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e-ISSN 1983-4063 - - Pesa. Agropee. Trop., Goiinia, v, 50, e62546, 2020 Research Article Physiological and biochemical effects of Lantana camara L. allelochemicals on the seed germination of Avena sativa L.' Diego Mei ABSTRACT Lantana camara (L.) is considered one of the main \weeds of agricultural crops, and allelochemicals produced by this species may be a source for the development of natural herbicides. In this study, phytotoxie effects of L. camara aqucous extracts on seed germination and seedling growsh of Avena sativa (L.) were assessed, The experimental design ‘was completely randomized, in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme, with, treatments resulting from two assays, testing five concentrations of the extract (0 %, 2.5 %, 5.0%, 7.5 Yeand 10%; we!) During the seed germination, physiological (e.g., seed imbibition, germination and vigor) and biochemical (eg , catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, proline, phenols, malondialdehyde and hydrogen Peroxide) proprictics were evaluated, The leaf extracts of 1. camara affected the response variables on 4, sativa by reducing the germination speed index (phases I and II) and seed viability (phase IIT of germination), thus causing a solute leakage and increasing the production of reactive oxygen forms and, finally, lipid peroxidation. Extract concentrations above 2.5 % inhibit the growth of epicotyls. Therefore, the studied allelochemicals showed potential to be exploited in the development of natural herbicides. ciros Gindri’, Cileide Maria Medeiros Coelho’, Virgilio Gavicho Uarrota* RESUMO Bieitos fisiolégicos e bioquimicos de aleloguimicos de Lantana camara L. na germinagao de sementes de Avena sativa L. Laniana camara (L.) 6 considerada uma das principais plantas invasoras de culturas agricola, ealeloguimicos produzidos por essa espécie podem ser fonte para 0 desenvolvimento de herbicidas naturais. Avaliaram-se efeitos fitotéxicos de extratos aquosos de L. camara sobre a germinagao de sementes © 0 crescimento de plintulas de Avena sativa (L.). O delineamento experimental foi completamente randomizado, em esquen fatorial 2x5, com tratamentos resultantes de dois ensaios, testando-se cinco concentragaes do extrato (0%, 2,5 %,$,0.%, 7,5 % € 10%; Ve") Durantea germinagio das sementes, foram avaliadas propriedades fisioldgicas (e.g., embcbico, germinagio e vigor de sementes) ¢ Dioguimicas (e.g, catalase, aseorbato peroxidase, proina, fends, ‘malondialdeido e peréxido de hidrogénio), Os extratos faiares de camara afetaram as variveisrespostas era A, sativa, reduzi indice de velocidade de germinago (fascs |e II) ea vishilidade das sementes (fase II da germinaga0), provocando, entio, vazamento de soluto © aumento da produgo de formas reativas de oxigénio «, finalmente, peroxidaglo lipidiea, Concentragies de extrato acima de 2,5 % inibem o erescimento de epicétios. Portanto, 0s aleloquimicos estudados mostraram potencial para exploragio no desenvolvimento de herbicidas naturas KEYWORDS: Antioxidant system, bioactive compounds, seed physiology, phytotoxicty INTRODUCTION Allelochemicals are mainly secondary metabolites produced by plants or with microbial origin, which influence the growth or development of biological systems (IAS 1996), Lantana camara (L.), as a perennial aromatic shrub of the Verbenaceae family, is considered PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Sistema antioxidante, compostos Dioativos, fsiologia de sementes, fitotoxicidade worldwide as a major invasive plant (Chengxu et al, 2011). Among the metabolites found in L. camara, 1,8-cineol, f-pinene, dipentene, lantadene A and Jantadene D have been cited as important intermediate sources for herbicide development (Kegge & Pierik 2010, Mishra 2015, Latif et al. 2017, Gindri et al. 2020) * Received: Mar. 16, 2020. Acvepted: May 29, 2020. Published: July 27, 2020. DOL: 10.1590/1983-40632020vS062546. ‘Companhia Tntegrada de Desenvolvimento Agricola de Santa Catarina, Departamento ée Defesa Vegetal, Lages, SC, Brasil E-mail/ORCID: "Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Centro de iencias Agroveterinarias, Departamento de Agronomia, Lages, SC, Brasil. £-mail/ORCID: “Pontificia Universidad Catélica de Valparaiso, Escuela de Agronomia, La Palma, Quillota, Chile. E sil/ORCID: uaceleste@ br/0000-0002-2974-1625

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