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A ratio is used to compare two numbers, while a proportion is an equivalence relation

between two ratios.
2. The terms of a ratio are the first and second terms.
3. The antecedents in a proportion are the first and second terms.
4. The extremes in a proportion are the first and fourth terms.
5. The means in a proportion are the second and third terms.
6. The fundamental property of a proportion states that the product of the means equals the
product of the extremes.

7. The property of permuting states that exchanging the means or the extremes results in an
equivalent proportion.
8. The property of inverting states that exchanging each antecedent with its consequent results
in an equivalent proportion.
9. The property of combining states that the sum of the first two terms is to the first (or
second) as the sum of the other two terms is to the third (or fourth).
10. The property of factoring states that the difference of the first two terms is to the first (or
second) as the difference of the other two terms is to the third. For example, in the
proportion 3/2 = 6/4, the difference of the first two terms (3-2=1) is to the first (3) as the
difference of the other two terms (6-4=2) is to the third (6). So, 1/3 = 2/6, which simplifies to
0.33 = 0.33. Therefore, the difference of the first two terms is equal to the difference between
the extremes.
11. The property of combining states that the sum of the first two terms is to the first (or
second) as the sum of the other two terms is to the third (or fourth). For example, in the
proportion 2/3 = 4/6, the sum of the first two terms (2+3=5) is to the first (2) as the sum of
the other two terms (4+6=10) is to the third (4). So, 5/2 = 10/4, which simplifies to 2.5 = 2.5.
Therefore, the sum of the first two terms is equal to the sum of the extremes.
12. The property of factorizing states that the difference of the first two terms is to the first (or
second) as the difference of the other two terms is to the third. For example, in the
proportion 3/2 = 6/4, the difference of the first two terms (3-2=1) is to the first (3) as the
difference of the other two terms (6-4=2) is to the third (6). So, 1/3 = 2/6, which simplifies to
0.33 = 0.33. Therefore, the difference of the first two terms is equal to the difference between
the extremes.
13. The property of combining states that the sum of the first two terms is to the first (or
second) as the sum of the other two terms is to the third (or fourth). For example, in a
proportion A/B = C/D, if A + B = X and C + D = Y, the equation X/Y = A/C represents this

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