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LEAP - Packet 2

Academic A Fall 2017

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 13
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ac·tive fol·low·ing
active.j /ˈaktiv/
⎯• following.j /ˈfälōiNG/

back·ground ob·serve
background.n /ˈbakɡround/
⎯• observe.v /əbˈzərv/

broad path
broad.j /brôd/
⎯ path.n /paTH/

cat·e·go·ry pres·ent
category.n /ˈkadəɡôrē/
⎯••• present.j /ˈprezənt/

chief prin·ci·ple
chief.j /CHēf/
⎯ principle.n /ˈprinsəpəl/

com·bine pro·ce·dure
combine.v /kəmˈbīn/
•⎯ procedure.n /prəˈsējər/

com·plete pro·mote
complete.j /kəmˈplēt/
•⎯ promote.v /prəˈmōt/

con·nec·tion pro·tec·tion
connection.n /kəˈnekSHən/
•⎯• protection.n /prəˈtekSHən/

con·struc·tion reg·u·lar
construction.n /kənˈstrəkSHən/
•⎯• regular.j /ˈreɡyələr/

de·mand set·tle
demand.v /dəˈmand/
•⎯ settle.v /ˈsedl/

de·stroy spread
destroy.v /dəˈstroi/
•⎯ spread.v /spred/

ex·tend tool
extend.v /ikˈstend/
•⎯ tool.n /to͞ ol/

List 13 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

active.j with energy; participating. operational, functioning

education, the details of a thing’s past; what

background.n experience, training explains why a thing is how it is.
framework, ethnicity, matrix

wide, large, open, involving many things; wide in comprehensive, extensive,

broad.j general range or amount. generic, inclusive

kind, class, type, a group of things similar in some description, classification,

category.n sort, set way. categorization

primary, essential, dominant,

chief.j most important; highest in rank.
principal, predominant

to form a single thing or group; to link, incorporate, integrate,

combine.v relate
join two or more things together. couple, consolidate, unify

entire, total, perfect, to the greatest degree; including direct, comprehensive, universal,
complete.j full, broad all the necessary parts. detailed, absolute

a thing that joins two or more association, contact, link,

connection.n relation, context
things. identification, membership

the process of making a thing; the framework, creation, formation,

construction.n structure
way that a thing has been built. assembly, manufacturing

ask, claim, order, to ask for a thing very firmly; to

demand.v insist, need, require need a thing.
necessitate, stipulate, query

to damage a thing so it no longer suppress, degrade, eradicate,

destroy.v finish
exists. fragment

run, continue, reach, to cause a thing to straighten out maximize, supplement, broaden,
extend.v increase, spread or be longer. perpetuate, enlarge
following.j next coming next. subsequent, succeeding

follow, remember, to watch or listen to a thing view, perceive, regard, monitor,

observe.v note, study carefully. distinguish, discern

line, course, a line along which a thing moves;

path.n direction a way to achieve a thing.
circuit, pathway, trajectory

not past or future; existing or

present.j current
happening now.
existing, present-day, existent

standard, attitude, a belief that influences your belief, ideal, premise, ethic, tenet,
principle.n rule, theory, cause actions; a basic truth. precept, dictate

system, process, actions done in an order; an

procedure.n practice, method accepted way of doing a thing.
code, mechanism, ritual, usage

to raise a thing’s position; to help foster, advocate, stimulate, aid,

promote.v support, encourage
a thing. cultivate, espouse, further

security, safety,
protection.n guard
keeping something from harm. preservation, aegis

following a pattern; done often; standard, typical, conventional,

regular.j normal
without any extra features. frequent, homogenous

to end to an argument; to decide conclude, resolve, reconcile,

settle.v drop, lie, remain
a thing; to make comfortable. adjudicate

to open a thing that has been distribute, transmit, perpetuate,

spread.v increase
closed; to arrange over an area. disseminate, further

a thing used to do a job or

tool.n activity.
device, mechanism, apparatus

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 13

List 13 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

A citizen’s duty requires they be The magazine promotes a healthy He became an active member of his
active.j somewhat politically active. and active lifestyle. church.

We have different religious Do they require time to check into You need a background in
background.n backgrounds. your background? economics to qualify.

We need to analyze the issue from a The sun was overly bright as he
broad.j Is the spectrum broad or narrow?
broad and deep perspective. walked into broad daylight.

They were put into categories and Her personality type fits into a Separate categories of winners and
category.n divided into groups. distinct category. losers were made.

chief.j That judge is the chief justice. This is our chief financial strategist. Ask the former chief engineer.

Combine the ingredients in the Take a cup of sugar and combine it The artist combines several forms of
combine.v bowl. with the salt. art together.

I feel like I have a nearly complete We have a complete set for the
complete.j understanding. game.
Our list is almost complete.

The couple has a strong emotional How is the internet and wireless I have a close, meaningful
connection.n connection. connection here? connection with my friend.

The new building will require The construction is causing slow

construction.n I supervise a construction site.
construction. roads.

The customer demanded his money The public demands the attention of
demand.v back.
The leader demands accountability.
the government.

The fire destroyed most of the The poor economy has destroyed
destroy.v evidence.
The missile destroyed the enemy.
home values in this city.

Extend your arms down to your legs I'd like to extend thanks for the You must extend the number of
extend.v to stretch. invitation. miles you run every day.
I'm considering traveling the We will have a discussion the The following statement includes an
following.j following year. following day. answer to the question.

Astronomers observe the stars in He frequently observed distant She used a telescope to observe
observe.v the night sky. planets. astronomical phenomenon.

Choose the path with the least You’ll need to be patient you follow
path.n There's a narrow bike path.
resistance. your career path.

The present investigation is tense Scientists are finding results from People say to live in the present
present.j and ongoing. the present study. moment, not the past.

You'll need to apply these basic They shouldn't have violated these These principles are used to govern
principle.n principles into your work. ethical principles. and guide the company.

The doctor performed the surgical She repeats the same medical The diagnostic procedures we
procedure.n procedure with care. procedure often. follow put students in the right class.

The company promotes a healthy The school promotes having a They promote peace and
promote.v and active lifestyle. growth and learning mindset. cooperation.

This will involve the Environmental These amendments form a This federal act provides more
protection.n Protection Agency. protection for many rights. protection.

I won’t be able to attend any regular Regular aerobic exercise has many It's not the regular season for a
regular.j meetings. health benefits. football game.

I settled down comfortably on the

settle.v He finally settled the lawsuit. Please be quiet and settle down.
couch with my book.

spread.n A rumor spread through the school The cancer spread in her leg. We spread a blanket over the grass.

Words are a powerful and valuable Educational tools make teaching This simple and effective tool can fix
tool.n tool. easier. the problem.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 13
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 14
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ap·pli·ca·tion na·tive
application.n /apləˈkāSHən/
••⎯• native.j /ˈnādiv/

ap·pro·pri·ate neg·a·tive
appropriate.j /əˈprōprēət/
•⎯•• negative.j /ˈneɡədiv/

de·vice per·spec·tive
device.n /dəˈvīs/
•⎯ perspective.n /pərˈspektiv/

di·rect pri·ma·ry
direct.j /dəˈrekt /
•⎯ primary.j /ˈprīmərē/

ex·change prog·ress
exchange.n /iksˈCHānj/
•⎯ progress.n /ˈpräɡres/

fair rel·a·tive·ly
fair.j /fer/
⎯ relatively.r /ˈrelətivlē/

fa·mous re·view
famous.j /ˈfāməs/
⎯• review.n /rəˈvyo͞ o/

health·y start
healthy.j /ˈhelTHē/
⎯• start.n /stärt/

in·flu·ence sym·bol
influence.n /ˈinflo͞ oəns/
⎯•• symbol.n /ˈsimbəl/

key train
key.n /kē/
⎯ train.v /trān/

lo·ca·tion un·der·stand·ing
location.n /lōˈkāSHən/
•⎯• understanding.n /əndərˈstandiNG/

move view
move.n /mo͞ ov/
⎯ view.v /vyo͞ o/

List 14 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

purpose, function, a document or program used to do implementation, entry, relevance,
application.n treatment a thing; how a thing is used. utilization

sufficient, desirable, suitable,

appropriate.j right for some purpose or situation.

equipment made for some special instrument, mechanism, invention,

device.n plan, method, tool
purpose. apparatus

direct.j straight from a source. linear, straightforward

discussion, giving one thing in return for

exchange.n conversation another thing.
substitution, reciprocity

acceptable in a situation; treating

fair.j clear, fine, bright
everyone according to rules.
ethical, objective, justifiable

famous.j known about by many people. prominent, notable, eminent

physically strong and well; good

healthy.j for health; successful.
robust, sound, flourishing

control, pressure,
influence.n authority, impact
the power to affect a thing. contribution, manipulation

answer, solution, something that lets you achieve a

key.n scale, basis thing; a thing used to open.
index, cue, directory

site, situation,
location.n scene, spot
a place or position. reference, discovery, locale

step, movement, an action to achieve a thing; a

move.n attempt change of position.
transition, shift, conversion
connected to the place a person
native.j was born; existing naturally.
domestic, intuitive, innate

negative.j harmful or bad; not wanted. destructive, unfavorable

view, scene, range, a way of understanding or seeing

perspective.n scale, distance a thing.
stance, viewpoint

central, main, key, initial, fundamental, principal,

primary.j basic, chief
most important; happening first.
underlying, integral

the process of improving; improvement, evolution, passage,

progress.n movement, growth
movement towards a place. civilization

relatively.r pretty, rather when compared to others. moderately, comparatively

a look at the quality or condition inquiry, critique, revision,

review.n of a thing. commentary, periodical

conception, advent, outset,

start.n advantage, birth when a thing begins.
inception, infancy

sign, character, a thing that represents a

symbol.n mark particular idea or quality.
device, index

to teach skills for an activity; to initiate, ground, condition,

train.v focus, prepare
improve an ability. inculcate, familiarize

agreement, mind, knowledge and ability of a interpretation, consideration,

understanding.n ability particular thing. insight, obligation, sensitivity

observe, watch, to have an opinion about a thing;

view.v notice to watch.
regard, deem

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 14

List 14 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

There are many computer and This class is practical and has real- I need to install and update some
application.n software applications. world application. applications.

