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Live in caca 8407

During live in, it was an exciting experience. The most enjoyable experience was when
we were watching the Ramayana ballet. Because the dance was really thrilling and it's really
fascinating seeing the dancer dance with passion. Near the ending, the dancer lit up the fake
house and the wood firefire. When they lit up the fireworks it was amazing. After the show i

Also when we were planting rice in the rice field. I saw a lot of my friends fall and Get
Dirty. There's also slugs in the mud. After we plant the rice we cleaned our body and get ready
to go outbound. The out bound was fun and exciting.

The outbound was fun because we had to climb a river and get wet. During the
outbound, I helped a lot of my friends to get to the top of the river. After we finished outbound
we ate nasi doa. It was very flavorful and so good. After we ate, we had an outdoor mass. The
masawas about saint Lukas.

But the most memorable experience was when I stayed in desa. Because it was fun going
to my friend's house and we played Uno and poker cards. In the morning I helped my mom by
going to the sawah to help tie the tomato tree to a stick. And when we have to pentas seni it
was fun watching and seeing the other desa dance to their song.

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