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REVIEW ARTICLE Sports Med 2002; 32 (9): 567-581


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Respiratory Muscle Training in

Healthy Individuals
Physiological Rationale and Implications for
Exercise Performance
A. William Sheel
School of Human Kinetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
1. Respiratory Muscles (RM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
1.1 Muscles of Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
1.2 Muscles of Expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
1.3 Breathing Pattern during Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
1.4 Bioenergetics of RM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
1.5 Fatigue of the Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
1.6 Consequences of High Levels of RM Work and Diaphragm Fatigue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
2. Effects of Whole-Body Exercise Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
2.1 Adaptations to Locomotor Muscles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
2.2 Adaptations to RM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
3. Specific RM Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
3.1 Effects on RM Endurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
3.2 Effects on RM Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
3.3 Effects on Exercise Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
3.4 Effects on Physiological Markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
4. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579

Abstract The respiratory system has traditionally been viewed to be capable of meeting
the substantial demands for ventilation and gas exchange and the cardiopulmo-
nary interactions imposed by short-term maximum exercise or long-term endur-
ance exercise. Recent studies suggest that specific respiratory muscle (RM)
training can improve the endurance and strength of the respiratory muscles in
healthy humans. The effects of RM training on exercise performance remains
controversial. When whole-body exercise performance is evaluated using sub-
maximal fixed work-rate tests, significant improvements are seen and smaller,
but significant improvements have also been reported in placebo-trained individ-
uals. When performance is measured using time-trial type performance measures
versus fixed workload tests, performance is increased to a much lesser extent with
RM training. It appears that RM training influences relevant measures of physical
performance to a limited extent at most. Interpretation of the collective literature
is difficult because most studies have utilised relatively small sample sizes and
very few studies have used appropriate control or placebo groups. Mechanisms
568 Sheel

to explain the purported improvements in exercise performance remain largely

unknown. However, possible candidates include improved ratings of breathing
perception, delay of respiratory muscle fatigue, ventilatory efficiency, or blood-
flow competition between respiratory and locomotor muscles. This review sum-
marises the current literature on the physiology of RM training in healthy
individuals and critically evaluates the possible implications for exercise perfor-

Muscular exercise places unique and multifac- tance of adequate gas-exchange during exercise,
eted demands on the pulmonary system. The healthy the muscles or respiration, which permit such ex-
pulmonary system, as the body’s first and last lines quisite matching of the pulmonary response to the
of defence for oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) metabolic demands, become equally important.
transport, faces three major challenges during ex- With exercise training, skeletal muscles un-
ercise. First, increased muscle metabolism at max- dergo a host of adaptations including structural,
imal exercise intensities causes mixed venous O2 enzymatic, neural and functional (strength and en-
content to fall below <20% of resting values and durance) changes. Like all skeletal muscles, the
raises mixed venous PCO2 to >80mm Hg. Thus, the RM respond adaptively to an overload stimuli.
demand for alveolar to arterial gas exchange is sub- Specific RM training has been reported to result in
stantial, while the rising cardiac output means that significant improvements in peak inspiratory pres-
there will be considerably less time in the pulmo- sures, sustained ventilatory capacity tasks and ex-
nary capillaries to accomplish this exchange. Sec- ercise performance. The purpose of this review is
ond, the precise regulation of alveolar oxygen par- to critically examine the current literature pertain-
tial pressure (PAO2) and alveolar carbon dioxide ing to the physiology of the RM during exercise,
partial pressure (PACO2) means that alveolar ven- specific RM training and the possible implications
tilation (Va) must increase more than 20-fold over of RM training for exercise performance. Studies
resting levels at maximal exercise. The ability of of RM training in patient populations such as
the healthy respiratory musculature for force devel- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fi-
opment is adequate to meet this overwhelming brosis, and heart failure are beyond the scope of
task, but it is equally important that the physiologic this manuscript and this review is limited to those
cost of providing this ventilation not be excessive. studies concerned with the healthy individual. It is
To this end, the medullary neural networks and important to note that within the context of RM train-
sensory reflex mechanisms that control breathing ing the term ‘exercise’ is used to refer to whole-body
must also have as priorities, the control of intra- and dynamic exercise (i.e. running, cycling, swimming,
extra-thoracic airway calibre, the synchronisation and rowing etc.).
of neural motor outputs to the upper airway and re-
spiratory muscles (RM), and the precise regulation 1. Respiratory Muscles (RM)
of breathing pattern and breath duty cycle. Finally,
since gas transport is a product of blood O2 (and To meaningfully discuss specific RM training it
CO2) content and blood flow, it is imperative that is necessary to review the basic anatomy and phys-
cardiovascular and pulmonary system responses to iology of the RM. This section briefly summarises
exercise be precisely matched to the increase in those muscles involved with respiration, the breath-
metabolic requirements, and that the substantial ing patterns that their contractions produce, the
gas transport needs of both respiratory and loco- bioenergetic cost of their contraction, and exer-
motor muscles be considered. Given the impor- cise-induced diaphragm fatigue.

