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Toxoplasmosis in Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins

(Sousa chinensis), from Queensland


rosella, satin bowerbird, domestic pigeon, regent parrot; marsu-

Objective To describe the clinical signs, gross pathology, pials such as the koala, common wombat, brown antechinus,
serology, bacteriology, histopathology, electron microscopy kowari, mulgara, and agile wallaby; rodents such as the
and immunohistochemistry findings associated with toxoplas- domestic house mouse and brown rat; and other mammals such
mosis in four Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins (Sousa
as the dingo, domestic dog and cat, sheep and horse.3
chinensis) that stranded in Queensland in 2000 and 2001.
Toxoplasmosis is rarely reported in marine animals but has been
Design Clinical assessment, gross necropsy, and labora- recorded in a west Indian manatee,4 a California sea lion,5
tory examinations. seals,6,7 Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphins and a spinner dolphin.8,9
Procedure Necropsies were performed on four S chinensis In 2000 and 2001, five Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins
to determine cause of death. Laboratory tests including (Sousa chinensis), stranded in Townsville, and one stranded in
serology, bacteriology, histopathology and transmission elec- Gladstone. This paper describes toxoplasmosis in four of these
tron microscopy were done on the four dolphins. dolphins, three from Townsville and one from Gladstone. We
Immunohistochemistry was done on the brain, heart, liver, describe the findings from necropsy, histological, immunohisto-
lung, spleen and adrenal gland from various dolphins to chemical and electron microscopic examinations.
detect Toxoplasma gondii antigens.
Results Necropsies showed all of four S chinensis that Materials and methods
stranded in Queensland in 2000 and 2001 had evidence of Source material
predatory shark attack and three were extremely emaciated. In February 2000, an Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin
Histopathological examinations showed all four dolphins had stranded alive in Townsville, Australia (dolphin 1) and was
toxoplasmosis with tissue cysts resembling T gondii in the transported by officers of the Queensland Parks and Wildlife
brain. Tachyzoite stages of T gondii were detected in the Service (QPWS) to a local marine aquarium for rehabilitation,
lungs, heart, liver, spleen and adrenal gland, variously of all but died 3 days later. In September 2000, another S chinensis
four dolphins. Electron microscopy studies and immunohisto- was found dead on the bank of a river 40 km south of
chemistry confirmed the tissues cysts were those of T gondii.
Townsville (dolphin 2). The dolphin was reported by members
All four dolphins also had intercurrent disease including pneu-
monia, three had peritonitis and one had pancreatitis.
of the public to be rolling from side to side in the water and
bumping into boats near a boat ramp, just before its death. In
Conclusion Four S chinensis necropsied in Queensland in June 2001, a third S chinensis stranded live on the foreshores of
2000 and 2001 were found to be infected with toxoplasmosis. Townsville, but died soon after stranding (dolphin 3). In July
It is uncertain how these dolphins became infected and further 2001, a fourth S chinensis was found dead in Gladstone harbour
studies are needed to determine how S chinensis acquire (dolphin 4).
toxoplasmosis. All four dolphins stranded after periods of
heavy rainfall, and coastal freshwater runoff may be a risk Clinical pathology
factor for T gondii infection in S chinensis. This disease Clinical tests were only possible on dolphin 1 that stranded
should be of concern to wildlife managers since S chinensis is
alive, because all other dolphins stranded dead, or died soon
a rare species and its numbers appear to be declining.
Aust Vet J 2003;81:627-632 after stranding. Blood was taken from the tail vein of dolphin 1
for a complete blood count and a serum biochemical profile.

oxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite of worldwide Clinical therapy
distribution that infects homeothermic animals Treatment of dolphin 1 included oral antimicrobial therapy
including primates, marsupials, birds, rodents, other with Clavulox palatable tablets (Pfizer, Animal Health
mammals and humans.1,2 In Australia T gondii is widespread Australia) administered via orogastric tubing on day 1. Baytril
and has been described from numerous intermediate wildlife 150 mg antibacterial tablets (Bayer Australia Ltd) and fluids
hosts including birds such as the southern cassowary, crimson were thereafter given orally, twice daily. Despite 3 days of such
therapy, the dolphin died.
aOonoonba Veterinary Laboratory, Queensland Department of Primary
Necropsy procedure
Industries, Animal and Plant Health Service, PO Box 1085, Townsville, All three dolphins that stranded in the Townsville region were
Queensland 4810
bRockhampton Veterinary Laboratory, Queensland Department of Primary necropsied by veterinary pathologists at Oonoonba Veterinary
Industries, Animal and Plant Health Service, PO Box 6014, Rockhampton Mail Laboratory, Townsville, Queensland. Necropsy of the dolphin
Centre, Queensland 4702 that stranded in Galdstone harbour (dolphin 4) was done by
cDepartment of Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Molecular and
QPWS officers and tissue specimens were collected and
Microbial Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland 4072
dYeerongpilly Veterinary Laboratory, Queensland Department of Primary forwarded to Rockhampton Veterinary Laboratory for histo-
Industries, Animal and Plant Health Service, 665 Fairfield Road, Yeerongpilly, logical examination.
Queensland 4105

