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The Dentist and the Candyman

In a small town, there lived a wise and kind dentist who cared

for its citizens. He was steadfast an strict in treating his patients but after

every treatment he would always smile and grant them a reward of one candy. He

would also welcome anyone dealing with a problem and would present

them with the best advice he could conjure with his wisdom. This in

turn gave him a positive reputation in the town, as a man whom anyone

can rely upon in a time of need.

For a year the dentist has lived in the town and when the town’s

election for a new mayor is nearing, the people urged the dentist to

join the election, and the dentist feeling a sense of responsibility

from their pleas, obliged much to their delight and he ran as a

mayoral candidate. Everyone was sure of his victory until one day a

flamboyant businessman rode into town. His silver tongue made use of

flowery and exciting language that riled up the people and the promise of a

mass of the most appetizing candies drew even more people to his side.

After all, why wouldn’t they, he used to be a citizen in this town as

he says so he must have their best interest at heart, he is a

successful businessman which shows intelligence and wisdom, and his

eccentricities and his flamboyant demeanor garnered him a captivating

reputation and the candies, candies so sweet and delicious it’s

practically addicting. But some saw the supposed Candyman for who he

is, a man guided by greed without sincerity or care for the people.

So, they begged the kind dentist to fight fire with fire but he would

not budge for he saw that kindness would prevail even in this
situation. They begged and begged him until they became distraught, so

in a final desperate plea they plead “Oh please kind dentist don’t

forget thy job, for if a dentist must be unwavering when removing a

tooth then so too would be someone as great as you so abandon kindness

in this time of peril for what this town needs not a kind man now but

a man with wisdom and resilience.” The dentist realizing his

shortcomings relented again, for sincerity isn’t enough but a façade

will do. Ever since then the dentist would be there when the Candyman

preaches to counter his speeches with his own. Infuriated, the

Candyman promised more candies to the point of absurdity with the

masses celebrating this remark. The dentist then seeing the farcical

event goes into a scathing remark about the people’s stupidity.

Remarking that the liars and thieves with their eccentric façade trump

the people’s hearts tainting their eyes with a biased tint and their

desire for shallow rewards as something shameful. This draws the

people’s ire on him and they hurl insults and profanities at him. The

dentist undeterred continued shaming the people, especially the


Candyman, you are sweet

Your taste sweeps people off their feet

But one thing I haven’t forgotten

Is the danger you present

And for that I resent

The people who let their teeth be rotten

Rotten with lies of which you cover in honey

And I know as a dentist

That no rotten tooth can be cured

For its outcome is to be pulled

The Candyman laughs for it drops its façade. “My boy, for a kind

ruler, gets stepped on but a kind and effective ruler gets squashed.

For what does it matter that my greed is in the way, for it’s an

indication of my desire to make this humble town richy richer than

before.” The crowd shouts in praise for he as they shout is honest and

sincere. The dentist leaves with the following remarks “For what good

is a perfect virtuous king who acts in sincerity but is met with

silence to an imperfect tyrant who garners praise with its greatest

weapon, its silver tongue?" The dentist then prayed "Oh lord, blow

away the fog in the people’s mind that causes them to follow with

their heart for the snake may have lost its limb but its tongue and

poison remains.” And as he leaves the town he is never to be seen


The Candyman much to no one's surprises wins the election and was

elected as mayor, though his victory was met with hostility from a

small number of people, the majority loved him and celebrated his

victory. Though unluckily for them, the worst situation that the

dentist feared quickly turned into fruition, and in turn, they quickly

regretted the choices they have made. And for those lucky few that

greeted the Candyman with hostility followed in the Dentist’s steps

and were saved in this predicament, for the virtue that the Candyman

was voted for is nothing more than something the voters conjured in

their heads except for one thing, his mighty intelligence that lacks

wisdom. For the town becomes his permanently and the people his slaves

that filled the pockets in his trouser.

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