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Respiratory Muscle Training 569

1.1 Muscles of Inspiration receive a higher proportion of cardiac output dur-

ing exercise.
Inspiration is an active process that occurs when
the inspiratory muscles contract. When these mus- 1.2 Muscles of Expiration
cles contract there is an expansion of the chest cav-
ity (increased volume) and pleural pressure becomes During quiet breathing at rest, expiration is
subatmospheric. The pressure change causes alve- achieved passively via elastic recoil of the lung and
olar pressure to also become subatmospheric, which chest wall. During exercise the muscles of expira-
induces airflow into the lung from the atmosphere. tion are recruited to forcefully exhale air and return
The primary muscle of inspiration is the diaphragm. lung volume to normal resting values. The most
The diaphragm is a large dome-shaped sheet of mus- important muscles of expiration are the abdominal
cle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cav- muscles – rectus abdominis, internal and external
obliques, and transversus abdominis. It is experi-
ities. When the diaphragm contracts, it pulls the cen-
mentally difficult to ascertain the exact recruit-
tre of the muscle downwards. Additional muscles
ment pattern of these muscles during dynamic ex-
of inspiration include the external intercostals,
ercise in humans. However, the general consensus
which connect adjacent ribs and slope downward
is that as exercise intensity increases, they are re-
and forward. When they contract, the ribs rotate cruited in a proportional fashion.[3]
upward toward the horizontal to increase lung vol-
ume. The accessory muscles also include the ster- 1.3 Breathing Pattern during Exercise
nocleidomastoid and the scalene muscles, which
are attached to the first two ribs and the sternum. Breathing during exercise is a highly coordi-
When these muscles contract, they raise the rib cage, nated effort of the RM, which produces efficient
thereby assisting inspiration. During normal quiet gas-exchange. The pattern of RM contractions dur-
breathing, approximately 50% of the active inspi- ing exercise produces changes in tidal volume (VT),
ratory volume change is caused by diaphragm con- end-inspiratory and end-expiratory lung volumes,
traction; the external intercostals and accessory inspiratory and expiratory flow rates and respira-
muscles provide the rest. Knowledge of RM re- tory timing. The increase in VE during exercise is
cruitment during exercise in humans depends on caused by increases in both VT and breathing fre-
indirect techniques such as trans-diaphragmatic quency (ƒb). In normal young individuals engaged
in low-intensity exercise, both increases in VT and
pressure (Pdi) and surface electromyogram (EMG) .
ƒb contribute to the rise in VE. VT usually plateaus
recordings. Measures of Pdi and EMGs show that
at 50 to 60% of vital capacity. During higher inten-
the diaphragm is recruited roughly in proportion to .
sity exercise, additional increases in VE are caused
increasing exercise hyperpnoea that occurs with
by increases in ƒb while VT changes little. VT typ-
increasing work rate.[1] However, others have shown ically increases 3- to 5-fold from rest to maximal
that during exhaustive endurance exercise Pdi tends exercise and ƒb increases 1- to 3-fold, although
to plateau at a time when minute ventilation (VE) these values are often higher for highly trained ath-
continues to increase markedly, suggesting that the letes. The rise in VT is caused by an increase in
diaphragm is contributing less and less to the total end inspiratory lung volume and decrease in end
pressure generated by the inspiratory muscles as expiratory lung volume. Increases in the ƒb are
exercise proceeds (i.e. accessory muscles contrib- caused by a fall in both inspiratory time (TI) and
ute more and more).[2] Regardless of this apparent expiratory time (TE), although there is a greater
discrepancy, the important point is that the dia- decrease in TE than TI.
phragm is recruited significantly more during ex- During rest, VE ranges from 6 to 8 L/min in
ercise than during rest and that it, in turn, must healthy individuals and reaches values of 120 to

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2002; 32 (9)
570 Sheel

130 L/min in untrained individuals during strenu- totalled about 16% of total cardiac output at max-
ous aerobic exercise. In highly trained endurance imal exercise.[8] The highest values for diaphragm
athletes VE can exceed 200 L/min. The type of blood flow were equal to, or slightly higher than,
exercise is an important determinant of the ƒb, VT blood flow per 100g to the primary locomotor mus-
and VE responses; at equivalent rates of oxygen cles (gluteus medius and biceps femoris). Collec-
consumption (VO2), ƒ b will be higher and VT tively, these animal studies clearly demonstrated
lower for treadmill running than for cycle exer- that the diaphragm and other RM receive a substan-
cise.[4] The influence or linking of limb movement tial percentage of cardiac output and achieve a high
and breathing pattern (i.e. respiration-locomotion O2 extraction rate (80% at maximal exercise). The
entrainment) has been well described but is beyond implication of this is that the RM certainly receive
the scope of this review. The reader is directed to their ‘share’ of cardiac output during exercise to per-
excellent summaries on this topic.[3,5] form respiratory work. Importantly, how well the
RM ‘compete’ with locomotor muscles for blood
1.4 Bioenergetics of RM flow is addressed in section 1.6.
As mentioned, the pattern of RM contraction 1.5 Fatigue of the Diaphragm
during exercise is significantly different than that
at rest. At rest, breathing is primarily an inspiratory The generalisation that the healthy lung and
activity with little or no expiratory muscle activity. chest wall are usually ‘overbuilt’, with respect to
With exercise, both inspiration and expiration are the demands of exercise, is true for the most part.
active processes that require significant amounts One exception to this near-perfection, which can
of metabolic work. Elastic work is expended for occur during short-term and long-term exercise, is
lung expansion during inspiration and to overcome exercise-induced diaphragm fatigue. The diaphragm
elastic work done on the chest during expiration. is a highly oxidative, densely capillarised muscle
Inspiratory flow becomes more turbulent and expir- sheet, which has traditionally been thought to be
atory work increases disproportionally with increas- highly resistant to fatigue. Indeed, during exercise
ing work rates. At rest, the O2 cost of breathing is to exhaustion at intensities ≤80% of VO2max the
approximately 2% of total body O2 consumption. diaphragm does not fatigue. However, at higher in-
During moderate exercise, the O2 cost of hyperpnoea tensities of sustained exercise, the diaphragm con-
increases to 3 to 5% of total VO2.[6] The metabolic sistently shows fatigue at end-exercise, as demon-
and circulatory costs of hyperventilation during strated using the objective technique called bilateral
heavy exercise are substantial, amounting to 10% phrenic nerve stimulation.[2] This fatigue occurred
. .
of maximal VO2 (VO2max) in the untrained person even though the force output of the diaphragm dur-
and up to 15 to 16% of VO2max and of maximal ing exercise was well below the fatigue threshold
cardiac output in highly fit humans.[6,7] Interest- of this muscle determined during voluntary hyper-
ingly, the reader should note that in these studies, pnoea at rest.[13] This ‘fatigue-sensitising’ effect of
those individuals with the highest cost of breathing prolonged heavy exercise may be caused by the
(% VO2max) at maximal exercise had the highest redistribution of cardiac output during exercise to
degree of expiratory flow limitation. working limb muscles, thereby depriving the dia-
Blood flow to the RM during exercise in hu- phragm of adequate blood flow in the face of very
mans has not been directly quantified. However, high, sustained metabolic requirements. It is pos-
animal preparations show substantial increases in sible that circulating metabolic by-products of ex-
blood flow to the diaphragm and inspiratory and ercise may alter the contractile properties of the
expiratory muscles.[8-12] Microsphere studies in an diaphragm and make it susceptible to fatigue. To
equine model showed large increases in blood flow date, it is unknown if specific RM training attenu-
to both inspiratory and expiratory muscles which ates exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue.

