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2023 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)

Gabor Filter and Canny Edge Detection for

Ear Biometrics Identification
2023 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) | 979-8-3503-1395-6/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ISITIA59021.2023.10220442

Doni Rubiagatra Adhi Dharma Wibawa Marianus Yakobus Lili Lejap

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Medical Technology Department of Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Bima Gerry Pratama Rizky Oktavian

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

extract accurate biometric features from the photos,

decreasing identification accuracy.
Abstract— Ear biometrics, the use of the unique physical
characteristics of the ear for identification purposes, has gained
increasing attention in recent years due to its high level of
accuracy and stability. However, extracting the biometric
features of the ear from images can be challenging due to
variations in ear shape and size across different populations.
This study proposes a new approach for ear biometric
identification using Gabor filters and Canny edge detection.
Gabor filters are a type of wavelet that can be used to extract
texture and orientation information from images, while Canny
edge detection is a widely used edge detection algorithm that can
accurately identify object boundaries. Our experiments on a
small dataset of ear images show that our proposed method gives
great results of accuracy and robustness. The results of ourstudy Figure 1. Outer ear anatomy
demonstrate the potential of Gabor filters and Canny edge
detection for improving the performance of ear biometric Despite these difficulties, ear biometrics has a big
systems. future in a lot of different applications. Ear biometrics, for
instance, could be utilized in security to identify people at
Keywords—ear, biometrics, Gabor filter, Canny Edge border crossings, airports, and other high-security places.
In forensics, it might be used to identify people from crime
I. INTRODUCTION scene evidence like ear prints, while ear biometrics could
Ear biometrics use a specific area of the ear for be used in healthcare to identify patients and track their
identification and authorization[1]. The ear is a reliable, medical data.
stable, and easily captured feature that can be used for
identification in a range of contexts, including security, In our hypothesis on ear biometrics, we anticipate that
healthcare, and forensics [2]. The great degree of precision the use of Gabor filters and Canny edge detection will
of ear biometrics is one of its key benefits. According to produce favorable outcomes. A key element for ear
studies, the ear is a distinctive and individual trait that can biometric detection is the ability to extract texture and
be utilized to positively identify people. The ear serves as a orientation data from photos using wavelet techniques
reliable biometric for long-term identification because it is called Gabor filters[7]. It is essential for correctly detecting
also not very susceptible to changes over time[3][4]. and extracting the distinctive properties of the ear to be
able to precisely identify and detect the boundaries of
The variation in ear shape and size between populations objects in photos. Canny edge detection is a popular edge
is one of the difficulties in ear biometrics[5]. This can make detection technique that can do this. We anticipate that
it challenging to create reliable algorithms that can be used combining these two methods will make it possible for us
to recognize people from a variety of backgrounds. To to successfully extract the ear's biometric characteristics
overcome these obstacles and attain high levels of accuracy and to accomplish high-accuracy in-ear biometric
in in-ear biometric systems, new developments in machine identification.
learning and computer vision techniques have been
made[6]. Using specialist cameras, it is simple to II. LITERATURE REVIEW
photograph the ear from a distance, but the quality of the A. Ear as Biometrics
photos can vary substantially depending on the illumination
and camera angle. Due to this, it may be challenging to Ear shape analysis, earlobe geometry, and ear canal
geometry are a few methods used in ear biometrics[8].

