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Name: Muhammad Daniyal Ali

Roll no: 0794

Section: A18

Assignment # 1

Paragraph Writing

“The most unforgettable moment of my life”

I was around 9 years old when I witnessed the most

unforgettable moment of my life. A moment that triggered a
chain reaction which further shaped up my personality and
made me the man I am today. It was a moment that still fills
me with dread whenever I think about it. Looking back at it, I
often ask myself, “What could've I done for its prevention?” But
given the circumstances, there was nothing much I could've
done. Here's how it all played out. It all happened in the middle
of June 2014. The weather was warm, my summer holidays had
just started, and the football World Cup was in full flow. One
can argue it was the perfect start to the summer for a teenage
boy. Life was good. But later on, as the month went on, we
started to witness strange things happening around the house.
Sometimes, we heard random knocks coming from all around
the house. Other times, we heard whispers. But the thing that
set all of us off was the rotted eggs and tomatoes we found at
all the corners of our house. Inside and out. I tried to rationalize
it away. Telling myself that it was just a prank someone else
was playing on us. But I can't say the same for the rest of my
family. My mum and dad, in particular. They looked paranoid
and started taking counter measures as if they've already dealt
with this type of threat before. The next day, my mum came up
to me and, in a concerned tone, asked me if I had seen anything
unusual going around. I told her about the bangs and the
whispers that she already knew about. After that, she dropped
me and my siblings to our neighbor’s house and asked us to
wait for them. I asked about where she was going, but she just
told me to wait for her and then left. I remember asking my
friend if he knew about what was happening to our house and
where my mom had been. That's when I first got to know about
black magic. At first, I told him that there's no such things as
ghosts, but he reassured me that everything would be alright. A
few hours later, my parents came back to pick us up. When we
got back to our house, some of our relatives were also there. I
was relieved to see them for some reason. After a while, I asked
my mom in a serious tone about what was going on. And then,
in a bluff, I told her that I knew about the black magic stuff.
That's when my worst nightmare came into reality. We were
indeed cursed with black magic. Over the course of the next few
weeks, the demons got stronger, and the whistles and bangs
got frequent. They started doing all sorts of paranormal things
that were borderline impossible to occur. I once heard a door
opening and closing repeatedly. But when I went to check it
out, there was nothing there. I didn't tell anyone about it,
however. I thought I was just hallucinating, and by telling about
it to my parents, it would just further worry them. One day,
while all of us were sitting in the living room, we heard
footsteps coming from upstairs. Judging by the looks on
everyone's face, I knew for a fact that all of them heard it. The
elders of the house quickly got up and ran upstairs while my
dad shouted at us to stay right where we were. A few
horrendous minutes later, my dad came rushing back down. He
was on a phone call heading outside. I followed him just to ask
about what had just happened. Instead, I heard the words, "The
door was locked, but somehow they managed to get inside and
vandalize everything without leaving a single trace of how they
broke in." I turned around and rushed back inside and onto the
stairs. That's when my relative caught me and asked me where
I was headed. I just shouted in panic and asked him what
happened to the room. He brushed it off, saying nothing. But I
knew he was lying. After about maybe half an hour, all of them
came downstairs. When I asked again about what had
happened, they all lied. All of them told me different stories.
None of them matched. That night, I made the decision that I'd
go upstairs and look for it myself. That turned out to be the
worst decision of my life now that I think about it. When
everyone was asleep, I got up and headed upstairs. Curiosity
had overshadowed my brain so much that I wasn't even
thinking straight. I didn't have an ounce of fear when I reached
my parent's room. The room which supposedly had a creature
lurking around in the shadows. The door was unlocked. Just as I
was about to open it, I started to hear footsteps again. Only this
time, it was coming from the inside. That should've been the
first sign not to stay there any longer. At that moment, I just
froze, not knowing what to do next. Just as I was about to run
back downstairs, I heard my mum’s voice coming from the
inside of the room. She called out my name and asked me to
come inside. That's when I opened the door to peek inside. As
I'm writing this, it's still sending shivers down my spine, and I
hope that no person should ever experience the fear I did that
night. Inside, I saw a silhouette of a tall human standing on all
fours with horns munching on something. My whole body was
filled with dread, and at that moment, I ran back downstairs,
shouting for my life. Everyone got up from their sleep and came
rushing outside into the lounge. I just lunged onto the nearest
person and hugged him tight, not letting go. My memory is
vague about the things that happened next. All I know is that a
few weeks later, everything went back to normal. To this day,
we still don't know why the spells were being cast on us or the
person who was behind all of it. But still, the whole situation
makes no sense. All the footsteps I heard. The fact that whoever
or whatever was inside that room used my mother's voice to
lure me inside leads me to believe that the entity wasn't
planning on letting me walk out from the scene that night. And,
that also leads me to the disturbing thought that I was very
close to losing my life. There's this quote from Edgar Allen Poe
that further explains the theme of deception similar to what I
experienced that night:
"Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see."
As there's always two parts of the picture, one of which always
remain in the shadows never to see the daylight ever again.

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