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Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of

Various Teaching Aids

Name of FS Student Bryan F. Junio

Course, Year and Section BSE-Social Studies 4-1
Name of FS Mentor Miss Kimberly B. Inaldo
Date January 10, 2023

At the end of this activity, the FS student must be able to achieve the following intended learning outcomes:

1. determine the appropriateness of teaching aids to teaching and learning;

2. identify the use and importance of various digital and non-digital teaching aids; and
3. promote active participation of learners and teachers using various digital and non-digital teaching aids.

Delivering lessons, and the selection and utilization of various teaching aids enable the learner to gain competence in
determining and preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content. These teaching aids may come in various
forms – non-digital and digital. Non-digital teaching aids will always find their significance in the teaching-learning process. However,
in this new media age, learners' engagement and success in learning can be increased by integrating digital teaching aids.
In addition, future educators must consider the aspects of using non-digital and digital teaching aids both as instructional and
educational tools.

An Observation Guide for the Team-Teaching Demonstration

Directions: Read the following carefully before conducting your team-teaching demonstration, then write your observation report in
the space provided.

1. Conducting your team-teaching demonstration.

2. Note down the various non-digital and digital teaching aids that your group utilized in the teaching-learning process.
3. Give comments on the appropriateness of the utilized teaching aids during your demonstration.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 1
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids



Brief description of teaching approaches used by your group:


This is a brief description of our Team Teaching approaches in her Grade 10-Jade: The teacher begins the discussion with
a pleasant, positive, and energetic approach. To begin a meaningful interaction, the teacher began with a simple motivation, after
which she skillfully delivers the topic's material using educational games to have an effective teaching. During the recitation, the
teacher recognized the students who are raising their hands strategy to encourage the students to participate and share their ideas.
Students became more attentive and cooperative as a result.
Comments on
Appropriateness of Non-digital
Non-digital and Digital
Strengths Weakness and Digital Teaching Aids
Teaching Aids Utilized
Utilizes during
your Demonstration

Non-digital Aids Utilized

1. Blackboard and Chalk Writing more information on the Using blackboard and chalk The ideas and concept of the
board improved the discussion were dusty and messy. Also, if topic were properly expounded
instead of only using a it was utilized throughout the with the use of blackboard and
PowerPoint Presentation. The class discussion, the students chalk.
learners’ attention were caught will be bored.
since they were focused on
what the teacher wrote.

2. Learning Module The learning module allowed The learners might not join the The learning module was
the students to have an class discussion since they useful to teachers and
advanced reading about the have already read the learning students.
topic. module.

3. Printed Materials (Quiz) The printed materials were Printed materials tend to be The printed materials for the
useful and time-efficient since static and were therefore less quiz saved time since we have
the students will only write the effective for teaching limited time during the team-
answers and pass it on time. languages and visual teaching demonstration.
concepts. Yet, there were no
problem with this since we
utilized the printed materials for
the quiz.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 2
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids

Digital Teaching Aids Utilized

1. Interactive PowerPoint The PowerPoint Presentation During the discussion, we The cooperating teacher told
Presentation using Laptop have caught the attention of the encountered technical that the PowerPoint
students. It created a smooth problems. The laptop was not Presentation that we have
presentation flow. It allowed us responding at times yet we created was commendable
to discuss the topic easily since managed those technical since it was organized and it has
the information they need was problems quickly. appropriate color combination.
already in the PowerPoint The effects and transitions were
presentation, we only expound excellent.
what was in the slides. The
PowerPoint Presentation was
useful in our team-teaching

2. Television Getting a wider and larger view There were also technical There were no comments since
of the slides in the PowerPoint problems happened when the the television was owned by the
Presentation was made much television was disconnected school.
easier with the help of the from the laptop. Yet, we were
television. This allowed the able to connect it again.
students to view the
presentation on a larger screen
during the discussion proper.

3. Images, Video, and Song The images allowed the The images were sometimes The images, video, and song
students to visualize a concept blur or small that the students was recommended by the
in the topic. The video allowed can’t see. Yet, we made sure cooperating teacher. Those
the students to become that students will be able to were commendable and
engaged with the discussion. It understand the picture. engaged the students in the
developed students’ critical Moreover, using song alone will class discussion.
thinking as well as their not be able to provide the visual
retention and recall. The song elements that the students
enhanced the listening skills of desire. Due to that, we
the students as they enjoyed combined video clips and song.
listening to the song. Images, We searched for a music video.
video clips and song were It allowed students to have
useful in our team-teaching visual understanding while
demonstration. enhancing their listening skills.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 3
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids

1. Did the non-digital and digital teaching aids you utilized reflect the interest of the students? Why or why

Yes, the non-digital and digital teaching aids we used reflected the students' interests. We used teaching tools
that were appropriate for the learners' abilities and interests. As we were creating it, we carefully prepar ed our
student-centered lesson plan. Furthermore, we used the most effective teaching tools to engage students and
encourage active listening. Furthermore, we use a variety of teaching tools, which is an excellent way to keep
students' attention. Because the activities were interactive, it encouraged them to participate in the discussion.
They were able to express themselves during the lesson as well as during the other activities by utilizing various
non-digital and digital teaching aids.

