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Assignment No.

01 Total Marks: 10
Semester: Fall 2022
CS507 Due Date: 05-12-2022

Assignment no. 1 covers Lecture #1 to Lecture #10.

Objectives of Assignment:

 You will learn different concepts relevant to software engineering.

Uploading instructions:

 Your assignment must be in .doc format.(Any other formats like scan images, PDF, Zip, rar, bmp, docx
etc will not be accepted).
 No assignment will be accepted through email.

Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

 The assignment is submitted after due date.

 Did not follow the answer sheet guidelines.
 The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupted.


Question No 1: 10 Marks

You are required to choose the most appropriate name/term against each scenario given in the below table. You
are required to write only index numbers (1 to 11) of terms/names against each scenario in the below table.

Note: The solution according to the above guidelines will be acceptable only.


1. Office daily routine word processing systems

2. CS507
3. Decision support system
4. Transaction processing system
5. Challenges in a business environment
6. Non-structured Decision-Making approach

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