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Body Language Quiz

1. When you approach someone or they approach you are you aware of the space created between
you and the other person?

Yes, I am fully aware of my distance and others distance

No, I do not notice such things.

2. Do you feel tense or uneasy if someone is staring at you?



3. When someone you are talking to starts looking away or fidgeting do you

Continue to talk.

Stop talking and/or change the subject.

4. Do you keep comfortable eye contact while conversing without staring?

Yes, I keep good eye contact while talking and occasionally look away.

No, eye contact makes me uncomfortable.

5. Do you consciously smile when you greet another person?

No, I am not aware of my facial expressions when greeting someone.

Yes, I make sure I have a pleasant look on my face when I greet.

6. Are you aware of your tone of voice during a conversation?

No, I just talk and don't think about it.

Yes, my tone of voice is important and I am aware of it.

7. Are you aware of your facial expressions while someone is talking to you?

Yes, I make sure my facial expression shows interest.

No, I just listen without any awareness of my facial expression.

8. Do you nervously play with objects or fiddle with things during a conversation?


9. If someone is hesitating a lot during a conversation and not maintaining good eye contact do you

Trust what the person is saying.

Have doubts about what is being said.

10. I find it easy to tell someone's mood just by being with them for a short while.



A person who darts his eyes around the room is looking for an escape route.-T/F

Clasping the hands behind the head conveys agreement.-T/F

Never stand when someone else is sitting.-T/F

Confidence can be detected by observing another’s hands and feet rather than his face.-T/F

The face is used more often than any other part of the body to cover up lies.-T/F

A man who straddles his chair when seated is nonverbally expressing agreement.-T/F

Through their body language, women make themselves more confrontational than men.-T/F

Clinched fists are indicative of a person who is bored.-T/F

Constant throat clearing is a sign of self-assurance.-T/F


1-Resting your forearms flat on the table

When you rest your forearms flat on the table, it's a sign that you're:
A-Prepared to take things on

2-Sitting with your feet hooked around chair legs

You sit like this because you feel:
B-Looked down upon
C-Treated like a child

3-Crossing your arms

If you stand like this, you're showing the person you're speaking to that you're:
A-Not open to discussion
C-In a bad mood

4-Covering your mouth with your thumb and forefinger

Why is it a bad sign when the person you're speaking to adopts this position?
A-It is a sign that they don’t trust you
B-It means they are being dishonest
C-It shows that you are boring them

5-Brushing your hair back behind your ears

Constantly brushing your hair back behind your ears reveals that you're:

A-An opportunist

B-A tease


6-Interlocking your fingers and raising your thumbs

If you repeat this gesture with your hands while you're talking, it suggests you're:


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