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Histological preparations and serology

Tissue specimens collected from all four dolphins were fixed
in 10% buffered neutral formalin for 48 h, trimmed and
processed routinely for histology.10 Sections were cut at 5 µm
and stained routinely with haematoxylin and eosin for light
microscopy. Serum collected from dolphin 1 was tested for T
gondii antibody, using an indirect haemagglutination test kit
(Laboratoires Fumouze Division Diagnostics, Le Malesherbes,
Various samples of organs and tissues were taken from
dolphins 1, 2 and 3 for bacterial isolation. Samples included the
brain, kidney, lung, liver and pericardial fluid from dolphin 1;
lung, pancreas and small intestinal contents from dolphin 2;
kidney, liver, peritoneal and pleural fluids from dolphin 3.

Transmission electron microscopy

Selected sections of paraffin-embedded brain tissue from all Figure 1. The location of four Sousa chinensis with toxoplas-
mosis that stranded in northern Queensland in 2000 and 2001.
four dolphins were examined by transmission electron
microscopy after processing by standard methods.11
caudal third of both lung lobes. Fibrin tags adhered to the
Immunohistochemistry pleura of the right lung and the bronchial lymph nodes were
Immunohistochemistry for detection of T gondii antigens was enlarged. The pancreas was swollen and palpably hard in several
performed on selected sections of brain (dolphins 1 and 4), liver areas, and there was torsion of the omentum at the site of
(dolphins 2 and 4), heart (dolphins 2 and 4), lung (dolphin 4), attachment to the proximal duodenum. The mesenteric lymph
spleen and adrenal gland (dolphin 3) using a commercial nodes throughout the abdominal cavity were enlarged.
avidin-biotin immuno-peroxidase staining technique
(Vectastain Kit; Vector Laboratories Inc, Burlingame, CA).12 Dolphin 2
The primary antibody used was T gondii polyclonal antiserum The dolphin was an adult female, 247cm in length. At
raised in goats (Dako Corp, Carpinteria, CA). The secondary necropsy, there were fibrin tags adhering to the pleura of both
antibody used was an anti-goat serum raised in rabbits (Vector lungs. The mesenteric lymph nodes were enlarged, and the
Laboratories Inc). Brain and liver from mice experimentally mucosal surfaces of the pyloric region and bile duct were
infected with T gondii were used as positive controls while reddened. The stomach was distended and contained remnants
brains from mice that had been experimentally infected with of fish bones.
Neospora caninum were used as negative controls.
Dolphin 3
Results The dolphin was an adult female, 232cm in length. There
The locations where the four S chinensis stranded in northern was a small straight scar 1 cm long located mid-ventrally,
Queensland in 2000 and 2001 are illustrated in Figure 1. approximately 60 cm dorsal to the genital opening that
connected by a sinus tract to the abdominal cavity. The mesen-
Clinical findings and gross necropsy teric lymph nodes were enlarged and there was haemorrhagic
Lesions detected at necropsy included superficial, nonpene- fibrinous peritonitis. Fibrin adhered to the lining of the abdom-
trating skin lacerations and wounds consistent with predatory inal wall where the sinus tract opened into the abdominal
shark attack. All three dolphins that stranded in the Townsville cavity, and also to the mesentery, serosa of the stomach,
region (dolphins 1 to 3) were extremely emaciated, showing pancreas, liver, right hemi-diaphragm and pleura of the right
prominence of the skull and spine. Dolphin 4, which stranded lung. A stingray barb, 15.2 cm long was found lodged in the
at Gladstone was in good bodily condition. Other common liver, surrounded by fibrous tissue, purulent exudate and fibrin.
findings included wart-like skin lesions at the genital opening The stingray spine was identified as belonging to Dasyatis sp (P
(dolphins 1, 2 and 4), and the presence of several well-demar- Last, personal communication).
cated rounded ulcers (0.5 to 1.0 cm diameter) on the dorsal
surface of the tongue and soft palate (dolphins 1, 3 and 4). Dolphin 4
Other significant clinical and gross necropsy findings for each This dolphin was a male, 180 cm in length in good body
dolphin are presented below. condition. Gross necropsy findings were reported as unremark-
able by QPWS officers.
Dolphin 1
The dolphin was an adult female 245 cm in length and Serology
weighed 117 kg. It was dehydrated, weak and ataxic, unable to Dolphin 1 showed significant haematological findings
lift its rostrum above the water line to breathe, and unable to including neutrophilia (19.83 x 109/L). Serum fibrinogen
right itself in the water, continually rolling to either side. The ranged from 3.6 g/L to 4.0 g/L over 3 days and was within
right eye showed corneal opacity and the teeth were moderately normal limits. Creatinine kinase rose from 232 U/L to 1526
worn. At necropsy, both lungs were emphysematous with U/L and lactic acid dehydrogenase from 1575 to 2365 U/L over
disseminated small caseous nodules more numerous in the 3 days.