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Respiratory Muscle Training 571

1.6 Consequences of High Levels of RM Similarly, the rate of rise of the individuals’ per-
Work and Diaphragm Fatigue ception of both respiratory and limb discomfort were
markedly reduced with unloading and increased
An important consequence of high levels of RM with RM loading. These significant effects of RM
work and diaphragm fatigue is a vasoconstriction unloading on exercise performance are consistent
and reduction in blood flow to working locomotor with the deleterious effects of fatiguing the RM on
muscles, accompanied by changes in noradrena- subsequent exercise performance,[20] but differ from
line spillover.[14] These effects were demonstrated the negative results from unloading previously re-
by mechanically loading, with added resistance, or ported.[21,22] It is important to note that these pre-
unloading, with a pressure-assist ventilator, the RM vious studies were conducted at lower intensity
at near-maximum exercise. Harms et al.[14] showed work rates in less fit individuals and did not find
changes in leg blood flow indicating a competitive .
significant changes in VO2 with RM unloading.
relationship between locomotor and RM for a lim-
ited cardiac output. When this study was repeated 2. Effects of Whole-Body
at submaximal exercise, changes in limb vascular Exercise Training
resistance did not occur, even though changes in
. The regular application of a specific exercise
RM work were still sufficient to alter VO2 and car-
diac output.[15] With regard to this relationship, it overload enhances physiological function to bring
is interesting to note that exercise-induced dia- about a training response. Exercise training induces
phragm fatigue at the end of exhaustive exercise a variety of highly specific adaptations that enable
does not occur until relative exercise intensity ex- the body to function more efficiently during exer-
. cise.[23] In this section, the effects of whole-body
ceeds 80% VO2max.[2] Recent evidence suggests
that when the diaphragm is subjected to fatiguing endurance training on locomotor and RM are re-
levels of work, there is a marked increase in sym- viewed.
pathetic activation and a decrease in resting leg
blood flow,[16,17] and that this response is not pres- 2.1 Adaptations to Locomotor Muscles
ent during non-fatiguing levels of respiratory work
The collective changes observed in skeletal
(see Dempsey et al.[18] for a review of respiratory muscle in response to exercise training represent
influences on sympathetic vasomotor outflow in an adaptive ‘strategy’ to enhance the functional
humans). capacity of the organism. All living organisms pos-
What are the effects of high levels of RM work ses the inherent capacity to alter the structural and
on exercise performance? Recently, Harms and co- functional properties of their organ systems in ac-
workers[19] elegantly addressed this question by cordance with the environmental conditions im-
subjecting highly trained cyclists to 9 to 12 ran- posed on a particular system. The ability of muscle
domly assigned exercise performance trials, con- cells to alter the amount and composition of their
sisting of cycling to exhaustion, beginning at 90% subcellular components (such as contractile ma-
VO2max, under control conditions and during RM chinery, enzyme levels, etc.) in response to exer-
resistive loading and RM unloading. Unloading in- cise is an area of study rich in history. Over the last
creased endurance time in 76% of performance tri- 75 to 100 years the adaptations that occur in limb
als by a mean of 14 ± 5% and RM loading reduced locomotor muscle in response to exercise training
performance time in 83% of trials by 15 ± 3% (p < have been well documented. For a detailed sum-
0.05). The rate of rise of VO2 over exercise time mary of muscle plasticity, the reader is directed to
was statistically reduced with unloading and in- the excellent writing of Booth and Baldwin.[24] Ta-
creased with loading, most likely in response to the ble I briefly summarises known adaptations in lo-
accompanying changes in the work of breathing. comotor muscle to whole-body endurance train-

