
brand or advertising campaign that
marketing departments of giant
involves a well known person using
corporations aim to identify their
their fame to help promote a product
goods with a glamorous and or service
successful lifestyle, and people are
easily swayed by advertisements. to promote their products: to
Companies often use celebrity make products popular by
advertising them
endorsement to promote their
products, with famous people like to squander savings: to waste
Cristiano Ronaldo or Victoria money by not using it to your

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Beckham. Secondly, the possession advantage
of a Mercedes car or a Gucci target audience: consumers whom
handbag, for example, advertises businesses aim at when selling their
one’s own wealth and taste to others. products
The idea behind owning a brand
name is to make others jealous. brand awareness: the action of
bringing the name of a company to
the attention of the public
However, I would argue that this is a
completely negative development. In
terms of what ordinary people can
afford, consumers are encouraged by
corporations to squander their savings consumerism [noun]: the act of
on designer goods which the buying or using goods or services
companies promise will improve their
lives and make them happy. From a
social perspective, such messages
are very dangerous, encouraging
crime, for example to steal the latest
cell phones from people in the street.
The target audience is often young
people, who companies seek to attract
by promoting brand awareness of
their products such as Coca Cola,
Nike or Samsung. These are now
considered to be essential items to
have in our modern global village.

In conclusion, there are some

important reasons to explain why
many people find brand name
products so attractive. Although
famous designer labels are
increasingly in demand, I would
argue that this form of consumerism
gives people a false idea of what is

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important in our lives.

281 words.

17. (23/03/2019): It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older

people than that of young people in many countries in the future? Do you
think it is a positive or negative development?
It is predicted that in many countries
the percentage of the elderly population
will be higher than the proportion of
the young generation. While this will to confront (a problem or difficulty)
create some problems, I believe that it [verb]: to appear and to need to be
dealt with by somebody
is on balance a positive development.

public health services: the agencies

On the one hand, the main issue funded by the government to protect
confronting countries with a large and promote the health of the
elderly population is the cost of population
providing public health services. As
people grow older, they generally need
more medical attention. It will, to impose spending cuts: to
therefore be necessary for governments introduce new rules to spend less
to impose spending cuts or to raise money on something
taxes on incomes or goods in order to
provide funding for increased health
care. In countries like the USA and to raise taxes on: to increase the
amount of tax on something
the UK, many people fear that they
may be faced with large health bills in
to provide funding for: to give
their old age and have decided to take
money to enable something to be
out private health insurance. They
argue that the resources of a welfare
state will not be adequate to guarantee
to be faced with [expression]: if you
good health care when they are old. are faced with a particular situation,

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you have to deal with it
On the other hand, I agree with those to take out private health
who argue that the world is changing insurance: to make regular payments
and fewer young people will be to an insurance company, who will
required to work in future. Firstly, pay for medical or hospital treatment
advances in technology mean fewer when you need it
young workers are needed. Robotics a welfare state: a taxation system
technology is still in its infancy, but which allows governments to provide
fewer workers are needed now in many for the economic and social well-
occupations. For example, labour- being of its citizens
saving appliances have replaced many
workers in the industrial and service adequate [adjective]: enough for a
sectors. Secondly, as populations age, particular purpose or need
the number of people will decline. The advances in technology: the
present world population of about 9 improvement or development in
billion is depleting the natural technology
resources on which everyone depends. robotics technology: the design,
construction and operation of robots
In conclusion, although the health
to be in its infancy: to be in the early
costs of caring for an increasingly development of something
elderly population will be high
initially, an aging population will avoid labour-saving appliances: machines
both the future problems of an army of that reduce the amount of work or
young jobless people, and also effort needed to do something.
population pressure which will provoke
an ecological crisis. to deplete natural resources: To
290 words reduce the amount of natural
jobless [noun]: without a job
an ecological crisis: a serious
situation that occurs when the
environment of a species or a
population changes in a way that
destabilizes its continued survival

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18. (06/04/2019): People have little understanding of the importance of the
natural world. What are the reasons for this, and how can people learn more
about the natural world?
It is true that most people do not realize
how important the natural world is.
While there are some reasons to
explain this lack of knowledge, there
the disappearance of traditional
are ways in which people can improve
ways of life: the fact that traditional
their understanding.
ways no longer exist

