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SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Contenu de la séquence

Thème Activités Compétences

Découverte - The english-speaking world : countries - vocabulaire des pays EN
générale - the food vocabulary - vocabulaire des grands
- exercice de découverte des plats du groupes de nourriture puis
monde anglo-saxon (relier) d'exemples

1. Food in the USA - typical US dishes - prononciation

→ lecture + traduction en groupe - traduction
→ + vocabulaire - vocabulaire thématique
- presenter un plat de son pays - expression écrite
- le hamburger : un plat internationnal mais - expression orale
qu'y a t-il dedans ?
The N°1 meal in the - CO + QCM sur thanksgiving - comprehension orale
USA : Thanksgiving - image a commenter entrainement BP - expression écrite
- vocabulaire thématique

2. Food in the UK - audio + questions de compréhension - comprehension orale

The English - image a compléter par du vocabulaire - vocabulaire thématique
- texte explication et présentation + - compréhension écrite
The afternoon tea questions de compréhension - expression écrite
- vidéo “Winter garden Afternoon tea” - compréhension orale
→ transcript + QCM
3. Food in other - typical food from other countries - prononciation
countries → lecture + trad en groupe + vocab - traduction
- Would you like to test these food ? - vocabulaire thématique
- What food in the world would you like to - expression orale + écrite
try once il your life ?

FINAL TASK Présenter une recette d'une pays anglo- - travail en équipe
PAIR WORK saxon. Faire une deocument word / - expression écrite
powerpoint illustré présentant les - compréhension écrite (lors de
ingrédients et les détails de la recette recherches CDI/internet)

– QCM Thanksgiving
– entrainement BP
– quesitons de compréhension English Breakfast
– questions de compréhension Afternoon Tea
– Final Task – coef 2
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Do you know the English-speaking world ?

Where do we speak English ?
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Dealing with food, can you give some food vocabulary ?

Starchy food Fruits and Vegetables

…..................................................... ….....................................................
…..................................................... ….....................................................
…..................................................... ….....................................................
….................................................... …....................................................


Fish and Meat …..............................
…............................... Sweet and Fat
…................................ …...................................................................................


SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Discover the food of the english-speaking world

One dish = One country

Link dishes with their correct country

America (USA)
Fish and Chips
(Fried white fish served with * *
french fries)

Irish stew
One-pot cooking made with Jamaica
mutton, slowly stewed for hours
until the meat is tender, with
onions, potatoes and sometimes * *

Haggis Scotland
(pudding containing sheep's
pluck, onion and spices,
traditionally encased in the * *
animal's stomach)

T-bone steak (Southern Ireland)
(T-bone steaks are cut closer to
the front, and contain a smaller * *
section of tenderloin)

Tandoori Chicken
(Spicy Barbecued Chicken)
* *

South Africa
(sweet cake with jam filling and
coconut cover) * *

Bobotie England
(Minced meat simmered with
spices, usually curry powder,
herbs and dried fruit, then
topped with a mixture of egg and * *
milk and baked)

Plantain India
(Often fried, then topped with
butter and salt and pepper, the
plantain is like a tropical sweet * *
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”


Discover typical US dishes


It might not look appetizing, but the taste speaks for itself !
Dehydrated meat shriveled - an unlikely source of so much
gustatory pleasure, but jerky is a high-protein favorite of
backpackers, road trippers, and snackers everywhere.
It's tough and spicy.


Braised beef and vegetables. Beef brisket, bottom or top round,

or chuck set in a deep roasting pan with potatoes, carrots,
onions. The pot roast could be anointed with red wine or even
beer, then covered and cooked on the stove top or in the oven.


The cousin of Spanish paella, jambalaya comes with tomatoes.

Made with meat, vegetables (a trinity of celery, peppers, and
onions), and rice, Louisiana's signature dish might be most
memorable when made with shrimp and andouille sausage.


Pork or beef, slathered or smoked, there are cook-offs all over

the country for your own judging pleasure. The tradition of
gathering for barbecues dates to before the Civil War.