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Figure 2. Light micrograph showing numerous Toxoplasma Figure 3. Light micrograph of the heart of Sousa chinensis,
gondii cysts in the brain of Sousa chinensis, associated with showing tachyzoites (arrow) of Toxoplasma gondii within the
gliosis. Haematoxylin and eosin x 300. cardiac muscle. Note the adjacent focus of mononuclear inflam-
matory cells. H and E x 300.

Serum from dolphin 1 tested positive for T gondii antibody at Perivascular cuffs of mononuclear inflammatory cells were also
a dilution of 1 in 2560. evident. Multifocal areas of necrosis were commonly observed
and these were similarly infiltrated with mononuclear inflam-
Bacteriology matory cells.
A pure growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated from Organisms consistent with tachyzoite stages of T gondii were
the lungs of dolphins 1 and 2. A number of bacteria were also detected histologically in various tissues including the
isolated, variously from the kidney, liver, peritoneal and pleural parenchyma of the liver (dolphin 2), the myocardium (dolphins
fluid of dolphin 3 including Clostridium perfringens, 2 and 4) (Figure 3), the spleen and adrenal gland (dolphin 3).
Edwardsiella tarda, E hoshinae, Pseudomonas sp, P aeruginosa, Other histological findings included purulent interstitial and
Vibrio alginolyticus and V harveyi. The bacteria isolated from bronchopneumonia (dolphin 1), fibrinous bronchopneumonia
dolphin 3 were considered secondary invaders and will not be (dolphin 2), diffuse fibrinous bronchopneumonia and
considered further. choroiditis (dolphin 3), and diffuse interstitial pneumonia
Histopathology (dolphin 4).
Significant histopathological findings from all four dolphins
are shown in Table 1. The most striking lesions were seen in the Immunohistochemistry
brains, where there were large numbers of protozoan cysts, Immunoperoxidase staining performed on selected sections of
ranging in size from 6 to 30 µm, scattered throughout the brain, liver, heart, lung, spleen and adrenal gland from the
neuropil but mainly in the brain stem and cerebrum with few various dolphins all tested positive and confirmed that
cysts found in the cerebellum (Figure 2). Many cysts appeared suspected tachyzoites present in these organs were those of T
to be fragmenting. Intense infiltrates of mononuclear inflam- gondii (Table 2). The immunoperoxidase staining performed on
matory cells, consisting mainly of macrophages and lympho- the brain and liver of mice experimentally infected with T
cytes, were often associated with these cysts. There were gondii used as positive controls tested positive, whereas brains of
numerous microglial nodules throughout the brain tissue but mice experimentally infected with Neospora caninum tested
these were not always associated with discernible cysts. negative.