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572 Sheel

ing. These changes have clearly been shown to im- namely that endurance training of sufficient inten-
prove the functional capacity of skeletal muscle. sity and duration can increase the oxidative capac-
ity of the rat diaphragm. An up-regulation of anti-
2.2 Adaptations to RM oxidant enzyme activity (i.e. superoxide dismutase)
in the diaphragm is important because it points to
While the adaptations to human locomotor mus-
an increased ability of the diaphragm to eliminate
cles have been studied extensively and the struc-
free radicals during exercise. Consistent with the
tural, biochemical and functional consequences
limb locomotor data, these authors[35] also observed
have been well established (see table I), studies ex-
a significant decrease in type IIb and an increase in
amining the effects of whole-body training on the
type I myosin heavy chains in trained diaphragms. It
RM are relatively few. Like all vertebrate skeletal
is presumed that this results in a functional im-
muscle, it seems intuitive that the RM can respond
provement in the endurance properties of the mus-
adaptively to strength and endurance training (see
section 3). However, the question remains: how do
It appears that endurance training results in
the muscles of respiration adapt to whole-body ex-
small but significant biochemical alterations of rat
ercise training? To answer this question, the animal
RM; however, do these changes improve RM per-
literature must be reviewed.
formance? The effect of exercise training on dia-
The majority of the animal literature has focussed
phragmatic contractile properties has not been stud-
on the rat diaphragm. It appears that endurance
ied extensively. In one study, Metzger and Fitts[25]
training elicits small (20 to 30%) but significant
studied the effects of endurance treadmill running
increases in rat diaphragm mitochondrial enzyme
on the contractile, biochemical and fatigue proper-
activity and antioxidant enzyme activity, resting
glycogen levels,[25-34] which is consistent with the ties of the rat diaphragm. The exercise-training regi-
changes described for limb muscle in table I. Re- men did not alter maximal force production, the
cently, Vrabas et al.[35] had rats complete treadmill maximal speed of shortening, or diaphragmatic en-
exercise training for 5 days/week, 60 min/day at durance. It is important to note that no differences
. were observed for citrate synthase or phosphofruc-
70% of VO2max, for 10 weeks. Trained diaphragms
had 10% higher citrate synthase and 12.1% higher tokinase in the diaphragm post-training implying
superoxide dismutase activities compared with the that the training stimulus may not have been suffi-
control diaphragms. This was a consistent finding, cient to elicit biochemical and/or structural changes.
More recently, enzyme and fibre type changes
have indeed been observed in the diaphragm of an
Table I. Overview of metabolic and structural changes in limb exercising rat.[35] Using an in vitro fatigue proto-
locomotor muscles associated with whole-body endurance training
col, control diaphragms produced 12% less force
Glycogen ↑
compared with trained diaphragms, suggesting that
Number of mitochondria ↑
Mitochondrial volume ↑
exercise training produced an increased resistance
Adenosine triphosphate ↑ to fatigue. Despite these significant changes, the
Phosphocreatine ↑ maximal shortening velocity in the diaphragm was
Creatine ↑ not different between trained and untrained states.
Glycolytic enzymes ↑ These findings suggest that endurance training re-
Aerobic enzymes ↑
duces the rate of diaphragm fatigue in vitro, but has
Maximal lactate ↑
no effect on maximal shortening velocity or spe-
Type I fibres ↑
Type II fibres ↓ cific force.
Oxygen extraction ↑ Direct studies examining the effects of RM
Capillarisation ↑ training on critical bioenergetic enzymes and fa-
↑ = increase; ↓ = decrease. tigue resistance in humans are lacking. Studies of

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Respiratory Muscle Training 573

human RM adaptation to exercise training have 3.1 Effects on RM Endurance

shown improvements in ventilatory performance
as evidenced by increases in maximal sustainable During isocapnic hyperpnoea training individ-
ventilatory capacity (MSVC) and maximal volun- uals maintain a given level of ventilation for up to
tary ventilation (MVV).[36-38] Comparisons of ath- 30 minutes. This regimen is carried out typically
letes and nonathletes have also shown differences for 3 to 5 times per week for 4 to 5 weeks (see table
in ventilatory performance.[39,40] II). Using this type of training, several investiga-
Martin and Stager[39] showed that athletes could tors have shown improvements in RM endurance.
sustain 80% of their 12-second MVV for 11 min- Table II summarises the training protocols utilised
utes; whereas age, gender, vital-capacity and body- and the subsequent change in RM endurance. In a
size matched nonathletes could sustain this venti- recent well controlled study, individuals performed
latory load for only 3 minutes (p < 0.05). Despite 30 minutes of RM work equal to 50 to 60% of
these results, it is important to note that not all 15-second MVV using a ƒb of 50 to 60 breaths/min
studies have reported similar findings. Following for 5 weeks.[42] Weekly in-laboratory tests were
6 weeks of endurance training in the hypoxia of high conducted to ensure that end-tidal CO2 values were
altitude (3600m), maximal mouth pressure [maxi- within ±2mm Hg of eupnoeic values. This protocol
mal inspiratory pressure (PImax)], MSVC and 12- failed to improve 15-second MVV (pre = 213 vs
second MVV were unchanged.[41] It was hypo- post = 214 L/min, p > 0.05) or endurance breathing
thesised that exercise training coupled with the performance at 90% of 15-second MVV (pre =
well known adaptations that occur with high alti- 0.66 min vs post 1.15 min, p > 0.05). Conversely,
tude may have had an additive effect on RM per- in an equally well controlled study, participants per-
. formed 63 to 83% of initial MVV for 30 min/day,
formance. In this study, VO2max significantly in-
creased by +19% and yet there were no detectable 5 days/week for 4 weeks.[43] In this study, a signif-
differences in RM performance. Clearly, further icant increase in breathing endurance (VT = 60%
study is needed to objectively evaluate the effects of vital capacity, ƒb = 40 to 50 breaths/min) was
of whole-body endurance training on human ven- observed (pre = 4.6 vs post = 29.1 min, p < 0.05).
tilatory performance. It is not clear why the two studies reported differ-
ent results. Despite the discrepancy between these
3. Specific RM Training two studies, it should be pointed out that most stud-
ies that utilise a percentage of MVV to exhaustion
Thus far, this review has briefly summarised the have indeed demonstrated improvements in breath-
actions of the RM during exercise, the bioenerget- ing endurance (see table II).
ics of the RM, and the effects of endurance-exercise
training on the RM. It is clear that during whole- 3.2 Effects on RM Strength
body endurance type exercise, the RM perform sig-
nificant amounts of metabolic work. Furthermore, Inspiratory resistive loading training usually
there is evidence to suggest that the RM, as with consists of loads [approximately 15 to 50% maxi-
limb skeletal muscles, respond adaptively to exer- mal inspiratory pressure (PImax)] applied to the in-
cise training. In this section, the effects of specific spiratory circuit 3 to 5 times per week for a dura-
RM training on RM strength, RM endurance, ef- tion of 5 to 20 minutes while at rest. This is typically
fects on exercise performance, and effects on phys- accomplished by using a custom-built apparatus or
iological markers are discussed. Most RM-training a commercially available device. As correctly point-
studies have employed two modes of training: (i) ed out by Dempsey and colleagues,[3] few studies
voluntary isocapnic hyperpnoea to improve RM have controlled for lung volume or breathing strat-
endurance; or (ii) inspiratory resistive loading to egy during pre- and post-training evaluation mak-
improve RM strength. ing interpretation of the training effects difficult.