You need to have culturally She has socially appropriate He needs the most appropriate
appropriate.j appropriate behavior. manners at the dinner table. counseling for his condition.

She is going to design other Developing explosive devices is

device.n Use the small device instead.
devices. illegal.

Indirect experience is different than

direct.j Avoid direct contact with them. She provided direct instruction.
direct experience.

This school accepts a lot of What is the official exchange rate of The global exchange program is a
exchange.n international exchange students. money in this country? great opportunity.

The game’s referee must be fair and

fair.j It's a pretty fair question. That price is right for a fair market.

That artist is famous for his People who become famous are
famous.j He is a famous author and writer.
paintings. called ‘stars’.

It's important to maintain a healthy Did she have a healthy relationship

healthy.j People need a healthy diet.
weight. with other women?

His power and political influence is Money has strong influence in every Our family needed her positive
influence.n significant. culture. influence.

She locked the door and put the key The key at the back of the book
key.n in her pocket. explains every symbol.
I unlocked the car with my key.

My assistant will give you a date and He used the map to find a central
location.n location.
Can you pinpoint its exact location?

The move was unprecedented but

move.n bold.
He made a wise business move. We need to make the right move.
The native people have their own I speak the language of my native
native.j culture.
This plant is native to that land.

We need a positive attitude instead I have negative feelings about both This result caused negative impact
negative.j of a negative one. of them. on the city.

These students have different The woman’s political perspective He has a unique perspective on
perspective.n perspectives. changed. things.

This is the primary reason for What is your primary educational The primary concern is meeting the
primary.j selecting it. focus? objective.

Let's discuss the economic You will need to demonstrate your How will you continue to monitor the
progress.n progress report. educational progress. child’s progress?

It seems small but is actually The test is relatively simple and

relatively.r relatively large.
The new path is relatively long.

There are lots of reviews written I’ve read lots of reviews of the new A review of this research project
review.n about the article. product. was done before it was approved.

start.n We had a bad start this year. I'll wake up early for a fresh start. He had a fast start to the race.

There are many sacred and religious Ancient signs and symbols are
symbol.n symbols in the old church. carved on the wall.
Symbols typically convey meaning.

The doctor wants to train his dog to

train.v The teacher trained the student. The military trains their troops.
comfort patients.

He gained a better understanding The students need clear His understanding of human
understanding.n of the subject. understanding of these points. relationships helped him succeed.

I use a telescope to view objects in Does she view the situation My lens allows me to view the
view.v the sky. positively or negatively? planets clearly.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 14
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 15
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
a·dopt ex·plore
adopt.v /əˈdäpt/
•⎯ explore.v /ikˈsplôr/

aid ex·pres·sion
aid.n /ād/
⎯ expression.n /ikˈspreSHən/

as·sess·ment ex·tra
assessment.n /əˈsesmənt/
•⎯• extra.j /ˈekstrə/

at·tempt im·portance
attempt.v /əˈtempt/
•⎯ importance.n /imˈpôrtəns/

bear in·struc·tion
bear.v /ber/
⎯ instruction.n /inˈstrəkSHən/

com·mit·ment mean·ing
commitment.n /kəˈmitmənt/
•⎯• meaning.n /ˈmēniNG/

complex.j com·plex
•⎯ obtain.v
/kämˈpleks/ /əbˈtān /
con·nect or·gan·ize
connect.v /kəˈnekt/
•⎯ organize.v /ˈôrɡənīz/

con·se·quence pro·pos·al
consequence.n /ˈkänsikwəns/
⎯•• proposal.n /prəˈpōzəl/

de·sire re·spect
desire.n /dəˈzīər/
•⎯ respect.n /rəˈspekt/

di·rect sci·en·tif·ic
direct.v /dəˈrekt/
•⎯ scientific.j /sīənˈtifik/

ex·pand su·preme
expand.v /ikˈspand/
•⎯ supreme.j /so͞ oˈprēm/
List 15 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

to begin to use a different method; foster, appropriate, internalize,
adopt.v accept, assume
bring into a group. espouse

things given to help a group of contribution, assistance,

aid.n support
people or person. cooperation, forum

careful decisions; measuring the judgment, estimate, testing,

assessment.n test, quiz, review
ability of a person or thing. exploration, critique, estimation

to try to do, accomplish or

attempt.v complete a thing.
strive, endeavor

carry, accept, move, to be able to deal with a thing; to

bear.v bring, hold support a thing’s weight.
yield, sustain, convey

a promise to do a thing or be loyal

commitment.n responsibility
to a thing.
obligation, idealism

connected in complicated ways;

complex.j involved
not easy to understand.
advanced, bureaucratic

link, communicate, couple,

connect.v associate, tie to join together two or more things.
equate, implicate, bridge, affiliate

a thing that happens as a result of outcome, implication,

consequence.n concern, effect
an action or set of conditions. consideration, significance

desire.n the feeling of wanting a thing. aspiration, compulsion

to aim a thing at a particular point; dominate, guide, govern,

direct.v point, focus, order
to control a thing. manipulate, coordinate, mandate

to become greater in size; to make advance, maximize, elaborate,

expand.v develop, increase
a thing more important. broaden, enlarge, augment
to experience a thing often in
explore.v travel
order to learn more about it.
analyze, research

look, statement, feelings or thoughts shown by reflection, manifestation,

expression.n communication action; a word or phrase. formulation, wording

more than usual, needed, or that supplemental, supplementary,

extra.j exists already. subsidiary

being needed or better; value or meaning, consequence, emphasis,

importance.n status, weight
significance. consideration

a thing a person is told to do; the guideline, directive, enlightenment,

instruction.n training, direction
information being taught. induction

an idea represented by a word or

meaning.n importance
phrase; value of a thing.
import, resonance, meaningfulness

take, find, achieve, acquire, derive, extract, elicit,

obtain.v gain
to get a thing by effort.

control, manage, to put things in a particular order; constitute, compose, classify,

organize.v form to create. coordinate, structure, tabulate

proposal.n application a suggestion for a plan. initiative, thesis, submission

admiration for a thing; polite

respect.n behavior.
recognition, regard, prestige

relating to the study of natural

scientific.j laws and processes.
factual, pathological

ideal, absolute, paramount,

supreme.j best most important; very great.

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 15

List 15
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Congress adopted a new approach The newlywed couple officially She has to adopt a new perspective
adopt.v towards the issue. adopted the kids. and attitude.

The program provides humanitarian She receives some financial aid from
aid.n aid. the government.
He teaches with many visual aids.

The teacher gave her students an An environmental assessment is Can you provide an accurate
assessment.n assessment. needed to determine the problem. assessment of the risk?

The researcher attempted to solve We unsuccessfully attempted to I'll attempt to explain how I got the
attempt.v the problem. create a new version. answer.

I’ll be unable to bear this burden He bears the brunt of the project’s The child bears no resemblance to
bear.v much longer. weight. her father.

The soldier has a deep commitment Purchasing a house is a long-term Their shared commitment to the
commitment.n to his country. financial commitment. military is very strong.

Hacking into the complex network My boss gave me an extremely This situation and relationship are
complex.j system is difficult. complex task. too complex for me.

The computer allows us to connect I'll connect with you using the I enjoyed being able to connect
connect.v directly with customers. phone network. closely with several people.

That decision will cause negative She'll have to suffer the long-term There's potential for disastrous
consequence n consequences. consequences. consequences.

She has a strong, burning desire to His desire for genuine love led him Her desire to succeed drives and
desire.n date him. to move here. motivates her.

We must direct our efforts towards We need to direct our anger She will direct the program's
direct.v increasing production. towards inequality. activities.

We want to expand the range of our The program expanded beyond its We have the opportunity to rapidly
expand.v market. base. expand in the area.
We may want to explore alternate This is a great opportunity to The essay explores many details
explore.v options. explore new possibilities. and themes of the novel.

We have freedom of personal The school encourages artistic We shouldn’t judge a person’s
expression.n expression. expression. expression of religious beliefs.

We may need to pay some extra This extra cost is too little for us to
extra.j money.
I worked some extra time.
worry about.

It’s critical we discuss the project Remember to emphasize that this is Do you understand the growing
importance.n because of its great importance. of the utmost importance. importance of this project?

We provide basic language The teacher offered music Effective skill instruction occurs in a
instruction.n instruction. instruction. classroom.

He helped us to interpret the literal The teacher will clarify the meaning
meaning.n and figurative meaning of the book.
These symbols convey meaning.
of the text.

They'll obtain the scores and results She has to obtain consent from her
obtain.v We obtained a large sample of data.
from the test. parents in order to go.

He organized a committee to help They organized a workshop at the

organize.v with the campaign.
Our club organized a party.

The president will block the Let’s review the proposal before we We should amend the original
proposal.n proposal. submit it. proposal.

The teacher deserves similar We have a mutual respect for each I have the utmost love and respect
respect.n respect. other. for her.

The scientific community is united There is scientific evidence that You will need both a scientific and
scientific.j on that issue. supports this theory. philosophical understanding.