2. Did your group encounter difficulties in the utilization of the non-digital and digital teaching aids? If so,
what your group should have done to manage such?

Yes, our group encountered issues with the use of non-digital and digital teaching aids. We ran into some
technical difficulties, such as when the laptop stopped responding and became disconnected from the television.
Currently, I am witnessing the cooperation of my group members as we deal with the problem. While we were
working on the PowerPoint presentation, our groupmate who was talking at the time continued his conversation
and used the blackboard. We restarted the laptop several times and it worked fine. We also repair ed the
television and solved the problem. The team-teaching demonstration went well. Our cooperating teacher was
pleased with our work.

3. Overall, were the non-digital and digital resources you utilized effective? Why or why not?

Overall, the non-digital and digital resources that we used were useful. The students were encouraged
to participate in the class discussion. They also took part in the question and answer portion of the lesson.
Our group was successful in making the best use of both non-digital and digital resources. The positive
interactions that were fostered throughout the discussion serve as the best possible proof that we were
able to effectively engage the students in the activities with the help of a teaching tool. Using those
teaching resources, we were able to connect with the students and explain the lesson.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 4
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids

If your group has the chance to redemonstrate, what enhancement and/or replacement will you do on your utilized
teaching aids? Present your new digital and non-digital teaching aids.

Our team-teaching demonstration was successful and the activities were appropriately executed by our
group. The students have enjoyed the discussion and has many responses with the processing questions during the
discussion. However, some activities were time consuming. Also, during the discussion the content in the
PowerPoint Presentation were too many which makes the letters or words small. The students found it hard to read
the content in the PowerPoint Presentation. If we will redemonstrate, we will enhanced or replaced teaching aids
and activities that will not be time consuming. We will also make sure that the content will be readable.

The digital teaching aid such as the PowerPoint Presentation will be enhanced. We will make sure that
the letters were not too many and will be readable to the students. We will make the texts bigger and put fewer
words. We will also incorporate more pictures so that the students will enhance their visual learning. We will
utilized speaker as our digital teaching aid when we will have song analysis in our activity so that students that have
poor hearing will be able to hear the audio or song that will be played. On the other hand, we will utilized non-digital
teaching aid such as manila paper as a back-up to the content of the discussion because there were technical issues
using digital teaching aids. We will be ready by not only relying with the PowerPoint. We will also use chalk and
blackboard just like what we did when we encountered technical difficulties during our team- teaching

Utilizing appropriate digital and non-digital teaching aids helped us in the development of the lesson. It
helped us in connecting to our students and in getting their attention. Using those teaching aids, we were able to
motivate the students to join the discussions. We were also able to expound every concept in the lesson. The
teaching aids allowed us to enhance the visual and audio skills of the students.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 5
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids

If you will teach what your group demonstrated in a virtual classroom, what plans, strategies, and digital
applications would you use? How would you manage and utilize digital applications and web applications in
your virtual classroom?

If I will teach what my group have demonstrated in a virtual classroom, I would employ different
ideas, techniques, and teaching aids in the class discussion. There are some tasks and educational tools that
cannot be completed in a virtual environment that is why there should be adjustments. In contrast to the actual
classroom when all students are physically present, the virtual classroom is a different setting. There will be
limitations and problems at times. Due to that, I will enhance or replace some activities to make it suitable
to a virtual classroom. I will utilize effective methods to engage my students even in a virtual setting. I will use
excellent digital applications that will allow me to explain the topic that will help students to learn deeply. I will
make changes in the lesson plan and alter what should be altered. Moreover, I will set certain ground rules such
as allowing the students to speak their minds and share their thoughts. They must also mute their devices
before the class begins. They will unmute it when they will ask a question or recite. Inspite of the fact that
it is a virtual setting, I will ensure that the problems will be solved immediately. In addition, when we develop
learning outcomes for students, we must keep in mind that the learning objectives are relevant, precise,
attainable, measurable, and timely. Additionally, I will keep in mind to always create a positive learning
environment in a virtual setting. To facilitate discussion and allow group activities, I will create break out
spaces so that the students will be able to work together and interact socially with theirclassmates as they
share ideas and knowledge virtually.
Whether face-to-face or online class, a teacher must always make the learning environment positive
so that the students will be able to be motivated to learn and be engaged in the class discussion. There are
many challenges in both physical and virtual class setting that is why teachers must utilized effective and
appropriate teaching methods so that the students will be able to have a grasp of the lesson and along the way,
they will be able to learn deeply. Being a teacher is a tough job but is fulfilling once you see that thestudents
are learning and achieve desirable results in their academe.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 6
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Delivering my Lessons, and Selection and Utilization of
Various Teaching Aids

Team-teaching demonstration is essential to us as future educators. The students are

participative and we all did our part successfully. We utilized different digital and non-digital
teaching aids which helps us to perform our demo-teaching. After the demo-teaching, our
cooperating teacher and the head of the Araling Panlipunan Department gave comments as well
as congratulatory remarks.


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 7
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning
Self Peer FS Over-all
Rating Rating Mentor’s Rating


Domain 3. Diversity of Learners 8
Domain 4. Curriculum and Planning

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