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Transmission electron microscopy Table 1. Significant histopathological findings from four Sousa chinensis with toxoplasmosis (dolphins 1, 2, 3
and 4) that were necropsied in Queensland in 2000 and 2001
Examination of the electron
micrographs of brain tissue in all Organ Histopathology Dolphin
cases showed numerous polyzoic 1 2 3 4
cysts within the neural tissue
Brain Non-suppurative encephalitis, gliosis, + + + +
(Figure 4). The cysts were iden-
focal necrosis & T gondii cysts present
tical in ultrastructure to those of
the cyst-forming apicomplexan Heart Occasional foci of necrosis and myocarditis - +a + +a
parasite T gondii. The cysts Liver Focal disseminated perivascular inflammation + + a - +a
were round in cross-section and hepatocyte necrosis
ranging from 20 to 30 µm in Peritoneal cavity Peritonitis + - + +
diameter. They were located Pancreas Pancreatitis + - - -
intracellularly within enlarged
Lungs Pneumonia + + + +a
host cells, but the host cell type
could not be discerned. The Tongue Ulceration + - + +
cysts were bounded by a thin aT gondii tachyzoites present
membranous wall (up to 40 nm + present
thick) supported by a granular - absent

ground substance. The cyst wall

did not contain any protrusions and was surrounded on the Table 2. Results of T gondii immunohistochemistry from organs of four
external surface by host cell mitochondria and endoplasmic Sousa chinensis (dolphins 1, 2, 3 and 4) with toxoplasmosis necropsied
in Queensland in 2000 and 2001.
reticulum. The cysts were aseptate and contained up to 70
bradyzoites in cross-section. The bradyzoites were elongate and Organ Dolphin
measured up to 5.2 µm in length by 1.7 µm in width. They 1 2 3 4
contained a prominent apical complex consisting of an anterior
conoid, polar ring, 8 to 10 large rhoptries and 20 to 50 smaller Brain + NT NT +
micronemes. The bradyzoites were bounded by a pellicle Heart NT + NT +
consisting of two membranes, the inner membrane being Liver NT + NT +
discontinuous at the anterior and posterior polar rings and the
Lung NT NT NT +
lateral micropore. The membranes were supported by 22
subpellicular microtubules evident in cross-section. The nucleus Spleen NT NT + NT
was located in the posterior half of the cell body and was closely Adrenal gland NT NT + NT
associated with a mitochondrion and Golgi body. The brady- + = positive
zoites contained variable amounts of endoplasmic reticulum, NT = not tested
some dense granules and occasionally some polysaccharide
Four S chinensis that stranded in northern Queensland in
2000 and 2001 had encephalitis attributable to infection with T
Discussion gondii. Clinical examination was possible in only one of these
Our findings from histopathological examination of tissues and it showed clinical signs of ataxia prior to death. The impor-
and electron microscopy are similar to other reported cases of tance of toxoplasmosis in Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins is
toxoplasmosis in marine mammals, in that T gondii tissue cysts uncertain. This study suggests that the disease should be of
were detected in the brain, and T gondii tachyzoites, in associa- concern to wildlife managers since the species is listed as rare
tion with focal necrosis, were detected in various other body under the Nature Conservation Act 1994. Their numbers
organs.4-9 The electron microscopical findings were consistent appear to be declining, but relatively little is known to date
with tissue cysts of T gondii and allowed differentiation from about population sizes, ecology and biology of S chinensis.13,17,18
other cyst-forming coccidia including Sarcocystis, Frenkelia, The manner in which these dolphins became infected with T
Besnoitia, Hammondia and Neospora. The cysts could be differ- gondii is uncertain. Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease that
entiated from those of Sarcocystis, Frenkelia and Besnoitia vari- infects only homeothermic animals.1,2 Cats are the only known
ously by the presence of a thin primary cyst wall, the absence of definitive hosts,1 and usually become infected by ingestion of
a secondary cyst wall, the absence of septae and the small size of intermediate hosts that are infected with tissue cysts of T
the zoites. They differed from those of Hammondia and gondii.1,2 Infection in intermediate hosts is by ingestion of food,
Neospora in the small size of the membranous cyst wall and the soil or water that is contaminated with oocysts of T gondii.1,14-16
reduced organelle content of the zoites, especially the number of Intermediate hosts can also be infected vertically by transpla-
rhoptries. In each of our four cases we observed large numbers cental transmission of tachyzoites or by ingestion of other inter-
of tissue cysts in the brain, and tachyzoites were observed in at mediate host containing T gondii tissue cysts.1, 2
least one other organ including the heart, adrenal gland, spleen Recent studies in the Townsville region have shown that S
and liver. The presence of numerous tissue cysts in the brain in chinensis feed on a variety of marine and freshwater fish and
all four dolphins suggested the possibility that these resulted benthic invertebrates (G Parra, personal communication). A
from the reactivation of a chronic infection through the debili- similar diet of common estuarine and reef fish, and occasionally
tating effect of intercurrent disease. All of the dolphins had cephalopods and crustaceans has been found for S chinensis in
intercurrent disease, including pneumonia (all four dolphins), South Africa and Hong Kong.17 There is no evidence to date
pancreatitis (dolphin 1) and peritonitis (dolphins 1, 3 and 4).