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Table II. Summary of reported changes in exercise performance after specific respiratory muscle training
Studya Participants RM training Change in resting RM Exercise load Change in
function (%) performance (%)
Leith and Untrained: E1: static inspiration and E1: no change breathing Exercise not NA
Bradley[44] n = 4 E1, expiration at 20% intervals endurance performed
‘strength’ over vital capacity,
30 min/d, 5 d/wk, 5wk
n = 4 E2, E2: ventilate to ‘exhaustion’, E2: +19% breathing
‘endurance’ 3-5 × 5 d/wk, 5wk endurance (S)
n=4C C: no RM training C: no change breathing
Morgan et al.[45] Trained: E: 85% MVV increasing E: +14% MVV (S), 95% VO2max cycling E: –6% (NS)
n=4E duration, 5 d/wk, 3wk +1575% endurance to exhaustion
breathing time (S)
n=5C C: no RM training C: 0% MVV (NS), C: –8% (NS)
0% endurance breathing
time (NS)
Hanel and Untrained: E: 50% PImax, 10 min, E: +10% PImax (S) Cooper’s 12 min run E: +8% (NS)
Secher[46] n = 10 E 2/d, 27.5d test
n = 10 C C: 0% PImax, 10 min, 2/d, C: +4% PImax (NS) C: +6% (NS)
Fairbarn et al.[47] Trained: E: ≥MSVC 3 sessions of 8 E: +12% breathing 90% Wmax cycling to E: +25% (NS)
n=5E min, 3-4 d/wk, 4wk endurance (S) exhaustion
n=5C C: no RM training C: –4% breathing C: +4% (NS)
endurance (NS)
Boutellier and Untrained: 58-63% MVV 20-30 min, +268% breathing 64% VO2peak cycling +50% (S)
Piwko[48] n=4 5 d/wk, 4wk endurance (S) to exhaustion
Boutellier et Trained: 55-68% MVV 30 min, +555% breathing 77% VO2peak cycling +38% (S)
al.[49] n=8 5 d/wk, 4wk endurance (S) to exhaustion
Suzuki et al.[50] Untrained: E: 30% PImax, 15 min, 2/d, E: PImax +30% (S), Incremental treadmill Performance not
n=6E 4wk MVV +12% (S) to exhaustion or for measured. No
n=6C C: no RM training C: PImax 0% (NS), a maximum of 10 min change in VE or
MVV +4.8% (NS) ‘respiratory
sensation’ at any
stage of exercise
Spengler et Trained: 60-85% MVV, 30 min, +532% breathing 85% Wmax cycling +28% (S)
al.[43] n = 20 5 d/wk, 4wk endurance (S)
Inbar et al.[51] Trained: E: 30-80%, PImax, 30 min, E: +25% PImax (S) Incremental running Performance not
n = 10 E 6 d/wk, 10wks and +27% breathing test to exhaustion measured. No
endurance (S) change in VO2max,
n = 10 C C: same training, C: +1% PImax (NS) VEmax
no resistance and +1% breathing
endurance (NS)
Stuessi et al.[52] Untrained: E: 40 (15wk) sessions of E: +632% breathing 70% Wmax cycling to E: +24% (S)
n = 13 E 30 min 65-70% MVV endurance (S) exhaustion
n = 15 C C: no RM training C: –2% breathing C: –4% (S)
endurance (NS)
Sonetti et al.[42] Trained: E: 5wk, 5 d/wk, 30 min/d, E: +8% PImax (S), Cycling: 8km time E: +1.8% 8km time
n=9E 50-60% MVV and 4-5 min no change 15 sec MVV, trial, and 80-85% trial (S), +26% fixed
50% PImax no change breathing Wmax to exhaustion work-rate (S)
n=8C C: 5wk, 5 d/wk, 30 min/d C: +3.7% PImax (NS) C: –0.3% 8km time
placebo, ‘hypoxic trainer’ no change 15 sec MVV, trial (NS), +16%
no change breathing fixed work-rate (S)
Continued over page