We are under the rule of the That’s under the authority of the
supreme.j He's a justice on the supreme court.
supreme commander. state’s supreme court.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 15
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 16
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ap·pear·ance link
appearance.n /əˈpirəns/
•⎯• link.v /liNGk/

be·lief no·tion
belief.n /bəˈlēf/
•⎯ notion.n /ˈnōSHən/

code ob·vi·ous
code.n /kōd/
⎯ obvious.j /ˈäbvēəs/

con·clude prime
conclude.v /kənˈklo͞ od/
•⎯ prime.j /prīm/

con·clu·sion pro·pose
conclusion.n /kənˈklo͞ oZHən/
•⎯• propose.v /prəˈpōz/

de·clare rec·ord
declare.v /diˈkler/
•⎯ record.v /rəˈkôrd/

dif·fi·cul·ty re·gion·al
difficulty.n /ˈdifəkəltē/
⎯••• regional.j /ˈrējənəl/

gen·er·ate reg·u·la·tion
generate.v /ˈjenərāt/
⎯•• regulation.n /reɡyəˈlāSHən/

in·ter·nal se·lect
internal.j /inˈtərnl/
•⎯• select.v /səˈlekt/

large·ly strug·gle
largely.r /ˈlärjlē/
⎯• struggle.v /ˈstrəɡəl/

like trend
like.j /līk/
⎯ trend.n /trend/

lim·it u·nique
limit.n /ˈlimit/
⎯• unique.j /yo͞ oˈnēk/
List 16 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

look, growth, the way a thing looks; the time presentation, emergence,
appearance.n beginning when a thing is first available. manifestation, guise

certainty that a thing exists or is notion, assumption, judgment,

belief.n principle
true. acceptance, conception, ideal

information, data, a set of rules; ideas for how to

code.n language, policy behave; a way to label information.
combination, ethic, ethos

determine, to stop; to form an opinion; to

conclude.v complete, settle complete a thing.
infer, culminate, deduce

a final decision often formed after outcome, judgment, settlement,

conclusion.n research. termination, supposition

declare.v state, announce to say a thing publicly or officially. assert, render, purport, aver

the quality that makes a thing hard

difficulty.n trouble
to do; a thing that’s not easy.
reversal, rigor, ramification

create, produce,
generate.v cause
to make a thing. yield, induce, propagate

located on the inside of a thing;

internal.j occurring within a body.
integral, in-house, inward

predominantly, broadly,
largely.r mostly, basically not completely but mostly.
principally, chiefly

having similar qualities to another

like.j thing.
comparable, uniform, analogous

where a thing stops existing; the boundary, constraint, restriction,

limit.n border
most or least of a thing allowed. parameter, frontier
relate, associate, to join or make a connection communicate, correspond, couple,
link.v combine, connect between two or more things. equate, implicate

view, thought,
notion.n concept, belief
an idea about a thing or action. assumption, conception, thesis

easy to understand or see; most apparent, evident, explicit, logical,

obvious.j clear
people agree to; not interesting. marked, tangible, overt

main, top, key, most important; of the best principal, optimal, predominant,
prime.j chief, primary quality; a very good example. overriding, cardinal

to suggest a thing to a person or

propose.v plan, recommend
group to consider.
postulate, propound

to keep an account of facts; to

record.v make a copy of a thing.
document, map, input

occurring in a particular part of an

regional.j local
territorial, provincial

a rule made by an authority; discipline, adjustment, guideline,

regulation.n order, management
controlling a thing with rules. standardization, bylaw

select.v pick to choose. designate, postulate

to try hard even if there are many

struggle.v fight
problems; do a difficult thing.
strive, conflict, endeavor

look, style, a general direction of change; a

trend.n movement thing currently popular.
phenomenon, tendency

distinctive, novel, isolated,

unique.j unlike anything else.
invaluable, idiosyncratic

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List 16 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

I need to maintain a certain public I need to improve my physical
appearance.n He made a recent TV appearance.
appearance. appearance.

Belief in God is a central Christian Many people value their spiritual She holds close to her personal
belief.n principle. beliefs. beliefs.

Are they adopting a new code of Will you tell me the zip code for that
code.n She keeps breaking the dress code.
conduct? building?

The jury concluded that he was The meeting concluded with a The researcher concluded his report
conclude.v guilty. reasonable agreement. strongly.

The discussion came to a logical The opposite sides surprisingly The essay leads you to a firm
conclusion.n conclusion. reached similar conclusions. conclusion.

The president declared war after the The company will wait to officially
declare.v attack. declare bankruptcy.
The winner declared victory.

The complexity of computers results I have some difficulty reading this She's experiencing difficulty walking
difficulty.n in technical difficulty. passage without glasses. since surgery.

The company generates millions of Solar panels generate sufficient He generates enough income for his
generate.v dollars in revenue. energy for power for the house. family.

Up until now this internal conflict Internal affairs did an adequate job He got medicine to control his
internal.j has been controllable. dealing with the issue. internal bleeding.

He was largely responsible for the Largely because she is so happy, They remain friends largely because
largely.r car accident. she has a lot of friends. they are neighbors.

I work with many like minded

like.j She looks like she is his kid. The car entered in like fashion.

There is a legal limit to what speed We must not exceed the upper limit The large group approached the
limit.n we can drive. of our budget. practical limit for the room.
You need to link the computer to the Their families are tightly linked This gene is linked to several types
link.v network. together. of brain cancer.

You shouldn’t even entertained Their family supports traditional He rejected that preconceived
notion.n romantic notions for her. notions. notion.

The implications of this sign should The correct answer shouldn’t be too
obvious.j There is an obvious benefit to this.
be obvious. obvious.

He's a prime candidate for The British prime minister visited the In a prime example of leadership,
prime.j president. foreign country. the head of the company spoke.

Congress formally proposed new Scientists proposed a hypothesis to I recently made a plan to propose to
propose.v legislation. test the theory. my girlfriend.

Can you record the audio with so

record.v The camera records video.
much sound in the room?
We will digitally record his response.

The regional powers organized a The regional conflict has affected Regional trade has resulted in
regional.j conference. the economy. cooperation.

These environmental regulations The government requires us to

regulation.n They imposed strict regulations.
are applicable in this area. comply with the regulation.

They randomly selected participants Select a suitable sample size for My boss will carefully select a
select.v for the contest. your survey. representative.

The couple still struggles with The family continues to struggle for
struggle.v The city struggled with racism.
communication. survival.

This graph shows these unusual The current fashion trend is still
trend.n long-term demographic trends. growing.
This global trend is accelerating.

We need a unique person to fill this She has a unique and distinctive
unique.j This is truly a unique opportunity.
position. style.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 16
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 17
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ac·tu·al fix
actual.j /ˈaktSHəwəl/
⎯•• fix.v /fiks/

an·cient guide
ancient.j /ˈānSHənt/
⎯• guide.n /ɡīd/

ca·pac·i·ty in·flu·ence
capacity.n /kəˈpasədē/
•⎯•• influence.v /ˈinflo͞ oəns/

com·bi·na·tion in·ves·ti·gate
combination.n /kämbəˈnāSHən/
••⎯• investigate.v /inˈvestəɡāt/

con·trast judge
contrast.n /ˈkäntrast/
⎯• judge.v /jəj/

cor·rect mo·tion
correct.j /kəˈrekt/
•⎯ motion.n /ˈmōSHən/

de·fend out·come
defend.v /dəˈfend/
•⎯ outcome.n /ˈoutkəm/

di·vi·sion per·cent·age
division.n /dəˈviZHən/
•⎯• percentage.n /pərˈsentij/

e·qual set·ting
equal.j /ˈēkwəl/
⎯• setting.n /ˈsediNG/

es·ti·mate sig·nif·i·cant·ly
estimate.v /ˈestəmāt/
⎯•• significantly.r /səɡˈnifəkəntlē/

ex·tent stand·ard
extent.n /ikˈstent/
•⎯ standard.j /ˈstandərd/

ex·treme·ly typ·i·cal
extremely.r /ikˈstrēmlē/
•⎯• typical.j /ˈtipikəl/
List 17 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

not only possible or imagined; objective, tangible, factual, real-
actual.j real
known to be correct. world

belonging to a period of history primitive, long-established,

ancient.j old
long in the past; very old. archaic

the ability to hold things; the ability volume, potential, scope, quantity,
capacity.n ability
to do something. workload

two or more things that have been multimedia, fusion, incorporation,

combination.n pattern, code
added together. conjunction, aggregate

a difference between two or more comparison, discrimination,

contrast.n difference
things. dissimilarity

having no mistakes; acceptable for accurate, precise, justified,

correct.j true, standard
a particular situation. justifiable

defend.v represent to protect or support a thing. assert, justify, safeguard, buffer

a group; creating separate parts; sector, distinction, classification,

division.n class, type, section
the result of sharing a thing. fraction, polarization, stratum

the same in characteristics or identical, comparable, uniform,

equal.j same
value. reciprocal, homogeneous

to guess or give an idea about the calculate, deem, approximate,

estimate.v guess
value, size, or cost of a thing. conjecture

size, degree, the range, distance, or space that

extent.n amount is covered by a thing.
scope, quantity, breadth

powerfully, disproportionately,
extremely.r really, particularly to a very high degree.
peculiarly, vitally
establish, settle, to repair a thing; to decide; to
fix.v organize, stick attach in a particular place.
remedy, demarcate, predetermine

director, standard, a thing that helps decide what to

guide.n example, influence do or shows things of interest.
index, guideline, directory

to change or direct a thing-often shape, possess, motivate,

influence.v affect
in an important way. manipulate, predispose, militate

study, examine, to study a thing; to discover facts

investigate.v explore or information.
analyze, research, probe

think, find, believe, to form a conclusion; to decide assess, render, deem, infer,
judge.v consider the results of an event. deduce, adjudicate

action, activity, an act of moving; a formal resolution, signal, passage,

motion.n wave suggestion. impetus

effect, product, a thing that happens as a result of

outcome.n consequence an action or process.
resolution, corollary, outgrowth

a number expressed as a portion

percentage.n section, profit
of 100 parts; a part of a whole.
ratio, proportion

situation, set, the place where a thing happens; scenario, forum, locality, locale,
setting.n background a position for the controls. standardization

in a way that is large enough to considerably, extensively,

significantly.r greatly
be noticed or have an effect. markedly

basic, normal, acceptable or desirable in its typical, conventional, generic,

standard.j average, regular quality. definitive, recognized

normal for a thing; happening in conventional, distinctive,

typical.j normal, usual
the usual way. characteristic, customary

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 17

List 17 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Let's take a measurement to find its The actual cost was different from His actual weight was less than the
actual.j actual size. what I imagined. measurement estimated.

We studied ancient pottery in my art The trees in ancient forests were We found evidence of an ancient
ancient.j history class. much taller. civilization at the site.

The total capacity of the stadium is Increasing one’s mental capacity is

capacity.n Its storage capacity is full.
10,000 people. not easy.