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of T gondii from sewage discharge or floods that carry sediments

contaminated with them into creeks and rivers. It may not be
coincidental that three infected dolphins stranded in the
Townsville region within a year of heavy rainfall and flooding.
Miller et al recently reported that coastal freshwater runoff is a
risk factor for T gondii infection in southern sea otters (Enhydra
lutris nereis) in southern California. 20 Coastal freshwater runoff
may similarly be a risk factor for T gondii infection in S
S chinensis may also acquire toxoplasmosis by direct ingestion
of infected feline faeces discarded from recreational vessels or
from feral cats. In Townsville and Gladstone, feral cats inhabit
the rock walls associated with the ports and marinas and
domestic cats are kept as pets on board boats and recreational
yachts. Domestic cats are also commonly kept as pets in house-
holds throughout Townsville and Gladstone, and cat faeces may
be discarded into sewers. Although the proportion of infected
cats excreting oocysts is generally not high in a given population
(less than 2% in most countries),1 a cat may shed millions of
oocysts in its faeces and they can remain viable at 15 to 35oC
for up to 1 year.1 Townsville has a tropical climate where the
average sea surface water temperatures vary from 24.6oC in
winter to 29.1oC in summer (Australian Oceanographic Data
Centre). Townsville sea surface water temperatures favour the
long term viability of T gondii oocysts in coastal waters. One of
the dolphins that had toxoplasmosis was from Gladstone
harbour and was thought to be one of a pod of four to six
animals regularly seen at the entrance to Auckland creek and the
adjacent marina.
A pilot survey will be conducted on the eastern coast of
Queensland to assess the significance of this disease in marine
mammals that inhabit marinas and urban coastal areas. This
could have implications for the future management of S
Figure 4. Transmission electron micrograph of an aseptate cyst chinensis, especially pertaining to disposal of domestic cat faeces
of Toxoplasma gondii in the brain of Sousa chinensis. The cyst in marinas and sewage systems in Australia, and for the control
is contained by a membranous cyst wall (c). Within the cyst are of feral cat and rodent populations in coastal regions, especially
numerous bradyzoites (b) in cross section. The bradyzoites are in marinas and ports.
identifiable by their organelles including subterminal nuclei (n),
apical rhoptries (r) and apical micronemes (m). Bar = 1.43 µm.
The authors wish to thank the staff of Oonoonba and
that T gondii infects poikilothermic animals such as fish or Rockhampton Veterinary Laboratories and the QPWS field
invertebrates.1 However it is possible that molluscs or crus- officers in Townsville and Gladstone, particularly Kim van
taceans may mechanically concentrate T gondii oocysts, acting Stelten, Helen Smith, David Savage, Neil Mattocks, Mark
as vectors for infecting marine mammals such as S chinensis. Read, Malcolm Turner and Patrick Centurio for their help in
Lindsay et al recently demonstrated that T gondii oocysts can be carcase retrieval and specimen collection. Dr Kirstin Dobbs
removed from seawater by eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) (Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority) provided informa-
and retain their infectivity. 19 Furthermore if S chinensis occa- tion on the conservation status of S chinensis, and assisted
sionally fed upon unusual prey such as wounded or dead during necropsies, Dr Wendy Blanshard assisted with clinical
seabirds or rodents that were infected with T gondii tissue cysts, assessment of dolphin 1, and Bill Doherty assisted with
then they may incidentally acquire toxoplasmosis. mapping. Veterinary Pathology Services provided serum testing
In Australia S chinensis have a broad geographic distribution for T gondii. Mr Guido Parra of James Cook University
yet exhibit some territoriality within inshore coastal areas and provided valuable information and discussion on population,
do not migrate vast distances throughout their natural range.18 feeding ecology and behaviour of S chinensis in the Townsville
Recent studies on the ecology and migration patterns of S region from his recent studies.
chinensis in the Townsville region have shown that they frequent
inshore creeks, rivers and coastal areas that are highly urbanised References
(G Parra, personal communication). Infection with T gondii 1. Dubey JP, Beattie CP, editors. Toxoplasmosis of animals and man. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1988:1-215.
may thus be acquired locally under specific circumstances. The 2. Dubey JP, Odening, K. Toxoplasmosis and related infections. In: Samuel
ingestion during feeding, of water or sediment contaminated WM, Pybus MJ, Kocan AA, editors. Parasitic diseases of wild mammals. 2nd
with T gondii oocysts is one possible route of infection. It is edn. Iowa State University Press, Ames, 2001:478-519.
3. O’Donoghue PJ, Adlard RD. Catalogue of protozoan parasites recorded in
possible that coastal waters become contaminated with oocysts Australia. Mem Queensl Mus 2000;45:1-163.