I believe that the major reason why

many people do not appreciate the advances in technology: the
value of the natural world is the improvement or development in
disappearance of traditional ways of technology
life. In terms of work, hunting,
fishing or agriculture are now the working environment: the conditions
occupation of a small minority of the that you work in
workforce in most countries.
Advances in technology mean that to fall by the wayside: if something
most people now spend a large part of falls by the wayside, it is no longer
their day in a closed working used
environment, such as an office, shop or
harvest: the time of year when crops
factory, without any contact with
are collected on a farm
nature. From a cultural perspective,
traditional festivals related to the
natural seasons in agricultural to provide a link to our roots: to
communities have fallen by the connect with previous generations
wayside. Celebrations of nature, for
in the hands of an ageing population:
example at times of spring or harvest,
dependent on the elderly
which once provided a link to our
roots, continue only in the hands of an to be addicted to: to be unable to stop
ageing population, while younger taking harmful drugs, tobacco or

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generations are addicted to the alcohol.
electronic media.
the electronic media: broadcast media
which use electronic technology, such
However, people can learn about the as the internet, television, radio, DVDs
natural world in three important ways. etc
Firstly, there are many opportunities to
become involved in local volunteer environmentally friendly: behavior or
work, carrying out environmentally products that do not harm the
friendly tasks like planting trees.
Secondly, schools should include
nature studies and environmental
science in the curriculum. Finally, to stimulate: to encourage something
more nature documentaries on TV and to develop
the internet would stimulate a revival a revival of interest in: the process of
of interest in the world around us. something becoming more popular
They are an excellent means of
informing the public about life on the
planet, and the need to combat the environmental degradation: the
environmental degradation which process or fact of the environment
threatens it. becoming worse

In conclusion, although there are

important reasons why there is little
public understanding of the natural
world, there are ways in which this
lack of knowledge can be overcome.
289 words

19. (18/06/2019): Many people disagree with a school policy which forces
children to learn new languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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It is true that many people oppose the
idea that learning a foreign language
should be compulsory in schools.
While it could be argued that learning
a new language is valuable in schools, I
believe that such a policy should not be
made compulsory.

On the one hand, it is advantageous

for schoolchildren to study a foreign advantageous: good or useful in a
language. One reason is that in some particular situation
schools there are opportunities to
participate in organised exchange visits to assimilate knowledge: to absorb
with overseas students, or to travel on and understand knowledge
school trips to countries with a to have social skills: to have the
different language and culture. In these personal skills required for successful
ways, children can assimilate communication and interaction
knowledge and even acquire social
skills while having fun at the same
time. Another reason is that if job prospects: the chances of being
children are able to speak a foreign successful and having more
language, they may find this useful in opportunities at work
later life. It could improve their job
prospects and help them to pursue a
successful career. to pursue a successful career: to have
a series of jobs in a particular area of
work, with more responsibility as time
On the other hand, I would argue that passes
children should not be forced to learn a
new language. Firstly, some children
might fail to see the point of studying a to see the point of: to understand the
subject, for example French or purpose or aim of something
German, which they think they will
never use. They would soon become

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bored and disrupt lessons. Secondly, to disrupt lessons: to make it difficult
the school curriculum may already to conduct the lesson in the normal way
cover a lot of ground. Given a busy
timetable, pupils may prefer to study
things which they think will benefit to cover a lot of ground: to deal with
them in the future, such as science or much information and many facts.

In conclusion, although learning a new

language would be useful, fun and
challenging for children, I feel that this
should not form a compulsory part of
the school curriculum.

260 words

20. (19/10/2019): Many people are now spending more and more time
travelling to work or school. Some people believe that this is a negative
development while others think there are some benefits. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

Essay: commuting times: the time taken

It is true that commuting times to work travelling to and from work
or school are generally longer today
than in the past. While this trend may
be beneficial from one point of view, I
agree with those who consider this a
negative development.

