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The Impact of the Beatles Rock and Roll Band on the Society

Rock and roll is one of the music genres that emerged and gained popularity in the 20th

century. Evidently, rock and roll music originated from the United States where sources maintain

that it was a combination of gospel music, blues, electric blues, jazz, folk, jump blues, rhythm

and blues, and boogie-woogie. Since then, this type of music has witnessed tremendous changes

in the instruments used, system of playing, popularity, and in its bit of derivative forms (Millard

23. As the rock and roll music continued to develop, so was technology, and in the late 1950s,

the wave of rock and roll started transforming as the genre started experiencing continuous bits

of technological changes. The Beatles formed a group of artists that served to transform the

music genre immensely. This group of artists emerged with unique compositions and

performances that served to redefine what previous artists had achieved in the previous years.

This paper will highlight the ways in which the Beatles transformed the society in the sixties.

The popularity of the Beatles, common referenced as the ‘Fab four’ cannot receive any

form of underestimation. The band consisted of John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison and

Paul McCartney. The four young musicians were the voices behind the band that defined a

saliently powerful wave in the rock and roll genre. With the emerging success of their music, the

band exerted a salient effect on the social and political realms (45). The four band members were

teenagers at the peak of their lives, and had the capacity to earn fame and have many fans. The

young generation found it easy to associate with the Beatles. Notably, in a few years, the Beatles

had prompted the development of a culture named Beatlemania. The term used to define the
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culture was coined from the immense support that the young people in Europe and America

exhibited for the Beatles group.

Notably, rock and roll emerged as a form of rebellion in America. The founders of the

genre music were African Americans who found displeasure in the segregation system.

Evidently, the Beatles borrowed certain aspects from initial rock artists such as Chuck Berry,

Elvis Presley, Isley Brothers, and Roy Orbison (58). Therefore, the Beatles, although based in

Europe, exhibited certain attributes as the American rock artists. Moreover, the Beatles lived in

accordance to a free spirit, evident from their lyrics and lifestyles. They adopted a new hairstyle

and dress code, facets of the Beatles that highly influenced the social culture, as they would

become fashion trends in both Europe and America. Their music served to confer the young

generation with a unique identity of the time. They redefined the genre and prompted its

acceptance by many people who had refuted the rock and roll idea. Their musical ideas and their

unique style would influence other musicians in the decades that followed. This only served to

extend the social, cultural and political effects triggered by the Beatles.

In addition, the Beatles appealed to the young generation as demonstrated by their dance

and singing. They exhibited a lot of energy in their musical career. They four young artists did

not let authorities or any barriers affect their career negatively. They defied any existing social

trends and defined a new image of rock and roll. This is the reason why many analysts have

described this band as the most influential in the 1960s (65). Notably, there was initial resistance

to rock and roll music. However, little did the older generation know that as time goes by,

teenagers would develop a remarkable craving for this type of music since it was soothing and

appealing to them. The Beatles only served to heighten the appeal to young people. Attributively,

John Lennon was an outstanding composer who composed lyrics that talked about issues that
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affected the younger generation. This served to increase the appeal as the content was of

relevance to the experiences of the young generation. Notably, the personalities of the four

members of the band served as additional appeal to many young people. The Beatles awakened a

form of rebellion of the old lifestyle for many youths, urging them to adopt a new and

captivating lifestyle as advocated for by rock and roll music.

Moreover, the Beatles composed music that depicted the salient difference between the

young generation and the older generation. Evidently, the two generations exhibited completely

contrasting views. The older generation that comprised of parents to many youths made

concerted efforts to achieve economic growth after the struggle they experienced due to the

aftermaths of the Second World War. On the other hand, the young people were willing to

experience adventure in their lives and make fun an integral part of their youth (87). One of the

songs titled ‘She’s Leaving Home’ reflected the need for young people to experience life away

from their parents. The song was inspired by a real story of a girl who had preferred to escape

from home and pursue her desires. Evidently, the Beatles served to represent the voice of the

young people.

The Beatles emerged during the period of baby boomers in the American society. This

generation was determined to achieve economic freedom amidst the pertinent challenges that had

prevented many of African Americans to make any notable advances economically. Therefore,

music by the Beatles proved appealing to this generation. Notably, the Beatles had a trip to

Ameican in 1964, which served to alter the political atmosphere of the nation. Contextually,

America was still in grief after the demise of JF Kennedy, who had been a remarkable president.

The arrival of the Beatles at that time was timely, as the energetic and passionate performances
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that rocked America served to reduce the pain of the loss (43). The excitement of the young

people because of the Beatles tour cannot receive any underestimation.

During the epic performances, the Beatles made a declaration that it was the appropriate

time for young people to ascend to higher heights. This was especially critical for the African

Americans who formed the higher percentage of people attending rock and roll concerts. It

served as an awakening for them, to defy the odds that had defined the fate of their parents, and

presented them with ultimate determination to demand for better treatment. According to many

analysts, the Beatles proved their worth in being a leader in influencing pop culture (89).

Without doubt, the band determined new standards for pop culture.

Moreover, some compositions by the Beatles had political significance during the

Vietnam War. The song titled ‘revolution’ was one of the highly influential songs during the

Vietnam War as it advocated for anti- war efforts and urged people to forge forward in demand

for peace. The use if the songs by Beatles during this time served to illustrate the potential of

music to alter the political atmosphere of the globe. In this song, the Beatles advocated for

revolution without any form of destruction (67). Moreover, the Beatles also revealed their views

on communism, making the song have more impact that is political because the debate between

communism and capitalism was crucial in that era.


Rock and roll had multiple social, cultural and political effects in the 20 th century. The

Beatles served to redefine the music genre in many ways. The four teenagers advocated for

issues that affected the young generation. The band influenced the fashion trends of the time, and

altered the perceptions of the youth. Moreover, their music exhibited relevance in the political
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scene as well. Without doubt, the fame and popularity accorded to the Beatles was well deserved,

as it is band that transformed society immensely.

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Work Cited

Millard, A J. Beatlemania: Technology, Business, and Teen Culture in Cold War America.

Baltimore, Md: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012. Print.

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