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Half-Yearly Examination Time Table 2023-24

Grade- Nursery to III
Date Day Nursery to III
04-10-2023 WEDNESDAY English

06-10-2023 FRIDAY Hindi

09-10-2023 MONDAY Mathematics

11-10-2023 WEDNESDAY EVS/Science/GK

13-10-2023 FRIDAY Computer, GK(I,II,III) and Nur to KGII - Eng, GK(Oral)

16-10-2023 MONDAY Moral I, II, III and Nur to KGII - Hindi, Maths(Oral)

Note:- 1. Students Should be regular during Exam as school will not conduct Re-Exam again.
2. Arrival time will be same and departure time will be at 1:30pm during the Exam.
3. Same time will be followed on 30/09/2023, arrival same and departure at 1:30pm.
4. On 3rd October there will be preparatory leave for the students.

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