On the one hand, the need to spend

more time travelling to work or school
has provoked some beneficial changes.
This problem has forced companies
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and education authorities to take to prompt: to make somebody decide
measures to deal with the situation. to do something/ to make something
Firstly, the difficulties of getting to happen
work have prompted some employers
to introduce flexible working hours. flexible working hours: hours of work
Many employees prefer this flexibility, that can be changed by agreement
and it has proved helpful in particular between the employer and the
for working mothers who need to pick employee
up their children after school. A
second benefit is in the field of working mothers: Mothers who have
education. Most universities now offer to go out to work as well as to look
an option for distance learning, after children
recognising the fact that lengthy
to pick up : to go somewhere and
journeys deter many potential students.
Now, the virtual classroom enables collect somebody who is waiting for
studies to be done at home. you
distance learning: delivering
On the other hand, it is a waste of education to students who are not
time to spend hours each day getting to physically at school/at university
or from work or school. One problem a virtual classroom: an online
is that everyone finds it more and more
classroom in which participants can
difficult to be punctual, when faced
with rush hour traffic jams, which is a communicate and interact with other
stressful situation causing daily students, view videos and actively
anxiety. Many of my classmates, for engage with the study materials
example, tell me about their worries
about being late for lectures. Another to be punctual: to arrive at the correct
problem is that people arrive time
exhausted at school or the workplace
rush hour traffic jams: the time when
and, in the evening, they arrive worn-
out after a long journey home. They most people are travelling to or from
are too tired to enjoy their leisure. work/school and so there is too much
traffic on the roads.

In conclusion, I believe that the

problem of increased journey times to anxiety: the state of feeling nervous or
work or school has forced the
worried that something bad is going to
introduction of some beneficial

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changes. However, these long happen
journeys cause stress and fatigue, and
they are clearly a negative worn-out: looking or feeling very
development. tired, especially as a result of hard
work or physical exercise

291 words fatigue: a feeling of being very tired

21. (23/10/2019): Charities and organizations always give special names to

particular days such as 'National Children's Day' and 'National Non-smoking
Day'. What are the reasons for these particular days? How effective are they?

Essay: non-governmental organizations:

It is true that many charities and NGOs NGOs: a charity or association that is
organise special days. They are independent of government or business
convinced of the need for such days,
and I would support their argument that
special days are effective and worthwhile: important, enjoyable,
worthwhile. interesting – worth spending time,
money or effort on
There are two major reasons why
charities and other organisations have
special days. Firstly, they may use
them as an opportunity to raise funds to prime time television: the hours
support their work. In the UK, for during which most people are watching
example, the charity ‘Children in
Need’ have a special day, with
celebrities presenting a show on prime to enhance their public image : to
time television, which raises millions make their company appear more
of pounds each year. Secondly, they
attractive to people
use these special days to enhance their
public image, making the most of to make the most of something: to
increased news coverage to inform the make something appear as good as
public about their aims and possible; to exploit something; to get as
achievements. Volunteers talk to
much out of something as is possible.
people in the streets on such days and

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offer badges, sometimes even news coverage: the reporting of news
recruiting people to become voluntary and sport in newspapers, tv, or radio.
workers for the charity.

In terms of effectiveness, these special

days are worth all the extra work and to recruit: to find new people to join a
preparation which charities devote to company, an organisation, the army etc
organising them. One good example
are the days organised by various
health awareness campaigns. The
health awareness campaigns:
charity ‘Samaritans’ in Europe and the
USA offers emotional support by publicity to encourage people to be
telephone to people with mental health concerned about looking after their
problems. It uses a special day to health.
inform people about what they do and
to appeal for more volunteers to join to offer emotional support: to give
their work. Thus, the special day counselling to a person who is
highlights the extent of the problem suffering from a mental health problem
and appeals to the social conscience of
mental health problems: related to
the public.
illnesses of one’s mind

In conclusion, there are good reasons

for organising specific days to social conscience: the state of being
publicise the work of particular aware of the problems that affect a lot
charities. The special days are both of people in society, such as being poor
effective and essential to enable them or having no home, and wanting to do
to continue with their valuable work
something to help these people
throughout the year.
273 words

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