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Machine learning algorithms are used to assess the general noise and smooth the image, the method first applies a
form and structure of the ear, taking into account details Gaussian filter on the image. The Sobel operator is then used
like the ear's curvature, the size and shape of the earlobe, to determine each pixel's gradient direction and intensity.
and the existence of distinctive scars or markings. While This is accomplished by employing finite differences to
ear canal geometry examines the interior structure of the approximate the gradient of the picture intensity
ear canal, earlobe geometry entails measuring the earlobe's function[19].
size, shape, and location[9].
The Canny Edge detector uses non-maximum
Ramar Ahila et al.'s earlier study on ear biometric suppression after calculating the gradient to thin the edges
detection [10] offered a six-layer deep convolutional and eliminate any pixels that are not a component of an edge.
neural network architecture for ear recognition. The IITD- This is accomplished by comparing each pixel's gradient
II and AMI ear datasets are used to assess how well this intensity to the gradient intensity of its neighbors in the
deep network performs. The IITD-II and AMI datasets gradient's direction[20].
show remarkable recognition rates of 97.36% and 96.99%,
respectively. The 'Donut' is a device that standardizes The Canny Edge detector's final phase involves using
distance, angle, rotation, and lighting. Lauren et al. [11] double thresholding to distinguish between strong and weak
tested the Donut and then conducted an experimental trial edges. Strong edges are those pixels that have gradient
with 194 people to determine its effect on recognition intensities over a certain threshold, and they are represented
rates. The top one identification rate and top ten in the final edge map. Pixels that fall under a modest
identification rates with the Donut attained 99.5% and threshold for gradient intensity are disregarded. Only if they
99.5%, respectively, compared to 38.4% and 24.1%, are connected to a strong edge are pixels with a gradient
intensity between the high and low thresholds included in
respectively, without the Donut (P 0.0001 for each
comparison). The results revealed considerable the edge map[12].
improvements. Overall, in order to precisely identify edges in a picture,
the Canny edge detector employs a multi-stage approach
B. Gabor Filter
that includes noise reduction, gradient computation, non-
For feature extraction and signal analysis in image maximum suppression, and double thresholding. As a result
processing and computer vision, Gabor filters, a form of of its capability to precisely detect edges while keeping the
wavelet, are frequently utilized. Dennis Gabor, whose work structural characteristics of the image, it is frequently
on holography won him the 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics, is utilized in computer vision and image processing
the subject of the Gabor filter. An image's texture and applications[21].
orientation can be extracted using the mathematical function
known as the Gabor filter. As illustrated in the equation III. METHODOLOGY
below, it has a sinusoidal carrier wave that is modulated by
a Gaussian envelope:
( )
( , )=
∗ cos(2 ( + )) (1)

where x and y are the spatial coordinates, σ is the

standard deviation of the Gaussian envelope, f is the
frequency of the sinusoidal carrier wave, and θ is the
orientation of the Gabor filter[12].
The Gabor filter is a good choice for feature extraction
because of a number of significant characteristics. The
Gabor filter can first extract texture information from
images using a sinusoidal carrier wave, then it can suppress
noise and other unimportant information using a Gaussian
envelope. Second, the Gabor filter's frequency and
orientation parameters can be changed to suit the properties
of the image being examined, enabling it to successfully
extract features at various scales and orientations[13].
Object recognition, texture segmentation, and image
categorization are just a few of the numerous uses for Gabor
filters. When used as features, Gabor filters can increase the
precision of picture classification algorithms. Gabor filters
are also useful for extracting texture information from
photos, which helps texture segmentation algorithms Figure 2. Pattern Recognition Design Cycle [13]
perform better[18].
C. Canny Edge Detection
A computer vision approach called canny edge detection
A. Data Collection
is used to locate the edges of an image. In order to decrease

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In data collection, we are using self-collected data using
3 subjects. These three subjects were aged between 20-30
years old and all subjects were male. We called the ear
image of the 3 subjects class 1, class 2, and class 3. We do
some variations for the image such as rotating the image,
making the image grayscale, and adding some noises.The
total dataset is 195 for training and 39 for testing. For this
dataset, we collected 9 angles of ear image from the left upper
side to the right downside.

Figure 5. Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 images with Gabor

filter applied.