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4. Buergelt CD, Bonde RK. Toxoplasmic meningoencephalitis in a West Indian Conservation Team. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, editors. Whale
manatee. J Am Vet Med Assoc 1983;183:1294-1296. and dolphin conservation in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Great Barrier
5. Migaki G, Allen JF, Casey HW. Toxoplasmosis in a California sea lion Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville, 2000:18-22.
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young harbor seal. J Wildl Dis 1973;9:258-261. mosis associated with ingestion of contaminated water. New Engl J Med
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Dis 1990;26:377-382. 18. Corkeran PJ. Aspects of the behavioural ecology of inshore dolphins
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10. Croft J, Stevens A. Theory and practice of histological techniques. 3rd edn. London, 1990:285-293.
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13. Species Conservation Team. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. nereis). Int J Parasitol 2002;32:997-1006.
Supporting document for the whale and dolphin conservation policy. In: Species (Accepted for publication 6 December 2002)

Idiopathic mucosal lesions of the arytenoid cartilages of 21 Thoroughbred yearlings:

1997- 2001
bnormalities of the upper respiratory tract of Thoroughbred yearlings are commonly identified during pre- or post-sale endo-
A scopic examination. Some may progress to the detriment of subsequent performance resulting in financial penalty for any
purchaser. Published studies of sales examinations make no mention of mucosal lesions of the arytenoid cartilage.
This paper reports results from the post-sale, upper airway endoscopic examinations of 3312 Thoroughbred yearlings during
a 5 year period and follows the discovery by the authors of mucosal ulcers and small granulomas on the axial surface of one or
both arytenoid cartilages at post-sale endoscopic examination. Mucosal lesions were seen in 0.63% of the yearlings evaluated
and represent the commonest documented abnormal condition of the upper portion of the respiratory tract. At subsequent
examination 15 horses had healed without complications. Two horses with bilateral ulceration developed a granuloma at each
site, while another developed a granuloma which led to arytenoid chondropathy. One horse was not available for follow up.
The authors conclude that pre-sale endoscopic examination of Thoroughbred yearlings should include careful study of the
arytenoid cartilage, particularly at the rostral margin of the vocal process. Medical therapy should be considered and progress
monitored. Lesions discovered post-sale warrant notification of the owner and sales company.
Kelly G et al. Equine Vet J 2003;35:276-281.

Medetomidine-ketamine anaesthesia induction followed by medetomidine-propofol in ponies:

infusion rates and cardiopulmonary side effects
olatile anaesthetic agents are commonly employed in equine surgical cases especially in procedures exceeding 1.5 h dura-
V tion. A major deficiency of these agents is that they are cardiopulmonary depressants and may result in a high fatality rate,
particularly when anaesthesia is maintained for 3-4 h or more. While several alternatives to inhalational anaesthesia in the
horse have been evaluated, the only injectable anaesthetic suitable for long-duration procedures is propofol which requires
combination with various α2 adrenoreceptor agonists to produce satisfactory depth of anaesthesia. However this regimen
presents problems including hypoxaemia, hypercapnia and relatively high costs.
Various propofol/medetomidine combinations of total IV anaesthesia have been used successfully, with good quality of
recovery. However inductions were inconsistent and unsatisfactory in some cases.
In this study the anaesthesia of six ponies was induced with medetomidine-ketamine and then maintained with medetomi-
Induction is reported as excellent and cardiovascular function remained stable. Recovery to standing after 4 h of anaesthesia
averaged 31.1 min and was achieved after one or two attempts.
The authors propose this IV regimen as a possible alternative to inhalation anaesthesia with potential to reduce anaesthesia-
related fatality rates in horses.
Bettschart-Wolfensberger R et al. Equine Vet J 2003;3:308-313.

632 Aust Vet J Vol 81, No 10, October 2003

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