Source :
July 12th 2017

Shriveled =...................................... …...................................................... …......................................................
tough = .......................................... …...................................................... …......................................................
shrimp = …...................................... …...................................................... …......................................................
brisket = …....................................... …...................................................... …......................................................
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Present a typical dish from your country

From France or another country of origin.

Present it orally to everybody









What about the most typical american dish which is worldwide famous :

The Hamburger !
Do you know the ingredients of the traditionnal american Hamburger ? List them.






SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

The n°1 meal in the USA : Thanksgiving

Thansgiving is the top family meal in the USA. People gathering family
and the meal for the occasion is as important as Christmas meal.
It is composed of numerous and various dishes.

Ecoutez l'extrait audio et répondez au QCM ci-dessous. L'extrait sera diffusé trois fois. Une seule
bonne réponse est admise par question.

1. Que mangent la plupart des familles pour 6. Que trouve t-on dans cette cassolette ?
Thanksgiving ? • Du pain de maïs
• Du poulet • du riz et du cheddar
• du boeuf • des pâtes
• du veau • de la pomme
• de la dinde

2. Qu'est-ce que que le “stuffing” 7. Pendant le repas de Thanksgiving, on trouve

• l'assiette aussi souvent :
• la farce • du flan
• les couverts • des soufflés au fromage
• les cadeaux • des haricots verts
• de la salade verte

3. Qu'y a t-il de spécial avec leur farce ? 8. Quel dessert typique pouvons-nous trouver ?
• Elle contient trop d'épices • Tarte à la citrouille
• elle est très fade • gateau au chocolat
• elle est faite avec du pain de maïs • glace à la courge
• elle ne contient pas de sel • flan à la patate douce

4. Avec quoi la sauce typique de Thanksgiving est- 9. Quel autre dessert est typique dans le sud ?
elle faite ? • La tarte aux noix de pecan
• Caneberge (cranberry) • les glaces de courges
• genevrier • le flan de citrouille
• pommes • la tarte aux poires
• poires

5. Dans le repas on trouve aussi souvent une 10. Comment qualifie t-elle ce dernier dessert ?
cassolette de: • Assez calorique
• brocolis au fromage • absolument délicieux
• choux rouge à l'orange • qui plait beaucoup aux enfants
• carottes et choux-fleur • bon marché
• choux de bruxelles
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Entrainement examen BP

Look at the picture below and say as many things as you can

Remember the ordre of presentation :

1. Type of document : comic strip / photo / painting / drawing …
2. Theme and description of the document : what is it about ? And what do you see ?
3. Details and analysis : give details on the description / is there a problematique ? What is it ?
4. Opinion or openess : your opinion on the matter / something this document could be related with.











SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”


The English breakfast

Listen to Mary on the audio record and note the correct vocabulary.

What other food or ingredient is mentionned in the audio but is not on the picture ?

…............................................. …........................................... …............................................

On which occasion (when) do people really have a typical English Breakfast ?



But most of the time nowadays, what do people have for everyday breakfast ?


SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Afternoon Tea in England

What is an afternoon tea?

Afternoon tea is a British food tradition of sitting down for an
afternoon treat of tea, sandwiches, scones and cake.
Afternoon tea is served around 4 p.m. Afternoon tea became
fashionable in the early 19th century thanks to Anna, the
Duchess of Bedford. It was never intended to replace dinner
but rather to fill in the long gap between lunch and dinner at
a time when dinner was served as late as 8 p.m.

Lifestyles have changed nowadays. Most of the time, due to work hours, people do not have the
time to sit down to enjoy scones and cakes in the late afternoon. So for many, the ritual is now
saved for holiday and special events. The tradition is still typically British, and many Brits still make
time to sit and enjoy the moment. One famous place to find a true afternoon tea is the Ritz in
London. Their afternoon tea service is in such high demand that bookings generally must be made
months in advance.
September 21st 2017

Answer the questions by full sentences in English

1. When is afternoon tea served ?

2. When did it become fashionable and who is the precursor ?
3. When was dinner served at that time ?
4. Why do people not have time for afternoon tea nowadays ?
5. In which place can you find a true afternoon tea, and is it long for booking a table ?
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Afternoon Tea in England

Watch the following video on youtube (from 0'01 to 0'58'')
And anwser the following questions and quizz.

