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1. What was his childhood like? Where did he grow up? Stories about his family?

Frank Lloyd Wright was born on June 8, 1867, in Richland Center, Wisconsin, USA. His
family was all Welsh, and his parents were William Carey Wright and Anna Lloyd Jones.
When he was 12, they moved to Madison, Wisconsin. When he was a kid, he got into
engineering and architecture. His family was into music and teaching. Also, he got into
architecture early on by checking out Adler & Sullivan's work in Chicago.

2. Were there any events in his childhood that he needed to overcome? What did he learn
about himself through this event?

So, back in 1885, Frank Lloyd Wright's parents split, and it really hit them financially. At
18, he started working for the dean of the University of Wisconsin’s engineering
department,. Juggling work and university, all to support his mom, you know? Even with
all the tough stuff going on, he was dead set on being an architect.
3. What education did he have?

Frank Lloyd Wright briefly attended the University of Wisconsin, where he worked for
the dean of the university's engineering department while simultaneously studying
4. What steps did he take towards his occupation?

In 1887, Frank Lloyd Wright got into architecture and headed to Chicago. He did the job
thing at a couple of places before landing a spot with Adler and Sullivan. He worked
directly under Louis Sullivan for six years, and that really shaped how he saw
architecture and did his own thing.

5. Why is he so successful in this occupation?

Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most famous American architects, He made a huge
mark with his game-changing contributions. It's not just blueprints; he basically flipped
the script on how people build and live. His work and why he was so successful was
because it lasted over seven decades until he passed in 1959 , he designed 1,114
architectural works, bringing 532 to life.

6. What part of his process was luck and what part was earned, in your opinion?

While luck may have played a role in certain aspects of Frank Lloyd Wright's career, a
significant portion of his success can be attributed to his exceptional talent, innovative
thinking, and hard work. Wright's ability to secure influential commissions, such as the
ones that allowed him to realize his groundbreaking designs, often stemmed from his
unique vision and the relationships he built within the architectural community.
7. What other profession would this person have been interested in based on their skills,
interests and life experience, in your opinion?

Frank Lloyd Wright was a man of many talents and interests, so it's hard to say for sure.
Given his creative and innovative mindset, I could imagine him working in various
artistic fields like sculpture, painting, or even furniture design. Either way im sure he'd
be a visionary in another form of design, and pushing the boundaries of creativity
wherever he went.

Works Cited

● Architectural Digest . “Frank Lloyd Wright’s Beautiful Houses, Structures &

Buildings | Architectural Digest.” Architectural Digest, 2019,

● Edwards, Phil. “What It’s like to Work in the World’s Greatest Office.” Vox, 28

Sept. 2022,


● “Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.” Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, 2017,

● Kaufmann, Edgar. “Frank Lloyd Wright | Biography, Architecture, & Facts.”

Encyclopædia Britannica, 16 Jan. 2019,


● PBS. “Frank Lloyd Wright: The Man Who Built America | PBS.”, Accessed 1 Dec.


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