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Q: What are top-down effects, and why are they mentioned in the context of

prey dynamics?
A: the predation risk faced by buffalo, interact with forage heterogeneity (bottom-
up effects) to influence the spatial distribution, home range size, and grouping
behaviors of the buffalo population.

Q:How does forage heterogeneity influence the behavior and distribution of large
A:The Text is explainig to us how forage heterogeneity, driven by geologic
substrate (granite and basalt), influences The distribution of large

Q:• Why is substrate mentioned as a factor influencing herbivore behavior, and how
it do so indirectly?
A: Substrate (granite and basalt)mentioned in the Text is a factor because it plays
a role in determining forage heterogeneity.Its indirectly Because it impact forage
quality and distribution such as (Creation of Nutrient Hotspots)

Q:• What data sources are used in the study, and why are they important for the
A:satellite imagery, forage quantity data, and three years of radio-tracking data.

Q:What differences were observed in the behavior and distribution of buffalo in

foraging environments compared to those in higher-quality environments?
A:several differences were observed in the behavior:1-Home Range Size 2-Grouping

Q:What is the significance of nutrient hotspots, and how are they related to the
buffalo foraging behavior?
A:nutrient hotspots are significant for African buffalo, Because wherever there is
a hotspots there is less predation (Group Dynamics)

Q:How might predation risk influence the creation and location of nutrient hotspots
A:Predation risk influence the creation and location of nutrient hotspots by
bufflo,Because Hotspots serve as refuges where buffalo feel less exposed to
words in the text whose definitions follow :
1.home range
2.nutrient hotspots
3.forage heterogeneity

3Adjectives: smaller,comprehensive,complex
3Adverbs: Overall,Strategically,potentially

• 5. Identify the different verb tenses used in the text and explain why each tense
chosen in its respective context.
•verb tenses and an explanation of why each tense is chosen :Present Simple
(describe a general truth or fact),Present Continuous (describe an action that is
happening)Simple Past(completed actions or events that occurred in the past)
Future (the potential to create or maintain)

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