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Respiratory Muscle Training 575

Table II. Contd

Studya Participants RM training Change in resting RM Exercise load Change in
function (%) performance (%)
Volianitis et Trained: E: 50% PImax 30 breaths, E: +45% PImax (S) 6 min ‘all out’ rowing +4% (S)
al.[53] n=7E 2 × day, 7 d/wk, 11wk
n=7C C: 15% PImax, 60 breaths, C: +5% PImax (NS) +2% (NS)
1 × day, 11wk
Markov et al.[54] Untrained: E: 60% MVV, 30 min, Breathing endurance. 70% Wmax cycling to E: +24% (S)
n = 13 E 40 sessions over 15wk E: +770% (S) exhaustion
n = 9 C1 C1: 30 min cycling/running, C1: +45% (S) C1: +41% (S)
40 sessions over 15wk
n = 15 C2 C2: no RM training C2: –25% (NS) C2: –0.05% (NS)
a Studies listed in chronological order.
C = control; E = experimental; MSVC = maximal sustainable ventilatory capacity; MVV = maximal voluntary ventilation; NA = not applicable;
NS = not statistically significant (p > 0.05); PImax = maximal inspiratory pressure; RM = respiratory muscle; S = statistically significant (p <
. . . .
0.05); VE = minute ventilation; VEmax = maximal minute ventilation; VO2max = maximal oxygen consumption; VO2peak = peak oxygen
consumption; Wmax = maximal power output.

Nonetheless, studies using resistive loading have sample sizes (typically <8 to 10 and as low as 4),
reported increases in PImax in the range of 8 to 45% although more recent studies have employed larger
(see table II). It is interesting to note that those samples.
studies that have utilised the highest percentage Of the eight studies listed in table II that mea-
PImax and longest duration of training also report sured exercise performance, six showed statisti-
the highest change with training in PImax cally significant improvements. In these studies,
(+45%);[53] whereas studies which utilise a lower performance was determined using a fixed work
percentage PImax or training for a shorter duration .
rate [i.e. submaximal percentage of VO2max or
show less of an improvement in PImax.[42] It is maximal power output (Wmax)]. The reported per-
tempting to speculate that, as with other skeletal formance improvements ranged from 24 to 50%.
muscles, the RM respond in a dose-response fash- While the improvements are seemingly large, it is
ion to a given training stimulus. However, the lim- important to note that in the only study to use a true
ited available data are too few to make such a con- placebo group (‘hypoxic’ trainer), a 16% improve-
clusion. In summary, it is reasonable to conclude ment was seen in the placebo group compared with
that inspiratory muscle loading can improve the a 26% improvement in the RM-trained individuals.
strength of the RM as reflected by PImax (table II), In those studies that demonstrated an improvement
and comparable changes to Pdi during inspiratory
in performance, the fixed work-rate ranged from
efforts have also been observed.[50] .
64 to 80% of VO2max or Wmax. In the two remaining
studies which did not show improvements, the
3.3 Effects on Exercise Performance
work rate was near maximal (90% Wmax and 95%
A critical review of the literature revealed that VO2max). This remains a curious observation, as at
the effects of RM training on exercise performance intensities above 85% VO2max diaphragm fatigue
are controversial. The reason for much of the con- has been observed (see section 1.5) and there may
troversy surrounds the fact that studies have used be an inter-relationship between RM training, dia-
different RM-training regimens, different labora- phragm fatigue, recruitment of accessory RM, and
tory tests of exercise ‘performance’, and differ- exercise intensity. Potentially, RM training may
ences in the training status of individuals. Further- reduce diaphragm fatigue for a given workload;
more, most studies have utilised relatively small however, to date, no data are available to address