What are possible combinations of The results came from the different This unique combination of flavors
combination.n these colors? combinations. is very unusual.

These colors provide a dramatic When we draw the shadow, it will This study will provide a contrast
contrast.n contrast. give the shape some contrast. between the two subjects.

correct.j Is this position politically correct? That is absolutely correct. Yes, your response is correct.

They will defend their country's

defend.v freedoms.
Prepare to defend yourself. She vigorously defended her choice.

She is the director of our upper There is a deep division within the
division.n division sales team. department.
This division of labor is not fair.

All students need equal She spent an approximately equal They created roughly equal numbers
equal.j opportunities to access education. amount of time with each child. of each product.

Have you estimated the interest rate We estimated the earnings from this The official estimated what percent
estimate.v for this year? number of sales. of the forest would be lost.

The extent to which nature affects The extent of their involvement is The extent of the damage from the
extent.n us is great. hard to measure. accident has not been revealed.

The decision was extremely This is extremely sensitive

extremely.r The temperature is extremely high.
popular. information.
With some planning, it is easy to fix There are several broken things that
fix.v We need to fix the car problem.
dinner. we must fix at the house.

We'll provide a trained guide for Has the interview been a reliable The teacher is our guide through the
guide.n each group. guide for hiring new workers? curriculum.

The new policy should influence Her friend positively influenced her Those factors will influence the
influence.v every employee's decision. attitude. outcome of the election.

My research investigated students We must thoroughly investigate the The committee wants to investigate
investigate.v perceptions. impact of this plan. the possibility of doing this.

I'll judge the competition based on Don't negatively judge the club after This is the standard criteria I used to
judge.v merit. only one day. judge each essay.

The science of perpetual motion Her hand motion indicated she

motion.n Move in a fluid and circular motion.
was discussed in class. wanted to take a picture.

Improved health is a positive The student had variable outcomes A successful performance was the
outcome.n outcome of this diet. in different subjects. outcome of a lot of practice.

A high percentage of the population This report shows an increased A percentage of students are
percentage.n here believes this. percentage in our costs. absent daily.

She changed the default settings on A school setting typically has

setting.n her phone. classrooms.
She prefers urban to rural settings.

The number of groups has The divorce rate has significantly

significantly.r His score was significantly higher.
significantly increased. decreased.

A standard deviation is used to This standard test checks the This standard practice task will not
standard.j model the group’s performance. concentration of the oil. count toward your score.

The family had a typical yet happy

typical.j This school is fairly typical.
It is a pretty typical case.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 17
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 18
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ar·range judg·ment
arrange.v /əˈrānj/
•⎯ judgment.n /ˈjəjmənt/

bond mul·ti·ple
bond.n /bänd/
⎯ multiple.j /ˈməltəpəl/

care·ful o·pen·ing
careful.j /ˈkerfəl/
⎯• opening.n /ˈōpəniNG/

check op·po·si·tion
check.n /CHek/
⎯ opposition.n /äpəˈziSHən/

cite per·cep·tion
cite.v /sīt/
⎯ perception.n /pərˈsepSHən/

con·fi·dence ques·tion
confidence.n /ˈkänfədəns/
⎯•• question.v /ˈkwesCHən/

con·firm re·qui·re·ment
confirm.v /kənˈfərm/
•⎯ requirement.n /rəˈkwīərmənt/

en·ti·re·ly route
entirely.r /ənˈtīərlē/
•⎯•• route.n /rout/

es·sen·tial sep·arate
essential.j /əˈsenSHəl/
•⎯• separate.j /ˈseprət/

im·prove·ment sep·a·rate
improvement.n /imˈpro͞ ovmənt/
•⎯• separate.v /ˈsepərāt/

in·dus·tri·al spe·cif·ic·ally
industrial.j /inˈdəstrēəl/
•⎯•• specifically.r /spiˈsifiklē/

in·i·tial to·tal·ly
initial.j /iˈniSHəl/
•⎯• totally.r /ˈtōdəlē/
List 18 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

to plan a thing; to put a thing in a compose, classify, center,
arrange.v organize, display
particular order. structure, prioritize, tabulate

a connection between things,

bond.n union
people or groups.
link, attachment, linkage, nexus

giving attention so that you don’t precise, thorough, in-depth,

careful.j make a mistake or do damage. impersonal

making sure a thing is safe or in restriction, reassessment,

check.n trial, assessment
good condition; an investigation. reappraisal

to use the words of a person; to

cite.v tell
say a thing to support an idea.
invoke, impute

certain of your ability to do things

confidence.n belief, faith
well; trust in a thing.
dependence, reliance, credence

to show that a thing is correct by verify, validate, consolidate,

confirm.v settle
providing evidence. attest, reaffirm, substantiate

exclusively, purely, wholly,

entirely.r fully, totally completely.
universally, diametrically

main, key, critical, extremely important and fundamental, crucial, structural,

essential.j basic necessary; without any extra. radical, vital, underlying, inherent

a change that makes a thing gain, revision, advancement,

improvement.n increase, progress
better. enhancement, upsurge

related to factories and people or technical, technological,

industrial.j work
things made there. industrialized, urbanized

initial.j original, primary at the beginning of a thing. emerging, preliminary, incipient

opinion, assessment, a decision that is based on comparison, logic, discrimination,
judgment.n conclusion, feeling careful thought. rationality, estimation

multiple.j several, couple more than one. composite, manifold

opportunity, break, an empty space; the first part of a passage, introduction, entry,
opening.n start thing; an available position. rupture

disagreement with a thing; to resistance, contradiction,

opposition.n enemy
stop a thing from happening. dichotomy, duality

the way you notice things; the

perception.n view, picture, opinion
result of how you see a thing.
insight, conception, penetration

to ask a person about a thing; to

question.v examine
show or feel doubt about a thing.
analyze, contest, query

a thing that must be done or is need, obligation, necessity,

requirement.n rule
necessary for a thing to happen. dependence, imperative

road, course, the path followed to get to a circuit, pathway, trajectory,

route.n direction, track place; a method to do a thing. recourse

not connected or combined; kept respective, autonomous,

separate.j independent
apart; different from a thing. unconnected, separable

to create space between parts; to distinguish, extract, discern,

separate.v divide, break
move apart. disperse, abstract, partition

in a definite and exact way; used

specifically.r exactly
to indicate the purpose of a thing.
precisely, distinctively

exclusively, purely, radically,

totally.r fully, entirely completely.
wholly, implicitly, universally

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 18

List 18 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Could we arrange a meeting around We carefully arranged the details of I neatly arranged the pieces of
arrange.v the holiday? the trip. paper on my desk.

I do not want to break their strong Some social bonds are only short- I want to strengthen our special
bond.n bond. term. bond.

careful.j You must pay careful attention. I need to be extremely careful. This requires careful observation.

I run a background check on each We must follow the security check

check.n applicant.
We conduct monthly clean checks.

You must cite every author in your She frequently cites reports to
cite.v research paper.
The article cited several sources.
support her argument.

I gained more confidence after

confidence.n I have full confidence in my ability.
completing the course.
His confidence is growing a lot.

The test results confirm that she is The data has not been officially Let's confirm our most recent
confirm.v very good at English. confirmed. hypothesis.

I am never entirely clear about what

entirely.r He and I are entirely different. I am not entirely sure.
she wants.

Acting confident is an essential part Information is an essential Working hard is an essential

essential.j of this role. component of security. ingredient in creating success.

Home improvement requires quality There was a significant Vast improvements have been
improvement.n equipment. improvement with the new system. made on this room.

The industrial revolution changed The nation has experienced The industrial sector has improved
industrial.j the country. significant industrial development. production.

Her initial investment was displayed The initial phase of the study will My initial response was to follow his
initial.j in the analysis. use public surveys. decision.
It makes sense to act with good I cannot trust the opinion of
judgment.n judgment. someone with poor judgment.
The court gave its final judgment.

These multiple analyses will be According to multiple sources, this

multiple.j simultaneous. will require effort.
This will be a multiple choice test.

He had to block the opening An opening for a day job is A ticket is required to attend the
opening.n created by the broken door. available. opening ceremony this weekend.

The army presented strong The leaders face opposition from

opposition.n The public faced strong opposition.
opposition against the regime. the public.

Poor depth perception limits an Your perception of reality is Wide-spread perception on

perception.n athlete. different every time we talk. environmental issues is changing.

A critic generally questions any We must question every assumption The police question whether or not
question.v authority. and its validity. he was there.

The minimum requirement is to You must meet the requirements in The federal requirement is to obey
requirement.n have a college education. order to apply for the job. the law.

He had to travel a different route I decided to take the scenic route to He chose to retrace her steps and
route.n from the main one. avoid the parade. follow the route again.

We need a separate room to create These two businesses are entirely He must manage a separate group
separate.j the right mood for the event. separate entities. in each area.

Her parents decided to separate A fence separates the two The woman and her husband
separate.v before her birth. neighbors. separated before their divorce.

More specifically, the United States The project specifically developed a We must specifically focus on that
specifically.r was formed in 1776. better way of learning vocabulary. target.

