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In the following text I will be giving an answer to the question of, can media freedom be limited
and in which situations is that so? In short, the answer to that question is yes. Media freedom
can and should be limited, but its limitations should not be confused with the limitiations of our
right for freedom of expression. Media freedom is most often limited during times of national
security concerns, to protect public safety, protecting personal privacy, preventing the spread of
false information or hate speech, etc. In the Croatian Act, one example of protecting personal
privacy is the provision that restricts the publication of personal information without the
inidividual's consent. This helps safeguard the privacy rights of individuals and esnures that
their personal information is not disclosed without their permission. Another example of
personal privacy protection is the provision that requires and individuals consent when
collecting, processing, or disclosing their personal data. For instance, according to“ Zakon o
zaštiti osobnih podataka“ (Personal Data Protection Act), companies must obtain explicit
consent from users when collecting their personal infromation for marketing purposes. This
provides additional protection and control over our private information. To sum up everything
stated before, protecting personal privacy is extremely important to ensure control and security
of our personal data. Today, media plays a crucial role in informing, shaping opinions in both
the political and social context. Through laws like „Zakon o zaštiti osobnih podataka“, it is
ensured that our data is secure and used only with our consent.

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