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Introduction to scratch programming

Scratch is a visual programming language that allows students to create their own interactive
stories, games and animations. As students design Scratch projects, they learn to think
creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively. Once Scratch is downloaded to a
computer, you do not need Internet access to create a project.

What is mBlock?
mBlock is a STEAM programming software tool designed for programming for kids. It is
developed based on Scratch 3.0 and Arduino code. It supports block-based and text-based
programming languages.
mBlock also provides software programming services, software design services and
maintenance of computer software services in the education of programming for those who
want to promote their programming abilities.
With mBlock, children can not only create games and animations by dragging blocks or using
Python code, but can also code robots or boards to do anything they can imagine. And mBlock
exposes children to cutting-edge technologies, allowing children to create projects with
technologies like AI and IoT. Moreover, in the mBlock Community, children are able
to share projects and learn from the like-minded.
1. It is based on Scratch 3.0, start programming easily.
2. You can go to Python with one-click.
3. It is a mix of software and robots makes it fun to learn coding.
4. You can give your creativity an edge with cutting-edge technologies, like AI.
5. Projects can be created in a physical world with IoT (internet of things) applications.

Difference between mblock and scratch

1. Scratch was developed earlier while mblock was developed based on Scratch 3.0 and
Arduino code
2. The difference between mBlock and Scratch is that mBlock allows you to program the
Arduino in an easy and interactive way. A new way and a more interactive platform than
3. Mblock has Ardunio tab which is not present in scratch
4. An interesting thing about mBlock is that you can see the original C++ code after
programming Arduino which is not present in scratch.

Download source for scratch

Scratch was created by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media lab and is available for

free download at

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