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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pulmonary

Rehabilitation for COVID-19
Tina J. Wang, MD, Brian Chau, MD, Mickey Lui, DO, Giang-Tuyet Lam, MD,
Nancy Lin, MD, and Sarah Humbert, MD

Abstract: This analysis extrapolates information from previous stud- behavior change, designed to improve the physical condition
ies and experiences to bring physical medicine and rehabilitation per- of people with respiratory disease.
spective and intervention to the multidisciplinary treatment of The purpose of pulmonary rehabilitation in COVID-19
COVID-19. The purpose of pulmonary rehabilitation in COVID-19 patients is to improve symptoms of dyspnea, relieve anxiety,
patients is to improve symptoms of dyspnea, relieve anxiety, reduce reduce complications, minimize disability, preserve function,
complications, minimize disability, preserve function, and improve and improve quality of life.4 Pulmonary rehabilitation should
quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation during the acute management be tailored to each individual patient. In the event that a
of COVID-19 should be considered when possible and safe and may PM&R physician or a rehabilitation expert is not available,
include nutrition, airway, posture, clearance technique, oxygen supple- proposed interventions have been listed.
mentation, breathing exercises, stretching, manual therapy, and physi- A PubMed search was conducted using a systematic re-
cal activity. Given the possibility of long-term disability, outpatient view filter to identify articles that were published since January
posthospitalization pulmonary rehabilitation may be considered in 2003 to include the SARS outbreak. Reviews were selected from
all patients hospitalized with COVID-19. a systematic search for literature containing information related to
COVID-19, Middle East respiratory syndrome, and SARS. Five
Key Words: Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Inpatient Rehabilitation, board-certified PM&R physicians scoured additional sources in-
Multidisciplinary/Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation, COVID-19 cluding professional blogs and membership forums.
(Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2020;99:769–774)
Given the shortage of personal protective equipment and
his review is written to empower physical medicine and re- high risk of nosocomial spread, rehabilitation should occur
T habilitation (PM&R) physicians as many of us are called to
assist our colleagues in the fight against COVID-19. The
through telemedicine with minimal contact. Self-supervised re-
habilitation should be initiated using telemedicine.2,5 Previous
PM&R perspective and pulmonary rehabilitation lend unique studies on the use telehealth and home pulmonary rehabilita-
tools to our medical teams as we work to combat a disease cur- tion programs showed equal outcomes compared with center
rently without definitive treatment other than supportive care. based programs.6 If direct supervision is needed, full personal
These recommendations are extrapolated from studies and protective equipment including gloves, mask, and isolation
experience in patients with COVID-19, pulmonary rehabilita- gown should be used in all person-to person interaction. Fur-
tion patients without COVID-19, and from previous severe thermore, a face shield and/or goggles are also recommended
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)/Middle East respiratory if there is risk of infected aerosolized droplets. Current nonin-
syndrome epidemic.1,2 Flexibility and synthesis of heteroge- vasive ventilatory techniques have a high risk of aerosolization
neous and multidisciplinary data and experience across special- of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.7,8 Nosocomial spread among
ties are necessary to address the new and unique rehabilitation healthcare workers is extremely high (approximately 35% of
challenges that arise from this pandemic. This review serves as exposed healthcare workers develop disease),9 and the disease
a guide and launching point for the ongoing management of func- has a more severe clinical course in healthcare workers.
tional and comorbid rehabilitative issues related to COVID-19.
Pulmonary rehabilitation’s definition, as adapted from the OUTPATIENT MILD DISEASE MANAGEMENT
American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society,3 is Mild disease is defined as mild symptoms without pneu-
comprehensive intervention based on a thorough patient monia manifestations on imaging.10 Rehabilitation for mild
assessment, followed by patient-tailored therapies that include, disease can be managed in the outpatient setting using telemed-
but are not limited to, exercise training, education, and icine.2 In mild disease, pulmonary rehabilitation may be con-
sidered and include education, airway clearance techniques,
physical exercise, breathing exercises, activity guidance, and
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Loma Linda Vet- anxiety management.4 Details are summated in Table 1.
erans Administration Hospital, Loma Linda University School of Medicine,
Loma Linda, California. In particular, adequate handling and disposal of corporal
All correspondence should be addressed to: Tina J. Wang, MD, Department of fluid should be practiced in home-based pulmonary rehabilita-
PM&R, 26001 Redlands Blvd, Redlands, CA 92373.
Financial disclosure statements have been obtained, and no conflicts of interest have
tion. Patients should be instructed to cover nose and mouth
been reported by the authors or by any individuals in control of the content of with tissue when coughing or sneezing with the immediately
this article. disposal of the tissue. Expectorant hygiene into a closed con-
Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0894-9115 tainer should be reinforced to prevent aerosolization of sputum.
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001505 Hand hygiene with hand washing after having contact with