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2002; 32 (9)
576 Sheel

this observation. From the available data it is dif- seen in 8 of 9 RM-training participants and 5 of 8
ficult to distinguish between the exercise perfor- placebo participants. The lack of a consistent effect
mance effects of hyperpnoea training versus inspi- of RM on exercise performance can be interpreted
ratory-load training. in two ways: (i) improvements in 8km time trials
From the above summary, it appears from the were caused by a familiarisation effect; or (ii) the
limited data that RM training can improve time to changes can be explained by the placebo effect.
volitional exhaustion at fixed-rate submaximal Further study is required to fully discern the effects
workloads (although this is not a completely con- of RM training, familiarisation and placebo effects
sistent finding) and not at near-maximal exercise on exercise performance. In a different study, fol-
intensities. Indeed, the most commonly used labo- lowing 11 weeks of RM training, female rowers
ratory protocols have employed exercise time to ex- improved rowing performance (as measured by
haustion as a measure of performance.[55-59] Con- distance covered in 6 minutes), by +3.5 ± 1.2%.[53]
troversy surrounds the value of fixed work-rate The control group in this study performed ‘sham’
laboratory tests for two reasons. Firstly, these tests RM training (15% PImax compared with 50% PImax
are not true measures of athletic performance, as in the training group) and also significantly im-
they do not mimic competitive situations. Athletes proved performance (+1.6 ± 1.0%). The +1.9% im-
often change velocity for strategic or environmen- provement in the RM-training group over and
tal reasons (i.e. hill, wind, etc.). Secondly, those above the improvement of the sham-training group
studies which evaluated performance using fixed suggests that the RM training did indeed have an
work-rate type performance tests are reported to effect on the rower’s performance and may indeed
have poor reliability.[59] Most data suggest that lab- be relevant within the context of competitive ath-
oratory tests that require individuals to complete a letics.
fixed amount of work or to cover a set distance in It is difficult to interpret the differences in ob-
the shortest possible time are much more reliable served performance changes between Sonetti et
than constant-load tests.[57,60-64] Coefficient of al.[42] and Volianitis et al.[53] One explanation is
variations (CV) range from 1.0 to 3.1% for cyclists related to the duration of the RM-training period
performing time trials,[61,62] and 2.7 to 3.4% when (5 vs 11 weeks). This may be reflected in the dif-
cyclists perform as much work as possible in 1 ferences in changes to PImax (+8 vs +45%). It may
hour.[57,60] This contrasts sharply with fixed work- also be that because of the locomotion-breathing
rate tests with CV values of 17 to 40%,[57] and coupling (i.e. entrainment) that is frequently ob-
25%.[55] served during rowing that improvements in PImax
Taking the comparison of fixed work-rate tests are more important than during cycling. This highly
and time-trial type tests into account, an examina- speculative assessment requires further study, and
tion of the effects of RM training on exercise per- it remains controversial whether RM training im-
formance yielded remarkably different results. proves exercise performance.
During an 8km laboratory time-trial, cycling per- In summary, when exercise performance is
formance was increased significantly (+1.8 ± 1.2%) evaluated using submaximal fixed work-rate tests,
in well trained athletes who performed 5 weeks of significant improvements are seen in RM-training
RM training.[42] In this study, individuals who per- participants. Smaller, but significant improve-
formed placebo RM training did not show an im- ments have also been reported in placebo-trained
provement in performance; however, the improve- individuals. When performance is measured using
ment in the RM-training group was not significantly time-trial type performance measures, perfor-
different than the placebo group. Figure 1 shows mance is increased to a much lesser extent with RM
the individual responses for both RM-training and training (range: +1.8 to 3.5%) than during fixed
placebo participants. Improved performance was work-rate tests (range: +24 to 50%). The concept

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2002; 32 (9)
Respiratory Muscle Training 577

that RM training improves performance is dimin- signed control groups and sham-training groups
ished by the observation that studies with well de- also show variable degrees of performance im-
provements. It appears that RM training influences
relevant measures of physical performance in highly
Line of identity fit individuals to a limited extent at most. As a
a RMT group Mid-test caveat, this conclusion is based on the available
15 studies which have utilised relatively small sample
sizes and very few studies have used appropriate
control or placebo groups (see table II). For exam-
14 ple, most studies have utilised: (i) no control group;
(ii) a control group that performs ‘less’ training
than the experimental group (i.e. sham training);
13 or (iii) the control performs no intervention.
Mid- or post-treatment time (min)

3.4 Effects on Physiological Markers

12 If we operate on the premise that RM training
can increase fixed work-rate exercise performance,
b Placebo group what physiological mechanisms might be respon-
15 sible? Usually, increased performance is attributed
to improvements of the cardiorespiratory system
or to improvements in skeletal muscles. From the
available data, it does not appear that RM training
14 . .
has any systematic effect on maximal VE, VO2, heart
rate, stroke volume, blood gas concentrations or
oxyhaemoglobin saturation during incremental
exercise to exhaustion.[42,43,45-47,51,52,54] However,
some studies reported modest reductions in blood
lactate concentrations of ~2 mmol/L,[43] while oth-
12 13 14 15 ers reported no change as a result of RM train-
Pre-treatment time (min) ing.[42] A physiological mechanism must reside
Fig. 1. Effects of 3 weeks (mid-test) and 5 weeks (post-test) of:
(a) respiratory muscle training (RMT); or (b) placebo, on 8km
The respiratory system can become fatigued
cycling time-trial finishing times. Points lying below the line of with exercise.[2,13] Could RM training delay fa-
identity (diagonal line) indicate improvement from initial test. tigue of the respiratory musculature? This is an
Participants were highly trained male cyclists. Experimental
participants (n = 9) performed RMT (50 to 60% maximal volun-
attractive possibility, but objective measures of di-
tary ventilation for 30 min/d and 4 to 5 min breathing at 50% aphragm fatigue (Pdi, assessed with bilateral phre-
maximal inspiratory pressure) 5 d/wk for 5 weeks. Placebo par- nic nerve stimulation) following exhaustive exer-
ticipants (n = 8) used a placebo breathing device for 30 min/d,
5 d/wk for 5 weeks. Participants were told the device reduced
cise pre– and post–RM training have not been
the oxygen content of each breath, mimicking the effects of high performed. One study has attempted to examine
altitude. The time-trial performance increased in the respiratory RM fatigue following RM training. Volianitis et
training group with 8 of 9 individuals increasing; the placebo
group showed a nonsignificant change in 5 of 8 participants (p
al.[53] measured PImax pre- and post-exercise (6
= 0.07) [reprinted from Respiration Physiology, 127, Sonetti DA, minutes ‘all-out’ rowing) before and after RM
Wetter TJ, Pegelow DF, et al.,[42] Effects of respiratory muscle training. At the initial session, PImax was decreased
training versus placebo on endurance-exercise performance,
185-99, Copyright 2001, with permission from Elsevier Sci-
11.2 and 11.1% for the RM-training group and the
ence]. sham-training group, respectively. Following 4