Listen to the french cook of “Winter Garden”

and complete the missing words.

One of my …................................ is really to suprise the customer, Vous avez remarqué ?

Son accent est loin d'être
to surprise the guest, we are ….............................. looking to parfait, et on comprend
vite qu'il n'est pas un
play with different …........................, different …..........................., Anglais de naissance.
Mais on comprend très
different types of items. I love to surprise our guests with special bien ce qu'il dit.
Il ne faut pas avoir peur
…............................. made of ….................... ingredients but with a de prendre la parole,
personne n'est parfait !
little twist.

1. What is the impression when you walk 3. What do they “put” in their creation ?
through the door ? • all their experience
• It looks like a Paris Restaurant • all their talent
• It is the perfect place for a brunch • lot of love
• It looks very familiar • lot a creation
• It is like a luxury palace

2. What doesn't she say ? 4. What kind of hotel is the Winter Garden ?
• you see beautiful decoration • A three-star hotel
• you listen to beautiful music • A four-star hotel
• taste beautiful food • A five-star hotel
• smell beautiful flower • The best hotel in London
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

Fiche enseignant
Correction excercices précédents

One dish = one country The English breakfast : Ingredients

Fish and chips → England Orange juice Tea

Irish Stew → Eire sausage fried bread

T Bone Steak → USA toasts bacon

Lamington → Australia (fried) tomato mushrooms

Bobotie → South Africa eggs baked beans

Plantin → Jamaïca

Haggis → Scotland

Tandori Chicken → India

English breakfast / other questions

• Other ingredients : butter, black pudding (boudin noir), marmelade

• Which occasion : not so common, usually on weekend (when you don't have to go to work)

• Nowadays you find : toasts and marmelade, bowl of cereals, orange juice

Tea Time in England

Transcript : One of my passion is really to suprise the customer, to surprise the guest, we are
always looking to play with different flavor, different texture, different type of
items. I love to surprise our guests with special creations made of classic ingredients
but with a little twist.

Questions :
1. luxury palace 3. lot of love
2. beautiful decoration 4. five-star hotel
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”

3. Food in other countries

Discover some other specificities

Kiwi Pavlova

Pavlova is a New Zealand dessert best described as a big meringue

cake topped with fresh fruit and cream. The inside is soft, like a
marshmallow, and together with the crispy outside provides quite
a special collision of different flavours and textures.


A wheat flour batter deep fried in coil-shapes and soaked

in sugar syrup, served hot. Perfect when you want
something hot, but also sweet.

Amagwinya / vetkoek

It’s a ball of dough; it’s fried; it’s filled. Vetkoek really

lives up to its name, meaning ‘fat cake’. Favourite
fillings include spiced mince; apricot jam and grated cheese.

And you, would you like to try one of these food ? Why ?
What strange food in the world would you like to try and why ?





Soft = …................................. Wheat = …............................... Dough = …................................
crispy = …............................... soaked = …............................... filling = …...................................
SEQUENCE “Food in the English-speaking world”


Make us discover a traditionnal recipe of

the English-speaking country of your choice.

You must make a document or power point to present your recipe.

You must choose something uncommon for the French : you are not allowed to choose a
hamburger, a hot-dog, fish and chips or any other 'specificity' that we already know in France.
But you can choose some of the dishes you saw in this sequence like Jambalaya, Pot Roast,
Bobotie, Lamington etc...

You need to present

– the title/name of your recipe
– the complete list of ingredients
– the complete list of steps, preparation and decoration
– illustrate you document with pictures

Barème de notation

Originalité et choix du plat /4

Clareté des ingrédients /2
Clareté des étapes de la recette /5
Qualité visuelle du document final produit /4
Erreurs de grammaire et vocabulaire /5
Compte aussi l'observation du travail effectif de chaque
membre du binôme. Des points seront enlevés à celui qui
fournit moins ou pas de travail ou qui ne s'implique pas
dans son binôme.

Total /20

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