American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation • Volume 99, Number 9, September 2020 769

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Wang et al. Volume 99, Number 9, September 2020

TABLE 1. Proposed content for mild disease

Patient education • Educate patient about individual statistics based on comorbidities and clinical course of the disease.
• Encourage good lifestyle habits like adequate sleep, hydration, proper nutrition, etc.
Physical activity recommendations • Exercise intensity: Borg Dyspnea Scale score ≤3
• Exercise frequency: 1–2 times per day, 3–4 times a week
• Exercise duration: 10–15 mins for first 3–4 sessions and incrementally increase. 15–45 min each session
• Exercise type: walking, biking
• Progression: incrementally increase work load/effort every 2–3 sessions to target Borg Dyspnea Scale
score 4–6 and target total duration to 30–45 mins
Psychological intervention • Counsel about social support
• Provide resources including professional psychiatric professionals
Airway clearing • Expectorant hygiene into closed container to prevent aerosolization of sputum
• Huff dough
Breathing exercises • Techniques: diaphragmatic breathing, pursed lip breathing, active abdominal contraction, yoga, pranayama,
Tai chi, singing
• Frequency: 2–3 times/day, daily
• Duration: 10–15 mins for first 3–4 sessions
• Progression: incrementally increase duration every 2–3 sessions toward a total goal duration of 30–60 mins

respiratory secretions and contaminated objects/materials should Early pulmonary rehabilitation and mobilization in the in-
be emphasized. tensive care unit (ICU) may be approached with cautious con-
Patients should be educated on the clinical course of sideration and should not occur at the expense of healthcare
COVID-19 and with individualization based on patient comor- worker safety.16 SARS-CoV-2 aerosolizes during procedures
bidities.11 The patient, including asymptomatic family mem- and in ICU environments.17 To preserve personal protective
bers, may be counseled to wear masks3; SARS-CoV-2 has a equipment and given the questionable outcome of early mobi-
high transmission rate and a long asymptomatic prodromal lization in the ICU,6 early mobilization by additional rehabilita-
phase with a range of 2–14 days and a mean of 3–7 days.5 tion staff is not recommended in the ICU and may be a
Mathematical modeling shows that mask use with 50% com- consideration by dedicated ICU staff.2 Respiratory muscle
pliance during a viral outbreak can curb the spread with a weakness from diaphragm proteolysis may occur after pro-
50% decrease in prevalence and 20% decrease in cumulative longed mechanical ventilation,18 and inspiratory muscle train-
incidence.3 ing may occur during weaning trials with a skilled respiratory
Breathing exercises may be used at this stage (Table 1). therapist.18,19
Diaphragmatic breathing involves coaching the patient to pre- Initiation of pulmonary rehabilitation in the inpatient set-
dominantly engage the diaphragm while minimizing the action ting should occur with safety criteria in mind. Approximately
of accessory muscles.9 Nasal inspiration should be encouraged 3%–5% of otherwise healthy patients can progress within 7–
to facilitate recruitment of the diaphragm and enhance humid- 14 days of infection to severe or even critical conditions.11
ification.7 Active abdominal muscle contraction should be Therefore, initial intensity of exercise should be graded and
used at the end of expiration to increase abdominal pressure approached with caution and monitoring. Exclusion criteria in-
and push diaphragm up to a more favorable length tension.8 clude the following: (1) body temperature of greater than 38.0°C;
Yoga and in particular Viniyoga coordinates breathing (2) initial diagnosis time or symptom onset of 3 days or less;
with arm lifts or body positioning during the inspiratory or ex- (3) initial onset of dyspnea of 3 days or less; (4) chest image pro-
piratory phase. Pranayama, Tai chi,12 and singing also use gression within 24–48 hrs of more than 50%; (5) SpO2 of 90% or
timed breathing techniques. less; (6) blood pressure of less than 90/60 mm Hg or greater than
180/90 mm Hg15; (7) respiratory rate of greater than 40 times per
minute; (8) heart rate of less than 40 beats per minute or greater
ACUTE INPATIENT MANAGEMENT than 120 beat per minute; (9) new onset of arrhythmia and myo-
Moderate to severe disease is defined as symptomatic pa- cardial ischemia; and (10) altered level of consciousness.
tients with or approaching respiratory distress with respiratory Physical exercise is a core component of pulmonary reha-
rate more than 30 times per minute, oxygen saturation at rest of bilitation and may start with bed mobility in the very
less than 93%, or PaO2/FiO2 of less than 300 mm Hg. These pa- deconditioned patient to walking in the ambulatory patient.3
tients require hospitalization and monitoring.10 Rehabilitation intervention should target SpO2 of greater
Pulmonary rehabilitation during acute management of than 90% with titration of supplemental oxygen to maintain
COVID-19 should be considered when possible (Fig. 1) and target saturation.3,4,11 Pause in activity should occur if SpO2
is summarized in Table 2. In acute exacerbation of chronic lung drops below target or a Borg Dyspnea Scale score of higher
conditions, pulmonary rehabilitation results in moderate to than 3 with consideration of breathing technique like pursed
large effects on health-related quality of life and exercise ca- lip breathing with resumption of exercise intervention once
pacity.13 Overall, pulmonary rehab in acute illness seems to SpO2 reaches target.11,20
be safe with no increased mortality13,14 and can be safely im- Pursed lips breathing is performed by a nasal inspiration,
plemented for COVID-19.15 followed by expiratory blowing against pursed lips to decrease

