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Cross Examination

1. How is it possible that a .303 rifle could produce so much damage?

The .303, though not as common currently, is still regarded to be a highly powerful weapon. The
guns strength is roughly 2 times as powerful as the average modern assault rifle, so it’s definitely
plausible that the gun pictured caused the damage.

2. Can it be confirmed that the rifle was even related with the incident?

As part of the identification section, I can’t confirm the relations between the weapons and
witnesses. All I can confirm is that the gun was present, and it should be considered when the
verdict is established.

3. Seeing as Nicole Girard was photographed crying after the incident, wouldn’t this
imply that she didn’t wish for the death of Kevin Steel and likely didn’t commit the

There are a number of reasons that Nicole could have been crying, whether it be stress, tension,
fear, remorse, I can’t know. You can’t assume immediately without any reasoning that thats the
reason for her crying. All I’ve presented are the pieces of evidence to deliberate about.

4. Considering the photos of Nicole Girard’s hair looking somewhat “wild” and with
visible tears, couldn’t there be the possibility that she was resisting, and acting out of
self defense?

While I’m not entirely ruling out the possibility, there’s a lot of doubt surrounding that idea.

5. Who was the deceased person in the upstairs hallway identified to you as?


6. Can you be sure of this, seeing as this was very early in the morning and there was
likely a lack of sleep?
I’ve gotten used to and adapted to the night shift schedule, so i was on full alert and fully awake
at the time of arrival at the incident.

7. Can you be sure that the photos of Nicole crying are at all related to incidents of earlier
that night?

I, personally, cannot confirm it, but it’s highly likely given the circumstances and the events that
happened that night.

8. Where did it appear that Kevin Steel had been injured?

He had been shot in the back of the head, and the shooter was behind him when the shots were

9. Can you be sure that the shots came from behind, seeing as your perception may have
been off early in the morning?

Again, having adapted to the night schedule, I was easily able to distinguish the wounds in the
back of Kevin Steel’s head.

10. Seeing as there is no visible blood or other evidence present on the rifle, wouldn’t this

suggest it isn’t related to the incident?

That cannot be confirmed, as theres no guarantee that involvement with the incident would cause

any blood to come in contact with the rifle.

11. Seeing as there were lots of boxes of beer photographed in the backyard, couldn’t it be

possible that the alcohol could have impaired and affected the actions of Nicole that

The beer boxes could be related, but its not known to me. Its best not to assume that it had an

impact on the situation, because without evidence or confirmation we cant make


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