It was unexpected to find our project I totally agree that we should ignore
totally.r The class is totally out of control.
totally destroyed. their comments.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 18
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 19
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ap·prove mass
approve.v /əˈpro͞ ov/
•⎯ mass.n /mas/

as·sess match
assess.v /əˈses/
•⎯ match.v /maCH/

char·ac·ter·is·tic mere·ly
characteristic.n /kerəktəˈristik/
•••⎯• merely.r /ˈmirlē/

def·i·nite·ly prop·er
definitely.r /ˈdefənətlē/
⎯••• proper.j /ˈpräpər/

em·pha·size rise
emphasize.v /ˈemfəsīz/
⎯•• rise.n /rīz/

em·ploy sharp
employ.v /emˈploi/
•⎯ sharp.j /SHärp/

ex·pla·na·tion sol·id
explanation.n /ekspləˈnāSHən/
••⎯• solid.j /ˈsäləd/

ex·pose suc·ceed
expose.v /ikˈspōz/
•⎯ succeed.v /səkˈsēd/

hon·or tie
honor.n /ˈänər/
⎯• tie.n /tī/

in·ci·dent typ·ic·al·ly
incident.n /ˈinsədənt/
⎯•• typically.r /ˈtipiklē/

lim·it·ed un·u·su·al
limited.j /ˈlimədəd/
⎯•• unusual.j /ənˈyo͞ oZHo͞ oəl/

low·er use·ful
lower.v /ˈlōər/
⎯• useful.j /ˈyo͞ osfəl/
List 19 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

pass, support, to allow or agree to a thing; to
approve.v accept think that a thing is good.
permit, sanction, consent

to make a judgment; to say what evaluate, differ, review, calculate,

assess.v measure, judge
the value of a thing is. value, survey, approximate

a feature that makes a thing distinction, trait, qualification,

characteristic.n quality, property
different from others. idiosyncrasy

positively, undoubtedly,
definitely.r absolutely, surely without any doubt.
unequivocally, unambiguously

emphasize.v highlight to give special attention to a thing. assert, underscore, underline

pay, engage, hire, to use a thing; to use a person to

employ.v spend do a job.
manipulate, exert

the act of making a thing clear or interpretation, definition,

explanation.n reason, account
easy to understand. description, justification

to show a thing that is usually

expose.v reveal
hidden; to tell facts about a thing.
display, exhibit, impart

image, credit, a good reputation; great respect

honor.n principle for a person; an award.
distinction, integrity, regard

an event; a thing that happens phenomenon, passage,

incident.n fight
that is often bad or a problem. occurrence, contingency

not high or great in number or

limited.j few
privileged, localized

to make a thing go down or to modify, lessen, degrade, relegate,

lower.v drop, reduce
become less in one way. modulate
figure, amount, an amount of a thing; having a quantity, myriad, multitude,
mass.n supply, frame quality large in number or size. aggregate, aggregation

to go well with a thing; to look correspond, coordinate, fulfill,

match.v similar; to be equal. conform, coincide, accord

used to say that a thing is small;

merely.r just, only, simply
solely, purely

right, individual, correct or suitable; socially

proper.j appropriate acceptable; real and satisfactory.
formal, ethical, suitable, justifiable

growth, progress, an increase in an amount; emergence, appreciation,

rise.n improvement, hill becoming more important. proliferation, increment

having a fine edge or point; receptive, defined, well-defined,

sharp.j strong, angry
sudden; clear and definite. well-developed

hard or firm; not a liquid or gas; tangible, material, monolithic,

solid.j popular, total, safe
without holes; strong, made well. inflexible

to achieve a thing; to have the

succeed.v win, achieve
intended result.
displace, supplant, supersede

an attachment of two or more

tie.n connection, bond
things; close or equal in amount.
link, linkage, bonding, nexus

in the amount or way that is characteristically, conventionally,

typically.r generally, normally
expected. distinctively, customarily

different from other similar things alternative, novel, scarce, irregular,

unusual.j rare
and therefore interesting. anomalous

practical, valuable, helpful,

useful.j effective helping to do or achieve a thing.
productive, beneficial

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 19

List 19 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Will they will unanimously approve This bill was approved by the U.S. Every committee within the Senate
approve.v this decision? Congress. will approve that.

We must assess whether this will They assess performance in order to These test items assess if you
assess.v impact the environment. determine pay. adequately learned the material.

Does he possess the physical He shares certain characteristics Describe the individual
characteristic.n characteristics that we need? with his father. characteristics of your background.

She is definitely not interested in

definitely.r I think that is definitely wrong.
That trend is definitely weird.

The speaker heavily emphasized the Doctors tend to emphasize the The teacher repeatedly emphasized
emphasize.v importance of family. need for exercise. hands-on learning.

The company currently employs few It takes time to employ this strategy Can she employ these techniques
employ.v full-time workers. successfully. and tools?

There are several possible Did he offer any explanation or His simple explanation was not very
explanation.n explanations for the accident. apology? detailed.

This painting shouldn’t be exposed Being exposed directly to radiation The public has been completely
expose.v to sunlight. can cause health problems. exposed to the virus.

The school gives a medal of honor The military leader received the She deserves to be bestowed with
honor.n to one student each year. highest honor. this honor.

Terrorist incidents have caused fear That was an unfortunate but isolated There were too many shooting
incident.n around the world. incident. incidents last year.

After the earthquake, available The government has limited space

limited.j There is a limited amount of time.
medical resources were limited. to solve this problem.

If you lower your blood pressure, it When the company lowered its
lower.v can prevent heart problems.
Lower your voice.
price to that level, it sold more.
Scientists have determined the total Increasing the mass of a solid Body mass index is one measure of
mass.n mass of the sun. changes its weight. health.

The color of the walls doesn’t match

match.v Our blood types did not match.
the carpet well.
The patterns match exactly.

He should not merely shrug off Rather than cautious, she was
merely.r these responsibilities.
He merely nodded in consent.
merely curious.

She teaches the necessary and Many developing countries lack The doctor determined the proper
proper.j proper technique for the piano. proper medical care. procedure for the patient.

The rise in sea-level may affect the A dramatic rise in temperature is

rise.n beach.
Price levels are on the rise.

The trail has many sharp turns and The tension could be cut with a She went to the dentist for the sharp
sharp.j drops. sharp knife. pain in her tooth.

Its foundation was made of solid The solid waste proved to be They said the city is built out of solid
solid.j rock. hazardous. gold.

She is not likely to succeed without The son succeeded his father in After much help with her experiment,
succeed.v us helping her. leading the company. she succeeded.

Our family ties are strengthened The ties that connect us began in
tie.n The political election was a close tie.
when we spend time together. elementary school.

Typically the cost of these services Is going to the movies typically so

typically.r This typically requires more effort.
would range from $50-$100. expensive?

This is a highly unusual situation Cruel and unusual punishment is

unusual.j that I haven’t seen before. prohibited here.
His behavior was very unusual.

His life was useful and full of Knowledge comes from useful His presentation featured some data
useful.j purpose. information. and useful statistics.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 19
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 20
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ac·quire link
acquire.v /əˈkwīər/
•⎯ link.n /liNGk/

al·ter·na·tive list
alternative.n /ôlˈtərnədiv/
•⎯•• list.v /list/

as·so·ci·a·tion of·fer
association.n /əsōSHēˈāSHən/
•••⎯• offer.n /ˈäfər/

com·par·i·son per·ceive
comparison.n /kəmˈperəsən/
•⎯•• perceive.v /pərˈsēv/

cre·a·tion per·mit
creation.n /krēˈāSHən/
•⎯• permit.v /pərˈmit/

deep·ly pri·ma·ri·ly
deeply.r /ˈdēplē/
⎯• primarily.r /prīˈmerəlē/

de·scrip·tion re·gard
description.n /dəˈskripSHən/
•⎯• regard.v /rəˈɡärd/

dis·play re·view
display.v /dəˈsplā/
•⎯ review.v /rəˈvyo͞ o/

ex·ist·ing se·lec·tion
existing.j /iɡˈzistiNG/
•⎯• selection.n /səˈlekSHən/

gap sig·nal
gap.n /ɡap/
⎯ signal.n /ˈsiɡnəl/

in·ter·ac·tion sup·pose
interaction.n /inərˈakSHən/
••⎯• suppose.v /səˈpōz/

lat·er wide·ly
later.j /ˈlādər/
⎯• widely.r /ˈwīdlē/
List 20 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

develop, buy, gain, to get a thing usually by effort; to
acquire.v obtain come to own a thing.
incur, procure

a thing that can be chosen instead

alternative.n option
of another thing.
variant, recourse

company, society, a connection between things or institute, implication, link,

association.n organization, union people. identification, membership

difference, contrast, a study to see how two things are proportion, similarity, analogy,
comparison.n judgment similar or different. ordering

construction, world, formation, establishment,

creation.n nature
a thing that has been made.
manufacturing, invention

extremely, entirely, greatly, fundamentally, radically,

deeply.r totally
very much.
intimately, meaningfully

class, account, a thing that tells how something specification, designation,

description.n variety, explanation looks or sounds. portrayal, delineation

present, reveal, to put a thing where people can

display.v demonstrate see it; to show you have a thing.
exhibit, model, manifest

prevailing, present-day, extant,

existing.j present real; living.
institutionalized, existent

a space between two things or disparity, differential,

gap.n break, hole, opening
events; time when a thing stops. discontinuity, rupture

interaction.n contact talk or action with other people; interplay, symbiosis

coming after a thing or in the subsequent, advanced, ensuing,

later.j after, future
future; near the end. succeeding
relation, bond, tie, a connection between things; a identification, linkage,
link.n association single part of a chain. consolidation, nexus

to express things in a particular

list.v order.
specify, prioritize, enumerate

deal, agreement, expression of willingness to do a presentation, promotion,

offer.n proposal, motion thing or a give a thing to a person. submission

realize, identify, detect, distinguish, conceive,

perceive.v notice, observe
to become aware of a thing.
discern, divine

to allow a thing to happen; to enable, empower, accord,

permit.v pass, clear, approve
make a thing possible. sanction, consent

indicating the main purpose of a mainly, fundamentally,

primarily.r largely
thing or the reason for a thing. predominantly, principally, chiefly

see, consider, view, to care or be concerned for a

regard.v observe, look upon thing; to feel respect for a thing.
label, survey, conceive, deem

examine, assess, to carefully look at a thing; to

review.v study check the condition of a thing.
survey, revise, critique

range, collection, the act of choosing a thing or a

selection.n variety person from a group.
array, specialization

an act that shows a thing exists;

signal.n motion, sign
giving information about a thing.
reflection, cue

believe, understand, to be expected to do a thing; to deem, infer, presuppose, deduce,

suppose.v consider, guess think a thing is likely true. conjecture

over or through a large area; to a

widely.r generally
great extent.
extensively, popularly

List 20
List 20 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Young people must acquire certain Children can quickly acquire a new The company acquired the
acquire.v knowledge and skills. language. necessary information.