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Volume 99, Number 9, September 2020 PM&R and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for COVID-19

FIGURE 1. Suggested flowchart for rehabilitation interventions during acute hospitalization.

airway collapse, reduce respiratory rate and dynamic hyperin- Active cycle of breathing techniques uses combinations
flation during exercise training with the aim of an overall in- and cycles of airway clearance techniques to ventilate
crease endurance.20 Oxygen supplementation has also been obstructed lung segements.22 No specific technique has found
successfully used during exercise training to help unload the to be superior to over others and should be based on training
respiratory muscles.2,11 and expertise.23 Autogenic drainage is a common technique
Pulmonary rehabilitation or breathing exercises should be that uses a combination of the maneuvers to mobilize and cen-
stopped if SpO2 does not recover and the patient is unable to tralize secretions with short breaths to collect secretions in pe-
maintain a Borg Dyspnea Scale score of less than 4, with rest ripheral airway, followed by normal breaths to collect
and oxygen supplementation. Rehabilitation exercises should also secretions into the intermediate airway, and deep breaths and
stop for chest pain, palpations, and dizziness. The Borg Scale is a huff cough to expel secretions.24
validated and easy-to-use tool for patients to self-monitor respira- Application of airway clearance techniques can signifi-
tory effort with a close correlation between the magnitude of re- cantly reduce the need for ventilatory support, days of mechan-
spiratory effort and the intensity of dyspnea.21 ical ventilation, and hospitalization.7 Airway clearance techniques

TABLE 2. Proposed acute management

Patient education • Educate patient about individual statistics based on comorbidities and clinical course of the disease
• Educate patient about the importance of posture and accessory muscle use
• Education regarding nutrition and weight
Activity recommendations • Exercise intensity: Borg Dyspnea Scale score ≤3
• Exercise frequency: 2 times/day, daily
• Exercise time: 10–15 mins first 3–4 sessions
• Exercise type: bed mobility, sit to stand, ambulation, breathing rehabilitation exercises, Yoga, Tai chi
• Progression: incrementally increase work load/effort to Borg score 4–6 and duration to 30–45
mins every 2–3 sessions
Psychological intervention • Counsel about social support and encourage phone calls and communication with family.
• Consult professional psychiatric services as necessary.
Airway clearance • Expectorant hygiene into closed container to prevent aerosolization of sputum
• Airway clearance techniques as needed

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Wang et al. Volume 99, Number 9, September 2020