C. Feature Extraction
Next, Canny edge detection is applied to each of the
filtered images to identify the edges in the image. Canny edge
Figure 3. Class 1 Images from multiple angles
detection is a multi-stage algorithm that combines noise
reduction, gradient calculation, non-maximum suppression,
and double thresholding to accurately identify edges in an
Once the edges have been identified, they can be used to
extract features from the ear image. These features can then
be compared to a database of ear images to identify the

Figure 4. Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 Images with variations

B. Data Preprocessing
To start, the ear image is convolved with a set of complex-
valued sinusoidal functions known as Gabor filters. These
filters are oriented at different angles and scales and are used
to extract texture and shape information from the ear image.
The output of the Gabor filter is a set of filtered images, each
of which highlights a particular range of frequencies in the
original ear image.
Figure 6. Class 1, Class 2, And Class 3 images with
Canny Edge Detection applied.
D. Classification
Several machine-learning approaches were employed
in this study to examine and forecast a range of results.
The data was cleaned, normalized, and preprocessed
before being divided into training and testing sets. After
testing a number of techniques, including support vector
machines, decision trees, logistic regression, and KNN,
we discovered that the support vector machine model
outperformed the others on our dataset.

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i). Logistic Regression neighbors). If KNN is being used for regression,
A statistical model known as logistic regression is predict the value of the new point by averaging the
used to categorize data in binary form or to estimate the values of the K nearestneighbors.
likelihood that an event will occur given two possible
outcomes (such as yes/no or 0/1). It operates by calculating KNN can handle both continuous and categorical data and
the likelihood of the event happening using the logistic is straightforward to implement. It can manage missing
function, which converts any real-valued integer to a values and is effective for high-dimensional data. However,
number between 0 and 1. The logistic function is combined particularly for big datasets, computing the distances
with a regression equation that is created by iteratively between each new point and every other point in the training
optimizing the data using the gradient descent set can be computationally expensive. Additionally, the
approach.[22]. Once the model has been trained, it can be choice of K and the distance metric may have an impact on
used to forecast the likelihood that an event will occur for how well KNN performs. [16].
fresh data points by entering the predictor variables into
the logistic regression equation. Following that, the event iv). SVM
is classified as either occurring or not occurring based on a SVMs are supervised learning algorithms that can be
threshold value (for instance, 0.5). Although logistic applied to both classification and regression applications.
regression is easy to use and can handle numerous classes, They function by identifying the hyperplane in a high-
it can be sensitive to the predictors used and may find it dimensional space that best separates several classes. The
difficult to describe relationships with greater complexity. decision boundary is established using the support vectors, the
[14]. points closest to the hyperplane that have the greatest
influence on the hyperplane's position. SVMs can employ a
ii). Decision Tree kernel trick to shift the data into a higher-dimensional space
A graphical representation of a decision-making process where it can be separated, which makes them particularly
that employs a tree-like model of decisions and their effective when the data is not linearly separable. SVMs can
potential repercussions is called a decision tree. It divides effectively handle high-dimensional data and are useful in
the data into sub-groups depending on the values of a feature scenarios with small samples, among other major
or characteristic, starting with the root node, which stands in benefits[17].
for the entire population or sample. Until all of the data is
classified or the subgroups are pure (i.e., include only one IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
class), this process is repeated[15]. Decision trees can A. Result
handle both continuous and categorical data, and they are
easy to grasp and analyze. They can also handle big datasets
and are quick to create. They might perform badly on Model Accuracy Precission Recall F1Score
unobserved data, though, because they are prone to Logistic
overfitting. In a range of disciplines, such as machine Regression 0.691 0.696 0.691 0.685
learning and data mining, decision trees are frequently Decision Tree 0.54 0.547 0.543 0.543
utilized. They are particularly helpful for tackling
classification and regression issues. [23]. KNN 0.691 0.696 0.691 0.685