You can choose the alternative that The cafe offers no alternatives other Can you propose another safe
alternative.n is best for you. than its traditional menu. alternative to this medicine?

The medical association will offer We have a strong association with The association between wealth
association.n psychological advice. several national trade partners. and education begins before college.

She made a direct comparison Meaningful comparisons allow us to He made statistical comparisons
comparison.n between the two. make judgments. between the groups.

The creation of jobs leads to The creation of wealth gives a false Her new artistic creation is getting a
creation.n economic growth. sense of progress. lot of attention.

I was raised in a deeply religious The love we feel deeply affects how
deeply.r family.
I feel deeply about this subject.
we respond to challenges.

The description was brief but

description.n detailed.
I can give an accurate description. It matches the general description.

The fireworks were publicly The museum displays many works The data was displayed on the
display.v displayed. of art. monitor.

I want to replace the existing I think we can improve its existing

existing.j system.
There already is an existing law.

There is a wide cultural gap between We must fill the income gap This will bridge the gap in internet
gap.n the rich and the poor. between genders. use between the generations.

The group's interactions were

interaction.n We encourage social interaction. A positive interaction occurred.

Later in life, he revisited the same We decided we’d meet two days Sooner or later we must deal with
later.j place. later. this situation.
There was a missing link in the
link.n I found a direct link.
We can break the weakest link.

We listed the species in the He listed the books we needed in She listed each item we needed to
list.v following categories. order. discuss.

This offer is generous, but I've seen They made him an offer that he I know this is your final offer, but I
offer.n better. couldn’t refuse. must decline.

The public perceived a relationship

perceive.v The teacher perceived the threat. The athlete perceived the risk.
between the two.

permit.v The law does not permit it. The court will not permit it legally. Do they permit this technology?

We finished early primarily due to I'm primarily concerned by the The library primarily responsible for
primarily.r everyone’s focus. design. serving student’s academic needs.

The children regarded the athlete Politicians are generally regarded

regard.v with noticeable awe. with suspicion.
He is a highly regarded physicist.

Several experts reviewed the article We will carefully review the court I briefly reviewed the student’s
review.v before approving it. documents. record.

The selection process for the study This procedure will guide the Natural selection favors the strong
selection.n was very careful. committee's final selection. and fast.

Changing the frequency of the radio Animals can detect certain chemical The machine generates electronic
signal.n increased its signal. signals. signals.

I suppose there's a good reason for What do you suppose is causing You were supposed to include
suppose.v his absence. this inequality? several examples.

Medical help is not widely available The Internet has become widely
widely.r in this area.
Results have varied widely.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

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Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
con·sist·ent or·di·nar·y
consistent.j /kənˈsistənt/
•⎯• ordinary.j /ˈôrdənerē/

cy·cle par·tic·i·pa·tion
cycle.n /ˈsīkəl/
⎯• participation.n /pärtisəˈpāSHən/

dis·play pas·sage
display.n /dəˈsplā/
•⎯ passage.n /ˈpasij/

en·a·ble por·tion
enable.v /inˈābəl/
•⎯• portion.n /ˈpôrSHən/

er·ror pre·serve
error.n /ˈerər/
⎯• preserve.v /prəˈzərv/

ex·ist·ence print
existence.n /iɡˈzistəns/
•⎯• print.n /print/

for·mal re·ar·range
formal.j /ˈfôrməl/
⎯• rearrange.v /rēəˈrānZH/

foun·da·tion re·solve
foundation.n /founˈdāSHən/
•⎯• resolve.v /rəˈzälv/

gain shift
gain.n /ɡān/
⎯ shift.n /SHift/

joint ter·ri·to·ry
joint.j /joint/
⎯ territory.n /ˈterətôrē/

lead·ing trans·form
leading.j /ˈlēdiNG/
⎯• transform.v /transˈfôrm/

op·po·site trust
opposite.j /ˈäpəzət/
⎯•• trust.n /trəst/

List 21 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

always acting in the same way; uniform, homogeneous,
consistent.j similar
parts that agree with each other. congruent, cohesive, habitual

a set of actions that happen again

cycle.n run, phase
and again in the same order.
revolution, sequence

a collection of objects arranged for

display.n show
people to look at.
array, manifestation, panoply

to make a person or a thing able to

enable.v support, permit
do or be something.
facilitate, empower

a thing that is not correct; a wrong

error.n mistake
action; a mistake.
fallacy, inaccuracy

existence.n reality, presence life or being. survival, occurrence

formal.j smart, proper requiring serious behavior; official. geometric, impersonal

the base of a thing; a financially institute, origin, formation,

foundation.n institution
supportive organization. infrastructure, premise, rationale

return, advantage, a thing obtained; a thing won in a

gain.n profit, improvement competition.
acquisition, appreciation, upsurge

work of two or more people that collective, mutual, shared,

joint.j united
has been combined. combined, reciprocal

dominant, prominent, influential,

leading.j top, chief, primary most important; most successful.
salient, predominant

on the other side of a particular

opposite.j far
thing; as different as possible.
differing, divergent, inverse
normal, average, everyday, customary,
ordinary.j regular, familiar
not special or unusual in any way.
commonplace, habitual

the act of being involved with others

participation.n activity
in doing a thing.
membership, input

article, growth, a piece of text; movement from one

passage.n section, bit, motion place to another.
migration, paragraph

piece, section,
portion.n measure, bit, share
a part of a larger thing. fragment, fraction, allocation

continue, save, to keep a thing the same or prevent retain, perpetuate, conserve,
preserve.v maintain it from being damaged. safeguard

pattern, a design; text produced on paper by

print.n photography, copy a machine.
printing, vignette, duplication

to change the position of things; to

rearrange.v relocate, postpone
change the features of an event.
reorganize, redistribute, reorder

agree, determine, to find an answer to a thing; to settle reconcile, remedy, rectify,

resolve.v solve a thing. adjudicate

a change in direction; a change in

shift.n turn, move
how a thing is done.
tendency, alteration, gradation

space, ground, an area of land claimed by an

territory.n subject, district individual or group.
domain, province, principality

to change a thing completely-

transform.v change
usually in a good way.
convert, modify, modernize

guard, protection, belief in a thing or person; control of

trust.n belief, faith a person’s property.
monopoly, dependence, reliance

List 21
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Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

They used the data to research We must be more consistent in
consistent.j We found consistent results.
these consistent patterns. keeping company policy.

Shortening the natural cycle may This cycle repeats itself through In order to break the vicious cycle of
cycle.n have unseen consequences. each stage of business. poverty, we must improve schools.

The colors of the digital display were The computer’s video display was
display.n very bright.
The art display was spectacular.

This technology enables users to This device enabled us to gain more The computer enables us to
enable.v work faster. information. communicate better.

There was a significant error in his We need an explanation for this

error.n Human error can be fatal.
medical report. serious error.

Our very existence requires clean Its existence proves that we owe We can’t deny the existence of a
existence.n water. our comforts to another’s sacrifices. problem with this much proof.

She was enrolled in our formal A formal education is more than just Sometimes being formal is more
formal.j training program. schooling. appropriate than being informal.

The director of this nonprofit This international research Our private educational foundation
foundation.n foundation is wealthy. foundation is devoted to science. helps fund schooling for young girls.

We’ve seen significant economic The gain from greater efficiency Weight gain and loss can have
gain.n gains from using this technique. increases the effect of the tax cuts. health consequences.

The commission issued a joint Staff from both companies formed a The joint military effort required
joint.j statement. joint committee. international cooperation.

One of the leading causes of She has become one of the leading Parents play a leading role in the
leading.j economic failure was discussed. experts in this area. success of a school.

Leaving had quite the opposite If you view the opposite page, you’ll We changed direction and went the
opposite.j effect. see a picture of this. opposite way.
Her life experiences were not out of Even an ordinary citizen can make He's an ordinary man with no
ordinary.j the ordinary. quite the difference. exciting interests.

This sport requires your full The student's participation was We must increase participation
participation.n participation. voluntary. levels to keep our funding.

Please cite the passage from this This famous passage was written The following passage is about this
passage.n book. many years ago. legislation.

They devote a portion of their Most diets include controlling food A substantial portion of the
portion.n income to charity. portions. population is in poverty.

The National Park Service helps We made great efforts to preserve You should write them down in order
preserve.v preserve and protect lands. our traditions and culture. to preserve your memories.

Dresses with a floral print are in He failed to read the fine print on the She has large prints of famous
print.n style right now. contract. photographs hanging in her room.

I rearrange the furniture in my room My work forces me to constantly We can’t add you and then simply
rearrange.v when I’m bored. rearrange my schedule. rearrange everyone else’s schedule.

We must resolve the conflict before The problem was resolved after We must act quickly to resolve the
resolve.v the issue grows worse. settling their differences. crisis.

The dramatic shift of power began There has been a gradual shift of The fundamental shift came from
shift.n years ago. policy. her change in attitude.

They occupied territory in the This territory was under the foreign
territory.n northern part of the country. enemy’s control.
A male bear will defend his territory.

A river gradually transforms the The economy was radically A caterpillar will transform itself into
transform.v landscape. transformed by this invention. a butterfly.