aim to help airway clearance by mobilizing mucus in a ceph- aid in diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO). The
alad direction from the peripheral to upper airway, promot- DLCO increases in the supine position in healthy subjects.34
ing the recruitment of lung volume, and eliminating mucus Supine position also preferentially ventilates the upper lobes.33
by cough or forced expectoration.10 Physical exercise is a In adults side-lying position preferentially ventilates the
cornerstone of pulmonary rehabilitation and has been shown dependent lung by maximizing the length-tension ratio in the
to facilitate airway clearance.5 In acute phases, early mobili- dependent hemidiaphragm and negative pleural pressure.35 In
zation and physical exercise are preferred and more effective young children younger than 12 yrs, side-lying position prefer-
than mucus clearance techniques, and mucus clearance tech- entially ventilates the nondependent lung and closing of airway
niques should not be used alone or take precedence over in depend regions. Side lying may be a good position during
physical movement.9 administration of inhaled drug with improved deposition by
Lung volume recruitment maneuvers include air stacking 13% to the dependent upper lobe.32
and glottis holding. Air stacking involves delivery of air via Prone positioning for 2-min duration may aid in ventila-
Ambu bag.25 Glossopharyngeal breathing is a form of positive tion to dorsal lung through reduction in lung compression by
pressure breathing technique that can be used to assist failing re- the heart in the semi-prone position because of ventral dis-
spiratory muscles and increase tidal volumes. It involves succes- placement of the heart24 with increases in end-expiratory
sive inhale of boluses of air and pushing them into the lungs.26 transpulmonary pressure and expiratory reserve volume,25
The 3-sec breath hold is a method of ventilating obstructed lung more homogenous lung inflation from dorsal to ventral and im-
segments. A pause for 3 secs allows for Pendelluft flow where provement in oxygenation.26 Prone positioning has been used
air moves from unobstructed regions to the obstructed regions in the ICU to improve gas exchange in ARDS and improve
of the lung.27 Pa/FiO2 in patients on mechanical ventilation and reduces car-
Forced expiration maneuvers like the huff cough can be diovascular comorbidities.36
used to propel secretions. A huff cough is performed with an Patients may be encouraged to engage in routine stretching
open glottis where equal pressure point dynamic compression 3 times a day. Stretching has been shown to increase compliance
of the airways creates an increase in the linear velocity of the by as much as 50 ml. Stretches should include neck, upper chest,
expiratory airflow and propels secretions. Initiating a forced pectoralis major, lateral chest stretches,37 and flexion and exten-
expiration at a low lung volume shifts the equal pressure point sion to mobilize the facet joints. The dorsal chest wall has been
to the periphery and small airways. A forced expiration from a shown to be less compliant in patients with ARDS.38
high lung volume will move the equal pressure point centrally Osteopathic manipulation, if appropriate, may be helpful
toward the large central airway.28 and should address autonomics, lymph drainage, and rib cage
Posture plays an important role in respiratory function,12 mobility.39 The patient may also engage in modified segmental
and patients can be encouraged to engage in erect head and breathing where the patient applies pressure to their own tho-
neck positioning during respiratory treatment and at all times racic cage to resist respiratory excursion in one area of the tho-
when possible. External vibration if available may be applied racic cavity and to facilitate the expansion of adjacent regions
with oscillation frequencies less than 17 Hz to improve of the thoracic cavity that may have decreased ventilation and
mucociliary clearance.24 mobility.40
Positioning is effective, simple, and easy to accomplish.29 Education regarding proper nutrition is particularly impor-
Positioning may be preferable over other techniques such as tant in COVID-19 as studies from Western countries are show-
postural drainage given the pathophysiology of COVID-19 ing that obesity to be a significant risk factor for severity of
and the observed V/Q mismatch.29,30 Sitting and standing are disease with at least two-third of ICU patients having over-
the preferred positions in noncritically ill patients to maximize weight BMI.41 In obesity, lung function is also impaired.42
lung function including forced vital capacity, increase lung The same strategies may be applied to patients recovering
compliance and elastic recoil, and shift mediastinal structures, from ICU level care. In these patients, a focus on breathing exer-
and provide mechanical advantage in forced expiration.13,14,31 cises (Table 3) and bed mobility may be the initial intervention
Targeted positioning may be used to enhance ventilation, given the deconditioning that occurs in ICU. Bed mobility exer-
perfusion, oxygenation, and mobilization of secretions in spe- cises include ankle pumps, sliding legs into flexion/extension,
cific lung regions of consolidations through gravity.21 Perfusion overhead arm stretches, and sit to stand at bedside. In addition,
is greater to the dependent lung segments in all positions.32 Pref-
erential ventilation changes based on position. Two minutes in
each position while engaging in breathing exercises may be suf- TABLE 3. Airway clearance techniques
ficient to ventilate/perfuse targeted lung segments.32
Anecdotal evidence in hospitals suggesting prone posi- Lung volume recruitment • Posture
tioning during acute care of COVID-19 patient has been bene- • Air stacking
ficial. If possible, we recommend time in all positions • Glossopharyngeal breathing
including side lying, upright, supine, and prone and guided • 3-sec breath hold
by imaging findings when possible. Targeted positions may Positioning • Supine upper lobes
• Sitting—lower lobes
be determined by the location of consolidations seen on imag-
• Side lying—dependent lobe
ing or found on examination.11 adults, nondependent children
In the upright position, ventilation preferentially occurs in Forced expiratory maneuver • Huff cough
the mid and lower lobes with perfusion greatest in the lower Vibration • Frequency < 17 Hz
lobes.33 Patients may rest in a supine position occasionally to

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Volume 99, Number 9, September 2020 PM&R and Pulmonary Rehabilitation for COVID-19

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