iii). KNN SVM 0.83 0.851 0.827 0.824

A straightforward yet effective machine learning
approach for classification and regression is called K nearest A summary of the results of the machine learning models
neighbors (KNN). In order to forecast the label or value of a inthe research paper is as follows:
new data point, it first locates the K (a positive integer) • The logistic regression model had an accuracy of
nearest neighbors of the new point. 0.691, a precision of 0.696, a recall of 0.691, and
Prior to implementing KNN, we must decide on the anF1 score of 0.685.
distance metric to be used to calculate the distance between • The decision tree model had an accuracy of 0.54,
the new point and its neighbors, as well as the number of a precision of 0.547, a recall of 0.543, and an F1
neighbors K that we want to take into account. Useful scoreof 0.543.
distance measures include the Minkowski distance, • The KNN model had an accuracy of 0.691, a
Manhattan distance, and Euclidean distance. precision of 0.696, a recall of 0.691, and an F1
Following our selection of K's value and the distance scoreof 0.685.
measure, we can use the KNN algorithm to produce the • The SVM model had an accuracy of 0.83, a
following predictions: precision of 0.851, a recall of 0.827, and an F1
scoreof 0.824.
1. Calculate the distance between the new point and all SVM performed best overall, having the highest
the points in the training set using the chosen accuracy and F1 scores. The Decision tree model
distance metric. performed the worst out of the four models, with poorer
2. Select the K points in the training set that is closest performances from KNN and Logistic Regression..
to the new point.
3. If KNN is being used for classification, predict the B. Challenge and Obstacle
label of the new point by majority vote (i.e.,the label One major obstacle is the variability in ear shape and
that appears most frequently among the K nearest size. Ears come in different shapes and sizes, making it

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difficult to design an algorithm that can detect ears in all distance classifier[28].
cases. Additionally, ears can be occluded by hair, glasses, Generated
hats, and other objects, making them difficult to detect. Ear database
detection biometrics also will not work when a person Gabor Filter and Canny with
using a Hijab. Edge Detection for multiple Accuracy = 83%
feature extraction, using angles
Logistic Regression or (195
KNN for classification. Images
from 3

In conclusion, the ear biometrics research using the Gabor
filter and Canny edge detection produced a performance that
was on par. The study's findings demonstrated that the
suggested method had reasonably good levels of accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1 score when it came to correctly
identifying people based on their ear features. These
findings are consistent with the idea that ear biometrics can
Figure 7. Ear Detection Challenge: Acquire images from
be a trustworthy and efficient means of identifying a person.
different angles and positions.
It is crucial to remember that the investigation was
Another difficulty for the algorithm to consistently
carried out in a controlled setting with a dataset of ear
recognize ears is the variation in lighting conditions, angle,
pictures collected under particular circumstances. Further
resolution, quality, position, and orientation of the image.
study is required to examine the efficacy of the suggested
We don't test the image variation right now. The small
method in more varied and dynamic circumstances in order
amount of data that is available to train and test the algorithm
to properly assess the potential of ear biometrics for real-
presents another difficulty. This may result in the algorithm
time identification. Real-time identification necessitates
performing poorly and having limited generalizability. The
the quick and precise detection and recognition of ear
existence of noise and picture alterations is another barrier
features in a variety of lighting, posture, and occlusion
that might affect the precision and dependability of ear
Despite these difficulties, the findings of this study
C. Comparison with another algorithm
show that ear biometrics has promise as a personal
Only by utilizing a created database can we compare our
identification method. In a variety of applications, such as
algorithm to another algorithm. Our algorithm's results are
security, law enforcement, and personal identification
comparable to those of PCA, discrete wavelet transform, and
systems, the use of ear biometrics has the potential to offer
minimal distance classification. Our methodology uses the
a trustworthy and practical way to identify people. In order
Bayes rule to determine the probability and is comparable to
to properly evaluate the potential and constraints of this
previous methods like Gaussian curvature and PCA. The
strategy, it would be beneficial to investigate the use of ear
algorithm is also competitive with the preprocessing Log
biometrics in real-time detection scenarios in the future.
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