The candidate must try to gain and The couple built trust as their She was in charge of the trust fund
trust.n hold the voters’ trust. relationship continued. and estate.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 21
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 22
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ac·com·plish in·spire
accomplish.v /əˈkämpliSH/
•⎯• inspire.v /inˈspīər/

ad·just nu·mer·ous
adjust.v /əˈjəst/
•⎯ numerous.j /ˈno͞ omərəs/

an·a·lyze pov·er·ty
analyze.v /ˈanəlīz/
⎯•• poverty.n /ˈpävərdē/

ar·range·ment prac·ti·cal
arrangement.n /əˈrānjmənt/
•⎯• practical.j /ˈpraktəkəl/

dom·i·nate pre·vi·ous·ly
dominate.v /ˈdämənāt/
⎯•• previously.r /ˈprēvēəslē/

en·hance pros·pect
enhance.v /enˈhans/
•⎯ prospect.n /ˈpräspekt/

es·sen·tial·ly se·vere
essentially.r /əˈsenSHəlē/
•⎯•• severe.j /səˈvir/

e·val·u·ate sub·stance
evaluate.v /əˈvalyəwāt/
•⎯•• substance.n /ˈsəbstəns/

e·val·u·a·tion to·tal
evaluation.n /əvalyəˈwāSHən/
•••⎯• total.n /ˈtōdl/

fun·da·men·tal trans·fer
fundamental.j /fəndəˈmentəl/
••⎯• transfer.v /ˈtransfər/

hab·it u·su·al
habit.n /ˈhabət/
⎯• usual.j /ˈyo͞ oZHo͞ oəl/

il·lus·trate vis·i·ble
illustrate.v /ˈiləstrāt/
⎯•• visible.j /ˈvizəbəl/
List 22 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

realize, finish,
accomplish.v achieve, complete
to succeed in doing something. attain, fulfill, effect

to change a thing to work better; adapt, alter, modify, center,

adjust.v bend, vary
get used to a thing; move a thing. revise, rationalize, modulate

examine, explore,
analyze.v question, evaluate
to study a thing closely. calculate, survey, deconstruct

agreement, display, a plan so that a thing can happen; formation, presentation,

arrangement.n procedure the way things are organized. sequence, scheme, format, array

to have power over; to be the most possess, govern, suppress,

dominate.v control, direct, rule
important part of something. predominate, monopolize

advance, supplement, refine,

enhance.v increase, improve to make bigger or better.
enrich, consolidate, heighten

as applies to the most important effectively, mainly, purely,

essentially.r basically
nature of a thing. fundamentally, critically

to judge the condition of a thing in

evaluate.v assess
a careful way.
calculate, value, survey, critique

assessment, an opinion of a thing formed after estimate, exploration, critique,

evaluation.n judgment thinking about it carefully. estimation

major, central, crucial, structural, radical, vital,

fundamental.j necessary, basic
most important.
principal, underlying, inherent

a thing done often without thought; ritual, dependence, usage,

habit.n pattern, tradition
a thing that is hard to stop doing. dependency, idiosyncrasy

explain, prove, to give examples so that a thing is

illustrate.v demonstrate easier to understand.
exemplify, typify, expound
to give the desire to do a thing motivate, stimulate, underlie,
inspire.v encourage, stir
well; to give a person an idea. empower, infuse, militate

numerous.j many existing in large numbers. frequent, prevalent

the state of being poor; a lack of

poverty.n something.
need, deprivation, privation

relating to what is real or possible; functional, virtual, productive,

practical.j useful
likely to succeed. applied, viable, feasible

existing before the present time;

previously.r early
earlier in time or order.
heretofore, hitherto

the possibility of a thing; an idea

prospect.n option, hope, vision
that might happen in the future.
likelihood, probability, expectancy

critical, dangerous, extremely bad or serious; not

severe.j terrible kind; showing disapproval.
intensive, stringent

matter, material, a solid, liquid, or gas; truth; the

substance.n property, stuff. most important part.
content, significance, matrix

the amount you get when you add aggregate, aggregation,

total.n all
several smaller amounts together. summation

to move from one place to assign, convert, transmit, export,

transfer.v remove, shift
another. migrate, displace, relegate

natural, traditional, normal and happening most conventional, prevailing, accepted,

usual.j regular, familiar often. customary, commonplace

able to be seen; easily apparent, tangible, noticeable,

visible.j shown, seen
understood. conspicuous, observable, outward

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 22

List 22 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

You can accomplish anything if you He gave her the tools to accomplish She can easily accomplish that
accomplish.v try hard enough. the task. goal.

The house was cold, so he adjusted The eye automatically adjusts to Prices adjust to better meet
adjust.v the heat accordingly. different amounts of light. demand.

The researcher analyzed the results She will describe and analyze the
analyze.v I will collect and analyze the data.
from the test. situation.

This seating arrangement can We made a special arrangement to Living arrangements before
arrangement.n accommodate our group. pay the fee late. marriage were much less expensive.

The company has dominated the They still dominate the political That business continues to
dominate.v world market for the last year. landscape. dominates the economy.

We greatly enhanced security after The program will enhance cultural

enhance.v The student enhanced his learning.
the robbery. understanding.

Your arguments are essentially the Without her, my life is essentially Nature is essentially irrelevant to
essentially.r same. meaningless. some people.

We must carefully evaluate the We evaluated the effectiveness of You must evaluate the quality of the
evaluate.v outcome. his performance. information.

The teacher received a negative The patient began with an initial They used the results of the
evaluation.n evaluation. psychological evaluation. evaluation in their research.

There was a fundamental change in We need to address the The problem is our fundamental
fundamental.j the law. fundamental difference. values.

He's trying to break his bad eating She has developed healthy habits, A support group can help a person
habit.n habits. such as working out. quit her smoking habit.

illustrate.v The article illustrates the problem. I will clearly illustrate its importance. The study illustrates these effects.
The young director was partly His music always inspires me with
inspire.v Her painting inspired other artists.
inspired by his faith. awe and hope.

Numerous studies are included in The new lawyer received numerous As a result of numerous other
numerous.j this article. cases. problems, the group felt stressed.

Poverty is an extreme problem An increase in poverty rates caused After being born in poverty, the child
poverty.n there. economic hardship. grew up to be very wealthy.

There is a practical application for We must provide them with a A practical joke was not the best
practical.j this problem. practical reason. solution.

As I previously mentioned, this is a Previously unknown facts about the

previously.r large change for the United States. case were published in the article.
The note was previously reported.

The team wants to give the top The prospect of a future raise at the Her career and employment
prospect.n prospect a long-term deal. company made her optimistic. prospects after college are strong.

Expect moderate to severe weather The patient experienced severe

severe.j conditions this week. nerve damage in his feet.
A broken leg causes severe pain.

He needs treatment for his The damaged factory released toxic Illegal substances are banned from
substance.n substance abuse. substances. entering the country.

The grand total exceeded their The total number of participants has The total amount of points they
total.n estimate. increased every year. scored was not enough.

I can easily transfer money into my Did the student transfer from The energy and power from the
transfer.v account online. another university? engine is transferred to the wheels.

Her usual routine includes piano They met at the store, rather than He was guilty this time, instead of
usual.j practice. the usual spot. the usual suspect.

This star is one of the most visible in The image has become less visible
visible.j the night sky.
The stop sign was clearly visible.
with time.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 22
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 23
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
com·mand im·pli·ca·tion
command.n /kəˈmand/
•⎯ implication.n /impləˈkāSHən/

con·sid·er·a·tion in·ter·pre·ta·tion
consideration.n /kənsidərˈāSHən/
•••⎯• interpretation.n /intərprəˈtāSHən/

con·stant mix·ture
constant.j /ˈkänstənt/
⎯• mixture.n /ˈmiksCHər/

con·stant·ly ob·jec·tive
constantly.r /ˈkänstəntlē/
⎯•• objective.n /əbˈjektiv/

con·struct per·fect·ly
construct.v /kənˈstrəkt/
•⎯ perfectly.r /ˈpərfəktlē/

cru·cial per·ma·nent
crucial.j /ˈkro͞ oSHəl/
⎯• permanent.j /ˈpərmənənt/

dis·tri·bu·tion rec·og·ni·tion
distribution.n /distrəˈbyo͞ oSHən/
••⎯• recognition.n /rekəɡˈniSHən/

em·brace shape
embrace.v /əmˈbrās/
•⎯ shape.v /SHāp/

en·ter·prise straight
enterprise.n /ˈentərprīz/
⎯•• straight.j /strāt/

e·qual·ly strong·ly
equally.r /ˈēkwəlē/
⎯•• strongly.r /strôNGlē/

es·ti·mate sup·ply
estimate.n /ˈestəmət/
⎯•• supply.v /səˈplī/

ex·hi·bi·tion var·y
exhibition.n /eksəˈbiSHən/
••⎯• vary.v /ˈverē/
List 23 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

rule, authority, an order to do something; control
command.n charge, demand over a person or a thing.
domination, directive, dictate

fact, issue, matter, reflection, exploration, parameter,

consideration.n factor, item
careful thought about a thing.

happening all the time; does not ongoing, stable, continuing,

constant.j change. persistent

consistently, continually,
constantly.r frequently, forever all the time; repeatedly.

to make; to create by organizing or

construct.v build, raise, form
putting parts together.
structure, fabricate

central, necessary, vital, focal, indispensable,

crucial.j key, critical
extremely important.

the act of giving a thing to people;

distribution.n the way that a thing is divided.
allocation, diffusion, sharing

involve, adopt, to put your arms around; to accept

embrace.v incorporate a thing; to include things.
encompass, assimilate, espouse

project, operation, an activity that involves many establishment, occupation,

enterprise.n firm people and is difficult; a business. undertaking, cooperative

being the same; having the same

equally.r amount of a thing.
similarly, likewise, jointly

assessment, a guess based on the information prediction, calculation, projection,

estimate.n evaluation you have about a thing. estimation

objects shown to the public; a presentation, manifestation,

exhibition.n display
person showing a specific skill. panoply
consequence, a possible effect; a thing said
implication.n association without being expressed directly.
significance, inference, ramification

version, reading, explanation for a thing; a way of commentary, formulation,

interpretation.n understanding performing a thing. inference, portrayal, clarification

a combination of different things; diversity, synthesis, fusion,

mixture.n made from other substances. composite, amalgamation

idea, reason, goal,

objective.n purpose, object
a thing you are trying to do. intention, aim, aspiration

completely, accurately, correctly, implicitly,

perfectly.r extremely, entirely
in a way without mistake.

continuing forever or for a long stable, continuing, persistent,

permanent.j time. enduring

acceptance that a thing is true or

recognition.n respect, thanks
important or that it exists.
identification, realization

to give a form; to influence

shape.v affect
model, structure, tailor

not curved or bent; honest; one conventional, linear,

straight.j direct, conservative
after another. straightforward, successive

strongly.r having great physical power. profoundly, strikingly, powerfully

bring, sell, deal, to provide things that people want

supply.v contribute, deliver or need.
distribute, render, fulfill

adapt, alter, modify, fluctuate,

vary.v change to become different.
modulate, recast

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 23

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Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

The military will respond to these He lies second in the chain of They obey her commands because
command.n commands. command. of her high position.