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2002; 32 (9)
578 Sheel

weeks, these values were 3.1 and 10.7%, respec- known if RM training can ‘free’ cardiac output
tively, and after 11 weeks were 4.5 and 10.7%, re- from the RM to the locomotor muscles as these
spectively. Between-group differences were statis- measures have not been performed. Further study
tically significant at both 4 and 11 weeks (p < examining these relationships is warranted.
0.05). Based on these data, it seems that RM train- Dyspnoea is defined as discomfort associated
ing can prevent RM fatigue and that the effects with breathing, and dyspnoeic sensations are com-
reach a plateau at approximately 4 weeks of train- monly cited as factors limiting exercise (for review
ing. However, the use of PImax as a surrogate mea- see Killian and Campbell[67]). Despite the frequent
sure of RM fatigue has been questioned. Decramer occurrence of dyspnoea during exercise, causal
and Macklem[65] suggested that a problem with the mechanisms remain elusive and dyspnoea remains
measurement of PImax is that these measurements poorly understood. In healthy individuals, a signif-
are clearly effort dependent and, consequently, icant conscious perception of the ‘effort’ to breathe
may be related to poor coordination or submaximal usually does not occur until heavy-intensity exer-
effort. This may especially hold true following ex- cise is achieved and hyperventilation begins to de-
haustive exercise where individuals may not be velop. Recent evidence suggests that dyspnoea in
willing, or able, to produce a maximal voluntary heavy endurance exercise, may contribute to exer-
inspiratory effort for reasons unrelated to RM fa- cise limitation. Harms et al.[19] determined the im-
tigue. While the findings of Volianitis et al.[53] are pact of altering the work of breathing on exercise
certainly provocative, electrical or magnetic stim- performance and sensations of dyspnoea and limb
ulation of the phrenic nerves with simultaneous ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) in highly trained
measures of Pdi pre- and post-exercise are required cyclists. At isotime points during constant load cy-
to objectively evaluate the effect of RM training on cling at high-intensity (~90% VO2max), inspiratory
diaphragm fatigue. loading resulted in significantly higher leg RPE
The regulation and distribution of cardiac out- and dyspnoea ratings than control, whereas un-
put during exercise is a highly complex process. It loaded breathing had the opposite effect. Unloaded
has been hypothesised that during exercise the RM breathing also resulted in a significant increase in
‘compete’ with limb locomotor muscles for their time to exhaustion relative to control or loaded
‘share’ of cardiac output.[7,14,19,66] When the work breathing. The change in exercise performance
of breathing (measured by inspiratory and expir- was significantly correlated with the changes in
atory oesophageal pressure) is reduced by 50% us- limb RPE and the changes in dyspnoea ratings. The
ing a proportional-assist ventilator, blood flow to results from this study suggest that exercise perfor-
exercising legs is increased by 5 to 7%[14] and en- mance is related to the amount and perception of
durance performance (fixed work-rate) is increased respiratory effort. Furthermore, it has been hypo-
by +15% in highly trained cyclists.[19] It is difficult thesised that RM training may decrease perception
to explain the dramatic improvements seen in fixed of respiratory exertion and contribute to the ob-
work-rate exercise performance (range: +25 to served increase in constant-load exercise perfor-
50%) with RM training when reducing the work of mance. A critical examination of those studies that
breathing by 50% yields significantly less im- have sought to determine the possible interplay be-
provements. Sonetti et al.[42] pointed out that it tween RM training, dyspnoea, and exercise reveal
seems inconceivable that the effects of RM train- that supporting data are few and conflicting.[42,49,50]
ing alone could surpass those seen with substantial Boutellier et al.[49] have commented that their
mechanical unloading – unless RM training has ad- study participants reported that RM training elim-
ditional influences on locomotor muscles, which inated the feeling of breathlessness even during up-
are not realised via substantial RM unloading and hill running or cycling. Interpretation of this is dif-
the prevention of diaphragm fatigue. It remains un- ficult as no data were presented and it is unknown

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2002; 32 (9)
Respiratory Muscle Training 579

how this was evaluated. In contrast to this prelim- measures of physical performance to a limited ex-
inary observation, no significant changes have tent at most. Interpretation of the collective litera-
been reported in perception of limb or respiratory ture is difficult because most studies have utilised
effort during incremental, fixed work-rate, or time- relatively small sample sizes and very few studies
trial tests following RM-training or placebo peri- have used appropriate control or placebo groups.
ods.[42,50] To date, only one study has shown sig- Mechanisms to explain the purported improve-
nificant improvements in the perception of RM ments in exercise performance remain largely un-
effort during exercise throughout an 11 week RM- known. However, candidates include improved rat-
training regimen.[53] Differences were observed ings of breathing perception, delay of RM fatigue,
during submaximal intensities and absent during ventilatory efficiency, or blood-flow competition
higher intensities of rowing. Given the importance between respiratory and locomotor muscles. Fu-
of dyspnoea during exercise, these observations ture well controlled studies with larger sample sizes
warrant further study and await to be incorporated are warranted to ascertain whether delaying or at-
into the context of understanding exercise-related tenuating RM fatigue does indeed improve athletic
dyspnoea, RM training, and exercise performance. performance and what physiological mechanisms
Another possibility to explain the effects of RM might be responsible.
training is altered ventilatory efficiency. It is pos-
sible that VE is reduced following RM training
during submaximal exercise and could contribute
to the observed improvements in fixed work-rate
. The author received no funding for the prepartion of this
exercise tests. Reduced VE for a given workload article and has no conflicts of interest relavant to the contents
would reduce the metabolic requirements of the of this review.
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