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Good morning every one my name is Rakesh Patel.

This is my base map which area i have to studied ward 7 and ward 13.the ward 7 is created in 2002 before this ward coming under the ward 13.
where the area of combined ward is 51.81 Hactare and population which Male population is 1963 and female population is 1769.
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Here the brief introduction of point of discussion as follow
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Now coming to the Historical Evolution of my the dwelling in my ward is gradually increasing and that after its slow down.
Before 2003 onward in this area there were many greenery and trees but in fews year the tree ware indiscriminately cutting.
after 2003 Nearly 2005 Building Constructions and dwelling are on very fast.
In 2005 The first police line is Constructed in our District
After 2010 the Building construction is moderate
Now day here very few buildings are constructed because the land price is very high around 4.25 Lakhs for 0.001 acre as compared to other part of
the town.

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Here describe about the land use and distribution in my study area.In the west side of the ward there are a Administrative ward like Police
Line,District Jail,Police Station which provide sense of security ,In Middle west there is a Stadium where people are come for walking running,
Gym,playing cricket,football,and preparing for the PET test,and also near the stadium there is Block office and Primary Health care where many
activity like:-

1. Maternal-child health including family planning

2. Safe water supply and basic sanitation
3. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases
4. Collection and reporting of vital statistics
5. Education about health
6. National health programmes, as relevant
7. Training of health guides, health workers, local dais and health assistants
8. Basic laboratory workers etc

In the North side middle there are Police Station,District hospital,SSS Women Collage and post office.The north side upper lining with road this area
is mainly used for commercial purpose,beyond this mix use and then after only residencial. In the western part of this area is mainly used by the
Government. Also the southern part of this area is mainly used for agricultural purposes.On the left side on bank of cannal there is a slum basti
where Dalit Community Musahar and few tribes are livinng there. There population around 121 except under 18 age group.They encroaches the
road that's why fearness of homeless is always in there mind.There job is mainly daily wages or seasonal basis like Paddy seeds
plantation,Poldari,and other work.Although in which 3-5% are literate.They speak Hindi and Bhojpuri.

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Now coming to the population density and demography of this area. Where Number of house hold is 488 total worker is 709 and average literacy
rate is 82.64% where male literacy rate is more as compared to female.and sex ratio is 916.
In Eastern part of this area is more danced as compared to the westernt part of the area because in western part most of the area is either
field ,open space,parks, playground,hospital, or government offices and very few has residential areas.
In down side southern part has very low population because in that area most of the space is empty or used for agriculture.
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Road Hierarchy
The road hierarchy categorizes roads according to their Road material.On the upper side road denoted by dark blackish red is Primary or Main
road of this Town, this is also called Bhabua Chainpur road where the maximum vehicles 2 wheeler, 3 wheeler, 4 wheeler are moving daily
This road was made from bituminous or Dambar.with ROW 20M in between road is a divider but hight and width of divider is not so high that's why
frequently this leads to be accident.
The Secondary road is Cement concrete road which is denoted by Red colour with ROW 2.44M. This road is spread over the ward which covers the
maximum part of this area.
The tertiary road is Mud road which is either under construction or not counstracted.this road is rarely used by people in rainy session this road is
neither for pedestrians nor for vehicle movements in rainy season
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Here is % representation of vehicle movement were nearly 90% Vehicles are moving from Primary road, 8% Vehicles are moving from Secondary
road and 2% Vehicles are moving from tertiary road.
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Now here is Vehicular Movement of 2,3 & 4 Wheeler in the graphical form.where data is prepared from morning ,afternoon and evening through
Physical observation through video recording at 6:00 AM,1:00PM and Evening 5:30 PM.Maximum Traffic of vehicle is in between 3:00-6:00 PM at
evening.Due to this heavy traffic at evening .many problem are facing during driving of vehicle and pedestrian.

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In this ward the drainage system, west management and street road are poorly managed.One of the most reason behind this is When someone
builds a new house, he builds the house higher than the previous one.thats why building the drainage system is so seen in picture
Since lack of awareness people throw flammable material in plastic dustbin thats why the whole dust bin is burned out.
The street road is badly managed . That's why there are many problems facing by peoples and this problem are facing more in
rainy season.Due to poor management of drainage. The drainage water are overflowing on the roads this problems are in all
sessions. Sometimes Municipality was clean the drainage but since there are no Sewerage properly structure that’s why the
problem of over flow of water over the road is remain the same after 10 to 12 days of cleaning.

Garbage is trough beside the road or in the empty plot located nearby houses although Dustbin is kept in the neighborhood but
due to poor maintenance of Dustbin no one prefer to use dust bin.

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Now questions are arise in our mind why the peoples area not using Public Toilet and Dust bin ?
There are many reason for not doing this in which few are here:-
Lake of knowledge,Social Awareness,Peoples are not habitual for this,Since dustbin was full of garbage peoples are not prefer this, the toile are not
using by people because the door is broken in toilet,water is not coming in tap,toilet is very dirty and location of toilet is not suitable that's why
people not using this.

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Now coming to the water and sanitation.since here clean drinkable water level are around 60 ft to 80 ft.Almost 95% Peoples houses have its own
borewell maximum peoples are depend on it Although Ngar Parshad borewell supply tap water which supply mostly slum basti and Community
hall, anganwadi kendra..Since technology are developing continuously and peoples are drig more and more borewell fro own houses as well
agriculture. In last 10 years the water level are goes down now day this level goes around 120ft to 150 ft.
In my ward ther are 10 public toilets in which 7 two seater and 3 ten seater toilet one is in slum basti 2nd is in District Hospital and 3rd is near the
canal side police line boundary.
Pg 13
Now coming to the Vulnerability in my area. There are many vulnerability in region in which
Cast Discrimantion can easily seen by the upar cast peoples mostly ब्रम्हड they show yourself superior to other they don’t allowed other cast people to
passing there road by vehicle or on foot if some one is goes in there street or area they stop them and asking full introduction like name, father
name ,Cast, Living area and origine and then after warn them to don’t come here again.They thig which passively in there mindt “ We are born to be
ruled over you” this type of things always in there mind.In some area there was poisonous species are there like Snake,Scorpio etc
In some are there are no street light.that feel sense of insecurity when some one goes that street at night.In this area electricity and regular voltage
is not properly.thats why it’s very hard to manage for people there day to day water supply,Study, office work,Hospitals, etc.
Since the population of the city is 50,179 (cencus 2011) although the post man is only 3 and there age is so high thats why they do not deliver many
important documents.That document may be Joining latter and other goverment official letter.The peoples from here are very irresponsible its may
be free rider they contribute nothing and only blaming others.
In Slum area almost all houses made from mud and clay.That’s why in raining season the house is demolished and covered sleeping people under
the mud wall and caused to death.

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Here the street elevation of my are this one is from near the stadium gate and this is from ekta Chauka.

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Here there are three type of housing typology mostly seen First one is RCC building made with fly ash brick second RCC building is made from clay
RED brick and third one is mud and clay hand made kaccha houses this house mostly in slum area.

Thank you this is from my side.I am inviting all you to ask question and do some healthy discussion.

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