After careful consideration, we This important decision deserves This situation is not worthy of further
consideration.n decided to give it to her. serious consideration. consideration.

They held constant pressure on the

constant.j wound.
She requires constant attention. They remain constant companions.

She constantly waits until the last Her style constantly evolves and
constantly.r Use this to constantly stir the liquid.
minute. changes.

We constructed a model of the A wall was constructed to secure It was constructed carefully by
construct.v building. the facility. avoiding poor materials.

He played a crucial role in In that moment we lost the crucial

crucial.j completing the project.
This proves how crucial time is here.
element of surprise.

There is an unequal distribution of We must control the distribution of There was a wide distribution of
distribution.n power. food. damage across this geographic area.

They fully embraced each The older generation must embrace She enthusiastically embraced her
embrace.v challenge. the concept of technology. role in the school play.

Free enterprise is part of The large enterprise funded our The entire enterprise depends on
enterprise.n commercial business. company. this system.

Is there a different solution we can

equally.r Both are equally important.
apply that is equally effective?
Divide the treats equally.

The government made a base Is this an accurate estimate of

estimate.n Our current estimate is a rough one.
estimate for the future. population?

The artist's exhibition was staged in The team opens the pre-season with The traveling exhibition presents at
exhibition.n a gallery. an exhibition game. many museums.
This has important political Serious implications arose when the We have to work through some of
implication.n implications. contract was cancelled. the practical implications.

A historical interpretation was The court made a broad Finding a correct biblical
interpretation.n made from the data. interpretation from the evidence. interpretation is difficult.

The added flour made the mixture Make sure you stir the mixture as it The remaining mixture had a
mixture.n thicken. cools. strange scent.

Our primary objective is to be We may accomplish the objective

objective.n strategic about this.
The objective is to reach our goal.
and still not attain success.

He needs to understand that the She seems perfectly happy with her
perfectly.r The dress still fits you perfectly.
contract is perfectly legal. life.

The accident caused permanent She changed her permanent

permanent.j brain damage. address when she moved.
Is this job permanent or temporary?

The public is familiar with his The federal government shouldn’t We shouldn't seek to receive
recognition.n international recognition. give her speech any recognition. recognition for this.

Western culture has shaped other In the future, the media will continue
shape.v Your life can shape the world.
countries that try to fit in. to shape how we view the world.

The man drew a straight line, She wore the same costume for four
straight.j Keep your back straight.
dividing the form in half. straight years.

I feel strongly that we shouldn’t She strongly opposed anyone who I strongly recommend that you
strongly.r disagree on this issue. supported this plan. believe what this says.

The energy company supplies The mountain glacier supplies water Is there enough material to supply
supply.v power to the city. to local towns. the project?

The location may vary depending on The prices will vary with the different The species of animals vary across
vary.v the weather. sizes. the globe.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 23
© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 24
Pronunciation Stress Pronunciation Stress
ab·sence ex·treme
absence.n /ˈabsəns/
⎯• extreme.j /ikˈstrēm/

ac·cu·rate hon·est
accurate.j /ˈakyərət/
⎯•• honest.j /ˈänəst/

ad·vance in·ten·tion
advance.v /ədˈvans/
•⎯ intention.n /inˈtenSHən/

ap·par·ent nev·er·the·less
apparent.j /əˈperənt/
•⎯• nevertheless.r /nevərTHəˈles/

ap·prov·al or·i·gin
approval.n /əˈpro͞ ovəl/
•⎯• origin.n /ˈôrəjən/

a·rise pre·cise·ly
arise.v /əˈrīz/
•⎯ precisely.r /prəˈsīslē/

a·ward rap·id·ly
award.n /əˈwôrd/
•⎯ rapidly.r /ˈrapədlē/

con·ven·tion·al rea·son·a·ble
conventional.j /kənˈvenSHənəl/
•⎯•• reasonable.j /ˈrēzənəbəl/

di·ver·si·ty sen·si·tive
diversity.n /dəˈvərsədē/
•⎯•• sensitive.j /ˈsensədiv/

ef·fec·tive·ly sub·stan·tial
effectively.r /əˈfektəvlē/
•⎯•• substantial.j /səbˈstanSHəl/

em·ploy·ment sug·ges·tion
employment.n /imˈploimənt/
•⎯• suggestion.n /səˈjesCHən/

es·say wealth
essay.n /ˈesā/
⎯• wealth.n /welTH/

List 24 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Foundation Definition Extension Notes

something expected is not
absence.n lack
scarcity, omission, dearth

producing results that are right; not precise, authentic, rigorous,

accurate.j perfect, correct
making mistakes. factual, factual

proceed, progress, evolve, foster, progress, posit,

advance.v improve, expand
to move forward.
precipitate, postulate, further

easy to see; seeming to be true distinct, evident, marked,

apparent.j obvious, visible
but possibly not true. probable, overt, observable

acceptance of a thing; a positive recommendation, acceptance,

approval.n agreement
opinion; permission. adoption, appreciation

start, happen, to begin to occur; to get up from

arise.v appear lying down.
derive, emanate

judgment, honor, a prize or recognition; money given distinction, endowment,

award.n settlement for a specific reason. presentation

normal, regular, used by most people; usual or established, accepted, customary,

conventional.j standard, usual traditional; common and ordinary. commonplace

many different forms, types, or

diversity.n variety, mixture
differentiation, multiplicity

in a way that produces a desired successfully, powerfully,

effectively.r actually, essentially
result. productively

implementation, occupation,
employment.n service the act of using a thing or person.
manipulation, utilization

thesis, commentary, vignette,

essay.n article, theme a piece of writing on a subject.
extreme.j intense, severe not usual; serious. maximum, profound, infinite

telling the truth; expressing one’s

honest.j open, moral, direct
real opinion.
straightforward, factual, virtuous

goal, purpose, the thing that you plan to do or

intention.n target, objective achieve.
aim, calculation

in spite of what has just been

nevertheless.r however, yet
regardless, nonetheless

cause, beginning, the point where a thing begins or conception, ethnicity, extraction,
origin.n foundation, basis is created; the source of a thing. inception, ancestry, repository

completely, quite, accurately, correctly, rightly,

precisely.r exactly, indeed
without error; clearly defined.
scientifically, verbatim

rapidly.r fast moving quickly. superficially, summarily

fair or practical; acceptable in a comparative, logical, coherent,

reasonable.j situation. plausible, feasible, pragmatic

able to understand other people;

sensitive.j easily bothered or upset.
susceptible, receptive, emotive

important, large in amount, size, or number; considerable, tangible, material,

substantial.j significant strongly made. consequential, appreciable

plan, sign, offer, an idea or action you mention for hypothesis, reflection,
suggestion.n proposal, advice a person to think about. recommendation, resonance

wealth.n store, variety a lot of something valuable. myriad, multitude, multiplicity

© Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017 List 24

List 24 © Brigham Young University – English Language Center 2017

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

There's evidence of these frequent The absence of relatives at the She applied for a leave of absence
absence.n absences. wedding was apparent. to complete her treatment.

The information seemed accurate The highly accurate assessment will This graph provides an accurate
accurate.j and reliable. test their ability. representation of the data.

As technology advances, our These science classes advanced The army rapidly advanced toward
advance.v understanding is growing. her career. enemy lines.

The apparent lack of brightness in This difference is becoming There's no apparent reason for his
apparent.j the room was a problem. increasingly apparent. termination.

Public approval requires clearly The candidate should seek a certain She got her parents' full approval to
approval.n communicating this need. approval rating. go.

The conflict that arose caused great No questions arose after the When an opportunity like this arises,
arise.v difficulty. situation was explained. don't run from it.

He earned an award that recognized Receiving the prestigious award She received an award for her work
award.n his achievement. deserved a ceremony. with children.

Unlike his brother, he took a Both conventional and nuclear She used a conventional method
conventional.j conventional approach. weapons need to be restricted. instead of another technique.

There is great ethnic diversity in that We should celebrate diversity and That company embraces racial
diversity.n region. promote unity. diversity.

I can more effectively work when He effectively communicates and

effectively.r I'm in a quiet place.
She effectively teaches everyday.
deals with people.

That company offers equal My formal education helped me get

employment.n He is seeking full-time employment.
opportunity employment. employment.

A teacher must read numerous

essay.n Write a short essay.
He published an interesting essay.
An extreme cold weather warning Effects of extreme poverty range
extreme.j was issued.
Extreme sports carry significant risk.
from crime to sickness.

Many people refer to him as an The truth is it was an honest

honest.j His answer was perfectly honest.
honest man. mistake.

I don't think she has the best Everything is done with the good The stated intention was different
intention.n attitude or intentions. intention to benefit others. from the actual purpose.

I am nevertheless optimistic that Nevertheless please remain in your In spite of the weather, we will
nevertheless.r she'll get better. seat for now. nevertheless leave as planned.

Were they able to trace his national The exact historical origin of this This may shed some light into the
origin.n origin? religion is not known. origin of this place.

Precisely what kind of car are you We weren't able to precisely At precisely that moment, she
precisely.r looking for? measure how much it will cost. arrived too.

The population has been rapidly A young child's brain changes The doctor moved rapidly from one
rapidly.r growing. rapidly. room to the other.

The house is a reasonable price that His manager seems like a The cost of the car is perfectly
reasonable.j is within their budget. reasonable person. reasonable.

Civil rights are a particularly His very sensitive skin causes him Our class discusses politically
sensitive.j sensitive issue. problems. sensitive topics.

There is a substantial amount of There is a number of substantial There was a substantial increase in
substantial.j evidence in this case. differences between the two men. its financial impact.

The teacher gave helpful She is open to additional Her constructive suggestion was
suggestion.n suggestions on how to improve. suggestions. simple and useful.

Oil generates immense wealth in She is a woman of enormous

wealth.n some countries. personal wealth.
He was a vast wealth of information.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

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